Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section A: Academic Environment and Advising 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with instructors on your campus for each of the following: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options a. Their ability to motivate me to do my Very Dissatisfied best. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total b. How carefully instructors explain the Very Dissatisfied expectations of student performance in Dissatisfied the course. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total c. How well instructors explain course Very Dissatisfied material. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total d. The extent to which instructors Very Dissatisfied encourage class discussion. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total e. How effectively instructors use Very Dissatisfied instructional technology in teaching Dissatisfied and learning activities Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total f. How quickly instructors provide Very Dissatisfied feedback on my work Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total g. The helpfulness of instructors feedbackVery Dissatisfied on my work Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 5 22 85 240 89 441 2 15 79 240 104 440 3 27 74 255 82 441 6 16 84 224 107 437 6 25 85 228 97 441 10 54 101 202 72 439 9 36 93 222 78 438 % 1.1% 5.0% 19.3% 54.4% 20.2% 100.0% 0.5% 3.4% 18.0% 54.5% 23.6% 100.0% 0.7% 6.1% 16.8% 57.8% 18.6% 100.0% 1.4% 3.7% 19.2% 51.3% 24.5% 100.0% 1.4% 5.7% 19.3% 51.7% 22.0% 100.0% 2.3% 12.3% 23.0% 46.0% 16.4% 100.0% 2.1% 8.2% 21.2% 50.7% 17.8% 100.0% Count 2 9 23 99 31 164 7 28 0 97 31 163 1 7 0 27 102 137 3 6 28 92 32 161 4 9 29 88 34 164 2 23 35 78 26 164 4 16 28 86 30 164 % 1.2% 5.5% 14.0% 60.4% 18.9% 100.0% 4.3% 17.2% 0.0% 59.5% 19.0% 100.0% 0.7% 5.1% 0.0% 19.7% 74.5% 100.0% 1.9% 3.7% 17.4% 57.1% 19.9% 100.0% 2.4% 5.5% 17.7% 53.7% 20.7% 100.0% 1.2% 14.0% 21.3% 47.6% 15.9% 100.0% 2.4% 9.8% 17.1% 52.4% 18.3% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics % 2.2% 6.5% 17.4% 63.0% Count 1 3 8 29 5 Count 1 8 26 37 22 46 1 2 6 29 8 1 1 8 29 7 1 1 12 23 9 100.0% 2.2% 4.3% 13.0% 63.0% 17.4% 46 100.0% 2.2% 2.2% 17.4% 63.0% 15.2% 46 100.0% 2.2% 2.2% 26.1% 50.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance 0 10 13 58 13 94 1 7 22 44 20 46 1 2 14 24 5 2 5 13 21 5 2 2 13 24 4 100.0% 2.2% 4.3% 30.4% 52.2% 10.9% 46 100.0% 4.3% 10.9% 28.3% 45.7% 10.9% 46 100.0% 4.4% 4.4% 28.9% 53.3% 8.9% 45 100.0% 0 5 23 45 21 % 1.1% 8.5% 27.7% 39.4% 23.4% 94 100.0% 0.0% 5.3% 24.5% 47.9% 22.3% 94 100.0% 0.0% 10.6% 13.8% 61.7% 94 0 8 21 44 21 94 2 12 24 41 15 94 1 7 26 46 13 93 100.0% 1.1% 7.4% 23.4% 46.8% 21.3% 100.0% 0.0% 8.5% 22.3% 46.8% 22.3% 100.0% 2.1% 12.8% 25.5% 43.6% 16.0% 100.0% 1.1% 7.5% 28.0% 49.5% 14.0% 100.0% Count 1 1 27 70 31 130 1 1 21 64 43 130 1 24 63 34 18 140 1 2 20 61 45 129 1 6 19 67 37 130 4 13 27 59 25 128 2 11 24 62 30 129 % 0.8% 0.8% 20.8% 53.8% 23.8% 100.0% 0.8% 0.8% 16.2% 49.2% 33.1% 100.0% 0.7% 17.1% 45.0% 24.3% 12.9% 100.0% 0.8% 1.6% 15.5% 47.3% 34.9% 100.0% 0.8% 4.6% 14.6% 51.5% 28.5% 100.0% 3.1% 10.2% 21.1% 46.1% 19.5% 100.0% 1.6% 8.5% 18.6% 48.1% 23.3% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section A: Academic Environment and Advising (Continued) 2. Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. I consider what I have been learning in my class valuable. Response Options Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Count 10 17 62 221 131 Total Strongly Disagree b. My experiences at this institution have stimulated interest in an intended Disagree field of study. Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 441 6 26 78 208 123 Total c. I am able to freely explore academic interests at this institution. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree d. Students at this institution are encouraged to ask questions. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree e. Students at this institution are given meaningful answers to the questions they ask. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree f. At WSSU, students are invited to share their ideas and knowledge. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 441 6 23 83 220 107 Total 439 7 18 71 233 112 Total 441 10 41 100 202 85 Total 438 7 12 87 231 104 Total 441 % 2.3% 3.9% 14.1% 50.1% 29.7% 100.0% 1.4% 5.9% 17.7% 47.2% 27.9% 100.0% 1.4% 5.2% 18.9% 50.1% 24.4% 100.0% 1.6% 4.1% 16.1% 52.8% 25.4% 100.0% 2.3% 9.4% 22.8% 46.1% 19.4% 100.0% 1.6% 2.7% 19.7% 52.4% 23.6% 100.0% Count 6 8 20 85 45 164 3 8 24 83 46 164 3 9 24 83 44 163 2 8 24 90 40 164 6 15 36 74 32 163 4 4 28 85 43 164 % 3.7% 4.9% 12.2% 51.8% 27.4% 100.0% 1.8% 4.9% 14.6% 50.6% 28.0% 100.0% 1.8% 5.5% 14.7% 50.9% 27.0% 100.0% 1.2% 4.9% 14.6% 54.9% 24.4% 100.0% 3.7% 9.2% 22.1% 45.4% 19.6% 100.0% 2.5% 2.5% 17.2% 52.1% 26.4% 100.6% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 2 % 4.3% 9 24 11 19.6% 52.2% 23.9% 100.0% 4.3% 8.7% 15.2% 47.8% 23.9% 100.0% 4.3% 2.2% 23.9% 54.3% 15.2% 100.0% 6.5% 6.5% 13.0% 56.5% 17.4% 100.0% 4.3% 10.9% 26.1% 47.8% 10.9% 100.0% 4.3% 4.3% 26.1% 50.0% 15.2% 100.0% 46 2 4 7 22 11 46 2 1 11 25 7 46 3 3 6 26 8 46 2 5 12 22 5 46 2 2 12 23 7 46 School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 1 6 18 42 27 94 1 9 17 40 27 94 0 9 17 45 22 93 0 5 17 49 23 94 1 14 19 37 21 92 1 4 18 52 19 94 % 1.1% 6.4% 19.1% 44.7% 28.7% 100.0% 1.1% 9.6% 18.1% 42.6% 28.7% 100.0% 0.0% 9.7% 18.3% 48.4% 23.7% 100.0% 0.0% 5.3% 18.1% 52.1% 24.5% 100.0% 1.1% 15.2% 20.7% 40.2% 22.8% 100.0% 1.1% 4.3% 19.1% 55.3% 20.2% 100.0% % Count 3 13 68 46 2.3% 10.0% 52.3% 35.4% 130 100.0% 4 27 63 36 3.1% 20.8% 48.5% 27.7% 100.0% 0.8% 3.1% 21.5% 49.2% 25.4% 100.0% 1.5% 1.5% 16.9% 50.0% 30.0% 100.0% 0.8% 4.6% 23.8% 50.8% 20.0% 100.0% 130 1 4 28 64 33 130 2 2 22 65 39 130 1 6 31 66 26 130 2 26 68 34 1.5% 20.0% 52.3% 26.2% 130 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section A: Academic Environment and Advising (Continued) College of Arts and Sciences WSSU 3. How many of your classes at WSSU do you feel have been too large for you to learn effectively? Response Options None One Two Three Four or more Count 273 77 47 19 22 Total 4. In how many of your classes at WSSU None have you had difficulty understanding One the spoken English of an instructor? Two Three Four or more 166 125 86 41 20 Total % 62.3% 17.6% 10.7% 4.3% 5.0% 438 100.0% 37.9% 28.5% 19.6% 9.4% 4.6% 438 100.0% Count 108 31 12 8 5 50 52 35 19 7 % 65.9% 18.9% 7.3% 4.9% 3.0% 164 100.0% 30.7% 31.9% 21.5% 11.7% 4.3% 163 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 29 10 5 1 1 11 14 13 6 1 % 63.0% 21.7% 10.9% 2.2% 2.2% 46 100.0% 24.4% 31.1% 28.9% 13.3% 2.2% 45 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 47 16 19 4 6 22 32 24 9 7 % 51.1% 17.4% 20.7% 4.3% 6.5% 92 100.0% 23.4% 34.0% 25.5% 9.6% 7.4% 94 100.0% Count 85 19 10 6 9 82 22 14 7 4 % 65.9% 14.7% 7.8% 4.7% 7.0% 129 100.0% 63.6% 17.1% 10.9% 5.4% 3.1% 129 100.0% 5. Which of the following choices best reflects your primary source for academic advising during your sophomore year? College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options Count 126 198 57 26 22 1. Faculty member in my department 2. Professional advisor in my department or college 3. Centralized or campus-wide advising service 4. University provided web-based advising site 5. Other Total 6. % 29.4% 46.2% 13.3% 6.1% 5.1% 429 100.0% Count 48 78 17 4 9 % 30.8% 50.0% 10.9% 2.6% 5.8% 156 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 16 11 8 3 6 % 36.4% 25.0% 18.2% 6.8% 13.6% 44 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 23 59 5 4 1 % 25.0% 64.1% 5.4% 4.3% 1.1% 92 100.0% Count 37 48 25 14 6 % 28.5% 36.9% 19.2% 10.8% 4.6% 130 100.0% Please rate your level of satisfaction with the person or office serving as your designated primary source for academic advsing/guidance. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Accessibility of my primary advisor. b. Amount of time I am given during advising sessions. Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 22 27 77 181 134 14 25 83 182 133 % 5.0% 6.1% 17.5% 41.0% 30.4% 441 100.0% 3.2% 5.7% 19.0% 41.6% 30.4% 437 100.0% Count 12 7 27 68 50 7 9 26 68 53 % 7.3% 4.3% 16.5% 41.5% 30.5% 164 100.0% 4.3% 5.5% 16.0% 41.7% 32.5% 163 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 5 5 12 16 8 3 6 15 13 9 % 10.9% 10.9% 26.1% 34.8% 17.4% 46 100.0% 6.5% 13.0% 32.6% 28.3% 19.6% 46 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 1 4 18 41 30 % 1.1% 4.3% 19.1% 43.6% 31.9% 94 100.0% 3 18 42 30 3.2% 19.4% 45.2% 32.3% 93 100.0% Count 4 10 18 53 45 4 6 22 56 40 % 3.1% 7.7% 13.8% 40.8% 34.6% 130 100.0% 3.1% 4.7% 17.2% 43.8% 31.3% 128 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section A: Academic Environment and Advising (Continued) 6. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the person or office serving as your designated primary source for academic advsing/guidance. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options c. Advisor's concern with my academic Very Dissatisfied success. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total d. Advisor keeping me informed about Very Dissatisfied my academic progress. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total e. Advisor's knowledge about university Very Dissatisfied rules and procedures. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total f. Advisor providing me with the Very Dissatisfied information I need about academic Dissatisfied courses and programs. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total g. Advisor's knowledge about the Very Dissatisfied requirements for my current major or Dissatisfied major of interest Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total h. Advisor's knowledge about general Very Dissatisfied education and other degree Dissatisfied requirements. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total i. Advisor knowing whom to contact to Very Dissatisfied help me with non-academic problems Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 15 23 102 144 154 438 26 50 113 135 115 439 9 15 98 190 128 440 12 29 100 172 128 441 12 18 73 186 150 439 8 13 98 188 132 439 10 16 146 153 115 440 % 3.4% 5.3% 23.3% 32.9% 35.2% 100.0% 5.9% 11.4% 25.7% 30.8% 26.2% 100.0% 2.0% 3.4% 22.3% 43.2% 29.1% 100.0% 2.7% 6.6% 22.7% 39.0% 29.0% 100.0% 2.7% 4.1% 16.6% 42.4% 34.2% 100.0% 1.8% 3.0% 22.3% 42.8% 30.1% 100.0% 2.3% 3.6% 33.2% 34.8% 26.1% 100.0% Count 6 8 35 56 58 163 11 19 37 54 42 163 4 6 26 74 53 163 4 8 33 72 47 164 5 5 24 73 57 164 2 7 29 73 51 162 5 5 41 64 48 163 % 3.7% 4.9% 21.5% 34.4% 35.6% 100.0% 6.7% 11.7% 22.7% 33.1% 25.8% 100.0% 2.5% 3.7% 16.0% 45.4% 32.5% 100.0% 2.4% 4.9% 20.1% 43.9% 28.7% 100.0% 3.0% 3.0% 14.6% 44.5% 34.8% 100.0% 1.2% 4.3% 17.9% 45.1% 31.5% 100.0% 3.1% 3.1% 25.2% 39.3% 29.4% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 3 4 17 14 8 46 5 7 19 8 7 46 3 2 17 16 8 46 3 6 15 16 6 46 3 5 12 17 9 46 3 2 17 16 8 46 3 2 22 12 7 46 % 6.5% 8.7% 37.0% 30.4% 17.4% 100.0% 10.9% 15.2% 41.3% 17.4% 15.2% 100.0% 6.5% 4.3% 37.0% 34.8% 17.4% 100.0% 6.5% 13.0% 32.6% 34.8% 13.0% 100.0% 6.5% 10.9% 26.1% 37.0% 19.6% 100.0% 6.5% 4.3% 37.0% 34.8% 17.4% 100.0% 6.5% 4.3% 47.8% 26.1% 15.2% 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 1 5 17 35 36 2 10 24 32 26 1 25 41 27 3 23 38 30 1 14 43 34 23 43 28 3 35 32 24 % 1.1% 5.4% 18.3% 37.6% 38.7% 93 100.0% 2.1% 10.6% 25.5% 34.0% 27.7% 94 100.0% 1.1% 26.6% 43.6% 28.7% 94 100.0% 3.2% 24.5% 40.4% 31.9% 94 100.0% 1.1% 15.2% 46.7% 37.0% 92 100.0% 24.5% 45.7% 29.8% 94 100.0% 3.2% 37.2% 34.0% 25.5% 94 100.0% Count 5 5 31 37 50 128 8 12 32 39 38 129 2 6 27 56 39 130 5 12 26 43 44 130 4 7 21 49 49 130 3 4 26 53 44 130 2 6 45 42 35 130 % 3.9% 3.9% 24.2% 28.9% 39.1% 100.0% 6.2% 9.3% 24.8% 30.2% 29.5% 100.0% 1.5% 4.6% 20.8% 43.1% 30.0% 100.0% 3.8% 9.2% 20.0% 33.1% 33.8% 100.0% 3.1% 5.4% 16.2% 37.7% 37.7% 100.0% 2.3% 3.1% 20.0% 40.8% 33.8% 100.0% 1.5% 4.6% 34.6% 32.3% 26.9% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section A: Academic Environment and Advising (Continued) 6. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the person or office serving as your designated primary source for academic advsing/guidance. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options Very Dissatisfied j. Advisor's encouragement of participation in educational enrichment Dissatisfied opportunities (e.g., internship, service Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied learning, clubs related to my major) Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied k. Advisor's knowledge about post-graduation educational options Dissatisfied (e.g. graduate school). Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total l. Advisor's knowledge about postVery Dissatisfied graduation employment options. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 17 28 140 146 108 12 16 162 135 115 12 18 169 131 108 % 3.9% 6.4% 31.9% 33.3% 24.6% 439 100.0% 2.7% 3.6% 36.8% 30.7% 26.1% 440 100.0% 2.7% 4.1% 38.6% 29.9% 24.7% 438 100.0% Count 6 7 40 63 47 4 8 44 60 48 4 9 48 54 49 % 3.7% 4.3% 24.5% 38.7% 28.8% 163 100.0% 2.4% 4.9% 26.8% 36.6% 29.3% 164 100.0% 2.4% 5.5% 29.3% 32.9% 29.9% 164 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 5 7 19 8 7 3 2 27 8 6 3 2 26 9 6 % 10.9% 15.2% 41.3% 17.4% 15.2% 46 100.0% 6.5% 4.3% 58.7% 17.4% 13.0% 46 100.0% 6.5% 4.3% 56.5% 19.6% 13.0% 46 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 1 4 29 34 25 2 2 34 29 26 2 2 35 28 25 % 1.1% 4.3% 31.2% 36.6% 26.9% 93 100.0% 2.2% 2.2% 36.6% 31.2% 28.0% 93 100.0% 2.2% 2.2% 38.0% 30.4% 27.2% 92 100.0% Count 5 9 50 38 28 3 4 54 35 34 3 5 57 37 27 % 3.8% 6.9% 38.5% 29.2% 21.5% 130 100.0% 2.3% 3.1% 41.5% 26.9% 26.2% 130 100.0% 2.3% 3.9% 44.2% 28.7% 20.9% 129 100.0% Section B: Help Outside the Classroom Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: 1. Academic assistance / Tutoring WSSU Response Options Very Dissatisfied a. Availability of academic assistance/tutoring services on campus Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 7 17 102 157 81 % 1.9% 4.7% 28.0% 43.1% 22.3% 364 100.0% College of Arts and Sciences Count 2 7 38 59 33 % 1.4% 5.0% 27.3% 42.4% 23.7% 139 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 3 13 17 6 % 7.7% 33.3% 43.6% 15.4% 39 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 5 4 19 44 14 % 6.2% 4.9% 23.5% 54.3% 17.3% 81 100.0% Count 3 31 35 27 % 3.1% 32.3% 36.5% 28.1% 96 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section B: Help Outside the Classroom ((Continued)) Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: 1. Academic assistance / Tutoring b. Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for help with: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU 1). Writing 2). Reading 3). Mathematics 4). Science 5). Foreign language 6). Study skills Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 4 4 59 113 62 242 3 4 81 81 37 203 9 14 85 100 54 262 8 6 78 111 63 266 6 3 82 60 26 177 5 6 84 83 43 221 % 1.7% 1.7% 24.4% 46.7% 25.6% 100.0% 1.5% 2.0% 39.9% 39.9% 18.2% 100.0% 3.4% 5.3% 32.4% 38.2% 20.6% 100.0% 3.0% 2.3% 29.3% 41.7% 23.7% 100.0% 3.4% 1.7% 46.3% 33.9% 14.7% 100.0% 2.3% 2.7% 38.0% 37.6% 19.5% 100.0% Count 1 1 22 49 29 102 1 2 31 41 15 90 2 5 38 42 21 108 2 4 32 42 26 106 1 2 36 32 13 83 2 3 35 36 21 97 % 1.0% 1.0% 21.6% 48.0% 28.4% 100.0% 1.1% 2.2% 34.4% 45.6% 16.7% 100.0% 1.9% 4.6% 35.2% 38.9% 19.4% 100.0% 1.9% 3.8% 30.2% 39.6% 24.5% 100.0% 1.2% 2.4% 43.4% 38.6% 15.7% 100.0% 2.1% 3.1% 36.1% 37.1% 21.6% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 8 11 6 12 8 5 2 9 12 7 8 12 5 10 5 4 10 8 6 % 32.0% 44.0% 24.0% 25 100.0% 48.0% 32.0% 20.0% 25 100.0% 6.7% 30.0% 40.0% 23.3% 30 100.0% 32.0% 48.0% 20.0% 25 100.0% 52.6% 26.3% 21.1% 19 100.0% 41.7% 33.3% 25.0% 24 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 2 2 11 32 13 60 2 2 20 18 8 50 5 2 18 25 11 61 5 1 18 30 14 68 3 1 19 17 4 40 3 2 19 21 6 51 % 3.3% 3.3% 18.3% 53.3% 21.7% 100.0% 4.0% 4.0% 40.0% 36.0% 16.0% 100.0% 8.2% 3.3% 29.5% 41.0% 18.0% 100.0% 7.4% 1.5% 26.5% 44.1% 20.6% 100.0% 7.5% 2.5% 47.5% 42.5% 10.0% 100.0% 5.9% 3.9% 37.3% 41.2% 11.8% 100.0% % Count 1 17 20 14 1.9% 32.7% 38.5% 26.9% 52 100.0% 17 13 9 43.6% 33.3% 23.1% 100.0% 1.7% 8.6% 31.0% 32.8% 25.9% 100.0% 1.6% 1.6% 27.9% 41.0% 29.5% 100.0% 6.3% 46.9% 18.8% 18.8% 15.6% 100.0% 39 1 5 18 19 15 58 1 1 17 25 18 61 2 15 6 6 5 32 1 18 16 10 2.2% 40.0% 35.6% 22.2% 45 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section B: Help Outside the Classroom (Continued) Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: 2. Research Support College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied b. Access to up-to-date facilities such as labs, studios, and research centers. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total a. Oportunities to be actively involved with faculty on their research. Count 7 14 141 134 57 11 15 122 156 70 % 2.0% 4.0% 39.9% 38.0% 16.1% 353 100.0% 2.9% 4.0% 32.6% 41.7% 18.7% 374 100.0% Count 2 3 48 59 33 6 4 41 63 34 % 1.4% 2.1% 33.1% 40.7% 22.8% 145 100.0% 4.1% 2.7% 27.7% 42.6% 23.0% 148 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 4 17 15 2 1 3 15 16 4 % 10.5% 44.7% 39.5% 5.3% 38 100.0% 2.6% 7.7% 38.5% 41.0% 10.3% 39 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 4 5 36 29 9 4 6 34 32 14 % 4.8% 6.0% 43.4% 34.9% 10.8% 83 100.0% 4.4% 6.7% 37.8% 35.6% 15.6% 90 100.0% Count 1 1 37 29 12 % 1.3% 1.3% 46.3% 36.3% 15.0% 80 100.0% 1 29 43 17 1.1% 32.2% 47.8% 18.9% 90 100.0% 3. Library Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Helpfulness of staff. b. Space for individual student work. c. Space for group work. Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 5 23 84 188 112 7 13 69 192 125 1 16 74 190 118 % 1.2% 5.6% 20.4% 45.6% 27.2% 412 100.0% 1.7% 3.2% 17.0% 47.3% 30.8% 406 100.0% 0.3% 4.0% 18.5% 47.6% 29.6% 399 100.0% Count 1 6 33 66 50 3 4 23 72 55 0 8 27 73 48 % 0.6% 3.8% 21.2% 42.3% 32.1% 156 100.0% 1.9% 2.5% 14.6% 45.9% 35.0% 157 100.0% 0.0% 5.1% 17.3% 46.8% 30.8% 156 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 2 1 8 23 10 % 4.5% 2.3% 18.2% 52.3% 22.7% 44 100.0% 2 9 21 12 4.5% 20.5% 47.7% 27.3% 44 100.0% 2 7 22 12 4.7% 16.3% 51.2% 27.9% 43 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 2 8 19 44 19 3 1 17 44 27 1 3 20 41 25 % 2.2% 8.7% 20.7% 47.8% 20.7% 92 100.0% 3.4% 1.1% 19.1% 49.4% 30.3% 89 100.0% 1.1% 3.3% 22.2% 45.6% 27.8% 90 100.0% Count 7 21 54 31 1 5 18 53 29 2 18 52 31 % 6.2% 18.6% 47.8% 27.4% 113 100.0% 0.9% 4.7% 17.0% 50.0% 27.4% 106 100.0% 1.9% 17.5% 50.5% 30.1% 103 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section B: Help Outside the Classroom (Continued) 3. Library Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total e. Availability of information/material I Very Dissatisfied need for my class assignments. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied f. Access to online library resources. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied g. Hours of operation. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total d. Training/instruction for using library and information resources. Count 3 10 95 190 104 402 2 10 81 207 114 414 4 9 72 207 128 420 7 14 71 204 117 413 % 0.7% 2.5% 23.6% 47.3% 25.9% 100.0% 0.5% 2.4% 19.6% 50.0% 27.5% 100.0% 1.0% 2.1% 17.1% 49.3% 30.5% 100.0% 1.7% 3.4% 17.2% 49.4% 28.3% 100.0% Count % 8 4 31 75 6.8% 3.4% 26.3% 63.6% 100.0% 0.6% 2.5% 16.4% 50.3% 30.2% 100.0% 0.6% 1.9% 15.7% 47.2% 34.6% 100.0% 1.3% 3.1% 15.1% 47.8% 32.7% 100.0% 118 1 4 26 80 48 159 1 3 25 75 55 159 2 5 24 76 52 159 Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 1 1 10 23 8 1 13 20 10 14 18 12 1 3 10 19 11 % 2.4% 2.4% 23.8% 54.8% 19.0% 42 100.0% 2.3% 29.5% 45.5% 22.7% 44 100.0% 31.8% 40.9% 27.3% 44 100.0% 2.3% 7.0% 23.3% 44.2% 25.6% 43 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 1 2 23 41 22 88 1 4 21 41 24 90 1 1 19 43 27 91 2 2 18 49 20 91 % 1.1% 2.3% 26.1% 46.6% 25.0% 100.0% 1.1% 4.4% 23.3% 45.6% 26.7% 100.0% 1.1% 1.1% 20.9% 47.3% 29.7% 100.0% 2.2% 2.2% 19.8% 53.8% 22.0% 100.0% Count 1 2 29 49 27 % 0.9% 1.9% 26.9% 45.4% 25.0% 108 100.0% 19 64 30 16.8% 56.6% 26.5% 113 100.0% 1.7% 3.4% 10.1% 58.0% 26.9% 119 100.0% 1.8% 1.8% 15.2% 52.7% 28.6% 112 100.0% 2 4 12 69 32 2 2 17 59 32 Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section B: Help Outside the Classroom (Continued) 4. Career Services Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Information on internships, co-op, and other career-related Dissatisfied experiences. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Access to employment opportunities (e.g., career Dissatisfied fairs,interviews, etc.). Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Help in preparing for interviews, Very Dissatisfied resume, etc. Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Availability of career resourcs online. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total a. Helpfulness of staff. b. c. d. e. Count 7 16 115 142 68 348 6 15 115 139 62 337 7 13 121 129 66 336 10 11 130 115 65 331 8 10 123 135 61 337 % 2.0% 4.6% 33.0% 40.8% 19.5% 100.0% 1.8% 4.5% 34.1% 41.2% 18.4% 100.0% 2.1% 3.9% 36.0% 38.4% 19.6% 100.0% 3.0% 3.3% 39.3% 34.7% 19.6% 100.0% 2.4% 3.0% 36.5% 40.1% 18.1% 100.0% Count 1 8 34 58 33 134 0 8 33 66 28 135 0 6 37 60 29 132 1 5 38 54 32 130 1 6 40 57 29 133 % 0.7% 6.0% 25.4% 43.3% 24.6% 100.0% 0.0% 5.9% 24.4% 48.9% 20.7% 100.0% 0.0% 4.5% 28.0% 45.5% 22.0% 100.0% 0.8% 3.8% 29.2% 41.5% 24.6% 100.0% 0.8% 4.5% 30.1% 42.9% 21.8% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 1 1 18 17 5 42 1 2 17 14 6 39 1 1 20 13 6 41 1 1 22 11 4 38 1 21 12 5 % 2.4% 2.4% 42.9% 40.5% 11.9% 100.0% 2.6% 5.1% 43.6% 35.9% 15.4% 100.0% 2.4% 2.4% 48.8% 31.7% 14.6% 100.0% 2.6% 2.6% 57.9% 28.9% 10.5% 100.0% 2.6% 53.8% 30.8% 12.8% 39 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 5 3 29 31 14 77 4 2 33 31 15 85 6 3 30 29 16 84 8 4 31 26 14 83 6 3 29 32 13 83 % 6.5% 3.9% 37.7% 40.3% 18.2% 100.0% 4.7% 2.4% 38.8% 36.5% 17.6% 100.0% 7.1% 3.6% 35.7% 34.5% 19.0% 100.0% 9.6% 4.8% 37.3% 31.3% 16.9% 100.0% 7.2% 3.6% 34.9% 38.6% 15.7% 100.0% Count 3 32 34 15 1 2 30 27 11 % 3.6% 38.1% 40.5% 17.9% 84 100.0% 1.4% 2.8% 42.3% 38.0% 15.5% 71 100.0% 2 31 26 14 2.7% 42.5% 35.6% 19.2% 73 100.0% 36 23 14 49.3% 31.5% 19.2% 73 100.0% 31 32 13 40.8% 42.1% 17.1% 76 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section B: Help Outside the Classroom (Continued) 5. Information Technology Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Training on the technology that I am required to use in my course. b. Assistance from the helpdesk in solving my technology problems. c. Hours of operation for university computer labs. d. Availability of equipment and software in university computer labs to meet my needs. e. Availability of wireless access on campus. f. Online course management system(s) used in my classes. g. Effectiveness of information technology in improving my learning experience (e.g., Blackboard). Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 12 15 119 151 68 365 12 17 123 150 75 377 11 20 125 153 60 369 8 6 119 166 67 366 39 37 102 136 59 373 9 15 127 162 70 383 7 19 111 187 78 402 % 3.3% 4.1% 32.6% 41.4% 18.6% 100.0% 3.2% 4.5% 32.6% 39.8% 19.9% 100.0% 3.0% 5.4% 33.9% 41.5% 16.3% 100.0% 2.2% 1.6% 32.5% 45.4% 18.3% 100.0% 10.5% 9.9% 27.3% 36.5% 15.8% 100.0% 2.3% 3.9% 33.2% 42.3% 18.3% 100.0% 1.7% 4.7% 27.6% 46.5% 19.4% 100.0% Count 3 9 38 61 32 143 2 7 41 57 35 142 2 11 43 59 29 144 2 1 42 64 34 143 19 10 30 60 31 150 2 6 41 60 36 145 2 8 36 75 31 152 % 2.1% 6.3% 26.6% 42.7% 22.4% 100.0% 1.4% 4.9% 28.9% 40.1% 24.6% 100.0% 1.4% 7.6% 29.9% 41.0% 20.1% 100.0% 1.4% 0.7% 29.4% 44.8% 23.8% 100.0% 12.7% 6.7% 20.0% 40.0% 20.7% 100.0% 1.4% 4.1% 28.3% 41.4% 24.8% 100.0% 1.3% 5.3% 23.7% 49.3% 20.4% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 1 21 17 4 4 1 21 17 4 2 21 16 4 1 2 19 19 3 3 6 19 14 2 2 18 18 3 1 1 18 20 3 % 2.2% 45.7% 37.0% 8.7% 8.7% 46 100.0% 2.3% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 6 3 25 32 15 81 6 6 26 35 15 48.8% 39.5% 9.3% 43 100.0% 4.7% 6 5 48.8% 23 37.2% 39 9.3% 11 43 100.0% 2.3% 4 4.5% 1 43.2% 23 43.2% 45 6.8% 14 44 100.0% 7.3% 9 14.6% 11 46.3% 19 34.1% 36 4.9% 12 41 100.0% 4.9% 4 2 43.9% 33 43.9% 32 7.3% 15 41 100.0% 2.3% 4 2.3% 5 41.9% 26 46.5% 37 7.0% 17 43 100.0% 88 84 87 87 86 89 % 7.4% 3.7% 30.9% 39.5% 18.5% 100.0% 6.8% 6.8% 29.5% 39.8% 17.0% 100.0% 7.1% 6.0% 27.4% 46.4% 13.1% 100.0% 4.6% 1.1% 26.4% 51.7% 16.1% 100.0% 10.3% 12.6% 21.8% 41.4% 13.8% 100.0% 4.7% 2.3% 38.4% 37.2% 17.4% 100.0% 4.5% 5.6% 29.2% 41.6% 19.1% 100.0% Count 2 2 32 40 16 92 3 3 32 40 20 98 1 3 37 36 15 92 1 1 32 37 15 86 7 9 32 25 13 86 1 6 33 50 15 105 4 29 53 26 % 2.2% 2.2% 34.8% 43.5% 17.4% 100.0% 3.1% 3.1% 32.7% 40.8% 20.4% 100.0% 1.1% 3.3% 40.2% 39.1% 16.3% 100.0% 1.2% 1.2% 37.2% 43.0% 17.4% 100.0% 8.1% 10.5% 37.2% 29.1% 15.1% 100.0% 1.0% 5.7% 31.4% 47.6% 14.3% 100.0% 3.6% 25.9% 47.3% 23.2% 112 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section C: Other Offices That Serve You Based on your experiences on this campus, how would you evaluate each of the following services? For those services that require interaction with university offices or units. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options 1. During your time on WSSU, have you No used the Registration office? Yes Count 21 402 Total 423 1a. Based on your time on WSSU, how would you evaluate the service provided by Registration office? 33 25 98 187 59 1b 34 35 102 130 35 2 2a. 2b. 3. 3a. 3b. Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff in the Registration office. Fair Average Good Excellent Total During your time on WSSU, have you No used the Financial Aid office? Yes Total Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the Financial Aid - Dissatisfied Application/Award process? Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff in the Financial Aid office. Fair Average Good Excellent Total During your time on WSSU, have you No received any Financial Aid? Yes Total Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the process by Dissatisfied which your Financial Aid Funds were Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied provided to you? Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for distributing your Fair Financial Aid Funds. Average Good Excellent Total 402 336 57 243 300 95 75 73 120 35 398 135 58 86 69 35 383 48 388 436 89 69 84 115 30 387 71 69 105 100 43 388 % 5.0% 95.0% 100.0% 8.2% 6.2% 24.4% 46.5% 14.7% 100.0% 10.1% 10.4% 30.4% 38.7% 10.4% 100.0% 19.0% 81.0% 100.0% 23.9% 18.8% 18.3% 30.2% 8.8% 100.0% 35.2% 15.1% 22.5% 18.0% 9.1% 100.0% 20.4% 79.6% 100.0% 23.0% 17.8% 21.7% 29.7% 7.8% 100.0% 18.3% 17.8% 27.1% 25.8% 11.1% 100.0% % Count 157 92 12 12 35 73 22 154 17 11 38 53 38 157 8 84 92 33 31 23 58 14 159 55 26 36 29 12 158 6 160 166 32 34 29 49 13 157 28 29 43 40 16 156 100.0% 100.0% 7.8% 7.8% 22.7% 47.4% 14.3% 100.0% 10.8% 7.0% 24.2% 33.8% 24.2% 100.0% 8.7% 91.3% 100.0% 20.8% 19.5% 14.5% 36.5% 8.8% 100.0% 34.8% 16.5% 22.8% 18.4% 7.6% 100.0% 6.5% 93.5% 100.0% 20.4% 21.7% 18.5% 31.2% 8.3% 100.0% 17.9% 18.6% 27.6% 25.6% 10.3% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 3 43 46 2 2 16 18 5 43 3 4 13 14 9 43 4 42 46 11 9 9 10 3 42 13 5 10 8 5 41 4 42 46 10 7 11 11 3 42 6 6 14 10 6 42 % 6.5% 93.5% 100.0% 4.7% 4.7% 37.2% 41.9% 11.6% 100.0% 7.0% 9.3% 30.2% 32.6% 20.9% 100.0% 8.7% 91.3% 100.0% 26.2% 21.4% 21.4% 23.8% 7.1% 100.0% 31.7% 12.2% 24.4% 19.5% 12.2% 100.0% 8.7% 91.3% 100.0% 23.8% 16.7% 26.2% 26.2% 7.1% 100.0% 14.3% 14.3% 33.3% 23.8% 14.3% 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance % Count 90 90 30 19 15 21 5 90 7 12 21 30 19 89 4 90 94 10 10 24 37 9 90 41 14 17 13 5 90 4 90 94 3 3 21 46 17 90 9 20 20 21 6 76 100.0% 100.0% 33.3% 21.1% 16.7% 23.3% 5.6% 100.0% 7.9% 13.5% 23.6% 33.7% 21.3% 100.0% 4.3% 95.7% 100.0% 11.1% 11.1% 26.7% 41.1% 10.0% 100.0% 45.6% 15.6% 18.9% 14.4% 5.6% 100.0% 4.3% 95.7% 100.0% 3.3% 3.3% 23.3% 51.1% 18.9% 100.0% 11.8% 26.3% 26.3% 27.6% 7.9% 100.0% Count 18 112 130 10 7 25 51 19 112 7 7 27 31 25 97 30 100 130 19 16 25 28 12 100 24 11 23 18 12 88 34 96 130 17 11 25 30 11 94 15 11 28 28 14 96 % 13.8% 86.2% 100.0% 8.9% 6.3% 22.3% 45.5% 17.0% 100.0% 7.2% 7.2% 27.8% 32.0% 25.8% 100.0% 23.1% 76.9% 100.0% 19.0% 16.0% 25.0% 28.0% 12.0% 100.0% 27.3% 12.5% 26.1% 20.5% 13.6% 100.0% 26.2% 73.8% 100.0% 18.1% 11.7% 26.6% 31.9% 11.7% 100.0% 15.6% 11.5% 29.2% 29.2% 14.6% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section C: Other Offices That Serve You (Continued) Based on your experiences on this campus, how would you evaluate each of the following services? For those services that require interaction with university offices or units. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU 4. During your time on WSSU, have you used the Cashier/student Accounts/Billings Office? 4a. Based on your time on WSSU, how would you evaluate the service by Cashier/Student Accounts/Billings were provided to you? 4b. 5. 5a. 5b. 6. 6a. 6b. Response Options No Yes Count 30 400 Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in Fair Cashier/Student Accounts/Billings Average office. Good Excellent Total During your time on WSSU, have you No used Bookstore? Yes Total Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the service by Dissatisfied Bookstore were provided to you? Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in Fair Bookstore. Average Good Excellent Total During your time on WSSU, have you No used Campus Health Service? Yes Total Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the service Dissatisfied Campus Health Service were provided Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied to you? Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in Campus Fair Health Service. Average Good Excellent Total 430 43 27 104 170 56 400 53 43 111 116 64 387 406 406 23 28 81 206 68 406 19 28 74 117 70 308 108 326 434 11 12 92 155 56 326 11 22 59 79 54 225 % 27.6% 72.4% 100.0% 10.8% 6.8% 26.0% 42.5% 14.0% 100.0% 13.7% 11.1% 28.7% 30.0% 16.5% 100.0% 10.5% 89.5% 100.0% 5.7% 6.9% 20.0% 50.7% 16.7% 100.0% 6.2% 9.1% 24.0% 38.0% 22.7% 100.0% 60.4% 39.6% 100.0% 3.4% 3.7% 28.2% 47.5% 17.2% 100.0% 4.9% 9.8% 26.2% 35.1% 24.0% 100.0% % Count 160 160 15 12 37 66 24 154 21 17 40 49 24 151 165 165 15 14 24 84 23 160 9 9 39 45 26 128 28 136 164 7 5 34 60 24 130 7 9 30 32 23 101 85.6% 100.0% 9.7% 7.8% 24.0% 42.9% 15.6% 100.0% 13.9% 11.3% 26.5% 32.5% 15.9% 100.0% 4.4% 95.6% 100.0% 9.4% 8.8% 15.0% 52.5% 14.4% 100.0% 7.0% 7.0% 30.5% 35.2% 20.3% 100.0% 52.7% 47.3% 100.0% 5.4% 3.8% 26.2% 46.2% 18.5% 100.0% 3.1% 4.0% 13.3% 14.2% 10.2% 44.9% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 2 44 46 6 3 12 19 4 44 6 4 16 7 6 39 1 45 46 1 2 12 21 7 43 2 4 8 16 8 38 7 39 46 14 21 4 2 2 6 12 6 % 4.3% 95.7% 100.0% 13.6% 6.8% 27.3% 43.2% 9.1% 100.0% 15.4% 10.3% 41.0% 17.9% 15.4% 100.0% 2.2% 97.8% 100.0% 2.3% 4.7% 27.9% 48.8% 16.3% 100.0% 5.3% 10.5% 21.1% 42.1% 21.1% 100.0% 15.2% 84.8% 100.0% 15.4% 69.2% 15.4% 39 100.0% 7.7% 7.7% 23.1% 46.2% 23.1% 26 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 4 90 94 10 10 24 37 9 90 9 9 23 30 14 85 4 90 94 3 3 21 46 17 90 4 7 18 29 16 74 17 77 94 3 4 22 36 12 77 1 6 14 24 11 56 % 4.3% 95.7% 100.0% 11.1% 11.1% 26.7% 41.1% 10.0% 100.0% 10.6% 10.6% 27.1% 35.3% 16.5% 100.0% 4.3% 95.7% 100.0% 3.3% 3.3% 23.3% 51.1% 18.9% 100.0% 5.4% 9.5% 24.3% 39.2% 21.6% 100.0% 18.1% 81.9% 100.0% 3.9% 5.2% 28.6% 46.8% 15.6% 100.0% 1.8% 10.7% 25.0% 42.9% 19.6% 100.0% Count 24 106 130 11 2 29 45 18 105 16 11 32 28 19 106 24 106 130 4 8 22 53 19 106 4 7 8 24 19 62 56 74 130 1 3 20 35 15 74 1 5 9 11 14 40 % 18.5% 81.5% 100.0% 10.5% 1.9% 27.6% 42.9% 17.1% 100.0% 15.1% 10.4% 30.2% 26.4% 17.9% 100.0% 18.5% 81.5% 100.0% 3.8% 7.5% 20.8% 50.0% 17.9% 100.0% 6.5% 11.3% 12.9% 38.7% 30.6% 100.0% 43.1% 56.9% 100.0% 1.4% 4.1% 27.0% 47.3% 20.3% 100.0% 2.5% 12.5% 22.5% 27.5% 35.0% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section C: Other Offices That Serve You (Continued) Based on your experiences on this campus, how would you evaluate each of the following services? For those services that require interaction with university offices or units. School of School of School of College of Education Health WSSU Arts and Business and and Human Economics Sciences Sciences Performance % % % % Response Options Count Count Count Count Count 7. During your time on WSSU, have you No 170 7.4% 81 89.0% 12 26.7% 31 33.0% 77 used Counseling (personal, Yes 268 92.6% 119 11.0% 33 73.3% 63 67.0% 53 interpersonal, or psychological)? Total 438 100.0% 200 100.0% 45 100.0% 94 100.0% 130 7a. Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied 7 2.7% 3 2.8% 1 3.3% 1 1.8% 1 would you evaluate the service by Dissatisfied 7 2.7% 3 2.8% 1 3.3% 1 1.8% 1 Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 90 34.9% 33 31.1% 12 40.0% 16 28.6% 27 psychological) were provided to you? Satisfied 104 40.3% 48 45.3% 12 40.0% 28 50.0% 15 Very Satisfied 50 19.4% 25 23.6% 4 13.3% 10 17.9% 11 Total 258 100.0% 106 100.0% 30 100.0% 56 100.0% 53 7b. Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor 32 11.9% 15 12.6% 4 12.9% 8 12.7% 4 staff responsible for service in Fair 34 12.7% 10 8.4% 5 16.1% 13 20.6% 5 Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or Average 80 29.9% 40 33.6% 10 32.3% 15 23.8% 14 psychological). Good 70 26.1% 27 22.7% 6 19.4% 19 30.2% 16 Excellent 52 19.4% 27 22.7% 6 19.4% 8 12.7% 10 Total 268 100.0% 119 100.0% 31 100.0% 63 100.0% 35 8. During your time on WSSU, have you No 113 68.7% 25 63.3% 5 10.9% 19 20.2% 64 used Housing and Residence Life Yes 322 31.3% 140 36.7% 41 89.1% 75 79.8% 66 service? Total 435 100.0% 165 100.0% 46 100.0% 94 100.0% 130 8a. Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied 36 11.2% 17 12.3% 5 13.5% 11 14.7% 3 would you evaluate the service by Dissatisfied 27 8.4% 11 8.0% 3 8.1% 7 9.3% 6 Housing and Residence Life office Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 94 29.2% 34 24.6% 12 32.4% 19 25.3% 24 were provided to you? Satisfied 123 38.2% 55 39.9% 15 40.5% 30 40.0% 23 Very Satisfied 42 13.0% 21 15.2% 2 5.4% 8 10.7% 10 Total 322 100.0% 138 100.0% 37 100.0% 75 100.0% 66 8b. Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor 24 8.3% 14 11.3% 3 7.9% 5 7.2% 2 staff responsible for service in HousingFair 32 11.1% 9 7.3% 3 7.9% 11 15.9% 8 and Residence Life office. Average 84 29.2% 37 29.8% 15 39.5% 17 24.6% 12 Good 93 32.3% 40 32.3% 12 31.6% 25 36.2% 16 Excellent 55 19.1% 24 19.4% 5 13.2% 11 15.9% 14 Total 288 100.0% 124 100.0% 38 100.0% 69 100.0% 52 9. During your time on WSSU, have you No 108 71.1% 23 63.7% 8 16.7% 16 16.8% 61 used Campus Recreation office? Yes 332 28.9% 142 36.3% 40 83.3% 79 83.2% 71 Total 440 100.0% 165 100.0% 48 100.0% 95 100.0% 132 9a. Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied 14 4.5% 9 6.9% 2 5.3% 3 4.1% would you evaluate the service by Dissatisfied 9 2.9% 2 1.5% 6 8.2% 1 Campus Recreation office were Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 94 29.9% 35 26.9% 11 28.9% 19 26.0% 25 provided to you? Satisfied 146 46.5% 61 46.9% 21 55.3% 32 43.8% 31 Very Satisfied 51 16.2% 23 17.7% 4 10.5% 13 17.8% 10 Total 314 100.0% 130 100.0% 38 100.0% 73 100.0% 67 9b. Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor 40 12.1% 19 13.7% 5 14.7% 11 14.1% 5 staff responsible for service in Campus Fair 43 13.0% 15 10.8% 3 8.8% 15 19.2% 9 Recreation. Average 107 32.3% 44 31.7% 17 50.0% 20 25.6% 23 Good 91 27.5% 42 30.2% 9 26.5% 21 26.9% 18 Excellent 50 15.1% 19 13.7% 5 14.7% 11 14.1% 14 Total 331 100.0% 139 100.0% 34 100.0% 78 100.0% 69 Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 % 59.2% 40.8% 100.0% 1.9% 1.9% 50.9% 28.3% 20.8% 100.0% 11.4% 14.3% 40.0% 45.7% 28.6% 100.0% 49.2% 50.8% 100.0% 4.5% 9.1% 36.4% 34.8% 15.2% 100.0% 3.8% 15.4% 23.1% 30.8% 26.9% 100.0% 46.2% 53.8% 100.0% 1.5% 37.3% 46.3% 14.9% 100.0% 7.2% 13.0% 33.3% 26.1% 20.3% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section C: Other Offices That Serve You (Continued) Based on your experiences on this campus, how would you evaluate each of the following services? For those services that require interaction with university offices or units. Response Options 10. During your time on WSSU, have you No used Dining Services? Yes Total 10a Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the service by Dissatisfied Dining Services were provided to you? Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total 10b Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in Dining Fair Services. Average Good Excellent Total 11. During your time on WSSU, have you No used On-campus shuttle/transportation Yes services? Total 11a. Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the service by On- Dissatisfied campus shuttle/transportation were Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied provided to you? Satisfied Very Satisfied Total 11b. Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in OnFair campus shuttle/transportation. Average Good Excellent Total 12. During your time on WSSU, have you No used Campus Police Department? Yes Total 12a. Based on your time on WSSU, how Very Dissatisfied would you evaluate the service by Dissatisfied Campus Police Department were Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied provided to you? Satisfied Very Satisfied Total 12b. Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in Campus Fair Police Department. Average Good Excellent Total Count 236 99 335 17 16 24 30 12 99 20 11 30 23 14 98 94 348 442 26 35 108 125 54 348 24 44 94 110 63 335 73 367 440 89 67 97 79 35 367 51 54 92 92 43 332 % 36.1% 63.9% 100.0% 17.2% 16.2% 24.2% 30.3% 12.1% 100.0% 20.4% 11.2% 30.6% 23.5% 14.3% 100.0% 45.3% 54.7% 100.0% 7.5% 10.1% 31.0% 35.9% 15.5% 100.0% 7.2% 13.1% 28.1% 32.8% 18.8% 100.0% 16.6% 83.4% 100.0% 24.3% 18.3% 26.4% 21.5% 9.5% 100.0% 15.4% 16.3% 27.7% 27.7% 13.0% 100.0% School of Business and Economics College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Count 16 49 65 10 6 9 14 6 45 13 7 9 9 9 47 25 147 172 11 18 37 54 24 144 11 16 40 45 23 135 18 148 166 37 26 35 32 15 145 23 25 45 36 16 145 % 20.0% 80.0% 100.0% 22.2% 13.3% 20.0% 31.1% 13.3% 100.0% 27.7% 14.9% 19.1% 19.1% 19.1% 100.0% 14.5% 85.5% 100.0% 7.6% 12.5% 25.7% 37.5% 16.7% 100.0% 8.1% 11.9% 29.6% 33.3% 17.0% 100.0% 35.2% 64.8% 100.0% 25.5% 17.9% 24.1% 22.1% 10.3% 100.0% 15.9% 17.2% 31.0% 24.8% 11.0% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 Count 32 14 46 2 2 4 2 3 13 4 7 1 1 1 14 6 40 46 3 4 17 13 3 40 2 5 12 15 2 34 5 45 50 6 12 13 8 2 41 6 7 12 9 3 37 % 69.6% 30.4% 100.0% 15.4% 15.4% 30.8% 15.4% 23.1% 100.0% 28.6% 50.0% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 100.0% 13.0% 87.0% 100.0% 7.5% 10.0% 42.5% 32.5% 7.5% 100.0% 5.9% 14.7% 35.3% 44.1% 5.9% 100.0% 10.0% 90.0% 100.0% 14.6% 29.3% 31.7% 19.5% 4.9% 100.0% 16.2% 18.9% 32.4% 24.3% 8.1% 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 74 20 % Count 78.7% 114 21.3% 16 94 100.0% 4 6 6 2 18 1 1 3 7 8 20 15 79 94 7 3 25 31 13 79 5 12 21 24 13 75 9 85 94 23 15 17 24 6 85 11 10 18 26 10 75 22.2% 33.3% 33.3% 11.1% 100.0% 5.0% 5.0% 15.0% 35.0% 40.0% 100.0% 16.0% 84.0% 100.0% 8.9% 3.8% 31.6% 39.2% 16.5% 100.0% 6.7% 16.0% 28.0% 32.0% 17.3% 100.0% 9.6% 90.4% 100.0% 27.1% 17.6% 20.0% 28.2% 7.1% 100.0% 14.7% 13.3% 24.0% 34.7% 13.3% 100.0% % 87.7% 12.3% 130 100.0% 4 4 7 1 16 2 1 6 4 2 15 48 82 130 5 10 25 26 13 79 5 10 20 24 23 82 41 89 130 22 14 27 15 11 89 9 11 15 21 13 69 25.0% 25.0% 43.8% 6.3% 100.0% 13.3% 6.7% 40.0% 26.7% 13.3% 100.0% 36.9% 63.1% 100.0% 6.3% 12.7% 31.6% 32.9% 16.5% 100.0% 6.1% 12.2% 24.4% 29.3% 28.0% 100.0% 31.5% 68.5% 100.0% 24.7% 15.7% 30.3% 16.9% 12.4% 100.0% 13.0% 15.9% 21.7% 30.4% 18.8% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section C: Other Offices That Serve You (Continued) Based on your experiences on this campus, how would you evaluate each of the following services? For those services that require interaction with university offices or units. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options 13. During your time on WSSU, have you No used Parking? Yes Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total 13b. Please rate the responsiveness of the Poor staff responsible for service in Parking. Fair Average Good Excellent Total 13a. Based on your time on WSSU, how would you evaluate the service by Parking were provided to you? Count 82 279 133 72 71 70 34 125 51 67 61 33 % 22.7% 77.3% 361 100.0% 35.0% 18.9% 18.7% 18.4% 8.9% 380 100.0% 37.1% 15.1% 19.9% 18.1% 9.8% 337 100.0% Count 32 59 48 36 29 31 11 55 18 25 28 12 % 35.2% 64.8% 91 100.0% 31.0% 23.2% 18.7% 20.0% 7.1% 155 100.0% 39.9% 13.0% 18.1% 20.3% 8.7% 138 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 4 42 13 11 7 8 3 13 7 15 5 1 % 8.7% 91.3% 46 100.0% 31.0% 26.2% 16.7% 19.0% 7.1% 42 100.0% 31.7% 17.1% 36.6% 12.2% 2.4% 41 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 9 85 40 10 14 13 8 30 9 12 15 9 % 9.6% 90.4% 94 100.0% 47.1% 11.8% 16.5% 15.3% 9.4% 85 100.0% 40.0% 12.0% 16.0% 20.0% 12.0% 75 100.0% Count 37 93 30 14 20 18 11 26 14 15 12 10 % 28.5% 71.5% 130 100.0% 32.3% 15.1% 21.5% 19.4% 11.8% 93 100.0% 33.8% 18.2% 19.5% 15.6% 13.0% 77 100.0% 14. How satisfied are you with the ease with which you can navigate through the following online (e.g., Banner Rams Online)? College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Billings system b. Financial aid c. Course registration system Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 26 28 110 167 64 53 51 84 150 54 25 25 84 208 76 % 6.6% 7.1% 27.8% 42.3% 16.2% 395 100.0% 13.5% 13.0% 21.4% 38.3% 13.8% 392 100.0% 6.0% 6.0% 20.1% 49.8% 18.2% 418 100.0% Count 6 12 42 65 29 16 21 36 61 23 9 15 31 71 32 % 3.9% 7.8% 27.3% 42.2% 18.8% 154 100.0% 10.2% 13.4% 22.9% 38.9% 14.6% 157 100.0% 5.7% 9.5% 19.6% 44.9% 20.3% 158 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 2 2 13 18 5 5 5 10 16 6 2 1 9 25 7 % 5.3% 5.3% 34.2% 47.4% 13.2% 38 100.0% 11.9% 11.9% 23.8% 38.1% 14.3% 42 100.0% 4.8% 2.4% 21.4% 59.5% 16.7% 42 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 8 7 26 33 12 17 16 14 32 10 6 1 18 49 14 % 9.3% 8.1% 30.2% 38.4% 14.0% 86 100.0% 19.1% 18.0% 15.7% 36.0% 11.2% 89 100.0% 7.3% 1.2% 22.0% 59.8% 17.1% 82 100.0% Count 9 7 25 50 17 14 8 21 40 14 7 8 22 62 22 % 8.3% 6.5% 23.1% 46.3% 15.7% 108 100.0% 8.3% 6.5% 23.1% 46.3% 15.7% 97 100.0% 5.8% 6.6% 18.2% 51.2% 18.2% 121 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section D: Campus Safety In questions 1a through 1h, please consider "day/early evening" to be 7:00am to 8:00pm, and "night" to be after 8:00pm and before 7:00am. 1. In general, how safe do you feel: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Response Options In campus residence halls during the Never There Not at all Safe day/early evening? Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe Count 123 12 20 211 72 Total b. In campus residence hallsat night? Never There Not at all Safe Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe 438 138 22 44 178 56 Total c. Using the parking lots, garages and/or Never There Not at all Safe decks on campusduring the day/early evening? Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe 438 79 19 58 218 62 Total d. Using the parking lots, garages and/or Never There decks on campusat night? Not at all Safe Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe 436 106 64 100 130 37 Total e. In non-residence buildings on campus Never There during the day/early evening (e.g., Not at all Safe classrooms, libraries etc)? Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe 437 66 15 21 236 98 Total f. In non-residence buildings on campus Never There at night (e.g., classrooms, libraries Not at all Safe etc)? Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe 436 100 30 52 203 51 Total g. Outside on the grounds of the campus Never There during the day/early evening? Not at all Safe Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe 436 67 22 35 242 73 Total 439 % 28.1% 2.7% 4.6% 48.2% 16.4% 100.0% 31.5% 5.0% 10.0% 40.6% 12.8% 100.0% 18.1% 4.4% 13.3% 50.0% 14.2% 100.0% 24.3% 14.6% 22.9% 29.7% 8.5% 100.0% 15.1% 3.4% 4.8% 54.1% 22.5% 100.0% 22.9% 6.9% 11.9% 46.6% 11.7% 100.0% 15.3% 5.0% 8.0% 55.1% 16.6% 100.0% Count 31 5 9 87 32 164 35 10 17 79 23 164 14 10 23 88 28 163 24 26 47 52 15 164 12 7 11 92 41 163 20 14 21 83 23 161 10 10 15 94 35 164 % 18.9% 3.0% 5.5% 53.0% 19.5% 100.0% 21.3% 6.1% 10.4% 48.2% 14.0% 100.0% 8.6% 6.1% 14.1% 54.0% 17.2% 100.0% 14.6% 15.9% 28.7% 31.7% 9.1% 100.0% 7.4% 4.3% 6.7% 56.4% 25.2% 100.0% 12.4% 8.7% 13.0% 51.6% 14.3% 100.0% 6.1% 6.1% 9.1% 57.3% 21.3% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 9 1 3 25 8 11 1 3 24 7 2 % 19.6% 2.2% 6.5% 54.3% 17.4% 46 100.0% 23.9% 2.2% 6.5% 52.2% 15.2% 46 100.0% 4.3% 6 32 6 46 3 7 10 23 2 45 2 1 2 32 9 46 4 2 3 32 5 46 5 1 6 31 3 46 13.0% 69.6% 13.0% 100.0% 6.7% 15.6% 22.2% 51.1% 4.4% 100.0% 4.3% 2.2% 4.3% 69.6% 19.6% 100.0% 8.7% 4.3% 6.5% 69.6% 10.9% 100.0% 10.9% 2.2% 13.0% 67.4% 6.5% 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 19 3 5 50 15 92 22 7 7 44 12 92 17 4 15 46 10 92 17 17 20 28 9 91 6 2 5 54 23 90 15 7 10 49 11 92 7 4 9 58 14 92 % 20.7% 3.3% 5.4% 54.3% 16.3% 100.0% 23.9% 7.6% 7.6% 47.8% 13.0% 100.0% 18.5% 4.3% 16.3% 50.0% 10.9% 100.0% 18.7% 18.7% 22.0% 30.8% 9.9% 100.0% 6.7% 2.2% 5.6% 60.0% 25.6% 100.0% 16.3% 7.6% 10.9% 53.3% 12.0% 100.0% 7.6% 4.3% 9.8% 63.0% 15.2% 100.0% Count 63 2 3 45 16 129 69 3 16 28 13 129 46 4 14 47 17 128 62 13 22 23 10 130 46 4 3 53 24 130 61 6 17 35 11 130 45 6 5 54 20 130 % 48.8% 1.6% 2.3% 34.9% 12.4% 100.0% 53.5% 2.3% 12.4% 21.7% 10.1% 100.0% 35.9% 3.1% 10.9% 36.7% 13.3% 100.0% 47.7% 10.0% 16.9% 17.7% 7.7% 100.0% 35.4% 3.1% 2.3% 40.8% 18.5% 100.0% 46.9% 4.6% 13.1% 26.9% 8.5% 100.0% 34.6% 4.6% 3.8% 41.5% 15.4% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section D: Campus Safety (Continued) In questions 1a through 1h, please consider "day/early evening" to be 7:00am to 8:00pm, and "night" to be after 8:00pm and before 7:00am. 1. In general, how safe do you feel: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options h. Outside on the grounds of the campus Never There Not at all Safe at night? Not Very Safe Pretty Safe Very Safe Count 96 71 102 128 40 Total % 22.0% 16.2% 23.3% 29.3% 9.2% 437 100.0% Count 17 32 41 59 15 % 10.4% 19.5% 25.0% 36.0% 9.1% 164 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 6 9 11 17 3 % 13.0% 19.6% 23.9% 37.0% 6.5% 46 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 13 13 29 27 10 % 14.1% 14.1% 31.5% 29.3% 10.9% 92 100.0% Count 60 16 20 21 11 % 46.9% 12.5% 15.6% 16.4% 8.6% 128 100.0% 2. How satisfied are you with: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Availability of public information about crimes on campus? b. Availability of information about crime prevention and safety on campus? Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Count 7 17 81 235 97 9 25 105 216 75 % 1.6% 3.9% 18.5% 53.8% 22.2% 437 100.0% 2.1% 5.8% 24.4% 50.2% 17.4% 430 100.0% Count 3 7 26 86 42 5 15 37 71 31 College of Arts and Sciences WSSU 3. If you observed someone on campus behaving suspiciously or in a threatening manner, would you know how to report it? 4. If you observed someone on campus behaving suspiciously or in a threatening manner,how likely would you be to report it to a campus authority? Response Options No Yes % 73.6% 26.4% Count 312 112 Total Very Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Somewhat Likely Very Likely Total 100.0% 50.7% 35.3% 8.1% 6.0% 434 100.0% % 72.7% 27.3% Count 117 44 424 220 153 35 26 % 1.8% 4.3% 15.9% 52.4% 25.6% 164 100.0% 3.1% 9.4% 23.3% 44.7% 19.5% 159 100.0% Count 1 2 11 21 11 % 2.2% 4.3% 23.9% 45.7% 23.9% 46 100.0% 2 14 20 9 4.4% 31.1% 44.4% 20.0% 45 100.0% School of Business and Economics Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 % 32.5% 67.5% Count 29 12 161 77 60 13 12 100.0% 47.5% 37.0% 8.0% 7.4% 162 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 2 7 18 45 19 2 7 20 47 15 % 2.2% 7.9% 20.2% 50.6% 21.3% 89 100.0% 2.2% 7.7% 22.0% 51.6% 16.5% 91 100.0% Count 1 1 26 78 23 2 1 33 73 19 % 0.8% 0.8% 20.2% 60.5% 17.8% 129 100.0% 1.6% 0.8% 25.8% 57.0% 14.8% 128 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance % 29.1% 70.9% Count 71 18 41 19 18 4 3 100.0% 43.2% 40.9% 9.1% 6.8% 44 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance 89 42 34 10 5 100.0% 46.2% 37.4% 11.0% 5.5% 91 100.0% % 39.0% 61.0% Count 89 38 127 78 38 8 6 100.0% 60.0% 29.2% 6.2% 4.6% 130 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section E: On- and Off-campus Activities 1. About how often during the typical year do you attend or participate in each of the following activities? College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Workshops, seminars, speakers etc. outside of class? Response Options Never 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly Count 115 124 83 47 48 20 Total b. University sponsored art events (e.g., Never plays etc)? 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly 437 126 129 62 49 45 26 Total c. Multicultural/diversity events/programs? Never 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly d. Community service/volunteer work? Never 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly e. Intramural activities (including club etc.)? Never 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly f. Co-curricular activities (e.g. university-sponsored student organization, student government etc.)? Never 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly 437 157 116 60 55 31 17 Total 436 155 97 59 53 48 26 Total 438 192 52 42 45 50 52 Total 433 178 57 39 57 55 48 Total 434 % 26.3% 28.4% 19.0% 10.8% 11.0% 4.6% 100.0% 28.8% 29.5% 14.2% 11.2% 10.3% 5.9% 100.0% 36.0% 26.6% 13.8% 12.6% 7.1% 3.9% 100.0% 35.4% 22.1% 13.5% 12.1% 11.0% 5.9% 100.0% 44.3% 12.0% 9.7% 10.4% 11.5% 12.0% 100.0% 41.0% 13.1% 9.0% 13.1% 12.7% 11.1% 100.0% Count 19 51 36 17 30 10 163 28 44 28 25 20 17 162 37 51 21 28 14 10 161 38 43 21 28 17 16 163 63 18 19 22 23 15 160 49 18 18 26 27 24 162 % 11.7% 31.3% 22.1% 10.4% 18.4% 6.1% 100.0% 17.3% 27.2% 17.3% 15.4% 12.3% 10.5% 100.0% 23.0% 31.7% 13.0% 17.4% 8.7% 6.2% 100.0% 23.3% 26.4% 12.9% 17.2% 10.4% 9.8% 100.0% 39.4% 11.3% 11.9% 13.8% 14.4% 9.4% 100.0% 30.2% 11.1% 11.1% 16.0% 16.7% 14.8% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 13 11 9 6 5 2 46 12 16 7 7 2 2 46 15 12 8 6 3 2 46 18 8 4 6 8 2 46 13 12 2 4 3 12 46 17 6 2 9 6 6 46 % 28.3% 23.9% 19.6% 13.0% 10.9% 4.3% 100.0% 26.1% 34.8% 15.2% 15.2% 4.3% 4.3% 100.0% 32.6% 26.1% 17.4% 13.0% 6.5% 4.3% 100.0% 39.1% 17.4% 8.7% 13.0% 17.4% 4.3% 100.0% 28.3% 26.1% 4.3% 8.7% 6.5% 26.1% 100.0% 37.0% 13.0% 4.3% 19.6% 13.0% 13.0% 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 19 28 22 9 8 6 92 16 33 15 8 15 5 92 30 26 14 11 7 4 92 22 23 18 11 13 5 92 33 10 11 9 11 18 92 33 16 10 12 11 10 92 % 20.7% 30.4% 23.9% 9.8% 8.7% 6.5% 100.0% 17.4% 35.9% 16.3% 8.7% 16.3% 5.4% 100.0% 32.6% 28.3% 15.2% 12.0% 7.6% 4.3% 100.0% 23.9% 25.0% 19.6% 12.0% 14.1% 5.4% 100.0% 35.9% 10.9% 12.0% 9.8% 12.0% 19.6% 100.0% 35.9% 17.4% 10.9% 13.0% 12.0% 10.9% 100.0% Count 64 33 15 13 2 2 129 70 35 9 7 7 2 130 75 26 14 8 6 1 130 76 23 13 6 9 3 130 81 12 10 8 10 7 128 77 16 9 8 9 8 127 % 49.6% 25.6% 11.6% 10.1% 1.6% 1.6% 100.0% 53.8% 26.9% 6.9% 5.4% 5.4% 1.5% 100.0% 57.7% 20.0% 10.8% 6.2% 4.6% 0.8% 100.0% 58.5% 17.7% 10.0% 4.6% 6.9% 2.3% 100.0% 63.3% 9.4% 7.8% 6.3% 7.8% 5.5% 100.0% 60.6% 12.6% 7.1% 6.3% 7.1% 6.3% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section E: On- and Off-campus Activities (Continued) 1. About how often during the typical year do you attend or participate in each of the following activities? (Continued) College of Arts and Sciences WSSU g. Intercollegiate athletic events? Response Options Never 1-2 times a year 2-3 times a semester Once a month 2-3 times a month 1 or more times weekly Count 171 53 40 45 57 67 Total % 39.5% 12.2% 9.2% 10.4% 13.2% 15.5% 433 100.0% Count 56 17 22 20 24 22 % 34.8% 10.6% 13.7% 12.4% 14.9% 13.7% 161 100.0% School of Business and Economics Count 13 6 4 6 6 11 % 28.3% 13.0% 8.7% 13.0% 13.0% 23.9% 46 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 22 16 5 10 18 20 % 24.2% 17.6% 5.5% 11.0% 19.8% 22.0% 91 100.0% Count 79 14 7 8 7 13 % 61.7% 10.9% 5.5% 6.3% 5.5% 10.2% 128 100.0% 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with: College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. Weekend activities on campus for students b. The ease with which I can get involved in campus organizations. c. Opportunities on campus to interact with or learn from people from a range of racial/ethnic or cultural backgrounds. d. Opportunities on campus to develop leadership skills. Response Options Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Count 72 59 175 100 30 436 36 28 164 158 45 431 36 29 179 140 50 434 33 13 188 154 49 437 % 16.5% 13.5% 40.1% 22.9% 6.9% 100.0% 8.4% 6.5% 38.1% 36.7% 10.4% 100.0% 8.3% 6.7% 41.2% 32.3% 11.5% 100.0% 7.6% 3.0% 43.0% 35.2% 11.2% 100.0% Count 28 32 50 40 12 162 12 18 42 66 21 159 15 15 50 60 21 161 12 7 56 67 21 163 % 17.3% 19.8% 30.9% 24.7% 7.4% 100.0% 7.5% 11.3% 26.4% 41.5% 13.2% 100.0% 9.3% 9.3% 31.1% 37.3% 13.0% 100.0% 7.4% 4.3% 34.4% 41.1% 12.9% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics Count 9 4 20 11 2 46 5 19 16 5 45 90 6 1 21 12 6 46 6 1 17 16 6 46 % 19.6% 8.7% 43.5% 23.9% 4.3% 100.0% 5.6% 21.1% 17.8% 5.6% 50.0% 100.0% 13.0% 2.2% 45.7% 26.1% 13.0% 100.0% 13.0% 2.2% 37.0% 34.8% 13.0% 100.0% School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 19 11 34 23 5 92 6 6 37 36 7 92 4 6 41 33 7 91 4 3 41 35 9 92 % 20.7% 12.0% 37.0% 25.0% 5.4% 100.0% 6.5% 6.5% 40.2% 39.1% 7.6% 100.0% 4.4% 6.6% 45.1% 36.3% 7.7% 100.0% 4.3% 3.3% 44.6% 38.0% 9.8% 100.0% Count 16 10 70 23 10 129 13 4 64 37 10 128 11 7 64 33 14 129 11 2 72 32 12 129 % 12.4% 7.8% 54.3% 17.8% 7.8% 100.0% 10.2% 3.1% 50.0% 28.9% 7.8% 100.0% 8.5% 5.4% 49.6% 25.6% 10.9% 100.0% 8.5% 1.6% 55.8% 24.8% 9.3% 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section F: Conclusion 1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? College of Arts and Sciences WSSU a. I am confident that I made the right decision to attend this university. Response Options Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Count 16 30 99 157 132 Total b. I believe I was academically prepared Strongly Disagree to attend this university. Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 434 4 13 59 192 166 Total c. I feel I belong at this institution. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree d. I will have the financial resources I need to finish college. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 434 16 26 111 150 132 Total 435 21 37 108 171 94 Total 2. While school has been in session this academic year, about how many hours per week have you spent working for payon campus? 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 More than 30 431 376 8 10 11 11 2 2 7 Total 3. While school has been in session this academic year, about how many hours per week have you spent working for payoff campus? 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 More than 30 427 230 8 15 23 29 24 16 90 Total 435 % 3.7% 6.9% 22.8% 36.2% 30.4% 100.0% 0.9% 3.0% 13.6% 44.2% 38.2% 100.0% 3.7% 6.0% 25.5% 34.5% 30.3% 100.0% 4.9% 8.6% 25.1% 39.7% 21.8% 100.0% 88.1% 1.9% 2.3% 2.6% 2.6% 0.5% 0.5% 1.6% 100.0% 52.9% 1.8% 3.4% 5.3% 6.7% 5.5% 3.7% 20.7% 100.0% Count 6 11 34 58 52 161 2 7 17 66 69 161 7 8 34 57 55 161 5 14 42 61 39 161 136 1 5 5 4 2 1 4 158 97 4 4 8 12 8 7 22 162 % 3.7% 6.8% 21.1% 36.0% 32.3% 100.0% 1.2% 4.3% 10.6% 41.0% 42.9% 100.0% 4.3% 5.0% 21.1% 35.4% 34.2% 100.0% 3.1% 8.7% 26.1% 37.9% 24.2% 100.0% 86.1% 0.6% 3.2% 3.2% 2.5% 1.3% 0.6% 2.5% 100.0% 59.9% 2.5% 2.5% 4.9% 7.4% 4.9% 4.3% 13.6% 100.0% Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 School of Business and Economics 37 4 % 4.4% 4.4% 20.0% 42.2% 28.9% 100.0% 2.2% 2.2% 15.2% 41.3% 39.1% 100.0% 4.3% 6.5% 26.1% 32.6% 30.4% 100.0% 13.0% 6.5% 19.6% 37.0% 23.9% 100.0% 84.1% 9.1% 2 1 4.5% 2.3% Count 2 2 9 19 13 45 1 1 7 19 18 46 2 3 12 15 14 46 6 3 9 17 11 46 School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count 5 10 22 32 23 92 1 2 17 41 31 92 3 11 22 31 25 92 6 10 21 39 15 91 82 3 2 2 2 1 44 27 1 3 2 2 2 1 8 100.0% 58.7% 2.2% 6.5% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 2.2% 17.4% 46 100.0% 58 2 3 4 7 6 4 8 % 5.4% 10.9% 23.9% 34.8% 25.0% 100.0% 1.1% 2.2% 18.5% 44.6% 33.7% 100.0% 3.3% 12.0% 23.9% 33.7% 27.2% 100.0% 6.6% 11.0% 23.1% 42.9% 16.5% 100.0% 89.1% 3.3% 2.2% 2.2% 2.2% 1.1% 92 100.0% 63.0% 2.2% 3.3% 4.3% 7.6% 6.5% 4.3% 8.7% 92 100.0% Count 2 6 32 47 42 % 1.6% 4.7% 24.8% 36.4% 32.6% 129 100.0% 3 15 65 45 2.3% 11.7% 50.8% 35.2% 128 100.0% 2.3% 2.3% 31.0% 35.7% 28.7% 129 100.0% 2.4% 6.3% 27.0% 41.3% 23.0% 126 100.0% 92.7% 3 3 40 46 37 3 8 34 52 29 115 3 1 3 1 1 45 1 5 8 7 8 4 50 2.4% 0.8% 2.4% 0.8% 0.8% 124 100.0% 35.2% 0.8% 3.9% 6.3% 5.5% 6.3% 3.1% 39.1% 128 100.0% Spring 2012 UNC Sophomore Survey Results (N=454) Section F: Conclusion (Continued) 1. College of Arts and Sciences WSSU Response Options 4. How does your job affect your school work?. I do not have a job % Count % Count % Count % Count % 195 45.2% 83 51.6% 25 55.6% 49 53.3% 35 27.8% 26.7% 43 26.7% 5 11.1% 22 23.9% 40 31.7% 19.7% 25 15.5% 7 15.6% 16 17.4% 36 28.6% 8.4% 10 6.2% 8 17.8% 5 5.4% 15 11.9% 431 100.0% 161 100.0% I expect to be continuously enrolled at WSSU until I graduate 351 (including co-ops, interships, student teaching, etc.). 90.5% 134 91.8% I expect to graduate from WSSU, but I plan to take some time off between semesters. 8 2.1% 4 2.7% I expect to transfer to another college or university in order to pursue my desired major. 9 2.3% I expect to transfer to another college or university for reasons unrelated to the major I want to pursue (i.e., financial, personal, social, etc.). 9 2.3% I do not expect to complete a degree at WSSU or at any other college or university in the foreseeable future. 1 0.3% I am not sure about my educational 10 plans at this point. Total School of Education and School of Health Sciences Human Performance Count My job does not interfere with my 115 school work. My job takes some time away from 85 my school work. My job takes a lot of time from my 36 school work. Total 5. Which of the following best describes your current educational plans? School of Business and Economics 2.6% 388 100.0% 3 45 37 100.0% 88.5% 92.0% 3 3.4% 1 0.9% 3.4% 5 3 2.1% 3 3.8% 2 Prepared by Institutional Assessment and Research September 23, 2012 1 3 42 100.0% 100.0% 103 7.7% 100.0% 126 87.5% 1 1 100.0% 77 0.0% 5 146 92 3.4% 88 100.0% 1 0.9% 1 0.9% 112 100.0%