WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) SECTION A: GENERAL QUESTION Answers SPA (Subject to the Personnel Act) EPA (Exempt from the Personner Act) Unsure/Don't know 184 56.5% (104) 40.2% (74) 3.3% (6) 1. What is your employment classification? Answers Academic Affaris Student Affairs Finance and Administration Facilities Management Other Unsure / don't know 180 38.3% (69) 16.7% (30) 13.9% (25) 6.7% (12) 23.3% (42) 1.1% (2) Answers 0-6 7 - 12 13 - 18 19 - 24 More than 24 Unsure /Don't know 185 74.6% (138) 12.4% (23) 4.9% (9) 3.2% (6) 4.9% (9) 2. Please slect the division in which you work. 3. How many years have you been employed at WSSU? Answers Yes No Unsure / Don't know 184 35.3% (65) 62.0% (114) 3.8% (7) 4. Do you currently hold a supervisory position? SECTION B: WORK ENVIRONMENT Questions Answers Don't know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree * Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statement. 1. The number of full-time employees in my work unit is adequate to get the job done. 183 4.9% (9) 19.1% (35) 26.2% (48) 34.4% (63) 15.3% (28) 52.3% (91) 2. Staff morale in my work unit is satisfactory. 183 1.6% (3) 18.0% (33) 25.7% (47) 40.4% (74) 14.2% (26) 55.6% (100) 3. In general, I enjoy working here. 184 3.3% (6) 2.7% (5) 6.5% (12) 54.9% (101) 32.6% (60) 90.4% (161) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) In general, working relationships are satisfactory between: Answers Don't know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree * 4. Staff and Faculty. 182 7.2% (13) 3.3% (6) 11.0% (20) 67.6% (123) 11.0% (20) 84.6% (143) 5. Staff and Administration. 183 4.9% (9) 10.4% (19) 20.2% (37) 53.6% (98) 10.9% (20) 67.8% (174) 6. Members of my work unit and members of other staff units. 183 2.7% (5) 3.8% (7) 13.7% (25) 64.5% (118) 15.3% (28) 82.0% (146) 7. Staff and Students. 182 5.5% (10) 1.7% (3) 8.3% (15) 67.0% (122) 17.6% (32) 89.5% (154) Questions SECTION C: RESOURCES In order to support my work unit, the university provides adequate… Answers Don't know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree * 1. Staff. 182 2.8% (5) 15.4% (28) 37.9% (69) 35.2% (64) 8.8% (16) 45.2% (80) 2. Supervisors. 182 1.1% (2) 7.2% (13) 11.0% (20) 67.6% (123) 13.2% (24) 81.7% (147) 3. Supplies. 182 1.7% (3) 17.0% (31) 23.6% (43) 47.8% (87) 9.9% (18) 58.7% (105) 4. Equipment. 183 1.1% (2) 15.3% (28) 24.6% (55) 51.4% (94) 7.7% (14) 59.7% (108) 5. Computer Resources. 181 0.5% (1) 10.5% (19) 17.7% (32) 59.1% (107) 12.2% (22) 71.7% (129) 6. Physical Facilities. 183 2.7% (5) 18.6% (34) 26.2% (48) 45.4% (83) 7.1% (13) 53.9% (96) 7. Operating budget. 181 7.2% (13) 24.9% (45) 37.0% (67) 20.4% (37) 5.0% (9) 27.3% (46) 8. Fringe benefits (health insurance, etc.) to attract and retain capable staff to my work unit. 183 3.8% (7) 12.0% (22) 25.7% (47) 47.6% (87) 10.9% (20) 60.8% (107) 9. Salaries to retain capable staff to my work unit. 181 2.8% (5) 32.6% (59) 32.0% (58) 29.3% (53) 3.3% (6) 33.5% (59) 10. Salaries to attract capable staff to my work unit. 180 3.9% (7) 29.4% (53) 33.9% (61) 29.5% (53) 3.3% (6) 34.1% (59) Questions WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) SECTION D: HIRING / EVALUATION / TERMINATION Answers Don't know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree * 1. Hiring practices at the university are fair. 183 10.9% (20) 14.8% (27) 24.0% (44) 43.2% (79) 7.1% (13) 56.4% (92) 2. Annual evaluation procedures are fair and equitable in my unit. 183 8.7% (16) 15.3% (28) 21.3% (39) 48.1% (88) 6.6% (12) 59.9% (100) 183 13.6% (25) 15.9% (29) 20.2% (37) 42.1% (77) 8.2% (15) 58.2% (92) 182 28.5% (52) 12.1% (22) 15.4% (28) 35.2% (64) 8.8% (16) 61.5% (80) 182 42.3% (77) 13.2% (24) 9.9% (18) 29.7% (54) 5.0% (9) 60.0% (63) Questions 3. My unit uses the results of annual evaluations for guidance in improving staff performance. 4. Grievance procedures are adequate and contain appropriate safeguards for the protection of personal and civil rights. 5. Termination procedures at the university are fair... SECTION E: PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Questions 1. Hiring practices at the university are fair. 1. I believe that the physical environment at WSSU contributes to an atmosphere for effective learning by students. 2. In my work area, space allocation is adequate and appropriate for the performance of job responsibilities. 3. WSSU provides as healthful (smoke free zones, healthy diet choices, exercise facilities and programs, temperature controls, air quality) environment as I want. 4. WSSU provides a safe environment (sound building structures, adequate sidewalks, adequate lighting) for all members of the campus community. 5. WSSU provides a secure environment for all members of the community. Answers Don't know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree * 183 10.9% (20) 14.8% (27) 24.0% (44) 43.2% (79) 7.1% (13) 56.4% (92) 183 7.7% (14) 3.8% (7) 11.5% (21) 68.3% (125) 8.7% (16) 83.4% (141) 182 0.5% (1) 18.1% (33) 28.6% (52) 41.8% (76) 11.0% (20) 53.0% (96) 182 1.7% (3) 8.8% (16) 18.1% (33) 55.5% (101) 15.9% (29) 72.6% (130) 183 2.1% (4) 7.7% (14) 19.7% (36) 59.0% (108) 11.5% (21) 75.9% (129) 183 4.4% (8) 8.2% (15) 20.8% (38) 56.8% (104) 9.8% (18) 69.7% (122) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) SECTION F: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The university provides adequate financial and other support for my professional development by such means as the following: Answers Don't know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree * 1. Staff development workshops. 183 6.5% (12) 15.3% (28) 29.0% (53) 42.7% (78) 6.5% (12) 52.6% (90) 2. Attendance at professional meetings. 182 10.4% (19) 14.8% (27) 28.0% (51) 38.6% (70) 8.2% (15) 52.1% (85) 3. In-Service training. 183 9.2% (17) 14.2% (26) 32.8% (60) 38.3% (70) 5.5% (10) 48.2% (80) Questions SECTION G: UNIVERSITY SEEVICES Please answer the following questions regarding the effectiveness, efficiency, and customer service of the specified office. Evening and Weekend College 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Evening and Weekend College? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Evening and Weekend College? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 58.0% (109) 22.3% (42) 19.7% (37) Eamil Telephone 26.7% (17) 42.7% (32) Fax In-person Other 32.0% (24) 2.7% (2) Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 2.6% (2) 48.7% (37) 34.2% (26) 96.9% (63) 1.3% (1) 55.3% (42) 35.5% (27) 97.2% (69) 75 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied 3. level of service provided by Evening and Weekend College? 76 14.5% (11) 4. personnel in the Evening and Weekend College? 76 6.6% (5) 76 14.5% (11) 1.3% (1) 48.7% (37) 35.5% (27) 98.5% (64) 74 28.4% (21) 2.7% (2) 40.5% (30) 28.4% (21) 96.2% (51) 76 9.2% (7) 1.3% (1) 55.3% (42) 34.2% (26) 98.6% (68) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Evening and Weekend College. 6. process required to submit a request for services from the Evening and Weekend College. 7. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by the Evening and Weekend College? 1.3% (1) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) 90.5 WSNC Not at all 1 - 3 times per week More than 3 times per week 86.7% (163) 9.0% (17) 4.3% (8) 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the 90.5 WSNC? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the 90.5 WSNC? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Eamil Telephone 4.6% (1) 9.1% (2) Fax In-person I only to broadcasts 22.7% (5) 63.6% (14) Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 69.6% (16) 26.1% (6) 100.0% (22) 52.2% (12) 21.7% (5) 94.4% (17) 22 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 3. level of service provided by 90.5 WSNC ? 23 4.3% (1) 4. personnel in the 90.5 WSNC ? 23 27.7% (5) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the 90.5 WSNC. 23 56.5% (13) 26.1% (6) 17.4% (4) 100.0% (0) 6. process required to submit a request for services from the 90.5 WSNC. 23 60.9% (14) 26.1% (6) 13.0% (3) 100.0% (9) 7. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by the 90.5WSNC ? 23 4.3% (1) 73.9% (17) 21.8% (5) 100.0% (22) 4.4% (1) Financial Aid 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Financial Aid ? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Financial Aid ? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 47.9% (90) 20.2% (38) 31.9% (60) Eamil Telephone 17.4% (16) 40.2% (37) Fax In-person Other 37.0% (34) 5.4% (5) 92 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Financial Aid ? 94 4.3% (4) 12.7% (12) 24.5% (23) 48.9% (46) 9.6% (9) 61.1% (55) 4. accuracy of information provided by Financial Aid. 94 5.3% (5) 9.5% (9) 24.5% (23) 54.3% (51) 6.4% (6) 64.0% (57) 5. personnel in the Financial Aid ? 94 4.2% (4) 12.8% (12) 23.4% (22) 51.1% (48) 8.5% (8) 62.2% (56) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Financial Aid Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 6. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Financial Aid. 94 6.4% (6) 11.7% (11) 34.0% (32) 40.4% (38) 7.5% (7) 51.1% (45) 7. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by the Financial Aid ? 94 5.3% (5) 10.6% (10) 27.7% (26) 48.9% (46) 7.5% (7) 59.6% (53) Undergraduate Admission 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Undergraduate Admission? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Undergraduate Admission ? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 56.4% (106) 20.2% (38) 23.4% (44) Eamil Telephone 16.5% (12) 35.6% (26) Fax In-person Other 43.8% (32) 4.1% (3) 73 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Undergraduate Admission ? 76 6.5% (5) 2.6% (2) 18.4% (14) 61.8% (47) 11.7% (9) 78.9% (56) 4. personnel in the Undergraduate Admission. 75 4.0% (3) 2.7% (2) 17.3% (13) 62.7% (47) 13.3% (10) 79.2% (57) 76 5.3% (4) 1.3% (1) 22.4% (17) 61.8% (47) 9.2% (7) 75.0% (54) 75 9.3% (7) 22.7% (17) 58.7% (44) 9.3% (7) 75.0% (51) 77 2.6% (2) 20.8% (16) 62.3% (48) 13.0% (10) 77.3% (58) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Undergraduate Admission. 6. process required to submit a request for services from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. 7. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by the Undergraduate Admission 1.3% (1) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Police and Public Safety 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Police and Public Safety? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Police and Public Safety? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 14.9% (28) 52.1% (98) 33.0% (62) Eamil Telephone 9.3% (14) 29.3% (44) Fax In-person Other 58.7% (88) 2.7% (4) 150 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Police and Public Safety? 155 0.7% (1) 4.5% (7) 14.2% (22) 60.0% (93) 20.6% (32) 81.2% (125) 4. personnel in the Police and Public Safety? 155 0.6% (1) 3.2% (5) 11.6% (18) 66.5% (103) 18.1% (28) 85.1% (131) 152 3.3% (5) 9.2% (14) 13.1% (20) 58.6% (89) 15.8% (24) 76.9% (113) 154 1.3% (2) 5.8% (9) 11.0% (17) 64.3% (99) 17.6% (27) 82.9% (126) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Police and Public Safety? 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Police and Public Safety? Financial System 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Financial System? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Financial System? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 57.4% (108) 24.5% (46) 18.1% (34) Eamil Telephone 34.4% (21) 34.4% (21) Fax In-person Other 27.9% (17) 3.3% (2) 61 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied orSatisfied * 3. level of service provided by Financial System. 71 1.4% (1) 2.8% (2) 14.1% (10) 64.8% (46) 16.9% (12) 82.9% (58) 4. accuracy of information provided by Financial System. 71 2.8% (2) 2.8% (2) 14.1% (10) 63.4% (45) 16.9% (12) 82.6% (57) 5. personnel in the Financial System. 71 2.8% (2) 5.6% (4) 8.5% (6) 64.8% (46) 18.3% (13) 85.5% (59) 6. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Financial System. 71 1.4% (1) 4.2% (3) 19.7% (14) 56.3% (40) 18.4% (13) 75.7% (53) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Financial System Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied orSatisfied * 7. process required to submit a request for services from Financial System. 71 2.8% (2) 7.0% (5) 16.9% (12) 54.9% (39) 18.4% (13) 75.4% (52) 8. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Police and Public Safety? 71 1.4% (1) 4.2% (3) 12.7% (9) 62.0% (44) 19.7% (14) 82.9% (58) Ram Card Office 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Ram Card Office? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Ram Card Office? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 46.3% (87) 44.7% (84) 9.0% (17) Eamil Telephone 7.9% (7) 10.1% (9) Fax In-person Other 80.9% (72) 1.1% (1) 89 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Ram Card Office. 96 3.1% (3) 1.0% (1) 9.4% (9) 68.8% (66) 17.7% (17) 89.2% (83) 4. personnel in the Ram Card Office. 95 2.1% (2) 2.1% (2) 11.5% (11) 63.2% (60) 21.1% (20) 86.0% (80) 6. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Ram Card Office. 96 3.1% (3) 3.1% (3) 13.5% (13) 61.5% (59) 18.8% (18) 82.8% (77) 7. process required to submit a request for services from Ram Card Office. 96 9.4% (9) 3.1% (3) 11.5% (11) 60.4% (58) 15.6% (15) 83.9% (73) 7. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Ram Card Office? 96 2.1% (2) 3.1% (3) 10.4% (10) 63.6% (61) 20.8% (20) 86.2% (81) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Academic Computing Center 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Academic Computing Center? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Academic Computing Center? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 77.1% (145) 16.0% (30) 6.9% (13) Eamil Telephone 23.5% (8) 32.4% (11) Fax In-person Other 41.2% (14) 2.9% (1) Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 14.6% (6) 51.2% (21) 29.3% (12) 84.6% (33) 34 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied 3. level of service provided by Academic Computing Center. 41 4.9% (2) 4. personnel in the Academic Computing Center. 40 5.0% (2) 2.5% (1) 10.0% (4) 52.5% (21) 30.0% (12) 86.8% (33) 41 7.3% (3) 7.3% (3) 12.2% (5) 48.8% (20) 24.4% (10) 78.9% (30) 41 4.8% (2) 2.4% (1) 9.8% (4) 53.7% (22) 29.3% (12) 87.2% (34) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Academic Computing Center. 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Academic Computing Center? Child Development Center Lab School 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Child Development Center Lab School? Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 83.0% (156) 8.5% (16) 8.5% (16) Eamil Telephone Fax In-person Other 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Child Development Center Lab School? 26 3. level of service provided by Child Development Center Lab School. 29 10.3% (3) 6.9% (2) 34.5% (10) 48.3% (14) 92.3% (24) 4. personnel in the Child Development Center Lab School. 29 10.3% (3) 6.9% (2) 37.9% (11) 44.9% (13) 92.3% (24) 19.2% (5) 80.8% (21) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Child Development Center Lab School Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers Not Application 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Child Development Center Lab School. 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Child Development Center Lab School? 29 10.4% (3) 29 10.3% (3) Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3.4% (1) 3.4% (1) 41.4% (12) 41.4% (12) 92.3% (24) 6.9% (2) 37.9% (11) 44.9% (13) 92.3% (24) Housing and Residence Life 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Housing and Resience Life? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Housing and Resience Life? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 56.4% (106) 19.1% (36) 24.5% (46) Eamil Telephone 11.3% (8) 31.0% (22) Fax In person Other 54.9% (39) 2.8% (2) 71 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Housing and Resience Life. 78 5.2% (4) 2.6% (2) 6.4% (5) 62.8% (49) 23.1% (18) 90.5% (67) 4. accuracy of information provided by Housing and Residence Life. 77 5.2% (4) 3.9% (3) 6.5% (5) 61.0% (47) 23.4% (18) 89.0% (65) 5. personnel in the Housing and Resience Life. 78 2.6% (2) 3.8% (3) 6.4% (5) 64.1% (50) 23.1% (18) 89.5% (68) 6. process required to submit a request for services from Housing and Residence Life. 78 20.5% (16) 3.8% (3) 7.7% (6) 52.6% (41) 15.4% (12) 85.5% (53) 78 9.0% (7) 1.3% (1) 6.4% (5) 64.1% (50) 19.2% (15) 91.5% (65) 77 3.9% (3) 1.3% (1) 7.8% (6) 63.7% (49) 23.3% (18) 90.5% (67) 7. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Housing and Resience Life. 8. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Housing and Resience Life? WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Office of Student Development 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Office of Student Development? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Office of Student Development? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 76.1% (143) 14.9% (28) 9.0% (17) Eamil Telephone 24.3% (9) 32.4% (12) Fax In person Other 37 Answers Not Application 43.2% (16) Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Office of Student Development. 40 5.0% (2) 7.5% (3) 7.5% (3) 50.0% (20) 30.0% (12) 84.2% (32) 4. personnel in the Office of Student Development. 40 5.0% (2) 5.0% (2) 7.5% (3) 52.5% (21) 30.0% (12) 86.8% (33) 40 7.5% (3) 5.0% (2) 7.5% (3) 52.5% (21) 27.5% (11) 89.2% (33) 40 2.5% (1) 5.0% (2) 12.5% (5) 52.5% (21) 27.5% (11) 82.1% (32) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Office of Student Development. 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Office of Student Development? Campus Fitness 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Campus Fitness? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Campus Fitness? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 75.5% (142) 14.4% (27) 10.1% (19) Eamil Telephone 2.4% (1) 12.3% (5) Fax In person Other 82.9% (34) 2.4% (1) 41 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Campus Fitness. 43 2.3% (1) 2.3% (1) 2.3% (1) 48.8% (21) 44.2% (19) 95.2% (40) 4. personnel in the Campus Fitness. 43 2.3% (1) 2.3% (1) 2.3% (1) 46.5% (20) 46.5% (20) 95.2% (40) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Campus Fitness. 43 14.0% (6) 2.3% (1) 44.2% (19) 39.5% (17) 97.3% (36) 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Campus Fitness? 43 2.3% (1) 2.3% (1) 48.9% (21) 44.2% (19) 95.2% (40) 2.3% (1) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Office of Student Activities 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Office of Student Activities? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Office of Student Activities? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 60.6% (114) 25.0% (47) 14.4% (27) Eamil Telephone 19.4% (12) 33.9% (21) Fax In person Other 45.1% (28) 1.6% (1) 62 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 1.5% (1) 4.5% (3) 74.2% (49) 16.8% (11) 93.8% (60) 3. level of service provided by Office of Student Activities. 66 3.0% (2) 4. personnel in the Office of Student Activities. 67 1.5% (1) 7.5% (5) 70.1% (47) 20.9% (14) 92.4% (61) 67 6.0% (4) 7.5% (5) 65.6% (44) 20.9% (14) 92.1% (58) 67 3.0% (2) 4.5% (3) 70.1% (47) 20.9% (14) 93.9% (61) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Office of Student Activities. 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Office of Student Activities? 1.5% (1) Upward Bound 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Upward Bound? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Upward Bound? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 81.9% (154) 13.3% (25) 4.8% (9) Eamil Telephone 3.4% (1) 31.0% (9) Fax In person Other 62.2% (18) 3.4% (1) Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 29 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 3. level of service provided by Upward Bound. 30 40.0% (12) 60.0% (18) 100.0% (30) 4. personnel in the Upward Bound. 30 36.7% (11) 63.3% (19) 100.0% (30) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Upward Bound. 30 6.7% (2) 30.0% (9) 60.0% (18) 96.4% (27) 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Upward Bound? 29 3.5% (1) 31.0% (9) 65.5% (19) 100.0% (28) 3.3% (1) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Office of Marketing and Communications 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Office of Marketing and communications? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Office of Marketing and communications? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 47.3% (89) 28.2% (53) 24.5% (46) Eamil Telephone 37.0% (34) 27.2% (25) Fax In person Other 34.8% (32) 1.0% (1) 92 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Office of Marketing and communications. 95 3.1% (3) 7.4% (7) 63.2% (60) 25.3% (24) 88.5% (84) 4. personnel in the Office of Marketing and communications. 95 2.1% (2) 4.2% (4) 69.5% (66) 24.2% (23) 93.7% (89) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Office of Marketing and communications. 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Office of Marketing and communications? 95 3.2% (3) 6.3% (6) 12.6% (12) 53.7% (51) 24.2% (23) 80.4% (72) 95 1.0% (1) 4.2% (4) 7.4% (7) 62.1% (59) 25.3% (24) 88.3% (83) Fundraising Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 78.7% (148) 14.9% (28) 6.4% (12) 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Fundraising? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Fundraising? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Eamil Telephone 25.0% (8) 25.0% (8) Fax In person Other 43.8% (14) 6.2% (2) Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 32 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied 3. level of service provided by Fundraising. 37 5.4% (2) 13.5% (5) 59.5% (22) 21.6% (8) 85.7% (30) 4. personnel in the Fundraising. 37 5.5% (2) 13.5% (5) 54.0% (20) 27.0% (10) 85.7% (30) 5. process required to submit a request for services from Fundraising. 37 18.9% (7) 10.8% (4) 48.6% (18) 21.7% (8) 86.7% (26) 6. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Fundraising. 37 8.1% (3) 16.2% (6) 51.4% (19) 24.3% (9) 82.4% (28) WSSU Fall 2008 Staff Survey Results (N = 184) Fundraising Please indicate your satisfaction with the … 7. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Fundraising? Answers Not Application 37 Very Dissatisfied 2.7% (1) Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 13.5% (5) 59.5% (22) 24.3% (9) 86.1% (31) Alumni Relations 1. During the fall 2008 semester, how often have you interacted with the Alumni Relations? 2. What is the primary means of contact you use to interact with the Alumni Relations? Please indicate your satisfaction with the … Answers None 1 - 3 times More than 3 times 188 77.1% (145) 16.0% (30) 6.9% (13) Eamil Telephone 28.6% (10) 34.3% (12) Fax In person Other 34.3% (12) 2.8% (1) 35 Answers Not Application Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Very satisfied or Satisfied * 3. level of service provided by Alumni Relations. 39 5.1% (2) 2.6% (1) 5.1% (2) 56.4% (22) 30.8% (12) 91.9% (34) 4. personnel in the Alumni Relations. 39 5.1% (1) 5.1% (1) 7.7% (3) 46.2% (18) 35.9% (14) 84.2% (32) 5. amount of time required to resolve your question or issue by the Alumni Relations. 40 5.0% (2) 2.5% (1) 17.5% (7) 47.5% (19) 27.5% (11) 78.9% (30) 6. Overall, at what level of satisfaction would you rate the services provided by Alumni Relations? 39 5.1% (2) 2.6% (1) 10.3% (4) 51.2% (20) 30.8% (12) 86.5% (32)