Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application1 Department of Behavioral Sciences Social Work Program Admission Overview The admissions process for the WSSU Social Work Program has been designed to help both you and the Social Work faculty decide if Social Work is the right major for you. To become Social Work majors, students must formally apply to and be accepted into the Social Work Program. The application process and subsequent student evaluation for acceptance into the Social Work Program is described below. To be accepted into the program, students must apply to the BSW Program no later than Monday, December 7, 2015. In order to be considered for acceptance into the Social Work Program, a student must have successfully completed a minimum of 36 hours in general education requirements and SOW 3363-Introduction to Social Work, with a grade of “C” or higher, and have an overall GPA of 2.0. A transfer student may declare Social Work as his or her intended major; however, admission to the Social Work Program is dependent upon the following: • Completion of the general education courses with a minimum GPA of 2.0 • Completion of SOW 3363-Intro to Social Work with a “C” or higher • Submission of an application for acceptance after fulfilling these two requirements. The Social Work Program Committee will review applications for acceptance twice each year and admit qualified students into the program. A summer deadline will be established and provided by the Social Work Program Committee at a later date. Prior to applying to the Social Work Program, students are expected to have read the NASW Code of Ethics. A copy of the NASW Code of Ethics is available on the NASW website: To apply for admission to the Social Work program, students must meet the follow conditions: successfully complete a minimum of 36 credit hours in general education requirements; successfully complete SOW 3363-Introduction to Social Work, with a grade of “C” or higher, and have an overall GPA of 2.0; Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application2 submit a current copy of the official transcript sign a contract indicating that they read and agreed to the follow the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW); secure two letters of reference; Complete required 20 (twenty) volunteer hours. Special note: If you need to acquire a volunteer site to complete the aforementioned volunteer hours please consider using this link to access WSSU's project give booklet for instructions. A transfer student may declare Social Work their intended major; however, admission to the Social Work Program is dependent upon the following: Completion of the general education courses with a minimum GPA of 2.0; Completion of SOW 3363-Intro to Social Work with a “C” or higher; Submission of an application with required supporting documents. All documents must be submitted together in a sealed envelope. The application packet should be to returned to the attention of: BSW Admissions Committee Winston Salem State University Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Work 601 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd 203 Coltrane Hall Winston Salem, NC 27110 Telephone: 336-750-2061 The student’s application will be reviewed by the BSW Admissions Committee. Admissions decisions will be based on: Your overall GPA at WSSU and/ or from all institutions attended; Your grade in SOW 3363-Intro to Social Work; The quality of your personal statement; The thoroughness of your application and resume; Documented completion of 20 volunteer hours; Your recommendation forms (the recommendation forms do need to be written by a Social Work Professor). Application Deadline Student’s completed application packet must be received by 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 7, 2015 Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application3 Behavioral Sciences And Social Work Winston-Salem State University Social Work Program Application for Admission First Name : _______________ Middle____________ Last Name________________ Date of Application: __________________ Banner ID: ___________________ Date of Birth: ____/_____/____ Gender: ____ Female _____ Male Address: (Local/School Address) __________________________________________________________________ City: _______________ State/Province: _______ Zip Code: ________ County: _____ Home Phone: __________ Business: ________ Cell: ________ Person to be notified in case of emergency Name: ______________________________ Relationship: ________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Phone: ( Other: ( ) ______________________ Home: ( ) _____________________ ) _________________ Please provide us with your personal information by checking the appropriate box. This information is voluntary; it is requested to fulfill the reporting requirements of the Social Work Program. Please print legibly. Winston-Salem State University is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or sexual preference in its educational programs, admissions, activities, and employment policies. Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application4 Black/Non-Hispanic Caucasian Hispanic/Latino Asian/Pacific Islander Native American/Alaskan Other ___________________ ___________________ If not a U.S. citizen, please list your country of citizenship________ I have completed at least 42 hours of college courses, have a minimum of 2.0 GPA and I am applying as a (check all that apply): Sophomore Junior Transfer Transfer with an A.A. or an A.S. degree Returning, former degree seeking student Second Bachelor’s Degree Returning, Social Work Major Major change student, WSSU Employment Plans Will you be employed during your enrollment? Yes No If yes, will your employment be full Time or Part-Time? Have you had any paid Social Work experience? YesNo (if yes, Please explain) Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application5 Post Secondary Education: List all colleges and universities after high school including Winston-Salem State University (if you previously attended.) 1. Name: ________________________________________________ Date entered: _____/_____/_____ Date ended: _____/_____/_____ Location______________________________________________________ 2. Name: ________________________________________________ Date entered: _____/_____/_____ Date ended: _____/_____/_____ Location______________________________________________________ 3. Name: ________________________________________________ Date entered: _____/_____/_____ Date ended: _____/_____/_____ Location______________________________________________________ 4. Name: ________________________________________________ Date entered: _____/_____/_____ Date ended: _____/_____/_____ Location______________________________________________________ 5. Name: ________________________________________________ Date entered: _____/_____/_____ Date ended: _____/_____/_____ Location______________________________________________________ Have you completed at least 36 general educations hours? Yes No If no, will you have completed at least 36 credit hours by the end of the spring semester or summer session II? Yes No Have you completed SOW 3363-Social Work as a Profession (or will you have completed by the end of this semester) with a grade of “C” or better? Yes No Number of Semester Hours Completed: _________________ Overall GPA__________________ Special Skills Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application6 Are you fluent in a foreign language? Yes No If yes, which language(s)? ____________________________________ Are you fluent in sign language? Yes No Do you have computer skills and are you proficient in any computer programs (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, SPSS, SAS, etc?) Yes No If yes, which computer skills or proficiencies do you possess? ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Background Note: Information provided will be held in the strictest confidence by the Social Work Program Admissions Committee and will not be re-disclosed without a written consent from the student. In preparation for your field experience, which is required for graduation from the Social Work program, the program will need some background information. Agencies will frequently ask about a prospective intern’s history regarding substance abuse, child protective services substantiations, and/or previous legal involvement, including serious or multiple driving violations. Most agencies require a criminal record background check and a drug screening prior to accepting a student as an intern. While this does not preclude placement, it is imperative that the field coordinator has this information prior to beginning the placement process. Do you have any special circumstances that will need to be addressed prior to beginning your field placement? Yes No Have you been convicted of a felony, or are you under investigation or indictment for a felony offense? Yes No If yes, to either of the above background questions, please indicate the nature of the special circumstances and/or alleged offense: _________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Note: A felony conviction or pending indictment does not automatically disqualify an applicant from admission to the Social Work Program. Decision will be made on a case-by-case-basis. However, non-disclosure or falsifying information will result in denial and/or termination from the Social Work Program. Transcripts Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application7 Please include a copy of the following: • • Winston-Salem State University transcript (unofficial student’s copy available on Banner.) Official transcripts from all other institutions you have attended. Recommendations You must include two (2) recommendation forms with your application. One (1 recommendation) must be Academic Reference and the remaining One (1) should be Work (Paid employment)/Volunteer Reference. Choose persons to provide recommendations who have recent knowledge of your qualifications and potential for a career in Social Work. Please try to choose persons who will give you a good reference. Your references may include a professor, employer, supervisor of your volunteer service, etc. References may not come from relatives, friends, clergy, therapists and high school teachers. Before providing the recommendation forms to your references, read and fill in the top of each reference form. Request your references to enclose the completed form in an envelope you provided, seal it, sign across the seal, and return the sealed reference to you. Do not open reference letters returned to you. Reference envelopes that have been opened will not be accepted. Completed recommendations should be included with your completed application packet. The Reference Form begins on the last two pages of this packet. 1. Name of Academic Reference:_________________________________ 2. Name of Volunteer Reference:_________________________________ Personal Statement You are required to include a personal statement narrative with your application. The personal statement is a critical part of the application process because it gives the Admission Committee the opportunity to review your writing skills and provides a great deal of information about you, your experience, and goals. It should be carefully and thoughtfully prepared. Please use a spell/grammar check. Your personal statement should be type-written, double spaced and at least three (3) pages in length. Please be certain to respond to each of the below topics as thoroughly as possible. * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discuss the major reasons for your interest in the profession of Social Work What interests, motivations, and experiences do you bring the Social Work profession? What notable qualities do you regard as your strengths for entry into Social Work? Describe any experiences that you have had in working with people (voluntary or paid.) Any limitations, barriers, or areas of continued growth that you face which may need to be addressed prior to entering the Social Work field and/or your placement experience. 6. What are the NASW Code of Ethics and its purpose? Select one of the ethical principles and discuss your application of this principle in working with clients. 7. *Discuss any special circumstances that should be considered in your application to the Social Work Program. Resume Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application8 Please provide an up-to-date resume with your application packet. Your resume should include your work history, volunteer experiences, any honors or awards you have received, and any special skills you may possess. Applicants should seek assistance from Career Services in writing their resume. Check List Application Transcript Documented Volunteer Hours (20 hours) TWO (2) recommendation forms in sealed/signed envelopes Personal Statement Narrative Resume Review of NASW Code of Ethics Certification My application for admission to the Social Work Program is complete and accurate. I understand that an incomplete or inaccurate application may result in denial of acceptance or termination from the Social Work Program. I have read the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics and agree to abide by this code of ethics. I acknowledge that I may be terminated from the Winston-Salem State University Social Work Program if, in the professional judgment of the Social Work faculty, a violation of this code occurs. Signature: __________________ Date: _______________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Received: _______________ Received by (name):________________ Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application9 Behavioral Sciences And Social Work BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM RECCOMENDATIONFORM Applicant Last Name: ____________________ First Name: ___________________________________ Instructions to Applicant: This form should be given to individuals who can attest to your ability, potential, and readiness for undergraduate education and professional Social Work practice. One (1) recommendation must be an Academic Reference (college instructor,) and the other remaining (1) recommendation should be Work/Volunteer Reference. Family, friends, clergy, therapists and high school teachers are not appropriate. If one is not academic and one is not work/volunteer, please include a statement with your application explaining the reason for the substitution. Recommendations forms are due by: Friday, January8, 2016 In accordance with Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, you may waive your right to inspect this recommendation. Please check the appropriate box and sign below. Should you desire not to waive the right, you will have access to the recommendation if you enroll in WSSU Social Work Program. Failing to check the appropriate box will automatically waive your access to view this recommendation. I hereby waive my right of access to this reference __________________________________ Signature Date I DO NOT waive my right of access to this reference________________________________ Signature Date Instructions to Recommender: We appreciate your willingness to serve as a reference for the person applying to our Bachelor of Social Work Program. The WSSU Social Work Program is seeking individuals who possess the personal qualifications essential to professional Social Work practice and the academic credentials to successfully fulfill the scholastic requirement while coping with the demands of undergraduate education. After you have completed this form, enclose it along with any other separate letter in the envelope provided. Seal the envelope, sign across the seal, and return it to the applicant. Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application10 Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Title or Position: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________Email:___________________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Recommendation forms not received by Friday, January 8, 2015 deadline will jeopardize the applicant’s status and the applicant will not be considered for admission. It is strongly suggested that recommenders provide a letter of support on university or agency letterhead in addition to completing the rating scale below. The letter is helpful in fully evaluating the applicant. • How would you describe the applicant’s strengths and deficits in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills? • How would the applicant’s assets and deficits aid or hinder him or her in social practice? • If you are providing a work/volunteer recommendation, please give a brief description of the applicant’s work/volunteer duties. Please provide applicants start/end dates and the hours per week worked/volunteered. • If you are providing an academic recommendation, please give a brief description of the applicant’s academic performance in the classroom. Name of student: _______________________________________________________________ 1) How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2) How well do you know the applicant? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3) Please provide any additional information you feel may further explain why the applicant would or would not be a good consideration for the Social Work Program at WSSU: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Revised Oct 28, 2015, BSW Spring Application11 4) In comparison with other undergraduate students you have known, how would you rank the applicant on the following criteria using the descriptive listed below. Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor Unknown Motivation to be a Social Worker Intellectual and problem-solving capacity Interest in working with diverse groups Interest in improving the quality of life for others Ability to empathize with others Belief in an individual's capacity for change Belief in the dignity of all people Work habits Emotional stability for working with others Ability to work with others Initiative and Leadership Written and oral communication skills Time management What is your overall recommendation of the candidate? Recommended Not Recommended Recommend with Reservations Highly Recommended If you have not recommended the applicant, or recommended with reservations, please give a brief explanation___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature________________________________________________ Printed Name: __________________________________________ Place your reference form in an envelope, seal it, and write your name across the seal. Return your reference to the applicant who is responsible for submitting it to the Social Work Admissions Committee.