1 2 3 47 6 Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 17 (2014), Article 14.8.7 23 11 On the Dirichlet Convolution of Completely Additive Functions Isao Kiuchi and Makoto Minamide Department of Mathematical Sciences Yamaguchi University Yamaguchi 753-8512 Japan kiuchi@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp minamide@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp Abstract Let k and l be non-negative integers. For two completely additive functions f and g, we consider various identities for the Dirichlet convolution of the kth powers of f and the lth powers of g. Furthermore, we derive some asymptotic formulas for sums of convolutions on the natural logarithms. 1 Statements of results Let f and g be two arithmetical functions that are completely additive. That is, these functions satisfy f (mn) = f (m) + f (n) and g(mn) = g(m) + g(n) for all positive integers m and n. We shall consider the arithmetical function X k l n Dk,l (n; f, g) := f (d)g , (1) d d|n which represents the Dirichlet convolution of the kth power of f and the lth power of g for non-negative integers k and l. The above function provides a certain generalization of the classical number-of-divisors function d(n). In fact, D0,0 (n; f, g) = d(n). 1 The first purpose of this study is to investigate some recurrence formulas for Dk,l (n; f, g) with respect to k and l. Since X d|n 1 f (d) = d(n)f (n), 2 (2) where f is a completely additive function, we have X 1 D1,1 (n; f, g) = d(n)f (n)g(n) − f (d)g(d). 2 (3) d|n Similarly, as in (3), we use (1) for Dk,l+1 (n; f, g) to obtain n n X g Dk,l+1 (n; f, g) = f k (d)g l d d d|n n X n X = g(n) f k (d)g l − . f k (d)g(d)g l d d d|n d|n Hence, we deduce the following two recurrence formulas. Theorem 1. Let k and l be non-negative integers, and let f and g be completely additive functions. Then we have X k l n g(d) = g(n)Dk,l (n; f, g), (4) Dk,l+1 (n; f, g) + f (d)g d d|n n n X gl = f (n)Dk,l (n; f, g). (5) Dk+1,l (n; f, g) + f k (d)f d d d|n Now, we put f = g in (4) (or (5)), and set Dk,l (n; f ) := Dk,l (n; f, f ). Then, we deduce the following corollary. Corollary 2. Using the same notation given above, we have Dk,l+1 (n; f ) + Dk+1,l (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,l (n; f ). (6) Particularly, if k = l, we have 1 Dk+1,k (n; f ) = Dk,k+1 (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,k (n; f ). 2 (7) Because the symmetric property Dk,l (n; f ) = Dl,k (n; f ), we only consider the function Dk,k+j (n, f ) for j = 1, 2, . . .. 2 Example 3. The formulas (6) and (7) imply that 1 Dk,k+2 (n; f ) = f 2 (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ), 2 1 3 3 Dk,k+3 (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − f (n)Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ), 2 2 1 4 Dk,k+4 (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − 2f 2 (n)Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ) + Dk+2,k+2 (n; f ), 2 5 5 1 5 Dk,k+5 (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − f 3 (n)Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ) + f (n)Dk+2,k+2 (n; f ), 2 2 2 1 6 9 2 4 Dk,k+6 (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − 3f (n)Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ) + f (n)Dk+2,k+2 (n; f ) 2 2 − Dk+3,k+3 (n; f ), 1 7 Dk,k+7 (n; f ) = f 7 (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − f 5 (n)Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ) + 7f 3 (n)Dk+2,k+2 (n; f ) 2 2 7 − f (n)Dk+3,k+3 (n; f ), 2 1 8 Dk,k+8 (n; f ) = f (n)Dk,k (n; f ) − 4f 6 (n)Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ) + 10f 4 (n)Dk+2,k+2 (n; f ) 2 − 8f 2 (n)Dk+3,k+3 (n; f ) + Dk+4,k+4 (n; f ). Next, we shall demonstrate that the explicit evaluation of the function Dk,k+m (n; f ) (m = 2, 3, . . .) can be expressed as a combination of the functions Dk,k (n; f ), Dk+1,k+1 (n; f ), Dk+2,k+2 (n; f ), . . ., Dk+⌊ m2 ⌋,k+⌊ m2 ⌋ (n; f ). Hence, we shall give a recurrence formula between Dk,k (n; f ), . . . , Dk+⌊ m2 ⌋,k+⌊ m2 ⌋ (n; f ) and Dk,k+m (n; f ). Theorem 4. Let k and m be positive integers, and let Dk,k+m (n; f ) be the function defined by the above formula. Then we have m Dk,k+m (n; f ) = ⌊2⌋ X (m) ck,j f m−2j (n)Dk+j,k+j (n; f ), (8) j=0 where (m) ck,j 1 , 2m − , = 2 j−1 m Y j (m − (j + i)) , (−1) 2 · j! i=1 if j = 0; if j = 1; if 2 ≤ j ≤ ⌊ m ⌋. 2 Proof. By (7) in Corollary 2, the equality (8) holds for m = 1 and all k ∈ N. Now, we assume that (8) is true for m = 1, 2, . . . , l and k ∈ N. Using this assumption and (6) in 3 Corollary 2, we observe that l Dk,k+l+1 (n; f ) = ⌊2⌋ X (l) ck,j f l+1−2j (n)Dk+j,k+j (n; f ) j=0 ⌋ ⌊ l−1 2 X − (l−1) ck+1,j f l−1−2j (n)Dk+1+j,k+1+j (n; f ). j=0 For even l = 2q, we have 1 Dk,k+2q+1 (n; f ) = f 2q+1 (n)Dk,k (n; f ) 2 q X (2q) (2q−1) ck,j − ck+1,j−1 f 2q+1−2j (n)Dk+j,k+j (n; f ) + j=1 and (2q) ck,j − (2q−1) ck+1,j−1 j−2 j 2q +1Y (2q+1) = (−1) (2q − (j + i)) (2q − j) = ck,j . 2 · j! i=1 For odd l = 2q − 1, we observe that 1 Dk,k+2q (n; f ) = f 2q (n)Dk,k (n; f ) 2 q−1 X (2q−1) (2q−2) ck,j − ck+1,j−1 f 2q−2j (n)Dk+j (n; f ) + j=1 2q + (−1)⌊ 2 ⌋ Dk+⌊ 2q ⌋,k+⌊ 2q ⌋ (n; f ). 2 2 By our assumption, since j−2 (2q−1) ck,j − (2q−2) ck+1,j−1 2q Y (2q) (2q − 1 − (j + i)) (2q − 1 − j) = ck,j , = (−1) 2 · j! i=1 j we obtain the assertion (8) for all k and m ∈ N. Now, we consider another expression for Dk,l (n; f, g) using the arithmetical function X Hk,m (n; f, g) := f k (d)g m (d). (9) d|n 4 If f = g, we set Hk+m (n; f ) = Hk,m (n; f, f ). The right-hand side of (9) implies the Dirichlet convolution of 1 and f k g m . Since g is a completely additive function, we have X Dk,l (n; f, g) = f k (d) (g(n) − g(d))l d|n X = k f (d) l X l g l−m (n)g m (d). (−1) m m m=0 d|n From (9) and the above, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 5. Let k and l be non-negative integers, and let f and g be completely additive functions. Then we have l X l Dk,l (n; f, g) = g l−m (n)Hk,m (n; f, g), (−1) m m=0 m where the function Hk,m (n; f, g) is defined by (9). We immediately obtain the following corollary. Corollary 6. Let k and l be non-negative integers, and let f and g be completely additive functions. Then we have l X l Dk,l (n; f ) = (−1) f l−m (n)Hk+m (n; f ). m m=0 m (10) Note that Hk,m (n; f, g) = X fk d|n = n k X m X d gm (−1) i=0 j=0 i+j n d X k m k−i f (n)g m−j (n) f i (d)g j (d). i j (11) d|n Applying (11) to Theorem 5, we have the following theorem. Theorem 7. Let k and l be non-negative integers, and let f and g be completely additive functions. Then we have Dk,l (n; f, g) = l X k X m X m=0 i=0 j=0 (−1) m+i+j X l k m k−i f (n)g l−j (n) f i (d)g j (d). m i j d|n 5 In the case where f = g, note that X Hk+m (n; f ) = (f (n) − f (d))k+m d|n = k+m X (−1) j=0 j X k + m k+m−j f (n) f j (d). j d|n From (10) and the above, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 8. Let k and l be non-negative integers, and let f be a completely additive function. Then we have l k+m X X X l k + m k+l−j m+j Dk,l (n; f ) = (−1) f (n) f j (d). (12) m j m=0 j=0 d|n 2 Recurrence formula connecting Dk,l (n; f ) with P d|n f j (d) The second purpose of this study is to derive another expression for Dk,l (n; f ) that involves the divisor function d(n). Before stating Theorem 10, we prepare the following lemma. Lemma 9. Let f be a completely additive function. There exist the constants eq,q , eq,q−1 , . . . , eq,1 (q = 1, 2, . . .) that satisfy the equation X f 2q−1 (d) = eq,q d(n)f 2q−1 (n) + q−1 X eq,q−j f 2q−2j−1 (n) j=1 d|n X f 2j (d). (13) d|n Moreover, the relations among sequences (eq,q−j )qj=1 are as follows. eq,q ! q−1 X (22q − 1) B2q 2q − 1 ej,j = 1− , 2j − 1 q j=1 X q−1 1 2q − 1 2q − 1 ei,i−j , = − 2i − 1 2 2j i=2 1 = 2 eq,q−j i−j≥1 where Bn denotes the nth Bernoulli number, which is defined by the Taylor expansion ∞ X Bn z = zn, ez − 1 n=1 n! 6 (|z| < 2π). (14) Proof. By (2), the case q = 1 in (13) is trivial. Assume that there exist ep,p , ep,p−1 , . . . , ep,1 (p ≤ q) such that X f 2p−1 (d) = ep,p d(n)f 2p−1 (n) + p−1 X ep,p−j f 2p−2j−1 (n) j=1 d|n X f 2j (d). (15) d|n Since 2q+1 X f 2q+1 (d) = X (−1) j=0 d|n j X 2q + 1 2q+1−j f (n) f j (d), j d|n we have X d|n f 2q+1 q X 1 X 2q + 1 2q+1−2j 1 2q+1 f (n) (n) + f 2j (d) (d) = d(n)f 2j 2 2 j=1 d|n q X 1 X 2q + 1 2q+2−2j f (n) − f 2j−1 (d). 2 j=1 2j − 1 (16) d|n Applying (15) to (16), we obtain X d|n ! q X 1 2q + 1 f 2q+1 (d) = ej,j d(n)f 2q+1 (n) 1− 2j − 1 2 j=1 q q X X 2q + 1 1 X 2q + 1 + ei,i−j f 2q−2j+1 (n) − f 2j (d). 2i − 1 2 j=1 2j i=2 d|n i−j≥1 By induction, this completes the proof, except for the second term on the right-hand side of (14). The first term on the right-hand side of (14) implies eq,q = 1 − q X 2q − 1 k=1 2k − 1 ek,k = 1 − q X 2q k k=1 2k q ek,k . Here we put a(k) = kek,k . Then we have q X 2q a(k). a(q) = q − 2k k=1 (17) Since a(1) = e1,1 = 1/2 and (22 − 1) B2 = 1/2, we only need to show that 22k − 1 B2k (k = 1, . . . , q) satisfies the recurrence formula (17). Consider the nth Bernoulli polynomial 7 Bn (x), which is defined by the following Taylor expansion: ∞ X Bn (x) zexz = zn ez − 1 n=0 n! (|z| < 2π). The following relations are known among Bn (1), Bn (1/2) and Bn , 1 Bn (1) = Bn , Bn = − 1 − 21−n Bn . 2 By the formula [1, Thm. 12.12, p. 264] Bn (y) = n X n k k=0 we observe that 2q B2q (y) = y − qy 2q−1 + Bk y n−k , 2q X 2q k=2 k (18) Bk y 2q−k . In this equation, we consider y = 1 and y = 1/2; then q X 2q B2k B2q = 1 − q + 2k k=1 (19) and 1 2 B2q = 2 − 22q B2q 2 q X 2q B2k 22k . = 1 − 2q + 2k k=1 2q (20) Subtracting (20) from (19), we obtain 2q 2 − 1 B2q = q − q X 2q k=1 2k 22k − 1 B2k . This recurrence formula for 22k − 1 B2k ’s is equivalent to (17). This completes the proof of (13). Applying Lemma 9 to (12) in Corollary 8, we have k+m ⌋ ⌊X 2 X k + m l+k−2j l f (n) Dk,l (n; f ) = f 2j (d) (−1) 2j m j=0 m=0 l X l X m d|n ⌊ k+m+1 ⌋ 2 X X l k + m l+k+1−2j − (−1) f (n) f 2j−1 (d). m 2j − 1 m=0 j=1 m d|n 8 (21) The second term on the right-hand side of (21) gives us k+m ⌋ ⌊X l 2 X l k + m l+k (−1)m − ej,j f (n)d(n) m 2j − 1 m=0 j=1 k+m+1 − ⌋ j−1 l ⌊ X 2 X X m=0 X l k+m ej,j−i f l+k−2i (n) (−1) f 2i (d) m 2j − 1 i=1 j=1 m (22) d|n using (13). From (14), (21) and (22), we have the following theorem. Theorem 10. Let k and l be non-negative integers, and let f be a completely additive function. There exist the constants ej,j , ej,j−i (j = 1, 2, . . . , ⌊ k+m+1 ⌋, 1 ≤ j − i < j) and Ak,l 2 such that Dk,l (n; f ) =Ak,l f l+k (n)d(n) k+m + ⌋ l ⌊X 2 X m=0 j=0 k+m − X l k + m l+k−2j f (n) (−1) f 2j (d) m 2j m ⌋ j−1 l ⌊X 2 X X m=0 j=1 (23) d|n X k+m l ej,j−i f l+k−2i (n) f 2i (d), (−1) 2j − 1 m i=1 m d|n where Ak,l ⌋ ⌊ k+m+1 2 X l (22j − 1)B2j k + m m−1 = (−1) j 2j − 1 m m=0 j=1 k+m+1 l X −1 l 2 m =2 (−1) Bk+m+1 . m k + m + 1 m=0 l X Proof. We only need to show (24) to complete the proof of Theorem 10. We set Ak,l ⌊ k+m+1 ⌋ 2 l X l m−1 = Jk,m , (−1) m m=0 From the identity 1 k+m j 2j−1 Jk,m = Jk,m = j=1 k+m+1 2 2j k+m+1 2 = k+m+1 X (22j − 1)B2j k + m . j 2j − 1 , we have ⌋ ⌊ k+m+1 2 X j=1 k+m+1 (2 − 1)B2j . 2j 2j 9 (24) Since B2j+1 = 0 if j ≥ 1 and B1 = − 21 , we have Jk,m Taking y = 1 2 k+m+1 X k+m+1 2 2j (2 − 1)Bj + 1. = k + m + 1 j=0 j (25) and y = 1 in (18), we get X n 1 j n Bj 2 Bn = 2 j 2 j=0 n and Bn = n X n j=0 j Bj , respectively. Hence we have n X n 1 j 2 Bn Bj . − Bn = 2 −1 j 2 j=0 n (26) On the other hand, it is known that Bn (mx) = m n−1 m−1 X j=0 j . Bn x + m See [1, p. 275]. Taking x = 0 and m = 2 in (27), we obtain 1 n 2 Bn − Bn = − (2n − 1) Bn . 2 Then we have, from (26) and the above, n − (2 − 1) Bn = n X j=0 n . 2 − 1 Bj j j Substituting this relation in (25), we have Jk,m = − 2 (2k+m+1 − 1)Bk+m+1 + 1. k+m+1 Hence we have Ak,l l X k+m+1 l 2 −1 Bk+m+1 . =2 (−1) k + m + 1 m m=0 m From (23), we obtain the following corollary. 10 (27) Corollary 11. For every positive integer k, there are constants ck , ck−1 , . . . , c0 such that 2k Dk,k (n; f ) = ck d(n)f (n) + k X ck−j f 2k−2j (n) j=1 X f 2j (d). (28) d|n From (8) and (28), we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 12. For every positive integer k and m (≥ 2), there are constants c0 , c1 , . . . , ck , (m) (m) (m) (m) . . . , ck+⌊ m2 ⌋ as in Corollary 11 and ck,1 = − m2 , ck,2 = m(m−3) , ck,3 , . . ., ck,⌊ m ⌋ as in Theorem 4 2 4 such that ⌋ ⌊m 2 X 1 (m) Dk,k+m (n; f ) = ck + ck,p ck+p d(n)f 2k+m (n) 2 p=1 k X 1X + ck−j f 2k+m−2j (n) f 2j (d) 2 j=1 d|n ⌋ ⌊m 2 + X p=1 (m) ck,p k+p X ck+p−j f 2k+m−2j (n) j=1 X f 2j (d). d|n Example 13. Corollaries 11 and 12 give us X 1 f 2 (d), D1,1 (n; f ) = d(n)f 2 (n) − 2 d|n X 1 1 D2,1 (n; f ) = d(n)f 3 (n) − f (n) f 2 (d), 4 2 d|n X X 3 1 f 2 (d) − f 4 (d), D3,1 (n; f ) = − d(n)f 4 (n) + f 2 (n) 4 2 d|n 1 D2,2 (n; f ) = d(n)f 4 (n) − 2f 2 (n) 2 X 1 D3,2 (n; f ) = d(n)f 5 (d) − f 2 (n) 4 X d|n 11 f 2 (d) + d|n 5 1 D4,1 (n; f ) = − d(n)f 5 (n) + f 3 (n) 2 2 d|n X d|n X f 4 (d), d|n X 3 f 2 (d) − f (n) f 4 (d), 2 1 f 2 (d) + f (n) 2 d|n X d|n f 4 (d). 3 Applications The second author [2, p. 330] showed an asymptotic formula for P n≤x D1,1 (n; log) 1 1 D1,1 (n; log) = x log3 x − x log2 x + (1 − 2A1 )x log x 6 2 n≤x 1 + (2A1 − 4A2 − 1)x + Oε x 3 +ε X (29) for x > 2 and all ε > 0. Here the constants A1 and A2 are coefficients of the Laurent expansion of the Riemann zeta-function ζ(s) in the neighbourhood s = 1: ζ(s) = 1 + A0 + A1 (s − 1) + A2 (s − 1)2 + A3 (s − 1)3 + · · · . s−1 We use (7), (29) and Abel’s identity [1, Thm. 4.2, p. 77] to obtain X D2,1 (n; log) = n≤x 1 1 x log4 x − x log3 x + (1 + A1 )x log2 x 12 3 1 − 2(1 + A2 )x log x + 2(1 + A2 )x + Oε x 3 +ε . Furthermore, a generalization of (29) for the partial sums of Dk,k (n; log) for positive integers k was considered by the second author [2, Thm. 1.2, p. 326], who demonstrated that there exists a polynomial P2k+1 of degree 2k + 1 such that 1 X Dk,k (n; log) = xP2k+1 (log x) + Ok,ε x 3 +ε (30) n≤x for every ε > 0. Applying Theorem 4 and the above formula (30), we have the following theorem. Theorem 14. There exists a polynomial U2k+m+1 of degree 2k + m + 1 such that 1 X Dk,k+m (n; log) = xU2k+m+1 (log x) + Ok,m,ε x 3 +ε n≤x for m = 2, 3, . . . and every ε > 0. 4 Acknowledgment The authors deeply thank the referee for carefully reading this paper and indicating some mistakes. 12 References [1] T. M. Apostol. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory. Springer-Verlag, 1976. [2] M. Minamide. The truncated Voronoı̈ formula for the derivative of the Riemann zetafunction. Indian J. Math. 55 (2013), 325–352. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 11A25; Secondary 11P99. Keywords: completely additive function, Dirichlet convolution. Received April 23 2014; revised versions received May 15 2014; July 9 2014; July 20 2014; July 31 2014. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, August 5 2014. Return to Journal of Integer Sequences home page. 13