1 2 3 47 6 Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 17 (2014), Article 14.1.7 23 11 On the Lcm-Sum Function Soichi Ikeda and Kaneaki Matsuoka Graduate School of Mathematics Nagoya University Furocho Chikusaku Nagoya 464-8602 Japan m10004u@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp m10041v@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp Abstract We consider a generalization of the lcm-sum function, and we give two kinds of asymptotic formulas for the sum of that function. Our results include a generalization of Bordellès’s results and a refinement of the error estimate of Alladi’s result. We prove these results by the method similar to those of Bordellès. 1 Introduction Pillai [6] first defined the gcd-sum function g(n) = n X gcd(j, n) j=1 and studied this function. The function g(n) was defined again by Broughan [3]. Broughan considered X Gα (x) = n−α g(n) n≤x for α ∈ R and x ≥ 1, and obtained some asymptotic formulas for Gα (x). The function Gα (x) was studied by some authors (see, for example, [4, 8]). Some generalizations of the function g(n) was considered (see, for example, [2, 10]). 1 On the other hand, the lcm-sum function l(n) := n X lcm(j, n) j=1 was considered by some authors. Alladi [1] studied the sum n X (lcm(j, n))r (r ∈ R, r ≥ 1) j=1 and obtained n XX (lcm(j, n))r = n≤x j=1 ζ(r + 2) x2r+2 + O(x2r+1+ǫ ). 2(r + 1)2 ζ(2) (1) We define the functions La (n) := n X (lcm(j, n))a j=1 Ta (x) := X La (n) n≤x for a ∈ Z and x ≥ 1. Bordellès studied the sums T1 (x) and T−1 (x) and obtained 1 l(n) = ((Id2 · (ϕ + τ0 )) ∗ Id)(n), 2 n XX ζ(3) 4 x + O(x3 (log x)2/3 (log log x)4/3 ) (x > e), lcm(j, n) = 8ζ(2) n≤x j=1 12 n XX (log x)3 (log x)2 A 1 = + γ + log + O(log x), lcm(j, n) 6ζ(2) 2ζ(2) 2π n≤x j=1 where Ida (n) = na (a ∈ Z), τ0 (n) = ( 1, if n = 1; 0, otherwise, F ∗ G is the usual Dirichlet convolution product, and A is the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant [7, p. 25]). Gould and Shonhiwa [5] stated that the log-factors in the error term in the second formula can be removed. In this paper we study Ta (x) for a ≥ 2 and a ≤ −2. The following theorems are our main results. These results are proved by the methods similar to those of Bordellès [2, Section 6]. We write f (x) = O(g(x)), or equivalently f (x) ≪ g(x), where there is a constant C > 0 such that |f (x)| ≤ Cg(x) for all values of x under consideration. 2 Theorem 1. Let Bn be Bernoulli numbers defined by ∞ X zn z = . B n ez − 1 n=0 n! If we define ϕk (n) := X µ(d) d|n and Ma (n) := then for a ∈ Z we have 2a Id · d k n a−1 1 1 X a+1 1 (n), Bk+1 ϕk ϕ + τ0 + a+1 2 a + 1 k=1 k + 1 La (n) = (Ma ∗ Ida )(n). Theorem 2. Let x > e and a ∈ N. Then we have X ζ(a + 2) La (n) = x2a+2 + O(x2a+1 (log x)2/3 (log log x)4/3 ) 2 ζ(2) 2(a + 1) n≤x (as x → ∞), where the implied constant depends on a. Theorem 3. Let x ≥ 1 and k ∈ N with k ≥ 2. Then we have ∞ X ζ(k)2 ζ(k) 1+ L−k (n) = 2 ζ(2k) n=1 (2) and ζ(k)2 ζ(k)x−k+1 log x ζ(k) + O(x−k+1 ) 1+ − L−k (n) = 2 ζ(2k) (k − 1)ζ(k + 1) n≤x X (as x → ∞), where the implied constant depends on k. We note that the function La (n) is not multiplicative for all a ∈ Z \ {0}, but we can write La (n) (a ≥ 1) explicitly by Dirichlet convolution. In the proof of Theorem 2 we use this fact. The error estimates in Theorem 2 are better than (1). Since we have n X gr (n) := (gcd(j, n))r > ϕ(n) j=1 for all r ∈ R, the sum ∞ X gr (n) n=1 is divergent for all r. Therefore the behavior of the sum Ta (x) (a ∈ Z and a ≤ −2) is completely different from that of the sum X ga (n). n≤x 3 2 Lemmas for the proof of theorems In this section, we collect some auxiliary results and definitions. Let Bn (x) be Bernoulli polynomials defined by ∞ X zn zexz = . B (x) n ez − 1 n=0 n! The following relations are well-known [7, p. 59]. Bn (x + 1) − Bn (x) = nxn−1 , n X n Bk xn−k , Bn (x) = k k=0 Bn (0) = Bn (1) = Bn Lemma 4. Let m, n ∈ N and Sn (m) := m X (n > 1). ln . l=1 Then we have n−1 1 X n+1 mn+1 1 n Bk+1 mn−k . + m + Sn (m) = n+1 2 n + 1 k=1 k + 1 Proof. We have 1 (Bn+1 (m + 1) − Bn+1 (1)) n+1 1 = (Bn+1 (m) + (n + 1)mn − Bn+1 ) n+1 X n+1 n+1 1 n+1−k n Bk m + (n + 1)m − Bn+1 = k n + 1 k=0 n−1 mn+1 1 n 1 X n+1 = Bk+1 mn−k . + m + n+1 2 n + 1 k=1 k + 1 Sn (m) = We use the following lemmas in the proof of Theorem 2. Lemma 5. Let r, k ∈ N with r > k and x ≥ 1. We have X nr ϕk (n) ≤ xr+1 . n≤x 4 Proof. We have X nr ϕk (n) = n≤x X nr−k n≤x = X X µ(d)dk d|n µ(d)dk dr−k + (2d)r−k + · · · + (d⌊x/d⌋)r−k d≤x = X µ(d)dr d≤x ≤x r+1 X j r−k j≤x/d . Lemma 6. Let r ∈ N and x > e. We have X nr ϕ(n) = n≤x xr+2 + O(xr+1 (log x)2/3 (log log x)4/3 ) (r + 2)ζ(2) (as x → ∞), where the implied constant depends on r. Proof. We can obtain the lemma by the estimate [11] X ϕ(n) = n≤x x2 + O(x(log x)2/3 (log log x)4/3 ) 2ζ(2) and the partial summation formula. 3 Proof of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 Proof of Theorem 1. We have n X j=1 j gcd(n, j) a X 1 = da d|n = X 1 da d|n n X ja j=1 gcd(j,n)=d X k≤n/d gcd(k,n/d)=1 5 (kd)a = X d|n X k≤n/d gcd(k,n/d)=1 ka. By Lemma 4 we have X X ka = ka k≤N k≤N gcd(k,N )=1 = X d|N X µ(d) = d|gcd(k,N ) X da µ(d) d|N X ma m≤N/d a+1 a N 1 N 1 + + d µ(d) a+1 d 2 d a a−k a−1 N 1 X a+1 Bk+1 + a + 1 k=1 k + 1 d a X a X N N N = µ(d) + µ(d)+ a+1 d 2 d|N Na + a+1 =N a d|N a−1 X k=1 k X a+1 d Bk+1 µ(d) k+1 N 1 1 1 ϕ + τ0 + a+1 2 a+1 d|N a−1 X k=1 a+1 Bk+1 ϕk (N ). k+1 Hence we obtain n X a j La (n) = n gcd(n, j) j=1 a−1 X n 2a 1 1 1 X a+1 = Bk+1 ϕk (n/d) · da ϕ + τ0 + · d a+1 2 a + 1 k=1 k + 1 a d|n = (Ma ∗ Ida )(n). 6 Proof of Theorem 2. By Lemma 5, Lemma 6 and Theorem 1, we have X X X X La (n) = (Ma ∗ Ida )(n) = da Ma (m) n≤x n≤x = X d≤x d X a d≤x = m 2a m≤x/d 1 a+1 X da d≤x X m≤x/d a−1 1 1 X a+1 1 Bk+1 ϕk (m) ϕ + τ0 + a+1 2 a + 1 k=1 k + 1 m2a ϕ(m) + O(xa+1 )+ m≤x/d a−1 X X 1 X a+1 Bk+1 da m2a ϕk (m) + a + 1 k=1 k + 1 d≤x m≤x/d 2a+2 1 X a x 1 = + d a + 1 d≤x (2a + 2)ζ(2) d 2a+1 x 2/3 4/3 + (log(x/d)) (log log(x/d)) +O d X a+1 a 2a+1 + O(x ) + O d (x/d) d≤x 2a+2 = X 1 x + O(x2a+1 (log x)2/3 (log log x)4/3 )+ a+2 (a + 1)(2a + 2)ζ(2) d≤x d + O(x2a+1 ). This implies the theorem. 4 Proof of Theorem 3 Proof of Theorem 3. Since we have L−k (n) = n X j=1 = n 1 1 X (gcd(n, j))k 1 X k = = d (lcm(n, j))k nk j=1 jk nk d|n 1 X k d nk d|n = 1 X nk d|n X i≤ n d )=1 gcd(i, n d X i≤ n d gcd(i, n )=1 d 1 ik d k 1 , ik 7 n X j=1 gcd(j,n)=d 1 jk we obtain ∞ X ∞ ∞ X 1 X L−k (n) = nk n=1 n=1 ∞ X 1 = ζ(k) jk j=1 = ζ(k) XX 1 1 = ik j k dk d=1 j=1 X 1 ik i≤ n d )=1 gcd(i, n d d|n ∞ X i≤j gcd(i,j)=1 ∞ X X 1 ( nk n=1 i≤j X i≤j gcd(i,j)=1 1 ik 1). gcd(i,j)=1 ij=n Also we have X ∞ X 1 k n i≤j n=1 gcd(i,j)=1 ij=n and the relation [9, 1.2.8] ∞ X 1X 1 1 = 1 + 1 k 2 n n=2 gcd(i,j)=1 ij=n ∞ X X 1 nk n=1 Therefore we obtain ∞ X X 1 nk i≤j n=1 gcd(i,j)=1 ij=n This implies (2). By the relation gcd(i,j)=1 ij=n ζ(k)2 1 = ζ(2k) . 2 2 ζ(k) 1 ζ(k) 1 1 = 1 + 2 ζ(2k) − 1 = 2 1 + ζ(2k) . X ζ(k)2 ζ(k) 1+ − L−k (n), L−k (n) = 2 ζ(2k) n>x n≤x X 8 the remaining task is to estimate the sum X 1 X L−k (n) = nk n>x n>x X d|n = ∞ X X d=1 h> x d = ∞ X X d=1 h> x d = X P i≤ n d gcd(i, n )=1 d n>x L−k (n). We have ∞ XX 1 1 = k ik x (hd) d=1 h> d 1 X 1 (hd)k j≤h j k X X j≤h gcd(j,h)=1 1 jk µ(δ) δ| gcd(j,h) 1 X X µ(δ) (hd)k mk δ k h δ|h m≤ δ ∞ ∞ X 1 X X µ(δ) X 1 dk δ=1 x lk δ 2k m≤l mk d=1 l> dδ = ∞ X q=1 ∞ X X1X 1 1 X k d µ(δ) k k q 2k dδ=q x l m≤l m l> q X 1 l1−k 1 X k −k d µ(δ) ζ(k) − = + O(l ) q 2k dδ=q lk k−1 q=1 l> xq X 1 X 1 X l1−k k −k d µ(δ) ζ(k) − + O(l ) + = 2k k q l k − 1 x q<x dδ=q l> q X 1 X 1 X l1−k k −k d µ(δ) ζ(k) − + O(l ) + k q 2k dδ=q k−1 x l q≥x l> q =: S1 + S2 , 9 say. We have X 1 X 1 X l1−k k −k d µ(δ) ζ(k) − + O(l ) S1 = k q 2k dδ=q k−1 x l q<x l> q X 1 X ζ(k) dk µ(δ) = (x/q)−k+1 + O((x/q)−k )− 2k q k − 1 q<x dδ=q ( xq )−2k+2 −2k+1 + O((x/q) ) − (k − 1)(2k − 2) X 1 X ζ(k) k −k+1 −k d µ(δ) = (x/q) + O((x/q) ) q 2k dδ=q k−1 q<x X 1 X µ(d) ζ(k) −k+1 −k = (x/q) + O((x/q) ) k k q d k − 1 q<x d|q −k+1 X X X |µ(d)| X µ(d) ζ(k)x −k −1 +O x q = k − 1 q<x dk dk q<x d|q d|q −k+1 = = = ζ(k)x k−1 XX j −1 d<x j< x d µ(d) + O(x−k+1 ) dk+1 ζ(k)x−k+1 X x µ(d) + O(x−k+1 ) log k − 1 d<x d dk+1 ζ(k)x−k+1 log x + O(x−k+1 ) (k − 1)ζ(k + 1) and X 1 X X 1 l1−k k −k d µ(δ) ζ(k) − + O(l ) 2k k q l k − 1 x q≥x dδ=q l> q ∞ X X 1 X 1 l1−k k −k d µ(δ) ζ(k) − ≪ + O(l ) 2k k q l k − 1 q≥x dδ=q l=1 ≪ X q −k q≥x X |µ(d)| d|q ≪ x−k+1 . dk Therefore we obtain X n>x L−k (n) = ζ(k)x−k+1 log x + O(x−k+1 ). (k − 1)ζ(k + 1) This completes the proof. 10 References [1] K. 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