1 2 3 47 6 Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 14 (2011), Article 11.7.5 23 11 Combinatorial Results for Semigroups of Orientation-Preserving Partial Transformations A. Umar Department of Mathematics and Statistics Sultan Qaboos University Al-Khod, PC 123 Sultanate of Oman aumarh@squ.edu.om Abstract Let Xn = {1, 2, . . . , n}. On a partial transformation α : Dom α ⊆ Xn → Im α ⊆ Xn of Xn the following parameters are defined: the breadth or width of α is | Dom α |, the height of α is | Im α |, and the right (resp., left) waist of α is max(Im α) (resp., min(Im α)). We compute the cardinalities of some equivalences defined by equalities of these parameters on OP n , the semigroup of orientation-preserving full transformations of Xn , POP n the semigroup of orientation-preserving partial transformations of Xn , ORn the semigroup of orientation-preserving/reversing full transformations of Xn , and PORn the semigroup of orientation-preserving/reversing partial transformations of Xn , and their partial one-to-one analogue semigroups, POPI n and PORI n . 1 Introduction and Preliminaries Let Xn = {1, 2, . . . , n}. A (partial) transformation α : Dom α ⊆ Xn → Im α ⊆ Xn is said to be full or total if Im α = Xn ; otherwise it is called strictly partial. The breadth or width of α is denoted and defined by b(α) =| Dom α |. The height or rank of α is denoted and defined by h(α) =| Im α |. The right (resp., left) waist of α is denoted and defined by w+ (α) = max(Im α) (resp., w− (α) = min(Dom α)). Of course, other parameters have been defined and many more could still be defined but we shall restrict ourselves to only these in this paper. It is worth noting that to define the left (right) waist of a transformation the base set Xn must be totally ordered. The main objects of study in this paper 1 are OP n , the semigroup of orientation-preserving full transformations of Xn , POP n the semigroup of orientation-preserving partial transformations of Xn , ORn the semigroup of orientation-preserving/reversing full transformations of Xn , and PORn the semigroup of orientation-preserving/reversing partial transformations of Xn , and their partial one-to-one analogue semigroups, POPI n and PORI n . For basic and standard concepts in transformation semigroup theory the reader may consult one of Howie [10], Higgins [7] or Ganyushkin and Mazorchuk [6]. Enumerative results of an essentially combinatorial nature in the study of semigroups of transformations are now numerous and interesting to warrant sections and plenty of exercises in [6] and survey articles [9, 5, 19, 20]. These enumeration problems lead to many numbers in Sloane’s encyclopaedia of integer sequences [18] but there is also the likelihood of finding others that may not yet be recorded in [18]. Motivated by Higgins [8], Laradji and Umar wrote a series of papers [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] dealing exclusively with combinatorial questions. Let S be a set of partial transformations on Xn . Next, let F (n; r, p, k) =| {α ∈ S : b(α) = r ∧ h(α) = p ∧ w+ (α) = k} |, and let P = {r, p, k} be the set of counters for the breadth, height, and right waist of a transformation. Then any 3-parameter combinatorial function can be expressed as F (n; a1 , a2 ), where {a1 , a2 } ⊂ P . For example, F (n; r, p) =| {α ∈ S : b(α) = r ∧ h(α) = p} | . Similarly, any 2-parameter combinatorial function can be expressed as F (n; a1 ). It is not difficult to see that X X |S| = F (n; a1 ), F (n; a1 ) = F (n; a1 , a2 ). a1 a2 We note also that certain special cases of these combinatorial functions, when two or more parameters are equal or when these parameters take extreme values are worth pointing out, see for example, [13, 14]. In Section 2 we consider the semigroups of orientation-preserving full and partial transformations OP n and POP n , while in Section 3 we consider ORn and PORn , the semigroups of orientation-preserving/reversing full and partial transformations of Xn , respectively. And finally, in Section 4 we consider the partial one-to-one analogues of the earlier considered classes of semigroups, POPI n and PORI n . We conclude this section with a list of results that will be needed in our proofs. Lemma 1. Let α be a partial transformation of Xn = {1, 2, . . . , n}. Let r = b(α), p = h(α) and k = w+ (α). Then we have the following: 1. n ≥ r ≥ p ≥ 0; 2. n ≥ k ≥ p ≥ 0; 3. r = 1 =⇒ p = 1; 2 4. k = 1 =⇒ p = 1; 5. r = 0 ⇔ p = 0 ⇔ k = 0. Lemma 2. For all natural number n we have n X n (i − 1) = (n − 2)2n−1 + 1. i i=1 Proof. n X X n n X n n−1 n (i − 1) =n − = n2n−1 − (2n − 1) = (n − 2)2n−1 + 1. i i−1 i i=1 i=1 i=1 Lemma 3. (Vandemonde’s Convolution Identity, [17, (3a), p. 8]). For all natural numbers m, n and p we have n X k=0 n m−k p n+p = . k m Lemma 4. [13, Lemma 1.3] For all natural numbers n and p we have n X k−1 k=p 2 p−1 n . = p Orientation-Preserving Partial Transformations Let a = (a1 , a2 , . . . , at ) be a sequence of t (t > 0) elements from the chain Xn . We say that a is cyclic if there exists no more than one index i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , t} such that ai > ai+1 , where at+1 denotes a1 . For a partial transformation α of Xn , suppose that Dom α = {a1 , a2 , . . . , at }, with t ≥ 0 and a1 < a2 < . . . < at . We say that α is orientation-preserving if (a1 α, a2 α, . . . , at α) is cyclic. The semigroups of orientation-preserving full and partial transformations of Xn will be denoted by OP n and POP n , respectively. Moreover, note that for all α ∈ POP n and y ∈ Im α, yα−1 is convex with respect to Dom α and the circular order. Further note that to partition Dom α into p nonempty convex subsets, we insert p symbols between the r = | Dom α| spaces. Then we have the principal result of this section. Proposition 5. Let S = POP n . Then ( n k−1 r p, r p−1 p F (n; r, p, k) = n , r 3 n ≥ r, k ≥ p > 1; r = 1 or k = 1 or p = 1. Proof. First, note that we can choose the r elements of Dom α from Xn in nr ways, and ways, since k must be one of the choices. the p elements of Im α from {1, 2, . . . , k} in k−1 p−1 Next, we partition the r chosen elements of the domain into p-convex subsets in pr ways. It is clear that that there are exactly p ways of tying these p-subsets to the p-images. Hence the result follows. Let a ∈ P = {r, p, k}. Then for all i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} if a = i we shall denote this by ai . Corollary 6. Let S = POP n . Then ( n n r p, r p p F (n; r, p) = n n r , n ≥ r ≥ p > 1; r = 1 or p = 1. Proof. F (n; r, p) = n X n X n k−1 r p (r ≥ p ≥ 2) r p−1 p X n n n r k−1 n r p (by Lemma 4). = = p p p r p k=p≥2 p − 1 r k=p F (n; r, p, k) = k=p Moreover, it is not difficult to see that F (n; r1 , p1 ) = n2 and F (n; r, p1 ) = n result follows. n r . Hence the Corollary 7. Let S = POP n . Then n r+k−2 n F (n; r, k) = r − (r − 1) , r r−1 r for n ≥ r, k ≥ 1. Proof. k X X n n n k−1 r F (n; r, k) = F (n; r, p, k) = + p (r, k ≥ 2) r r p−1 p p=1 p=2 X n n n k−1 r n = + p−r r r p−1 p r p=1 X n n k−1 r−1 n = r − (r − 1) r p=1 p − 1 p − 1 r n r+k−2 n = r − (r − 1) (by Lemma 3). r r−1 r Moreover, it is not difficult to see that F (n; r1 , k) = n and F (n; r, k1 ) = nr . Hence the result follows. 4 Corollary 8. Let S = POP n . Then ( p2n−p np F (n; p, k) = 2n − 1, k−1 p−1 , n ≥ k ≥ p > 1; k = 1 or p = 1. Proof. k X n X n k−1 r p (k ≥ p ≥ 2) p−1 p n n k−1 n X n−p k−1 X n r =p = p p r=2 r − p p−1 p p − 1 r=2 r k−1 n . = p2n−p p−1 p F (n; p, k) = r=p F (n; r, p, k) = r=2 r Moreover, it is not difficult to see that F (n; p1 , k) = F (n; p, k1 ) = 2n − 1. Hence the result follows. Corollary 9. Let S = POP n . Then ( − n(r − 1) nr , r nr n+r−1 n−1 F (n; r) = 1, n ≥ r ≥ 1; r = 0. Proof. F (n; r) = = = = X r n n r n p (r ≥ 2) + F (n; r, p) = n p p r r p=2 p=1 X r n n r n n n + p − rn r r p=1 p p r X r n r−1 n n r − n(r − 1) r p=1 p − 1 p r n n n+r−1 (by Lemma 3). − n(r − 1) r r r r r X Moreover, it is not difficult to see that F (n; r1 ) = n2 and F (n; rP 0 ) = 1. Hence the result follows. Alternatively, we can get the same result from F (n; r) = nk=1 F (n; r, k). Corollary 10. Let S = POP n . Then n−p n 2 , p2 p F (n; p) = n(2n − 1), 1, 5 n ≥ p > 1; p = 1; p = 0. Proof. n X n X n r n p (p ≥ 2) p p r=p r=p X 2 X n n n n r n n−p = p =p p r=p r p p r=p r − p 2 n−p n = p2 . p F (n; p) = F (n; r, p) = r It is not difficult to see that F (n; p1 ) = n(2n − 1) and F (n;P p0 ) = 1. Hence the result follows. Alternatively, we can get the same result from F (n; p) = nk=p F (n; p, k). Corollary 11. Let S = POP n . Then ( P n nr=1 n−1 r−1 F (n; k) = 1, r+k−2 r−1 − (n − 2)2n−1 − 1, n ≥ k ≥ 1; k = 0. Proof. n X n X n r+k−2 n F (n; k) = F (n; r, k) = n + [r − (r − 1) ] (k ≥ 2) r r−1 r r=1 r=2 n X n−1 r+k−2 − ((n − 2)2n−1 + 1) (by Lemma 2) = n+n r−1 r−1 r=2 n X n−1 r+k−2 − (n − 2)2n−1 − 1. = n r − 1 r − 1 r=1 It is not difficult to see that F (n; k1 ) = n(2n − 1) and for convenience we set F (n; k0 ) = 1. Hence the result follows. Alternatively, we get F (n; k) = = = = k X k X k − 1 n n−p F (n; p, k) = (2 − 1) + p 2 (k ≥ 2) p − 1 p p=1 p=2 k X k − 1 n − 1 n (2 − 1) + n 2n−p p − 1 p − 1 p=2 k X k − 1 n − 1 n−p n 2 − n2n−1 (2 − 1) + n p − 1 p − 1 p=1 k X k − 1 n − 1 n 2n−p − (n − 2)2n−1 − 1. p − 1 p − 1 p=1 n 6 From the proof of Corollary 11 we deduce the following non-trivial identity. Proposition 12. For all natural numbers n and k we have X n k X n−1 r+k−2 k − 1 n − 1 n−r = 2 . r−1 r−1 r−1 r−1 r=1 r=1 We can now deduce the order of POP n . The first expression is [4, Proposition 1.9]. Corollary 13. For all natural number n we have 2 n X n n−p n | POP n | = 1 + n(2 − 1) + p2 p p=2 n X n−1 n+r−1 − n(n − 2)2n−1 − n. = 1+n n − 1 r − 1 r=1 Corollary 14. Let S = OP n . Then ( k−1 n p−1 1, p p, n ≥ k ≥ p > 1; k = 1 or p = 1. Proof. The result follows by the substitution r = n in Proposition 5. Corollary 15. [1, p. 198] Let S = OP n . Then ( 2 p np , F (n; p) = n, n ≥ p > 1; p = 1. Corollary 16. Let S = OP n . Then ( − (n − 1), n n+k−2 k−1 F (n; k) = 1, n ≥ k > 1; k = 1. Corollary 17. [16, Theorem 4.3] & [1, p. 194] For any natural number n we have n 2n − n(n − 1). | OP n |= 2 n Remark 18. The triangles of numbers FP OP (n; r), FP OP (n; p), FP OP (n; k), FOP (n; p) and FOP (n; k) are as at the time of submitting this paper not in Sloane [18]. However, note that FP OP (n, p1 ) is [18, A066524] and FOP (n, k1 ) is [18, A002061]. n\r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 9 27 24 1 16 96 208 128 1 25 250 950 1325 610 1 36 540 3120 7290 7416 2742 Table 2.1 7 P F (n; r) =| POP n | 1 2 9 61 449 3161 21145 n\p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 21 36 3 1 60 288 96 4 1 155 1600 1200 200 5 1 378 7200 9600 3600 360 6 P F (n; p) =| POP n | 1 2 9 61 449 3161 21145 Table 2.2 n\k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 7 19 34 1 15 63 135 235 1 31 191 471 911 1556 1 63 543 1503 3183 5883 9969 P F (n; k) =| POP n | 1 2 9 61 449 3161 21145 P F (n; p) =| OP n | 1 4 24 128 610 2742 11970 Table 2.3 n\p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 2 3 18 3 4 72 48 4 5 200 300 100 5 6 450 1200 900 180 6 7 882 3675 4900 2205 294 7 Table 2.4 n\k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 7 16 13 37 77 21 71 171 346 31 121 331 751 1507 43 190 582 1464 3228 6462 Table 2.5 8 P F (n; k) =| OP n | 1 4 24 128 610 2742 11970 3 Orientation-Preserving or Reversing Partial Transformations Let a = (a1 , a2 , . . . , at ) be a sequence of t (t > 0) elements from the chain Xn . We say that a is anti-cyclic if there exists no more than one index i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , t} such that ai < ai+1 , where at+1 denotes a1 . For a partial transformation α of Xn , suppose that Dom α = {a1 , a2 , . . . , at }, with t ≥ 0 and a1 < a2 < . . . < at . We say that α is orientation-reversing if (a1 α, a2 α, . . . , at α) is anti-cyclic. The semigroups of orientation-preserving or reversing full and partial transformations of Xn will be denoted by ORn and PORn , respectively. Remark 19. For p = 1, 2 every orientation-preserving transformation is also orientationreversing but distinct otherwise [1, Lemma 1.1]. However, there is a bijection between the set of orientation-preserving transformations and that of orientation-reversing transformations [1, Lemma 5.1]. The proofs of all the results in this section are similar to the proofs of the corresponding results in Section 2, taking into account Remark 19. Proposition 20. Let S = PORn . Then n k−1 r 2 r p−1 p p, F (n; r, p, k) = 2(k − 1) nr 2r , n , r Corollary 21. Let S = PORn . Then n n r 2 r p pp, F (n; r, p) = 2 n r n , rn 2 2 n r , n ≥ r, k ≥ p > 2; n ≥ r, k ≥ p = 2; r = 1 or k = 1 or p = 1. r ≥ p > 2; n ≥ r ≥ p = 2; r = 1 or p = 1. Corollary 22. Let S = PORn . Then n r ], − (2r − 1) − 2(k − 1) [2r r+k−2 2 k−1 r n (2k − 1) 2 , F (n; r, k) = n + 2 nr 2r , nr , r Corollary 23. Let S = PORn . Then n−p+1 k−1 n p, p2 n−1 n p−1n p 2 +2 − 2 1, F (n; p, k) = n−1 n , (k − 1)2 2 n 2 − 1, r, k > 2; k ≥ r = 2; r ≥ k = 2; r = 1 or k = 1. k ≥ p > 2; k = 2; p = 2; k = 1 or p = 1. Corollary 24. Let S = PORn . Then n n r n n n+r−1 , f or r ≥ 1. −2 − n(2r − 1) F (n; r) = 2r 2 2 r r n−1 r 9 Corollary 25. Let S = PORn . Then n 2 p2n−p+1 p , n−1 n 2 F (n; p) = , 2 2 n(2n − 1), p > 2; p = 2; p = 1. Corollary 26. Let S = PORn . Then n X n−1 r+k−2 n n−1 n F (n; k) = 2n − (n − 1)2 − 1 − (k − 1)2 2 r − 1 r − 1 r=1 k X k − 1 n − 1 n−p n n−1 n , 2 − (n − 1)2 − 1 − (k − 1)2 = 2n 2 p − 1 p − 1 p=1 for k ≥ 1. We can now deduce the order of PORn . The first expression is [4, Proposition 1.10]. Corollary 27. For all natural number n we have 2 X 2 n n n−1 n n−p+1 n | PORn | = 1 + n(2 − 1) = 2 + p2 2 p p=3 n X n−1 n+r−1 = 1 + 2n − 2n−3 n(n − 1)(n2 − n + 8) − n. r−1 n−1 r=1 Corollary 28. Let S = ORn . Then k−1 n 2 p−1 p p, k−1 n F (n; p, k) = p, p−1 p 1, k ≥ p > 2; k ≥ p = 2; k = 1 or p = 1. Corollary 29. Let S = ORn . Then n 2 2p p , n 2 F (n; p) = , 2 n, 2 p > 2; p = 2; p = 1. Corollary 30. Let S = ORn . Then n+k−2 n F (n; k) = 2n − 2(k − 1) − 2n + 1, k−1 2 for k ≥ 1. Corollary 31. [16, Theorem 5.2] & [1, Theorem 5.5] For any natural number n we have 2n − n2 (n2 − 2n + 5)/2 + n. | ORn |= n n 10 Remark 32. The triangles of numbers FP OR (n; r), FP OR (n; p), FP OR (n; k), FOR (n; p) and FOR (n; k) are as at the time of submitting this paper not in Sloane [18]. However, note that FP OR (n; r1 ) is [18, A000290], FP OR (n; p1 ) is [18, A066524], FP OR (n; k1 ) is [18, A000225], FOR (n; p1 ) is [18, A163102] and FOR (n; k1 ) is [18, A002061]. n\r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 9 27 27 1 16 96 256 180 1 25 250 1250 2025 1015 1 36 540 4320 11790 12996 5028 P F (n; r) =| PORn | 1 2 9 64 549 4566 34711 Table 3.1 n\p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 21 36 6 1 60 288 192 8 1 155 1600 2400 400 10 1 378 7200 19200 7200 720 12 P F (n; p) =| PORn | 1 2 9 64 549 4566 34711 Table 3.2 n\k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 7 19 37 1 15 63 159 311 1 31 191 591 1311 2441 1 63 543 1983 4863 9783 17475 Table 3.3 11 P F (n; k) =| PORn | 1 2 9 64 549 4566 34711 n\p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 2 3 18 6 4 72 96 8 5 200 600 200 10 6 450 2400 1800 360 12 7 882 7350 9800 4410 588 14 P F (n; p) =| ORn | 1 4 27 180 1015 5028 23051 Table 3.4 n\k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 7 19 13 49 117 21 101 281 611 31 181 571 1381 2863 43 295 1037 2759 6245 12671 P F (n; k) =| ORn | 1 4 27 180 1015 5028 23051 Table 3.5 4 Orientation-Preserving or Orientation-Reversing Partial One-to-one Transformations The semigroups of orientation-preserving and orientation-preserving or reversing partial oneto-one transformations of Xn will be denoted by POPI n and PORI n , respectively. Proposition 33. Let S = POPI n . Then F (n; p, k) = np k−1 p, f or n ≥ k ≥ p > 0. p−1 Proof. First observe that the p elements of Dom α can be chosen from Xn in np ways, and since k is the maximum element in Im α then the remaining p − 1 elements of Im α can ways. Finally, observe that if p > 0, then the p be chosen from {1, 2, . . . , k − 1} in k−1 p−1 elements of Dom α can be tied to the p images in a one-to-one fashion (whilst preserving the orientation), in p ways. The result now follows. The following corollaries can be deduced in exactly the same manner as their corresponding results in Section 2: Corollary 34. Let S = POPI n . Then ( F (n; p) = n 2 p, p 2 n, 12 n ≥ p > 1; p = 1. n+k−2 k−1 Corollary 35. Let S = POPI n . Then F (n; k) = n Corollary 36. Let S = POPI n . Then F (n; kn ) = n 2n−2 n−1 , f or n ≥ k ≥ 1. , f or n ≥ 1. Corollary 37. [2, Corollary 2.8] For any natural number n we have n 2n . | POPI n |= 1 + 2 n Proposition 38. Let S = PORI n . Then n k−1 p, 2 2 p p−1 n, F (n; p, k) = 2(k − 1) n2 , n, n ≥ k ≥ p > 2; k = 2; p = 2; k = 1 or p = 1. Proof. The proof is similar to that of Proposition 33. Corollary 39. Let S = PORI n . Then n 2 2 p p, n 2 F (n; p) = , 2 n2 ,2 n ≥ p > 2; p = 2; p = 1. Corollary 40. Let S = PORI n . Then n+k−2 F (n; k) = 2n − n − n(n − 1)(k − 1), f or n ≥ k > 0. n−1 Corollary 41. Let S = PORI n . Then 2n − 2 F (n; kn ) = 2n − n − n(n − 1)2 , f or n ≥ 1. n−1 Corollary 42. [3, Proposition 5.2] For any natural number n we have 2n − n2 (n2 − 2n + 3)/2. | PORI n |= 1 + n n Remark 43. The triangular arrays of numbers FP OP I (n; p), FP OP I (n; k), FP ORI (n; p) and FP ORI (n; k) are as at the time of submitting this paper not in Sloane [18]. However, note that FP ORI (n; p2 ) is [18, A163102]. n\p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 9 18 3 1 16 72 48 4 1 25 200 300 100 5 1 36 450 1200 900 180 6 Table 4.1 13 P F (n; p) =| POPI n | 1 2 7 31 141 631 2773 n\k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 3 9 18 4 16 40 80 5 25 75 175 350 6 36 126 336 756 1512 P F (n; k) =| POPI n | 1 2 7 31 141 631 2773 Table 4.2 n\p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 9 18 6 1 16 72 96 8 1 25 200 600 200 10 1 36 450 2400 1800 360 12 P F (n; p) =| PORI n | 1 2 7 34 193 1036 5059 Table 4.3 n\k 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 3 9 21 4 16 52 120 5 25 105 285 615 6 36 166 576 1386 2868 P F (n; k) =| PORI n | 1 2 7 34 193 1036 5059 Table 4.4 5 Acknowledgements I would like to thank the anonymous referee whose corrections helped remove many errors and suggestions that greatly improve the clarity of some statements in the paper. 14 References [1] P. M. Catarino and P. M. 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(Concerned with sequences A000225, A000290, 0002061, 066524, and A163102.) Received September 19 2010; revised version received July 9 2011. Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, September 5 2011. Return to Journal of Integer Sequences home page. 16