Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Yonghui Guan
Mathematics Department
Mailstop 3368 Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3368
(979) 422-0722 (cell)
• Place of Birth: Nancheng, Jiangxi, P. R. China
• Address: 1600 Southwest Parkway APT 1308, College Station, Texas, USA, 77840
Research Interest
• Algebraic Geometry
• Representation Theory
• Geometric Complexity Theory (GCT) Program
• Advisor: Dr. J. M. Landsberg
• Ph.D. (Sep. 2011-present) Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University,
• Visiting Scholar (Sep. 2014-Dec.2014) Simons Institute for the theory of computing, University
of California Berkeley
• Master of Science (Sep. 2008-Jul. 2011) Department of Mathematics, University of Science
and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, P. R. China
• Visiting Scholar (Mar. 2010-Jul. 2010) Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China
• Bachelor of Science (Sep. 2004-Jul. 2008) Department of Mathematics, University of Science
and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, P. R. China
Honors and Awards
• Teaching Assistant, Texas A&M university, Fall 2011-Present
• Teaching Assistant, USTC, Spring 2009-Spring 2011
• Prize, Second Prize for National Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Province’s Level, 2007
• Scholarship, Outstanding Student Scholarship (Grade 3), USTC, 2004-2005
Outstanding Student Scholarship (Grade 2), USTC, 2005-2006
• Y. Guan, Brill’s equations as a GL(V)-module, arXiv1508.02293 (submitted)
• Y. Guan, Flattenings and Koszul Young flattenings arising in complexity theory,
• Y. Guan, Equations for secant varieties of chow varieties, preprint.
• Master thesis: On Ricci Flow and Poincaré Conjecture, USTC, spring 2011.
• Undergraduate Project: On Mean Curvature Flow, USTC, Spring 2008
• Undergraduate Research Program: Two theorems on quantization, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), summer 2007
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Conferences and programs
• Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Texas A&M University, spring 2015
• Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, University of Houston, spring 2015
• Algorithms and Complexity in Algebraic Geometry, Simons Institute for the theory of computing, University of California Berkeley, fall 2014
• Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Rice University, spring 2014
• Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Texas A&M University, fall 2013
• Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Texas A&M University, spring 2012
• Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, spring 2010
• National Graduate Summer School of China, Peking University, summer 2009
• Equations for secant varieties of Chow varieties, poster, Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium,
Texas A&M University, spring 2015
• Secant varieties of Chow varieties, Student /Postdoc working seminar, Texas A&M University,
spring 2015
• Brill’s equations and beyond, Simons Institute for the theory of computing, University of
California Berkeley, fall 2014
• Garibaldi’s paper on stabilizers, Student /Postdoc working seminar, Texas A&M University,
spring 2014
• Brill’s equations for the Chow variety, Student /Postdoc working seminar, Texas A&M University, fall 2013
• The geometry of fast approximate algorithms for matrix multiplication, Student /Postdoc
working seminar, Texas A&M University, spring 2013
• The Schburt decomposition of Grassmannian, Final project of Seminar in Algebra, Texas A&M
University, fall 2012
• Weyl Character Formula, Student /Postdoc working seminar, TAMU, fall 2012
• Complete reducibility, Student /Postdoc working seminar, TAMU, fall 2012
• Basic Algebraic Geometry, Shafarevich, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, USTC, fall 2010
Teaching and Teaching assistants
• Instructor of Record, Math141, Business Math, Texas A&M University, fall 2015
• Recitation of Calculus, Texas A&M University, spring 2015
• Help Session of Linear Algebra, Texas A&M University, summer 2014
• Grader of Differential Geometry, Texas A&M University, spring 2014
• Recitation of Calculus, Texas A&M University, fall 2013
• Help Session of Linear Algebra, Texas A&M University, summer 2013
• Grader of PDE, Texas A&M University, spring 2013
• Help Session of Advanced Calculus, Texas A&M University, fall 2012
• Help Session of Linear Algebra, Texas A&M University, summer 2012
• Help Session of Linear Algebra, Texas A&M University, spring 2012
• Help Session of Differential Equations, Texas A&M University, fall 2011
• Calculus, USTC, Sep.2010-Jan.2011
• Calculus, USTC, Sep.2009-Jan.2010
• Mathematical Equation, USTC, Mar.2009-Jul.2009
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Skills and Interests
• Language, Chinese, English
• Computer, C Language, C++, Latex, Mathematica, Matlab, Macaulay 2
• Interests, Traveling, Badminton, Ping-Pong, Computer Games, Mountain-Climbing, Music,
History, classical philosophy
• J.M. Landsberg, Texas A&M University,
• Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University,
• Hirotachi Abo, University of Idaho,
• Peter Howard, Texas A&M University, (teaching reference)