ESL for Educators TED 4800/5800 Spring 2013 COE Mission: We prepare teachers, leaders, and counselors who embrace equity, inquiry and innovation. COE Student Resource Office Office Hours 8:00am-5:00pm M-F Contact Professor: Stephanie E. Dewing, Ph.D. Office: Columbine 3041 Phone: (719) 255-4170 E-mail: Office Hours: Thursday 10-12; 1-3 and by appointment Required Textbooks: Echevarria, J., & Graves, A. (2011). 4th Ed. Sheltered content instruction. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Phone: 719-255-4996 Fax: 719-255-4110 Lightbown, P., & Spada, N. (2006). 3rd Ed. How languages are learned. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Columbine Hall 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Additional Resources (or Recommended Textbooks): Echevarría, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D. J. (2013). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP model.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Course Format: This course consists of readings, in class and out of class activities and assignments, in class and online discussions. Course Overview: This is a theory, methods, and materials course that provides a comprehensive survey of ESL, bilingual and multicultural education programs and effective materials and teaching methods for culturally and linguistically diverse students. The course emphasizes individual and collaborative learning to develop knowledge and understanding of the various models, philosophies and theoretical underpinnings of bilingual/ESL education and instruction. Also included are: an overview of the history of and legislation related to bilingual/ESL education and discussion of the culture of ESL classrooms, instructional strategies, appropriate materials and important considerations for teaching English learners. Students will have opportunities to explore theoretical concepts of socio-cultural perspectives of language interaction and literacy instruction and learning. They will also have opportunities to integrate technology into their individual and collaborative enterprises in the course. Course Expectations: 1. Navigating the course website: As part of our course, we will use Blackboard. This is where I will post assignment descriptions, supplemental readings, announcements, and online discussions. It is very important for everyone to become familiar with how the course website operates and how the particular features function. The more you engage in the opportunities presented, the easier it will be for you to navigate this course. 2. Preparation: Your preparation should include a careful, critical reading of assigned materials so that you each bring your questions and insights to the class discussions. Your membership in this class through your reading, your writing and your sharing is valued and essential. Completion of required readings and assignments, and participation in the online discussions and activities is expected, and is indicative of your professional attitude and behavior. There is no substitute for actual quality interaction with your peers. The process of interacting involves reflection to challenge your personal beliefs, and listening to the perspectives of others. Moreover, it requires that you ask questions to clarify your thinking, building from a positive attitude or mindset. It is very simple to build discussions on what is wrong with an approach, a method or a perspective to research processes; that is, be negative or take a negative approach. It is more difficult, and the mark of a true professional, to build a discussion based on constructive criticism of teaching and interacting with learners whose first language is other than English. 3. Course Materials and Assignments: This syllabus is your guide to the course, the contract with your instructor and your set of rules for the course. Master the contents of this syllabus during the first week and use it as a reference before you turn in any work. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor. These assignments are designed to assist you in preparing for active participation in the learning activities, to use writing as a tool for learning, and to develop skills that will be needed to communicate in writing with individuals in the school setting. The course assignments cannot be successfully completed without a thorough study of the assigned readings. If you follow the syllabus, you shouldn't become lost. SOME ADVICE: Keep up with the readings and the various assignments. If you fall behind, you most likely will find yourself overwhelmed and frustrated. If you are behind in your assignments for any reason, please discuss it with me before it becomes a chronic situation. Note that there are deadlines throughout the syllabus that indicate what you must have completed and by what date. 4. Evaluation Process: There will be a number of evaluations as a usual part of this course. Furthermore, your performance with the various assignments will indicate your level of understanding of the concepts and the methods, and of your degree of preparedness to effectively engage students in language and literacy acquisition processes. Your final reflection of your learning is an important component of this course. 5. Academic Honesty As a member of the CU-Colorado Springs academic community, please adhere to the following guidelines: (a) reference all work; (b) do not use projects from previous courses; and (c) do not plagiarize. Please also see UCCS Academic Ethics Code below. 2 Course Objectives: 1. describe various learning theories and how they shape classroom instruction and learning today (CLD: 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 2c, 2d, 3, 3a; CDE: 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4; TESOL: 1, 3 INTASC: 1, 4, 7; NETS: 1i, 2iv, 3ii) 2. describe various models of ESL instruction programs that integrate theory, practice, and assessment (CLD: 1, 1b, 2, 3c, 5a; CDE: 3.2, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2; TESOL: 1, 3, 4 INTASC: 1, 4, 7, 8; NETS: 2i, 3i, 4i) 3. identify the processes and theories that support current views about how children acquire language and literacy (CLD: 1a, 2a, 2d, 3a, 3b; CDE: 4.3, 5.1, 5.4, 6.2; TESOL: 1 INTASC: 1, 2) 4. discuss the general stages of language and literacy development children experience, and effective strategies that would promote their language and literacy acquisition (CLD: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3b; CDE: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2; TESOL: 1, 3 INTASC: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7; NETS 3i) 5. discuss how children’s progressively intricate social and academic language development are related with their increased use of conventional English in multiple contexts in school (CLD: 1b, 1c, 1d, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3f; CDE: 5.1, 6.1, 6.2; TESOL: 1 INTASC: 2, 5; NETS: 3i, 3ii, 3iv) 6. describe important theories for effective systems and strategies for the instruction and organization of classroom environments, methods, and materials that combined, will promote student learning and language acquisition (CLD: 1b, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c, 3d; CDE: 3.1, 3.6, 5.1, 5.5; TESOL: 1, 3; INTASC: 4, 5, 9; NETS 2i, 3i, 5i, 5ii) 7. describe the role of family as a factor for involvement in student literacy acquisition and development (CLD: 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e; CDE: 5.8, 5.9; TESOL: 2; INTASC: 10) 8. recognize and appreciate the importance of alternative methods and materials for English Language Learners (CLD: 1b, 2b, 3b, 3d; CDE: 3.1, 3.6, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2; TESOL: 3; INTASC: 2, 3, 4, 5; NETS: 3i, 6i, 6ii, 6iv) 9. identify and discuss effective strategies for setting up and maintaining a positive and orderly classroom culture and environment that support all students’ learning (CLD: 3c, 3e; CDE: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2; TESOL: 3; INTASC: 1, 2; NETS: 3i, 6i, 6ii, 6iv) 10. identify and demonstrate a variety of resources, including the Internet and e-mail, the community and the school, as critical factors that support and promote the engagement of students in their language and literacy development (CLD: 1b, 3d, 4e; CDE: 5.6, 7.1; TESOL: 3; INTASC: 6, 10; NETS: 2i, 2ii, 2iii, 3i, 3ii, 5iii) 11. demonstrate a basic knowledge of the role of assessment in the instruction of English Language Learners. (CLD 5a, 5d; CDE: 3; TESOL: 4; INTASC: 3, 8; NETS: 4) 12. demonstrate a basic knowledge of Colorado state law and federal law, history and sociopolitical context related to CLD student populations (CLD: 4a). CLD Standards Addressed in Course: 8.22 (1) The educator of CLD student populations must be knowledgeable, understand and be able to use the major theories, concepts and research related to language acquisition and language development for CLD students. In support of student learning, the candidate must demonstrate understanding and ability to implement research-based knowledge about: 8.22 (1)(a) linguistics that include orthography, phonology, morphology, vocabulary, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics applied to English language development for linguistically and culturally diverse students; 8.22 (1)(b) instructional practices that support acquisition of English language as an additional language for CLD students; 3 8.22 (1)(c) written and oral discourse that includes intention and functions of speech, genres, and organizational features and patterns; and, 8.22 (1)(d) sociolinguistics that include cultural references, register, varieties of dialects and accents, and nonverbal communication. 8.22 (2) The educator of CLD student populations must be knowledgeable, understand, and be able to apply the major theories, concepts and research related to literacy development for CLD students. In support of student learning, the CLD educator must demonstrate understanding and ability to implement research-based knowledge about: 8.22 (2)(a) literacy instruction, including the identification and use of linguistic interdependence, to support development of the four components of language development (listening, speaking, reading, writing and critical thinking) in English for CLD students; 8.22 (2)(b) the basic elements of literacy and the ability to provide effective instruction that is systematic, comprehensive and effective in support of the English language developmental needs of CLD students; 8.22 (2)(c) language and literacy development for CLD students for social and instructional purposes in the school setting, with an emphasis on communication of information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success, particularly in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies; 8.22 (2)(d) the contribution of native language to acquisition of English as an additional language; and 8.22 (2)(e) the distinction between language differences and learning disabilities. 8.22 (3) The educator of CLD student populations must understand and implement strategies and select materials to aid in English language and content learning. In support of student learning, the CLD educator must demonstrate understanding and ability to implement researchbased knowledge about: 8.22 (3)(a) the functions of the English language to second language learners to support their development of both social and academic language skills; 8.22 (3)(b) effective instructional techniques, methodologies, and strategies to develop English language literacy and to meet the diverse needs of second language learners, including those students with learning disorders; 8.22 (3)(c) effective instruction and instructional planning that is systemic, sequential, well-articulated, and delivered in an engaging environment; 8.22 (3)(d) selection and utilization of instructional materials and resources that are age, grade level, and language-proficiency appropriate, that are aligned with the curriculum, English language proficiency standards, and English language arts content standards, and that maintain and/or improve student achievement; 8.22 (3)(e) maintenance and support of high academic performance standards and expectations for CLD student populations; and, 4 8.22 (3)(f) providing content instructional strategies that integrate the development of English language literacy and content literacy to improve student access to content curricula, particularly in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. 8.22 (4) The educator of CLD student populations must be knowledgeable, understand, and be able to apply the major theories, concepts and research related to culture, diversity and equity in order to support academic access and opportunity for CLD student populations. In support of student learning, the CLD educator must be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: 8.22 (4)(a) Colorado state law and federal law, history and socio-political context related to CLD student populations, education, multicultural education, and bilingual education; 8.22 (4)(b) the role of culture in language development and academic success; 8.22 (4)(c) the relation of cultural identity and heritage language to English language learning and academic success; 8.22 (4)(d) the contribution of heritage language maintenance to the development of English language literacy; and 8.22 (4)(e) the relationship of culture to family and community involvement in schools in order to communicate, collaborate, and enhance involvement. 8.22 (5) The educator of CLD student populations must be knowledgeable, understands, and be able to use progress monitoring in conjunction with formative and summative assessments to support student learning. In support of student learning, the candidate must demonstrate knowledge and ability to: 8.22 (5)(a) assist content teachers in the interpretation of summative assessments of content knowledge, including national content assessments and Colorado-approved content assessments, for the purpose of guiding instruction and learning for CLD students; 8.22 (5)(d) Demonstrate knowledge and ability to communicate and collaborate with other educators, service providers, and student population family members to identify and assist in the implementation of a comprehensive instructional plan that responds to the socio- economic, academic, and linguistic needs of CLD students. Technology Competencies: It is expected that students begin our program with foundational technology skills that include digital word processing, digital and online formats (e.g. Blackboard) and using online research databases. Knowledge of the use of technology-supported multimedia, such as PowerPoint and other audio/video resources, is expected. Students who need assistance with building technological skills should speak with their professor to learn about technology resources in the COE and at UCCS. Using your UCCS email account is a requirement of this course due to digital delivery of course content. All students must obtain a UCCS email address and check it regularly (every day) so as not to miss announcements. If your UCCS email address is not your primary one, please have emails from UCCS rerouted to the one you check daily. Attendance, Preparation, and Participation: Students are expected to maintain high standards of ethical and professional conduct. This includes being adequately prepared, contributing to 5 class discussions, submitting high caliber work and representing your own work fairly and honestly. As an important member of a classroom community, attendance and punctuality is mandatory. You must actively engage in class and group work to maximize your learning in this course. Professional Behavior: Professional behavior is necessary for you to be a successful member of a learning community. Please monitor your participation in class discussions and group work and find ways to contribute intelligently to the discussion without silencing others. All written assignments must be computer generated unless otherwise indicated by the professor. Professional behavior will be expected in your future teaching/counseling career and is often the hallmark of career success. Diversity Statement: The faculty of the College of Education is committed to preparing students to recognize, appreciate, and support diversity in all forms – including ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, economic, sexual orientation and ability – while striving to provide fair and equitable treatment and consideration for all. Any student who believes that he/she has not been treated fairly or equitably for any reason should bring it to the attention of the instructor, Department Chair or the Dean of the College of Education. Accommodations: The College of Education wishes to fully include persons with disabilities in this course. In compliance with section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), UCCS is committed to ensure that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability … shall, solely by reason of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity…” If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact and register with the Disabilities Services Office, and provide them with documentation of your disability, so they can determine what accommodations are appropriate for your situation. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and disability accommodations cannot be provided until a “Faculty Accommodation Letter” from the Disability Services office has been given to the professor by the student. Please contact Disability Services for more information about receiving accommodations at Main Hall room 105, 719-255-3354 or . Military Students: Military students who have the potential to participate in military activities including training and deployment should consult with faculty prior to registration for any course, but no later than the end of the first week of classes. At this time, the student should provide the instructor with a schedule of planned absences, preferably signed by the student's commander, in order to allow the instructor to evaluate and advise the student on the possible impact of the absences. In this course, the instructor will consider absences due to participation in verified military activities to be excused absences, on par with those due to other unavoidable circumstances such as illness. If, however, it appears that military obligations will prevent adequate attendance or performance in the course, the instructor may advise the student to register for the course at another time, when she/he is more likely to be successful. 6 Student Appeals: Students enrolled in programs or courses in the College of Education may access the COE Appeal/Exception Form at: This form is to be used for an appeal when a student is: (1) denied admission to professional education program (2) denied permission to student teach or complete professional internship (3) removed from a professional education program or internship (4) denied permission to graduate due to missing requirements (5) requesting an exception to specific policies, procedures, or requirements (6) requesting a grade change This form is not to be used for requests to take classes out of sequence or to take a class without the proper prerequisites. Such requests should be initiated with the department chair. UCCS Student Code of Conduct: The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to maintain the general welfare of the university community. The university strives to make the campus community a place of study, work, and residence where people are treated, and treat one another, with respect and courtesy. UCCS Student Rights and Responsibilities: UCCS Academic Ethics Code: Assignments (graded activities): It is important for teachers, who are responsible for teaching ELLs to read and write, to be able to write well themselves. You will be role models for your students, and they and their families will expect all communications from you to be accurate. You are expected to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in all oral and written work. Therefore, all of your assignments should reflect the high standard of excellence in literacy expected of teachers and other educators. All written assignments must be typewritten/word processed. When turning in assignments, please include a cover page with the title, the course and section number, and your name. The general assignments are listed below. A. Participation/Presentation. Each of you will be responsible for giving a short presentation on a topic covered in class this semester. You will sign up for something that interests you, and on the week that topic is covered, you will provide a brief powerpoint presentation or some other technology-enhanced visual aid. (25 pts.) B. Field Assignments. There are three field assignments to be done outside of class that help you to link the ideas and the discussions in the class to the community, public schools, and classrooms. Specific guidelines will be posted on Blackboard. Field Assignment #1: Attend an activity or event that is different from your own past cultural experiences (for example, attend a religious service of a faith that you are not familiar with, attend a traditional cultural celebration). The activity/event should be conducted in a language with which you are unfamiliar. (50 pts.) 7 Field Assignment #2: Observe a class or tutoring session with an ESL teacher or paraprofessional. (50 pts.) C. Comprehensive Assessment. This will be an online open-book assessment that will cover material through the first 12 weeks of the course. (100 pts.) D. Final Project: Collaborative Case Study. Using the framework from Chapter 8 (Echevarria & Graves, 2011), consider the needs of one of the learners profiled in this chapter. (Or, you may select an ELL or ELLs you know.) Select a lesson plan from a curriculum guide or a teacher-made plan. Describe how you would adapt the plan and implement the lesson. Justify and support your rationale for the decisions you would make referring to what you have learned in this class. Similar to Echevarria & Graves suggestion to work collaboratively at your schools, partners and/or teams are encouraged to work together for this project. Specific guidelines will be posted on Blackboard. (100 pts.) E. Self-evaluation/reflection journals. These are self-assessments evaluating your learning in this course that start with your understandings of ELLs and ESL processes the first day and culminate in taking stock of your growth by the end of the semester. In Week 1, you will take 3 surveys indicating your personal and professional beliefs, background knowledge of ELLs, and a pre-assessment of some ideas covered in this class. You will then write your initial ideas about language learners and language learning. Midway through the course, you will complete a journal entry about your learning. At the end of the course, these journals will culminate in a final short paper reflecting on your experience in the class. You will also revisit the surveys. See specific guidelines posted on Blackboard. (75 pts. = 25pts x 3) Graduate Credit: For graduate credit, you are expected to demonstrate thinking and work that is in concert with graduate school expectations. All of your assignments will carry a graduate level of expectation for scholarship. Grades: Grades will be based on your projects, on your timely completion of the written assignments, and on your participation in the discussions and the activities. The mechanics of writing including spelling, punctuation, and grammar WILL affect your grade. Before you submit anything as a final draft, be sure that it is a final copy. That is, be sure to proofread, spell check, edit, check for logic and readability, grammar, etc. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) must be used to guide your mechanics. (It is sold in the bookstore, and is available in the library.) Reading your work out loud before you do your final draft is a good way to edit it. You may also make appointments at the Writing Center for help. Concise prose, clarity of ideas and creative synthesis of the concepts will be expected. All work must be typed, double-spaced and on time. Late assignments will be penalized 10% for each day past due. No papers will be accepted after scored papers are returned in class. Each assignment will be awarded points based on criteria that fit the nature of the task. Grade points for this course are weighted as follows: 8 Grading Assignments and Points: Presentation Two Field-Based Assignments (2 x 50 pts. each) Comprehensive Assessment Collaborative Case Study Self Evaluation/Reflection Journals (3 x 25 pts. each) TOTAL 25 100 100 100 75 400 points Grades will be computed as follows: A = 94% to 100% A- = 90% to 93% B+ = 87% to 89% B = 84% to 86% B- = 80% to 83% Please note that students who earn a grade of C or less must repeat the course. 9 T E D 4 8 0 0 /5 8 0 0 C la ss S c h e d u le P le a se N o te : T h is sc h e d u le is s u b je c t to c h a n g e w ith s u ffic ie n t n o tic e . Week Date 1 1/24 Topics Introductions Required Readings/ Viewings Assignments & Activities 1) Syllabus 2) ESL acronyms explained Carefully read the syllabus Introductions Assessments Journal entry #1 (by 1/28 at 10am): complete in Blackboard Surveys and Initial Journal 2 1/31 Who are our ELLs? Legal considerations for serving ELLs Historical Background Sociological and Cultural Considerations 3 2/7 ELD Programs 4 2/14 5 2/21 Language Development Second Language Acquisition 6 2/28 Introduction to Sheltered Content Instruction 1) Legal requirements PowerPoint 2) CDE PowerPoint “State of the State” 3) Sheltered Content Instruction (SCI) Ch. 1 and pgs. 27-29 of Ch. 2 4) Ovando, C. (2003). “Bilingual Education in the US” 5) Colorado Department of Education’s Language Culture and Equity Unit: ELL Guidebook, section 1.3 (pp. 19-22). 1) Colorado Department of Education’s Language Culture and Equity Unit: ELL Guidebook, (Appendix H). Links found online. 2) SCI Chp. 2 (pgs. 29-31) Find links to supplemental readings online Sign up for presentation topic/date HLL Ch. 1 1) HLL Ch. 2 2) SCI Ch. 2 (pgs. 31-51) 3) Wong Fillmore & Snow (2000). “What Teachers Need to Know about Language.” Link found online. 4) Colorado Department of Education’s Language Culture and Equity Unit: ELL Guidebook, section 1.2 (pp. 14-18. Link found in weekly unit. 5) Second Language Acquisition Stages and Strategies (link found in weekly unit) 1) SCI Ch. 3 2) Link to SIOP website 3) YouTube video on SIOP 10 Field Assignment #1 due (Cultural field assignment) 7 3/7 8 3/14 9 3/21 Factors Influencing Second Language Development Learner Language Learning Strategies and Curricular Adaptations 1) SCI Ch. 4 2) HLL Ch. 3 1) HLL Ch. 4 2) Read through Language Samples for Discussion 1) SCI Ch. 5, 6, 7 Mid-semester Journal Journal entry #2 due (3/18 at 10am) SPRING BREAK: ENJOY! ☺ 10 4/4 11 4/11 12 4/18 13 4/25 Linking Theory to Classroom Observations Approaches to ELL Instruction Review SCI Ch. 2 HLL Ch. 5 Literacy Acquisition for ELLs Click and read links for: 1) Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project 2) TPR 3) TPRS SCI Ch. 8 Link to Colorin Colorado website on assessment for ELLs Link to WIDA website and CDE website TPR & TPRS Assessment considerations for ELLs 14 5/2 WIDA 15 5/9 Final reflections 16 5/16 Course wrap-up Field Assignment #2 due (Classroom observation) HLL Ch. 6 Begin Comprehensive Assessment Continue/Complete Comprehensive Assessment Comprehensive Assessment due (4/22 at 10am) Begin working on final Project Turn in final project Final project due HLL Ch. 7 Surveys revisited Final Reflection Self-Assessment/ Final Reflection due No readings Celebrate **The last official day of class is 5/16. Anything turned in after that date will result in a zero. 11