APSWREI SOCIETY LESSON PLAN 5 Class: Subject: Lesson: IX Physical Science Measurement Date &Time: Period : Medium : Topic: Vernier Calipers 2 Sub-topic: Measurement of length of a cylinder Announcement of the Topic : Today let us learn Measurement of length of a cylinder by using Vernier Calipers Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Motivation (or) Testing of Previous knowledge Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes By Teacher We learnt the principle of vernier and its description in the last class. What is the principle of vernier? By pupils N V.S.D = (N – 1) M.S.D What is the formula for the least count of vernier calipers ? L.C. = S/N What is its value for our instrument ? 0.1 mm Can you express it in cms? 0.1 mm/10 = 0.01cm Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc Method Evaluation Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Measurement of Length of a Cylinder : The least count of the instrument is to be determined before taking the readings. Close the two jaws of the calipers and ensure that the two zeroes coincide. If the zero of the main scale and vernier scale do not coincide, note down the zero error and its correction. Now, keep the given cylinder firmly between the two jaws J1 and J2. Note the main scale reading (M.S.R) preceding the vernier zero. Note the Vernier Coincidence division (V.C.D) Substitute the values in the formula: Actual length of the cylinder = M.S.R + (V.C.D x L.C) Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes By Teacher By pupils Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc Method Evaluation Lecture What principle is used in the construction of a vernier scale of desired least count? Teacher gives cylinders to the student groups. Where should we place the object? between the two external What is the main scale division preceding the vernier zero called ? Main scale reading (M.S.R) What is the main scale reading in your instrument ? Zero of the vernier is between 2.5 cm and 2.6 cm. Then M.S.R =? 2.5 cm What is the vernier scale division coinciding with any one of the main scale division called ? Vernier coincidence division (V.C.D) What is the V.C.D in your instrument ? 4 What is the unit of Vernier coincidence division ? It has no units as it is a What is the value of least count of your vernier 0.1 mm jaws. Vernier calipers, cylinder, chalk piece and black board cum demons tration method number How do you determine main scale reading? Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Zero Error of the Vernier: If the zero of the main scale does not coincide with the zero of the vernier scale, then the vernier is said to have zero error. Positive zero error: If the zeroth division of the vernier scale is on the right of the zeroth division of the main scale ,the error is said to be positive and the correction is negative. Negative zero error: If the zeroth division of the vernier scale is on the left of the zeroth division of the main scale ,the error is said to be negative and the correction is positive. Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes By Teacher By pupils calipers? Express the value in centi meters . 0.01 cm What is the formula to determine the actual length of the object by using vernier calipers? Actual length of the cylinder = M.S.R + (V.C.D x L.C) Now, what is length of the given cylinder? Length of the cylinder = M.S.R + (V.C.D x L.C) = 2.5 cm +( 4 x 0.01 cm) = 2.5 cm + 0.04 cm = 2.54 cm. How will you decide that When the two jaws J1 and a vernier calipers has no J2 are in contact with each zero error? other, if the zeroth divisions of main scale and vernier scale are coinciding with each other, vernier calipers is said to have no zero error. If the zeroth division of + 3 x 0 .01 cm = + 0.03 cm the vernier scale is on the right of the zeroth division of the main scale by 3 divisions, what is error in the instrument? Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc Method Evaluation How do you determine Vernier coincidence division ? What is the formula to determine the actual length of the object by using vernier calipers? Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes By Teacher By pupils Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc What is the correction ? - 0.03 cm If the zeroth division of -2 x 0.01 cm = -0.02 cm the vernier scale is on the left of the zeroth division of the main scale by 2 divisions, what is error in the instrument? What is the correction? +0.02 cm Method Evaluation What is positive zero error and how is it determined? What is negative zero error and how is it determined? Behavioral changes expected and achieved : Assignment/ Home work given Knowledge : Students can acquire a good knowledge on the working of vernier calipes. Understanding : Students can understand the experimental determination of the accurate length of an object by using vernier calipers. Application : Students can apply the knowledge of experimental determination of accurate length of an object by using vernier calipers while doing experiments with other instruments. Skill : Student can develop skill in doing practicals . : Draw the neat diagrams showing the zero errors of a vernier calipers. Signature of the teacher Signature of the Principal