APSWREI SOCIETY LESSON PLAN 4 Class: Subject: Lesson: Topic: Sub-topic: IX Physical Science Measurement Vernier Calipers1 Description and principle of vernier calipers Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Motivation (or) Testing of Previous knowledge Date &Time: Period : Medium: By Teacher By pupils What do you need to measure a physical quantity accurately? An instrument How can you measure the length of an object? By using scale or tape. What is the smallest measurement that can be done by using an ordinary scale? Milli meter What is the length of your sharpner? It is 2 centi meter 6 millimeter and a fraction of milli meter. How can you measure the fraction of milli meter here? By using an instrument having least count smaller than milli meter. ---------- How do you measure the diameter of a sphere? Such small lengths, including diameters and thicknesses can be measured as fractions of milli meter with the help of instruments like vernier caliper, screw guage etc. Announcement of the Topic : Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc ------- Today let us learn the Description and the Principle of Vernier Calipers. Method Evaluation Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes By Teacher By pupils Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc Method Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Evaluation By showing vernier calipersVernier Calipers : Vernier calipers. Who invented it? Paul Vernier. How many scales does it consist? Two. What are they? Main Scale and Vernier Scale What does resemble? the main scale What are the two scales of vernier calipers? An ordinary scale in centimeters and milli meters What is the length of one main scale division (S) ? 1 mm What is the number of vernier scale divisions ? 10 vernier scale divisions equal to how many main scale divisions? So, N Vernier scale divisions equal to--? 10 What is it called? Principle of vernier. What is its equation form? (N-1) S = N V 10 V.S.D. =? Hence, 1 V.S.D =? 9 mm 9 mm/10 = 0.9 mm What is the difference between 1 M.S.D and 1 V.S.D. ? What is it called? By simplifying the equation (N – 1) S = NV, we get, S – V =? S – V = 1 mm - 9 mm = 0.1 mm 9 which means 9 mm (N-1) main scale divisions( M.S.D) Least count of vernier calipers NS – S = NV NS – NV = S N(S – V) = S S – V = S/N Lecture cum demonstration method Hence, Least count (L.C) = S/N. Description of vernier calipers :Vernier Calipers consists of a rectangular steel frame with a linear scale along its longer arm which is called Main Scale What is this instrument? Vernier calipers instrument, object, black board and chalk piece. Vernier calipers was invented by Paul Vernier. A mechanical device which combines a main scale and a vernier scale is called vernier calipers. Principle of Vernier : (N-1) main scale divisions (M.S.D) = N divisions on vernier scale (V.S.D) N V.S.D = (N-1) M.S.D Let 1 M.S.D = S and 1 V.S.D = V (N-1) S = NV NS – S = NV NS – NV = S N(S – V) = S S – V = S/N S – V is the smallest length that can be measured by using vernier calipers which is called as its least count. What is the principle of vernier? What is the formula for the least and a sliding attachment with a suitable scale called vernier scale. A button P with a spring action helps in fixing the vernier at any desired position on the main scale. J1 and J2 are Called external jaws. J1 is fixed jaw and J2 is movable jaw. J3 and J4 are Called internal jaws . J3 is fixed jaw and J4 is movable jaw. S1 is the long thin metal strip fixed to the vernier scale. Aids/Experiments to be done/demonstration etc Activities indicating behavioral/Learning outcomes By Teacher By pupils Hence, what is another formula for the least count of Vernier Calipers? What is the use of button P? What is the use of external jaws? Least count (L.C) = S/N = 1 M.S.D. No. of V.S.D It can be used to fix the vernier at any desired position on the main scale. They can hold any body firmly and help to measure its length. What are the two short jaws called? Internal jaws What is their use? What is the use of long strip S1 ? They are used to measure the inner diameters of hollow objects like test tubes. To measure the depths of hollow What is the use of the scale present on the top of the frame V? bodies like test tubes This scale helps in measuring the dimensions of the bodies in inches Method Content Analysis/Concepts/Subconcepts Evaluation count of vernier calipers? What is the use of external jaws ? What is the use of internal jaws? Behavioural changes expected and achieved : Knowledge : Students can acquire the knowledge of the instrument “ vernier calipers” Understanding : Students understand the construction and principle of vernier calipers. Application : Students can apply the knowledge of principle of vernier in understanding the principle of other similar instruments in daily life. Skill : Student can develop the skill in drawing the diagram of vernier calipers as well as in doing practicals. Assignment/ Home work given : Draw a neat diagram of vernier calipers and label its parts. Signature of the teacher Signature of the Principal