Week II: REFLECTION AND REFRACTION AT SPHERICAL INTERFACES II.A Reflection and Focal Point of Concave Mirror (Report errors in measured quantities only) Experiment: Place concave mirror into beam of parallel light rays, so that principal axis of mirror coincides with central light ray. The incident parallel rays are reflected so that they intersect at one point, the focal point of the mirror. ☛ Determine accurately the focal length f (distance between focal point and mirror surface. Experiment: For circular mirrors the focal length f is proportional to the radius of curvature R of the mirror: f = A·R. ☛ Measure the radius of curvature R of the mirror (use the below hint), and determine the constant A from the measured values of f and R. Hint: R can be determined in two ways: (1) By length measurements x and D on the millimeter paper using the illustrated geometric relations between R, D and x X R R–X R D (2) Measure R by comparison with the circles on a polar graph paper. II.B Reflection and Focal Point from a Convex Mirror (Report errors in measured quantities only) Experiment: Repeat same procedures from II.A for convex mirror. In this case, as the reflected light beams don’t converge, trace the light beams on paper, extending them back to their point of intersection (focal point). ☛ Determine focal length. ☛ What is focal length of a plane mirror? II.C Imaging by Convex Mirror (Report errors in measured quantities and do error propagation) Experiment: Produce light beams diverging from a single “object point” by placing the circular plastic element into a parallel light beam. Place the convex mirror with its vertex ~ 5 cm away from this object point S, sketch arrangement and light rays on paper (starting from the “object point”), and determine graphically the image point P conjugated to S. ☛ Test the validity of the spherical mirror equation, 1 1 2 1 , by evaluating (1/so+1/si) and -2/R and 1/f separately with their proper sign convention! Experiment: Turn mirror around (from convex to concave) leaving vertex at the same place. ☛ Observe qualitatively how the image point P changes when turning the mirror around. ☛ How are these changes reflected in the spherical mirror equation? II.D Refraction and Focal Distances of a Single Spherical Surface (Report errors in measured quantities and do error propagation) Experiment: Use the semicircular plastic element with R as its radius of curvature to determine the refractive properties and the two focal distances of a single spherical surface between air (n1=1) and plastic (n2). a) To determine the focal point in the plastic: Let a parallel beam fall on circular surface of the element. “Extend” the plastic by attaching the long plane-parallel element. ☛ Measure the distance of focal point in the plastic from the vertex. b) To determine the second focal point outside the plastic: Let a parallel beam fall normally onto the flat surface of semicircular element. ☛ Measure the distance of focal point from vertex outside the plastic. Experiment: The two obtained focal distances in air (f1) and in the plastic (f2) obey the relation for a single spherical surface. ☛ Evaluate n1/f1 and n2/f2 and (n2-n1)/R separately and check if they are equal within experimental error (use the n2 value obtained in Lab. I which should be n2 = 1.50 ± 0.05) . II.E Refraction and Focal Distance of Thin Lenses (Report errors in measured quantities and do error propagation) Background: A lens is a combination of two spherical interfaces, as treated in II.D. If the two interfaces are very close, the thickness of the lens can be approximately neglected, and all relevant distances can be measured from the center of the lens. The focal distance f of the lens with refractive index n (in air) is determined by the radii of curvatures R1 and R2 of its two surfaces by the lens maker’s formula: 1 1 1 1 (Using the proper sign convention!) Experiment: Observe qualitatively in a parallel beam of rays the focusing properties of the double convex and double-concave lenses. ☛ What is the difference in the behavior of the two lenses, and how is this difference reflected in the lens equation? ☛ Find focal points of both lenses. For the case of the concave lens, find the focal point by ray-tracing. ☛ Check that the results are within experimental error of the ones predicted with the above lens makers formula. Hint: Measure radii of curvature R1, R2 with the help of polar coordinate paper. II.F Thick Lenses and Principal Planes (Report errors in measured quantities only) Background: For thick lenses with larger distance between the two spherical surfaces the “thin-lens-approximation” does not work. The simples lens equation, however, can still be applied, if all distances are measured from the so-called “principal planes” of the lens. These principal planes can be constructed easily as shown in the figure on the next page in an experiment with parallel light incident on the lens by extrapolating the incident and emerging beams and obtaining their focus of intersection. Doing this for both directions for light passing through the lens yields the two principal planes (which may lie inside or outside the lens, and for symmetric lenses must lie symmetric to the center of the lens). If focal-, object-, and image-distances are measured from the principal planes, the simple lens equation for thin lenses holds again. In graphic ray construction the light beams can be considered to be refracted only at the two principal planes, with all rays running parallel to the axis between the two planes. This concept of principal planes can be extended to any number and combination of (thick or thin) lenses. It is always possible to determine two principal planes for any composite system, such that the effective imaging process can be treated graphically or mathematically in the described way. Primary Principal Plane H1 First Focal Point V1 V2 H1 Front Focal Length : f.f.l. Focal Length : f d h1 Secondary Principal Plane H2 Second Focal Point V1 V2 H2 Back Focal Length : b.f.l. Focal Length : f h2 Experiment: Using the semicircular plastic piece as a thick lens, produce light beams like in the above figures. (a) Use the circular plastic piece right after the light box and the plano-convex lens to produce a point object. Then place the semicircular piece behind it and move it until the outgoing beams are parallel. (b) Remove the circular piece but do not move the semicircle to obtain parallel incoming beams. ☛ Determine in ray-diagrams both principal planes by observation, ray-tracing, and extrapolation. ☛ Determine the focal distances measured from the principal planes and confirm that they are identical within experimental error. ☛ Compare the measured results for the positions of the principal planes h1, h2 and focal distances (f, b.f.l., f.f.l.) to the values calculated from the relations for thick lenses: 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 Experiment: Using the circular plastic piece as a thick lens, ☛ What do you expect for the distance between the principal planes? Confirm your predictions with an experiment. Sign Conventions (According to Hecht) Sign Convention for Spherical Refracting Surfaces and Thin Lenses (Light Entering from the Left) so , fo + left of V xo + left of Fo si , fi + right of V xi + right of Fi R + if C is right of V yo , yi + above the optical axis Spherical Refracting Surface Fo V fo V C fi F Fi i Fi Thin Lens yo Fo Fi yi xo f si so Meanings Associated with the Signs of Various Thin Lens and Spherical Interface Parameters Quantity Sign so si f yo yi xi f + - Real object Real image Converging lens Erect object Erect image Virtual object Virtual image Diverging lens Inverted object Inverted image Sign Convention for Spherical Mirrors Quantity so si f R yo yi Sign + - Left of V, real object Left of V, real image Concave mirror C right of V, convex Above axis, erect object Above axis, erect image Right of V, virtual object Right of V, virtual image Convex mirror C left of V, concave Below axis, inverted object Below axis, inverted image S C P F V f si R so