I DEEP INELASTIC July 1975 (T/E) ELECTRON AND h/LUONSCfiTTEItING -- R. E. Taylor Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. INTRODUCTION Last summer there was great concern over an apparent contradiction between storage ring data on hadron production 132) and theoretical predictions based on scaling in deep inelastic scaltering experiments. 354) Last fall, along with the discovery of the new particles, 526) more accurate data on the ratio +- - hadrons) e ‘+Tot (e e + P+P-) Tot@ RA = became available7) stant as expected, (Fig. 1). At low values of ECm, RA now appears to be compatible with a conand the value of RA in this region is not too far from a model prediction colored quarks in which RA = 2. The existence of the new particles in RA between E cm = 3.5 GeV and Ecm =5 GeV so the conflict scattering has been removed, The new particles and the step in RA may, however, have effects in the deep inelastic. Figure 2 shows one of these pictures, indicating thresholds, for the,stcp between these data and deep inelastic at least for the present, at Bonn, Bjorken8) drew several pictures interpreting ways. provides a rationale based on the large values of RA from CEA in diflerent and Figure 3 is an update of another figure in his talk, that there may be enhancements of the structure Obviously, In 1973, Figure 3 is just a qualitative functions above the color or charm guess, but the discovery of a new mnss scale some three times heavier than the proton introduces yet another way in which scaling in the deep inIn addition, elastic region may bc broken. In inclusive produced like p mesons. important occur, scattering experiments the low mass vector mesons may be effects due to the 4 mesons might be seen if O2 > &I2 Even VJ’ of G’s should measurements, electroprcduction at small x, and similar though + production the $ mesons are vector mesons and will be diifractivcly effects may be small in inclusive although they have not been detected to date. The Chicago-Harvard-Illinois-Gxford coilabo- ration at NAL have searched their p scattering e’s, but their sensitivity data tapes for p tridents arising from p pair decay’ of 9,235) They are improving the sensitivity and none were found. is limited, In an abstract submitted to this conference, lhe 10,23a) report the observation of muon tridents Diego group of the apparatus to such events for future runs. Cornell.-hfichigan State-Princeton-San in their apparatus at NAL. They will present results to the conference. The effect of the two li)*s on the elastic form factors is expected to be very small, Q2 = 30 (GeV/c)2 basically GeV “disturbance” because the coupiing of the G’s to hadrons is so weak. has a larger width and might give a larger contribution, -3 r: 10 eveli at The Ecm = 4, 2 but its properties are not yet well established. A more speculative possibility If there existed charged particles peaks in inelastic scattering concerns th e existence of other new particles, (positive char ‘gz, and baryon number = 1) they could show up as spectra. cause a “step” in the spectrum related to the ii;‘s. (In addition, at the appropriate pair or associated production lhreshold, of particies but since n’s, K’s, Kh, etc., should are noi detected in this way, this is not a very sensitive way to hunt for new particles. ) In a previous (Invited paper presented at the Int. Conf. on High Ecergy Physics sponsored by the Eurcpean Physical Sociely, Palermo, Italy, June 23-28, 1975.) experiment, SLAC (Group A)“) final slale masses of 3 Ge;‘. “scans” to the limits had made a high resolution study of inelastic spectra at 4’ UP to XfkL’ 6L-Z;IrKdJLd~cernentof tile :,e~y pir&iea, WV ~ornplat.ed t&se set by SLAC’s beam energy. NO spikes (or steps) were seen (Fig. 4). Roughly speaking, anything with an amplitude of about 10’; of the third resonance, and a width less than a few hundred MeV, would have been visible. perimental resolution (- 5 MeV) such a criterion For resonances of widths smaller than the ex- Corresponds very roughly speaking to an integrated total photo cross section of 2 8 ,ub-MeV. SO, for now, the major consequence of the new discoveries rehabilitation of the constituent deep inelastic scattering models which grew out of for Bjorken's deep inelastic early predictions scattering is the 12) and the data. We, therefore, return to the problem of measuring the nucleon structure functions where the principal topic of interest is still the status of scaling of the structure functions, This topic was carefully reviewed by Gilman at London in 1974. 4) ELASTIC SCATTERING Before covering the progress since London on that topic, I want to comment on some elastic electron scattering surements13) results. Figure 5 shows Q4 GG plotted against Q2. There are some new meashown, including a point at Q2 = 33(GcV/~)~, but the main point I want to make is the convincing evidence for l/Q4 behavior at large Q2. Erodsky and Farrar’4) have pointed out a conP nection between the power behavior of GM and the number of “fields” in the hadron under their dimensional scaling laws. For the observed l/Q4 behavior this gives three fields for the proton. West15) has pointed out (with his tongue at least partly in his cheek) that the lack of diffraction elastic form factor is some kind of evidence against a large number of constituents. the obvious difference (though not conclusive) in Q2 behavior in elastic and inelastic scattering in the More generally is in itself significant evidence for nucleon substructure, Figure 6 shows some recent results from a coincidence experiment measuring elastic e-d scattering by Arnold et al. 16) The cross section drops precipitously and shows no sign of flattening out, as might have been expected for scattering from meson exchange currents. The data are in rough -20 depenagreement with some of the standard fits to lower Q2 data and possibly approach the Q dence which can be obtained from simple quark counting. INELASTIC STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS inclusive electron scattering In the one photon approximation, cross sections from unpolarized nucleons can be expressed as da d&lE’ du = (dx) !\?v fv ,Q~) + 2 tan20/2 WI(v) Q2)] Mott l 2 (2) = Q’ = 4EoE’ sin28/2 , v = E. - E’ , 3 if’- = ‘)!~IJ.J+ &I2 - Q2 (3) I -3- Unobserved Hadronic State with Mass W Final ’ 1 \ w =2My Q2 (IJ’ ’ =- W2 +1 =w+2 M2 Q2 K wl=--$<, uT w2 =-- K Q” al,+% M2 Q2+v2 uO 4n20! = = 127 pb , M2 (4) Q (5) ao “S R =-, “T K = W2-M2 2M Ideally, one wishes to obtain WI and W2 from measurements 12) test the resulting structure functions for scaling. Q Definition 21im vW2(v ,Q”) -CC of a kinematic = F2(o) , Q (6) of differential cross sections and 2 lim 2MWI(v ,Q2) = F~(w) -CO region in which scaling is expected to hold is not a trivial task. Fig. 7 shows some of the problems which occur: 1) Two-photon Exchange, The usual analysis neglects two-photon exchange effects, such effects are present, will be incorrect. If the measured values of vW2 and WI obtained from experiment Such terms should show up first at high Q2 and low W where the cross sections are smallest. 2) Q2 Turn On. W2 = 0 at Q2 = 0, so vW2 will not scale for low Q2. This region is further complicated by diffractive processes (e. g. , vector meson production). 3) Resonance Region. The structure functions will not scale in a region where resonances occur at fixed values of W and therefore different values of v/Q2. Strong assumptions about local duality have been used to connect average values of VW 2 from these regions 2 1’7) to values at higher Q . 4) Non Leading Terms. In the region of finite Q2 the structure functions may contain terms with powers of I/Q” which can produce measurable effects. Such terms may be more important 5) at low w where the cross sections are small, Choice of Scaling Variable. The scaling variable, any variable which approaches w in the limit cause elastic scattering w, can in principle be replaced by Q2 - M. w is an appealing variable bc- from light, free constituents would give a peak at w = M/;\Ic, where Mc is the mass of the constituent. 6) Sc:de 3ronl;inf$ been proposed. “arious ways in which the scaling conjecture Popular examples of scale breaking arc: might be modified have -4color or charm “thaw”; 13) parton form factors, 19) anomalous moments ;20) theories with anomalous dimensions; 21) and asymptotically free theories. 22) The experimentalists’ aim is to establish scaling in some region (and to some accuracy), and then look for various scale breaking phenomena such as those listed under No. 6. It is difficult reach definite conclusions when the observation or more of the other effects listed above. As the range and precision understanding behavior may be due to one There are both old and new examples of this problem. of the data increase, and precision of apparent non-scaling to we need a corresponding increase in theoretical to deal with effects at finite Q2. ELECTRON SCATTERING The past two years have seen considerable the first results Fermilab growth in the amount of experimental data, including scattering using both neutrinos 4) and p mesons 23) from the on really deep inelastic accelerator. Figure 8 shows the kinematic range available in the Q2, W2 plane for SLAC energies and for 56 and 150 GeV n mesons, the latter two energies being those of the “scale invariant” ~1experiment at NAL. That Bjorken’s predictions by almost an order of magnitude is truly impressive, trino experiments experiments earlier with the simple quark ideas. have continued, experiments electrons increasing have withstood the strain of increasing as is the spectacular hleanwhile, both the precision agreement of the neu- back at the Farm, electron scattering and kinematic range compared with Data taking has recently begun on an experiment target, but no results are available yet. 24) at SLAC. and a polarized u using polarized The structure functions WI and W2 can be determined from measurements of the differential .cross section. Figure 9 shows the region in which measurements can be made for energies employed at SLAC and in the Cornell-Michigan of the structure between W1 and W2 to obtain the value of either structure the structure at various angles for a given exist at only one angle, some assumption must be made about the re- usually described in terms of the longitudinal/transverse kinematics, apparatus at NAL. 25) Values for each functions can only be obtained by doing measurements Q2 and W. If measurements lationship State-Princeton function, ratio R = aS/oT (see Eq. (6)). functions are not very sensitive to R. is For some For example, we can write (1+&Q2) 2 -1 tan20,2 VW2 The relationship (l+R) If 0 is small enough, then the second term may be quite unimportant. 1 The region where uW2 varies less than 10% as R varies from 0 - m is shown in Fig. 2 (for 20 GeV incident energy this region is smaller than the region in which measurements of Ii have been made). If 6 <R < 1, the maximum error in the indicated region would drop to 5%. %‘Ure 10 shvs in more detail the, regions in which WI and W2 have been separated to date. (SFG Group). 26) The most recent published results on \\‘i 2nd \\‘?., :lre whose of the ikIlT-SLAC Using these results, from measuremCntS at :1nglCS bChVfX11 15’and 34’, combined with some older data at 6’ and IO’,~~) they find that Ii is - O-5 Or less 9 everywhere in the region of measurement, 28) At 10~ values of w, VR is nppI?OXilllatCly lightcone algebra, whereas at large COllSt:lnt W, [It iI f$Vell VdX of W, I~R :lppears to bC increasing with as expected Q2 from the rather quickly, quark as I -53k1-;2 IL1Fig. 11. In oLJcl LULeach “turn on”. large w, Q2 is raLher small, and the effects could be due to Work is continuing on this data set, and more results are expected soon. SLAC (Group A) now has an independent set of data at angles from 4’ to 6Oo and will generate similar From the time of the first in the kinematic values of W. 29) it has been clear that yW2 is not a function of w R determinations, region covered, These deviations information but that systematic deviations from scaling in w occurred at small could be removed by assuming that scaling holds in W’ = w + M2/Q2 = W2/Q2 + 1 so that 2 VW 2 (Q > 1) = F (w’) to N 1096 2 Since Qpnjw w’ = w, this has no consequences for the theory. There was even a bonus in that F2(mt) 17) ‘appealed to average nicely over v W2 in the resonance region, including the elastic peak. Scaling in w can never “average” the elastic peak since F2(w) = 0 when iv = Mp: If one takes this averaging seriously, one can evaluate integrals over the data of the form vW;(w’,Q2) (9) as Bloom did in 1973. 30) The condition fcr true Bjorken scaling is that all Bn should approach a finite nonzero limit as Q2 increases without limit. Low moments (e. g. , B. in Fig. 12a) appear quite flat for Q2 > 1.5 (GeV/c)2. Higher moments (e. g. , B3 in Fig. 1.2b) are not quite flat, but the contribution of the elastic peak and the resonance region is larger, and conclusions depend heaviiy on the “averaging” MIT-SLAC assumption implicit in the procedure. (Bloom’s analysis included most of the (SFG) e.xperiment at No, 26’, 34’ and a preliminary data and so is still fairly version of the SLAC (Group A) 4o up-to-date). There is really no evidence for scale breaking in vW2 in the MIT-SLAC (SFG), SLAC-MIT, or SLAC (Group A) results, when R is taken to be . 1G-. 18 everywhere in the Q2,W plane, and wf is VW behaves as expected in scaling theories for small values of w but used as the scaling variable. is not a function of w for large w, rising with increasing In an,interesting paper last of assuming that the non-scaling (and, therefore, year, 33) the MT-SLAC in (:, was not due to could not be “repaired” Q2 at constant w. (SFC) group investigated k3rlnS the consequences of order M2/Q2 in the scaling variable by Ch;ill$l:g 10 u”) but rather was due to scale breaking. They obtained coefficients for several proposed kil:cis of brc:l!iing, giving estimates for the para,n-. sugFor e~:~inPle, ill fitting to a form F(Q2) = a(l-2Q2/A2), I!)) .I IUrl)s Wt LO be around 8 C;e\‘. This is another gested by the postulated parton form factors, .sc;llin:: in ;i ;u~ri (,,J’ . way of describing the difference between I’\\‘,, can trade changes in variable for changes in the paralneters Of SCX~C? bI*C':ll;ill!: Il!C'cll.iC'!<. ‘f’k reader is referred to the orig26) for the details of fits to other hC:llC lil’l,:ti:in: hypotheses. inal paper eters of different kinds of breaking. One During the past year, SLAC (Group A) lxl> j!Ui~ll~;ll(‘~l rCSUitS from measurements at * 0 , 11) Among other things, the data give new infoL’llJ:i tl 2’ The data are shown in ‘iI::!:71Gt tiic:ur~~-o~~ ofvw Fig. 13 and can from WI depelldence be approximnted by Cl Sil>;:lc and can be approsilllatcil f~l:('li\'li )‘J $11 0". 'I'hiS (2' dCpeildcnce can be fa,ctored out I where GE(Q 7Ghl(Q 2 W;‘(Q2) = Any respectable 2 2 I+ 1+7 theorist will tell you that a “closure” 2 1 (11) T:: Q2/4M2 relation like this cannot be applied to a rela- tivistic system, so this is just a convenient way to remember how tjW2 behaves as Q2 - 0. In any Case, the form is a reasonable fit to the data, so we have used the expression to estimate vW2 for large values of w(, even though the data do not reach values of Q2 where scaling “holds.” The results of this are shown in Fig. 14. Extrapolation from data wholly outside the scaling region (Q2 < 1) begins at - 25, SO above this value the specific form of Eq. (10) is important. Data at large values of w’ have always tended to decrease for values of wl > 6. There has been suspicion that #is decrease was an artifact of “turn on, ‘1 The new data suggest that this is not the case, and W’ . that there is a maximum in vW2 at ~1 - 6. The most recent single arm experiment at SLAC13) completed data taking about a year ago. Data were taken at 50’ and 60’ using the 1.6 GeV spectrometer, reaching values of Q2 near 30. (GeV/c)2 but limited to values of w < 2 (Fig. 15). At large angles, WI can be extracted from the data without detailed knowledge of R if R is small. For these kinematics = WI(R= 0) (1 - 2E’R,‘Eo) WICR=R) (12) If R < 0.5, then W1 is determined within about 5% at 60’ and 20 GeV incident. and extract WI from the measured cross sections. spin i and spin 0 (glue) constituents, have any validity, with a prediction In a model where the scattering W1 is determined by the properties while W2 includes additional contributions We assume R = .18 takes place on of the spin i particles If the simple pictures from spin 0 particles. the proton of we expect W1 to scale at least as well as vW2. We can compare our values of W1 based on vW2 measured at smaller angles and our assumed value of R since from Eq. (5) and the definition of R Q2 + v (Wl)predicted = vw2 The values of W1 and the “prediction” 2 (13) vQ2(1+R) are shown in Fig. 16. The agreement is reasonable over nearly three decades in the value of W1, but WI tends to fall somewhat lower than the prediction at large values of Q2. Of course, WI will not Scale esactly if vW2 scales and R is constant, The differences are small, as shown in the figure by “prediction” for different energies. A clear-r picture of WI behavior ~33 be Ob’iZklC:l fro111 Fig. 17. Here values of WI measured for each incident energy are plotted against Q2. The measurements are binned in ~1 and particular values of ~1 are connected by straight lines. If WI scales, the connecting lines should be horizontal. about R in the hope that some other Obviously W1 is not scaling. We can re-esaminc thC 2SSUlli)tion behavior of R will restore scaling. Incrcnsilg R )o\v~‘r~ the extracted value of WI. R to zero at high Q2 we can raise the values ()I’ \\‘I d)OUt 8’; iI this region and by rai&g Q2, values of WI be approximately can be lowered. 2 in the low Q2 region9 Yihich (The correct way to show this is to include ’ t.h(’ program is not yet complete. ) The COIlClllSi(~ll SO that WI A more is just in order Ullfort~~l~:itCIY, C()nfliCtS MY! to I-IX&~ \!‘it.h v:lri;ltions &atc?. Scale, l?lEaSure]nentS ~~~C~~SIlI’ClIlCIlfS iS th:It this in the evaluation change decreasing R ai: Innr R would of R in in R cannot By this to region. of R, tile have but values that of WI a function (3’. qUantibtiVe lllEWIre each value of wI in Pig. 17. The of this no!l-se:lliIlg reSLlltS t0 Cl!1 be Obt;lined a lit. of thC form a(1 + by bQ2) fitting the Q2 slope Of W, at are shown in Fig. 16. Each - 7- mtiasured slope should b:: LC:L’Uior scaling to hold. using different Figares i;,, iiL, ;:;d 182 s&v the efticts ol‘ scaling variables. Fig. 18a shows that scale breaking will be even worse in w = Bjorken variable. Fig. 18c shows that WI can be made to scale in a new ad 2Mv/Q2, the original hoc variable ws, which is similar in form to W’ = ~3+ M2/Q2 = o + 0. s~(G~V/C)~/Q~. = w + 1.42(~ev/c)~ W 6 This is not very satisfactory, particularly Q2 since vW2 does not appear to scale in ws. more unpleasant is the behavior of WI at low values of ws. W1 = g Perhaps even In a fit of the form an(l-xs)n the coefficient a3 is small and compatibIe with zero, while a4 is Iarge and positive. This is in31,32) compatible with the Drell-Yan-West relationship, The same dependence holds for W’ fits ex2 cept that the x is larger and a5 and a6 are more important. The choice seems to lie between a somewhat artificial search for more complicated in which WI and vW2 scale and accepting some scale breaking I’m sure that both alternatives press the non-scaling as parameters will be explored. in terms of the experimental for a particular (perhaps due to nonleading terms). l?or the present, it seems less confusing to exnumbers and (tit scaling with R = .18, rather than theory expressed in a particular 40% low at Q2 - 25-,3O(GeV/c)’ compared with our expectations All the recent measurements variables have included measurements variable. Our data for WI fall 30based on vW2. on deuterium so that structure func- tions for the neutron can be extracted. Fig. 19 is a composite of available results on the ratio 11,13,32) The 50’ and 60’ data are preliminary and assume R = Rd = .18. The data are n/p. P crowding the current algebra limit of i, but there is no evidence that the limit is violated. The comprehensive studies of data being undertaken independently by MIT-SLAC SLAC (Group A) should provide new checks of Rd and Rp and new comparisons (SFG) and of deuterium and neutron scaling. It is obvious’ly of great interest to know how D2 behaves in the region where W1 exhibits non-scaling behavior. ’ MUON SCATTERING Knowledge of vW2 for deuterium the NAL data taken with Fe targets. periment, I want to consider is necessary for a clean comparison Before describing of data from SLAC and some of the recent results from this ex- three topics which are relevant to the comparison with the electron data: ~1-e universality, 2-photon exchange processes, of their muon data and A-dependence. p-e universality The past two years have seen the publication ments at BNL involving experimenters results add considerably of several results from a series of muon experi- from Rochester, Columbia, Rarvard, and NAL. These new 33) and taken together present a picture of p-nucleon to previous results scattering very similar to that obtained with electrons. Radiative corrections tend to be considerably smaller for p-meson scattering, so the general agreement is weicome confirmation that there are no gross errors in the radiative of possible p-e differences corrections to electron e.xperiments. can be obtained in both elastic and inelastic Quantitative scattering expressions experiments. I -av.1 ’ tne ~1results are shown i;l Fig. 20 and show a small systemaLic trend away from careful fits to e-p data (the “dipole” curve in the figure is actually slightly modified to For elastic scabterm;: represent the e-p data more closely). The data are fit to a form (16) where N is a normalization parameter and A is a possible difference presented in Fig. 21, and a value of l/A2 to n’p-, inelastic The results are = 0.051 f 0.024(CeV/~)-~ authors conclude that possible deviations are not proven, annihilation parameter. results from the fits. The +and that other experiments (g-2, e e - (see below), etc. ) provide little if any corroborative support for this large a deviation from universality. Some preliminary data presented at London last year by the Santa Cruz-SLAC collaboration showed good agreement between e’s and p’s, 35) Nevertheless, as for some years past, the elastic results continue to nag us for a definitive experiment. In another paper 36) results are given for:d20/dQ2dv, as shown in Fig, 22. The agreement with electron scattering is quite good, as demonstrated in Fig. 23, where the parameters of an overall fit similar to the elastic case are given for the BNL experiment and a combination of this experiment and the older experiment from SLAC. 33) Two-photon effect A comparison of CL+and ~1~scattering from beryllium has been made in a search for two-photon exchange amplitudes. 37) The experiments measure only the real part of a two-photon amplitude. The results are shown in Fig. 24b, and there is no evidence for any asymmetry Similar experiments have been done recently with electrons and positrons from the UC-Santa Barbara campus quote a result of38) e’/efrom deep inelastic yields out to Q2 = 15 (&V/C)~, ratio of yields, amplitude, Recently, from of their search for wide-angle SLAC (Group A) has results on’ e+/e- as shown in Fig. 24a. I must emphasize that the figure shows the not cross sections. other processes collisions. on H2 and D2. A group = 1.000 -+ .003 for scattering hydrogen in the Q2 range from 1 to 3 (C~V/C)~, as a by-product bremsstrahlung between pf and ~1~. At high values of Q2 there are contributions of up to half the total yield. to the yield from To extract a limit for the ratio 2-photon to l-photon one must (a) assume that the backgrounds have no asymmetry, and (b) increase the error proportionately. The Cornell-MSU-Princeton the Fermilab experiment In another contribution tron and positron-proton collaboration have compared the scattering of 150 CeV 1-1’and w- in and detect no asymmetry with an accuracy of better than 5%. 39) to the conference, 40) no asymmetries scattering, both elastic and inelastic, were observed in comparing elecat DESY. A-dependence The interaction of the photon with nuclear matter should show shadowing whenever the interaction with vector mesons is appreciable, as was clearly discussed by Gottfried at the Corneli conference. 41) Several experiments have demonstrated this shadowing in total photoproduction cross 43) measuring small angle photon scattering from comsections. 42) A pretty esperiment from DESY plex nuclei shows evidence for diffraction agreement with VhID is not impressive, dips in heavy nuclei and shadowing. The quantitative but the qualitative features of the theory are verified. -9- The situation for viitd,l pJ;lvkvilu id sarilmarized ti Fig. 22, wioch iaclrldes data froill 6’ eiec44) 0 4 electron scatterin,g, 11) and the scattering of 7.2 GeV @mesons. 45) The electron scattering, tron results have quoted systematic errors The g experiment ing in these data. of -+ . 02 so that there is no positive evidence for shadow- shows a definite decrease at <x3 that their result is in fair agreement with a generalized The disagreement vector dominance model by Schildknecht. 46) will arise for this x of D2 and Fe cross sections (as was stressed by Hand at London). 47) region in the comparison for x Fr x’) < 0.1, then significant of p data from Fermilab shadowing occurs. curring. and the authors state between electron and muon data is mild because of possible systematics. If shadowing is important Comparisons = .I, corrections and SLAC electron data are currently made assuming that no The values of vW2 obtained from iron should be increased if shadowing is oc- Comparisons of high and low energies from a given target are not affected if the A- dependence is a function of w only (w and w1 are almost equal for large w), Recent results Let me now turn to recent results from the Cornell-Michigan which was especially that,at two different apparatus. experiment, designed to test scaling directly. incident energies, The apparatus (Fig. 26) is itself scaled so of a given w pass through the same location in the particles At the same time the multiple points where the tracks are sampled. cally significant State-Princeton scattering is held tonearly identical values at those In a publication25) effects in the direct comparisons last year by the collaboration, statistiThe between 150 and 56 (;eV are barely visible. values of r(150 GcV/56 GeV) are somewhat less than 1 except at low Q2. The ratio of data to “Monte Carlo” predictions badly in a statistical based on MIT-SLAC sense. The implication data for vW2 fits the simple scaling hypothesis is that their data are high for low Q2 and high w (where any A-dependence effects would make the disagreement worse) and low for high Q2 and low w. The data have now been more fully analyzed, and results on the direct scaling have been submitted to the conference. 48) The specific problem of difference in beam shape at 150 and 56 GeV was solved by selecting 56 GeV p’s to produce a beam distribution similar to the distribution for 150 GeV p’s. If the values of r obtained are fit to a constant, the result is consistent with unity, r(direct) = 1.02 *. 02 2 with x of 11’7 for 108 degrees of freedom. Nevertheless, a look at plots of the data (Figs. 27 and 28) shows some systematic trends, haps decreases with increasing very slightly and it again appears that r increases with increasing Q2. The “nicest” w, and per- fit is one in which r is not a constant but depends on w (17) n = . 096 -I- 0.028 , w 0 = 6.1 “i’i . errors, the iargest of which is an uncertainty in relative enin an error of +. 056 in II. The same data can be used in conjunction with fits to the MIT and SLAC data, Similar effects are observed, and the resulting statistical precision is better. These data are to be discussed by the authors at the conference. 48) There are some additional systematic ergy calibration which results Conclusions In conclusion, on scale breaki. consider Table I, which summarizes the evidence concerning scale breaking. Looking at the data from both electrons and muons, it seems s:.:e to conclude that we are not oljserving perfect scaling in the simplest variable, w. Scaling in w’ is better, but the eviderlce for 0’ - 10 - c.. 2 w Q 3 _ -3 2 w C t-l 2 - 11 - scale breaking is titruiig:ar uuw tnan a year ago. is smooth enough, and the errors all data scale. Un other hand, the r>reaking in eldler variable th2. are large enough, so that we can probably find a variable in which From there , it is not hard to see that your i’avorite scale breaking theory ai!d a scaling variable of greater or less complexity can be made to fit the data. I believe that it will take a lot of insight to pick out and pursue a sensible path from here on. Clearly more accurate data from electron and muon experiments v scattering, ese- annihilation, etc. will be necessary, as well as data from related processes like We aIso need to move the theoretical W2 plane and begin the study of scale breaking in earnest. observed scale breakings are small effects, It is important studies back into the Q2, to keep in mind that the with equivalent masses about an order of magnitude greater than the proton mass (when expressed as propagators). OTHER TOPICS Iiadronic final state Many of us expected that the final hadronic states for very virtual photons would be spectacu. larly different from photoproduction. This was probably a result of the different The success of VMD in photoproduction, proaches to the two regions. theoretical ap- and of the quark algebra for the deep inelastic, the earliest _-.- seem to demand a transition region in which qualitative changes occur. From 49) the most striking thing about the hadronic states in deep inelastic has experiments, been the similarity Very little new data has surfaced since the London conferof data on mean charged multiplicity. 5 O-54) The multiplic- to photoproduction. cnce. 4, Figure 29 shows a compilation ity appears to be somewhat lower than photoproduction, dence in the electroproduclion data. but there is no evidence of any Q2 depen- There appear to be several processes in which changes occur A-dependence, pro exclusive final over a small range in Q2 - 0. 2(Gev/c)2, including multiplicity, state, etc. It will be interesting to see if these are somehow connected with a transition region. If I suspect that we will eventually find so, the transition region is Small, and the changes are subtle. that very similar mechanisms are producing lhe final states in the large Q2 region and at Q2 = 0. n The one process which shows strong and steady Q‘ dependence is forward pion production 50,55-57) Figure 30 shows the present data, excluding data from UCSC-SLAC (Streamer . sleasurements on deuterium Chambe’r Group), who are bringing new results to the Conference. should provide a nice test of the quark-parton Total photoproduction While not strictly predictions. ci’oss-I section a part of deep inelastic scattering, the Chicago-Harvard-Illinois-Oxford col- laboration have obtained a result (Fig. 31) for the total photo cross section at 100 GeV by estrapolating 1-1scattering data at low Q2. The result agrees with extrapolations from lower energy data. Parih; noncocservation in sczttcL*I!:$ esoeriments currents 1s well established in neutrino interactions. Measure“0‘ *cement with gauge theories of weak interments of v + N - v + X and y + N - ; + X are in fair +,l actions and the parton model. The same mtdel Predicts neutral current effects in deep inelastic delepton scattering. 58) lhe -’ observed asyillmCtl:ics should be iu the range of (10-4 _ lo-“)Q”, pending on variolls kinematic factors and the h~Cillber!Z angle. 59) results :Irc reported for an experiment in which polarized h a contribution to this conference The existence of weak beams of neulr:tl 20 GeV p meso~1s from 7; decay x’(’ clnl)loJ’ed. No usymmctry was observed ot Ievels of - 12 - -4 Lt!W.X10 . This measuremenL excit&s other neutrai axial-vector currents (on which previous limits were quite poor) but the result is not in conflict with our present ideas about the weak neutral currents. CONCLUSIONS The puzzle of deep inelastic the new particles. scattering Paradoxically, vs. annihilation has been replaced with the challenge of the evidence for the simplest quark-algebra models of deep in- elastic processes is weaker than a year ago. Definite evidence of scale breaking has been found, but the specific form of the scale breaking is difficult to extract from the data, a situation which is The size of the scale breaking observed implies reasonable parameters unlikely to improve rapidly. in theories of anomalous dimensions, in which the experiments progress in unraveling work continues. free theories, are analyzed doesn’t appear to be in trouble. the mysteries For the future, gether with theoretical in experiments or in asymptotically of final state hadrons, so the general framework We have not made much although a ‘great deal of experimental progress will depend on precise experiments investigations of the deep inelastic at high energies to- region where Q2, v , and the investment do.not approach infinity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my thanks to my colleagues at SLAC for their generous help in the preparation of this talk. My particular H. DcStaebler, thanks go to Drs. Atwood, Prescott, without whose constructive thanks also to the Publications understanding criticism and help this manuscript and Technical Illustrations help in the preparation and Rochester, of the manuscript. and to Professor would not exist. My Groups at SLAC for their patience and I also gratefully acknowledge the help of Ms. M. L. Arnold for her assistance and enthusiasm. Finally, I owe thanks to the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration and the National Science Foundation for their support. * + * REFERENCES The following Cornell abbreviations will be used: 1971 Proceedings of the 1971 International Symposium on Electron and Photon Interactions editor, at High Energj.es, N. B. Mistry, Laboratory for Nuclear Studies, Cornell (1972). Bonn 1973 Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies, H. Rollnik and W. Pfeil, editors, luorch Holland Publishing Co. (1974). 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Feldman.) cm 8 11111.0 8 R= c (e+e- a- (e+e- - hadrons) p+p-1 6 R 4 2 I i 0 0 IO 15 Q* (GeV*) Fig. .2 R circa 1973, as interpreted B8& conference. 25 20 ,402*3 by Bjorken at the 150 100 CHARMED (COLORED) ‘-HADRON-S ? ’ 50 0 0 50 - 100 150 200 W* GeV/c)* Fig. 3 Possible plane. color and/or charm thresholds in the Q2- W* E,= I3 GeV 8=4” - 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 I.0 Fig. 2.0 4 3.0 4.0 W !GeV) 5.0 6.0 273,111 Inelastic cross sections versus missing mass for incident electrons of 13 and 20 GeV scattered at 4'. A slight normalization discrepancy exists across the vertical bar which separates previous data from the extended data. The dlsturbance at W = 3.9 GeV in the second spectrum occurs where two scans were joined and is thought to be an instrumental effect. I 0.6 0.5 y a, 0.4 ‘8 0 Q 0 !? 0.2 x 4” SLAC Data 0 Previous SLAC Data i < @ This Experiment - 0. I 0 0 I I I I I 5 IO I5 20 25 I 30 35 Q2 (GeV* Fig. 5 Q4 G'/u versus Q2. Form factor scaling for G h!!s geen assumed. The straight line is2 t Fie weighted average of the data above a Q of 5 GeV2. I lO-3 lO-4 lO-5 IO+ 2 ) -lo-7 lo-8 \ -.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .\ lo-g Io-l0 I I I 0 I 2 3 I I\ 4’ 5 . l . 6 7 q2 [(GeV/c)2] Fig. 6 The dcuteron form factor A(q') versus q2 compared to various models. The models shofm are of Chemtob, Moniz and Rho (CMR); Blankenbecler and Gunion, ~410were calculating an upper limit on A(q2)(BG); BetheReid soft core @R-SC); and Feshbach and Lomon with 7.5% D state. (FL-15). 8 Z-Photon Exchange ? Scale Breaking ? Scale Breaking ? Diffraction ? Turn On ? 2723C33 Fig. 7 The Q2-W2 plane showing regions where the data might not scale. 50 0 100 150 200 W2 (GeV2) Fig. 8 Kinematic limits for inelastic scattering at incident energies of 20, 56 and 150 GeV. Practical considerations further limit the kinematic range. 40 20 0 1, L 20 GeV, 60° N I.00 80 60 40 20 0 50 100 W2 (GeV2) Fig. 9 Currently explored kinematic ranges for incident energies of 20, 56 and 150 GeV. The angles shown are the maximum measured at the three energies. In the regions to the left of the dashed line, changing R from 0 to m changes vW2 by less than 10%. At 20 GeV, R is already known in the corres-2 The small cross section at high Q ponding region. severely limits the amount of data in the dot-dashed region. IO 0 IO 0 20 w2 (GeV2) ,Fig. 10 Detail of Figure 9, showing the region in separations have been made. At least two required to make a separation but, in the three or more angles have been indicated, the region to theright of the dotted line, fromwto w' changes the calculated value by less than 5%. 30 1173A55 which R angles are region used. In changing of VW2 I Fig, II WR versus Q2 for va Yues of w from 1.5 to 10. -The solid lines are fits to vRp= a t bv, and the dashed lines are R = Q2/v2. P I 0.10 - 0.08 N -a 0 0 B,(Q’) m 0.06 , 0.04 vs Q2 I I x to-* (b) 0 0.1 s--(r m” 0 B,(Q’) % X vs Q2 X o =TotaI x= Elastic 0.05 R X X Q L I 0 xI 5 0 x IO " ?( I5 Q2 Fig. 12 A scaling Bo(Q2) and B3(Q2) for R = 0.168. fit in w' is used where no data exists. The crosses give the contribution from The errors shown elastic scattering. include estimates of systematii: uncertainties. I 0.35 0.30 0.25 Hydrogen W >2 GeV R=0,18 0.05 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 q2 (GeV/c I2 Fig. 13 2 versus Q for w' > 6 from data taken at . It can be seen that the turn-on to scaling can be approximated by a single function of Q2. The errors are statistical OTllY. At a Q2 of O.G, o' varies between about 6 and 45. ;I2 0.35 0.30 0.25 VW2 0.20 0. i 5 0. I 0 0.05 r”I 0 I , I 2 5 IO I I 20 50 100 ti’ Fig. 14 R is assumed to be 0.18 (at vW2 vs. w'. WI = 30, changing R from 0.18 to 0.36 increases VW2 by only 5%). The data above w' = 8 are extrapolated from a fit to the Q2 turn-on at each value of w'. The solid line is a polynomial fit to the data. Above w' = 25, the value of VW2 depends sensitively on the parameterization of the turn-on. The systematic error may be as large as 20% in the highest U' bin, as indicated. 1111.11 al 0 0 CJ 0 G s Q2 ‘(GeV2) G: w 0 G ?a. -. 0 cn J :: m Q 7I3 (0” -. 10-l - lo-2 = lo-3 = 0.3 I I I I I I 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 x’ Fig. 16 1.0 ,bP,B,O 2Mwl VS. x ' from measurements at 50' and 60'. The dashed and solid lines are "predictions" based on a scaling fit to vW2 and R = 0.18. .10-’ “o:g 0:60 0.65 5 5 0.70 0.75 IO-* 0.80 0.85 1o-3 1 1 5 IO 15 20 25 30 1695.43 Q* (GeV*) Fig. 17 Data at tly same 2MIJ- vs. Q* binned in x' I are fit to a straight line in QL. WI clearly does not scale in x' since all data in w' should be constant ints at a given P!i! Q > and the connecting lines should be horizontal. X’ 0.0 I o-7 0 I I I I I I I I Cl* Slopes for x x2= 2.2 /D.F. -----------__ ---_------___------- -0.01 <s,> =-.0168- -0.02 +.t I I t I 0.0 I I +t I + + - I t, I I -------__--------I tl,ittt’ Q* Slopes for x’ X2 = l.S/D.F. 0 ‘X 0-l ,------es----. . <Sx’> -0.0 I =-.0083 I I -0.02 - t I I I I I I Q* Slopes for xs x2 = 1.2/D.F. 0.0 I In cl? 0 <sxs> =0.000 -- - -t--+--t--t--fq -- -- ___-----I I t I 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.0 I -0.02 0.1 Fig. 18 I 0.5 SCALING I 0.6 VARIABLE I 0.7 0.8 I 0.9 Plots similar to Figure 17 were made for?ths variables x and x . ( w = l/x,= ~&IV+ N",/Q >. Plotted here are the sloses of the lines fit of the form 2MW= a(l+S Q*) in the variables R2 was chosen to make the average x3 x ' and xs. S slope zero. 1.0 269SR.5 1.6 I I I I I I A 0 x 0 . 1.2 I I I 6”-IO” Data 18”-34” Data 4” Data 15”-34” Data SO”, 60” Data 0.8 \k? I 0 0.2 0 I I I 0.6 0.4 X’ Fig. 19 1 I I 0.8 1.0 2*9,.0 The ratio of the neutron cross section (as extracted from II2 data) to the proton cross section. The effects of Fermi motion in deuterium increase the systematic errors (not included) as ~'31. . I o-3’ N < > -1 g lo-3” w’E v I o-331 I o-34 1.0 2.0 q’(GeVic)‘- Fig. 20 3.0 2713644 The djfferential cross section da/dq for p-p elastic scattering. The solid curve represents the e-p data, and the dashed line is the best fit to the e.-p function-2 times a function r(q2)a(1+q2/A2> . . 1.20 cc 969 0.80 I I -0.02 Fig. 21 0.02 5.8 GeV RECOIL PROTONS - l/A2 COMBINED FIT I 0 - 0.06 It 0.10 I I I 0.14 I I II I 0.18 One standard deviation contours for a fit to the results of 5 sets of u-p scattering data, with independent but constrained normalizations, N., and a common cutoff parameter 1/A2. The best fit'gives l/A2 = 0.051 -+ 0.024. NU’ 2g-2.8 I.3 NV= 2.8 - 3.2 GEV I ‘20’ ’ 3.0.? E. 7.3 Q*V t !WGN t - IQ 5 2 1 . .6 10 . IN”=%%;‘” 3. NU=4.4 - 48 2 713A45 Fig. 22 Inelastic for fixed represent scattering cross section d2a/dQ2dv versus v intervals. The solid and dashed curves e-p data at E = 7.3 GeV and 5.8 GeV. 2 Q I 0.90 -, COMBINED’ SAMPLE 95 % CONFIDENCE I I I - 0.02 Fig. A fit P l/A ( 4 2,v) I I/A2 - to the ratio p( 2 ,v) I 0.00 23 I I I I 0.02 (GeV/c I = N(1 + q2,Ag)-2. = 0.006 2 0.016, = I11 I 0.04 ID2 I 0.06 vW"/vWR of the form The z est'fit gives compatible with zero. 1.10 I.05 I 0.95 l LH2 A LD2 0.90 0 5 15 Q*(Gev/c)* 1.3 (b) 1.2 I 0.8 0.7 0 0.5 I .o I.5 2.0 Q* (GeMI* 21138.2 Fig. 24a) Ratio of yields Y'/Y-, of positron electron in lastic scatterin 5 values of Q up to 15(GeV/c) 2 . for to Fig. 24b) Ratio of VW for p+ to that for p- . for Q2 up tg 2.1(GeV/c)2. In both cases, the data are consistent with a ratio of unity. I I 1 I 1 I Shadowing Parameter E vs x’ 0.04 Aeff -AE A 0.03 .- -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 E -0.04 -0.05 Electrons l3,20 GeV (4”) ) 7-19 GeV (6”) [ SLAC 0 0 -0.06 Muons -0.07 -0.08 x 1 Columbia, Rochester, 7GeV 1 Harvard, Fermi Lab A Photons 4-16 GeV UCSB 5 GeV DESY 'I -0.09 -0.10 -0. I I I 0.1 I 0 Fig. 25 - l I 0.3 0.2 x" 02/(a2+w2) I 0.4 0.5 1723C36 The measured total cross section for a heavy nucleus divided by the cross section calculafed for 2 protons and A-Z neutrons is called Aeff/A Statistical errors which is then fit to A". are shown. ii= 1.6 (150 GeV) TARGET X= 0.6 (56 GeV) I---- 4.03m- HORIZONTAL =VERTICAL Fig. 26 SCALE I BEAM DIRECTION----c 254lAl5 Apparatus of the Cornell-Michigan-LBL experiment at FNAL. Shown are the configurations for 150 GeV and 56 GeV incident muons. The apparatus "scales" in the sense that particles of the samewgo through the same part of the detector at both energies. Also, the number of iron magnets is adjusted so that the multiple scattering is the same in both cases. q2(GeV/c)2 for E=l50(E=56) 5( I .875) I Z(O.75) I IO (3.75) I 50 (18.75) I 20 (7.5) I z 1.4 In $j 1.2 f . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . . .. -- P -Y --*****-*** Q r= (V/V,)” ;;r--‘----i “Z- 0.083 f 0.032 v,= 0.041 z!I0.01 I x2= 10.5/7 df 1.0 -Y 1 NJ 0.8 W T ‘2 -W II c 0.6& T T - - x2= 28.3/22 I 0.005 Fig. 27 1 0.0 I T - * . .-Z . . . . . . .y i All data 0 <w>=3.7 @ < w>=5.4 o <w>=9.8 df I I 0.02 0.05 v = q2/2ME I 0.1 I 0.2 2723A51 The ratio, r, of the cross section at 150 GeV to that at 56 GeV vs. V. The solid lines are a power law fit The dashed line corresponds to increasto the data. ing E' at 150 GeV ‘by l%, and the dotted line to assuming scaling fn ui rather than w' in the Monte Carlc. 1.0 I 0.5 I 0.2 I r=(w/w*)” n =0.096 2 0.028 I 2 0.6 ’ I Fig. 28 X 0.1 0.05 0.0 2 I 0.01 I 50 J 100 +QQ I 5 I I IO w 20 2723A52 The ratio, r, versus w. The meaning of the lines is the same as in the previous figure. I-m z-m 0.5 < Q2 < 1.0 0 X - 0 0 51 (0) SLAC -Berkeley-Tufts Photoproduction SLAC 40” 40” HBC DESY Streamer Chamber UCSCISLAC Streamer Chamber I I I , I 1 I I I I I I I I I Iillllll~l ~llll~lll~~ I<$<3 - (b) 0 x SLAC -Berkeley -Tufts SLAC 40” HBC Photoproduction 0 0 DESY. Streamer Chamber UCSC/SLAC Streamer Chamber A Cornell I - J.-J--- ’ 5 l I I s (GeV*) Fig. 29 l1ttt1M1 IO 15 20 1721C>‘ The mean multiplicity for charged hadron production in inelastic c p and p p scattering is plotted versus s for two ranges of 42, .5 to 1.0 and Photoproduction 1 to 3 GeV2. data are also shown. The solid line . is a fit of the form a + b in s to the photoproduction data. 3 ---T---I 2 I x > 0.3 A CI X Q) SLAC- Berkeley-Tufts P hotoproduction SLAC 40” HBC SLAC Dakin, et al. DESY- Dammann, et al. 0 0 I 2 Q* (GeV*) Fig. 30 3 4 2 723A58 The ratio of positively charged hadrons to negatively charged hadrons in the forward direction is plotted versus 42 for x (=p*,, jp*max) >.3, for inelastic e p and The value for photoproduction of scatterings. ?JP hadrons is shown for comparison. The DESY values report the ratios E+/v-, while the other experiments include K's and p's as well. Totol QrN I I I 1 I I in pb 140 120 IOC Numerical fit from measurements eat lower energies (up to 27 GeV) 8C 60 a;, Tota I = 96.5+63.1 %K 40 2c 0 20 40 60 Photon Fig. 31 80 100 Energy in GeV 120 140 ?,?,A34 The total photoabsorption cross section, o (yN) derived by extrapolation of inelastic muon scatter!:: to Q2= 0. The equivalent energy is given by Ey=K=(FJ2-M 4 )/2M