NEUTRINOS IN THE STANDARD MODEL Alessandro MIRIZZI A NEUTRINO TIMELINE 1927 Charles Drummond Ellis (along with James Chadwick and colleagues) establishes clearly that the beta decay spectrum is really continous, ending all controversies. 1930 Wolfgang Pauli hypothesizes the existence of neutrinos to account for the beta decay energy conservation crisis. 1932 Chadwick discovers the neutron. 1933 Enrico Fermi writes down the correct theory for beta decay, incorporating the neutrino. 1937 Majorana introduced the so-called Majorana neutrino hypothesis in which neutrinos and antineutrinos are considered the same particle. 1956 Fred Reines and Clyde Cowan discover (electron anti-)neutrinos using a nuclear reactor. 1956 Discovery of parity violations in beta decay by Chien-Shiung Wu. 1957 Neutrinos found to be left handed by Goldhaber, Grodzins and Sunyar. 1957 Bruno Pontecorvo proposes neutrino-antineutrino oscillations analogously to K0-antiK0, leading to what is later called oscillations into sterile states. 1962 Ziro Maki, Masami Nakagawa and Sakata introduce neutrino flavor mixing and flavor oscillations. 1962 Muon neutrinos are discovered by Leon Lederman, Mel Schwartz, Jack Steinberger and colleagues at Brookhaven National Laboratories and it is confirmed that they are different from nu_e. 1964 John Bahcall and Ray Davis propose feasability of measuring neutrinos from the Sun. 1967 Stewen Weimberg, Sheldon Lee Glashow, Abdus Salam formulate the Standard Model of Electroweak interactions, in which electromagnetic and weak forces are unified in sigle fashion. 1968 Ray Davis and colleagues get first radiochemical solar neutrino results using cleaning fluid in the Homestake Mine in North Dakota, leading to the observed deficit known as the "solar neutrino problem". 1973 First observation of neutral current of neutrinos in the Gargamelle experiment at CERN. First indirect confirmation of the Standard Model. 1976 The lepton is discovered by Martin Perl and colleagues at SLAC in Stanford, California. After several years, analysis of tau decay modes leads to the conclusion that tau is accompanied by its own neutrino nu_tau which is neither nu_e nor nu_μ. 1976 Designs for a new generation neutrino detectors made at Hawaii workshop, subsequently leading to IMB, HPW and Kamioka detectors. 1980-90 The IMB, the first massive underground nucleon decay search instrument and neutrino detector is built in a 2000' deep Morton Salt mine near Cleveland, Ohio. The Kamioka experiment is built in a zinc mine in Japan. 1983 Discovery of the gauge bosons W and Z by the UA1 and UA2 collaborations. First direct confirmation of the Standard Model. 1985 The "atmospheric neutrino anomaly" is observed by IMB and Kamiokande. The anomaly is at first believed to be an artifact of detector inefficiencies. 1986 Kamiokande group makes first directional counting observation solar of solar neutrinos and confirms deficit. 1987 The Kamiokande and IMB experiments detect burst of neutrinos from Supernova 1987A, heralding the birth of neutrino astronomy, and setting many limits on neutrino properties, such as mass. 1988 Lederman, Schwartz and Steinberger awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the muon neutrino. 1989 The LEP accelerator experiments in Switzerland and the SLC at SLAC determine that there are only 3 light neutrino species (electron, muon and tau). 1991-2 SAGE (in Russia) and GALLEX (in Italy) confirm the solar neutrino deficit in radiochemical experiments. 1995 Frederick Reines and Martin Perl get the Nobel Prize for discovery of electron neutrinos (and observation of supernova neutrinos) and the tau lepton, respectively. 1998 After analyzing more than 500 days of data, the Super-Kamiokande team reports finding oscillations and, thus, mass in muon neutrinos. After several years these results are widely accepted and the paper becomes the top cited experimental particle physics paper ever. 2000 The DONUT Collaboration working at Fermilab announces observation of tau particles produced by tau neutrinos, making the first direct observation of the tau neutrino. 2000 Super-K announces that the oscillating partner to the muon neutrino is not a sterile neutrino, but the tau neutrino. 2001-2 SNO announces observation of neutral currents from solar neutrinos, along with charged currents and elastic scatters, providing convincing evidence that neutrino oscillations are the cause of the solar neutrino problem. 2002 Masatoshi Koshiba and Raymond Davis win Nobel Prize for measuring solar neutrinos (as well as supernova neutrinos). 2002 KamLAND begins operations in January and in November announces detection of a deficit of electron anti-neutrinos from reactors at a mean distance of 175 km in Japan. The results combined with all the earlier solar neutrino results establish the correct parameters for the solar neutrino deficit. 2004 Super-Kamiokande and KamLAND present evidence for neutrino disappearance and reappearance, eliminating non-oscillations models. 2005 KamLAND announces first detection of neutrino flux from the earth and makes first measurements of radiogenic heat from earth. [Slide by Eligio Lisi] THREE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS OF n PHYSICS HISTORY: BETA DECAY 1914: discovery (Chadwick) continuous energy spectrum of beta decay This experimental energy spectrum is from G.J. Neary, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), A175, 71 (1940). Expected 2-body decay Problem: nucleus (A,Z) thought to be A protons + (A-Z) electrons Beta decay: (A,Z) → (A, Z+1) + e- (two body decay, monoenergetic e-) BOHR EXPLANATION OF THE BETA DECAY SPECTRUM Niels Bohr: Energy not conserved in the quantum domain? PAULI‟S EXPLANATION OF THE BETA DECAY SPECTRUM “Neutrino” (E.Fermi) “Neutron” (1930) Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) Nobel Prize 1945 THE BIRTH OF THE NEUTRINO Pauli proposes existence of “neutron” (with spin ½ and mass not more than 0.01 mass of proton) inside nucleus in a famous letter (4 December 1930): Pauli also left in his diaries: “Today I have done something which no theoretical physicist should ever do in his life: I have predicted something which shall never be detected experimentally.“ Chadwick discovers neutron (1932): – Mass of neutron similar to mass of proton: not Pauli‟s particle! – Fermi introduces name “neutrino” (ne), which is different to neutron, and beta decay is decay of neutron: n p e ne - FOUR-FERMI INTERACTION Fermi was the first to write down the field theoretical form of an interaction involving the neutron, the proton, electron and neutrino fields that would describe weak interactions. The so-called fourFermi interaction Hamiltonian density is written as H weak GF p n e n e 2 GF = 1.16637(1) x 10-5 GeV-1 The form of the weak Hamiltonian in low energy weak decays has been confirmed over the year to basically have the same form as in the four-Fermi prescription, although a great deal more is known about its Lorentz structure MODERN FORM OF FOUR-FERMI INTERACTION The main observation that demand some modification of Fermi‟s original four-Fermi interaction are as follows: The fundamental fields entering the Hamiltonian are not hadronic fields like the proton or the neutron, but rather are fields describing quarks The space-time structure of the currents have not only the vector currents (V), but also axial vector currents (A) [V-A form] The weak-interactions consist not only of charged current processes like the beta-decay in which electric charge of leptons and quarks change, but also neutral current processes where the electric charge remain unchanged among the leptons and the hadrons. The weak interaction Hamiltonian can be written in a compact form as charged current (CC) neutral current (NC) CC: Chirality projection operators Fermion fields The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix From the “Review of Particle Physics 2009” [] There is also a phase in the matrix responsible for CP violation CC interactions give rise to a host of new weak interaction phenomena : NC: No term which connects two different species of quark or leptons No flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) PROBLEMS WITH THE FOUR-FERMI INTERACTION The four-Fermi Lagrangian is not-renormalizable → If one calculates higher order corrections to any lowest energy process, the contributions are divergent and the divergence at the L-th loop goes as L2L, L being the cutoff for the theory. E.g.: the total cross section for n e scattering is proportional to GF2 s, being s = (pne + pe)2 . With increasing energy this cross section grows without limit. Since ne e scattering occurs in s-wave, this process should obey the s-wave unitarity bound, s tot 16 s This leads to a contradiction, implying that the four-Fermi description must breakdown above a certain energy. THE STANDARD MODEL The search for a renormalizable weak interaction culminated in the discovery of the gauge theories. Lagrangian Weinberg (1967) and Salam (1968) proposed the spontaneously broken SU (2) L U (1)Y theory of leptons in its modern version. The correct extension to include quarks was done in the 70‟s using an earlier suggestion by Glashow, Iliopoulos and Maiani. In 1971 „t Hooft proved that all spontaneously broken gauge theories that include only interactions of spacetime dimension ≤ 4 are renormalizable. Solve the problem of the four-Fermi interaction. Open the possibility to calculate radiative corrections. In 1973 Gross, Wilczeck and Politzer showed that that unbroken SU(3)C group of strong interactions is asymptotically free. There was born the Standard Model of Electro-Weak and Strong Interactions GAUGE INTERACTIONS IN THE STANDARD MODEL SU (2) L U (1)Y g g‟ Spontaneous simmetry breaking (SSB) Coupling constants tan W g' g Gauge bosons U(1)em Weinberg angle Relative strength of CC vs NC interactions =1 is SSB is associated to Higgs doublet Relation with the Fermi constant Y Q T3 2 U(1) SU(2) U(1)Y Gauge Generators em L Fermion content SU(2)L U(1)Y e g sin W Electric charge charged current (CC) neutral current (NC) ne Charge rising CC W+ ee- Charge lowering CC Wne Neutral current f Z0 f The introduction of a finite-mass W boson removes the divergence of ne e scattering [ [ e- ne e- e- ne ] ne W e- ne = ] 2 F G s s s 2 F G M 2 W Finite! NEUTRINOS IN THE STANDARD MODEL Neutrinos have been used to: Assess the strength of weak interactions (GF) Probe the V-A structure of CC Probe the (T3 – Q s2w) charge of NC Probe CC+NC interference PROBING GF IN BETA DECAY AND MUON DECAY G (1.16632 0.0002) 10 5 GeV -2 5 G (1.136 0.003) 10 GeV -2 G G cos C Cabibbo angle PROBING V-A STRUCTURE IN THE PION DECAY NEUTRINO-ELECTRON SCATTERING n The n e- and n e- processes can only proceed via a neutral current interactions n Z0 e- q2 <<M2W e- n : cA→-cA The ne e- → ne e- processes offers the intriguing possibility of studying charged current and neutral current interference ne ne Z0 e- Fierz rearranging ne ne W e- e- e- (- sign: interchange of outgoing leptons) w.r.t. n e- amplitude: cV → cV +1 cA → cA +1 Hung & Sakurai (1981) Neutrino-electron cross sections form ellispes in the cv, cA plane In perfect agreement with the SM NUMBER OF LIGHT NEUTRINOS FROM COLLIDER EXPERIMENTS The most precise measurements of the number of light neutrino types, Nn, come from studies of Z production in e+e− collisions. The invisible partial width, Γinv, is determined by subtracting the measured visible partial widths, corresponding to Z decays into quarks and charged leptons, from the total Z width. The invisible width is assumed to be due to Nn light neutrino species each contributing the neutrino partial width Γn as given by the Standard Model. NEUTRINO MASS IN THE STANDARD MODEL Neutrinos are Left-handed Neutrinos must be Massless • All neutrinos left-handed massless • If they have mass, can’t go at speed of light. • Now neutrino right-handed?? contradiction can’t have a mass Anti-Neutrinos are Right-handed • CPT theorem in quantum field theory – C: interchange particles & antiparticles – P: parity – T: time-reversal • State obtained by CPT from nL must exist: nR Other Particles? • What about other particles? Electron, muon, up-quark, down-quark, etc • We say “weak force acts only on left-handed particles” yet they are massive. Isn’t this also a contradiction? No, because we are swimming in a BoseEinstein condensate in Universe Universe is filled with Higgs • “Empty” space filled with a BEC: cosmic superconductor • Particles bump on it, but not photon because it is neutral. • Can’t go at speed of light (massive), and right-handed and left-handed particles mix no contradiction But neutrinos can‟t bump because there isn‟t a righthanded one stays massless Therefore, neutrinos are strictly massless in the Standard Model of particle physics WEYL EQUATION FOR MASSLESS NEUTRINOS Dirac equation 4x4 Dirac matrices Two component spinors Energy-momentum relation: E2=p2 positive and one negative energy solution Each equation has one Weyl equation (1929) Positive energy solution has E = |p| c describes a left-handed neutrino (helicity l=-1/2) of energy E and momentum p. The remaining solution has negative energy. Neutrino solution with –E and –p. It describes a right-handed antineutrino (helicity l=+1/2) of energy E and momentum p. nL and nR nR and nL Not-invariant under parity operation nL → nR There is no empirical evidence for the existence of nR (and nL) STATES OF MASSIVE AND MASSLESS PARTICLES Casimir operators of the restricted Lorentz group ↑ four momentum covariant spin Massive particles orthogonality Little group is SO(3) Basis of IR‟s of SO(3) Helicity Massless particles Little group is U(1) State for m2 = p2 = 0 l is an additive invariant for massless particles For massless particles the two states are two different IR‟s under ↑ They are connected under the proper Lorentz group if the parity is a good simmetry: i.e. they are two different states of the same particle But this is not the case for n ! SU (2) L U (1)Y in one-family approximation (?) Experimental properties Evidence of left-handed n‟s alone Very small mass, if any, for n‟s Absence of leptonic mixing (to be discussed later) On the other hand, the coupling of any right-handed neutral lepton in SM is: Most economical solution: Either nL massless or nR ruled out No mass term from SSB Yukawa coupling of n Higgs doublet SSB Neutrino mass term = 0 either setting gY= 0 or since nR is ruled out GAUGE VS MASS EIGENSTATE From 1 to 2 generations No leptonic mixing Cabibbo mixing for quarks From 2 to 3 generations Gauge eigenstates Gauge eigenstates grouped into L-doublets and R-singlets. What about the mass eigenstates? The fermionic mass matrices in the basis of gauge eigenstates have the general form (originating from SSB) neither symmetric nor hermitian “No mass term for n‟s !” M can be diagonalized by a biunitary transformation. S,T unitary Md diagonal Mixing matrix in quark CC coupling Hadron CC takes form Kobayashi-Maskawa 2 family theory: one mixing angle (Cabibbo), no phase 3 family theory: three mixing angles (K-M), one phase (CP violating!) For leptons: But n‟s are massless, degenerate n can be assumed as mass eigenstates can be assumed V can be set to be the identity matrix (complete decoupling) Trivial leptonic mixing Neutrino states nL are really weak-interaction eigenstates n is operationally defined to be the “invisible” partner in ± → e± decay In conclusion: Global symmetry corresponding to the separate conservation of e- lepton number Forbidden to all the orders Lepton number conservation Present experimental evidence and the standard electroweak theory are consistent with the absolute conservation of three separate lepton numbers: Le , L , L , except fo the effect of neutrino mixing associated with the neutrino masses. Searches for violations are of the following types: DL=2 for one type of charged lepton. The best limit comes from the search for neutrinoless double beta decay (Z,A) → (Z+2,A) + e+ e-. The best laboratory limit is t1/2 > 1.9 × 1025 yr (90% C.L.) for 76Ge. Conversion of one charged lepton type to another. For purely leptonic processes, the best limits are on → e and → 3e, measured as G(→ e /→ all) < 1.2×10-11 and G(→ 3e /→ all) < 1.0×10-12. Conversion of one type of charged lepton into another type of charged antilepton. The case most studied is - + (Z,A) → e+ + (Z-2,A), the strongest limit being G(- Ti→ e+ Ca/ - Ti → all) < 3.6×10-11. Neutrino oscillations. If neutrinos have mass, then it is expected even in the standard electroweak theory that the lepton numbers are not separately conserved, as a consequence of lepton mixing analogous to Cabibbo quark mixing. However, if the only source of lepton-flavor violation (LFV) is the mixing of low-mass neutrinos then processes such as μ → e γ are expected to have extremely small unobservable probabilities.