Geometry, Flows, and Graph-Partitioning Algorithms research highlights

research highlights
doi:10.1145/ 1400181.1 40 0 2 0 4
Geometry, Flows, and
Graph-Partitioning Algorithms
By Sanjeev Arora, Satish Rao, and Umesh Vazirani
“Graph partitioning” refers to a family of computational
problems in which the vertices of a graph have to be partitioned into two (or more) large pieces while minimizing
the number of the edges that cross the cut (see Figure 1).
The ability to do so is a useful primitive in “divide and conquer” algorithms for a variety of tasks such as laying out
very large circuits on laying out very large circuits on silicon
chips and distributing computation among processors. Increasingly, it is also used in applications of clustering ranging from computer vision, to data analysis, to learning.
These include finding groups of similar objects (customers, products, cells, words, and documents) in large data
sets, and image segmentation, which is the first step in image analysis. Unfortunately, most graph-partitioning problems are NP-hard, which implies that we should not expect
efficient algorithms that find optimal solutions. Therefore
researchers have resorted to heuristic approaches, which
have been implemented in several popular freeware codes
and commercial packages.
The goal of this paper is to survey an interesting combination of techniques that have recently led to progress
on this problem. The original motivation for this work was
theoretical, to design algorithms with the best provable
approxi­mation guarantees.* Surprisingly, these ideas have
led also to a new framework for designing very fast and
Figure 1: A graph and a partition into two subsets S, S . In this
case, the two subsets have equal number of vertices; such a
partition is called a bisection. The number of edges crossing the
cut is 7. If the number of vertices on the two sides is within
a constant factor of each other (say, factor 2), then we call
the partition balanced. Balanced partitions are useful in many
practically viable algorithms for this problem. On the theoretical end, the ideas have also led to a breakthrough in a
long-standing open question on metric space embeddings
from the field of function analysis, and new algorithms for
semidefinite programming. These are all surveyed in this
We will actually describe two disparate-seeming approaches to graph partitioning which turn out, surprisingly, to be related. The first approach is geometric, and holds
the key to actually analyzing the quality of the cut found by
the algorithm. The second approach involves routing flows
in the graph, which we will illustrate using traffic flows in
a road network. This approach holds the key to designing
algorithms that run fast. The relationship between these
two approaches derives from the fact that they are (roughly) dual views of each other, thus resulting in algorithms
which are both fast and also produce high-quality cuts.
Below, we first sketch the two approaches, and give more
details in Sections 2 through 4.
1.1. Sketch of the geometric approach
Let us start by describing the geometric approach. We
draw the graph in some geometric space (such as the unit
disk in two-dimensional Euclidean space ℜ2 ), such that the
average length of an edge is short—i.e., the distance between its endpoints is small—while the points are spread
out. More precisely, we require that the distance between
the average pair of vertices is a fixed constant, say 1, while
the distance between the average adjacent pair of vertices is
as small as possible. We will refer to this as an embedding of
the graph in the geometric space.
The motivation behind the embedding is that proximity in the geometric space roughly reflects connectivity in
the graph, and a good partition of the graph should correspond to separating a large area by cutting along a geometric curve. Indeed, given the properties of the embedding,
even a “random partition” of the space by a simple line or
curve should work well! The typical edge is unlikely to be
cut by a random partition since it is short while a typical
pair of vertices is likely to be separated since the distance
between them is large. This means that the expected number of vertices on each side of the cut is large while the expected number of edges crossing the cut is small.†
The actual space that our algorithm will “draw” the
graph in is not two-dimensional Euclidean space ℜ2, but
* We say that the approximation guarantee of the algorithm is C if given any
graph in which the best cut has k edges, the algorithm is guaranteed to find
a cut which has no more than C . k edges. Sometimes, we also say the algorithm is a C-approximation.
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the surface of the unit sphere in an n-dimensional Euclidean space, where n is the number of graph vertices. Moreover, the “distance” between points in this space is defined
to be the square of the Euclidean distance. This means that
we draw the graph so that the sum of squares of the lengths
of the edges is as small as possible, while requiring that the
square of the distance between the average pair of points is
a fixed constant, say 1.
There are some important additional constraints that
the geometric embedding must satisfy, which we have
suppressed in our simplified outline above. These are
described in Section 2, together with details about how a
good cut is recovered from the embedding (also see Figure
3 in Section 2). In that Section, we also explain basic facts
about the geometry of n-dimensional Euclidean space that
are necessary to understand the choice of parameters in
the algorithm. The proof of the main geometric theorem,
which yields the O log n bound on the approximation
factor achieved by the algorithm, makes essential use of a
phenomenon called measure concentration, a cornerstone
of modern convex geometry. We sketch this proof in Section 6.
The main geometric theorem has led to progress on a
long-standing open question about how much distortion is
necessary to map the metric space l1 into a Euclidean metric space. This result and its relation to the main theorem
are described in Section 7.
1.2. Sketch of the flow-based approach
We now describe the flow-based approach that holds the
key to designing fast algorithms. In Section 3, we mention
why it is actually dual to the geometric approach. To visualize this approach imagine that one sunny day in the San
Francisco Bay area, each person decides to visit a friend.
The most congested roads in the resulting traffic nightmare
will provide a sparse cut of the city: most likely cutting the
bridges that separate the East bay from San Francisco.*
More formally, in the 1988 approach of Leighton and
Rao14 (which gives an O(log n)-approximation to graph­partitioning problems), the flow routing problem one
solves is this: route a unit of flow between every pair of
vertices in the graph so that the congestion on the mostcongested edge is as small as possible; i.e., route the traffic
so that the worst traffic jam is not too bad. A very efficient
algorithm for solving this problem can be derived by viewing the problem as a contest between two players, which
we can specify by two (dueling) subroutines. Imagine that a
traffic planner manages congestion by assigning high tolls
to congested edges (streets), while the flow player finds
the cheapest route along which to ship each unit of flow
It may appear strange to pick a random partition of this geometric space
instead of optimizing this choice. Though some optimization is a good idea
in practice, one can come up with worst-case graphs where this fails to provide substantial improvements over random partitions. A similar statement
holds for other algorithms in this paper that use random choices.
* Of course, unlike San Francisco’s road system, a general graph cannot be
drawn in the Euclidean plane without having lots of edge crossings. So, a
more appropriate way of picturing flows in a general graph is to think of it
as a communications network in which certain vertex pairs (thought of as
edges of the “traffic graph”) are exchanging a steady stream of packets.
(thereby avoiding congested streets). In successive rounds,
each player adjusts the tolls and routes respectively to best
respond to the opponent’s choices in the previous round.
Our goal is to achieve an equilibrium solution where the
players’ choices are best responses to each other. Such an
equilibrium corresponds to a solution that minimizes the
maximum congestion for the flow player. The fact that an
equilibrium exists is a consequence of linear programming duality, and this kind of two-player setting was the
form in which von Neumann originally formulated this
theory which lies at the foundation of operations research,
economics, and game theory.
Indeed, there is a simple strategy for the toll players so
that their solutions quickly converge to a nearly optimal
solution: assign tolls to edges that are exponential in the
congestion on that edge. The procedure in Figure 3 is guaranteed to converge to solution where the maximum congestion is at most (1 + e) times optimal, provided m ≥ 1 is a
sufficiently close to 1. The number of iterations (i.e., flow
reroutings) can also be shown to be proportional to the
flow crossing the congested cut.
But how do we convert the solution to the flow routing
problem into a sparse cut in the graph? The procedure is
very simple! Define the distance between a pair of vertices
by the minimum toll, over all paths, that must be paid to
travel between them. Now consider all the vertices within
distance R of an arbitrary node u. This defines a cut in the
graph. It was shown by Leighton and Rao,14 that if the distance R is chosen at random, then with high probability the
cut is guaranteed to be within O(log n) times optimal. The
entire algorithm is illustrated in the figure below.
Here is another way to think about this procedure: we
may think of the tolls as defining a kind of abstract “geometry” on the graph; a node is close to nodes connected
by low-toll edges, and far from nodes connected by large
toll edges. A good cut is found by randomly cutting this abstract space. This connection between flows and geometry
will become even stronger in Section 3.
In our 2004 paper,6 we modified the above approach by
focusing upon the choice of the traffic pattern. Instead of
routing a unit of flow between every pair of vertices—i.e., a
traffic pattern that corresponds to a complete graph—one
can obtain much better cuts by carefully choosing the ­traffic
Figure 2: Parameter m depends upon e, which specifies the accuracy
with which we wish to approximate the congestion.
Route Paths
Cut Input: G = (V, E) Maintain: d(.) on the edges of G.
­Initially d(e) = 1.
1. Do until the maximum d(e) is n,
(a) Choose a random (i, j) pair.
(b) Find a shortest path, p, from i to j.
(c) Multiply d(e) on each edge of p by m.
2. Choose a value d randomly and an arbitrary node u and return the set of
nodes within distance d of u.
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research highlights
pattern. We showed that for every graph there is a traffic
pattern that reveals a cut that is guaranteed to be within
O log n times optimal. This is proved through a geometric argument and is outlined in Section 3. An efficient
algorithm to actually find such a traffic pattern, the routing
of the flow, and the resulting cut was discovered by Arora,
Hazan, and Kale.2 The resulting Õ(n2) implementation of an
O log n approximation algorithm for sparse cuts is described in Section 4. Thus, one gets a better approximation
factor relative to the Leighton–Rao approach without a running time penalty. Surprisingly, even faster algorithms have
been discovered.4,12,16 The running time of these algorithms
is dominated by very few calls to a single commodity maxflow procedure which are significantly faster in practice
than the multicommodity flows used in Section 4. These
algorithms run in something like O(n1.5) time, which is the
best running time for graph partitioning among algorithms
with proven approximation guarantees. We describe these
algorithms and compare them to heuristics such as METIS
in Section 5.
In this Section, we describe in more detail the geometric
approach for graph partitioning from our paper.6 Henceforth refered to as the ARV algorithm. Before doing so, let
us try to gain some more intuition about the geometric approach to graph partitioning. We will then realize that the
well-known spectral approach to graph partitioning fits
quite naturally in this setting.
2.1. The geometric approach
In Section 1, we introduced the geometric approach by saying “We draw the graph in some geometric space (such as
the two-dimensional Euclidean space ℜ2). . . .” Well, let us
consider what happens if we draw the graph in an even simpler space, the real line (i.e., ℜ). This calls for mapping the
vertices to points on the real line so that the sum of the (Euclidean) distances between endpoints of edges is as small
as possible, while maintaining an average unit distance between random pairs of points. If we could find such a mapping, then cutting the line at a random point would give an
excellent partition. Unfortunately, finding such a mapping
into the line is NP-hard and hence unlikely to have efficient
The popular spectral method does the next best thing.
Instead of Euclidean distance, it works with the square of
the Euclidean distance—mapping the vertices to points
on the real line so the sum of the squares of edge lengths
is minimized, while maintaining average unit squared distance between a random pair of points. As before, we can
partition the graph by cutting the line at a random point.
Under the squared distance, the connection between
the mapping and the quality of the resulting cut is not
as straightforward, and indeed, this was understood in a
sequence of papers starting with work in differential geometry in the 1970s, and continuing through more refined
bounds through the 1980s and 1990s.1,8,18 The actual algorithm for mapping the points to the line is simple enough
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that it might be worth describing here: start by assigning
each vertex i a random point xi in the unit interval. Each
point xi in parallel tries to reduce the sum of the squares of
its distance to points corresponding to its adjacent vertices in the graph, by moving to their center of mass. Rescale
all the xi’s so that the average squared distance between
random pairs is 1, and repeat. (To understand the process
intuitively, think of the edges as springs, so the squared
length is proportional to the energy. Now the algorithm is
just relaxing the system into a low-energy state.) We note
that this is called the spectral method (as in eigenvalue
spectrum) because it really computes the second largest
eigenvector of the adjacency matrix of the graph.
2.2. The ARV algorithm
The algorithm described in Section 1.1 may be viewed as a
high-dimensional analog of the spectral approach outlined
above. Instead of mapping vertices to the line, we map them
to points on the surface of the unit sphere in n-dimensional
Euclidean space. As in the spectral method, we work with
the square of the distance between points and minimize
the sum of the squares of the edge lengths while requiring
that the square distance between the average pair of points
is a fixed constant, say 1. The sum of squares of lengths of
all edges is called the value of the embedding.
How closely does such an embedding correspond to a
cut? The ideal embedding would map each graph vertex
to one of two antipodal points on the sphere, thus corresponding to a cut in a natural way. In fact, the value of
such an embedding is proportional to the number of edges
crossing the cut. It follows that the minimum-value twopoint embedding corresponds to an optimal partitioning
of the graph.
Unfortunately, the actual optimal embedding is unlikely to look anything like a two-point embedding. This
is because squaring is a convex function, and typically we
should expect to minimize the sum of the squared lengths
of the edges by just sprinkling the vertices more or less uniformly on the sphere. To reduce this kind of sprinkling, we
require the embedding to satisfy an additional constraint
(that we alluded to in Section 1.1): the angle subtended by
any two points on the third is not obtuse. The equivalent Pythogorean way of saying this is that the squared distances
must obey the triangle inequality: for any triple of points u,
Figure 3: A graph and its embedding on the d-dimensional Euclidean
sphere. The triangle inequality condition requires that every two
points subtend a non-obtuse angle on every other point.
Unit sphere in �d
No obtuse
remains viable since it satisfies this constraint. By contrast,
the spectral method described above fails to meet this condition, since any three distinct points on a line form an obtuse triangle. (See the accompanying box for a discussion
of the hypercube, which is a graph that provides an intuitive picture about the nature of this constraint.)
The conditions satisfied by the embedding are formally
described in Figure 4. An embedding satisfying these conditions in a sufficiently high-dimensional space can be
computed in polynomial time by a technique called SDP.
A semidefinite program is simply a linear program whose
variables are allowed to be certain quadratic functions. In
our case, the variables are squared distances between the
points in ℜd. Indeed, researchers have known about this
approach to graph partitioning in principle for many years
(more precisely since10,15), but it was not known how to analyze the quality of cuts obtained. For a survey of uses of SDP
in computing approximate solutions to NP-hard problems,
The specific conditions in Figure 4 were chosen to express the semidefinite relaxation of the graph min-bisection problem, where the two sides of the cut have to be of
equal size. In this case, a feasible solution is to map each
partition of an optimal bisection to two antipodal points.
Therefore, the optimal solution to the SDP provides a lower
bound on the cost of the optimal bisection. How do we recover a good bisection from this embedding? This is a little
more involved than the simple “random partition” technique described in the previous subsection.
The key to finding a good cut is a result from6 that any
embedding satisfying all the above conditions is similar to
a two-point embedding in the following sense: given such
an embedding {u1, . . . , un}, we can efficiently find two disjoint “almost antipodal” sets, S and T, each with Ω(n) points
that are at least ∆ = Ω 1/ log n apart. That is, every point
in S has distance at least ∆ from every node in T. Once the
sets S and T are identified, there is a very simple procedure
Example: the hypercube
Insisting that the embedding of the graph into ℜd satisfies the triangle inequality is quite a severe constraint. Indeed, on the surface of a unit sphere
in d dimensions, the maximum number of distinct points that can satisfy
this condition is 2d. An extreme example is the d-dimensional hypercube,
which has exactly n = 2d points. The points are identified with vectors in
{−1, +1}d, and these vectors obey the triangle inequality since they do so
coordinate wise.
{−1, 1, 1}
{1, 1, 1}
{1, 1, −1}
{−1, −1, −1}
{1, −1, −1}
Hypercube in 3 dimensions
log n
log n
Number of 1’s
u, w, |u − u|2 + |u − w|2 ≥ |u − w|2. The two-point embedding
log n
log n
log n-dimensional hypercube
Each point of the d-dimensional hypercube is connected by an edge to
exactly d other points—those that differ from it in exactly one coordinate. The
Figure 4: Criteria for geometric embedding.
optimal bisection cut corresponds to any one of the d dimensions: separate
Let the ith vertex get mapped to the point ui. The mapping must satisfy the
following conditions:
the points according to whether that particular coordinate is −1 or +1. The
number of edges crossing this cut is exactly n/2 = 2d−1, one for each 1-pair.
Another natural way of bisecting the d-dimensional hypercube is by a
• The points lie on the unit sphere:
level cut. Imagine that we arrange the points on levels according to the sum
of the coordinates. There are exactly d + 1 levels where the jth level has ex-
ui = 1
actly  j  points. The bisection cut separating the lowest d/2 levels from the
 
i< j
( ) (
remaining d/2 levels has Θ( d 2d ) edges (which is Θ d = Θ log n factor worse than optimal bisection cut). This is because the middle level has
• The points are well spread:
 n
− u j ≥ 2  E
roughly 2d / d points, and each point has d/2 edges that cross the cut. The
interesting thing is to note that there was nothing special about the sum of
coordinates, and indeed we could start with any point u at the lowest level,
• Satisfy the triangle inequality:
and then assign the rest of the points of the hypercube to levels according
∀i, j, k u i − u j + u j − uk ≥ u i − uk
to their distance from u. The number of distinct level cuts is 2d − 1 (choosing
u or its “antipodal” point leads to the same level sets).
Our algorithm uses a random projection to define a cut. When run on the
• Edges are short:
hypercube, this corresponds to finding a level cut. Thus, the algorithm fails
min ∑ { ij }∈E ui − u j
to discover anything close to one of the d optimal dimension cuts. In this
case, the algorithm’s answer is indeed logn factor away from optimal.
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research highlights
doing the projection, |x − y|2 ≥ 1/log n. However, we actually want a greater separation of ∆ = 1/ log n , so we enforce
this condition by sequentially deleting pairs {x, y} that violate it. The remaining points define two sets S ⊆ P and T ⊆
N which are ∆-separated. The difficult part is to show that
S and T have cardinality Ω(n). For the interested reader, we
have sketched the main ingredients of the proof of this fact
in Section 6. Figure 6 below summarizes the resulting algorithm for finding a good cut.
Figure 5: Procedure to produce a cut from the embedding of the
graph on the sphere. The points in the thin slice in the middle are
thrown out.
Figure 6: Finding a good cut.
Given the embedding u1, . . . , un.
Unit sphere in �d
• Pick a random line u through the origin.
for finding a balanced partitioning of the vertices with few
crossing edges.† This is done as follows: simply pick a random distance 0 ≤ r ≤ ∆, and select every vertex i such that ui
is within r of some point in S, i.e. for some x ∈ S, |ui − x|2 ≤
r. To see that this works, note that the probability that any
edge e with length l(e) is in the cut is at most l(e)/∆. Thus,
the typical number of edges crossing such a cut is at most
1/∆ times the total length of the edges (which, recall, is at
most the size of the optimal cut). This yields an O log n
-approximation algorithm since ∆ = Ω 1/ log n .
We now turn our attention to actually finding the almost
antipodal sets S and T. Before we do so, it is instructive to
understand an important geometric property of a high­dimensional Euclidean space ℜd. Consider projecting the
surface of the unit sphere on to a line u through its center.
Clearly, the points on the sphere will project to the interval
[−1, 1]. If we start from a uniformly random point u on the
sphere, what is the distribution of the projected point (u, u)
in [−1, 1]? It turns out that the projected point has a Gaussian distribution, with expectation 0 and standard deviation
1/ d . This means that the expected squared distance of a
projected point from the center is 1/d, and a constant fraction of the surface of the sphere is projected at least 1/ d
away from the origin. Another way to say all this is that if
we consider slices of the sphere by parallel hyperplanes the
surface area of the slices vary like a Gaussian according to
distance of the slice from the center of the sphere.
Now returning to our procedure for identifying sets S and
T from the embedding of the graph, we start by projecting
the n points u1, . . . , un on a randomly chosen line u through
the center. We discard all points whose projection has absolute value less than 1/ d . The remaining points form two
sets P and N, according to whether their projection is positive or negative. By the Gaussian property above, the sets P
and N have expected size Ω(n). Ideally, we would like to stop
here and assert that every point in x∈ P is far from every
point in y ∈ N.
Indeed, it is true (and easily checked) that with high
probability over the choice of the line on which we are
Note that we started off trying to find a partition into sets of equal size, but
this method will only yield a partition in which the two sets have sizes within
a factor 2 of each other.
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and N = {u : (u , u) ≤ 1 / d }
• Let P = ui :(ui , u ) ≥ 1 / d
• Discard pairs of points from x ∈ P and y ∈ N such that
x − y ≤ ∆ = 1 / log n.
Call the resulting sets S and T.
• Choose random 0 ≤ r ≤ ∆, and let X =
{i : |u − x| ≤ r} for some x ∈ S.
• Output partition (X, V – X).
In Section 1.2, we described a dual flow-based approach to
partitioning a graph. In this section, we describe how to extend that to the expander flow framework, which leads to
an efficient implementation of the O log n approximation algorithm. Before we can describe this new framework,
we must introduce a number of new concepts. Let us start
by recalling the San Francisco Bay Area traffic nightmare
scenario of Section 1.2, where we chose to route a traffic
pattern described by a complete graph. We described an efficient algorithm for computing good routes for the traffic
to minimize the worst traffic jams. We also showed how to
use the resulting information to actually find a good partition for the county’s road network.
In this section, we will focus on the choice of traffic
pattern. We will see that choosing the traffic pattern in a
clever way will reveal a much better partition of the road
network. To begin with, notice that if the traffic pattern is
very local—for example, if each person visits a friend who
lives a few blocks away—then the precise location of the
congested streets has little information about the actual
bottlenecks or sparse cuts in the underlying road network.
So we start by formally understanding what kinds of traffic
graphs will reveal the kind of information we seek. To be
more concrete, by the traffic graph, we mean the weighted
graph in which nodes i and j have an edge of weight cij if
they have a flow rate cij between them.
We require the traffic graph to be “expanding,” that is,
the total traffic flow out of every subset of nodes is proportional to the number of nodes in the subset. In more
mathematical language, we say that a cut (S, V − S) is b-expanding, if the edges crossing this cut have total weight at
least b times min{|S|, |V − S|}. A graph H(V, F) is said to be
a b-expander, for some constant b, if for every for subset S ⊆
V, the cut (S, V − S) is b-expanding. Expander graphs have no
small graph separators. Here, we will be interested in traffic graphs that are b-expanders for some constant b, and
where the maximum degree of a node is at most d for some
constant d. (The degree of a vertex is the sum of weights of
all edges incident to it. We assume that the degree of each
vertex is at least 1.) An important property of this class of
graphs is that there is an efficient test to distinguish constant degree expander graphs from graphs with small separators. Indeed, this test is based on the spectral method,
which works very well for constant degree expanders.
We said earlier that a clever choice of traffic graph will
reveal a better way to partition the road network graph.
How do we make this clever choice? The idea behind the
new algorithm is to search for the best “expanding” traffic
graph: which means among all expanding traffic graphs
pick one that leads to the smallest traffic jams. This might
seem counterintuitive. Shouldn’t locating the worst cut
correspond to finding a traffic pattern that leads to the
worst traffic jams?
To understand this point more clearly, let us introduce
some notation. Let G(V, E) be the graph that we wish to
partition, and H(V, F) be an expander graph on the same
vertex set that we use as the traffic graph to route a traffic flow in G. Recall that this means that one unit of flow
must be shipped between each pair of nodes connected by
an edge in F. (In fact, the algorithm must allow fractional
edges in F, which our description will ignore.) Suppose a
is such that the sparsest cut in G(V, E) separates the set of
vertices S ⊆ V from V − S, by cutting only a|S| edges. Thus
a is a measure of how sparse the optimum cut is. Now, regardless of how the flow corresponding to H(V, F) is routed
in G(V, E), at least |S| units of flow (traffic) must be routed
between S and V – S. Since this must be routed through a
bottleneck containing only a|S| edges, it follows that the
worst edge-congestion must be at least 1/a. The real issue in designing an approximation algorithm for sparsest
cuts is this: how much larger can the edge-congestion be
than this lower bound of 1/a? If it is no larger than C/a,
then it will follow that we can approximate the sparsest
cut (at least its numerical value) to within a factor of C in
the worst case. To obtain the best results, we must try to
minimize C. In other words, we wish to pick an expanding
traffic graph which leads to the smallest traffic jams.
The main result in ARV 6 on expander flows states that for
any graph G(V, E) there is an expander graph H(V, F) that can
be routed in G(V, E) with congestion at most O log n / a .
Moreover, using the powerful computational hammer of
the ellipsoid algorithm for linear programming, the expander graph H(V, F) as well as its routing in G(V, E) minimizing edge-congestion can be computed in polynomial
time. This gives an algorithm for sparsest cuts, different
from the geometric one presented earlier, yet achieves the
same O log n approximation factor in the worst case.
It also serves as a starting point for a new framework for
designing very efficient algorithms for finding sparse cuts.
In the rest of this section, we will sketch the proof of
the main expander flows result of ARV.6 To do so, we shall
generalize the router/toll-collector game from Section 1.2
to incorporate the selection of an expanding traffic graph.
The existence of an expanding traffic graph that achieves
the desired O log n bound will follow from understanding the equilibrium of the game. Since we are interested in
the equilibrium solution, rather than detailing an efficient
procedure for getting to equilibrium, it is easier to formulate the game as lasting for a single round.
In the generalized game, the toll-collector not only specifies a toll for each edge (the sum of all edge tolls is n, the
number of vertices in G), but also a set of prizes. Each prize
is associated with a cut in the graph, and is collected when
a path crosses the cut. The number of possible cuts is 2n of
course, and the toll collector selects some subset of cuts to
place prizes on, such that the sum of all cut prizes is 1. We
associate with each pair of vertices the total prize for moving from one vertex to another—the sum of cut prizes for
all cuts that separate the two vertices. The task of the routing player is to select a pair of vertices, separated by total
cut prize of at least b (where b is a given constant), such
that the total toll paid in moving between these vertices is
as small as possible. The goal of the toll player is to assign
edge tolls and cut prizes to maximize the toll paid by the
routing player. It can be shown using linear programming
duality that this payoff is essentially the congestion of the
best expander flow. The main idea is that the flow player’s
optimal strategy is specified by a probability distribution
over pairs of vertices, which we may view as defining the
desired expander graph (for any balanced cut, a random
edge from this graph must cross the cut with probability
at least b).
Let us consider how the toll player can maximize his
take. Assume that G(V, E) has a balanced separator with an
edges crossing the cut. Then by assigning a prize of 1 to this
cut and a toll of 1/a on each edge of this cut, the toll player
can force the routing player to pay at least 1/a, simply because the routing player is forced to route flow between two
vertices on opposite sides of this optimal cut. Can the toll
player force the route player to pay a lot more? We show
that he cannot force him to pay more than O log n / a :
no matter how the toll player determines tolls and picks a
set of cuts, the routing player can always pick a pair of vertices which are separated by a b fraction of the cuts, and such
that the cheapest path between them costs O log n / a .
The proof of this fact relies upon the geometric view from
the previous section.
To make this connection, we start by viewing the set of
cuts as defining a hypercube—each cut corresponds to a
dimension, and each vertex gets a ±1 label depending upon
which side of the cut it lies. It is natural to associate each
vertex in the graph with a vertex of the d-dimensional hypercube, where d is the number of cuts. We observed in the
previous section that the d-dimensional hypercube can be
embedded on the surface of a unit sphere in ℜd and satisfy
the triangle inequality. By the main geometric theorem of
ARV, it follows that there are two large almost antipodal
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research highlights
sets S, T, each with O(n) vertices, such that every pair of vertices x ∈ S and y ∈ T is at least 1/ log n apart. In our example, this means that there are large sets of vertices S, T such
that every pair of vertices x ∈ S and y ∈ T lies on opposite
sides of at least 1/ log n fraction of the cuts. By a simple
averaging argument, since every cut separating S from T
has at least an edges, there must be a pair of vertices x and
y which are connected by a path of cost at most 1/a.
We are not quite done yet, since we must actually exhibit
a pair of vertices that lie on opposite sides of b fraction of
cuts. So far, we have only exhibited a pair of closely vertices
that lie on opposite sides of 1/ log n fraction of the cuts.
The last step in the proof is to piece together a sequence
of O log n pairs to obtain a pair of vertices that lie on
opposite sides of b fraction of the cuts, and which are connected by a path of cost O log n / a . To carry out this last
step, we actually have to appeal to the internal structure of
the proof establishing the existence of the antipodal sets S
and T. This “chaining” argument has found other uses in
other research in the last few years.
3.1. The duality connection
There is a notion of duality for SDP and an expander flow
turns out to be a type of dual solution to the semidefinite
program outlined in Figure 1. Thus as in all settings involving duality, a dual solution can be seen as “certifying” a
lower bound on the optimal value of the primal. Thus, the
expander flow is a way to certify a lower bound on the size
of the optimal cut.
Arora, Hazan, and Kale (AHK) 2 managed to turn the
1-round game described in the previous section into an
efficient algorithm, specifically, by designing efficient
strategies for the toll player and the routing player.
During the AHK algorithm, the routing player maintains a traffic graph and the toll player maintains edge
tolls and cut prizes as above. At each round, the toll
player does spectral partitioning on the current traffic
graph, finds a sparse cut in it, and places some nonzero prize on it. (This requires adjusting down the prizes
on existing cuts because the net sum has to stay 1.) The
routing player then finds pairs of nodes as mentioned in
Section 3—namely, a pair whose prize money is at least
b and whose edge-toll-distance is smallest—and adds
the resulting paths to the traffic graph (again, this requires adjusting the values of the existing edges in the
traffic graph because the total degree of each node in
the traffic graph is constant). The game finishes when
the traffic graph is a b-expander, a condition that can be
checked by the spectral methods mentioned earlier.
With some work, each round can be implemented
to run in O(n 2) time. The key to the performance of the
algorithm lies in the fact that the readjustment of tolls
can be done in a way so that the game finishes in O(log
n) rounds, which results in a running time of O(n 2 log
n). This uses a feasible version of von Neumann’s min–
max theorem that Arora, Hazan, and Kale (in a separate
survey paper 3) call the multiplicative weight update rule:
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the toll player updates tolls on the edges and cuts accordingly by always multiplying or dividing by a fixed
power of the quantity (1 + e) where e is small. (This updated rule has been around for five decades and been
rediscovered in many settings including convex optimization and machine learning; see 3 for a survey.) They set
up the game with some care so that the toll on an edge
at any time is an exponential function of the flow routed
through it, which is where the logarithmic bound on the
number of rounds comes from.
4.1. Faster algorithms for semidefinite programs
Motivated by the above discoveries, Arora and Kale4 have
designed a new combinatorial approach for computing
approximate solutions to SDPs. This is important because
solving SDPs usually is quite slow in practice (though polynomial time in theory). Their idea is to define a multiplicative weight update rule for matrices, which is used in a
primal-dual fashion to get a quick approximation. The
algorithm has some formal similarities to the “random
walk” idea described in Section 5. They obtain the best
running times known for a host of SDP-based approximation algorithms. For finding cuts, one may prefer the algorithms of the next section on account of simplicity, though
the Arora–Kale approach is comparable in running time
and approximation factor. Again, we refer the reader to the
So far, we have described a framework for improving the
approximation factor or the quality of cut found by graphpartitioning algorithms. In this section, we describe an
algorithm of Khandekar, Rao, and Vazirani12 that modifies
the framework to design a much faster algorithm for graph
­partitioning—its running time is bounded by a small number of calls to a single commodity max-flow subroutine. As
in the AHK algorithm from the previous section, the new algorithm may also be viewed as a contest between two players, though the underlying game, called the cut-matching
game, is slightly different.
The object of the cut-matching game, played over a
sequence of rounds, is to construct an expanding traffic
graph. Initially, the traffic graph is the empty graph on n
vertices. In each round, the cut player chooses a bisection
of the vertex set, and the matching player specifies a perfect matching that pairs up vertices across the bisection.
The edges of the perfect matching are added to the traffic
graph, and the game continues until the traffic graph has
expansion greater than 1. The goal of the cut player is to
minimize the number of rounds before the game ends. The
matching player, of course, tries to prolong the game.
How does the cut-matching game relate to partitioning a
given graph G(V, E)? Given a bisection, the matching player
tries to find a perfect matching that can be routed through
G(V, E) with small congestion. This is accomplished by
performing a single max-flow computation, and the corresponding min-cut is a candidate partition of G(V, E) (see
Figure 5).
The cut player uses a novel spectral type algorithm,
described in the box below, to find a bisection in almost
linear time. It can be shown that by following this strategy
the cut player can limit the number of rounds of the game
to O(log2 n). Now the best candidate partitioning among
the O(log2 n) rounds is the output of the algorithm, and
can be shown to be within a O(log2 n) factor of the optimal
Procedure: Matching Player
Input: Bisection (S and V – S), of graph G.
• Run a concurrent flow computation between S and V – S.
Formulate a flow problem where each node in S is a source and
each node in V – S is the sink of one unit of flow.
The goal is to satisfy each source and sink while minimizing the
maximum integral flow across any edge of G. This is a standard
single commodity flow problem.
• Decompose the flow into n/2 source-sink paths to obtain the
Greedily follow a path of positive flow arcs from a source node u to
some sink. Remove this path from the flow, and repeat.
• Output the matching.
Procedure: Cut Player
Input: Set {M1, . . . , MT} of perfect matchings.
1. Let u0 be a random n-dimensional unit vector.
2. For t = 1 to T
For each edge {i, j} ∈ Mt
−u t + 1 (i) = (ut (i) + ut( j) )/2
3. Output cut (S, V – S), where
S = {i : uT(i) ≤ m},
with m being the median value of the uT(i)’s.
The total running time of the matching player is bounded by O(log2 n) invocations of single commodity max-flow
computations. This is the dominant term in the running
time of the algorithm, since the cut player runs in nearly
linear time.
The overall algorithm starts by invoking the cut player
with the empty set of matchings and invokes the cut player
and matching player for O(log2 n) rounds. Each invocation
of the matching player results in a candidate partition of
the graph given by the min-cut in the invocation of the
max-flow procedure. The algorithm outputs the best candidate partition over all the rounds. It was shown in12 that the
approximation factor achieved by this partition is O(log2
n). As mentioned in Section 4, a different primal-dual algorithm (with some formal similarity to the above algorithm)
was used4 to improve the algorithm to yield an approximation factor of O(log n). This result was recently matched
in16 by an algorithm that stays within the framework of
the cut-matching game. They also showed that the best
approximation factor that can be obtained within the cutmatching framework is Ω( log n ). Designing a O( log n )
approximation algorithm in the cut-matching framework
remains an intriguing open question.
It is instructive to compare the flow-based algorithm described here to a clustering-based heuristic embodied in the
widely used program METIS.11 That heuristic proceeds by
collapsing random edges until the resulting graph is quite
small. It finds a good partition in this collapsed graph, and
successively induces it up to the original graph, using local
search. The flow-based algorithm may be viewed as a continuous version of this heuristic since each matching may
be thought of as “virtually collapsing” each matched pair.
In particular, early iterations of the flow-based algorithm
will select matchings that mostly consist of random edges.
Moreover, the cuts provided by the cut player will rarely
partition the resulting connected components. Thus, it
will proceed very much like METIS. Indeed, this algorithm
might have an advantage over METIS since the “virtual collapsing” of edges in the actual sparse cut need not preclude
finding this cut.
We point the reader interested in empirical results to
Chris Walshaw’s graph-partitioning benchmark (http:// c.walshaw/partition/), which provides results of various heuristics on an interesting set
of benchmarks. The impressive results for METIS can be
compared to SDP (by Lang and Rao), which uses a simplified version of SDP with a max-flow cleanup. Though this
resembles the max-flow-based algorithm described in this
section, to our knowledge, the specific algorithms discussed in this paper have yet to be rigorously compared
against METIS.
In this section, we sketch a proof of the main geometric theorem of, 6 for any well-separated set of points on the surface
of the unit sphere in ℜd that satisfy the triangle inequality,
there are two linear-sized almost antipodal sets, S,T, that are
∆ = 1/ log n , separated. The sketch here also incorporates a
simplification due to Lee.13
Recall that our procedure for identifying these two sets S,
T was to project the points on a random line u through the
origin, discard all points whose projection has absolute value
less than 1/ d , and label the remaining points as being in
P and N, according to whether their projection is positive or
negative. We then discarded pairs of points from the two sets
that were less than ∆ separated, to finally obtain sets S and T.
For the theorem to fail, for most choices of directions u,
most points must be paired and discarded. Recall that for a
pair to be discarded, the points must be ∆-close to each other
while their projection on u must be at least e = 2 s apart.
These discarded pairs form a matching for that direction. Let
us make a simplifying assumption that all n points are paired
and discarded in each direction. (In the actual proof, we use
an averaging argument to show that there are Ω(n) points
such that in most directions a constant fraction of them is
The overall plan is, given a random direction u, to piece
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together a sequence of matched edges, each with a large pro→
jection onto u, into a path., i.e., we find a sequence of points
x1, . . . , xl with the property that on average (xi − xi+i, u) ≥ Œ/2
and therefore (x1 − xl, u) ≥ l Œ/2. On the other hand, since
|xi − xi+1|2 ≤ ∆, triangle inequality implies that |x1 − xl|2 ≤ l∆,
and therefore |x1 − xl| ≤ l∆ . Note that Œ was chosen to be
(roughly) the standard deviation of the projection length
of a unit vector. Therefore, the projection length of x1 − xl is
t = l / ∆ many standard deviations from its mean. The probability that the projection is t standard deviations from its
mean is at most e−t2/2. So if the number of hops l in the path is
Ω log n , then the probability of this event is polynomially
small. We get a contradiction by applying the union bound to
the n2 pairs of points.
The main challenge then is to piece together such a path.
To find a path for a direction u, we clearly cannot limit ourselves to the matching in that direction. To understand how
matchings for different directions relate to each other, we
need two new ideas. Let us first introduce some notation.
Recall that each point u has a matched pair for half the di→
rections (i.e., either for u or −u). We say that u is e-covered in
these directions. And we say that u is (e, d)-covered if, u is ecovered for atleast d measure of directions.
The first idea is simple: if u is e covered in direction u, then
it is almost e-covered in every neighboring direction u′. Quan→
titatively, let |u − u′| ≤ g then u is (e − 2g )-covered in direction
u′. This fact follows from elementary geometry.
The second idea is to use measure concentration. Consider a set of points A on the surface of the unit ball in Rd.
If the measure of A is at least d for some constant d, then the
g -neighborhood of A (i.e., all points within distance at most g
from some point in A) has measure almost 1. Quantitatively,
the measure is approximately 1 − e−t /2 if g = t/ d (i.e., t standard deviations).
Returning to our proof, we have a point u that is e-covered
for a set of directions A of measure d. Moreover, the covering
points are within ∆ of u, and so we are working with a ball of
radius ∆ rather than 1. So, a g = t ∆ / d neighborhood of A
has measure 1 − e−t /2. So, u is also (e/2, d′)-covered for d′ very
close to 1.
It might seem that we are almost done by the following induction argument: u is covered in almost all directions. Pick
a direction u at random and let u′ cover u in this direction.
Now u′ is also almost covered in almost all directions. Surely,
u′ has a good chance of being covered in direction u since it
was chosen at random. Of course this argument, as it stands,
is nonsense because the choice of u′ is conditioned by the
choice of u. Here is a potential fix: for random u with high→
probability u is covered both in direction u and −u. If x and y
are the covering points in these two directions, then x − y has
a projection on u that is twice as long. This time the problem
is that most nodes u might yield the same pair of points x and
y thus making it impossible to continue with an induction.
For example, in a k-dimensional hypercube with n = 2k, every
point is Θ log n covered in almost all directions. However, for a particular direction, most points are covered by only
a few in the tails of the resulting Gaussian distribution.
To actually piece together the path, we perform a more
delicate induction. For random direction u, node u is covered
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with high probability by some node x. Also in direction −u,
with probability 1/2, u is matched to some node y (i.e., {u, y}
formed a discarded pair). So with probability almost 1/2, y is
now covered in direction u by x. Note that this time y takes
this role only once for this direction, since {u, y} is a matched
To actually carry out, the induction requires some work
to ensure that boosting using measure concentration can be
carried out. Moreover, the size of the covered set does indeed
drop. Indeed, other ideas need to be included to allow the induction to continue for log n steps.
It is well known that there are different ways of measuring
distances; for instance, l1, l2, and lp, as well as more exotic
methods such as Kullback–Leibler divergence. It is an important question in functional analysis to understand the interrelationship among these different measures. One frequent
method of quantifying this is to look at the minimum distortion required to realize one distance function with the other
distance function.
Let (X1, d1) and (X2, d2) be two metric spaces, by which we
mean that di is a distance function on Xi that is nonnegative,
and satisfies triangle inequality. An embedding of X1 into X2 is
a mapping f : X1 → X2. Its distortion is the minimum C such
d1 ( x1 , x2 ) ≤ d2 ( f ( x1 ), f ( x2 )) ≤ C ⋅ d1 ( x1 , x2 )
∀x1 , x2 ∈ X1 (1)
The minimum distortion of X1 into X2 is the lowest distortion
among all embeddings of X1 into X2. Though this notion had
been studied extensively in functional analysis, its importance
in algorithm design was realized only after the seminal 1994
paper of Linial, London, and Rabinovich.15 Many al­gorithmic
applications of this idea have been subsequently discovered.
It was realized before our work that the accuracy of the
approach to cut problems involving SDPs (see Section 2) is
closely related to analyzing the minimum distortion parameter linking different metric spaces (see the survey17). Indeed,
the ARV analysis can be viewed as an embedding with low
“average” distortion, and subsequent work of Chawla, Gupta, Raecke7 and Arora, Lee, and Naor5 has been built upon
this observation. The final result is a near-resolution of an
old problem in analysis: what is the minimum distortion
required to embed an n-point l1 space (i.e., where the points
are vectors and distance is defined using the l1 metric) into
l2? It was known for a long time that this distortion is at least
log n and at most O(log n). The Arora–Lee–Naor paper
shows that the lower bound is close to truth: they give a new
embedding whose distortion is O log n log log n .
We note here a connection to a general demand version
of the sparsest cut problem: given a set of pairs of vertices
(s1, t1)(sk, tk), find the cut that minimizes the ratio of number
of cut edges and the number pairs that are separated. An illustrative application is how to place few listening devices in
a network to listen to many pairs of communicating agents;
minimizing the ratio of listening devices to compromised
pairs of agents.
The approximation ratio for the natural SDP relaxation
turns out to be equal to the distortion required to embed
l 22 metrics into l1. The embeddings of 5,7 actually embed
l 22 into l2 (which in turn embeds with no distortion into l1),
thus implying an O log n log log n approximation algorithm for this general form of graph partitioning.
This work was supported by NSF grants MSPA-MCS 0528414,
CCF 0514993, ITR 0205594, CCF-0515304, CCF-0635357,
CCF-0635401 and ITR CCR-0121555.
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Sanjeev Arora (
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Umesh Vazirani (vazirani@cs. Computer Science
Department, UC, Berkeley,
CA 94720, USA
Satish Rao (
Computer Science Department, UC,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
A previous version of this paper, entitled
“Expander Flows, Geometric Embeddings,
and Graph Partitioning,” was published
in Proceedings of the 36th Annual
Symposium on the Theory of Computing
(Chicago, June 13–16, 2004).
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