Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED TWO PAGES.
Coulombe, Pierre A.
Professor of Biological Chemistry
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)
Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada)
Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada)
The University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
Experimental Biology
Cell Biology
Molecular Genetics
Please refer to the application instructions in order to complete sections A, B, and C of the Biographical
Section A – Biographical Data
Since 02.02:
Professor of Biological Chemistry (primary appointment)
Professor of Dermatology (secondary appointment)
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (abbreviated as J.H.U.S.O.M.)
Member, Center for Cell Dynamics, Inst. Basic Biomedical Sciences, J.H.U.S.O.M.
Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and Dermatology, J.H.U.S.O.M.
Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry and Dermatology, J.H.U.S.O.M.
Postdoctoral training (3.5 years), Lab. of Dr. Elaine Fuchs, University of Chicago
Postdoctoral training (1 year), Lab. of Dr. Moise Bendayan, Université de Montréal
Ph.D. Student - Dept. of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Université de Montréal
Key Responsabilities
For 2009:
Chair-Elect, Gordon Research Conference on Epithelial Differentiation & Keratinization
Since 2005: Board of reviewing editors, Molecular Biology of the Cell
Since 2002: Director, Graduate Training Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, J.H.U.S.O.M.
(125 Faculty; 120 graduate students)
Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Intermediate Filaments
Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island – June 30-July 5
Ad hoc member, General Medicine A Study section, National Institutes of Health
(now renamed as the Arthritis, Connective Tissue & Skin (ACTS) study section)
Honors and Award
William F. Montagna lecturer, Society for Investigative Dermatology
Teacher of the Year, J.H.U. Graduate Student Association
Junior Faculty Research Award - American Cancer Society
James A. Shannon Director’s Award - National Institutes of Health
Thomas B. Fitzpatrick Research Award in Dermatology
Centennial Fellowship Award - Medical Research Council of Canada
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award - Medical Research Council of Canada
Rhône-Poulenc Pharmaceutical Co. (Special award for a computer system)
Graduate Studentship Award - Medical Research Council of Canada
Undergraduate Research Training Award – Natl Res Council Sci Edu, Canada
Section B - Publications
Partial list of peer-reviewed publications and review articles (from a total of 110)
Kim S, Kellner J, Lee CH, Coulombe PA (2007). A novel interaction between the keratin cytoskeleton and
eEF1B impacts protein synthesis in epithelial cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, in press.
Kerns ML, Depianto D, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Talalay P, Coulombe PA (2007). Reprogramming of keratin
biosynthesis by sulforaphane restores skin integrity in epidermolysis bullosa simplex. Proc Natl Acad
Sci (USA) 104: 14460-5.
Kim S. Coulombe PA (2007). Cytoplasmic intermediate filaments: Prominent scaffolds exerting structural
and non-structural roles in the cell. Genes & Dev. 21:1581-97.
Leung C, Coulombe PA, Reed RR (2007). Contribution of olfactory neural stem cells to tissue maintenance
and regeneration. Nature Neuroscience 10: 720-6.
Gu LH, Coulombe PA (2007). Keratin function in skin epithelia: a broadening palette with surprising shades.
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 19: 13-23.
Schweizer J, Bowden PE, Coulombe PA, Langbein L, Lane BE, Magin TM, Maltais L, Omary MB, Parry
DAD, Rogers MA, Wright MW (2006). A novel nomenclature for mammalian keratins. J. Cell Biol. 174:
Kim S, Wong P, Coulombe PA (2006). A keratin cytoskeletal protein regulates protein synthesis and
epithelial cell growth. Nature 441: 362-5.
Tong X, Coulombe PA (2006). Keratin 17 modulates hair follicle cycling in a TNFα-dependent fashion.
Genes & Dev. 20: 1353-64.
Beaudoin III GMJ, Coulombe PA, Thompson CC (2005). Hairless triggers reactivation of hair growth by
promoting Wnt signaling. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci (USA) 102: 14653-8.
Bianchi NP, Gu CH, McGowan KM, Coulombe PA (2005). Exploiting the keratin 17 (K17) gene promoter to
visualize live cells in epithelial appendages of mice. Molecular Cellular Biology 25: 7249-59.
Bernot KM, Lee C-H, Coulombe PA (2005). A Small Surface Hydrophobic Patch in the Coiled-Coil Domain
of Type I Keratins Mediates Tetramer Stability. Journal of Cell Biology 168: 965-74.
Gu LH, Coulombe PA (2005). Defining the properties of the non-helical tail domain of type II keratin 5:
Insight from a bullous disease-causing mutation. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 16:1427-38.
Wong, P, Domergue R, Coulombe PA (2005). Overcoming functional redundancy to elicit Pachyonychia
congenita-like nail lesions in transgenic mice. Molecular Cellular Biology, 25:197-205.
Omary B, Coulombe PA, McLean IM (2004). Intermediate filament proteins and associated disorders.
New England Journal of Medicine 351: 2087-2100.
Coulombe PA, Wong P (2004). Cytoplasmic intermediate filaments revealed as dynamic and multipurpose
scaffolds. Nature Cell Biology 6:699-706.
Callahan CA, Ofstod, T, Horng L, Wang JK, Zhen HZ, Coulombe PA, Oro AE (2004). BEG4/MTSS1, a sonic
hedgehog target gene that potentiates Gli transcription. Genes & Dev. 18: 2724-29.
Zarach J, Coulombe PA, Thompson C (2004). The hairless gene product acts as a temporal regulator of
terminal differentiation in skin epithelia. Development 131:4189-200.
Tong X, Coulombe PA (2004). A novel type I keratin gene, keratin 17 n (K17n), exhibits preferred expression
in mouse nail: Implications for Pachyonychia congenita. J. Invest. Dermatol. 122: 965-70.
DePianto DJ, Coulombe PA (2004). Intermediate filaments and tissue repair. Experimental Cell Research
301: 68-76.
Wong P, Coulombe PA (2003). Loss of keratin 6 (K6) proteins reveals a function for intermediate filaments
during wound repair. J. Cell Biol. 163: 327-37.
Yamada S, Wirtz, D, Coulombe PA (2003). The Mechanical Properties of Simple Epithelial Keratin 8 and 18:
Discriminating between interfacial and bulk elasticities. J. Struct. Biol. 143: 45-55.
Tong X, Coulombe PA (2003). Mouse models for alopecia: Structural genes that are baldly needed. Trends
Mol. Med. 9: 79-84.
Mazzalupo S, Wong P, Martin P, Coulombe PA (2003). Role for keratins 6 and 17 during wound closure in
embryonic mouse skin. Dev. Dyn. 226: 356-65.
McGowan KM, Tong X, Colucci-Guyon E, Langa F, Babinet C, Coulombe PA (2002). Keratin 17 null mice
exhibit age- and strain-dependent alopecia. Genes & Dev.16:1412-22.
Mazzalupo S, Wawersik MJ, Coulombe PA (2002). An ex vivo assay to assess the potential of skin
keratinocytes for wound epithelialization. J. Invest. Dermatol. 118: 866-70.
Coulombe PA., Omary, M.B. (2002). Hard and soft principles defining the structure, function, and regulation
of keratin intermediate filaments. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 14:110-122.
Yamada S, Wirtz D., Coulombe PA (2002). Pairwise assembly determines the intrinsic potential for selforganization and mechanical properties of keratin filaments. Mol. Biol. Cell 13:382-91.
Bousquet, O., Wirtz, D., Coulombe PA (2001). The non-helical tail domain of keratin 14 promotes filament
bundling and contributes and enhances the mechanical properties of keratin intermediate filaments. J.
Cell Biol. 155: 747-53.
Wawersik M, Mazzalupo, S, Nguyen D, Coulombe PA (2001). Increased levels of keratin 16 alters the
epithelialization potential of skin keratinocytes in vivo and ex vivo. Mol. Biol. Cell 12:3439-50.
Ma L, Yamada S, Wirtz D, Coulombe PA (2001). A “hot-spot” mutation alters the mechanical properties of
keratin filament networks. Nature Cell Biol. 3: 503-6.
Wong P, Colucci-Guyon E, Gu C, Takahashi K, Babinet C, Coulombe PA (2000). Introducing a null mutation
in the mouse K6α and K6β genes reveals their essential structural role in oral mucosa epithelia. J. Cell
Biol. 150: 921-8.
Wawersik MJ, Coulombe PA (2000). Forced expression of keratin 16 alters adhesion and differentiation
properties of mouse skin keratinocytes. Mol. Biol. Cell, 11: 3315-27.
McGowan K, Coulombe PA (2000). The type I keratin 17 is expressed in the context of hard epithelia:
Implications for the pathogenesis of pachyonychia congenita. J. Invest. Dermatol. 114: 1101-8.
Paladini RD, Coulombe PA (1999). The functional diversity of epidermal keratins revealed by the partial
rescue of the keratin 14 null phenotype by keratin 16. J. Cell Biol. 146: 1185-1201.
Ma L, Xu J, Coulombe PA, Wirtz D (1999). Keratin filament suspensions show unique micromechanical
properties. J. Biol Chem. 274: 19145-51.
Hutton E, Paladini, RD, Yu QC, Yen M, Coulombe PA, Fuchs E (1998). Functional differences between
keratins of stratified and simple epithelia. J. Cell Biol. 143, 487-99.
Fradette J, Germain L, Sessaiah P, Coulombe PA (1998). The type I keratin 19 shows distinct and contextdependent properties. J. Biol Chem. 273, 36176-84.
McGowan K, Coulombe PA (1998). Onset of keratin 17 expression coincides with the definition of major
epithelial lineages during skin development. J. Cell Biol. 143, 469-86.
Takahashi K, Yan B, Yamanishi K, Imamura S, C Coulombe PA (1998). The two functional keratin 6 genes
of mouse are differentially regulated and evolved independently from their human orthologs. Genomics
53, 170-183.
Wawersik M, Paladini RD, Noensie E, Coulombe PA (1997). A proline residue in the a-helical rod domain of
type I keratin 16 destabilizes keratin heterotetramers. J. Biol Chem. 272: 32557-65.
Takahashi K, Coulombe PA (1996). A mouse model with an inducible skin blistering phenotype. Proc. Natl
Acad. Sci. (USA) 93: 14776-81.
Paladini R, Bravo NS, Takahashi K, Coulombe PA (1996). Onset ot re-epithelialization after skin injury
correlates with a reorganization of keratin filaments in wound edge keratinocytes: Defining a potential
role for keratin 16. . J. Cell Biol. 132: 381-98.
Takahashi K, Paladini R, Coulombe PA (1995). Cloning and characterization of multiple human genes and
cDNAs encodinh highly-related type II keratin 6 isoforms. J. Biol Chem. 270(31): 18581-18592.
Takahashi K, Folmer J, Coulombe PA (1994): Increased expression of keratin 16 causes anomalies in
cytoarchitecture and keratinization in transgenic mouse skin. J. Cell Biol. 127: 505-520.
Fuchs E, Coulombe PA (1992): Of mice and men: Genetic skin diseases of keratin. Cell 69: 899-902.
Coulombe PA, Hutton ME, Letai A, Paller AS, Hebert A, Fuchs E (1991): Point mutations in human K14
genes of epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients: Genetic and functional analyses. Cell 66: 1301-1311.
Coulombe PA, Hutton ME, Vassar R, Fuchs E (1991): A function for keratins and a common thread among
different types of epidermolysis bullosa simplex diseases. J. Cell Biol. 115: 1661-1674.