A N O B J E C T... T E S T I N G *

G. M A Y O
ABSTRACT. Theories of statistical testing ,nay be seen as attempts to provide
systematic means for evaluating scientific conjectures on the basis of incomplete or
inaccurate observational data. The Neyman-Pearson Theory of Testing (NPT) has
purported to provide an objective means for testing statistical hypotheses corresponding
to scientific claims. Despite their widespread use in science, methods of NPT have
themselves been accused of failing to be objective; and the purported objectivity of
scientific claims based upon NPT has been called into question. The purpose of this paper
is first to clarify this question by examining the conceptions of (I) the function served by
NPT in science, and (II) the requirements of an objective theory of statistics upon which
attacks on NPT's objectivity are based. Our grounds for rejecting these conceptions
suggest altered conceptions of (I) and (II) that might avoid such attacks. Second, we
propose a reformulation of NPT, denoted by NPT*, based on these altered conceptions,
and argue that it provides an objective theory of statistics. The crux of our argument is that
by being able to objectively control error frequencies NPT* is able to objectively evaluate
what has or has not been learned from the result of a statistical test.
1, I N T R O D U C T I O N
In order to live up to the ideal of epistemological objectivity - whether
it be in science or elsewhere - the essential requirement seems to be
this: All claims are to be open to being tested and criticized by impartial
criteria independent of the ,Maims, desires, and prejudices of individuals. In its attempt to live up to this ideal of objectivity, empirical
science, more than any other activity, self-consciously carries out
observations and experiments to systematically test scientific claims.
However, the incompleteness of observations, inaccuracies of
measurements, and the general effects of environmental perturbations
and "noise" cause observations to deviate from testable predictions,
even when the scientific claims from which they are derived are
approximately true descriptions of some aspect of a phenomenon. In
order to distinguish observed deviations due to these extraneous
sources from those due to the falsehood of scientific claims, observational tests in science are typically based on statistical considerations,
and a theory of statistical testing attempts to make these considerations
Synthese 57 (1983) 297-340. 0039-7857/83/0573-0297 $04.40
© 1983 by D. Reidet Publishing Company
precise. The procedures of the Neyman-Pearson Theory of Testing
(which we abbreviate as NPT) have been widely used in science in the
last fifty years to carry out such statistical tests in a purportedly
objective manner. However, the procedures of NPT have themselves
been accused of failing to be objective; for they appear permeated with
the very subjective, personal, arbitrary factors that the ideal of objectivity demands one exclude. As such, the purported objectivity of
scientific claims based upon NPT has been called into question; and it is
this question around which our discussion revolves. That is, we want to
ask the following: Can NPT provide objective scientific claims? Or: Is
NPT an objective theory of statistical testing?
Despite the serious ramifications of negative answers to this question,
the increasingly common arguments upon which such negative answers
are based have gone largely unanswered by followers of NPT. We
attempt to rectify this situation in this paper by clarifying the question
of the objectivity of NPT, setting out a reconstruction of NPT, and
defending its scientific objectivity.
We begin by giving a general framework for relating statistical tests
to scientific inquiries, and for spelling out the formal components of
NPT and comparing them to those of subjective Bayesian tests. The
question of the objectivity of NPT then emerges as a "metastatistical"
question concerning the relationships between the formal statistical
inquiry and the empirical scientific one. One's answer to this question is
seen to depend on one's conception of (I) the function served by NPT in
science, and (II) the requirements of an objective theory of statistics.
Firstly, the most serious attacks on the objectivity of NPT by philosophers and statisticians are seen to be based on the view that NPT
functions to provide rules for using data to decide how to act with
respect to a scientific claim. Secondly, they are seen to view only that
which is given by purely formal logical principles as truly objective.
Since these two conceptions are found in the typical formulations of
NPT, such attacks are not without some justification. Nevertheless, we
reject these conceptions, and our grounds for doing so are used to
suggest the the sort of altered conceptions of (I) and (II) that avoid
such attacks. To defend NPT against such objections we propose a
reformulation, denoted by NPT*, which is based on these altered
According to NPT*, statistical tests function in science as a means of
learning about variable phenomena on the basis of limited data. This
function is accomplished by detecting discrepancies between the (approximately) correct models of a phenomenon and hypothesized ones.
As such, we hold that objective learning from a statistical test result can
be accomplished if one can critically evaluate what it does and does not
detect or indicate about the scientific phenomenon. Moreover, by
clearly distinguishing the formal statistical result from its (metastatistical) critical evaluation, we can deny that any arbitrariness in specifying
the test necessarily prevents this evaluation from being objective. Most
importantly, we suggest how NPT* is able to objectively interpret the
scientific import of its statistical test results by "subtracting out" the
influences of arbitrary factors. NPT* permits these influences to be
understood (and hence "subtracted out" or controlled) by making use
of frequency relations between test results and underlying discrepancies
(i.e., by making use of error frequencies).
Focusing on a common type of statistical test, we introduce two
functions that allow this appeal to frequency relations to be made
explicit. We show how, by using these functions, NPT* allows for an
objective assessment of what has been learned from a specific test
result. What is more, the ability to make objective (i.e., testable)
assertions about these probabilistic relations (i.e., error probabilities or
rates) is what fundamentally distinguishes NPT from other statistical
inference theories. So, if we are correct, it is this feature that enables
NPT* (and prevents other approaches) from providing an objective
theory of statistical testing. While our focus is limited to the problem of
providing a scientifically objective theory of statistical testing, this
problem (and hopefully our suggested strategy for its resolution) is
relevant for the more general problems that have increasingly led
philosophers to the pessimistic conclusion that science is simply a
matter of subjective, psychological preference (or "conversion")
governed by little more than the whims, desires, and chauvinistic
fantasies of individuals.
Theories of statistical testing may be seen as attempts to provide
systematic means for dealing with a very common problem in scientific
inquiries. The problem is how to generate and analyze observational
data to test a scientific claim or h~qpothesis when it is known that such
G. M A Y O
data need not precisely agree with the claim, even if the claim correctly
describes the phenomenon of interest. One reason for these deviations
is that the hypothetical claim of interest may involve theoretical
concepts that do not exactly match up with things that can be directly
observed. Another is that observational data are necessarily finite and
discrete, while scientific hypotheses may refer to an infinite number of
cases and involve continuous quantities, such as weight and temperature. As such, the accuracy, precision and reliability of such data is
limited by numerous distortions and "noise" introduced by various
intermediary processes of observation and measurement. A third
reason is that the scientific hypothesis may itself concern probabilistic
phenomena, as in genetics and quantum mechanics. However, whether
it is due to the incompleteness and inaccuracies of observation and
measurement, or to the genuine probabilistic nature of the scientific
hypothesis, the deviations, errors, and fluctuations found in observational data often follow very similar patterns; and statistical models
provide standard paradigms for representing such variable patterns. By
modelling the scientific inquiry statistically, it is possible to formally
model (A) the scientific claims c¢ in terms of statistical hypotheses about
a population; (B) the observational analysis of the statistical hypotheses
in terms of experimental testing rules; and (C) the actual observation ~7
in terms of a statistical sample from the population. It will be helpful to
spell out the formal components of these three models or structures of a
statistically modelled inquiry.
2.1. Models of Statistical Testing
(A) Statistical Models of Hypotheses: The scientific claim is 'translated'
into a claim about a certain population of objects, where this population
is known to vary with respect to a quantity of interest, represented by
X. For example, the population may be all houseflies in existence and
the quantity X, their winglength. The variability of X in the population
is modelled by viewing X as a random variable which takes on different
values with given probabilities; that is, X is viewed as having a
probability distribution P. The distribution P is governed by one or
more properties of the population called parameters; and hypotheses
about the values of such parameters are statistical hypotheses. An
example of a parameter is the average wing length of houseflies, and for
simplicity we will focus on cases where the statistical hypotheses of
interest concern a single such parameter, represented by 0, where 0 is
the average (i.e., the mean) of a quantity X. The set of possible values
of 0 to be considered, called the parameter space, ft, is specified and
each statistical fiypothesis is associated with some subset of ~. The
class of these statistical hypotheses can be represented by means of a
probability model M(O) which describes X as belonging to the class of
probability distributions P(X[ 0) where 0 ranges over fk That is,
M( O) = [P( X[ 0), 0 ~ ~t].
(B) Statistical Models of Experimental Tests: The actual observational
inquiry is modelled as observing n independent random variables
X1, X2 . . . . . X,, where each X~ is distributed according to M(O), the
population distribution. Each experimental outcome can be represented as an n-tuple of values of these random variables, i.e., x~, x2. . . . . x,
which may be abbreviated as (x,). The set of possible experimental
outcomes, the sample space Jq, consists of the possible n-tuples of
values. On the basis of the population distribution M(O) it is possible to
derive, by means of probability theory, the probability of the possible
experimental outcomes, i.e., P((x~)l 0), where (x~) ~ X, 0 ~ Pz. We also
include in an experimental testing model the specification of a testing
rule T that maps outcomes in X to various claims about the models of
hypotheses M(O); i.e., T:X--~ M(O). That is, an experimental testing
model ET(J() = [X, P((x,~)t 0), T].
(C) Statistical Models of Data (from the experiment): An empirical
observation ~ is modelled as a particular element of X; further
modelling of (x,) corresponds to various sample properties of interest,
such as the sample average. Such a data model may be represented by
[(x,,), s((x.))], where in the simplest case s((x,)) = (x,).
We may consider the indicated components of these three models to
be the basic formal elements for setting out theories of testing; many
additional elements, built upon these, are required for different testing
theories. Figure 2.1 sketches the approximate relationships between the
scientific inquiry and the three models of a statistical testing inquiry.
The nature of the (metastatistical) relationships represented by rays
(1)-(3), and their relevance to our problem, wilt become clarified
throughout our discussion.
G. M A Y O
Scientific Inquiry (or problem)
How to generate and analyze empirical
observation (2 to evaluate claim c~
I M°ael°fExPerimental
] I
I M°del°I
Data: s((x~})
( ....
M°del° I
" Hypotheses:
Statistical Inquiry: Testing Hypotheses
Fig. 2.1.
2.2. Subjective Bayesian Tests vs. 'Objective" Neyman-Pearson Tests
Using the models of data, experimental tests, and hypotheses, different
theories of statistical testing can be compared in terms of the different
testing rules each recommends for mapping the observed statistical
data to various assertions about statistical hypotheses in M(O). The
subjective Bayesian theory, for example, begins by specifying not only a
complete set of statistical hypotheses H 0 , . . . , Hk about values of 0 in
M(O), but also a prior probabili~ assignment P(H~) to each hypothesis
/-/~, where probability is construed as a measure of one's degree of belief
in the hypotheses. A subjective Bayesian test consists of mapping these
prior probabilities, together with the sample data s, into a final probability assignment in a hypothesis of interest /-/~, called a posterior
probability, by way of Bayes' Theorem. The theorem states:
P ( I-I~ I s) = kfl ( s i I-I~)P(H~)
( i = 0 . . . . , k)
Z P(s tttj)P(H~)
The experimental test may use the measure of posterior probability
P(/-/it s) to reject ~ if the value is too small or to calculate a more
elaborate test incorporating losses.
In other words, the subjective Bayesian model translates the scientific
problem into one requiring a means for quantifying one's subjective
opinion in various hypotheses about 0, and using observed data to
coherently change one's degree of belief in them. One can then decide
to accept or reject hypotheses according to how strongly one believes
in them and according to various personal losses one associates with
incorrectly doing so. In contrast, the leaders of the so-called 'objective'
tradition in statistics (i.e., Fisher, Neyman, and Pearson) deny that a
scientist would want to multiply his initial subjective degrees of belief in
hypotheses (assuming he had them) with the 'objective' probabilities
provided by the experimental data to reach a final evaluation of the
hypotheses. For the result of doing so is that one's final evaluation is
greatly colored by the initial subjective degree of belief; and such initial
degrees of belief may simply reflect one's ignorance or prejudice rather
than what is true. (In an extreme case where one's prior probability is
zero, one can never get a nonzero posterior probability regardless of the
amount of data gathered.) Hence, the idea of testing a scientific claim
by ascertaining so and so's degree of belief in it runs counter to our idea
of scientific objectivity. While the subjective Bayesian test may be
appropriate for making personal decisions, when one is only interested
in being informed of what one believes to be the case, it does not seem
appropriate for impartially testing whether beliefs accord with what
really is the case.
In contrast, the Neyman-Pearson Theory of Testing, abbreviated
NPT, sought to provide an objective means for testing. As Neyman
(1971, p. 277) put it, "I find it desirable to use procedures, the validity
of which does not depend upon the uncertain properties of the
population." And since the hypotheses under test are uncertain, NPT
rejects the idea of basing the result of the test on one's prior conceptions about them. Rather, the only piece of information to be formally
mapped by the testing rules of NPT is the sample data. Since our focus
will be on NPT, it will be helpful to spell out its components in some
(A) NPT begins by specifying, in the hypotheses model M(O), the region
of the parameter space f~ to be associated with the null hypothesis H, i.e.,
f~H and the region to be associated with an alternative hypothesis J, i.e.,
ftj. The two possible results of a test of H are: reject H (and accept Jr)
or accept H (and reject J).
G. M A Y O
(B) The experimental testing model E T ( X ) specifies, before the sample is
observed, which of the outcomes in Jg should be taken to reject H . This
set of outcomes forms the rejection or critical region, CR, and it is
specified so that, regardless of the true value of 0, the test has
appropriately small probabilities of leading to erroneous conclusions.
The two errors that might arise are rejecting H when it is true, the
type I error; and accepting H when it is false, i.e., when J is true, the
type H error. The probabilities of making type I and type II errors, called
error probabilities, are denoted by o~ and/3 respectively. NPT is able to
control the error probabilities by specifying (i) a test statistic S, which is
a function of Jg, and whose distribution is derivable from a given
hypothesized value for 0 and (ii) a testing rule T indicating which of the
possible values of S fall in region CR. Since, from (i), it is possible to
calculate the probability that S e CR under various hypothesized
values of O, it is possible to specify a testing rule T so that P(S ~ CR I 0
f~H) is no greater than a and 1 - P(S ~ CR[ 0 ~ f~j) is no greater than
/3. Identifying the events {T rejects H} and {S ~ CR}, it follows that
P ( S c CRIO~FtH)<--a
P ( T Accepts/-tl J is true) = 1 - P(S ~ CR t 0 c [Ij) <-/3.
Since these two error probabilities cannot be simultaneously minimized,
NPT instructs one to first select a, called the size or the significance
level of the test, and then choose the test with an appropriately small/3.
However, if alternative J consists of a set of points, i.e., if it is
composite, the value of /3 will vary with different values in ftj. The
"best" NPT test of a given size a (if it exists) is the one which at the
same time minimizes the value of /3 (i.e., the probability of type II
errors) for all possible values of 0 under the alternative J.
Error probabilities are deemed objective in that they refer, not to
subjective degrees of belief, but to frequencies of experimental outcomes in sequences of (similar or very different) applications of a given
experimental test. Since within the context of NPT parameter 0 is
viewed as fixed, hypotheses about it are viewed as either true or false.
Thus, it makes no sense to assign them any probabilities other than 0 or
1; that is, a hypothesis is true either 100% of the time or 0% of the time,
according to whether it is true or false. But the task of statistical tests
arises in precisely those cases where the truth or falsity of a hypothesis is
unknown. The sense in which NPT nevertheless accomplishes this task
'objectively' is that it controls the error probabilities of tests regardless
of what the true, but unknown, value of 0 is.
The concern with objective error probabilities is what fundamentally
distinguishes NPT from other theories of statistical testing. The
Bayesian, for example, is concerned only with the particular experimental outcome and the particular application of its testing rule (i.e.,
Bayes' Theorem); while error probabilities concern properties of T in a
series of applications. As such, the Bayesian is prevented from ensuring
that his tests are appropriately reliable. In order to clarify the relationship between the choice of o~ and the specification of the critical region
of NPT, we will consider a simple, but very widespread, class of
statistical tests.
2.3. A n Illustration: A N P T "Best" One Sided Test T +
Suppose the model M(O) is the class of normal distributions N(O, o-)
with mean 0 and standard deviation o-, where o" is assumed to be
known, and 0 may take any positive value. It is supposed that some
quantity X varies according to this distribution, and it is desired to test
whether the value of 0 equals some value 0o or some greater value.
Such a test involves setting out in M(O) the following null and
alternative hypotheses:
Null Hypothesis H: 0 = 0o in N(0, o-)
Alternative Hypothesis J: 0 > 0o.
The null hypothesis is simple, in that it specifies a single value of 0,
while the alternative is composite, as it consists of the set of 0 values
exceeding 0o. The experimental test statistic S is the average of the n
random variables X1,322... X,, where each Xi is N(O, ~r); i.e.,
Test Statistic S = 1 ~. X, = X .
The test begins by imagining that H is true, and that X~ is N(0o, o%
But if H is true, it follows that statistic J~ is also normally distributed
with mean 0o; but ~rx, the Standard deviation, is o-In 1/2. That is,
Experimental Distribution
N( Oo, cr/n~/2).
H : 0 = Oct):
Since our test is interested in rejecting H just in case 0 exceeds 0o, i.e.,
since our test is one sided (in the positive direction from 00), it seems
plausible to reject H on the basis of sample averages (X values) that
sufficiently exceed 0o; and this is precisely what NPT recommends.
That is, our test rule, which we may represent by T +, maps X into the
critical region (i.e., T + rejects H) just in case .~ is "significantly far" (in
the positive direction) from hypothesized average 0o, where distance is
measured in standard deviation units (i.e., in o-~'s). That is,
Test Rule T+: Reject H : 0 = 0oiff 3~_> 0o+ d,~cr~
for some specified value of d~ where o~ is the size (significance level) of
the test. The question of what the test is to count "significantly far"
becomes a question of how to specify the value of d~; the answer is
provided once a is specified.
For, if the test is to erroneously reject H no more than a(100%) of
the time (i.e., if its size is a), it follows from 2.3(d) that we must have
P ( X >-- 0o + d~o'~lH) -< ol.
To ensure 2.3(e), d~ must equal that number of standard deviation units
in excess of 00 exceeded by X no more than a(100%) of the time, when
H is true. And by virtue of the fact that we know the experimental
distribution of X under H (which in this case is N(Oo, o/nm)), we can
derive, for a given a, the corresponding value for de. Conventional
values for a are 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05, where these correspond to
do.01 = 2.3, do.o2 = 2, d0.o5 = 1.6, respectively. For the distribution of
(under H) tells us that X exceeds its mean 0o by as much as 2.3o-~ only
1% of the time; by as much as 2o-e only 2% of the time, and by as much
as 1.6o'~ only 5% of the time. In contrast, X exceeds 0o by as much as
0.25o~x as often as 40% of the time; so if H were rejected whenever
exceeded 0o by 0.25o-~ one would erroneously do so as much as 40% of
the time; i.e., do.4 = 0.25. The relationship between a and distances of
from 00 is best seen by observing areas under the normal curve given
by the distribution of X (under H) (see Figure 2.3).
It will be helpful to have a standard example of an application of test
T + to which to refer our discussion.
Example ET+: A good example of such an application may be provided by adapting an actual inquiry in biology, a We are interested in
testing whether or not treating the larval food of houseflies with a
do.gs = - 2
0.02 0.01
+ |+
" glm
= 0.25
~. l
Fig. 2.3.
= 0
0.5 0.4 0.3
d o . 5
do ~6 = 1
_ do.os = 1,6
~ o.ool ~ 3
A r e a r i g h t of £
d~}m = 2 . 3
G. M A Y O
chemical (DDT) increases their size, as measured by their winglength
X. Earlier studies show that the average winglength 0 in the population
of normal houseflies whose food is not so treated is 45.5 mm and the
question is whether D D T increases 0. That is, the inquiry concerns the
following scientific claim (or some version of it):
Scientific Claim q~+: D D T increases the average winglength
of houseflies (i.e., in D D T treated houseflies, 0 is (importantly) greater than 45.5).
The problem is that a sample from this population, whose food has been
treated with D D T , may be observed to have an average winglength J~
in excess of the normal average 45.5 even though the chemical does not
possess the positive effect intended. As such, the need for statistical
considerations arises.
(A) Statistical Hypotheses: It is supposed that the variability of X, the
winglength of houseflies in a given population, can be modelled by a
normal distribution with known standard deviation o- equal to 4, and
unknown mean O, i.e., X is N(O, 4). Hence, if the chemical does not
increase winglengths as intended, the distribution of X among flies
treated with it would not differ from what scientists have found in the
typical housefly population; that is, 0 would be 45.5 in N(O, 4). On the
other hand if q~+ is true, and D D T does have its intended effect, 0 will
exceed the usual 45.5. These correspond to the following statistical
2.3(a'): Null Hypothesis H: 0 = 45.5 in N(O, 4)
Alternative Hypothesis J: 0 > 45.5 in N(O, 4).
(B) Experimental Test: (ET + - 1) Since we are within the context of
the one-sided test above, each of the general components there apply to
the present example. In particular, (b') experimental statistic S = X,
and (c') its distribution under H is N(45.5,4/nl/2); and the "best"
testing rule, according to NPT, is (d') T +. Suppose, in addition, the
following test specifications are made:
Number of observations in sample, n = 100
Size of test a = 0.02.
It follows from (i) that o-~ = 0.4 and from (ii) that de = do.oz = 2. So
T + - t is
2.3(d'): T + - 1: R e j e c t H iff J£ >--45.5 + d,o'~ = 46.3.
(C) Sample Data: The average winglength of the 100 observed flies
(treated with DDT), £, is 46.5, a value in excess of the hypothesized
average 45.5 by 2.5o'~. Since this value exceeds 46.3, T + - 1 would
deem such an Y "significantly far" from H to reject it. Hence T + - 1
rejects H.
In addition to ensuring the maximum frequency of erroneously
rejecting H is 0.02, this test ensures that the frequency of erroneously
accepting H will be minimized for all possible 0 values under the
alternative J, (i.e., for all 0 > 00). Such a test is a "best" NPT test of size
0.02, in the context of ET +.
While NPT may provide tests that are good, or even "best" according
to the criteria of low error probabilities, the question that concerns us is
whether such tests are also good from the point of view of the aims of
scientific objectivity. Answering this question takes us into the problem
of how to relate an empirical scientific inquiry to the statistical models
of NPT. But this problem is outside the domain of mathematical
statistics itself, and may be seen as a problem belonging to metastatistics. For, its resolution requires stepping outside the statistical formalism and making statistics itself an object of study.
We can organize the problem of the objectivity of NPT around three
major metastatistical tasks in linking a scientific inquiry with each of the
three statistical models of NPT:
relating the statistical hypotheses in M(O) and the results of
testing them to scientific claims;
specifying the components of experimental test ET(Jf); and,
ascertaining whether the assumptions of a model for the data
of the experimental test are met by the empirical observations (i.e., relating (xn} to ~7).
These three concerns correspond to the three rays diagrammed in
Figure 2.1 numbered (1)-(3), and what is asked in questioning the
objectivity of NPT is whether NPT can accomplish the above tasks
(1)-(3) objectively. As will be seen, these three tasks are intimately
related, and hence, the problem of objectively accomplishing them are
not really separate. However, the most serious attacks on the objectivity of NPT focus on the interrelated problems of (1) relating
statistical conclusions to scientific claims and (2) specifying statistical
tests in an objective manner; as such, our primary aim will be to clarify
and resolve these problems. In Section 5, we wilt briefly discuss the
problem of (3) validating model assumptions objectively and how it
would be handled within the present approach.
3.1 N P T as an ' Objective' Theory of Inductive Behavior
Although once the various formal experimental specifications are
made, NPT provides an objective means for testing a hypothesis, it is
not clear that these specifications are themselves objective. For these
specifications involve considerations that go beyond the formalism of
statistical testing. As Neyman and Pearson (1933, p. 146) note:
F r o m the point of view of m a t h e m a t i c a l theory all that we can do is to show how the risk
of the errors m a y be controlled and minimized. T h e use of these statistical tools in any
given case, in determining just h o w the balance should be struck, m u s t be left to the
Acknowledging that the tasks of (1) interpreting and (2) specifying
tests go beyond the objective formalism of NPT, Neyman and Pearson
consider a situation where there would be some clear basis for accomplishing them. Noting that the sorts of informal considerations NPT
requires are similar to those involved in certain decision theoretic
contexts, they are led to suggest the behavioristic interpretation of
NPT. Although the behavioristic construal of NPT was largely advocated by Neyman and was not wholly embraced by Pearson (see
Pearson 1955), NPT has generally been viewed as purporting to offer
an objective theory of inductive behavior.
In an attempt to develop testing as an objective theory of behavior,
tests are formulated as mechanical rules or "recipes" for reaching one
of two possible decisions: accept hypothesis H or reject H, where
"accept H " and "reject H " are interpreted as deciding to "act as if H
were true" and to "act as if H were false", respectively. Neyman and
Pearson's (1933, p. 142) own description of "rules of behavior" is a
clear statement of such a conception:
Here, for example, would be s u c h a 'rule of behavior': to decide w h e t h e r a hypothesis H ,
of a given type, be rejected or not, calculate a specified character, x, of the o b s e r v e d
facts; if x > Xo reject H ; if x -< xo, accept H . Such a rule tells us nothing as to w h e t h e r in a
particular case H is true w h e n x <- xo or false w h e n x > xo. But it m a y often be proved that
if we behave according to such a r u l e . . , we shall reject H when it is true not more, say,
than once in a hundred times, and in addition we may have evidence that we shall reject H
sufficiently often when it is false.
On this view, the rationale for using such a rule of behavior is the desire
for a rule with appropriately small probabilities a, /3 for leading to
erroneous decisions in a given long run sequence of applications of the
rule. Although the actual values of or, /3 are considered beyond the
NPT formalism, it is suggested that the scientist first specify a as the
maximum frequency with which he feels he can afford to erroneously
reject H. He then selects the test that at the same time minimizes the
value of/3, i.e., of erroneously accepting H.
This rationale corresponds to the NPT view of the purpose of tests;
namely, "as a result of the tests a decision must be reached determining which of two alternative courses is to be followed" (Neyman and
Pearson, 1936, p. 204). For example, rejecting H in our housefly
experiment may be associated with a decision to publish results
claiming that D D T increases winglengths of flies, a decision to ban the
use of DDT, a decision to do further research, and so on; and for each
decision there are certain losses and costs associated with acting on it
when in fact H is true. By considering such consequences the scientist
is, presumably, able to specify the risks he can "afford". However, such
considerations of consequences are deemed subjective by NPT's founders, (e.g., "this subjective element lies outside of the theory of statistics" (Neyman, 1950, p. 263)); and the desire to keep NPT objective
leads to the intentional omission of any official incorporation of pragmatic consequences within NPT itself. Ironically, this attempt to secure
NPT's objectivity is precisely what leads both to attacks on its objectivity and to strengthening the position of subjective theories of testing.
3.2 The Objectivity of the Behavioristic Interpretation of N P T Under
The most serious problems concerning the objectivity of NPT center
around its ability to objectively accomplish the tasks of (1) relating
results of NPT to scientific claims and (2) specifying the components of
experimental tests. The major criticism is this: Since the scientific
import of a statistical test conclusion is dependent upon the
specifications of the test, the objectivity of test conclusions is jeopardized if the test specifications fail to be objective. But NPT leaves the
problem of test specifications up to the individual researcher who is to
specify them according to his personal considerations of the risks (of
erroneous decisions) he finds satisfactory. But if the aim of a scientist is
to be seen as objectively finding out what is the case as opposed to
finding out how it is most prudent for him to act, then he does not seem
to be in the position of objectively making pragmatic judgments about
how often he can afford to be wrong in some long run of cases. And if
he is left to make these pragmatic judgments subjectively, it is possible
for him to influence the test in such a way that it is overwhelmingly
likely to produce the result he happens to favor. In short, it appears that
the 'objectivity' of NPT is somewhat of a sham; its results seem to be
permeated with precisely those subjective, personal factors that are
antithetical to the aim of scientific objectivity.
Among the first to criticize the objectivity of NPT on these grounds
was R. A. Fisher. While it was Fisher's ideas that formed the basis of
N P T , 2 by couching them in a behavioristic framework he felt Neyman
and Pearson had given up the ideal of objectivity in science. In his
grand polemic style, Fisher (1955, p. 70) declared that followers of the
behavioristic approach are like
Russians (who) are made familiar with the ideal that research
in pure science can and should be geared to technological
performance, in the comprehensive organized effort of a
five-year plan for the nation.
Not to suggest a lack of parity between Russia and the U.S., he
In the U.S. also the great importance of organized technology has I think made it easy to confuse the process
appropriate for drawing correct conclusions, with those
aimed rather at, let us say, speeding production, or saving
One finds analogous attacks on the objectivity of NPT voiced by a
great many contemporary statisticians and philosophers. They typically
begin by denying the objectivity of NPT specifications:
In no case can the appropriate significance level be determined in an objective manner. (Rubin, 1971, p. 373)
The basis of this denial is that fixing their levels require judgments judgments which, it is claimed, (to use a phrase of I. J. Good) NPT
tends to "sweep under the carpet" (i.e., SUTC). Good (1976, p. 143)
Now the hidebound objectivist tends to hide that fact; he will
not volunteer the information that he uses judgment at
all . . . .
At least the Bayesian theorist, it is argued, admits the need for
pragmatic judgments and explicitly incorporates them into his testing
theory. Rosenkrantz (1977, pp. 205-206) sums it up well:
In Bayesian decision theory, an optimal experiment can be
determined, taking due account of sampling costs. But no
guidelines exist for the analogous problem of choosing a
triple (a,/3, n) in Neyman-Pearson theory . . . . These judgments are left to the individual experimenter, and they
depend in turn on his personal utilities . . . . But if we are
'interested in what the data have to tell us', why should one
experimenter's personal values and evaluations enter in at
all? How, in short, can we provide for objective scientific
reporting within this framework? (emphasis added)
Implicit in these criticisms are various assumptions of what would be
required for objective scientific reporting. A clear example of this is
found in Fetzer's attack on the objectivity of NPT. Fetzer (1981, p. 244)
argues that while the subjective judgments required to specify NPT
"are not 'defects'" in decision-making contexts, in general, nevertheless,
to the extent to which principles of inference are intended to
secure the desideratum of 'epistemic objectivity' by supplying standards whose systematic application.., would warrant assigning all and only the same measures of evidential
support to all and only the same hypotheses, they [NPT]
appear inadequate.
On this view - a view which underlies the most serious attacks on the
objectivity of NPT - a theory of statistics should provide means for
measuring the degree of evidential strength (support, probability,
G. M A Y O
belief, etc.) that data affords hypotheses. Correspondingly, a theory of
statistics is thought to be objective only if it (to use Fetzer's words)
"would warrant assigning all and only the same measures of evidential
support to all and only the same hypotheses" (given the same data).
On this view, NPT, which only seeks to ensure the scientist that he will
make erroneous decisions no more than a small percent of the time in a
series of test applications, fails to be objective. For NPT cannot tell him
whether a particular conclusion is one of the erroneous ones or not; nor
can it provide him with a measure of how probable or of h o w well
supported a particular conclusion is. For example if H is rejected with a
test with size 0.02, it is not correct to assign alternative J 98%
probability, support, or confidence - although such misinterpretations
are common. The only thing 0.02 tells him about a specific rejection of
H is that it was the result of a general testing procedure which
erroneously rejects H only 2% of the time. Similarly, the NPT rationale
may permit null hypothesis H to be accepted without guaranteeing that
H is highly supported or highly probable; it may simply mean a given
test was unable to reject it. As Edwards (1971, p. 18) puts it:
Repeated non-rejection of the null hypothesis is too easily
interpreted as indicating its acceptence, so that on the basis
of no prior information coupled with little observational
data, the null hypothesis is accepted . . . . Far from being an
exercise in scientific objectivity, such a procedure is open to
the gravest misgivings. What used to be called prejudice is
now called null hypothesis . . . .
Edwards is referring to the fact that if one has a prejudice in favor of
null hypothesis H one can specify a test so that it has little chance of
rejecting H. Consider our housefly winglength example. In E T + - t
the test size o~ was set at 0.02, but if a researcher were even more
concerned to avoid erroneously rejecting H he might set a to an even
smaller value. (Possibly the researcher manufactures D D T and rejecting H would lead to banning the chemical.) Consider E T * - 2, where
a is now set at 0.001. The corresponding test T* - 2 would not reject H
unless X exceeded 0o (45.5) by at least 3 standard deviation units, as
compared to only 2 standard deviation units when o~was set at 0.02. But
with the size set at 0.001, the observed average of 46.5 in the sample
would not be taken to reject H as it was in E T * - 1; rather H would be
accepted. (The test T + - 2 is: reject H i f [ J~-> 46.7.) In the extreme
case, one can ensure that H is never rejected by setting a = 0!
The fact that the same data leads to different conclusions depending
on the specification of a is entirely appropriate when such specifications
are intended to reflect the researcher's assessment of the consequences
of erroneous conclusions. For, as Neyman and Pearson (1936, p. 204)
assert, "clearly established consequences which appear satisfactory to
one individual may not be so regarded by another." But if "same data,
same test result" is taken as a requirement for an objective theory of
testing, this feature of NPT will render it entirely inappropriate for
objective scientific reporting. As Kyburg (1971, pp. 82-83) put it:
To talk about accepting or rejecting hypotheses, for example is prima facie to talk epistemologically; and yet in
statistical literature to accept the hypothesis that the
parameter 0 is less than 0* is often merely a fancy and
roundabout way of saying that Mr Doe should offer no more
than $36.52 for a certain bar of bolts . . . .
When it comes to general scientific hypotheses (e.g., that
f(x) represents the distribution of weights in certain species
of fish...) then the purely pragmatic, decision theoretic
approach has nothing to offer us.
If Kyburg is right, and NPT "has nothing to offer us" when testing
hypotheses about the distribution of fish weights, it will not do much
better when testing hypotheses about the distribution of housefly
winglengths! And since our aim is to show that NPT does provide
objective means for testing such hypotheses, we will have to be able to
respond to the above criticisms. By making some brief remarks on these
criticisms our grasp of the problem may be enriched and the present
approach elucidated.
3.3 Some Presuppositions About N P T and Objectivity: Remarks on
the Attacks
How one answers the question of whether NPT lives up to the aim
of scientific objectivity depends upon how one answers two additional
questions: (I) What functions are served by NPT?; and (II) What is
required for a theory of statistical testing to satisfy the aim of scientific
objectivity? If the attacks on the objectivity of NPT turn out to be
based upon faulty answers to either (I) or (II), we need not accept their
conclusion denying NPT's objectivity.
Generally, the attacks on NPT are based on the view that NPT
functions to provide objective rules of behavior. But there are many
interpretations one can place on a mathematical theory, and the
behavioristic one is not the only interpretation of which NPT admits.
Moreover, it seems to reflect neither the actual nor the intended uses of
NPT in science. In an attempt "to dispel the picture of the Russian
technological bogey" seen in Fisher's attack (3.2(a)), Pearson (1955, p.
204) notes that the main ideas of NPT were formulated a good deal
before they became couched in decision-theoretic terms. Pearson
insists that both he and Neyman "shared Professor Fisher's view that in
scientific enquiry, a statistical test is 'a means of learning'." Nevertheless, within NPT they failed to include an indication of how to use tests
as learning tools - deeming such extrastatistical considerations subjective. As such, it appears that they shared the view of objectivity held
by those who attack NPT as hopelessly subjective.
Underlying such flat out denials of the possibility of objectively
specifying a as Rubin's (3.2(b)) is the supposition that only what is given
by formal logical principles alone is truly objective. But why should a
testing theory seek to be objective in this sense? It was such a
conception of objectivity that led positivist philosophers to seek a
logic of inductive inference that could be set out in a formal way (most
notably, Carnap and his followers). But their results - while logical
masterpieces - have tended to be purely formal measures having
questionable bearing on the actual problems of statistical inference in
science. The same mentality, of. course, has fostered the uncritical use
of NPT, leading to misuses and criticisms.
Similarly, we can question Good's suggestion (3.2(c)) that a truly
objective theory must not include any judgments whatsoever. Attacking the objectivity of NPT because judgments are required in applying
its tests is to use a straw man argument; that judgments are made in
using NPT is what allows tests to avoid being sterile formal exercises.
A ban on judgments renders all human enterprises subjective. Still, the
typical Bayesian criticism of NPT follows the line of reasoning seen in
Good and Rosenkrantz (3.2(d)) above. They reason that since NPT
requires extrastatistical judgments and hence is not truly objective, it
should make its judgments explicit (and stop sweeping them under the
carpet) - which (for them) is to say, it should incorporate degrees of
belief, support, etc. in the form of prior probabilities. However, the fact
that both NPT and the methods of Bayesian tests require extrastatistical judgments does not mean that the judgments required are equally
arbitrary or equally subjective in both - a point to be taken up later. Nor
does it seem that the type of judgments needed in applying NPT are
amenable to quantification in terms of prior probabilities of hypotheses.
But their arguments are of value to us; they make it clear that our
defense of the objectivity of NPT must abandon the "no extrastatistical
judgments" view of objectivity. At the sarne time we need to show that
it is possible to avoid the sort of criticisms that the need for such
judgments is thought to give rise.
Edwards (3.2(f)), for example, attacks NPT on the grounds that the
extrastatistical judgments needed to specify its tests may be made in
such a way that the hypothesis one happens to favor is overwhelmingly
likely to be accepted. What could run counter to the ideal of scientific
objectivity more! - or so this frequently mounted attack supposes. But
this attack, we maintain, is based on a misconception of the function of
NPT in science; one which, unfortunately, has been encouraged by the
way in which NPT is formulated. The misconception is that NPT
functions to directly test scientific claims from which the statistical
hypotheses are derived. 3 As a result it is thought that since a test with
appropriate error probabiities warrants the resulting statistical conclusion (e.g., reject H), it automatically warrants the corresponding
scientific one (e.g., ~+). This leaves no room between the statistical and
the scientific conclusions whereby one c a n critically interpret the
former's bearing on the latter (i.e., ray (1) in Figure 2.1 is collapsed). As
we will see, by clearly distinguishing the two such a criticism is possible;
and the result of such a criticism is that Edwards' attack can be seen to
point to a possible misinterpretation of the import of a statistical test,
rather than to its tack of objectivity (see Section 4.4).
From Fetzer's (3.2(e)) argument we learn that our defense of NPT
must abandon the supposition that objectivity requires NPT to satisfy
the principle of "same data, same assignment of evidential support to
hypotheses". That NPT fails to satisfy this principle is not surprising
since its only quantitative measures are error probabilities of teat
procedures, and these are not intended to provide measures of evidential support. 4 Moreover, as we saw, NPT does allow one to have "Same
(sample) data, different error probabilities." So, it is also not surprising
that if error probabilities are misconstrued as evidential support
G. M A Y O
measures - something which is not uncommon - the failure of NPT to
satisfy the principle of "same data, same evidential support" will follow.
Our task in the next section will be to show that without misconstruing
error probabilities it is possible to use them to satisfy an altered
conception of scientific objectivity.
If we accept the conception of (I) the function of NPT in science, and
(II) the nature of scientific objectivity that the above attacks presuppose, then, admittedly, we must conclude that NPT fails to be objective.
But since the correctness of these conceptions is open to the questions
we have raised, we need not accept this conclusion. Of course, rejecting
this conclusion does not constitute a positive argument showing that
NPT is objective. However, our grounds for doing so point the way to
the sort of altered conceptions of (I) and (II) that would permit such a
positive defense to be provided; and it is to this task that we now turn.
Like Pearson (3.3), we view the function of statistical tests in a
scientific inquiry as providing "a means of learning" from empirical
data. However, unlike the existing formulation of NPT, we seek to
explicitly incorporate its learning function within the model of statistical testing in science itself. That is, our model of testing will include
some of the metastatisfical elements linking the statistical to the
scientific inquiry. These elements are represented by ray (1) in Figure
2.1. To contrast our reformulation of the function of NPT with the
behavioristic model, we may refer to it as the learning model, or just
NPT*. Having altered the function of tests we could substitute existing
test conclusions, i.e., accept or reject H , by assertions expressing what
has or has not been learned. However, since our aim is to show that
existing statistical tests can provide a means for objective scientific
learning, it seems preferable to introduce our reformulation in terms of
a metastatistical interpretation of existing test results.
While our learning (re)interpretation of NPT (yielding NPT*) goes
beyond what is found in the formal apparatus of NPT, we argue that it is
entirely within its realm of legitimate considerations. It depends every
step of the way on what is fundamental to NPT, namely, being able to
use the distribution of test statistic S to objectively control error
probabilities. Moreover, we will argue, it is the objective control of
error probabilities that enables NPT* to provide objective scientific
4.1 NPT as an Objective .Means for Learning by Detecting
Discrepancies: NPT*
Rather than view statistical tests in science as either a means of
deciding how to behave or a means of assigning measures of evidential
support we view them as a means of learning about variable phenomena
on the basis of limited empirical data. This function is accomplished by
providing tools for detecting certain discrepancies between the (approximately) correct models of a phenomenon and the hypothesized
ones; that is, between the pattern of observations that would be
observed (if a given experiment were repeated) and the pattern
hypothesized by the model being tested. In E T +, for example, we are
interested in learning if the actual value of 0 is positively discrepant
from the hypothesized value, 00. In the case of our housefly inquiry, this
amounts to learning if DDT-fed flies would give rise to observations
describable by N(45.5, 4), or by N(O, 4) where 0 exceeds 45.5.
Our experiment, however, allows us to observe, not the actual value
of this discrepancy, but only the di~(ference between the sample statistic
S (e.g., X) and a hypothesized population parameter 0 (e.g., 45.5). A
statistical test provides a standard measure for classifying such observed difference~ as "significant" or not. Ideally, a test would classify an
observed difterence significant, in the statistical sense, just in case one
had actually detected a discrepancy of scientific importance. However,
we know from the distribution of S that it is possible for an observed s
to differ from a hypothesis 0o, even by great amounts, when no
discrepancy between 0 and 0o exists. Similarly, a small or even a zero
observed difference is possible when large underlying discrepancies
exist. But, by a suitable choice of S, the size of observed differences can
be made to vary, in a known manner, with the size of underlying
discrepancies. In this way a test can be specified so that it will very
infrequently classify an observed difference as significant (and hence
reject H) when no discrepancy of scientific importance is detected, and
very infrequently fail to do so (and so accept H) when 0 is importantly
discrepant from 0o. As such, the rationale for small error probabilities
reflects the desire to detect all and only those discrepancies about which
one wishes to learn in a given scientific inquiry - as opposed m the
D E B O R A H O. M A Y O
desire to infrequently make erroneous decisions. That is, it reflects
epistemological rather than decision-theoretic values.
This suggests the possibility of objectively (2) specifying tests by
appealing to considerations of the type of discrepancies about which it
would be important to learn in a given scientific inquiry. Giere (1976)
attempts to do this by suggesting objective grounds upon which
"professional judgments" about scientifically important discrepancies
may be based. With respect to such judgments he remarks:
It is unfortunate that even the principal advocates of objectivist methods, e.g., Neyman,
have passed off such judgments as merely 'subjective'.... They are the kinds of
judgments on which most experienced investigators should agree. More precisely,
professional judgments should be approximately invariant under interchange of investigators. (p. 79)
Giere finds the source of such intersubjective judgments in scientific
considerations of the uses to which a statistical result is to be put. For
example, an accepted statistical hypothesis "is regarded as something
that must be explained by any proposed general theory of the relevant
kind of system . . . . "
However, critics (e.g., Rosenkrantz (1977, p. 211) and Fetzer (1981,
p. 242)) may still deny that Giere's appeal to "professional judgments"
about discrepancies renders test specifications any more objective than
the appeal to pragmatic decision-theoretic values. In addition, the conclusion of a statistical test (accept or reject H) - even if it arose from a
procedure which satisfied the (pre-trial) professional judgments of
investigators - may still be accused of failing to express the objective
import of the particular result that happened to be realized. While we
deem the appeal to discrepancies of scientific importance, exemplified
in Giere's strategy, to be.of great value in resolving the problem of the
objectivity of N F r , we attempt to use it for this end in a manner that
avoids such criticisms.
As Giere notes, there do often seem to be good scientific grounds for
specifying a test according to the discrepancies deemed scientifically
important. However, we want to argue, even if objective grounds for
(2) specifying tests are lacking, it need not preclude the possibility of
objectively accomplishing the task of (1), relating the result of a
statistical test to the scientific claim. For, regardless of how a test has
been specified, the distribution of test statistic S allows one to determine the probabilistic relations between test results and underlying
discrepancies. Moreover, we maintain, by making use of such probabilistic relations (in the form of error probabilities) it is possible to
objectively understand the discrepancies that have or have not been
detected on the basis of a given test result; and in this way NPT*
accomplishes its learning function objectively. Since error probabilities
do not provide measures of evidential support, our view of objective
scientific learning must differ from the widely held supposition that
objective statistical theories must provide such measures. Hence, before
going on to the details of our reformulation of NPT, it will help to
reconsider just what an objective theory of statistical testing seems to
4.2. An Objective Theory of Statistical Testing Reconsidered
If the function of a statistical test is to learn about variable phenomena
by using stastically modelled data to detect discrepancies between
statistically modelled conjectures about it, then an objective theory of
statistical testing must be able to carry out this learning function
objectively. But what is required for objective learning in science? We
take the veiw that objectivity requires assertions to be checkable,
testable, or open to criticism by means of fair standards or controls.
Correspondingly, objective learning from the result of a statistical test
requires being able to critically evaluate what it does and does not
indicate about the scientific phenomenon of interest (i.e., what it does
or does not detect). In NPT, a statistical result is an assertion to either
reject or accept a statistical hypothesis H, according to whether or not
the test classifies the observed data as significantly far from what would
be expected under H. Hence, objective learning from the statistical
result is a matter of being able to critically evaluate what such a
statistically classified observation does or does not indicate about the
variability of the scientific phenomenon. So, while the given statistical
result is influenced by the choice of classification scheme provided by a
given test specification, this need not preclude objective learning on the
basis of an observation so classified. For, as Scheffler (1967, p. 38)
notes, "having adopted a given category system, our hypotheses as to
the actual distribution of items within the several categories are not
prejudged." The reason is that the result of a statistical test "about the
distribution of items within the several categories" is only partly
determined by the specifications of the categories (significant and
G. M A Y O
insignificant); it is also determined by the underlying scientific
phenomenon. And what enables objective learning to take place is the
possibility of devising ingenious means for "subtracting out" the
influence of test specifications in order to detect the underlying
It is instructive to note the parallels between the problems of
objective learning from statistical experiments and that of objective
learning from observation in general. The problem in objectively
interpreting observations is that observations are always relative to the
particular instrument or observation scheme employed. But we often
are aware not only of the fact that observation schemes influence what
we observe, but also of how they influence observations and of how
much "noise" they are likely to produce. In this way its influence may
be subtracted out to some extent. Hence, objective learning from
observation is not a matter of getting free of arbitrary choices of
observation scheme, but a matter of critically evaluating the extent of
their influence in order to get at the underlying phenomenon. And the
function of NPT on our view (i.e., NPT*) may be seen as providing
a systematic means for accomplishing such learning. To clarify this
function we may again revert to an analogy between tests and observational instruments.
In particular, a statistical test functions in a manner analogous to the
way an instrument such as an ultrasound probe allows one to learn about
the condition of a patient's arteries indirectly. And the manner in which
test specifications determine the classification of statistical data is
analogous to the way the sensitivity of the ultrasound probe determines
whether an image is classified as diseased or not. However, a doctor's
ability to learn about a patient's condition is not precluded by the fact
that different probes classify images differently. Given an image
deemed diseased by a certain ultrasound probe, doctors are able to
learn about a patient's condition by considering how frequently such a
diseased image results from observing arteries diseased to various
extents. In an analogous fashion, learning from the result of a given test
is accomplished by making use of probabilistic relations between such
results and underlying values of a parameter 0, i.e., via error probabilities.
Having roughly described our view of objective learning from
statistical tests, it wilt help to imagine an instrument, which, while
purely invented, enables a more precise description of how NPT* learns
from an experimental test such as E T + : This test may be visualized as
an instrument for categorizing observed sample averages according to
the width of the mesh of a netting on which they are "caught". Since the
example on which our discussion focuses concerns the average winglength of houseflies, it may be instructive to regard E T + as using a
type of flynet to catch flies larger than those arising from a population of
flies correctly described by H : 0 = 0o. Suppose that a netting of size c~
catches an observed average winglength Y just iI~ case ~ >- 0~ + d~o-x.
Then a test with size o~ categorizes a sample as "significant" just in case
it is caught on a size o~ net. Suppose further that it is known that
c~(100%) of the possible samples (in X) from a fly population where
0 = 0o would land on a netting of size a. Then specifying a test to have a
small size o~ (i.e., a small probability of a type I error) is tantamount to
rejecting H : 0 = 0o just in case a given sample of flies is caught on a net
on which only a small percentage of samples from fly population H
would be caught.
For T + tests an x value may be " c a u g h t " on the net deemed
significant by one test and not by another because the widths of their
significant nets differ. But while "significantly large" is a notion relative
to the 'arbitrarily' chosen width of the significant net, the notions
"significant according to test T " (or, "caught by test T") may be
understood by anyone who understands the probabilistic relation between being caught by a given test and various underlying populations.
And since NPT provides such a probabilistic relation (by means of the
distribution of the experimental test statistic) it is possible to understand
what has or has not been learned about 0 by means of a given test result.
In contrast, a Bayesian views considerations about results that have not
been observed irrelevant for reasoning from the particular result that
happened to be observed. As Lindley (1976, p. 362) remarks.
In Bayesian statistics.., once the data is to hand, the distribution of X [or N], the random
variable that generated the data, is irrelevant.
Hence, one is unable to relate the result of a Bayesian test to other
possible experimental tests- at least not by referring to the distribution of
the test statistic (e.g., _X). So if our view of statistical testing in science is
correct, it follows that the result of a Bayesian test cannot provide a
general means for objectively assessing a scientific claim (e.g., q~+). For
such assessments implicitly refer to other possible experiments (whether
G. M A Y O
actual or hypothetical) in which the present result could be repeated or
checked. But according to Lindley (p. 359) "the Bayesian theory is about
coherence, not about right or wrong," so the fact that it allows consistent
incorrectness to go unchecked may not be deemed problematic for a
subjective Bayesian.
It follows, then, that what fundamentally distinguishes the subjective
Bayesian theory from NPT* is not the inclusion or exclusion of
extrastatistical judgments, for they both require these. Rather, what
fundamentally distinguishes them is that NPT*, unlike Bayesian tests,
allows for objective (criticizable) scientific assertions; that is, for
objectively accomplishing the task of (1) relating statistical results to
scientific claims. Having clearly distinguished the statistical conclusion
from the subsequent scientific one, we can deny that any arbitrariness
on the level of formal statistics necessarily injects arbitrariness into
assertions based on statistical results. Moreover, we have suggested the
basic type of move whereby we claim NPT* is able to avoid arbitrariness in evaluating the scientific import of its tests. In the next two
sections, we attempt to show explicitly how this may be carried out by
objectively interpreting two statistical conclusions from ET +.
Before doing so, however, two things should be noted. First, it is not
our view that the result of a single statistical inquiry suffices to find out
all that one wants to learn in typical scientific inquiries; rather,
numerous statistical tests are usually required - some of which may only
be interested in learning how to go on to learn more. As we will be able
to consider only a single statistical inquiry, our concern will be limited
to objectively evaluating what may or may not be learned from it
alone. 5 Secondly, it is not our intention to legislate what information a
given scientific inquiry requires, in the sense of telling a scientist the
magnitude of discrepancy he should deem important. On the contrary,
our aim is to show how an objective interpretation of statistical results
(from ET ÷) is possible without having to precisely specify the magnitude of the discrepancy that is of interest for the purposes of the
scientific inquiry. This interpretation will consist of indicating the
extent to which a given statistical result (from ET ÷) allows one to learn
about various 0 values that are positively discrepant from 00.
4.3 An Objective Interpretation of Rejecting a Hypothesis (with T +)
In order to objectively interpret the result of a test we said one must be
able to critically evaluate what it does and does not indicate, and such a
critical evaluation is possible if one is able to distinguish between
correct interpretations and incorrect ones (i.e., misinterpretations).
Hence, the focus of our metastatistical evaluation of the result of a
statistical test will be various ways in which its scientific import may be
misconstrued. A rejection of a statistical hypothesis H is misconstrued
or misinterpreted if it is erroneously taken to indicate that a discrepancy
of scientific importance has been detected. But which discrepancies are
of "scientific importance"? In ET +, for example, is any positive
discrepancy, no matter how small, important? Although our null
hypothesis H states that 0 is precisely 45.5 ram, in fact, even if a
poptdation is that of normal untreated flies the assertion that 0 = 45.5 is
not precisely correct to any number of decimal places. Since winglength
measurements and ~+ are in terms of 0.1 mm, no distinction is made
between, say, 45.51 and 45.5. So, at the very least, the imprecision of
the scientific claim prevents any and all discrepancies from being of
scientific importance. However, we would also be mistaken in construing an observed difference as indicative of an importantly greater 0 if in
fact it was due to the various sources of genetic and environmental
error that result in the normal, expected, variability of wingtengths, all
of which may be lumped under experimental error.
The task of distinguishing differences due to experimental error or
"accidental effects" is accomplished by NPT by making use of knowledge as to how one may fail to do so. In particular, since a positive
difference between J~ and its mean 0 of less than 1 or 2 standard
deviation units arises fairly frequently from experimental error, such
small differences may often erroneously be confused with effects due to
the treatment of interest (e.g., DDT). By making ~ small (e.g., 0.02),
only observed differences as large as d~ (e.g., 2) o-~'s are taken to reject
H , i.e., to deny the difference is due to experimental error alone. But
even a small cr does not protect one from misconstruing a rejection of
H. For even if the test result rarely arises (i.e., no more than e~(100%)
of the time) from experimental error alone, it may still be a poor
indicator of a 0 value importantly greater than 45.5; that is, it may be a
misleading signal of ~ . The reason for this is that, regardless of how
small ~ is a test can be specified so that it will almost always give rise to
a Y that exceeds 0o (45.5) by the required d~o-~'s, even if the underlying
0 exceeds 00 by as little as one likes. Such a sensitive, or powerful, test
results by selecting an appropriately large sample size n° In this way o-~,
G. M A Y O
and correspondingly, 0o + d~o-~, can be made so small that even the
smallest flywings are caught on the o~-significant netting. That NPT
thereby allows frequent misconstruals of the scientific import of a
rejection of H is often taken to show its inadequacy for science. But
such misconstruals occur only if a rejection of H is automatically taken
to indicate q~+.
How, on the metastatistical level, is such a misconstrual to be
avoided? To answer this, consider how one interprets a failing test score
on an (academic or physical) exam. If it is known that "such a score"
frequently arises when only an unimportant deficiency is present, one
would deny that a large important deficiency was indicated by the test
score. Reverting to our ultrasound probe analogy, suppose a given
image is classified as diseased by the probe, but that the doctors know
that "such a diseased image" frequently arises (in using this probe)
when no real disease has been detected (perhaps it is due to a slight
shadow). Then, the doctors would deny that the image was a good
indicator of the existence of a seriously diseased artery. (Remember, we
are not concerned here with what action the doctors should take, but
only with what they have learned.) Similarly, a rejection of H with a
given ~ is not a good indicator of a scientifically important value of 0, if
"such a rejection" (i.e., such a statistically significant result) frequently
results from the given test when the amount by which 0 exceeds 00 is
scientifically unimportant. By "such a score" or "such a rejection", we
mean one deemed as or even more significant than the one given by the
test. Since the ability to criticize an interpretation of a rejection
involves appealing to the frequency relation between such a result and
underlying values of 0, it will be helpful to introduce a function that
makes this relationship precise.
Suppose H : 0 = 0o is rejected by a test T + (in favor of alternative
J : 0 > 0o) on the basis of an observed average 2. Using the distribution
of _X for 0 ~ 12 define
a(~, 0) = &(0) = P ( J ~
2[ 0)
That is, 5(0) is the area to the right of observed 2, under the Normal
curve with mean 0 (with known o-). In the special case where 0 = 0o, &
(sometimes called the observed significance level) equals the frequency
of erroneously rejecting H with "such an Y" (i.e., the frequency of
"such a Type I error.") Then, test T + rejects H with 2 just in case
&(Oo) ~<the (preset) size of the test. 6 To assert alternative J, that 0 > 0o,
is to say that the sort of observations to which the population being
observed (e.g., DDT-treated flies) gives rise are not those that typically
arise from a population with 0 as small as 00. That is, it is denied that the
observations are describable as having arisen from a statistical distribution M(Oo). Then, a T + rejection of H : 0 = 00 is a good indicator
that 0 > 00 to the extent that such a rejection truly is not typical when 0
is as small as 0o (i.e., to the extent that 2 goes beyond the bounds of
typical experimental error from 0o.) And this is just to say that ~(0o) is
small. Hence, rejecting H with a T + test with small size a indicates that
J : 0 > 0o. It follows that if any and all positive discrepancies from 0o are
deemed scientifically important, then a small size ~ ensures that
construing such a rejection as indicating a scientifically important 0
would rarely be erroneous. But so long as some 0 values in excess of 0o
are still not deemed scientifically important, even a small size ~ does
not prevent a T + rejection of H from often being misconstrued when
relating it to ~+.
Let us define 0u, as follows:
0u, = the largest scientifically unimportant 0 value in excess
of 00.
Then we can represent the task of relating the statistical to the scientific
claim ~+ (i.e., task (1)) by:
Statistical Result:
Reject H : 0 = 00 with ~
Scientific Claim q~ ~:
0 > 0,n
Even without knowing the value of 0~,, we can discriminate between
legitimate and illegitimate construals of a statistical result by considering the values of ~(0') for 0' e f~j. For such values provide an objective
measure of the extent to which a T ÷ rejection serves as an indicator
that 0 > 0'. For the same reasons we noted above, a T + rejection with 2
successfully indicates that 0 > 0' to the extent that ~(0') is small. For, if
~(0') is small, it is correct to assert that such a rejection infrequently
arises if 0 <~ 0'; it can infrequently be reproduced if 0 ~< 0'.
In contrast, the larger ~(0') is, the poorer a T + rejection is as an
indicator that 0 > 0' (i.e., that is not due to 0 as small as 0'). For, if
d~(0') is fairly large, then such a rejection is the sort of event that fairly
frequently arises when 0 ~ 0' (by definition of ~). Hence, if such a
rejection is taken to signal that 0 > 0', it will be mistaken fairly
frequently. So, if one is interested in learning only of the existence of 0
G, M A Y O
values larger than 0' (i.e., if 0 ' ~< 0u~), a result for which &(0') is large
fails to advance one's learning. To make this more concrete, consider
the result of E T ÷ - 1 in 2.3(c). The average winglength of the 100
observed (DDT-treated) houseflies, i , was 46.5 mm. So, the statistical
result is: T ÷ rejects H : 0 = 45.5 with Y = 46.5. How, on our approach,
is this result to be interpreted? To answer this, it will help to observe
some of the values of a(46.5, 0) (abbreviated &(0)). This will tell us
how frequently such a T ÷ - 1 rejection arises when various fly populations are being observed (see Figure 4.3.).
It can oe seen that this result is a good indication that one is
observing a population where 0 > 45.5 (&(45.5)= 0.01). But, there is
also a good indication that even more has been learned; that is, the
result not only indicates that H is not precisely true, it also says
something about how far from the truth it is. Since &(45.7) is very small
(0.02), there is a good indication that 0 exceeds 45.7 as well. For, if one
were catching (average) flywings with T ÷ - 1 in a population of flies
where 0 was no greater than 45.7, only 2% of our catches would be this
large. More generally, the fly populations for which & is small are ones
which have a correspondingly small chance of producing a 46.5rejection with our test. So to easily reproduce the observed effect (i.e.,
the observed rejection) one must move to a fly population "to the right"
of these. However, as soon as one moves far enough to the right to
render the result fairly easy to reproduce, i.e., as soon as one reaches a 0
(in excess of 45.5) for which & is no longer small, there is no indication
that one is in a population any further to the right.
Since &(46.9)= 0.84, our rejection does not indicate any further
move to the right of 46.9. Suppose Oun is 46.9, and ~+ asserts that
0 I> 47. Then if our 46.5-rejection is taken as a result that is not typical
in a fly population where 0 exceeds the normal 4 5 . 5 m m by an
unimportant amount, i.e., if it is taken to indicate ~+, then it will be
m i s t a k e n . For such a rejection is typical of a fly population where
0 = 46.9 (it occurs 84% of the time).
By incorporatingsuch metastatistical reasoning in NPT*, the &(0)
curve provides a nonsubjective tool for understanding the 0 values
about which one has or has not learned on the basis of a given
T+-rejection. Rather than report the entire curve, certain key &(0)
values succeed in conveying the sort of 0 values t h a t are being
detected. Corresponding to a T+-rejection with ff define:
0 ~ = the value of 0 (in 12) for which ~(~, 0) = &(0) = &.
5.5) = 0.0 l _
&(45.7) = 0.02
&(46A) = 0 . t 6
Fig. 4.3:
a ( 4 6 . 5 , 0),
+ 1 o-~
6~(46,9) 0.84
J( is N(O, 0.4)
O. M A Y O
For example, 00.02= 3~--20"~, and 00.84= J~"t-lo'~. 7 Hence, a T + rejection is a good indication or signal of 0 > 0°°2; while it is a poor
indication that 0 > 0 TM. So, if 0 TM ~ 0u. (or, more generally, if &(0,,.)
is large) then taking the statistical result as a signal of scientific claim
q~+ is illegitimate.
4.4 An Objective Interpretation of Accepting a Hypothesis (With T ÷)
Just as rejecting H with too sensitive a test (i.e., too small a significance
net) may indicate scientificially unimportant O's have been found,
accepting H with too insensitive a test (i.e., too coarse a significance
net) may fail to indicate that no scientificially important O's have been
found. T h a t is, a too sensitive test may detect unimportant discrepancies, while too insensitive a test may fail to detect important
ones. As we saw in 3.2, tests are criticized because a given acceptance
of H may be due, not to the non-existence of an importantly discrepant
0, but to deliberately specifying a test to be too coarse. T h e coarseness
of a test (i.e., of its significance net) may be increased by decreasing its
size a ; for, as example E T ÷ - 2 showed, this increases d~ and so
increases 0o + d~o'~. But this can also be accomplished by specifying a
sm~ciently small sample size n, while keeping the same a ; for this
increases tre. However, once the influence of sample size is taken into
account in interpreting an acceptance, one can avoid being misled.
Let experimental test E T ÷ - 3 be the extreme case where n is only 1,
while a, as in E T ÷ - 1 is 0.02. Suppose a single fly (after having been
D D T - t r e a t e d ) is observed to have a winglength of 46.5 mm - the same
as the average wingleng_th in the 100 flies in E T ÷ - 1. With n = 1, the
distribution of statistic X (which is just X) is the population distribution
N(O, 4). While the magnitude of the observed difference is the same as
E T ÷ - 1 (i.e., lmm), it is now equivalent to only 0.25cre (vs. 2.5tre).
A n d since 0.25 = do.4, our observation lands on a 0.4-net, but falls
through the 0.02-significance net of T ÷ - 3, as this net only catches ~'s
that exceed 45.5 by 8 mm (i.e., T + - 3 reject H iff ~/> 53.5.) Hence,
T ÷ - 3 accepts H with 46.5; 46.5 is d e e m e d well-within the bounds of
differences due to experimental error from 0 = 45.5 alone. However,
"such an a c c e p t a n c e " (i.e., one with so insignificant an ~) does not
indicate that 0 is precisely 45.5 and that all O's in f~j are ruled out. For,
such an acceptance may not be infrequent even if one is observing
populations to the right of 0 = 45.5. Define
/3(Y, 0) =/3(0) = P(J~ ~< xt 0).
That is, /3(0) is the area to the left of ~, under the distribution of J~,
which in ET + - 3 is N(O, 4). We can understand the import of a T + - 3
acceptance with ~ = 46.5 by reporting various values of /3(46.5), as
seen in Figure 4.4.
In comparing Figure 4.4 to Figure 4.3, it can be seen that while
ET + - 1 distinguished H from 0 values relatively close (e.g., only ½ofrom 45.5), E T + - 3 only distinguishes H from rather distant 0 values (1
or 2o- from 45.5.) A n d an acceptance of H only indicates that one can
rule out 0 values it is capable of distinguishing. Since an acceptance is
more informative the smaller the value of f t j it indicates can be ruled
out, the more sensitive the test (the smaller the significance net) from
which an acceptance arises, the more that is learned° More precisely, a
T + acceptance of H does not rule out those alternative values of 0 that
fairly frequently give rise to such an acceptance (i.e., those for which
/3 (0) is not small.) And the less sensitive the test, the further to the
right of H one must go before values of /3(0) begin to get small.
Corresponding to a T+-acceptance define:
0~ = the value of 0 (in ~ ) for which ¢t(~, 0) =/3(0) = 8.
Then a T + acceptance with ~ succeeds in indicating that 0 ~< 0' (i.e.,
that O's in excess of 0' have not been found) to the extent that 8(0') is
small. Important examples of values for which /3(0) is small are
0o.16 = ~+1o-~ and 0o.02= ~+2o-~. In E T + - 3 , these correspond to
0 = 50.5 and 0 = 54.5, respectively. However, having learned that 0
values larger than, say, 00.~6 have not been found, it cannot automatically be assumed that no scientifically important 0 values have been
Rather than work solely with 0~,, let us define O~mpas follows:
0~mp= the smallest scientifically important 0 value in excess
of 0o.
Then interpreting a T+-acceptance as indicating that 0 ~ 0,n (i.e., as
indicating one can rule out q~+: 0 ~ Oime) when in fact 0 >i 0~,np is to
misinterpret its scientific import. This misinterpretation may be seen as a
metastistical version of the Type II error; but now it consists of
erroneously construing a T+-acceptance of H as indicating the denial of
~+. Correspondingly, ~(Oi,,p) gives the maximum frequency of such a
' 49.5
Fig. 4.4: /J(#) =/3(46.5, 0), = P(X~46.510) in ET+-3.
,¢/" ~- ~
~ J is~N(0,~4) ~ 4 , ~ l ~ .
fi(48)=0.35 /
-- - ~ ~ ~
~(47) = 0 ' 4 ~ , / ~ / ~ / - ~ /
misconstrual. That is why if this value is fairly large NPT* deems Y a poor
indicator of 0 < Oimv. Reverting to our ultrasound probe analogy,
suppose a given image is classified as non-diseased by the probe. If in fact
such an image (or one deemed even healthier) frequently arises when a
seriously diseased artery is being observed, it would be a poor indicator
that no disease was present.
Suppose, as before, that scientists conducting the winglength study
are interested in learning of 0 values of 47 mm or more, i.e., 0imp = 47.
But, since ~(47) = 0.45, it follows that an underlying 0 of 47 would be
concealed 45% of the time by reporting a T + - 3 acceptance with our
observed Y of 46.5. Imagine that the average winglength of a population of giant houseflies (possibly produced by having had their larval
food contaminated with some other chemical) is 48 ram. Surely, in that
case one would want to learn if DDT-treated flies may be described as
having winglengths as far from the normal 45.5 as one finds in giant fly
populations. Yet 48 is still not deemed clearly distinct from 45.5 by our
statistical result; 35% of the time, the fact that such a giant fly
population was being observed would be concealed by such an acceptance (i.e., 0o.35 = 48). Unfortunately, this is a typical situation in a
great many experiments on treatment effects, since large samples are
rarely available. And since failure to reject the null hypothesis H is
generally taken as a sign that no scientifically important treatment
effect has been found, the existence of important effects is often
concealed. In NPT*, however, such illegitimate interpretations of a
statistical acceptance can be avoided, provided that one reports not
only that H has been accepted, but also the experimental test used and
the specific data observed. In the case of E T ÷ - 3, if it is reported that
T + - 3 accepts H : 0 = 45.5 with ~ = 46.5, it should only be taken as a
signal that a 0 in excess of 0¢ for small ~ (e.g., 0.16 or less) has not been
found. Since 0o.~6= 50.5, our result is not a good indication that
0 < 0i,~p which was 47. It indicates only that 0 < 50.5 (or so).
While ET + - 1 and ET + - 3 both dealt with the same observation
(46.5) the former rejects, while the latter accepts H . If, as we supposed,
0~,,p = 47, then the resulting T ÷ - 1 rejection fails to signal that a
scientifically important 0 has been detected; and the T + - 3 acceptance
fails to signal that no scientifically important 0 has been found. But our
assignment of O~mpwas simply to illustrate the metastatistical reasoning
of NPT*. Without specifying 0~,,p we have seen how such reasoning
allows us to understand what sort of 0 values would have to be of
G. M A Y O
interest if statistical results from T + are to be informative. Moreover,
regardless of the key values of & and/3 selected as "fairly large", they
may be used as standard indices for distinguishing what has or has not
been learned. By using them in interpreting various T + results (perhaps
distinguishing types of inquiries) certain values may turn out to be most
insightful. In addition, after evaluating tests according to how well they
perform their learning function, the means for specifying tests so that
they are likely to perform this function may start to emerge. However,
what is important from our point of view is that regardless of how they
have been specified, it should be possible for the objective import of
test results to be extracted; and we have seen how, in the case of ET +,
NPT* accomplishes this task.
5. A N O T E ON T H E P R O B L E M O F O B J E C T I V E L Y
Our ability to objectively interpret statistical results of T ÷ rested on the
ability to make use of probabilistic relationships between test results
and underlying 0 values given by & and/3. However, these relationships
refer to sample averages that are distributed according to the experimental test statistic X; and the failure of empirical observation ff to
satisfy the assumptions of this distribution may render assertions about
and /3 invalid. The task of evaluating whether ff meets these
assumptions was seen as part of task (3) in Section 3 (ray (3) in Figure
2.1). The problems that arise in accomplishing task (3) plague all
theories of statistical testing, and perhaps for this reason they are less
often the focus of attacks on NPT than are the problems of accomplishing (1) and (2). Nevertheless, this task is an important one, and while we
can only briefly consider it here, an indication of how NPT* accomplishes task (3) objectively hopefully will be provided.
An (n-fold) sample observation ff is statistically modelled as the
result of n independent observations of a random variable distributed
according to M(O),i.e., as (x~) (see section 2.1). But critics of NPT deny
its ability to objectively verify that the data generation procedures give
rise to a sample that satisfies the formal assumptions of the statistical
data model. As Dempster (1970, p. 70) maintains:
Although frequentists often welcome the label objective, every frequentist model rests on
a necessarily subjective j u d g m e n t that a particular set of elements were drawn from a
larger collection of elements in a way which favored no elements over any other . . . .
Once again the charge of subjectivity concerns the necessity of
extrastatistical judgments; here in validating formal test assumptions.
But the fact is, the formal assumptions need not be precisely met for the
learning function of tests to be accomplished. It is required only that
one be able to distinguish the major effects of the primary treatment of
interest from extraneous factors.
For example, in the study on houseflies, the ability to learn about the
effects of D D T on winglengths depends on being able to distinguish its
effects from other factors influencing growth. However, if the sample is
biased in various ways, such as by observing only male flies or including
a growth hormone as well as D D T into the larval food, then the
difference between the sample average and the normal average winglength (45.5) may be due - not to D D T - but to various extraneous
factors. Ideally, the treated flies would differ from normal, untreated
flies - at least with respect to factors affecting winglength - only in
being given DDT. But the value of the theory of statistically designed
experiments is in providing means for "subtracting out" or °'designing
out" factors for which one cannot physically control. Here, as elsewhere in our discussion, "subtracting out" something is a matter of
taking its effect into account, and this is accomplished by making use of
information as to its statistical effect. Just as a hypothesis test makes use
of known patterns of variability from experimental error to distinguish
it from genuine, systematic effects, knowledge of the influence from
extraneous factors enables them to be distinguished from the primary
effect of interest (e.g., DDT). And by generating the sample according
to one of various probabilistic schemes, 8 the variability due to nonprimary sources may be approximated by a known statistical model.
Hence, by probabilistic sampling schemes (e.g., randomization,
stratification) NPT is able to ensure that claims about error frequencies
are approximately equal to the actual error frequencies that would arise
in other applications of its methods.
Admittedly, judgments and background information about relevant
factors are required; but this information is used to intentionally avoid
biasing or misreading the data. Moreover, NPT provides extensive
methods for checking whether such bias is avoided by testing whether
test assumptions are approximately met. For example, the assumption
G. M A Y O
of independence may be checked by testing a null hypothesis of the
form: (x,) are independent samples from M(O), and using various
Goodness-of-Fit tests. The assumption in ET ÷ that the standard deviation is unchanged may be tested using techniques of analysis of
variance. Ideally the test assumptions can be checked prior to testing
H : 0 = 0o; however numerous tests are designed to enable them to be
checked after the data is already observed. Nevertheless, NPT has been
criticized for failing to allow such an after-trial check of test assumptions - at least not without running an additional experiment. As
Rosenkrantz (1977, p. 205) maintains:
Imagine that we were testing an hypothesis about a binomial parameter or a normal mean,
but afterwards, upon examination of the data, it appeared that the trials were not truly
random or the population not truly normal. Again, these latter assumptions, not being
themselves the object of the test, cannot be said to be counterindicated by the present
data. Instead, a new experiment must be designed to test whether they are realistic
assumptions about our current experiment!
But this ignores the ways in which NPT enables one to test whether
the data from a current experiment obeys the test assumptions and still
avoid the biases that can result from a double use of data. For the data
from the current experiment (e.g., ET ÷) may be remodelled in a variety of
ways to serve as the data of various (after-trial) tests of its assumptions.
Each such test corresponds to a different test statistic S. For instance, to
check whether the assumption of normality is met, one might look, not
at the average winglength (as one would in carrying out T÷), but at the
number of flies whose winglengths were observed to be within certain
In fact, such tests often reveal that test assumptions are not precisely
met! But the important thing is that the learning function of tests may
be accomplished despite the violations of these assumptions - something that is not usually realized in foundational discussions. That is,
NPT methods are, to a great extent, robust against such violations, and
their robustness is made explicit in NPT*. A series of tests for checking
assumptions may be developed within NFF*, as well as metastatistical
principles for their interpretation - along the lines of those developed
for T ÷ (Section 4). However, while there our aim was to avoid
confusing scientifically (un)important effects with statistically
(in)significant ones; here our aim would be to avoid confusing the
effects of our primary treatment (e.g., DDT) with the influences of
extraneous factors - at least to the extent that we would be prevented
from objectively interpreting the primary statistical result (i.e., of test
T +) via & and/3. Moreover, these tests themselves (at least within the
context of ET +, but also for other 1-parameter cases) are either
distribution-free or robust; or, if not, techniques exist for determining
the extent to which possible violations hamper one's ability to learn
about the scientific phenomenon of interest. And this is all that is
required for objective scientific learning.
In contrast, a subjective Bayesian report of a posterior probability (in
H) is not open to such a critical check - at least not by Bayesian
principles alone. For it is not required that the influence of the prior be
reported; and one may have no way of knowing if the prior was based on
objective information, subjective prejudice, or on ignorance (of unequal
probaNlities). Admittedly, it is possible that in a given case a sample
selected on the basis of subjective beliefs turns out to satisfy test
assumptions better than one obtained from a NPT probabilistic scheme;
the problem is that there is no objective means of knowing this - so long
as the underlying population being studied is unknown.
In conclusion, we can agree with a slogan cited by Good (1981, p.
161) (which he attributes to Rubin) that "A good Bayesian does better
than a non-Bayesian but a bad Bayesian gets clobbered". But one could
likewise say that when a self proclaimed psychic like Jean Dixon has a
good day, she predicts the future better than any scientific means. But
the whole point of scientific objectivity is to systematically distinguish
fortuitous guesswork from reliable methods - and one cannot
do this in the case of Dixon and the subjective Bayesian. And this is why
a follower of an objective theory of testing, such as NPT*, is - unlike
the subjective Bayesian - able to clobb,~1 ms hypotheses and assumptions, instead of getting clobbered himself!
-t I would like to thank Ronald Giere for very useful comments and numerous valuable
conversations concerning this paper and his own work. This research was carried out
during tenure of a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship; I gratefully
acknowledge this support.
1 Our example is adapted from data in the study in Sokal and Hunter (1955). This study,
discussed in Sokol and Rohlf (1969), has been greatly simplified in our adaptation.
2 Fisherian (Significance) Tests specify only a null hypothesis H, and use sample data to
either reject or fail to reject H (where failing to reject is n o t taken as accepting H). H is
G. M A Y O
rejected just in case the probability of a result as or more deviant (from what would be
expected under H) than the one observed is sufficiently small - for some specified value of
"small". Since no alternative hypothesis is specified, however, there is a problem in
ascertaining what is to count as "more deviant".
3 Although Neyman (1950) notes that if the data fails to satisfy the assumptions of the
experimental test, the test's error probabilities may hold for the statistical hypothesis but
not for the corresponding scientific claim; as long as these assumptions are approximately
satisfied, the statistical hypothesis is simply identified with the scientific claim - or so he
4 A detailed discussion of the distinction between NPT and statistical theories that aim to
provide measures of evidential strength that data afford hypotheses occurs in Mayo
(1981a) and Mayo (1982). We show that the major criticisms of NPT rest on the
assumption that for NPT to be adequate it should provide such evidential-strength
measures. We reject these criticisms by arguing that (a) NPT does not intend to provide
such measures, and (b) the critics fail to provide a non-question begging argument
showing that NPT should seek to do so.
s Ultimately we envision NPT* as providing a systematic means for learning about a
scientific phenomenon by imbedding individual statistical inquiries within a larger, more
complex model of a scientific inquiry or learning program, To this end, a system of
metastatistical principles, along the lines of those developed in 4.3 and 4.4 for T ÷ (though
more complex) may be developed for a variety of statistical tests. Then, by means of
(meta-metastatistical?) principles spanning several different theories (e.g., theories of
data, of observation, of the primary scientific phenomenon), individual tests may be both
specified, interpreted, and evaluated by reference to other statistical tests (and their
corresponding test models) within the larger model of the overall learning effort.
6 For, from 4.3(a), &(00) (shorthand for a(~, 00)) is ~<a just in case P ( X t> ~10o) ~< a ; and
this occurs just in case ~ is in the critical region of NPT test T ÷ with size a.
7 Values of 0 & can be derived from our knowledge of the probability that 3~ exceeds its
mean 0 by various amounts (i.e., by various d,~o'~'s) as given in Figure 2.3. Consider, for
example, 0 °-°2. If O = £ - 2o'~ then ~(0) = P(J~ 1> £I 0 = ~ - 2~r~)_(from 4.3(a)). And this is
just the probability that X exceeds its mean 0 by 2cre (where X is N(O, cry)), which we
know is 0.02. That is, 2 = do.02. It follows that &(g - 2ere) = 0.02, so 00.02 = ~ - 2o'x (for
8 In a probabilistic or random sampling scheme the elements of a population are selected
or assigned to some "treatment" (e.g., DDT) in accordance with a specific probability. In
simple random sampling each is given the same selection probability - but equiprobability
is not required for NPT. In stratified random sampling, for example, the population is
divided into groups and random samples are drawn from each. Ideally, these groups are
known (from other studies) to share a property relevant to the population property of
interest. For instance, in the housefly winglength data, flies had been grouped according
to the culture jar in which they were incubated, so that samples would include flies from
each. Since there is less variability within each group with respect to the property of
interest, (e. g., size of adult fly), by suitably weighing average winglengths from each the
final sample data (e.g., Y) will vary less from O than in simple random sampling from the
population (it will be more "representative").
But the primary value of probabilistic sampling for NPT* is that the pattern of variability
of experimental data collected in this way may be approximated by means of standard
statistical models. For, in this way one can validly make use of known probabilistic
relations between statistical data and underlying population parameters, i.e., make use of
the distribution of one or more experimental test statistics. And this provides an objective
basis for assertions about error probabilities and therefore for assertions about & and ~;
and this, we have argued, is all that is required for NPT* to accomplish the task of
objective learning.
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Dept. of Philosophy and Religion
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061