Document 10324544

Volume 12, Issue 2
Year End 2010
Dear Colleagues,
As we approach June, it is a good time to reflect on the
academic year that has just been completed.
It was a
successful year. Last fall, the largest incoming class ever was
enrolled, reflecting the strong admission profile of the
University of Richmond.
And there were many academic
accomplishments of the senior class highlighted during
commencement. We are all reminded at what a great place
the University of Richmond is to work and teach.
While the summer can be a period for rejuvenation and special
projects, it can also be an extremely busy time of year for
many departments around campus. For the Controller’s Office
and Business & Finance Office, we are entering some of the
busiest months of the year. This issue of The Bottom Line
newsletter is packed with information to help you navigate the
financial requirements of closing out the fiscal year. Pay
special attention to the deadlines and year end dates listed in
this issue. Please take the time during the next few weeks to
review your budgets for accuracy. Adjustments and transfers
may be requested anytime between now and early July, but
the sooner the better.
Harlean Owens
Val Cemprola
Nancy Crowgey
Sharon Condrey
Susan Galvin
Tammy Hicks
Jean Hines
Suzanne Kallighan
Nancy Colón
Robert Plymale
Shelle Flowers
The FY11 budgets are now loaded in Banner. You will be able
to confirm the approved budget for your index, by using either
FGIBDST or BannerWeb. See the section that provides
information on how to do this.
The global economy continues to be unpredictable, but the
University’s resources remain strong. While we have taken a
hard look at operating budgets, and made reallocations as
necessary, we are also in a position to continue forward
momentum on our capital projects and the strategic plan.
Watching the Carole Weinstein International Center, Queally
Hall, and the Robins Football Stadium near completion is very
Jenni Sauer
Associate Vice President for Business & Finance
Did You Know………………
Due to the fiscal year end, purchasing card documentation for the June 25 th
statement is due to Accounts Payable by Tuesday, July 6th.
Detailed receipts must be provided for business meal reimbursements.
There is a new budget carry forward policy. Please see
FY 11 Beginning Balances
The budgets for funds 20xxx and 26xxx, as well
as the balances for indices 8xxx and 9xxx, will
not be rolled until the end of July. The
Accounting Office runs a process each year end
to roll these budgets/balances and the process
cannot be run until all the final entries have
been keyed for the fiscal year that is closing. If
you need current balances for these funds and
indices for FY11 before the end of July, please
add the remaining balance for FY10 to the FY11
activity to get your correct balance.
Year End Information
Budget Reports & Journal Entries
Preliminary 6/30/10 budget reports will be
emailed after 5:00 pm on 07/01/10. The
campus will have until 3:00 pm on July 1 to enter
journal entries for the 06/30/10 preliminary
budget report. Please keep in mind that this is a
preliminary budget report for June, the final
budget report will not be sent until we close the
year at the end of July, which is tentatively
scheduled for 7/28/10. June is the only month in
which you will receive two budget reports.
Once you receive your preliminary report, please
review it carefully for any errors. If you find an
error or need to make any final entries to your
budget, those entries must be in the
Accounting Office or keyed into Banner no
later than July 12, 2010.
Changes Within Accounts Payable &
Corporate Accounts
We are rearranging job duties within the
Accounts Payable & Corporate Accounts Office.
Effective June 1, Corporate Accounts will
become a separate area within Accounts
Payable. The Corporate Accounts Office will be
responsible for the University’s purchasing card
program, our corporate Sam’s Club account,
and our corporate AAA membership account.
The Accounts Payable Office will be responsible
Two Fiscal Years Are Open in July
Please keep in mind that there are two fiscal
years open in the month of July. During the
month of July we ask that you write FY10 or
FY11 on the top of your journal entries when
you send them to the Accounting Office for
processing. By indicating which fiscal year you
want your entry keyed into, there is less of a
chance of your entry being entered into the
wrong year. If your entry does not have FY10 or
FY11 listed on it, and we aren’t 100% sure
which year the entry should be keyed into,
someone from the Accounting Office will call you
to confirm. Please do us the favor of writing it on
your entry to save us time during this very busy
time of year. Remember, we will only be
accepting FY10 entries until 7/12/10.
With this restructure of the department, staff
responsibilities will change.
Williams will become part of the Corporate
Accounts Office and will assist with the card
programs. Jim Sager will process vendor
payments and expense reimbursements as part
of the Accounts Payable Office. Jim will also
have a University ghost travel card which
arrangements. Lynn Gibbons will be responsible
for setting up new vendors in the Banner
system for payment and will also handle stop
payments of Accounts Payable issued checks,
cancellations of Accounts Payable checks, and
inquiries on whether or not a check has cleared
the bank.
After you receive your June preliminary monthly
budget reports the evening of July 1st, and you
have reviewed them for any errors, please be
sure to continue to check your budgets on
Banner using FGIBDST or by querying your
budget on Web for Finance. By reviewing your
budgets on Banner during the month of July,
especially between 07/01/10 and 07/12/10, you
will be able to see any last minute corrections or
additions to your budget that you are expecting
and at the same time ensuring your budget is not
in a deficit.
Accounts Payable Payment Processing
As is common for this time of year, Accounts
Payable has been inundated with payment
Because so many requests were
submitted prior to the end of the academic
year, it is currently taking us up to 15 business
days from the time of receipt to get payments
issued. Please know that we are processing requests
as quickly as we can, but our turnaround time has
increased due to the volume of work currently in the
office. We hope to be back to having your requests
processed within 10 business days of receipt by midJuly.
Business Meals
When seeking reimbursement for a business meal,
please remember the following must be included in
order for your request to be processed:
Detailed restaurant receipt which includes the
name of the restaurant, the number of people
served, and the date and time of the meal.
If the meal is for more than one person, the
names and business relationship of each
person who was included in the meal must be
provided. For example, if the meal was for
your department, list the name of each
individual and the relationship can be listed as
your department’s name, i.e. Controller’s
Office staff.
Summary receipt which shows the amount of
gratuity that was paid.
Detailed explanation for the business meal. As
the University does not typically pay for meals
for employees, a justification must be given as
to why a reimbursement is requested.
This information must be provided whether a
reimbursement is submitted for the meal or if the
meal is placed on a University credit card. Failure to
provide any of this information may result in your
reimbursement being delayed or denied. If the meal
was on a University credit card, failure to provide the
information may result in the credit card being
Emailing of Social Security Numbers
Please do not send credit card numbers, social
security numbers, or bank account numbers in
Email is not a secure means of
communication and the information can very easily
be stolen.
If you need to provide this type of information to
Accounts Payable, please give us the numbers over
the phone. If your information involves a University
credit card account, please provide only the last 4
digits of the card number and the cardholder’s name
in the email.
When requesting a new vendor be set-up for
payment, please email Lynn Gibbons the
vendor’s complete name and address. If the
vendor is a company, you may provide the
taxpayer identification number in the email.
This number is public information. If the vendor
is an individual, follow-up with a phone call to
Lynn to provide the individual’s social security
Important Accounts Payable Year End
With our fiscal year end quickly approaching,
below are some important dates to be aware of:
Invoices, check requests,
reimbursements due to AP to
make the June preliminary
budget reports. Documents
received after this date will make
the FY10 budget, but may not
make the preliminary report.
Last day to make P-Card
charges for the June 24
statement, the last statement for
Requisitions due to Procurement
Services for FY10.
Check requests, reimbursements, invoices due to AP to
be paid out of FY10 budget.
P-Card statements available for
download. Last statement for
FY10. Charges which do not
appear on this statement will be
charged to the new fiscal year,
Last check run to be included in
the June preliminary budget
P-Card statements due to AP to
ensure charges are made to
correct fiscal years.
Last FY10 check run.
Year End Check Run Schedule
Our check run schedule for fiscal year end will
be as follows:
June 30th
July 2nd
July 6th
July 8th last check run to include
―old‖ (FY10) payments
mistake, please email Jean Hines at immediately.
Travel “Old Year” v. “New Year” Expenses
If you are making reservations or deposits now
for events that will occur after July 1, please
reimbursement request, which fiscal year to
charge. From July 1st through July 8th, if there is
no fiscal year indicated, we will charge to the
appropriate fiscal year, based on the dates of
your trip. Please watch your budget reports
closely to make sure your budget has been
charged correctly for these items. If you
notice a mistake, please email Jean Hines
( immediately.
If you want your charges to appear on your
preliminary June 30th budget reports, have your
payment requests to Accounts Payable by Friday,
June 11th to ensure your request is processed by
the June 30th check run.
To ensure your FY10 charges hit your “old
year” budget, you must have the requests to
Accounts Payable by Monday, June 21st so
that the items are paid by our July 8th check
run (the last check run for the FY10 budget).
Prepaid Expenses or “New Year” Charges for
Invoices or Reimbursements
Expenses (or purchases) that are made now, but
are to be charged to the new fiscal year, FY11,
are considered ―prepaid expenses‖. If you are
making purchases now that must be charged to
the new fiscal year, please make sure to indicate
this on the check request form, invoice, or travel
and expense reimbursement form. For purchases
made now, but being charged to the new budget,
please indicate FY11 on the request or mark your
request ―NEW YEAR‖. This will help us ensure
your budget is charged correctly. Prepayments
will be processed through June 30th.
New Year Budget Adjustment of Old Year
Funds may be carried forward from the old fiscal
year to the new fiscal year if there is a charge
that belongs to the old year, but the invoice,
check request, or travel & entertainment expense
form will not be processed by Accounts Payable
until the new fiscal year.
You should send a request to Jean Hines. The
description should include information such as the
vendor name, the items purchased, the total cost,
and the index/account code the funds will be
moved from and the index/account the funds will
be moved to.
“Old Year” versus “New Year” Charges for
Invoices, Check Requests, or Expense
Between July 1st and July 8th Accounts Payable
will be able to make payments and process
reimbursement requests out of either FY10 or
FY11 budgets and items are no longer considered
―prepayments‖. When submitting requests for
payment, during
this ―dual year‖ processing
period, please clearly specify which fiscal year’s
budget should be charged. If you do not specify
which fiscal year to charge, Accounts Payable will
make the determination. The determination of
whether an invoice is to be paid as “old” or
“new‖ year is dependent on the date the services
are performed or the date the goods are received.
“Old Year” goods and/or services must be
provided before July 1st.
Please do not submit your requests until after you
receive your preliminary June budget report.
Please submit your requests between July 1 and
July 12th. Budget adjustments will be processed
7/13 thru 7/20.
For additional information regarding a new
process for carry forwards, please see the
Budgeting section.
Purchasing Card Deadlines
Please refer to the purchasing card newsletter for
important year end dates.
Purchase Orders (PO’s)
June 25th is the last day to submit requisitions
After the July 8th check run, we will no longer be
able to pay items against the Old Year budget; all
payments will be paid out of New Year funds.
PO’s not invoiced and paid in the current fiscal
year will roll forward to the ―New Year‖ as an
encumbrance. There will be NO budget
Please watch your budget reports closely to
make sure your budget has been charged
correctly for these items. If you notice a
the fiscal year, or you may use one of your saved
queries, you’ll just need to change the fiscal year
to 2011. You can permanently change your saved
query so that it will always pull up fiscal year
2011 by resaving your query and retyping its
name exactly as it was before. If you type a
different name, it will save it as a different query.
Please keep in mind that you cannot delete an
old query when you are finished with it, so you
may want to wait until the start of the new fiscal
year before you permanently resave your query
with fiscal year 2011 in it. If you have additional
questions about how to use Finance Self Service,
you can contact Kerri Chapman at x6866 or by
email at
adjustments in the ―New Year‖. We will charge
(debit) your FY2009-2010 budget and will credit
your FY2010-2011 budget for all university
budgeted, unrestricted funds. Indices 8, 9, and
restricted discretionary funds will roll forward as
encumbrances only.
Please remember that if you have a purchase
order that has been cut against your FY10
budget, the invoice must also be paid from FY10
funds. If you want your invoice to be paid out of
the FY11 budget, please have Procurement and
Strategic Sourcing cut your purchase order from
that budget.
Budget Carry Forwards
As announced by the Vice President for Business
& Finance on May 28th, budget carry forwards
may be allowed under certain situations. It is up
to a Division Vice President or School Dean to
approve the budget carry forward so long as the
division or school has an overall positive
remaining balance. See the following links for
memo and request form:
Clearing Your Encumbrances (PO’s)
Accounts Payable is busy trying to resolve
Purchase Order (PO) purchases before the close
of the fiscal year. If you have received your
goods, please forward your signed purchase order
to Accounts Payable, as quickly as possible, so
that we can have these payments issued before
the end of the fiscal year.
Please contact us as soon as possible if you have
noticed an encumbrance still showing on your
budget report, when it should be clear. It may be
that the items you purchased cost less than the
amount stated on the purchase order. If this is
the case, we can easily liquidate the balance of
the encumbrance so that the money goes back
into your budget and is available for you to use.
What is PCI and why does is affect you?
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) has created a
set of standards that all merchants accepting
credit cards must adhere to in order to maintain
as secure an environment as possible. They are
called Payment Card Industry-Data Security
Standards (PCI-DSS) and can be accessed at
Fiscal Year 2011 Budget
You can now access the University’s budget for
fiscal year 2011 using Banner or BannerWeb for
Finance. When using Banner, go to screen
FGIBDST and change the fiscal year code to 11.
Then put in your department’s index number and
perform the ―next block‖ function. You will see the
budget numbers for the next year. If you have
any problems or questions, please contact
Kiesha Cheatham at x6416 or by email at You may also contact
Susan Galvin at x8537 or by email at
Bank of America (our acquirer) enforces PCI
compliance and failure to comply may result in
fines, restrictions or permanent expulsion from
card acceptance programs.
If you are a credit card merchant on campus you
are responsible for making sure your area is in
 Protect cardholder data – if you don’t need
it, don’t keep it!
 Implement and maintain strong access
controls – restrict access to cardholder
data; use and regularly change passwords.
 Attend
information regarding PCI compliance with
all new staff.
If you would like to use Finance Self Service, you
may either create a new query and use 2011 as
b. Fax – (804) 287-1222
c. E-Mail –
information security.
2. Indicate the index and account code
where you wish to have the payment
When payment is received, a journal entry will be
made to credit your department with the
payment. A copy of the invoice with the pertinent
payment information noted will be sent to you
upon request. The payment will be reflected on
your monthly Banner printout.
If your area experiences a breach, these are
possible consequences:
 Fines… $50K to $500K
 Cost of forensic analysis
 Cardholder costs
 Notification
 Credit watch service
 Loss of Merchant status
 External audit and its cost
 Reputation of university tarnished
 Loss of customer confidence
instructions. As more and more payments
are received in this manner, having a copy of
the invoice in advance will reduce the
amount of detective work required to track
down which department on campus is
expecting these payments.
It is up to all of us to make sure that we are
keeping all credit card data as secure as possible
at UR. For more information on PCI please visit:
Payments received via Electronic Funds
Are you expecting payment from a state or
federal agency or from someone who indicated
they would ―wire funds‖ or make payment via
Who needs to fill out a Time & Effort Report?
If you are a P.I. on a federal grant, you need to
fill out a Time & Effort report three times a year.
The percentage of effort a P.I. puts in for their
federal grant(s) must equal or exceed the
percentage of effort the P.I. promised to put into
their grant, for any given effort certification
period. For example, if a P.I. promises to put 50%
of their effort into their federal grant during the
academic year, then 50% would be the minimum
effort acceptable for the spring and fall semesters.
agencies/vendors (including State and Federal
agencies) for goods or services provided?
please make note of the following:
If so,
Both the Commonwealth of Virginia and the
Federal government now make payments to the
University of Richmond almost exclusively via
Electronic Funds Transfer. These include wire
transfers and ACH payments. In addition, many
businesses are now choosing to remit payments
exclusively through the ACH (automated clearing
house) processes.
Some federal grants provide funding for the P.I.
to hire a Post-Doc. Most Post-Docs are monthly
paid employee whose pay is 100% supported by
the federal grant. All of these post-docs need to
fill out a Time & Effort Report. Most Post-Docs will
put 100% effort towards the federal grant. The
P.I. must co-sign the Post-Doc’s Time & Effort
These payments are automatically deposited into
our main bank account at Bank of America. To
insure that the correct department on campus
gets credit for these deposits, we ask that you do
the following:
Some federal grants have P.I.s and senior
personnel who work on a federal grant but are not
paid by the grant. In cases like this the P.I and all
senior personnel must still fill out a Time & Effort
report. People listed as senior personnel must
have the P.I. co-sign their Time & Effort report. If
a grant P.I. or senior personnel is required by the
granting agency to put a certain percentage of
effort towards the federal grant, the percentage
of effort must at least equal the predetermined
1. Send a copy of the invoice to Nancy
Crowgey, Cash Manager, at the time the
invoice is prepared, via one of the
a. Campus Mail – 201 Maryland Hall
adhering to ICE regulations, it is important that
supervisors help their NRA employees follow the
rules. The Office of International Taxation runs a
report each student pay period to ensure that no
student has exceeded the work hour limitations.
If an NRA student violates the ICE regulations,
that individual will be terminated from working on
campus. The severity of the penalty is to prevent
the student from being deported and the
University from being fined.
Some federal grants have monthly paid UR
faculty, or monthly paid UR staff, that are not
listed as P.I.s or senior personnel, but their
names are mentioned in the budget justifications
as a person working on the grant. In cases like
this the monthly paid person must fill out a Time
& Effort report, which must be co-signed by the
grant P.I. If the person who is mentioned in the
percentage of effort that they will put towards the
federal grant, the percentage of effort must at
least equal the predetermined percentage.
NRA students who wish to work additional hours
may not volunteer their time. NRA students may
work more than one job but the total number of
hours worked may not exceed the work hour
limitation set by ICE.
If an NRA student is
employed in a salary position (RA, Drill Instructor,
etc.) or is paid a lump sum, that student should
contact Student Employment to confirm how
many hours to attribute to a particular week’s
total number of work hours.
Bi-weekly staff and bi-weekly students complete
their Time & Effort report when they fill out their
web-time entry. University of Richmond students
working over the summer complete their Time &
Effort report when they turn in their student logs.
If a Grant P.I. states in the budget justification
that students will work on their federal grant(s)
for academic credit, the P.I. must let the Grants
Accounting Manager know the names of the
students who worked on the grant(s) for
academic credit. The Grants Accounting Manager
will then confirm with the students that they
worked on the P.I.’s federal grant for academic
This will satisfy the Time & Effort
requirement for students who work on grants for
academic credit.
If anyone has questions about filling out a Time &
Effort report, please contact the Grants
Accounting Manager, Robert Plymale 804-2898178 or
Fiscal Year 10 Payroll Deadlines
Mark Your Calendars!
June 15th (noon)
Monthly Staff ---- Deadline for check requests
for ―services rendered‖ for monthly paid
employees in order to be paid on July 1st.
20/40 Hour Work Limitation – It’s the Law!
Many students choose to work on campus during
the summer and it is important to remember that
international students (NRAs) must still follow
visa and tax regulations even though school is not
in session.
US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) regulations stipulate the
maximum number of hours that an NRA student
may work -- while school is in session the NRA
student may work no more than 20 hours per
week and during official school breaks and in the
summer the NRA student may work up to 40
hours per week.
June 21st --- (10:00 a.m.)
Biweekly Staff -- Deadline for final biweekly
payroll of the fiscal year. Any special check
requests for biweekly paid employees that should
be paid in fiscal year 10 must also be submitted
at this time.
June 28th---(10:00 a.m.)
Student Staff -Deadline for final student
payroll of the fiscal year. Any special check
requests for student employees that should be
paid in fiscal year 10 must also be submitted at
this time.
Although NRA students are ultimately responsible
both for tracking their work hours and for
time worked during the academic year after we
have switched the FICA tax ―On‖ for the summer,
the wages will have FICA tax withheld.
Can Federal Work-Study Awards be used
during the summer?
No federal work-study
wages are processed
during the summer; all student earnings are
funded from the University Work Program funds.
Summer Student Payroll
Where will summer checks be mailed?
Checks for students working in the summer will be
mailed according to a hierarchy of addresses on
the Banner System—first to the mailing temporary
address, if none, then it would go to the local
address, if none, then it would be mailed to the
permanent address. Student supervisors should
inform all newly hired student employees of the
summer distribution method. Students can elect
to give payroll an address that overrides the
hierarchy by notifying us at
Year End Deposits
So that we may reflect revenues and expenditures
in the appropriate fiscal year, please deposit all
revenues on hand by 4:00 pm on Monday, June
29, 2010. In the past our office has been
inundated with deposits on the final working day
of the fiscal year. The amount of deposits
received that day makes it impossible to complete
all the data entry on Banner. We would greatly
appreciate your help in making this year-end
process run as smoothly as possible.
Will students with direct deposit be affected
in any way?
No, direct deposits remain in effect throughout
the summer, and students will still be able to view
stub information via Banner Web.
On the Banner Web timesheets for the
summer, the earnings code is no longer
“regular pay” but “summer earnings”. Why
is this?
A new code has been created for summer pay.
The payroll system, when processing hours
worked on this new code, will automatically create
a second entry that will pay an additional
$2.30/hr to your normal academic year pay rate.
Students working during the summer earn $2.30
more per hour (this amount varies from year to
year) than they do during the academic year to
help defray living costs. This change has been
made to automate the summer premium pay rate
and alleviate manual data entry for the Student
Employment Office. (Note: the summer premium
rate differs for the Catering department – please
check with your supervisor if this applies to you.)
If you receive fiscal year 2010 revenues after
this cutoff date, bring the deposit to the Cashier's
Office as soon as possible. Please clearly mark on
the miscellaneous receipt form OLD YEAR.
Tuesday, July 6th is the final day for receipt
of "Old Year" deposits.
Tuition Remission
Don't forget that you must submit a tuition
remission form for all credit courses that you plan
to take, if you qualify for this benefit through
Human Resources. A tuition remission form must
be completed and returned to Human Resource
Services for each course taken. You will receive
a tuition bill until the tuition remission form
has been processed.
Petty Cash
Please remember that all petty cash receipts must
be taped to a separate 8-1/2X11‖ sheet of paper.
The receipts should include the detail of what was
When using petty cash for a
restaurant, we need the receipt that shows what
was ordered and a list of everyone who ate.
What are FICA taxes and why are they
withheld in the summer? The FICA taxes are
the social security taxes for FICA-Medicare and
FICA Old Age/Survivors. During the academic
year when a student is enrolled in at least halftime status, the student is exempt from social
security taxes. During the summer, wages are
subjected to social security taxes at a rate of
7.65% for the employee and for the University.
Petty cash may not be used for the following:
When will FICA taxes be withheld from
student paychecks?
With the end of the last academic payroll period
on May 9th, all students’ wages will be subject to
FICA taxes, regardless of when they actually
worked. If a timecard is submitted to payroll for
Receipts over 30 days old
ATM fees
Mileage and gas receipts
Cash Advance fees
Gift Cards/Certificates
As always, if you have any questions about what
petty cash can and cannot be used for, please call
the Cashier’s office at x8769.