433 VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR UNDER ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE Takuzo IWATSUBO, Shozo KAWAMURA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University Yoshiyuki HAYASHI, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University presently, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Koki SHIOHATA Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ibaraki University Three-phase induction motor causes an unstable vibration because of electromagnetic force. In this paper, a criterion for unstable vibration was introduced. To confirm this criterion, numerical integration was carried out and the results showed a good agreement with the unstable region obtained by the criterion. This criterion gives us the complete story about the stability for the case when the parameters e.g., phase current, air gap length etc. are changed. It was cleared that the natural frequency changes owing to the variation of phase current, and that the unstable vibration occurs when the frequency of power supply and the natural frequency (changed by current) are nearly the same. And it was also showed that the parameters can be classified into the categories whether they have influences on the stability or not. Keywords : Electromagnetic-Induced Vibration, Induction Motor, Parametric Excitation, Unstable Vibration. INTRODUCTION In this paper, the forced vibration response and the unstable vibration of an induction motor (driven by a variable operating frequency) taking into account the effect of electromagnetic force on the rotor are analyzed. First, to obtain an equation of motion, the induction motor was modeled by using a finite element method, where the unbalance force and electromagnetic force used in the equation. Next, the forced vibration response was determined by direct numerical integration. Then the unstable vibration was found to occur under certain conditions, which agree with the instability criteria of Mathieu’s equation with multiple degrees of freedom. And range of instability was found to vary with the electrical and mechanical parameters. The relationship between the variation of these parameters and the instability was also derived, and it allows us to avoid unstable vibration precisely. SUMMARY We analyzed real 2-pole and 4-pole induction motors and the experiment was performed in order to verify the theory by using induction motor-generator system. The results are summarized below. 1. Natural frequency is decreased by phase current increases and air gap length decreases. 2. Unstable vibration may occur when the frequency of power supply is equal to or near the natural frequency. The theoretical result of the range of instability agrees well with the one obtained by the numerical integration as shown in Fig.1. 3. Though the unstable vibration scarcely occurs in a 4-pole induction motor, it occurs very often in a 2pole induction motor even if the unbalance phase current does not exist. 4. Time varying term which is occured by the eccentricity of the rotor is experimentally obtained. 5. The results which is obtained by theoretical analysis is verified by experiment and these two results agree well as shown in Fig.2. Relation between power supply frequency and phase current and instability is represented. 1st natural frequency 10 stable unstable 8 Unstable 5 1st natural frequency without the effect of electromagnetic force 0 boundary between stable and unstable region natural frequency 6 phase current [A] electric phase current [A] boundary between stable and unstable region running curve 282[W] 163[W] 52[W] Stabl able 4 2 1st natural frequency without the effect of unbalanced magnetic pull 40 60 80 100 frequency of power supply [Hz] 120 0 Fig. 1: Comparison of Numerical Integration and Range of Instability 0 20 40 power supply frequency 20 60 80 0[Hz] 40 natural frequency [Hz] 60 80 Fig. 2: Operation Curve and Unstable Region 日本機械学会〔№00-6〕Dynamics and Design Conference 2000 CD-ROM論文集〔2000.9.5-8,東京〕 NOMENCLATURE A : magnetomotive force (m.m.f.), A b : flux density, T C : damping matrix e : mass eccentricity, m f : force, N I : current per phase, A K : stiffness matrix Kd : distribution factor Kp : pitch factor L : stator core length, m M : mass matrix O−XS YS : coordinate fixed to the center of stator bore P : number of poles p : number of pole-pairs, p = P/2 rR : radius of rotor, m rS : radius of inner stator bore, m s : slip t : time, s u : shaft deflection, m xRS : rotor displacement in XS direction with respect to O−XS YS coordinate, m Z : number of stator conductors in slot per pole per phase α : angle between OS a and XR -axis, rad ∆I : quantity of unbalance current per unit phase, A δm : mean air gap length, m ε : small parameter, m Λ : permeance, Wb/A µ0 : permeability of free space, H/m ρ : bearing eccentricity with respect to the stator bore, m σ : electromagnetic force per unit area, N/m2 φ : angle between OOS and XR -axis, rad ω : frequency of periodic excitation, rad/s ω0 : angular frequency of power supply, rad/s ωe : angular velocity of rotor, rad/s ωi : i-th natural frequency, rad/s subscripts i, j, k : any integer R : rotor S : stator superscripts e : electromagnetic u : unbalance 1. INTRODUCTION Three-phase induction motors have been used widely in many industries for a number of years. Recently, since the applications of induction motors and demands for silent motors have increased, further detailed studies on noise and vibration from induction motors have been urged. The investigation of the criteria of instability and consideration of the whirling motion is important when the induction motor is fed by an inverter and operated at variable operating frequency. Therefore, in the present work, we analyzed the forced vibration response and the unstable vibration of an induction motor (driven by a variable operating frequency) taking into account the effect of electromagnetic force on the rotor. First, to obtain an equation of motion, the induction motor was modeled by using a finite element method, where the unbalance force and electromagnetic force &% !"# $ Fig. 3: Analytical Model used in the equation. Next, the forced vibration response was determined by direct numerical integration, and the relationship between the electromagnetic force and the frequency of the power supply (which causes resonance) are derived. Then the unstable vibration was found to occur under certain conditions, which agree with the instability criteria of Mathieu’s equation with multiple degrees of freedom. And range of instability was found to vary with the electrical and mechanical parameters. The relationship between the variation of these parameters and the instability was also derived, and it allows us to avoid unstable vibration precisely. 2. MODELING OF INDUCTION MOTOR 2.1 Rotor, stator, and bearings Figure 3 illustrates an analytical model of an induction motor, which consists of the rotor, stator, and bearings. The rotor is linked to the stator by two bearings at the end of the rotor. For simplicity, it assumed that the rotor and the stator, which includes both the core and housing, are represented by beam elements. In the elements, equivalent values of Young’s modulus (Iwata, 1991) are used for their cores. This model takes account of the effects of multilayered steel sheets. The ball bearings are modeled by using spring elements arranged in both radial and rotational directions (Matsubara, 1996). This modeling is expected to yield quantitatively good natural frequencies. Special matrices, i.e., mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, are obtained by using a finite element method. 2.2 Excitation forces In the induction motor, both a mechanical exciting force, i.e., unbalance force, and an electromagnetic force act on the rotor. The mechanical exciting force is induced by a residual unbalance of mass and excites the rotor at a slip frequency, which is investigated here. The electromagnetic force acting on the rotor and stator can be calculated from integration of Maxwell’s force per unit area. Maxwell’s stress is proportional to the square of the flux density, which is found by multiplying magnetomotive force (m.m.f.) and permeance. Thus, for calculating the electromagnetic force, both the m.m.f. and permeance must be estimated. Kanzaki et al.(1994) calculated the m.m.f. and permeance taking account of the unbalance of phase current and the rotor eccentricity with respect to the stator. The electromagnetic force is derived following their procedure as shown below. The cross section of the rotor and stator is shown in Fig.4. It is assumed that there is a misalignment between the stator and the rotor (i.e., a straight line between the bearing centers is not at the center of the ? @&@ 7895 8 : ;=<=7>4 :96 ;6 48<=487 K2 = . / π · µ0 · L · rS A1 A2 , 2δm 3 (6) and * ) (1 , π · µ0 · L · rS (A1 + A2 )2 [εu cos ωe t + ερ cos φ] 2δm 2 A1 A2 + εu [cos(ωe t − 2ω0 t) + cos(ωe t + 2ω0 t)] 2 + ερ [cos(φ − 2ω0 t) + cos(φ + 2ω0 t)] . (7) f (t) = 0 / - , + 23 ' From Eqs. (1), (2)-(4), and (5)-(7), the electromagnetic force is found to be proportional to the displacement and to have components of 2ω0 , 2ω0 ± ωe , and ωe . 45 6 78#9 5 8: ;=<=7>4 :846 48<=487 2.3 Equation of motion We assume that the mechanical exciting force acts on the rotor and that the electromagnetic force acts both on the stator and on the rotor, so the following equation of motion can be obtained in matrix form: " #( ) " #( ) MR 0 ẍR CR 0 ẋR + 0 MS ẍS 0 CS ẋS " #( ) ( ) u e KR 0 xR f +f + = , (8) 0 KS xS −f e D E O V N UW P F A B S QR H IKJ L M U G A C T E Fig. 4: Model of Rotor OS : center of stator bore, O : center of bearing, S : geometric center of rotor, G : center of gravity of rotor, h : distance from OS to a stator bore) and that the rotor shaft is deflected due to a mass eccentricity. The air gap and the permeance is thus, nonuniform at different angular positions. We can write the electromagnetic force as f e = {K1 + K2 cos(2ω0 t)} xRS + f (t), where, for the 2-poles induction motor, π · µ0 · L · rS A1 A2 2 K1 = (A1 + A2 ) + , 2δm 3 2 (1) where f u is the mechanical exciting force vector, f e is the electromagnetic force vector whose elements are given in Eq. (1), and xR and xS are the displacement vectors of the rotor and the stator, respectively. In Eq. (8), the stiffness of the bearings and supports are not written out explicitly for simplicity, and the proportional damping in the rotor, stator, and bearings is adopted. Substituting the right-hand side of Eq. (1) into Eq. (8) and transposing the first two terms in Eq. (1) to the lefthand side gives M ẍ + C ẋ + {K + K(t)}x = f (t). (2) (9) This equation of motion is an ordinary differential equation and has a periodically time-varying coefficient K(t). 3. METHODOLOGY OF ANALYSIS π · µ0 · L · rS K2 = 2δm 3 A2 A2 A1 A2 + 1 + 2 , 2 2 (3) π · µ0 · L · rS (A1 + A2 )2 [εu cos ωe t + ερ cos φ] 2δm 2 A1 A2 + εu [cos(ωe t − 2ω0 t) + cos(ωe t + 2ω0 t)] 2 + ερ [cos(φ − 2ω0 t) + cos(φ + 2ω0 t)] f (t) = A21 [εu cos(ωe t + 2ω0 t) + ερ cos(φ + 2ω0 t) 2 A2 + 2 [εu cos(ωe t − 2ω0 t) + ερ cos(φ − 2ω0 t)] 2 A1 A2 + [εu cos ωe t + ερ cos φ] , 2 + (4) and for the multi-poles induction motor, K1 = π · µ0 · L · rS 2 (A1 + A2 ) , 2δm 3 3.1 Digital simulation To investigate the motor’s motion expressed by Eq. (9), direct numerical integration (the Wilson-θ method) is applied. This integration can find a solution of a dynamical system under parametric excitation. In this study, to save computation time, a substructure synthesis method is used to derive the equation of motion Eq. (9). And a Fast-Fourier transform algorithm is applied to obtain the frequency response. 3.2 Instability criteria The right-hand side of the equation of motion Eq. (9) is the function of independent variable t. Thus, the stability criteria of the system under parametric excitation can be determined by solving an equation of motion of the form M ẍ + C ẋ + {K + K(t)}x = 0. (5) (10) This equation of motion is called a coupled Mathieu’s equation. Hsu(1963) developed explicitly the instability Mean air gap length δm [µm] 400 Mass eccentricity e [µm] 10 Bearing eccentricity with respect to the stator bore ρ [µm] 10 Distribution factor Kd 0.951 Pitch factor Kp 0.785 Stator core length L [m] 0.150 Radius of rotor rR [m] 0.150 Radius of stator bore rS [m] 0.151 Number of stator conductors in slot per boundary between stable and unstable region electric phase current [A] Table 1: Mechanical and Electrical Parameters of Analytical Model 1st natural frequency 10 stable unstable 5 1st natural frequency without the effect of electromagnetic force 0 40 60 80 100 frequency of power supply [Hz] 120 50 Fig. 5: Comparison of Numerical Integration and Range pole per phase Z Phase current I [A] 5.0 γ = ∆I/I 0.20 Slip s 0.30 of Instability Table 3: Parameters Changed in order to Investivate the Variation of Instability Table 2: Natural Frequencies [Hz] δm [×10 1st 2nd Rotor (free-free) 3071.0 3708.5 γ = δI/I Rotor with bearings 138.2 447.3 P Whole system of motor 101.8 292.2 criteria for this equation of motion. He carried out a first-approximation analysis and derived criteria for determining instability. His method combines variation of parameters and the series expansion of the perturbation method. 4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES The mechanical and electrical parameters used in the following analyses are listed in Table 1, and the natural frequencies of the system are listed in Table 2. The instability criteria are calculated, and the range of current and frequency at which the dynamic instability occurs in the motors is shown in Fig. 5. The corresponding results of the direct numerical integrations and the variation of the first natural frequency are also shown. The unstable range shows a good agreement with the the direct numerical integration. Thus the range of instability can be calculated with sufficient accuracy by the method described in this paper. This figure confirms that the unstable vibration occurs when ω0 is nearly equal to the natural frequency, which is decreased by phase current. K1 and K2 are determined by three parameters (c, I, γ). Consequently, the instability criteria are governed by these parameters and the frequency of excitation (2ω0 ). Since the instability criteria are derived from Eq. (10), other parameters which only have effects on f (t) in Eq. (9) (i.e., εu , ερ , and ε) are not responsible for the instability. Thus a consideration of these four parameters (c, I, γ, and 2ω0 ) is sufficient to determine the instability criteria. The relationships between these effective four parameters and the instability range are thus derived by changing these parameters −4 m] case 1 case 2 case 3 case 4 4.0 2.0-8.0 4.0 2.0-4.0 0.0-0.6 0.2 0.8-1.2 0.8 2 4 (Table.3). Figure 6 shows the effect of the variation of γ on the unstable range in a 2-pole induction motor (case 1). This figure shows that the unstable range vary slightly when γ is changed considerably. The effect of the variation of δm (substitute for c) on the unstable range for 2-pole machine is shown in Fig. 7 (case 2). This figure indicates that the variation of δm gives much larger changes in unstable range that those in Fig. 6. Consequently, the air gap length influences instability more than the unbalance of phase current. To further this study, a 4-pole induction motor was investigated. And to determine the unstable range in a 4-pole machine, γ and δm were varied are shown in Figs. 8 (case 3) and 9 (case 4), respectively. These figures show that the unstable range for 2-pole and for the 4-pole induction motors is also found to exist. However, regarding the 4-pole motor, no unstable range can be found unless γ is larger than 0.6. These results strikingly contrast with those obtained from a 2pole motor, because the unstable vibration occurs even if γ = 0 (Fig. 6). It can thus be concluded that unstable vibration rarely occurs in a 4-pole induction motor. 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS It is difficult directly to obtain an instability phenomenon of the induction motor by experiment, so time varying coefficient which is a cause of instability is measured and instability region is calculated by using the coefficient. The time varying coefficient K2 in Eq.(9) is 10 30 = (unbalance of phase current Y I) / (phase current I) X =0 X =0.2 X =0.6 Electric phase current [A] Electric phase current [A] X unstable region 5 0 40 60 80 100 Frequency of power supply [Hz] 20 unstable region 10 0 120 Fig. 6: Variation of Unstable Range (CASE 1) [ = (unbalance of phase current \ I) / (phase current I) [ =0.8 [ =1.0 [ =1.2 40 60 80 100 Frequency of power supply [Hz] 120 Fig. 8: Variation of Unstable Range (CASE 3) Electric phase current [A] Electric phase current [A] 30 Mean air gap[ ] m] 200 300 400 10 unstable region 5 Mean air gap[ Z m] 200 400 600 800 0 40 60 80 100 Frequency of power supply [Hz] 40 60 80 100 Frequency of power supply [Hz] 120 Fig. 9: Variation of Unstable Range (CASE 4) (11) and the force is f2ω0 = K2 · ρ 10 0 obtained by setting φ=0 and εu =0 as, πµ0 Lrs A21 A22 (A A + + ) 1 2 3 2δm 2 2 unstable region 120 Fig. 7: Variation of Unstable Range (CASE 2) K2 = 20 (12) From this relation K2 is obtained by measuring the static eccentricity ρ and magnetic force at the bearing f2ω0 . The test apparatus is composed of 3 phase the 2 pole induction motor and generator and resistance to exhaust power of the motor. The magnetic force due to static eccentricity is measured by loadcell which is attached on the bearing of the rotor. The eccentricity of the bearing and load of the motor are set to 0, 50 and 100 µm and 52, 163 and 282W, respectively. By using the experimental result, the time varying coefficient K2 is obtained as shown in Fig.10. From this figure incline K2 becomes large, as the current and torque increase. Fig.11 shows the magnetic force and K2 against power supply frequency in order to compare the experimental result and theoretical one. It is known from this figure that the experimental and theoretical results and coincide in high frequency but are some discrepancies in low frequency. In stability region occurred by the eccentricity of rotor is obtained by using the coefficient K2 as shown in Fig.12. As shown in the theoretical results, eigenfrequency decrease by the static magnetic force and the instability is occurred at the region where the power supply frequency coincide with the eigenfrequency. Therefore the instability is occurred at the heavy load and low speed motor condition. 6. SUMMARY The rotor vibration in an induction motor was analyzed by taking into account the effect of electromagnetic force. This analysis involves direct numerical integration and determining instability criteria. Amplitude and frequency of stationary oscillation were obtained by numerical integration. And the unstable range derived from the instability criteria show quantitatively good agreements with numerical integrations. We analyzed real 2-pole and 4-pole induction motors and the experiment was performed in order to verify the theory by using induction motor-generator system. The results are summarized below. 1. Natural frequency is decreased by phase current increases and air gap length decreases. 2. Unstable vibration may occur when the frequency 8 8 Unstable boundary between stable and unstable region natural frequency [N] ^ phase current [A] f2 0 6 6 4 running curve 282[W] 163[W] 52[W] Stabl able 4 2 1st natural frequency without the effect of unbalanced magnetic pull 40[Hz] _ 50[Hz] _ 60[Hz] _ 70[Hz] _ 80[Hz] _ 2 -4 ave. : -1.00 ` 10 [m] -1 0 2.93[A] _ 2.81[A] _ 2.30[A] _ 2.10[A] _ 2.01[A] _ 34818[N/m] 38224[N/m] 31491[N/m] 26393[N/m] 22856[N/m] 0 1 [×10-4] eccentricity [m] 0 Fig. 10: Relation of K2 and eccentricity 20 40 power supply frequency 20 60 80 0[Hz] 40 natural frequency [Hz] 60 80 Fig. 12: Operation Curve and Unstable Region Table 4: Specification of induction motor Experiment 12 eccentricity: 0[ a m](1-aE) eccentricity: 50[ a m](1-bE) eccentricity: 100[ a m](1-cE) force [N] 10 8 6 Analysis eccentricity: 69[ a m] (1-aA) eccentricity: 119[ a m] (1-bA) eccentricity: 169[ a m] (1-cA) 4 2 2 K2 [N/m] 1 60000 phase current[A] 3 Experiment Analysis 50000 TYPE TFOAb FORM K-DK Number of poles 2 Rated power [kW] 0.75 Mass of rotor [kg] 2.30 Rotor and stator stack length [mm] 50.3 Outside diameter of rotor core [mm] 67.45 Diameter of stator bore [mm] 67.97 Air gap length [mm] 0.26 40000 30000 30 30 40 40 50 60 70 80 power supply frequency [Hz] 50 60 70 synchronous speed [Hz] 80 90 90 Fig. 11: Unbalanced Magnetic Pull Aacting on Motor of power supply is equal to or near the natural frequency. 3. Though the unstable vibration scarcely occurs in a 4-pole induction motor, it occurs very often in a 2pole induction motor even if the unbalance phase current does not exist. 4. Time varying term which is occured by the eccentricity of the rotor is experimentally obtained. 5. The results which is obtained by theoretical analysis is verified by experiment and these two results agree well. Relation between power supply frequency and phase current and instability is represented. References Hsu, C. H. , 1963, “On the Parametric Excitation of a Dynamic System Having Multiple Degrees of Freedom”, Trans. ASME, 30-3, pp.367-372. Iwata, Y., et al., 1996, “Vibration of Rotor in Induction Motor”, Proc. of Dynamic and Design Conf. (in Japanese), Fukuoka, Vol.B, pp.327-330. Iwata, Y. and Sato, H., 1997, “Vibration of Rotor in Induction Motor”, Proc. of Dynamic and Design Conf. (in Japanese), Tokyo, Vol.B, pp.25-27. Iwata, Y., et al., 1991, “Natural Frequency of Rotor with Rotor Core”, Bulletin of the JSME (in Japanese), Series C, Vol.57, No.544, pp.3748-3753. Kanzaki, H., et al., 1994, “Unstable Electrical Vibration of an Induction Motor”, Bulletin of the JSME (in Japanese), Series C, Vol.60, No.578, pp.3238-3244. Matsubara, K., et al., 1996, “Study on Vibration and Noise Reduction for Motors”, Proc. of Dynamic and Design Conf. (in Japanese), Fukuoka, Vol.A, pp.137-140.