PAPER-II LABOUR WELFARE Signature and Name of Invigilator 1. (Signature) __________________________ OMR Sheet No. : ............................................... (To be filled by the Candidate) (Name) ____________________________ Roll No. 2. (Signature) __________________________ (In figures as per admission card) (Name) ____________________________ D 55 Roll No.________________________________ (In words) 1 0 1 Time : 1 /4 hours] [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 ¯Ö¸üßÖÖÙ£ÖµÖÖë êú ×»Ö ×­Ö¤ìü¿Ö Instructions for the Candidates 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. (iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet. 4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item. B C A Example : D where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read instructions given inside carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the test question booklet and OMR Answer sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. 10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. D-55-10 1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯ÖéÂü êú ú¯Ö¸ü ×­ÖµÖÖ Ã£ÖÖ­Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¯Ö­ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ­Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×Ö 2. 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(A) Rightsizing (A) (b), (c), (d), (a), (e) (B) (c), (d), (b), (e), (a) (C) (d), (a), (c), (b), (e) Which of the following is/are new challenge/s in the field of human resource management ? (B) Outsourcing (C) Diversity Management (D) All the above (D) (d), (c), (b), (a), (e) 6. 2. The principle of ‘Unity Command’ is violated in of (A) Functional Organization (A) Employment Exchange (B) Informal Organization (B) Advertisement (C) Matrix Organization (C) Gate Hiring (D) Trade Unions (D) All the above 3. Which of the following source is the most relevant for recruitment of managerial personnel ? 7. Coordination and cooperation are What is broad-banding ? (A) two different things (A) Clubbing manpower structure (B) one and the same (B) Integrating information system (C) dependent on each other (C) Flexible pay-banding allowing grade mobility based on performance (D) more or less convey the same meaning Paper-II (D) None of the above 2 D-55-10 ¢···ooÛ····~~· ·° · ··· – II ····ËËzÝ i¤··° ····Ì·t····¤¤·· ·§Äݸ·oÛ·À··° ·§ÐÝg·°·ËoÛ·° ·oËÛ Ý·Ëh´oÛ§ÐÝg¤¤··À·À·° ··ÌoËÛj·Ý ÝÀ¸v·mg 1. §Ý·Ó··Ë·µ·°··Ëq··ÌoËÛt·Ý~··ÌoÛ·Ëj¸t··o¯Û··ÌÝp·Ì : (a) ¸Ý·Ëm¤·Ë·ÀzËݤzÝß··°··Ëq· (b) ·ÐoÛ···¹Ýq·h·Óv··Í ··zËݤzÝß· (c) ··¤·i´zÝÝ·Çi´q··°·Ëq·°·· (d) i·Ä¸··Ë ···°··Ëq· (e) oÛ·j´¤·Ë¹·q· (A) (b), (c), (d), (a), (e) (B) (c), (d), (b), (e), (a) (C) (d), (a), (c), (b), (e) 4. ¤·´·· Ý oÛ·h·ÇÝ··Ç··´oÛ·BBBBBBoËÛoÛ·Ý~· r·¸zÝ·§Ý·Ë··§ÏÝg (A) h·µq··h·Ý·Ë· (B) ···Ë·Ïw··¸·oÛh·Ý·Ë· (C) ¤·´q·{Ý···oÛh·Ý·Ë· (D) i··Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤·ÀoÛ·Ý~··§ÝÁ 5. ····¤·´¤·····°·´··oËÛc·Ë··Ì¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·ËoÛ·Ï···À·t·Ä··Ï·À/ t·Ä··Ï¸···²§ÏݧÐÝ" (A) Ý·izݤ··i¹v·q· (B) h·jzݤ··Ë»¤·q· (C) |Ý·i·º¤·zÝÀ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ (D) j·Ý·Ën·¤··À 6. ·°·´·oÛÀ·oÛ·µt··¸Ý··Ì oÛÀ·Ý·À·Ì ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ï·¤··¥··Ë·¤···µ¸·oÛ·°·¤·´¸q·oÛ§ÏÝ ? (A) Ý·Ëv·q··Ý Ý·Ý (B) ¸·w···· (C) q·Ëzݧݷ·¹Ýq· (D) ·v· ÇÝݤ·´r· 7. ‘·¯·Ó|ݷй|Ýq·’n··§ÏÝ ? (D) (d), (c), (b), (a), (e) 2. 3. ‘·Ç¸·zÝÀh·ÓÛoÛ··~|Ý’ oËÛ¸¤·Ý·´·oÛ·j·´r·· ¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤··Ì§Ý·Ë··§ÏÝ" (A) ´Ûn ···h·Óq·Í··iv·Ë ·· (B) i´Û·Ó·µ·h·Óq·Í··iv·Ë ·· (C) ·Ï¸z³Ýn¤·h·Óq·Í··iv·Ë ·· (D) j·Ý·Ën·¤··À·Ì ¤········¤·§Ý··Ëq·BBBBBB§ÐÝg (A) ݷ˸··t·Àv·Ì (A) (B) moÛ§ÝÀ (B) (C) moÛ Çݤ·Ëݷݸ··µÝ (C) (D) oÛ··Ë·Ë · ß· ·Ì ¤···· h·µ ·´¸v·· oÛݷ˧ÐÝ (D) D-55-10 3 ¢·· ·¼n·¤·´Ýt···oÛ·Ëv··Ë|®Ý··g ¤·Çt····°~···ÀoÛ·moÛÀoÛÝ~·g oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý· ·Ý h···¸Ý· q·°Ë|Ý ··Ë¸·¸·zÝÀ oÛ·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ· oÛÝ ·t·À·Ë ·Ë ·Ð¹|Ýq···q·ÇoÛÝ··g j·Ý·Ën·oÛ·Ëiµ·§ÝÁg Paper-II 8. Organize the following steps in job evaluation in the sequence of their occurrence : (a) Preparing key benchmarking job (b) Selecting comparable compensable factors (c) Job analysis data (d) Administration of Position Analysis Questionnaire 12. Training Evaluation at Reaction, Learning, Job behaviour and results levels is the model advanced by (A) Donald Kirkpatrick (B) Goldstein (C) Brinkerhoff (D) Phillips 13. Which of the following statements is not true about Performance Appraisal ? (A) Key performance areas are developed for role clarity. (B) Key result areas are developed for accountability. (C) KSA stand for knowledge, skill and attitude. (D) Attributes and traits are of no importance in Performance Appraisal. 14. Match the following : Leadership Leadership Theory Factors (a) Contingency (i) Personal Theory vision and energy (b) Trait Theory (ii) Personal drive, desire to lead, personal integrity (c) Charismatic (iii) Leader’s Theory position power, task structure and leader member relations (a) (b) (c) (A) (i) (iii) (ii) (B) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (ii) (iii) (i) (D) (i) (ii) (iii) or and (A) (c), (a), (b), (d) (B) (a), (c), (d), (b) (C) (a), (c), (b), (d) (D) (b), (c), (a), (d) 9. Who is associated with ‘The Human Capital Approach’ of HRD ? (A) Dalton E. McFarland (B) T.W. Schultz (C) T.V. Rao (D) Rensis Likert 10. When the career progression stagnates at a point, it is called (A) Career Resilience (B) Career Anchor (C) Career Insight (D) Career Plateau 11. ‘Cousin Lab’, ‘Stranger lab’ and ‘Family lab’ are terms associated with which OD technique ? (A) Survey Feedback (B) Managerial Grid (C) Sensitivity Training (D) Process Consultation Paper-II 4 D-55-10 8. oÛ··µ ·Ç··´oÛ··Ì ¤·¸·¸§Ý·¸··¸·¸p··t·Ý~··Ì oÛ·Ë j·oËÛ r·¸zÝ· §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ o¯Û· ·Ì ··¼¤·· oÛÀ¸v·m : (a) ·°·Äp·h····Ìt···»oÛq·oÛ···Î oÛÀ¤·Çt·À ·Ï··ÝoÛÝ··g (b) ·Ä··À·····Çº···Ëq·oÛ·ÝoÛ·ÌoÛ·t···g (c) oÛ··µ¸· ·Ë£·~·h·²oÛ|®ËÝg (d) ··Ë¸v· ·· m··¸·¸¤·¤· ·° ····À oÛ· ·°··Ëq·g 12. ·°¸·¸o¯Û··¤·Àp···oÛ··µ ··§Ý·Ý ··· ·¸Ý~··· oËÛ ¤·Ý ·Ý ·°¸ ·c·~· ·Ç··´oÛ· oÛ· ··Ó|Ý· ¸oÛ¤·oÛÀ ËÝ·§ÏÝ" (A) |Ý·Ë··|ݸoÛoµÛ·Ë¸z³ÝoÛ (B) q··Ë|ݤzÝÀ· (C) ¹·¯oÛݧݷÓÛ (D) ¸Û¸·¤· 13. oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý· ·Ç··´oÛ· oËÛ ¸·£·· ·Ì ¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ï·¤··oÛ··¤·§ÝÀ·§ÝÁ§ÏÝ ? (A) ·°·Äp· ¸·£·· Ý· c·Ë··Ì oÛ·Ë ·Ç¸·oÛ· oÛ·Ë ¤·£zÝ oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ¸·oÛ¸¤·· ¸oÛ·· v····§ÏÝg (B) ·°·Äp··¸Ý~···c·Ë··Ì oÛ·Ë j·Ý Ý·¸··oËÛ ¸·m¸·oÛ¸¤··¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg (C) KSA oÛ··Ç~·µ ß·§ÏÝ .QRZOHGJH 6NLOO···$WWLWXGHg (D) oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý··Ç··´oÛ··Ì ·c·~··Ì ··· ¸· ·Ë£···h·ÌoÛ·oÛ·Ëiµ·§Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg 14. ¸··¸·¸p··oÛ·¸····oÛÀ¸v·m : ·Ë·Ê· ·¸¸¤·Ý·´· ·Ë·Ê· ·ooËÛoÛ ÛoÛ··ÝoÛ oÛ·· (i) ·Ï·¼n·oÛ¤·Çc· (a) oÛ·Ó¼zÝv·Ì¤·À ¸··ÝÀ ݼ£zÝ···kÛv··µ (b) z³ËÝzݸ··ÝÀ (ii) ·Ï·¼n·oÛ ·°ËÝ~·· ·Ë·Ê·oÛÀituÜ· ·Ï·¼n·oÛ iµ··· Ý·ÝÀ (c) o۸ݤ·Ë¸zÝoÛ (iii) ·Ë··oÛÀ· Ý ¸··ÝÀ ·¼n·oÛ··µ ¤·´Ýt······ ·Ë····· h·Ä¤·Ý~·oÛÝ·Ë ····ÌoËÛ·Àt· ¤·´·´· (A) (c), (a), (b), (d) (B) (a), (c), (d), (b) (C) (a), (c), (b), (d) (D) (b), (c), (a), (d) 9. ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï· mt·h·Ý|ÝÀ oËÛ ‘¸ Ý«Ç·Ï·oÏÛ¸·zÝ·m·°·Ët·’¤·Ë¤··Ý§ÏÝ ? (A) |Ý·zÝ·iµ·ÏnÛ·Ñ~|Ý (B) zÝÀ|Ý·Ç ·Äz¬Ýv· (C) zÝÀ·ÀÝ·· (D) Ëݼ¤·¤·¸·oÛzµÝ 10. v··oÛ¸Ý·Ý ·Ì moÛ¸· ÄÝ ·Ý ·°q·¸·Ý·Ë·h···§ÏÝ ··Ëi¤·Ën··oۧݷ˧ÐÝ" (A) o۸ݷÝËݸv·¸·m´¤· (B) o۸ݷÝm´oÛÝ (C) o۸ݷÝi¤··izÝ (D) o۸ݷݷËzÇÝ 11. ‘oÛ¸v···Ï·’, ‘¤z³ÌÝv·Ý ·Ï·’ ··· ‘ÏÛ¸··À·Ï·’ · ݸoÛ¤·h·Ë|ÝÀ(OD)·oÛ·ÀoÛ¤·Ë¤·´·Ý§ÏÝ ? (A) (B) (C) (D) D-55-10 ¤··Íc·~··°¸··Ä¼£zÝ ·°·´·oÛÀ·¸q·°|Ý ¤·´·Ë Ý· ·À····°¸ ·c·~· ·°¸o¯Û···Ý·· ·µ (a) (b) (c) (A) (i) (iii) (ii) (B) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (ii) (iii) (i) (D) (i) (ii) (iii) 5 Paper-II 15. 19. In which of the following transactions, stimulus and response are parallel ? (A) Cross Transactions (B) Complementary Transactions (C) Ulterior Transactions The term ‘Conjunction’ is a state of relationship under which the parties, instead of offering their best, offer the least in the absence of which the relationship will break, is developed by (A) Ian Clegg (D) All the above (B) Neil W. Chamberlain (C) E. Durkheim (D) P.A. Kochan 16. In Vroom’s theory, motivation is expressed as 20. (A) Valence + Expectancy (B) Valence – Expectancy (C) Valence × Expectancy In Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; which one of the following is not an adjudication Machinery ? (A) Labour Court (D) Valence ÷ Expectancy (B) Industrial Tribunal (C) National Tribunal (D) Court of Enquiry 17. Which of the following is not among the actions for change ? 21. (B) Forcing Which one of the following does not come under the schemes of workers’ participation in management, 1975 & 1977 ? (C) Unfreezing (A) Joint Management Council (A) Changing (D) Refreezing 18. 22. (A) John T. Dunlop Alvin W. Gouldner (C) Allan Flanders (C) Joint Councils The primary function of I.L.O. is to formulate the international labour standards in the shape of (A) Conventions only (D) Kochan Paper-II Shop Councils (D) Unit Councils “Formulation of rules and their implementation are the bread and butter of industrial relations” is commented by (B) (B) (B) Recommendations only (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above 6 D-55-10 15. 16. 17. 18. ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤· z³Ý·´v·Ën ·· ·Ì jÝÀ·oÛ ···j·Ý¤······Ý§Ý·Ë·Ë§ÐÝ ? (A) o¯Û·Ó¤·z³Ý·´v·Ën ·¤· (B) o´Û·À·ÌzÝÝÀz³Ý·´v·Ën ·¤· (C) hzÝÀ¸Ý·Ýz³Ý·´v·Ën ·¤· (D) j·Ý·Ën·¤··À 19. ‘o´Ûv·n ··’ 20. h·Ï·Ë¸q·oÛ¸··· Ýh¸·¸···oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤·Ë h¸·¸·~·µ·· ·°·¸·oÛ·Ý ·§ÝÁoۧݷv··¤·oÛ·· ? (A) ¢········ (B) h·Ï·Ë¸q·oÛh¸·oÛÝ~· (C) Ý·£z³ÝÀ·h¸·oÛÝ~· (D) v··²t······· 21. ·°·´· ·Ì ¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oÛÀ ¤·§Ý··¸q··· ··Ëv··· ···oËÛh´·q·µ·¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï· ·§ÝÁh··· ? (A) ¤·´·Än··°·´··¸Ý£· ¬Ý (B) oÛ·µ ·····¸Ý£· ÌÝ (C) ¤·´·Än··¸Ý£· ÌÝ (D) ioÛ·iµ·¸Ý£· ÌÝ 22. h´·Ý·µ£z³ÝÀ·¢··¤·´r·oÛ··°···oÛ··µ BBBBBoËÛ ß··Ìh´·Ý·µ£z³ÝÀ·¢·····oÛ·ÌoÛÀ¤·····§ÏÝg (A) oËÛ··h¸·¤···o´Û·Ë ·· (B) oËÛ··¸¤·Û·¸Ý ··Ì (C) j·Ý·Ën· Ý·Ë··Ì (D) i··Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤·Àß··Ì·§ÝÁ ·Ǟ·oËÛ¸¤·Ý·´··Ì h¸··°ËÝ~··oÛ·Ë BBBBBBBoËÛ ß··Ìh¸··n·¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝg (A) ·Ë·Ì¤· + mn¤··ËnzÌݤ·À (B) ·Ë·Ì¤· – mn¤··ËnzÌݤ·À (C) ·Ë·Ì¤· × mn¤··ËnzÌݤ·À (D) ·Ë·Ì¤· ÷ mn¤··ËnzÌݤ·À ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï· ·¸Ý··µ· oÛÀ ¸o¯Û·· ·Ì ··¸···§ÝÁ§ÏÝ ? (A) t·Ì¹v·q· (B) Û·Ë»¤·q· (C) h·°ÛÀ¹v·­q· (D) ¸Ý°ÛÀ¹v·­q· “¸····Ì oÛ·Ë ¤·Ç··Ý oÛÝ·····j§Ì ··q·Ç oÛÝ·· h·Ï·Ë¸q·oÛ ¤·´·´··Ì oÛ· ·Ç····Ý §ÏÝg” – ·§Ý ¸zÝ·~·À¸oÛ¤·oÛÀ§ÏÝ" (A) v··Ó·zÝÀ|Ý··· (B) m¼··|Ý·Çq··Ë|Ý·Ý (C) m·Ë···~|ݤ·µ (D) oÛ·ËoÛ· D-55-10 7 · Ý –v··Ë ¤·´·´·oÛÀmoÛh·¤··§ÏÝ ¸v·¤·oËÛ h´·q·µ· ¤·´·´¸·· ·c· h··À ¤···Í·· c····oÛ·j···Ëq·oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ¤····Ý ·Ç···oÛ· j···Ëq· oÛ·Ë §ÐÝ ¸v·¤·oËÛ h··· ·Ì ¤·´·´· oÛ· ¸·tuÜË Ý§Ý·Ëv····§ÏÝ–o۷˸oÛ¤··Ë¸·oÛ¸¤··¸oÛ··" (A) i···n·Ëq· (B) ·Ëi·|Ý·Çt·Ð·Ý·Ë· (C) iµ ÄÝp·Â· (D) ·ÀmoÛ·ËoÛ· Paper-II 23. 27. There is only one source of authority – management. They own and, therefore, they control – is the argument of The first union led by Maniben Kara and Kamala Sinha (two women) in India was (A) HMS (A) Pluralists (B) INTUC (B) Radicalists (C) AITUC (C) Trusteeship (D) BMS (D) Unitarists 28. 24. The Bombay Mill Hands Association under the Presidentship of N.M. Lokhande which is often referred to as the starting point of the Indian Labour Movement, was established in According to the Factories’ Act, 1948, which of the following is correct ? (A) 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week (B) 9 hours a day and 54 hours a week (C) 9 hours a day and 48 hours a week (A) 1878 (B) 1879 (C) 1890 (D) 8 hours a day and 56 hours a week (D) 1891 25. 29. Which of the following is not regarded as Trade Union Weapon ? (A) Strike (B) Check-off (C) Picketing Which of the following benefits is not found under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 ? (A) Sickness Benefit (D) Boycott (B) Maternity Benefit (C) Children’s Allowance (D) Dependent’s Benefit 26. Which of the following is not long term objective of Trade Union ? (A) Establishment Society of 30. Socialist Which of the following is based on contributory principle ? (A) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (B) Nationalisation of Industries (B) E.S.I. Act, 1948 (C) Parliament of Proletariate (C) Workmen’s Act, 1923 (D) Higher Wages and Short hours of work Paper-II Compensation (D) Old Age Pension Scheme 8 D-55-10 23. 24. ¤···oÛ·oËÛ··moÛ¥··Ë·§ÏÝ – ·°·´·g·Ë··¸·oÛ §Ý·Ë·Ë §ÐÝ i¤·¸·m ¸··´·~· Ýp··Ë §ÐÝ g ·§Ý ·oµÛ ¸oÛ¤·oÛ·§ÏÝ" 27. (A) ·Çݸ·¤zÝ (A) HMS (B) Ëݸ|ÝoÛ¸·¤zÝ (B) INTUC (C) z³Ý¤zÝÀ¸ ·· (C) AITUC (D) ·Ç·ÀzݸݤzÝ (D) BMS ··Ó·Ë¸··§ÐÝ|¬Ý¤·m¤··Ë¸¤·m ··–¸v·¤·oÛÀ¤····· m·m· ··Ëp·´|ËÝ oÛÀ h·c··· ·Ì §ÄÝiµ ·À h·ÏÝ ¸v·¤·Ë ··Ý· ·Ì ·v· ÇÝÝ ¤·´r· h·´ Ý·Ë·· oÛ· ·°·´Ý· ¹· ÄÝ····v····§ÏÝ–oÛÀ¤·····¸oÛ¤··£·µ·Ì§ÄÝiµ ·À" 28. (B) 9 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¸ Ý· 54 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¤···§Ý (A) 1878 (C) 9 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¸ Ý· 48 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¤···§Ý (B) 1879 (D) 8 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¸ Ý· 56 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¤···§Ý (C) 1890 29. 26. oÛ·Ýp···· h¸·¸··· oËÛ ¤·´ Ý·µ ·Ì ¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ï·¤···°·····¤·§ÝÀ§ÏÝ ? (A) 8 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¸ Ý· 48 r·´zËÝ·°¸·¤···§Ý (D) 1891 25. ·¸~··Ë· oÛ·Ý· ··· oÛ··· ¹¤·§Ý· ···oÛ Ý·Ë ·¸§Ý··h·ÌÝ·Ý·¤·´t··¸····Ý·oÛ··§Ý···v· ÇÝÝ ¤·´r·¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ï·¤····" ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤·Ë ·v· ÇÝÝ ¤·´r· oÛ· moÛ §Ý¸···Ý·§ÝÁoۧݷv··¤·oÛ·· ? (A) §Ý|®Ý··· (B) t·ËoÛh·ÓÛ (C) ¸·oËÛ¹zÝq· (D) ··Ó·oÛ·ÓzÝ 30. ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤·Ë ·v· ÇÝÝ ¤·´r··Ì oÛ· ÝÀr·µoÛ··À·jËÝ ··§ÝÁoۧݷv··¤·oÛ··§ÏÝ ? oÛ·µt··ÝÀ Ý·v· ·À·· h¸·¸··· oËÛ h·q·µ· ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤···· oÛ· j·Ëp· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ ? (A) ·À··ÝÀ··· (B) ···Ê···· (C) ······ (D) h·¸¢····· ¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï·h´ · Ý··oËÛ¸¤·Ý·´··Ý h···¸Ý·§ÏÝ ? (A) ¤···v··· ÝÀ¤···v·oÛÀ¤····· (A) ···Ê····h¸·¸··· (B) j·Ëq··ÌoÛ·Ý·£z³ÝÀ·oÛÝ~· (B) oÛ·µt··ÝÀÝ·v··À··h¸·¸··· (C) ¢·¸·oÛ·ÌoÛ·¤·´¤· Ý (C) oÛ·µoÛ·Ýc·¸··Çº·h¸·¸··· (D) h¸·oÛ·v· ÇÝÝÀ···oÛ··oËÛoÛ·r·´zËÝ (D) ·ÊÝ··¤···Ì ····Ëv··· D-55-10 9 Paper-II 31. 35. Indian Constitution was amended to incorporate which of the following Provision ? (A) Payment of Bonus (B) Workers’ Participation Management (C) Provision of Gratuity in (A) Nothing will apply (D) None of the above 32. Which of the following legislations makes Provision of 240 days of service equivalent to one year continuous service ? The E.S.I. Act (C) The Industrial Disputes Act 36. (D) The Minimum Wages Act 33. (B) Model Standing Orders (C) Certified Standing Order of similar organization in that locality (D) It will be decided by the employer. (A) The Payment of Wages Act (B) An employer has submitted Draft Standing Orders to the certifying officer for certification. Which of the following will apply till the final certified standing orders become enforceable ? The scope and coverage of which of the following legislations was recently extended to cover workers drawing wages upto 15,000 per month ? There shall be delegation of authority in the welfare fields, either by election to committees, or by proper nomination, according to (A) Principle of Timeliness (B) Principle of Accountability (C) Principle of Evaluation and Assessment (A) Maternity Benefit Act (B) Industrial Disputes Act (C) E.S.I. Act (D) Principle of Responsibility (D) Shops and Establishments Act 37. 34. Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 and Apprenticeship Act, 1961 represent which of the following types of labour legislations ? The need for imparting necessary education to workers in India had been emphasised first by (A) The Royal Commission on Labour (B) The Indian Commission (C) The Labour Committee (A) Protective Legislation (B) Regulative Legislation (C) Social Security Legislation Investigation (D) None of the above (D) None of the above Paper-II Industrial 10 D-55-10 31. 32. 33. 34. ¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤··°·····oÛ·Ë ¤·¼·¸·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ··Ý· oËÛ ¤·´¸···· ·Ì ¤·´ ··Ë·· ¸oÛ··q····· ? (A) ··Ë·¤··Äq···· (B) ·°·´··Ì¢·¸·oÛ·ÌoÛÀ¤·§Ý··¸q··· (C) q·°Ët·ÄizÝÀoÛ··°····· (D) j·Ý·Ën··ÌoÛ·Ëiµ·§ÝÁ 35. ¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤· h¸·¸··· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ¸ Ý··Ì oÛÀ ¤·Ë·· oÛ·Ë moÛ ·£·µ oÛÀ ·q····Ý ¤·Ë··oËÛ·Ý··Ý····v···ËoÛ··°·····§ÏÝ ? (A) ·v· ÇÝÝÀ·Äq····h¸·¸··· (B) oÛ·µt··ÝÀÝ·v··À··h¸·¸··· (C) h·Ï·Ë¸q·oÛ¸··· Ýh¸·¸··· (D) ·Ç····v· ÇÝÝÀh¸·¸··· 36. ¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤·h¸·¸···oÛ·¸·£·· c·Ë· ··· ···oÛ· h·À §Ý·· ·Ì §ÝÀ ·°¸···§Ý ·oÛoÛÀ·v· ÇÝÝÀ···Ë ···Ë ¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oÛ·Ë ¤·¼·¸··oÛÝ·ËoËÛ¸·m¸·¤··¸Ý·¸oÛ··q···" (A) ···Ê····h¸·¸··· (B) h·Ï·Ë¸q·oÛ¸··· Ýh¸·¸··· (C) oÛ·µt··ÝÀÝ·v··À··h¸·¸··· (D) ÇÝoÛ··m·´·°¸·£{Ý··h¸·¸··· 37. i··Ó··ÌzÝ mn¤·t·Ìv· o´Û·¤·ÝÀ ··Ë¸zݸÛoËÛ ·· h·ÓÛ·ÏoÌÛ¸¤·v·mËnzÝ ···h·°Ì¸zݤ·mËnzÝ oÛ·Ë ¢·· oÛ··Ç· oËÛ ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤··q·µ·ÌÝp··v··¤·oÛ··§ÏÝ ? (A) ¤·´Ýc···oÛ¸···· (B) ¸····oÛ¸···· (C) ¤····¸v·oÛ¤·ÄÝc··¸···· (D) i··Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ëiµ·§ÝÁ D-55-10 11 moÛ ¸···Ën·· ¤···À h· ËÝ ··Ì oËÛ ·°·ß· oÛ·Ë ·°··¸~··oÛÝ·Ë §ËÝ·Ä ·°··~··h¸·oÛ·ÝÀoËÛ¤··c· ·°¤·Ä·oÛÝ··§ÏÝgh´¸··ß·¤·Ë·°··¸~··¤···À h· ËÝ ··Ì oËÛ··q·Ç §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ·Ç·µ ¸··¸·¸p···Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï·¤····q·Ç§Ý·Ëq·· ? (A) oÄÛuÜ·À·§ÝÁ··q·Ç§Ý·Ëq··g (B) ··Ó|Ý·¤···Àh· ËÝ ·g (C) ·§Ý·² ¼¤·· ¸oÛ¤·À h· j¤·À ·°oÛ·Ý oÛÀ ¤·´¤··oÛ··°··¸~··¤···Àh· ËÝ ·g (D) i¤· ·Ý ¸···Ën·· Ý·Ý· ¸·~·µ· ¸··· v···Ëq··g ¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤·¸¤·Ý·´·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ¢·· oÛ··~· oËÛ c·Ë· ·Ì h¸·oÛ·Ý oÛ· ·°····Ëv·· t···Ý··Ý¤·¸·¸·oÛ·Ë··j··Än·····´oÛ·Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ··v··mq··" (A) ¹·°¸¤···h·ÓÛzÝ·i·¸··Ë¤· (B) ¹·°¸¤···h·ÓÛmoÛ·j~zËݸ·¸·zÝÀ (C) ¹·°¸¤··· h·ÓÛ i·Ï·Äm ·· m~|Ý m¤·Ë¤··Ë~zÝ (D) ¹·°¸¤···h·Ó۸ݤ··´¸¤·¸·¸·zÝÀ ··Ý· ·Ì ¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oÛ·Ë h·· ·oÛ ¸ ·c·· ·° Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë ·Ý ¤··µ·°·· ·· ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤·oËÛÝ·Ý·¸ Ý··q·····" (A) ¸ ÝÝ···oÛ·À ··h·Ó··Ë·Ý (B) ¸ Ýi´¸|Ý··i´|ݼ¤z³Ý··oÛ·À ·· (C) ¸ Ý·Ë·Ýi´·Ë¼¤zÝq·Ë ··oÛ¸·zÝÀ (D) i··Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤·ÀoËÛÝ·Ý··§ÝÁ Paper-II 38. 42. As per the Factories’ Act, 1948, a crèche will be provided in Factories where more than (A) 30 unmarried employed women (B) 30 married employed women (C) 30 women are employed Which of the following factors affect supply of labour ? (A) Population and Labour Force Participation Rate are (B) Skill, Experience Qualification (C) Mobility of Labour and Organization of Buyers and Sellers are (D) None of the above and Job (D) All the above 39. Which of the following is an agency for providing labour welfare facilities in Factories ? 43. (A) Management Which of the following cannot be said to be a type of wage differential ? (B) Trade Union (A) Occupational Wage Differential (C) Government (B) Geographical Wage Differential (C) Inter-industry Wage Differential (D) NGO (D) National Wage Differential 40. Which of the following is not included under intra-mural labour welfare facilities ? 44. Fixing lower retirement age for workers will result in (A) Canteen (A) increased supply of labour (B) Crèche (B) reduced supply of labour (C) Hospitals (C) will have no effect on supply of labour (D) Shelter, Rest rooms (D) None of the above 41. Which of the following is not a characteristic of labour market ? 45. (A) Same wage rate Which of the following industries lead to seasonal unemployment ? (B) More sellers than buyers (A) Sugar industry (C) Heterogeneity services in labour (D) Limited mobility of labour Paper-II (B) Construction industry (C) Ice-cream industry (D) All the above 12 D-55-10 38. oÛ·Ýp···· h¸·¸··· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ¸ · ·Ä q·Ê§ÝoÛÀ¤······§Ý·²oÛÀv··mq·Àv·§Ý·² (A) ¤·Ë h¸·oÛh¸···¸§Ý··¸§Ý··m² oÛ·· oÛÝݧÝÀ§ÐÝg (B) (C) (D) 39. (B) (C) (D) ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ·¸§Ý··m²oÛ··oÛÝݧÝÀ§ÐÝg j·Ý·Ën··Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ëiµ·§ÝÁg 43. ·°·´·· ·v· ÇÝݤ·´r· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý m·v·Àh·Ë 44. ¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤·Ëi´z³Ý··ÇÝ·¢··oÛ··~· ¤·Ä¸···h·ÌoËÛh´·q·µ··§ÝÁÝp··v···· ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. ¤·Ë h¸·oÛ ¸···¸§Ý· ·¸§Ý··m² oÛ·· oÛÝݧÝÀ§ÐÝg ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï· oÛ·Ýp····Ì ·Ì ¢·· oÛ··~· ¤·Ä¸···m² j··· oÛÝ··Ë ···À mv·Ì¤·À §ÏÝ ? (A) 40. 42. oÐÛzÝÀ· ¸ · ·Äq·Ê§Ý h¤···· h·¢·····¸·¢···oÛc· ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë ¸oÛ¤·Ë ¢·· ··v··Ý oÛ· h¸··c·~··§ÝÁoۧݷv··¤·oÛ·· ? (A) moÛ¤·····v· ÇÝÝÀg (B) oË̄Û··h·Ì oÛÀ ·Ä··· ·Ì ¸·oË̄Û··h·Ì oÛÀ h¸·oÛ¤·´p··g (C) ¢··¤·Ë··h·Ì·Ì···oÛ¸·£····g (D) ¢·¸·oÛ·ÌoÛÀ¤·À¸··q·¸· ·À···g D-55-10 45. 13 ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï· ¤·· ·· ¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oÛÀ h··Çº·oÛ·Ë·°··¸··oÛÝ··§ÏÝ ? (A) v··¤·´p·····¢····¤·§Ý··¸q··· ÝÝ (B) oÛ·Ï ··h·Ä··oÛ··µ§ËÝ·Ä··Ëq··· (C) ¢·¸·oÛ oÛÀ q·¸· ·À··· ··· oË̄Û··h·Ì h·Ïݸ·o¯ËÛ··h·ÌoËÛ¤·´q·{Ý· (D) j·Ý·Ën·¤··À ¸··¸·¸p···Ì¤·Ë¸oÛ¤·Ë·v· ÇÝÝÀ¸····oÛ·moÛ ·°oÛ·Ý·§ÝÁoۧݷv··¤·oÛ·· ? (A) ···¤··¸·oÛ·v· ÇÝÝÀh´·Ý (B) ··Ïq··Ë¸·oÛ·v· ÇÝÝÀh´·Ý (C) h´·Ýj ¬Ý··Ëq··v· ÇÝÝÀh´·Ý (D) Ý·£z³ÝÀ··v· ÇÝÝÀh´·Ý ¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oÛÀ ¤·Ë··¸··Ê¸· oÛÀ h··Ä¤·À·· oÛ· oÛÝ·ËoÛ··¸Ý~···n··§Ý·Ëq··" (A) ¢·¸·oÛ·ÌoÛÀh··Çº··}®Ýv···Ëq·Àg (B) ¢·¸·oÛ·ÌoÛÀh··Çº·r·zÝv··mq·Àg (C) ¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oÛÀh··Çº··Ý oÛ·Ëiµ ·°····§ÝÁ ·|®ËÝq··g (D) j·Ý·Ën··Ì¤·ËoÛ·Ëiµ·§ÝÁg ¸··¸·¸p·· ·Ì ¤·Ë oÛ·Ï· ¤·· j·Ëq· ··Ï¤··À ·ËÝ·Ëv·q··ÝÀj··oÛÝ··§ÏÝ ? (A) t·À·Àj·Ëq· (B) ¸···µ~·oÛ··µj·Ëq· (C) h·i¤·o¯ÛÀ·j·Ëq· (D) j·Ý·Ën·¤··À Paper-II Read the following passage and answer questions from 46 to 50 : For years the managerial philosophers had called management’s attention to its total responsibility. The indication of a moral oughtness was there, they stressed. As stewards for stockholders, managers had a prime responsibility to the employees, the customers, and the community – along with their well-recognised responsibility to the owners. By and large, these early pronouncements apparently fell on deaf ears. By the mid-thirties, however, heartening signs began to appear. In 1937, for example, Raymond Moley declared that while management remained legally and ethically a primary agent of the investor, its secondary responsibility to the public and labour had become relatively greater. Four years later, Roger D. Lapham asserted that in the narrow sense of the past, management had been considered solely responsible to its ownership – its stockholders – but there was a growing conviction that in the broader sense management’s duty to its customers, to the public, and to its employees came first. By 1951 this view was well established, and Frank Abraham’s writing in the Harvard Business Review enunciated the new philosophy when he indicated that the job of management was to conduct the affairs of the enterprise in such a way as to maintain an equitable balance among the claims of the variously interested groups. In the mid-sixties and early seventies we have again recognised changes in philosophy that reflect management’s gradual assumption of its moral and social obligation of good corporate citizenship. We see it, for example, in management’s assuming its social responsibility by cooperating with the federal government in withholding goods from countries if those goods would jeopardise our national security; in maintaining prices at a level consistent with a healthy economy, not raising them to a point considered Paper-II critically inflationary; in training the unemployed; in cleaning up city ghettos; and in recognising and acting upon pollution problems. More examples could be cited, but the point of the broadened view taken by management of its total responsibility has been made. 14 46. Raymond Moley advocated management’s responsibility to (A) owners of organisation only (B) owners and employees only (C) owners, public and labour (D) owners, public, labour and customers 47. In view of Lapham management must take care of (A) investors only (B) stockholders and employees only (C) stockholders, public and customers only (D) stockholders, customers, public and employees 48. Abraham is of the opinion that – (A) it is difficult to satisfy variously interested groups (B) job management is to conduct affairs of enterprise (C) there should be a balance among the interested groups (D) None of the above 49. Which of the following is not a part of corporate social responsibility ? (A) Controlling prices to prevent inflation (B) Training of employees (C) Acting upon pollution related problems (D) Jeopardising the security of nation 50. Corporate social responsibility comprises of the following : (A) Moral obligations of an organisation (B) Social obligations of an organisation (C) Moral and social obligations of an organisation (D) None of the above D-55-10 ¸··¸·¸p··q··´ ·oÛ·Ë ·¸}®Ý·Ë ····° ·¤·´p·· oËÛj·Ý ÝÀ¸v·m : ·°·´·oÛÀ· Ý· ·µ¸·oÛ·§ÄÝ·¤···¤·Ë ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ oÛ· ····oÛ£·µ~·i¤·oËÛ¤·´·Ç~·µ Ý·¸··oÛÀh·ËÝ oÛÝ Ý§ËÝ §ÐÝ g j§Ý·Ì·Ë i¤· ··· ·Ý ·· ¸ Ý·· ¸oÛ moÛ ·Ï¸·oÛ oÛ·µ· ¤·´oËÛ¸····g··¸·oÛ·ÌoËÛ·°¸··°··oÛ·ÌoËÛ¤·Ä·¸Ý··¸£·· Ý·¸··oËÛ¤···¤···¤zÝ·ÓoۧݷË|ݤ·µ oËÛ¤zÄÝ··|µÝ oËÛß· ·Ì ·°·´·oÛ·Ì oÛ··°·Äp· Ý·¸··oÛ·µt··¸Ý··Ìq·°·§ÝoÛ·Ì ··· ¤··Ä Ý·· oËÛ ·°¸· §Ý·Ë·· §ÏÝ g ·¸ Ý ¤··q·° ß· ¤·Ë ¸·t··Ý ¸oÛ··v·····Ë i··°·´Ý¸·oÛ···Ì ·Ý ·°·À········ ·§ÝÁ¸ Ý··q···g···¸·¤··¬oËÛ Ý ·oÛoËÛ···Ì j¤··§Ý··µoÛ ¤·´oËÛ·¸··Ë h·´Ý· §Ý·Ë q··Ë g j Ý·§ÝÝ~···µ ·Ì ËÝ··Ó~|Ý ··Ë·Ë ·Ë oۧݷ ¸oÛ v·§Ý·² ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ ·Ï··¸·oÛm·´ ·Ï¸·oÛß··Ì ¸··Ë ·oÛoËÛ·°··¸·oÛmv·ÌzÝ oËÛß··Ì oÛ··µ oÛÝ··Ý§Ý··§ÝÁv·······¢·¸·oÛ·Ì oËÛ ·°¸· j¤·oÛ· ¸Ý·À·oÛ Ý·¸·· h·Ëc··oÊÛ· ·}®Ý q··· g i¤·oËÛt··Ý ·£·µ ·· Ý Ý·Ëq·Ý |ÝÀ·ËËÛ··Ë v··ËÝ ËÝoÛÝ oۧݷ ¸oÛ¸·q··oÛ··oËÛ ¤·´oÛÀ~·µ h·µ ·Ì ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ oÛ·Ë oËÛ·· h··Ë··¸·oÛ·Ì–h··Ë¤zÝ·ÓoۧݷË|ݤ·µoËÛ·°¸·j·Ý Ý··À ····v·······Ý·ÄmoÛ¸·oÛ¸¤··§Ý·Ë·À§ÄÝiµ ··Ý~···§Ý ·À¸oÛ···oÛh·µ ·Ì h··Ë q·°·§ÝoÛ·Ìv·······h··Ë oÛ·µt··¸Ý··Ì oËÛ·°¸·oÛ·µ··§Ý·Ë h···§ÏÝ g¤··¬ ·oÛ·§Ý¸·t··Ý¤·Ä¤··¸··§Ý·Ët·ÄoÛ······°ÐÛoÛh·¯·§Ý· ·Ë§Ý··µ|µÝ¸·v··Ë¤·¸Ý·Ç·Ì¸·p··Ë§ÄÝmmoÛ··Ë Ý ·µ·oÛ· ·°¸··· Ý· ¸oÛ·· v·· j§Ý·Ì·Ë ·§Ý i´¸q·· ¸oÛ·· ¸oÛ ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ oÛ·oÛ··µ ·°¸·£{Ý··oËÛ·····Ì oÛ·¤·´t····i¤· ÝÀ¸· ¤·Ë oÛÝ·· t··¸§Ým ¸v·¤·¤·Ë h·q·h·q· ¸§Ý··Ì ···Ë ·q··Î oËÛ ·Àt· moÛ ···¤·´q·· ¤·´·Ä·· ··· ݧËÝ g ¤··¬ oËÛ Ý ·oÛoËÛ·····oËÛ Ý ·oÛoËÛ·°·Ý· oÛ·· ·Ì §Ý·Ì Ý ·µ· ·Ì ·¸Ý··µ· ݼ£zÝq··Ët·Ý §Ý·Ë·· §ÏÝ v··Ë ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ Ý·Ý· h··Ë j··Ý oÛ···ÍËÝzÝ ¸¤·¸zÝv··¸ ·· oËÛ ·Ï¸·oÛ ··· ¤····¸v·oÛ Ý·¸·· oÛ·Ë ··Ï ··Ï ··Ý~· oÛÝ·ËoÛ·Ë·°¸·¹·¸··oÛÝ··§ÏÝg·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝÝ·Ý·¤····¸v·oÛ Ý·¸·· ··Ý~· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ h·ËoÛ j Ý·§ÝÝ~· §ÐÝ v·Ï¤·Ë ·¸ Ý oÄÛuÜ ¤···¸q·°··Ì oÛ·Ë ··§ÝÝ ¸oÛ¤·À ËÝ ··Ì ·Ëv··Ë ¤·Ë Ý·£z³ÝÀÝ· ¤·ÄÝc··oËÛ¸·mp··ËÝ oÛÀh· ·´oÛ·§Ý·Ë ··Ë ¤·´r·À·¤·ÝoÛ·Ý oËÛ¤···¤·§Ý··Ëq·oÛÝ·Ë §ÄÝm·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ Ý·Ý·j·¤···¸q·°··Ì oÛ·Ë j· ËÝ ··Ì ·Ì ·Ëv··Ë ·Ý Ý·ËoÛ·q····oÛÀ···Ì oÛ·Ë moÛ ¤·¤·h·µ··¤··oËÛ¤·´q··¤·Ý ·Ý Ýp··· ··· j§ÌÝ j¤· ¹· ÄÝ ¤·Ë k²Ût·· ·§ÝÁ j{Ý··· v··Ë ··v·ÄoÛ ß· ¤·Ë ·ÄÝ·¤ÛÀ¸·oÛ·oÛ·Ý~···Ëq·´ ÝÀ·¼¤···Ì oÛ·Ë ¤··Û¤·Ä·Ý· ·········° ÇÝ£·~·¤·´·´·À¤··¤··h·Ì oÛÀ·§Ýt···oÛÝ·· h·ÏÝ j§ÌÝ ÇÝÝ oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ j··· oÛÝ·· g i¤·¤·Ë ¤·´·´¸·· D-55-10 h·ËoÛj Ý·§ÝÝ~·¸ Ý·Ë v··¤·oÛ·Ë §ÐÝ·Ý·Ä ·§Ý·² ·Ï·Ëv··ÌzÝ oËÛ Ý·¸··¤·Ë ¤·´·´¸·····oÛ¸·t··Ý ·§Ý·² ·°¤·Ä·¸oÛ·· q···§ÏÝg 46. 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