Lecture 12 Chapter 10: Predator Prey interactions Chapter 11: Plant Herbivore interactions 10.1: Introduction-Historical Perspective • Aldo Leopold and the “dichotomous view” • Differences between simplistic models presented a more modern/recent view: 1) Prey pops at least partially determined by food resources (bottom up dynamics) in addition to predators (top down dynamics) 2) Prey pops respond to their entire community of predators 3) Predator pops are affected by other factors in addition to their prey pops 10.1: Introduction-Historical Perspective • Predation Rate • Numerical response • Functional response • Total Response • Fig. 10.1 Stable limit cycle: Predator - Prey vs. time • Fig. 10.2 Stable limit cycle: Prey vs. Predator popln 10.1: Introduction-Historical Perspective • Robert May (1976) • Various outcomes of stable predator-prey cycles where both go through regular predictable cycles Numerical responses range from : 1) Predator spp. extinction and prey spp. survival 2) Extinction of prey followed by extinction of predator 3) Pred-prey poplns oscillate and dampen to stable limit cycle/point 4) Pred-prey go through increasing oscillations leading to extinction of either or both spp. 5) Immediate stable limit cycle or stable point reached 10.1: Introduction-Historical Perspective • Fig. 10.3 Pred-prey vs. time: oscillation dampening -> Stable point • Fig. 10.4 : Prey pop vs. pred. pop: Leads to Stable point • Fig. 10.5 Prey-predator pops vs. time illustrating dampening oscillations • Fig. 10.6 Predator-prey poplns illustrating dampened oscillations leading to a stable point. • Fig. 10.7 Predator-prey poplns vs. time with increasing oscillations leading to extinction of both spp. • Fig. 10.8 Increasing oscillations of prey popln vs. predator popln leading to extinction of both spp. Assumptions vs. Reality 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Prey usually have a refuge Predation is almost always not random Generation times between prey and predator often vary Predators may be generalist Predator popln may remain ~ constant independent of prey popln 6) Predator pop may have a carrying capacity (K) independent of the prey popln 7) Density-independent mortality 8) Multiple equilibriums can exist between predator-prey interaction: ex., low density vs. high density 10.2: Lotka-Volterra equation dN/dt = rnN Eq. 10.1a dN/dt = r2N [Kn-N/Kn] Eq. 10.1b Where: Nn = number of individuals of prey spp ~ prey popln size rn = intrinsic rate of increase for prey spp. Kn = prey carrying capacity Without prey the predator popln(P) dies off based on mp = instantaneous density independent mortality and popln declines as: dP/dt = -mpP Eq. 10.2 10.2: Lotka-Volterra equation And the chance of an encounter between predator and prey is: ENP eq. 10.3 E = # < 1, measures predator searching & capturing efficiency Assumes # prey captured is linear with prey abundance E is a functional response term based on rate of predation per individual predator per unit time xp = constant reflecting efficiency that prey is turned into new predator individuals ~ Assimilation efficiency of predator Pop growth for predator = (xp) ENP 10.2: Lotka-Volterra equation Lotka-Volterra assumes that an encounter leads to death of prey Therefore prey popln is decreased by term ENP Prey: dN/dt = rnN-ENP eq. 10.4a Predator: dP/dt = xp ENP – mp P eq. 10.5 At equilibrium: Predator: P* = rn/E eq 10.6/7 Prey : N* = mp/xpE Equilibrium analysis = set both to zero ONCE interaction is complete and include carrying capacity (K): dN/dt = rnN(Kn-N/Kn) – ENP eq 10.4b 10.3: Early tests of Lotka -Volterra models – Please read on your own Elton (1924) and Elton and Nicholson (1942): snow shoe hare and lynx Gause (1934): Paramecium spp. Huffacker (1958): mites and oranges 10.4: Predation functional responses Type I – Type II – Type III • Fig. 10.9 Daphnia major ingestion of algae exhibiting Type I functional response curve • Fig. 10.10 Damsel fly larvae Type II functional response curve while feeding on Daphnia major • Fig. 10.11 Three Lemming predators Type III functional response curves 10.5: Addition of prey density with Type II and III functional response modes • Fig. 10.12 Predator-prey interaction following Lotka-Volterra equations with a Type I functional response -> mutual extinction • Fig. 10.13 Predator-prey interaction with a Type II functional response -> both become stable • Fig. 10.14 Predator-prey interaction with a Type III functional response with threshold -> both become stable 10.6: Rosenzweig and MacArthur - OMIT • Fig. 10.15 Prey and predator isoclines overview • Fig. 10.16 Prey isocline with Allee effect, MVP, and K • Fig. 10.17 Predator-prey isoclines with inefficient predator -> decreasing oscillations to stable point, S, where 2 isoclines meet • Fig. 10.18 Predator-prey isoclines for moderately efficient predator -> stable limit cycle 10.6: Rosenzweig and MacArthur - OMIT • Fig. 10.19 Highly efficient predator, increasing isolations with extinction of both spp. • Fig. 10.20 Predator-prey interaction with predator growth limited by an additional factor (not prey) -> stable point, S, is reached • Fig. 10.21 Effect of paradox of enrichment on predator-prey interaction -> mutual extinction • Fig. 10.22 Predator-prey interaction when prey have a refuge -> stable cycle • Context Dependent! OMIT: 10.7: Half-saturation constant use in predatorprey interactions • dP/dt = [bRP/KR+R] – mpP eq. 7.20 revised from two competing species Where: • P = predator population • mp = death rate • b = max rate of conversion of prey resource into predators • R = prey population • KR = half-saturation constant Results in a General Mechanistic Equation for both competitive interactions and predator-prey interactions for the growth rate of the consuming population. 10.8: Parasitoid-host interactions & Nicholson-Bailey models – A special type of predator-prey interaction • Assumptions of N-B models: 1) Number of encounters between parasitoids and a host or prey species is proportional to the host density 2) Encounters are randomly distributed among hosts. • Fig. 10.23 Density Independent host-parasitoid -> unstable • Fig. 10.24 Density Dependent host-parasitoid with K -> stable • Fig. 10.25 Density Independent host-parasitoid -> mutual extinction 10.8: Parasitoid-host interactions & Nicholson-Bailey models • Fig. 10.26 Stable limit cycle of host-parasitoid relationship • Fig. 10.27 Host-parasitoid poplns over time, a = 0.03 -> Stable point • Fig. 10.28 Host-Parasitoid polns interactions, search efficiency, a = 0.03 -> stable point 10.9: Field studies of predator-prey interactions – on your own please • Swedish fox- prey interactions: Are population cycles caused by predation alone? • Snowshoe hare cycles: • Moose-wolf interactions: • Predator-prey relationships in Africa 1) Predation sensitive food hypothesis 2) Predator regulation hypothesis 3) The surplus predation hypothesis 10.10: Trophic cascades – on your own please Definition: Estes et al. 2001 = “Progression of indirect effects by predators across successively lower trophic levels” 10.11: Dangers of predatory lifestyle – on your own please Solitary Predator: 10.12: Escape from predation – on your own please 1) Escape in time 2) Escape in space 3) Behavior 4) Physical mechanisms 5) Chemical mechanisms 6) Coloration: i. Cryptic ii. Confusing iii. Startle iv. Flash v. Aposematic 7) Mimicry: Batesian vs. Muellerian Highlights: Predator-Prey Interactions • • • • • • • • • The Lotka–Volterra equations Functional responses Functional responses and the Lotka–Volterra equations Graphical analyses Species interactions are ALL context dependent!!! Nicholson–Bailey models Field studies of predator–prey interactions Trophic cascades Types of escape from predation Chapter 11: Plant-Herbivore Interactions 11.1: Introduction-Historical Perspective Relationship between herbivore-plant relationships and 2nd compounds was discovered by Fraenkel (1959) Initially thought 2nd compounds were wastes from metabolism without a function Ehrlich and Raven (1964) argued that 2nd compounds were a product of the plants coevolutionary history with herbivores -provided foundation for ecological approach to plant herbivore interactions. -proposed Evolutionary Arms Race = The process of evolution and counter-evolution of chemical defenses between plants and herbivores 11.1: Introduction-Historical Perspective Evolutionary Arms Race = The process of evolution and counter-evolution of chemical defenses between plants and herbivores Assumptions: 1) Herbivore activity is harmful to plants 2) Plants are able to evolve defenses that deter herbivores 3) Herbivore life activities guided by ability of plants to defend themselves 4) Herbivores appear as generalists but exhibit preference 5) Majority of herbivores are specialists 11.2 Classes of plant chemical defenses > 40,000 chemical compounds Referred to as allelochemicals Three main types: 1) terpenoids 2) phenolics 3) nitrogen-based ~ such as alkaloids Production of 2nd compounds is metabolically expensive! 11.2 Classes of chemical defenses Nitrogen based 2nd compounds: Nitrogen most limited element for plant growth Alkaloids ~ 10,000 types Deadly night shade-> Coca plant (cocaine) -> Almost all drugs on the market based on a natural plant product! 11.2 Classes of chemical defenses Nitrogen based 2nd compounds: Common Milk weed Glycosides – biologically active forms of steroids Cardiac glycosides -> Found in 11 plant families including: Apocynanaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Scrophulariaceae (from terpenoids) 11.2 Classes of chemical defenses Carbon based 2nd compounds: Phenolic compounds – ubiquitous in plant kingdom, Examples: Flavanoids (provide color to flowers/fruits) Hydrolyzable tannins Non-hydrozlyable or Condensed tannins Furanocoumarins ex., Apiaceae (carrot family) Terpenoids – within 60 plant families, >er than 2000 species contain 11.3 Constitutive vs. Induced defenses Constitutive defense = Induced defense = To qualify as an induced defense (or resistance), the response must result in a decrease in herbivore or predatory damage AND an increase in fitness must be observed in the non-induced controls. Conditions necessary for evolution of inducible defense: 1) selective pressures variable and unpredictable 2) reliable cue needed to activate defense 3) defense must be effective 4) inducible defense must save energy compared to constitutive defense or no defense 11.4 Plant communication - omit Damage of one plant promotes induction of chemical defense from surrounding plants. Plants that share same air space may chemically communicate with one another When plants are damaged volatile chemical cues may be sent to herbivores, and by the predators and parasites of the herbivores to locate plants 11.5 Plant–parasitoid communication When herbivore ~ caterpillar begins to eat a leaf, the plant releases a volatile chemical that attracts parasitoids Natural history of this interaction…. 11.6 Revisit hare and the lynx story - on your own please 11.7 Novel defense/herbivore response Fig. 1. Squirt-gun defense of (A) Bursera trimera, (B) Bursera rzedowski, and (C) Bursera schlechtendalii. Becerra J X et al. Amer. Zool. 2001;41:865-876 11.8 Detoxification of plant compounds by herbivores – able to do this in two mainways Stage 1 – herbivores convert compounds to water soluble form, often an alcohol, that can then be excreted Stage 2 – Where stage 1 compound is conjugated with a sugar or sulfate and forms an inactive non-toxic compound. This new compound can be excreted through the bile or urine. Cool eh? BUT a high metabolic cost to detoxifying compounds!! 11.9 Plant apparency & chemical defense – OMIT A general theory, Feeny (1976) to predict the type and amount of defense a plant has evolved: 1) Apparent species 2) Unapparent species 3) Developmental variation within a plant 11.10 Soil fertility & chemical defense OMIT 11.11 Optimal defense theory Please read on your own BUT we did go over this briefly in class 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics Most common approach: Most models based on grazers of vegetation and assume that plant quality does not vary and ONLY examine the effect of quantity consumed by grazers. Second approach: Assume that quality can vary but a set quantity is consumed by grazer. Borrow from predator-prey models and our dependable Lotka-Volterra models 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics Density independent growth = rvV with rv = ~ intrinsic rate of growth V = plant abundance or biomass Density dependent growth with logistic equation dV/dt = rvV (Kv-V/Kv) Kv = carrying capacity for plant reproduction F = efficiency of herbivore’s removal of plant tissue (similar to E = predator efficiency) Herbivore Functional response = FNV = Type 1 with N = #herbivores HINT: Similar to an approach we just covered in class…… 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics Type II Functional Response ~ non-linear response FNV/ (1 + Fh2V) h = handling time component Type III Functional Response ~ threshold response FNV2/ (1+ Fh3V2) 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics OMIT Half-saturation constant for herbivore-plant interaction: fNV/(b+V) f = maximum consumption or grazing rate b = half of the maximum consumption rate V = plant biomass or abundance N = number of herbivores Using the functional response with a half-saturation constant, the plant growth equation becomes…. 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics - OMIT Now plant growth response becomes: dV/dt = rvV(Kv-V/Kv) – fNV/b+V eq. 11. 1 Using logistic growth of V assumes as gets close to K growth slows. This is reasonable for annuals (seed to seed within one year) However, many plants are long-lived and store resources underground, so growth may follow a linear and not a logistic growth curve Fig. 11.1 dV/dt = u0(1-V/Kv) eq. 11.2 u0 = plant growth rate with V close to 0, and V = only above ground biomass called Linear re-growth model OMIT: 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics Herbivore popln can be modeled with Positive Numerical Response Density independent Density dependent Following Lotka-Volterra numerical response = XhfNV f = maximum grazing rate Xh = herbivore’s assimilation rate Xhf = max rate plant material is turned into new herbivores Can follow similar logic used in predator-prey models (Chapter 10) OMIT: 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics Herbivore death rate is density independent constant mh OR add coefficient θ = density independent when equals 1 but also increases herbivore death rate at high densities if θ>1 dN/dt = XhFNV/(b+V) –mhNθ eq. 11.3 If rework considering amount of food/herbivore instead of amt. food/area: Ratio dependent (also similar to pred-prey) dN/dt = XhFN (V/N) –mhN eq. 11.4 If both stop growing then reach equilibrium where dN/dt =0 OMIT: 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics If both stop growing then reach equilibrium* where dN/dt =0 Leads to paradox of enrichment, unstable with vegetation abundant (owing to built in time lag): V* = mhN*/Xhf eq. 11.5 N* = XhfV*/mh eq. 11.6 Replace logistic with linear re-growth and achieve stability (no time lag): dV/dt = u0(1-V/Kv) – fNV/(b+V) eq. 11.7 dN/dt = XhN [fV/b+V) – μh] eq. 11.8 11.12 Modeling plant-herbivore popln dynamics – on your own please Presence of a refuge to protect plant biomass is key (and again similar to prey having a refuge to hide) Models can also incorporate -up to now only dealt with quantity of veg. Quality of vegetation modeling ex., Larch budworm interaction Tritrophic interactions Overcompensation – Community level effectsKeystone species - Highlights: Plant-Herbivore Interactions • • • • • • • • • • Classes of chemical defenses Constitutive versus induced defense Plant–parasitoid communication Novel defenses/herbivore responses Detoxification of plant compounds by herbivores Costs of detoxification by herbivores The optimal defense theory Modeling plant–herbivore population dynamics The complexities of plant–herbivore interactions CONTEXT DEPENDENCY of SPECIES INTERACTIONS!