1 100A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM (CH 16) IN CONSUMER MARKET IN INITIAL DISCUSSION (CHS 3,4 AND 5) WE DEALT WITH INDIVIDUAL CONSUMERS AND OR INDIVIDUAL MARKETS…EACH CONSUMER WAS IN EQUILIBRIUM (MAXIMIZING HIS/HER SATISFACTION)---THAT ASPECT OF THE THEORY IS REFERRED TO AS PARTIAL EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS DISCUSSION NOW TURNS TO LOOKING AT ALL CONSUMERS IN ALL MARKETS--FOR ANALYTIC PURPOSES; 1. WE PICK ANY 2 CONSUMERS AND ANY 2 MARKETS….THUS, WE IN EFFECT ARE INCLUDING EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING, AND 2. ASSUME ALL GOODS WILL BE CONSUMED BY EITHER OR BOTH PARTIES… >>>>>CONSTRUCTION OF THE EDGEWORTH BOX DIAGRAM (MEANT TO HELP, BUT STUDENTS CAN GET CONFUSED IN THE CONSTRUCTION) BASIC PROBLEM IS THAT YOU HAVE TO TWIST AND TURN TO SEE SECOND CONSUMER…but don’t give up! 2 Y Sally a d b e c Frankie Toys IN THE ABOVE DIAGRAM, WE ASSUME THAT THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF TOYS AND OTHER GOODS (y) ARE CONSUMED BY FRANKIE AND SALLY….. ANY DISTRIBUTION OF THE TWO GOODS IS POSSIBLE, BUT… SOME ARE “BETTER” THAN OTHERS….. “BETTER” IN THE SENSE THAT SUCH A DISTRIBUTION CAN’T BE ALTERED WITHOUT HURTING AT LEAST ONE PERSON----THERE ARE SEVERAL SUCH POSSIBILITIES. for example, if Sally had all the Toys and all of the other goods, than any alteration towards Frankie would hurt Sally (assuming selfish motivation). However, in the diagram above, note that point A is a distribution that can be altered without hurting either party; a movement to C would not hurt Frankie, but would help Sally (from A to D, Frankie would be better off, and Sally no worse off). And, a movement to B would make them both better off. Thus, point A is what is referred to as an INEFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION Note also, that once at D, it is impossible to alter the distribution without hurting Sally or Frankie. (we don’t know if this is the case at B or C without more info—i.e., more indifference curves). We do know, however, that D is heaven, or in economist’s jargon, PARETO OPTIMAL (B and C are Pareto preferred over A) 3 WHERE A MOVEMENT WOULD BENEFIT ONE PARTY WITHOUT HARM TO THE SECOND PARETO PREFERRED OR PARETO SUPERIOR WHERE IS WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO MOVE WITHOUT HARMING AT LEAST ONE PARTY PARETO OPTIMAL….D is such a point….. WHERE A MOVEMENT WOULD BENEFIT ONE PARTY AT THE EXPENSE OF ANOTHER…EVEN THOUGH SUCH A MOVEMENT MIGHT SEEM FAIR…. PARETO EFFICIENCY REFERS TO JUST THAT, EFFICIENCY, NOT EQUITY [BRIEF DISCUSSION OF REAL OR THEORETICAL COMPENSATION] ******************************************************* CONCEPT OF THE CONTRACT CURVE Note that D is a point where the indifference curves of both Sally and Frankie are TANGENT!!!! The series of such points of tangency are referred to as the CONTRACT CURVE….. [IN FRANK--P. 560 AND ON--CONTRACT CURVE GOES THROUGH THE ORIGINS…NOT NECESSARY, WHERE ONE CONSUMER MIGHT BE AT A CORNER SOLUTION] Y Sally contract curve Frankie Toys 4 QUESTION IS, UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS BE PARETO OPTIMAL, I.E., ON THE CONTRACT CURVE?? [FRANK, p. 561-63, GOES THROUGH THE PROCESS OF TWO CONSUMERS TRADING WITH EACH OTHER…FAIR ENOUGH, BUT NOT AS REALISTIC AS IT MIGHT BE, AND A BIT COMPLEX IN THE GRAPHS…] SIMPLER ROUTE IS TO ASSUME THAT ALL CONSUMERS FACE THE SAME PRICES, AND THAT ALL GOODS ARE CONSUMED…, BUT THIS INTRODUCES MORE GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS….but let’s go for it. ---UNDER PREVIOUS ASSUMPTIONS REGARDING MAXIMIZATION, ALL CONSUMERS SEEK THE GREATEST LEVEL OF SATISFACTION, I.E., ON THEIR RESPECTIVE BUDGET LINES…..that is, ALL THEN CONSUMING WHERE: MRSyx = Px/Py IF WE ASSUME THAT SALLY AND FRANKIE FACE THE SAME SET OF PRICES, REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEIR RESPECTIVE INCOMES MIGHT BE, THEN THE FOLLOWING TWO DIAGRAMS SHOULD BE FAMILIER… Y Y y1 y1 o t1 Sally o Frankie t1 Both Sally and Frankie are maximizing (Frankie’s doing a lot better in terms of consumption—not necessarily in utility—and they are each consuming their respective amounts of Y and Toys (oy1 and ot1) NOW THE FUN!! 5 If we add the total amount of Y and of toys that the two are consuming, and construct and Edgeworth Box, we get the following: Sally Y 0 D 0 TOYS Frankie VOILA!! We have “created” a point “D” (pareto optimal)…. Implying that as long as both consumers MAXIMIZE THEIR UTILITY and FACE THE SAME SET OF RELATIVE PRICES, THE RESULTING DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS CAN’T BE IMPROVED UPON (in the sense that you can’t make one person better off without hurting the other). and despite the seemingly abstract nature of all of the above, there are real world EXAMPLES: 1) COMMODITY DISCOUNTS (note earlier discussion in Frank—p. 78, figure 3-6 2) QUANTITY LIMITATIONS---like housing discrimination, or 3) PRICE DIFFERENTIALS BASED ON RACE ********************************************************* ALL OF THE ABOVE DISCUSSION FOCUSES TOTALLY ON ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY…I.E., IT TAKES INCOME LEVELS AS GIVEN…..THAT IS, THE ISSUE OF EQUITY (FAIRNESS, DISTRIBUTION…) IS ESSENTIALLY IGNORED, BUT CAN’T (OR SHOULDN’T) BE IN POLICY ISSUES FOUR BRIEF POINTS ON THESE QUESTIONS 6 1) GOODS CAN BE EFFICIENTLY DISTRIBUTED FOR ANY INCOME DISTRIBUTION---i.e., any where along the contract curve 2) THERE IS NO OBVIOUS ANSWER REGARDING “OPTIMAL” INCOME DISTRIBUTION, GIVEN THE ASSUMPTION REGARDING SELF-INTERESTED BEHAVIOR 3) ISSUES AT CONFLICT WHEN HAVING TO CHOOSE BETWEEN EFFICIENCY AND EQUITY WITHOUT EFFICIENCY… B A Note that while point A is an efficient distribution, B is a bit “fairer.” Which should the policy maker select??? Frankie (solid lines) would be happier at B, the “inefficient” point, but not Sally. 4) INTRODUCTION OF “ALTRUISM” INTO THE UTILITY FUNCTION MAY LEAD TO DIFFERENT SET OF CHOICES…PARTICULARLY AT THE EXTREMES OF INCOME INEQUALITY, for example, in extremes of distribution, altruistic behavior might dominate…i.e., B preferred to A on the part of everyone in diagram above…not unlike the case of the Limo Liberal discussed earlier in the course.