Accounting 151A INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING Course Syllabus Instructor: Michael G. Booth Term: Spring 2010 Course Description This course is an introduction to practical accounting, terminology, and the complete accounting cycle from documentation through journals, ledgers, and financial statements for both service and merchandising companies. Course is designed specifically for careers in the field of private and public accounting, as well as business owners/managers who wish to prepare or understand the implications of accounting statements/transactions. Objectives: ● ● ● ● ● ● Recognize various forms of business organization; sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation Show the use of accounting equation, T accounts, and double entry accounting system, journalizing and posting Explain trial balance, income statement, owner’s equity statement, and balance sheet and how to create each financial statement Utilize specialized journals and subsidiary ledgers, adjustments, corrections and reversing entries Apply major federal/state laws pertaining to payroll, and taxes, and supporting accounting transactions Critically assess, identify and execute the accounting cycle and each of the steps in the accounting period Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Students should be able to: Assessment 1 -Use accounting equation, create T accounts, prepare trial balance, income statement, owner’s equity statement and balance sheet for a sole proprietorship service business Assessment 2 -Use double entry accounting system to journalize, post, make corrections, adjustments, and create :income statement, owner’s equity statement, balance sheet and close for a sole proprietorship service business MiniProject 1 - Journalize, post, adjust, and correct using double entry accounting system for a service business and create income statement, owner’s equity statement, balance sheet and close accounting period. Assessment 3 - Create transactions using sales journal, purchase journal, cash receipts journal, and subsidiary ledgers to create financial statements for a merchandising business and close Assessment 4 - Understand/apply major federal/state laws related to payroll, payroll taxes, and make corrections, adjustments, reversing entries to complete classified financial statements in addition to post closing traial balance for merchandise business MiniProject 2 - Complete the accounting cycle; journalize, post (compound/single transactions), adjust, and correct using specialized journals, journal, subsidiary ledger, ledger; including payroll, taxes to complete classified financial statements. - Prepare and make reversing entries and create post closing trial balance Textbooks and Supplies Text:College Accounting, 12th Edition with Home Depot Annual Report by Price, Haddock and Brock ISBN: 9780073401669 Copyright year: 2009. In addition, College Accounting Chap 1-30 S.G. & WK PAP , ISBN:9780073365695 Copyright year: 2009. ● Homework Manager. To purchase Homework Manager, go to McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center Click on the box titled Register or Purchase Access and follow instructions. The cost is $53.50. (URL link is in “Related LINKS” section) ● ● Handheld calculator User Name and Password in the Computer Technology Center OR offcampus access to the Internet ● ● Print Card, if using the Computer Technology Center SCANTRON input answer sheets, Form No 882-E (will be needed for each assessment) Course Requirements Since each person has valuable life and vocational experiences to share, attendance is extremely important and creates a more interesting and dynamic class. Many class discussions will be related to the homework assignments; therefore, it is expected that students will attend and participate in all class sessions with all assignments prepared professionally and accurately. You are expected to attend class, and successfully achieve the student learning outcomes for each major milestone of the course. The student is responsible for all material covered in class, late assignments will not be accepted. Material covered in class may not be in the textbook, and could be included in exams. If you are not present when materials are discussed, assigned or distributed in class, it is your responsibility to obtain materials from other members of the class. Classroom Student Responsibilities: The conduct in the classroom will be in accordance with the Cabrillo Student Rights and Responsibilities , AR 6110, Revised September 2006. In addition, there will be NO allowance for cheating. The first incident of cheating will result in an immediate “F”, the second will result in immediate removal from the course. “This is a learning environment, the best learning occurs through mistakes, and therefore at all times the work during the course should be from the student.” Cooperative Learning: To respect our right to the best possible learning environment, classroom disruptions will not be tolerated, please: - Turn Off cell phones, pagers, etc before class (or as a minimum have on silent, vibrate mode - If you arrive late or leave early, sit near the door - Do NOT carry on side conversations when I, or others are speaking - Eat before or after—not during class (only water is allowed in the classroom) Disabilities/Special Needs Students needing accommodations should contact the instructor ASAP. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. If you need assistance with an accommodation, please contact Disabled Student Services, Room 810, 479-6379, or Learning Skills Program, 479-6220. A Learning Skills specialist is also available at the Watsonville Center Student Resource Center, 477-5134. HOMEWORK/ASSESSMENTS: Homework Problems: Accounting is a “hands on” subject. You MUST complete the homework to thoroughly understand the concepts and procedures. Forms to complete these exercises and problems are provided in your Study Guide and Working Papers book. You will be required to complete the exercises/problems using McGraw-Hill Homework Manager ™ (Note: see “Related LINKS” section for URL connection and registration) which is an online interactive program that grades the homework and gives immediate feedback. These homework assignments represent the minimum requirement, completing the homework is critical for success in completing the mini-projects and assessments. The tentative schedule, listed above, provides a guideline when to complete the various assignments, actual dates completion dates are listed in HomeWork Manager™. Mini-Practice Sets These are located in your text, at the end of Chapters 6 and 13. Working papers are included in your workbooks and Excel template is available for each miniproject. Practice Set 1 Works with a service company for on month; Practice Set 2 works with a merchandising company for one month. The full accounting cycle is completed for each set (analysis, recording, adjusting, reporting). NEATNESS Counts. Staple the working papers in the same order they are present in the workbook. A stapler is NOT provided by the instructor. Excel Templates are provided on Blackboard Learning Systems (WebCT). Mini-Project #1: Check figures for Mini Project 1(page 186, College Accounting, 12e): (this is worth 75 points) UnAdjusted Trial Balance Debit/Credit total: $210,075.00 Adjusted Trial Balance Debit/Credit Total: $210,258.00 Cash: $132,435.00 Net Income: $37,657.00 Instructions: Post Closing trial Balance for December 31, is on page 167, not pages 156-157 Mini-Project #2: Check figures for Mini Project 2 (page 474, College Accounting, 12e: (this is worth 100 points) UnAdjusted Trial Balance Debit/Credit total: $291,651.40 Adjusted Trial Balance Debit/Credit Total: $372,311.09 Cash: $47,759.90 Net Income: $15,799.71 Assessments: Four Assessments will be given, including the Final assessment, plus two miniprojects. Assessments will consist mostly of multiple-choice questions but may include matching, terminology, problem solving, computations, journalizing, creation of statements, etc. See the Tentative schedule for exam dates. The exams will be separated into chapters. Assessments are linked to Student Learning Outcomes listed on course home page. No make-ups will be given for late exams. (Note: Exams will be given using Scantron Form 882-E, and will be in-class) Final Assessment: Note: The final exam will only cover Chapters 10-13. You will have 2 1/2 hrs to complete the exam. Exam will be worth 50 points. Group Work and Quizzes Other group work, supplementary assignments, and short, quizzes may be given. These will be on BlackBoard Learning System(WebCT). No make up is available. Full participation is essential. SCHEDULE: Tentative Schedule: Please note – This is a summary of the tentative schedule. In the College Accounting text Ex=Exercise (1pt ea) and Pr=Problem These are located at the end of each chapter and are the match with the assignment in HomeWork Manager. In addition, there may be research and/or discussions topics, quizes, these will be assigned during class and updated on the Instructor Website and Blackboard Learning Systems. Week Date Topic 1 Feb 9 Introduction Chap 1 Feb 11 Chapter 1/2 Ex 2-1 to 2-6, Ex 2-7 to 2-10 Feb 16 Chapter 2 Pr 2.1A, 2.3A, 2.4A, Feb 18 Chapter 3 Ex 3-1 to 3-8 Feb 23 Chapter 3 Pr 3-1A, 3-2A, 3-3A,3-4A, 35A Feb 25 Chapter 3 CT 3.1 Study for Assessment #1 Mar 2 Assessment #1 Chap 1-3 CT 3.1 Due. Start Reading Chapter 4 Mar 4 Chapter 4 Ex 4-1 to 4-5 Mar 9 Chapter 4 Pr 4-2A, 4-3A Mar 11 Chapter 5 Ex 5-1 to 5-5 Pr 5.4A Mar 16 Chapter 5/6 Ex 6-1 to 6-7; Mar 18 Chapter 6 Pr 6-1A, 6-2A, 6-3A MiniProject 1 Mar 23 Chapter 6 Mini Project 1 Mar 25 Chapter 6/ Review Mini Project 1; Study for Assessment #2 Note: Spring Break Mar 29 – Apr 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assignment 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Apr 6 Assessment #2 Chap 4-6 Mini Project 1 Due Apr 8 Chap 7/ Mini Practice Review/Assessment Review Ex 7-1 to 7-10 Apr 13 Chapter 7 Pr 7-3A, 7-4A Apr 15 Chapter 8 Ex 8-1 to 8-8 Apr 20 Chapter 8 Pr 8-1A, 8-4A Apr 22 Chapter 9 Ex 9-1 to 9-7A Apr 27 Chapter 9 Pr 9-2A, 9-3A Apr 29 Chapter 7-9 overview Study for Assessment #3 May 4 Assessment #3 Chapters 7-9 Start reading Chap 10 May 6 Chapter 10 Ex 10-1 to 10-7 May 11 Chapter 10 Pr 10-1A, 10-2A May 13 Chapter 11 Ex 11-1 to 11-8 May 18 Chapter 11& 12 Pr 11-2A May 20 Chapter 12 Ex 12-1 to 12-7, MiniProject #2 May 25 Chapter 12 & 13 Pr 12-1A, 12-2A, Mini Project #2 May 27 Chapter 13/ Review Ex 13-1 to 13-6, Pr 13-1A, MiniProject #2 is Due Jun 1 - 6 FINAL Assessment: Note; See Calendar Tab for Final Schedule times 2 ½ hrs on-line, HomeWork Manager, Chap 10-13 only Note: Holiday May 31 Grading: Note: The points are approximate and are subject change at the discretion of the instructor. Total Points: Assignment Points Mini-Project #1 75 Mini-Project #2 100 Assessments- 3 100 pts ea. 300 Final Assessment 50 Quizzes, homework, other assignments, class participation 550 TOTAL 1075 Grading: Percentage of Points Grade 90 - 100% A 80 - 89% B 70 - 79% C 60 – 69 % D 59% and below F Note: If you decide to drop this class, it is your responsibility to officially withdraw to avoid a letter grade. CR/NC is available by making arrangements with the instructor prior to the published date on the calendar for the making the change.