Convergence Tests 1) Divergence Test If lim ? 5 Á !, then !? 5 diverges. 5Ä_ NOTE: If lim ? 5 œ !, then !? 5 may or may not converge. 5Ä_ 2) Integral Test _ Let ! ? 5 be a series with non negative terms, and let 0 aBb be the function that results when 5 is replace _ by B in the formula for ? 5 . If 0 aBb is non increasing and continuous for B " , then ! ? 5 and '" 0 aBb 5œ" _ 5œ" both converge or diverge. NOTE: Use when 0 aBb is easy to integrateÞ 3) Comparison Test Let !+ 5 and !, 5 be series with non negative terms such that + 5 Ÿ , 5 . If !, 5 converges, !+ 5 , and if !+ 5 diverges, !, 5 divergesÞ NOTE: Use this test as a last resort. Some other tests are easier to use. 4) Limit Comparison Test Let !+ 5 and !, 5 be series with non negative terms such that 3 œ lim +5 5Ä_ , 5 If ! 3 _, then both series converge or diverge. If 3 = 0 or 3 = _, the test fails. NOTE: Require some skill in choosing the series !, 5 for comparison. 5) Alternating Series Test 5 5" If + 5 ! for all 5 , the series !a "b + 5 or !a "b + 5 converges if a) + 5 is non increasing 5 b) lim + 5 œ ! 5 5Ä_ Definition of Absolute Convergence Let !+ 5 have some positive and some negative terms. If ! l+ 5 l converges then !+ 5 converges absolutely (in absolute value). If ! l+ 5 l diverges but !+ 5 converges then !+ 5 converges conditionally. 6) Ratio Test Let !? 5 be any series such that 3 œ lim |? 5 " | 5Ä_ |? 5 | a) the series converges absolutely if 3 ". b) the series diverges if 3 " or 3 œ _. c) No conclusion if 3 œ ". Note: Try this when ? 5 involve factorials and 5 >2 powers 7) Root Test 5 Let !? 5 be any series such that 3 œ lim È |? 5 | 5Ä_ a) the series converges absolutely if 3 ". b) the series diverges if 3 " or 3 œ _. c) No conclusion if 3 œ ". Note: Try this when ? 5 involve 5 >2 roots.