Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations MANAGEMENT NVQ LEVELS 3, 4 AND 5 MANAGEMENT LEVEL 3 MANAGEMENT LEVEL 4 ENERGY MANAGEMENT LEVEL 4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT LEVEL 4 OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT LEVEL 5 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT LEVEL 5 NVQ Information Brief N530 0005 MANAGEMENT NVQ LEVELS 3, 4 AND 5 OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) is a new awarding body, established by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and RSA Examinations Board. OCR provides a full range of vocational and academic qualifications. OCR provides a comprehensive range of resources, advisory and support services to enable centres to offer the Management NVQs: • Recording documents for candidates • Guidance on delivery of qualifications • Advisory visits • Evaluation of centres • External verification • Registration and certification of candidates • Regular updates on developments • Presentations and workshops NVQS IN MANAGEMENT The Management Occupational Standards are presented in a new integrated structure which draws together the key functions of managing: • activities • people • resources • information • energy • quality These flexible awards are available at levels 3, 4 and 5 of the national framework. Aimed at supervisors, first line and middle managers, the awards cater for the generalist manager as well as those specialising in the areas of Energy and Quality Management. Alternative routes can be found within most of the awards which enable individuals to match closely their work-related training and development needs to the new qualifications. THE BENEFITS Employers will benefit from: • better targeting and evaluation of training • better run teams • a more efficient and effective workforce • a more highly motivated staff • higher standards of quality • higher standards of service to customers Employees will benefit from: • a clear understanding of responsibilities • the recognition of existing skills • the opportunity to develop new skills • increased job satisfaction NVQs also contribute directly to quality initiatives such as Investors in People. NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS recognise competent performance in a particular job, as well as the necessary knowledge and understanding to perform that role effectively. Centres Organisations wishing to offer the Management NVQs can either apply to OCR to become a registered centre (if they can provide appropriate internal verifiers and assessors) or work with an existing centre to assess the NVQ. There are several key people involved in the assessment process: Candidates plan a programme of development and assessment with their assessor and compile a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate their competence through performance, documentation, reporting and questioning. Assessors are appointed by the Centre and will be occupationally competent. Assessors should: • have a thorough understanding of the Management standards, with the ability to interpret them across a wide variety of management operational environments and sectors. • have knowledge of current management practice and emerging issues • have experience and a working knowledge of the operational and assessment processes required for Management VQs • be able to demonstrate relevant and credible occupational management experience across the level and breadth of the standards against which they are working for at least 2 years • have well developed interpersonal skills – particularly spoken and written communication skills • have a commitment to the philosophy of competence based management development • have a management VQ or other management qualification appropriate to the level and role at which they will be working • demonstrate commitment to continuing personal and professional development • have a commitment to current research to identify changing management practices and, as a result, put best working practice in place. There are further requirements for the specialist units and awards in Quality and Energy Management. For information on these qualifications, contact OCR Information Bureau. They must also hold, or achieve, within 18 months of appointment, the TDLB units D32 and D33. Assessors are likely either to be the candidate’s supervisor, line manager or possibly a colleague. Internal Verifiers are appointed by the Centre. They provide advice and support to assessors, administer the documentation and monitor the quality of assessment. They will hold or be working towards unit D34. Operational Management – Level 5 Scheme Code 1067 To achieve a full award, candidates must complete ten units, comprising of six mandatory units plus four optional units. They should be job knowledgeable and have a technical understanding of management, as for assessors. Strategic Management – Level 5 Scheme Code 1068 To achieve a full award, candidates must complete ten mandatory units. External Verifiers are appointed by OCR to evaluate Centres, to monitor quality and to provide ongoing support. WHAT DO I DO NEXT? QUALIFICATION STRUCTURE Management – Level 3 Scheme Code 1065 To achieve a full award, candidates must complete seven units, comprising of five mandatory units plus two optional units. Management – Level 4 Scheme Code 1066 To achieve a full award, candidates must complete nine units, comprising of five mandatory units plus either B2 or B3, plus three optional units (which may include B2 or B3 if not taken as mandatory). Energy Management – Level 4 Scheme Code 1069 To achieve a full award, candidates must complete nine units, comprising of six mandatory units plus three optional units. Quality Management – Level 4 Scheme Code 1070 To achieve a full award, candidates must complete nine units, comprising of six mandatory units plus three optional units. Ask OCR Information Bureau for further information on (024) 76 470033 or email: cib@ocr.org.uk A binder containing the full set of Management NVQ standards, an introduction to the assessment procedures and the assessment recording forms is available to purchase (J164). Candidates will receive on registration a disk containing the standards at the level for which they have registered. Additional copies of the disks are available to purchase from OCR Information Bureau. The OCR fees booklet (A250) which includes charges for centre evaluation, candidate registration and certification is available from OCR Information Bureau. The leaflet Becoming an NVQ Centre: Steps to Implementation (N61) will be useful to organisations considering applying to OCR to become a centre. Full details of how to apply is given in Notes for Guidance (L526) which is included in the Centre Approval Pack, which is available from our Registry Department (024) 76 470033. If you wish to contact an existing assessment centre, please contact OCR Information Bureau. Centres considering seeking approval to offer any of OCRs qualifications might be interested to know that Business Development Managers, Centre Advisors and Regional Offices are available to help with any aspect of setting up an assessment centre. For further information contact OCR Information Bureau. Other qualifications offered by OCR which may be of interest to your organisation include: Project Management NVQ Level 4 Project Management NVQ Level 5 Environmental Management NVQ Level 4 Further details and Information Briefs are available from the OCR Information Bureau. l5 l4 l4 l5 ve ve ve ve t t e e e e n L L l L L e en na nt nt nt m nt m ic y me tio me teg me ge y me ge t i a a g a l e e r e a a g er ge an l 3 an l 4 pe g Str nag M ve Qu ana M ve En ana O ana a Le M M Le M M A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Maintain activities to meet requirements Manage activities to meet requirements Manage activities to meet customer requirements Contribute to improvements at work Manage change in organisational activities Review external and internal operating environments Establish strategies to guide the work of your organisation Evaluate and improve organisational performance M B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Support the efficient use of resources Manage the use of physical resources Manage the use of financial resources Determine the effective use of resources Secure financial resources for your organisation’s plans M C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 Manage yourself Develop your own resources Enhance your own performance Create effective working relationships Develop productive working relationships Enhance productive working relationships Contribute to the selection of personnel for activities Select personnel for activities Contribute to the development of teams and individuals Develop teams and individuals to enhance performance Develop management teams Lead the work of teams and individuals to achieve their objectives Manage the performance of teams and individuals Delegate work to others Respond to poor performance in your team Deal with poor performance in your team Redeploy personnel and make redundancies M D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Manage information for action Facilitate meetings Chair and participate in meetings Provide information to support decision making Establish information management and communication systems Use information to take critical decisions M Mandatory Units O Optional Units M O O O O M M O O O O M M M M M M O O M O M M M M M M M M O O O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M M O O M M 5 4 4 5 el el el el t t ev ev ev ev L L n l L L en e t t na nt nt c en em en em gi e y tio e ag 3 gy em alit em ag 4 ra gem rate gem r n n g e e g a l a l p M ve St ana Qu ana M ve En ana O ana Le M M Le M M E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 F1 F2 Identify the scope for improvement in the way the organisation manages energy Provide advice on the development and implementation of energy policies Promote energy efficiency Monitor and evaluate energy efficiency Identify improvements to energy efficiency Provide advice and support for the development of energy efficient practices Provide advice and support for the development and implementation of systems to measure energy usage Provide advice and support for improving energy efficiency Determine conditions in the market for supplies (PSLB) F6 F7 Promote the importance and benefits of quality Provide advice and support for the development and implementation of quality policies Manage continuous quality improvement Implement quality assurance systems Provide advice and support for the development and implementation of quality systems Monitor compliance with quality systems Carry out quality audits G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 Contribute to project planning and preparation Co-ordinate the running of projects Contribute to project closure Plan and prepare projects Manage the running of projects Complete projects F3 F4 F5 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 Evaluate environmental performance and recommend improvements Gain support and commitment for improving environmental performance Plan and implement activities to improve environmental performance Contribute to improving environmental performance during work activities Develop and maintain an environmental policy Evaluate, and make recommendations concerning, an environmental policy Plan, monitor and support auditing of environmental performance Audit environmental performance Report environmental performance to interested parties Identify, implement and monitor action to improve environmental performance Number of Optional Units Required M Mandatory Units O Optional Units O O O O O O O O M O M O M O M M O O O M O O O O O O O O O O M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2 4 4 O O - 3 3 OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) Westwood Way Coventry CV4 8JQ OCR Information Bureau (Vocational Qualifications) Telephone: 024 76 470033 Facsimile: 024 76 421944 Email: cib@ocr.org.uk www.ocr.org.uk Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England Registered Office: 1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU Registered Company Number: 3484466 OCR is an exempt Charity OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations) Head Office Telephone: 01223 552552 Facsimile: 01223 552553 © OCR 2000 N530/0005/854/0006/2370