A MEMS based Microelectrode Sensor with Integrated Signal Processing Circuitry Angan Das, Prashant R. Bhadri, Alla S.Kumar, Jin-hwan Lee, Ian Papautsky, Fred R. Beyette Jr. Am Jang1, Paul L. Bishop1, William Timmons2 1 Department of CEE, College of Engineering University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, USA 2 Entera-Tech Inc. Columbus, OH, USA Department of ECECS, College of Engineering University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, USA dasan@ececs.uc.edu necessary data acquisition circuitry. The chip is embedded in a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) to develop a fully integrated system along with the microelectrodes designed to meet the purpose [5]. Amperiometric testing of the microelectrode probes is conducted to acquire the current flowing through the probes. The current sensed varies with the altering conditions of the external environment. Abstract - Microelectrodes have been developed over the last few years with tip diameters of 1-10 um, but they are fragile and susceptible to electrical interference. In addition, they are difficult to manufacture and operate, and are often unsuitable for measurement in small volumes of liquid or in soils. This limits their use to specialized laboratories under highly controlled conditions. The paper introduces a robust, selfcontained, inexpensive MEMS based microelectrode sensor that can be used in situ environments. It deals with the design, analysis and performance of circuitry for a microelectrode sensor. The primary focus is to design, implement and integrate a CMOS circuit with the MEMS device to process, amplify and transmit the signal from the microelectrode to a measuring instrument. A current sensing circuit is developed for amperiometric measurement with the microelectrode array. The magnitude of the output signal is dependent on the characteristics of the liquid being evaluated by the system. A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) has been built to integrate the microelectrode sensor array along with the sensor chip with the aim of producing a fully integrated system. I. The paper is arranged into the following sections. Section II provides the system level design of the integrated sensor, including a brief introduction of the various components. Section III introduces the design of the circuitry for sensing the signal. Section IV discusses the PCB that is designed and fabricated to contain the chip. Section V details the testing procedure adopted and Section VI reports the testing results. Finally the conclusion is highlighted in Section VII. II. INTRODUCTION Many environmental applications like wastewater treatment reactors, stream or lake sediments, bioremediation process of hazardous waste sites and water distribution systems require substantial monitoring. Previous work [1, 2, 3] indicates, that the microelectrode sensors that have been used till now for these applications are fragile; difficult to manufacture and operate; and susceptible to electrical interference. This constrains their use to specific laboratories under highly controlled conditions. Thus, there is a great need for robust integrated microelectrode sensors with integrated signal processing circuitry that can be used in situ for environmental monitoring [4]. In situ monitoring is also required in bio-films and laboratory reactors, both to determine existing environmental conditions and to properly control them. The sensor should function in an efficient manner, so that the signal can be accurately sensed and measured. This paper introduces a sensor chip that has the 0-7803-9197-7/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE. SYSTEM LEVEL DESIGN Environmental Conditions Printed Circuit Board Microelectrode Sensor Sensor Chip Figure 1 System Level Block Diagram of the Microelectrode Sensor The system level block diagram for the sensor is shown in Figure 1 which essentially consists of two components. The first one is the microelectrode that monitors the external environmental conditions. These electrodes sense the signal and pass it on to the second component, the sensor chip embedded in the Printed Circuit Board. The chip contains the necessary circuitry to process the signal. The output signal from the chip is measured with suitable measuring instruments. 363 III. gain is equal to 1. The advantage of the differential amplifier is that the overall gain can be varied by varying only a single resistor RGAIN. The other advantage of the differential amplifier relates to its high input impedance and noise elimination. CIRCUIT DESIGN METHODOLOGY C. Unity Gain Inverting Amplifier The unity gain inverting amplifier used in the last stage has both the resistors of value 1kΩ. This circuit acts as a buffer amplifier and ensures impedance matching and signal isolation. The amperiometric circuit is intended for measurement of current. But the circuit is designed so that it produces an output voltage, which is measured, instead of the current. Since the expected value of the current flowing through the probes is of the order of nanoamperes, accurate measurement of this low value current, even with a precision picoammeter, poses a challenge due to the noise levels introduced. Therefore voltage is measured at the output pin (Pin_26). This necessitates the calibration of the circuit before conducting test experiments. The calibration step comprises of providing known values of current at the input pin of the circuit and measuring the output voltage. The input current, fed from a current source, is varied from 1-100 nA and the output voltage then measured. The results demonstrate that the voltage obtained for the different values of current fed bears a linear fit to the current, with the value of the degree of determination (R2) equal to 0.95, which is statistically acceptable. As the voltage bears a linear relation to the current, so instead of measuring current, the measurement of voltage suffices the need to determine the response of the circuit to varying conditions of the solution in which the probes are placed. Figure 2: Sensor Circuit for Amperiometric Testing The chip contains the circuitry for amperiometric measurement of the microelectrode probes. It is a 40 pin DIP chip laid out using the Tanner Tools L-Edit layout editor in the 1.5um process and fabricated through the MOSIS foundry. The section of the chip shown in Figure 2 contains the amperiometric measurement circuit. It essentially consists of the following three stages connected in succession. A. Transimpedance Amplifer The transimpedance amplifier is a current to voltage converter. The current I sensed from the probes is fed into Pin_13 (Amperiometric In) of the chip (from the probes) and converted through the resistance R into its corresponding voltage V2 that is governed by the equation: V2 = - R · I (R = 1kΩ) IV. (1) Therefore, the voltage produced bears a linear relation to the input current that is fed. It is then passed on to the next stage of the circuit. The other transimpedance amplifier has its input pin (Pin_14) grounded and therefore provides a 0V reference voltage (V1). B. Differential Instrumentation Amplifier The next stage of the circuit is a buffered differential amplifier stage with three resistors connecting the two buffer circuits together. It establishes a voltage drop across RGAIN equal to the voltage difference between V1 and V2. The RGAIN in this circuit is variable (RGAIN is provided from a potentiometer on the PCB) and is typically equal to 1kΩ. The voltage drop produced between points 3 and 4 V3-4 is given by: V3-4 = (V2 – V1) (1 + 2R/RGAIN) PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD As discussed in the previous section, the circuit senses current in the range of nanoamperes and voltages in the range of millivolts. Initial testing of the chip using a breadboard demonstrated high noise. Furthermore, bread board testing necessitates the use of various active elements like voltage supply for the chip as well as passive elements like resistors and capacitors to be connected externally. In order to have all the components needed for testing the chip on a common platform, a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) has been designed and laid out. The two layered PCB is designed using the Express PCB software [6] and fabricated through the foundry service of Express PCB. The schematic layout of the PCB is shown in Figure 3. The main components of the PCB are as follows: (2) The regular differential amplifier in the next part of this sub-circuit then takes this voltage drop V3-4 and amplifies it by the gain. Since all the resistors used are of value 1kΩ, this 364 • Power Supply: The chip requires a voltage supply for its proper operation. This is provided from a 9V battery placed in a battery holder. • Voltage Regulator Circuit: For providing a 5V constant voltage to the chip from the 9V supply, the required voltage regulation is achieved through an adjustable Low Dropout voltage regulator (National V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Working Electrode Probe Socket 20 Pin DIP Socket Reference Probe Socket Chip I/O Ribbon Cable Connector I/O Ribbon Cable Connector 20 Pin DIP Socket 3V Battery 9V Battery 18 Pin DIP Socket Voltage Regulator Circuit Potentiometer Figure 4: Block Diagram of the Test set up for Amperiometric Testing The amperiometric testing of the chip is carried out to evaluate the current flowing through the probes. This helps in determining the external conditions where the probes are placed. As detailed in Section III, the measurement of voltage suffices the purpose of current measurement. The block diagram of the test setup is given in Figure 4. The 3V battery supply on the PCB provides the varying voltage supply through the potentiometer (POT’). This voltage is applied across the working and reference electrodes placed in chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solution. In amperiometric measurement, the probes sense the oxygen content of the solution under test. So the solution chosen must be stable and should be such that the oxygen content can be conveniently measured. These criteria are met by chlorine dioxide making it an obvious choice for the solution under test. It behaves like a resistor to the current flowing through it. This current enters the chip at Pin_13 and the output voltage at Pin_26 is measured. The bias potential is varied from 0.1 to 0.5V insteps of 0.1V and the strength of the solution is varied from 5mg/dL to 25mg/dL in steps of 5mg/dL. Therefore, two testing procedures are adopted: Figure 3: Layout of the Printed Circuit Board Semiconductor LM1086 3-lead TO-220 package). The circuit consists of two adjustable resistors 5 kΩ and 1 kΩ along with two 10uF capacitors. One of the capacitors is a decoupling capacitor at the output and the other is provided at the input for ripple rejection. • 40 Pin DIP socket for holding the chip. • 3V battery power supply placed in a holder for providing the necessary voltage to be applied across the microelectrode probes. This voltage is required to drive the current through the probes. It acts as the bias potential. • Two ribbon cable connectors acting as the Input/Output interface for the PCB. • Resistor divider circuit consisting of two 10kΩ potentiometers for obtaining any desired voltage from the 3V battery power supply. • Working electrode and Reference electrode sockets for holding the working and reference electrodes respectively. • A 20 pin and an 18 pin DIP socket for providing necessary wire connectivity that is done through the use of jumper wires. One more 20 pin DIP socket is also provided for future provision of an Analog to Digital converter. TESTING METHODOLOGY • Bias potential is kept constant and the concentration of the ClO2 solution is varied. • Concentration of the ClO2 solution is kept constant and the bias potential is varied. In addition, it is to be noted that the current flowing across the solution is affected highly by external noise. To have an idea of the effects of noise, a Faraday’s cage is employed and the testing is carried out in two different situations: 365 • All of the testing equipments and the probes are kept outside the Faraday’s cage. • All of the testing equipments and the probes are kept inside the Faraday’s cage. VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of amperiometric testing for both the situations, inside and outside Faraday’s cage, are tabulated below in Table I. TABLE 1 Bias Potential (Volts) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 AMPERIOMETRIC TESTING RESULTS (mg/dL) Measured Voltage Outside Faraday’s cage (Volts) 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 0.58 0.591 0.604 0.626 0.641 0.608 0.622 0.635 0.653 0.673 0.649 0.659 0.668 0.681 0.695 0.675 0.679 0.685 0.699 0.709 0.683 0.689 0.693 0.704 0.714 Solution Strength Measured Voltage Inside Faraday’s cage (Volts) 0.851 0.863 0.875 0.887 0.907 0.871 0.883 0.895 0.902 0.913 0.876 0.886 0.896 0.908 0.915 0.881 0.901 0.908 0.914 0.918 0.883 0.902 0.912 0.919 0.925 Figure 5: Plot of Measured Voltage vs. Solution Strength for different values of applied bias potential (0.1 - 0.5 V) outside Faraday’s Cage VII. CONCLUSIONS The paper demonstrates MEMS based integrated microelectrode sensor system for in situ measurements in the range of nanoamperes (corresponding to a voltage in the range of millivolts). In addition, the system is portable and works for an increased resolution. Furthermore, it is mobile and can be deployed in field tests. It helps in evaluating the environmental conditions around the probes from a knowledge of the signal measured. The application of this microelectrode sensor can be extended to areas such as biomedical applications where the solution under test may be a bio-film. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors owe their acknowledgment to all the members of the Microelectrode Research Group at the University of Cincinnati for their significant contribution. Their thanks also extend to the personnel of Entera-Tech Inc. for providing all kinds of technical and financial support throughout the execution of the project. REFERENCES [1] The results indicate, that for a constant bias potential, when the concentration of the solution is gradually increased, the current (I=f (VMEASURED)) flowing through the solution increases. With the increasing concentration, the oxygen content of the solution increases that in turn decreases the resistance offered by the solution, thereby increasing the current that flows through it. Also, for constant solution strength, the current flowing through the solution gradually increases as the bias potential increases. This shows, that for a definite value of applied potential, the solution strength can be accurately determined from the measured values of voltage. It is also observed that the results obtained without Faraday’s cage are comparable to that obtained with the shielding provided. The sensor chip thereby eliminates the need of any external shielding mechanism for the sensor. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 366 P.Bishop and T. Yu, “A microelectrode study of redox potential change in biofilms,” Water Sci. Tech., vol. 39-7, pp. 179-185, 1999. 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