Tissue Engineering A Focus on Scaffolds David Zeng Cluster 1: Biotechnology COSMOS, UC Davis General Information on Tissue Engineering Definition: Technology combining genetic engineering of cells with chemical engineering to create artificial organs and tissues These cells can come from many sources: Autologous cells which come from the individual itself, Allogenic cells which come from the same species, Xenogenic cells which come from other species, and Syngeneic cells which come from genetically identical individuals (twins, etc) (Figure 1) Using tissue engineering, a human ear grew onto a mouse So what cells can be used? Cells used in tissue engineering have to be able to divide innumerous times, so these cells are usually stem cells Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability to divide in culture and give rise to different forms of specialized cells. Stem cells are divided into "adult" and "embryonic" stem cells, the first class being multipotent and the latter mostly pluripotent Because stem cells have the ability to form specialized cells, at the moment they are the best candidate for tissue engineering (Figure 2) A diagram of Stem cells division Controversy There is a a large amount of controversy surrounding tissue engineering The main argument is the ethicality of using stem cells. Only embryonic stem cells are capable of differentiating into any type of cell, and are able to do this infinite times. However, we cannot obtain embryonic stem cells without destroying the embryo with current technology. However, the benefits far outweigh the harms. If tissue engineering succeeds, we can implant new livers, hearts, brain tissue, lungs, arms, and much more. In addition, with more research we may be able to obtain embryonic stem cells without destroying the embryo. Methods – The Scaffold Cells are often implanted into an artificial structure that is able to maintain the structure for tissue formation. This artificial structure is a scaffold Scaffolds must: Allow cell attachment and migration, enable transportation of vital cell nutrients, and be biodegradable Stem cells are seeded into a scaffold. The scaffold is then implanted into the correct position. A stimulus carried by the scaffold triggers the cells to divide. The scaffold provides nutrients and structure while the cells divide. The scaffold biodegrades as the cells start to form a structure strong enough to support itself. (Figure 3) A scaffold Methods – The Scaffold (cont.) There are 3 “generations” of scaffolds: the first that matched the physical properties of the environment, the second that produced certain chemicals to stimulate cell division. The 3rd generation, “smart biomaterials” combined the first two. Several “smart biomaterials” for tissue engineering are activated by cells or genes. Incorporation of a signal peptide such as RGD (arginineglycine-aspartic acid) into the biomaterial has attempted to adjust cell adhesion and induce cell migration. Challenges Scaffolds Must Overcome Just allowing cell division isn’t enough. Although cells can divide, and create the structure, the body part must be able to connect to existing blood vessels, etc. Furthermore, scaffolds are many times rejected by the immune system because it is recognized as a foreign object Tissue implanted with a volume greater than 2 to 3 mm cannot obtain sufficient survival because provision of nutrition, gas exchange, and elimination of waste products are limited by the large diffusion distance. Thus, organs are not possible to be implanted using scaffolds at this point. Challenges Scaffolds Must Overcome (Cont.) In some cases, the scaffold will cause the degeneration of surrounding tissues. Furthermore, the process retrieving of cells needed for tissue engineering can also lead to tissue degeneration. When the scaffold is broken down, it releases acid that changes the pH of the surrounding environment. Even a slight change in pH will affect cellular function. Overcoming these obstacles will take us ever closer to successfully using tissue engineering (Figure 4) Diagram of how a conventional scaffold operates, and how it is insufficient to support large scale growth. What can be done to overcome these obstacles? The most promising solution to these obstacles is the SFF (Solid Freeform) Scaffold (Figure 5) A hydrogel scaffold formed by Solid Freeform technique The SFF uses layer manufacturing in order to create a 3D object. A computer generated model is created using CAD (computer-aided design); then physical model is created. The model is made rapidly and with MRI and CT scans, is extremely accurate. Thus, pore size, pore distribution, and artificial vascular systems can be produced precisely and can be custom-made for each individual. The artificial vascular system lies within the scaffold and supplies the cell with oxygen and nutrients, and removes waste metabolites throughout the entire scaffold Solid Freeform Scaffolds Many times Solid Freeform Scaffolds also make a mold using a negative of the envisioned scaffold, and material is poured into the mold. A mold is created using a phase-change ink jet printer (the printer translates the CAD into a physical model). The mold posseses a series of interconnected and branched shafts running across the walls of the mold Collagen Type I is cast into the mold and frozen at 200 C. The mold is then immersed into a solution of ethanol which dissolves the mold and ice crystals. The ethanol is then removed with liquid carbon dioxide. The benefit of a collagen scaffold is that the body doesn’t reject commonly reject it, the process doesn’t denature the collagen due to high temperature, and offers the possibility of incorporating biological molecules into the scaffold. Solid Freeform Scaffolds Combined with Nanotechnology With the addition of nanotechnology, the scaffolds can be improved greatly. Nano-particles are added into the scaffolds, which greatly improves the scaffold in a multitude of ways. Calcium phosphate bioceramics (ceramics used in implants), such as hydroxyapatite(HA) and tricalcium phosphate, are promising materials for bone tissue engineering since these ceramics reflect the chemistry and structure of the native mineral components of bone tissue In addition to bone binding ability of HA, mimicking the size scale of HA in natural bone may enable this composite scaffold to serve as a mechanically improved three-dimensional substrate for cell attachment and migration. Bioactive HA particles seeded into scaffolds cause a greatly improved rate of osteogenesis Figure 6 (A collagen scaffold) Solid Freeform Scaffolds Combined with Nanotechnology (Cont.) A PLGA/HA (polylactic-co-glycolic acid/hydroxyapatite) nano-particle composite scaffold improved mechanical properties and enhanced osteogenic potential in vitro and in vivo. This research also demonstrated that additional exposure of the bioactive HA particles allowed direct contact with cells and stimulated their proliferation and osteogenic differentiation Solid Freeform Scaffolds Combined with Nanotechnology (Figure 7) Radiographs of rat femoral defects (a) prior to implantation, (b) immediately post-implantation, (c) treated with HA/TCP loaded human Mesenchymal stem cells at 12 weeks after implantation (d) treated with HA/TCP alone at 12 weeks after implantation. Success? The greatest success in the field thus far has been in the field of skin tissue engineering. Complete epidermal and dermal bi-layer tissue mimetics have successfully made their way from the laboratory to patient treatment. FDA-approved products such as Dermagraft and Appligraf have found their way into the clinical treatment of burn victims and other patients afflicted with skin disorders that require skin graft treatment. The skin substitutes usually consist of an ex vivo expanded population of the patient's own skin cells seeded onto a layer of chemically engineered collage. Successful bone formation has been reported in reconstructed skull and mandibular defects in sheep, and in iliac wing defects in goats. However, even with SFF scaffolds we are still not capable of creating organs for use. The scaffolds still do not allow enough nutrients and cannot support large organs to grow. Conclusion More and more research is being devoted to tissue engineering. When tissue engineering succeeds, we will have another weapon in our arsenal against human disease and accident. At the moment, the most promising way to tissue engineer is by using scaffolds. The most likely to succeed scaffolds are the Solid Freeform Scaffold and Reverse Solid Freeform Scaffold. With every passing day, draw nearer to completing tissue engineering. Works Cited Falanga, Vincent et al. "Autologous Bone Marrow-Derived Cultured Mesenchymal Stem Cells Delivered in a Fibrin Spray Accelerate Healing in Murine and HUman Cutaneous Wounds*" TISSUE ENGINEERING (2007). 17 July 2007 <http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/ten.2006.0278>. Conte, Michael. "The ideal arterial substitute: a search for the Holy Grail?" THE FASEB JOURNAL (1998). 17 July 2007<http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/content/full/12/1/43?maxtoshow=&HITS=1 0&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=Tissue+Engineering&andorexac tfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&volume= 12&resourcetype=HWCIT>. Vacanti, Joseph. "State-of-the-art tissue engineering: From tissue engineering to organ building." 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Pictures Cited (Title Background) http://www.sgeier.net/fractals/flam3/fractals/DNA.jpg (Figure 1) http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.csa.com/discoveryguides/stemcell/images/p luri.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.csa.com/discoveryguides/stemcell/overview.php&h=603&w=550 &sz=63&hl=en&start=0&um=1&tbnid=cZmJ6OdHTnJSRM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=123&prev=/ima ges%3Fq%3Dstem%2Bcells%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefoxa%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN (Figure 2) http://www.belligerati.net/archives/MouseEar.jpg (Figure 3) http://www.washington.edu/newsroom/news/images/scaffold.jpg (Figure 4) http://www.ecmjournal.org/journal/papers/vol005/pdf/v005a03.pdf (Figure 5) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/9794/30880/01431934.pdf (Figure 6) http://www.emeraldinsight.com/fig/1560120407012.png (Figure 7) http://www.biomed.metu.edu.tr/courses/term_papers/Bone-TissueEngineering_gencsoy_files/image010.jpg