APCTP Workshop on Semiconductor Nano-Spintronics: Spin-Hall Effect and Related Issues Aug.8-11,2005 Spin Hall Effect in 2D disordered systems with spin-orbit coupling Shuichi Murakami (Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo) Collaborators:Naoto Nagaosa (Tokyo) Shoucheng Zhang (Stanford) Naoyuki Sugimoto (Tokyo) Shigeki Onoda (Tokyo) Spin Hall effect (SHE) r E Electric field induces a transverse spin current. • Extrinsic spin Hall effect D’yakonov and Perel’ (1971) Hirsch (1999), Zhang (2000) impurity scattering = spin dependent (skew-scattering) Spin-orbit couping up-spin • Intrinsic spin Hall effect No impurities required ! down-spin impurity Berry phase in momentum space Intrinsic spin Hall effect in semiconductors y x z r E j ij = σ sε ijk Ek p-GaAs i: spin direction j: current direction k: electric field σ s : even under time reversal = reactive response (dissipationless) • Nonzero in nonmagnetic materials. Cf. Ohm’s law: j = σE σ : odd under time reversal = dissipative response y Intrinsic spin Hall effect • p-type semiconductors (SM, Nagaosa, Zhang (2003)) x z r E p-GaAs Luttinger model ( ) r r 2 5 2 h 2 H= γ 1 + γ 2 k − 2γ 2 k ⋅ S 2m 2 r ( S : spin-3/2 matrix) • 2D n-type semiconductors in heterostructure (Sinova, Culcer, Niu, Sinitsyn,Jungwirth, MacDonald (2003)) r E Rashba model ( r r k2 H= +λ σ ×k 2m ) z z y x Experiments on spin Hall effect • 3D n-type, spin accumulation at the edges Y.K.Kato, R.C.Myers, A.C.Gossard, D.D. Awschalom, Science (2004) • 2D p-type, spin LED J. Wunderlich, B. Kaestner, J. Sinova, T. Jungwirth, PRL (2005) Criterion for nonzero spin Hall conductivity r r r • Different filling for bands in the same multiplet of J = L + S . c H S.O. v ≠ 0 (Example) : GaAs Valence band: J=3/2 Conduction band: J=1/2 Hole-doping gives a different filling for HH and LH bands. Æ Spin Hall effect Electron-doping does not give rise to different filling for two conduction bands Æ NO spin Hall effect In 2D heterostructure, Rashba coupling lifts the degeneracy Æ Spin Hall effect Disorder effect, edge effect Green’s function method Rashba model: k2 H= + λ (σ x k y − σ y k x ) 2m + spinless impurities (short-range pot.) Intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (Sinova et al.(2003)) σ S = + Vertex correction in the clean limit (Inoue, Bauer, Molenkamp(2003)) σS = 0 Inoue, Bauer, Molenkamp (2004) • clean limit • δ -fn. impurity σ S vertex = − e 8π e 8π + + ⋅⋅⋅ • Calculation by Keldysh formalism (Mishchenko, Shytov, Halperin (2004)) Spin Hall current does not flow at the bulk – consistent withσ S = 0 Spin current only flows near the electrodes SHE Spin accumulation No SHE SHE SHE in disordered Rashba model -- Green’s function-Inoue, Bauer, Molenkamp (2004) Mishchenko, Shytov,Halperin (2004) Raimondi,Schwab (2004) Dimitrova (2004) Liu, Lei (2004,2005) Chalaev Loss (2004) Dimitrova; Chalaev,Loss : J s ≡ E Fτ ∆τ Potential ∞ ∞ δ-fn. any any δ-fn. ∞ ∞ large large ∞ large ∞ large 1 {v y , S z }∝ dS y 2 dt any δ-fn any δ -fn •diffusion equation •Might be nonzero for finiteEFτ •Arbitrary dispersion (?) •Arbitrary form of Rashba coupling (?) •Zero even with Dresselhaus (’05) •Might be nonzero for T>0 •Zero even with Dresselhaus. •Weak localization correction=0 J s = 0 for steady state Definition of spin current is not unique in the presence of spin-orbit coupling • Spin-orbit coupling Æ spin is not conserved Æ no unique def. of spin current • Noether’s theorem cannot be applied. • [ ∂Si ∂ + ∇ ⋅ J i(spin) = 0 ⇐ 0 = ∫ S i d d r = i H , ∫ S i d d r ∂t ∂t ] Eq. of continuity requires conservation of spin, but the spin is not conserved in these models “Conventional” definition of the spin current: Js ≡ 1 {v y , S z } 2 SHE in disordered Rashba model -- Green’s function + numerics -- Nomura, Sinova, Sinitsyn, MacDonald, cond-mat/0506189 DC spin Hall conductivity is likely to vanish. Sheng,Sheng, Weng, Haldane cond-mat/0504218 σs ≈ 0 Outline Disorder effect in Rashba model • Convensitonal spin current J s ≡ 1 {v y , S z } 2 • Keldysh formalism σs = 0 in the bulk under general conditions • Conserved effective spin current (Zhang et al.(’05)) Depends on impurity potential : Extrinsic Nonzero but much smaller than e 8π For general system: σ s is nonzero. SHE in disordered Rashba model -- Green’s function-Inoue, Bauer, Molenkamp (2004) Mishchenko, Shytov,Halperin (2004) Raimondi,Schwab (2004) Dimitrova (2004) Liu, Lei (2004,2005) Chalaev Loss (2004) This talk Dimitrova; Chalaev,Loss : J s ≡ E Fτ ∆τ Potential ∞ ∞ δ-fn. any any δ-fn. ∞ ∞ large large ∞ large ∞ large any 1 {v y , S z }∝ dS y 2 dt any δ-fn any δ -fn •diffusion equation •Might be nonzero for finiteEFτ •Arbitrary dispersion (?) •Arbitrary form of Rashba coupling (?) •Zero even with Dresselhaus (’05) •Might be nonzero for T>0 •Zero even with Dresselhaus. •Weak localization correction=0 •Even wiith higher-order Born approx. •Weak localization correction=0 J s = 0 for steady state Js 1 dω d 2 p K = ∫ tr J G s 2i 2π ∫ (2π )2 ( ) ( r r k2 (e.g.) Rashba model : H = +λ σ ×k 2m When J s is proportional to S& y ... Js ≡ Js 1 1 dω d 2 p = tr σ y H , G K 2 ∫ ∫ 2i 4imλ 2π (2π ) ( [ [H , G ] K [ 1 {v y , S z } = 1 H , σ y 2 4imλ ) z ] ]) No contribution for • 1st Born • higher Born • weak localization corr. r i r K = −ieE ⋅ ∂ pr G − eE ⋅ ∂ pr H , ∂ ω G K 2 i r − eE ⋅ (∂ pr Σ∂ ω G − ∂ ω Σ∂ pr G )K 2 i r + eE ⋅ (∂ pr G∂ ω Σ − ∂ ω G∂ pr Σ )K − ([Σ, G ])K 2 { No contribution to J s } Js = 0 If Ô r is independent of r and t , dOˆ (t ) =0 dt r in the steady state under uniform E • Rashba model dS 1 (conventional) spin current operator J s ≡ {v y , S z }∝ y 2 dt r r dr • Charge current in diffusive metal J ≡ e dt r J ≠0 Js = 0 Conserved spin current Js ≡ d ( yS z ) dt Calculation of (Zhang, Shi, Xiao, Niu, cond-mat/0503505) Eq. of continuity for spin r d ∇ ⋅ Js + S z = 0 dt Js in response to electric field ? r r E 1) Spatial modulation of : E = ( Ee iqy ,0,0) 2) Calculate 1 dω d 2 p & Sz = ∫ tr S& z G K 2 ∫ 2i 2π (2π ) 3) Calculate J s ( ) by taking ∂ q 1 dω d 2 p & GK J s = lim (− i∂ q )∫ tr S z 2i q →0 2π ∫ (2π )2 ( ) 1 1 dω d 2 p J s = lim ∫ tr S& z G K 2 ∫ 2i q →0 iq 2π (2π ) ( ) No contribution [H , G ] = −ieEe K iqY ( ) ( [ i tr [H , S z ]G K = −i tr S z H , G K ]) Conventional spin current { } { i q ∂ p x G K − eEeiqy ∂ p x H , ∂ ω G K − ∂ p x H , GEK 2 2 { } Js } 1 − eEtqeiqyε ijz ∂ pi H , ∂ p j G K 2 q − eE ∂ pi Σ∂ p j G − ∂ pi G∂ p j Σ K 2 i ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ − ∂t Σ∂ ω G − ∂ ω Σ ∂t G − ∂t G∂ ω Σ + ∂ ω G∂t Σ K ( ∂t = ∂ t − eE ⋅ ∂ pr ) 2 A A q ∂Σ R K ∂G R K K ∂Σ K ∂G GE + GE Σ E − ([Σ, G ])K − − ΣE − 2 ∂p y ∂p y ∂p y ∂p y No contribution for ( ) ( ) Torque dipole density Ps • 1st Born • higher Born • weak localization corr. ∂Σ 1 dω d 2 p ∂ Σ Ps = ∫ S G G + tr z ∂p y 4i 2π ∫ (2π )2 ∂p y E ,K ∂H 1 dω d 2 p ∂H S G G = ∫ + tr z ∂p y 4i 2π ∫ (2π )2 ∂p y 1 dω d 2 p 1 ∂H = ∫ tr , S z GK 2 ∫ 2i 2π (2π ) 2 ∂p y E ,K Js Js ≡ 1 {v y , S z } 2 1 dω d p ∂ Σ ∂Σ Ps = ∫ S G G tr + z 4i 2π ∫ (2π )2 ∂p y ∂p y 2 In general systems E ,K • No divergence in the clean limit • ∝ ∂Vr ∂p Æ Ps always extrinsic zero for •1st Born approx. Js 1st δ -fn. impurity =0 • 2nd Born approx 2 Rashba model 2 nd σsH/α2pF [e/8π] Js α : range of impurity pot. (short but finite) ≠0 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.8 • σ s = 0 in the clean limit • σ s = 0 in the short-range limit 0.6 1/τεF 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 typically λp F EF < 0.2, 1 < 0.05 τE F σ s << 10 −5 ⋅ e 8π 0.2 0.1 λpF/εF Spin Hall effect in the Rashba model Conserved spin current J s = J s + Ps Impurity potential r δ (r ) r r V ( p − p′) r r V ( p, p′) Born approx. Conventional spin current Torque dipole density Js Ps 1st 0 0 higher 0 0 0 0 0 finite 0 finite 0 finite 1st higher 1st higher Nonzero for general spin-orbit-coupled system Zero in general -- Ps is extrinsic. On Rashba-like tight-binding models … − V1 + iV 2σ x − V1 − iV 2σ y without vertex correction “Ando model” This case also satisfies J s ∝ S& y Js = 0 No intrinsic SHE with vertex correction − V3 − V1 + iV 2σ x − V1 − iV 2σ y intrinsic SHE σs ≈ e ⋅ (const.) 8π EF Modified Rashba model ( r r k2 2 H= + λ (a + bk ) σ × k 2m ) z -- SHE is nonzero (SM, PRB(2004)) iλ (k −σ + − k +σ − ) ( iλ k − σ + − k + σ − 3 3 ) iλk 2 (k −σ + − k +σ − ) Nomura, Sinova, Sinitsyn, MacDonald, cond-mat/0506189 In Rashba-like systems • Intrinsic SHE (if nonzero) is of the order of e 8π . Summary • Rashba model conserved effective spin current J s = J s + Ps Conventional spin current Js = 1 {v y , S z } 2 J s ∝ S& y yields J s = 0 under general conditions. • Any impurity potential • Finite τ • Higher-order Born approx. + weak localization corr. Torque dipole density Ps Nonzero but depends on the impurity pot. -- extrinsic Zero in the clean limit Zero for δ -fn. potential Small for Rashba model : σ s << 10−5 ⋅ e 8π For generalized models it gives σ s ≈ O e 8π Nonzero spin Hall effect in band insulators 1) Zero-gap semiconductors : α-Sn, HgSe, HgTe, β-HgS… conventional zero-gap CB EF EF α-Sn under 9 2 uniaxial stress = 3.2 ×10 dyn/cm Æ energy gap 44meV “LH” 0.2 σs ( e/a) Estrain=0 Estrain=0.002 0.15 Estrain=0.02 Estrain=0.2 0.1 HH “HH” 0.05 0 “CB” LH -0.05 -0.1 k =0 k k =0 k -0.15 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 γ2 γ 3 / • Spin Hall effect is nonzero (≈ 0.1e / a ) in band insulators • Uniaxial strain Æ finite gap at k=0 Spin Hall insulator 1 1.5 2 2) Narrow-gap semiconductors : PbS, PbSe, PbTe Doubly degenerate 0.05 σs EF ( e/a) Mva=0.15 Mva=0.25 Mva=0.35 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -0.05 -4 k= π a -3 (1,1,1) Direct gap (0.15eV-0.3eV) at 4 equivalent L-points r r r H = vk ⋅ pˆ τ 1 + λvk ⋅ ( pˆ × σ )τ 2 + Mv 2τ 3 r r σ : spin τ :orbital • Spin Hall effect is nonzero (≈ 0.04e / a ) in band insulators Spin Hall insulator -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 λ Mva λ PbS 0.26 1.2 PbSe 0.16 1.4 PbTe 0.35 3.3