Spin-Hall effect and anomalous transport in strongly spin-orbit coupled systems JAIRO SINOVA Collaborators: Allan MacDonald, Kentaro Nomura, Joerg Wunderlich, Bernd Kästner, Tomas Jungwirth, Nikolai Sinitsyn, Laurens Molenkamp, Branislav Nikolic, Satofumi Souma, Liviu Zarbo, Dimitri Culcer , Ewelina Hankeiwc, Qian Niu, S-Q Shen APCTP, August 8th 2005 OUTLINE Anomalous Hall effect and Spin Hall effect Parsing the AHE Parsing the SHE (example: 2D systems) Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization calculations Spin Hall spin accumulation Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization studies (bulk) Mesoscopic systems Conclusions and things for thought OUTLINE Spin-orbit coupling in semiconducting systems Anomalous Hall effect and Spin Hall effect Parsing the AHE Parsing the SHE (example: 2D systems) Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization calculations Spin Hall spin accumulation Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization studies (bulk) Mesoscopic systems Conclusions Anomalous Hall effect Spin-orbit coupling “force” deflects like-spin particles majority __ FSO _ FSO I ρH = R0 B + 4πRs M minority V InMnAs Simple electrical measurement of magnetization Anomalous Hall Effect Linear Response Theory Order of Limits (thanks to P. Bruno– CESAM talk) (thanks to P. Bruno– CESAM talk) (thanks to P. Bruno– CESAM talk) Perturbation Theory = Real Eigenstates + Bloch Electron Averaging procedures: = τ-1 / ν0 = ν0 / τ-1 Perturbation Theory: conductivity n, q n, q Drude Conductivity σ = ne2τ/m* Vertex Corrections ∼ 1-cos(θ) = jν = -evν AHE – Perturbation Theory n, q n’, k m, p m, p n, q n, q σHSkew Skew ∼ (τskew)-1 τ2~σ0 S where S = Q(k,p)/Q(p,k) – 1~ Vν0 Im[<k|q><q|p><p|k>] Intrinsic ∼σ0 /εFτ n’≠n, q Vertex Corrections ∼ σIntrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect Interband Coherent Response Occupation # Response ∼ (EFτ) 0 `Skew Scattering‘ ∼(e2/h) kF (EF τ)1 X `Skewness’ Intrinsic `Berry Phase’ ∼(e2/h) kF ∼ [Luttinger, Niu] [Smidt] Influence of Disorder `Side Jump’’ [Berger] Ferromagnets INTRINSIC ANOMALOUS HALL EFFECT In ferromagnetic systems where SO coupling is intrinsic and strong the Kubo formalism in the weak scattering limit and a semiclassical treatment of Bloch wave-packet dynamics captures a nonzero anomalous Hall CONDUCTIVITY !! (The Berry’s phase in k-space approach) K. Ohgushi, et al PRB 62, R6065 (2000); T. Jungwirth et al PRL 88, 7208 (2002); T. Jungwirth et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 320 (2003); M. Onoda et al J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, 19 (2002); Z. Fang, et al, Science 302, 92 (2003). semiclassical r e2 f n 'k Ω n ( k ) Re[σ xy ] = − ∑ r Vh k n n, q Kubo: Im e 2h Re[σ xy ] = − ∑ ( f n 'k − f nk ) V kr n ≠ n ' [ r r r r n' k vˆ x nk nk vˆ y n' k ( Enkv − En 'kr ) 2 ] n’≠n, q Success of intrinsic AHE approach • DMS systems (Jungwirth et al PRL 2002) Experiment • Fe (Yao et al PRL 04) σAH ∼ 1000 (Ω cm)-1 • layered 2D ferromagnets such as SrRuO3 and pyrochlore Theroy ferromagnets [Onoda and Nagaosa, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 71, 19 σ ∼ 750 (Ω cm)-1 • (2001),Taguchi et al., Science 291, 2573 (2001), Fang et al Science 302, 92 (2003), Shindou and Nagaosa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 116801 (2001)] colossal magnetoresistance of manganites, Ye et~al Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3737 (1999). AH Science 303, 1647 (2004) Berry’s phase based AHE effect is quantitative-successful in many instances BUT still not a theory that treats systematically intrinsic and extrinsic contribution in an equal footing. OUTLINE Metal and semiconductor based spintronics Spin-orbit coupling in semiconducting systems Anomalous Hall effect and Spin Hall effect Parsing the AHE Parsing the SHE (example: 2D systems) Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization calculations Spin Hall spin accumulation Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization studies (bulk) Mesoscopic systems Conclusions Spin Hall effect Take now a PARAMAGNET instead of a FERROMAGNET: Spin-orbit coupling “force” deflects like-spin particles _ FSO __ FSO non-magnetic I V=0 Carriers with same charge but opposite spin are deflected by the spin-orbit coupling to opposite sides. Spin-current generation in non-magnetic systems without applying external magnetic fields Spin accumulation without charge accumulation excludes simple electrical detection Refs: Dyakonov and Perel (71), J. E. Hirsch (99) Spin Hall Effect (Dyaknov and Perel) Interband Coherent Response Occupation # Response ∼ (EFτ) 0 `Skew Scattering‘ ∼(e2/h) kF (EF τ)1 X `Skewness’ Intrinsic `Berry Phase’ ∼(e2/h) kF ∼ [Murakami et al, Sinova et al] [Hirsch, S.F. Zhang] Influence of Disorder `Side Jump’’ [Inoue et al, Misckenko et al, Chalaev et al…] Paramagnets SHE conductivity– Perturbation Theory Skew ∼σ0 S n, q n’≠n, q Intrinsic ∼σ0 /εFτ Vertex Corrections ∼ σIntrinsic = jν = -e vν = jνz = {vν,sz} INTRINSIC SPIN-HALL EFFECT: Murakami et al Science 2003 (cond-mat/0308167) Sinova et al PRL 2004 (cont-mat/0307663) as there is an intrinsic AHE (e.g. Diluted magnetic semiconductors), there should be an intrinsic spin-Hall effect!!! n, q (differences: spin is a non-conserved quantity, define spin current as the gradient term of the continuity equation. Spin-Hall conductivity: linear response of this operator) n’≠n, q Inversion symmetry ⇒ no R-SO Broken inversion symmetry ⇒ R-SO h2k 2 h2k 2 r r Hk = σ 0 + λ (k xσy − k yσ x ) = σ 0 + λσ × k 2m 2m Bychkov and Rashba (1984) ‘Universal’ spin-Hall conductivity n, q n’≠n, q σ xysH Color plot of spin-Hall conductivity: yellow=e/8π and red=0 e m 2 λ2 * for n2 D > n2 D = 4 8 π π h = e n2 D * for n n < 2D 2D 8π n2* D h2k 2 h2k 2 r r Hk = σ 0 + λ (k xσy − k yσ x ) = σ 0 + λσ × k 2m 2m Disorder effects: beyond the finite lifetime approximation for Rashba 2DEG Question: Are there any other major effects beyond the finite life time broadening? Does side jump contribute significantly? Inoue, Bauer, Molenkamp PRB 04 Ladder partial sum vertex correction: Also: Mishchenko et al, PRL 04 Raimondi et al, PRB 04, Dimitrova PRB05, Loss et al, PRB 05 ~ λ →λ NOTE: the vertex corrections are zero for 3D hole systems (Murakami 04) and 2DHG (Bernevig and Zhang 05) Generalized Rashba Models k1 Rashba: g=constant α = 1 k3 Rashba: g=constant α = 3 Modified k1 Rashba: g∼k2 α = 1 ν Nomura et al. cond-mat/0506189, 2DEG+Rahsba 2DHG+Rahsba Schliemann et al PRB 05 SHE conductivity 2D Rashba systems– Perturbation Theory Skew ∼σ0 S n, q n’≠n, q Intrinsic ∼σ0 /εFτ Vertex Corrections ∼ σIntrinsic = jν = -e vν = jνz = {vν,sz} Kubo formula calculations σ µν i =− V ∑ n ,n ' f ( E n ) − f ( E n ' ) 〈 n | j µ | n ' 〉〈 n ' | jν | n 〉 E n − E n' E n − E n ' + iη ( H R + V ) | n〉 = E n | n〉 lim lim σ η → 0 L→ ∞ Nomura et al. cond-mat/0506189, supersedes PRB 71, 041304 (2005). µν ( L ,η ) k^1 Rashba model Spin-Hall Conductivities k^1 Rashba model k^3 Rashba model ∆τ = 6.4 Numerical k1 Rashba Model Numerical k3 Rashba Model Data Collapse σSHE=0 for 2DEG-Rashba σSHE≠0 for 2DHG-Rashba Is SHE conductivity is zero for 2DEG-Rashba for any τ: reason linked to spin-dynamics for systems with linear SO coupling (Dimitrova 05, Loss et al 05) which demand a zero spin-current in the steady state. OUTLINE Metal and semiconductor based spintronics Spin-orbit coupling in semiconducting systems Anomalous Hall effect and Spin Hall effect Anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect (SHE) Extrinsic and Intrinsic SHE Systematic view of the AHE and SHE Parsing the AHE Parsing the SHE (example: isotropic 2D models) Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization calculations Spin Hall spin accumulation Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization studies (bulk) Mesoscopic systems Conclusions Spin Accumulation Spin is not conserved; analogy with e-h system Spin Accumulation – Weak SO Quasi-equilibrium Parallel conduction Spin diffusion length Burkov et al. PRB 70 (2004) Spin Accumulation – Strong SO ? Mean Free Path? Spin Precession Length SPIN ACCUMULATION IN 2DHG: EXACT DIAGONALIZATION STUDIES ∆so>>ħ/τ Width>>mean free path SPIN ACCUMULATION IN 2DHG: EXACT DIAGONALIZATION STUDIES Key length: spin precession length!! Independent of τ !! OUTLINE Metal and semiconductor based spintronics Spin-orbit coupling in semiconducting systems Anomalous Hall effect and Spin Hall effect Anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect (SHE) Extrinsic and Intrinsic SHE Systematic view of the AHE and SHE Parsing the AHE Parsing the SHE (example: isotropic 2D models) Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization calculations Spin Hall spin accumulation Perturbation theory treatment Exact diagonalization studies (bulk) Mesoscopic systems Conclusions and things to think about SHE in the mesoscopic regime Non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism (Keldysh-LB) Advantages: •No worries about spin-current definition. Defined in leads where SO=0 •Well established formalism valid in linear and nonlinear regime •Easy to see what is going on locally •Fermi surface transport Spin Hall effect in the mesoscopic regime, simplifying the debate Hankiewicz, Molenkamp, Jungwirth, Sinova, PRB 70, 241301(R) (2004). Also: Sheng et al, PRL 05 Nikolic et al, PRB 05, PRL 05 PRL 05 Conclusion • SHE is now a reality. •Intrinsic SHE: things are clearing •2DEG Rashba model SHE is zero in the bulk (no more controversy); but is finite in mesoscopic systems. •Intrinsic spin Hall spin accumulation in 2DHG system is consistent with experiments; 2DHG systems are promising. •SHE is complicated because it is small. NEXT What about interactions (spin Coulomb drag)? What is the most appropriate definition of spin current (in what regime)? What is the relation between the mesoscopic regime and bulk regime (similar to Stone et al?) How can we measure SHE it in transport? How dissipative can this transport really be? What is its relation (if any) to Aharanov-Cashier effect or A-Anandan effect? How does side-jump affect SHE in other systems besides systems with SO coupling linear in momentum? … WHAT IS YOUR FEELING ABOUT THE SHE? 1 Year ago WHAT IS YOUR FEELING ABOUT THE SHE? today