Youn-Sha Chan Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Houston-Downtown, One Main Street, Houston, TX 77002 Glaucio H. Paulino Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, 2209 Newmark Laboratory, 205 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801 Albert C. Fannjiang Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 1 Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials—Part II: Crack Parallel to the Material Gradation A Mode-III crack problem in a functionally graded material modeled by anisotropic strain-gradient elasticity theory is solved by the integral equation method. The gradient elasticity theory has two material characteristic lengths ᐉ and ᐉ⬘, which are responsible for volumetric and surface strain-gradient terms, respectively. The governing differential equation of the problem is derived assuming that the shear modulus G is a function of x, i.e., G ⫽ G共x兲 ⫽ G0ex, where G0 and  are material constants. A hypersingular integrodifferential equation is derived and discretized by means of the collocation method and a Chebyshev polynomial expansion. Numerical results are given in terms of the crack opening displacements, strains, and stresses with various combinations of the parameters ᐉ, ᐉ⬘, and . Formulas for the stress intensity factors, KIII, are derived and numerical results are provided. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2912933兴 Introduction This work is a continuation of the paper on “Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials— Part I: Crack Perpendicular to the Material Gradation” by Paulino et al. 关1兴 共hereinafter referred to as Part I兲. In Part I, the authors considered a plane elasticity problem in which the medium contains a finite crack on the y = 0 plane and the material gradation is perpendicular to the crack. In “Part II,” the material gradation is parallel to the crack 共see Fig. 1兲. In Part I, the shear modulus G 共that rules the material gradation兲 is a function of y only, G ⬅ G共y兲 = G0e␥y; while in Part II, it is a function of x, i.e., G ⬅ G共x兲 = G0ex. An immediate consequence of the difference in geometry, which is indicated in Fig. 1, is that the location of the crack in Part I is rather irrelevant to the problem and thus can be shifted so that the center is at the origin point 共0, 0兲. On the other hand, if the material gradation is parallel to the crack, then the location of the crack is pertinent to the solution of the problem. The method of solution is essentially the same in both Parts I and II, i.e., the integral equation method. However, because of differences in the geometrical configurations, some changes are expected. For instance, in Part I, the crack opening displacement profile is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, while in Part II, the symmetry of the crack profiles no longer exists. Thus, some interesting questions arise. • • • • How are the crack opening displacement profiles affected by the gradient elasticity and the gradation of the material? How are the stresses influenced under the gradient elasticity? How are the stress intensity factors 共SIFs兲 calculated? How do the results compare to the classical linear elastic fracture mechanics 共LEFM兲? We will address all the above questions. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First, the constitutive equations of anisotropic gradient elasticity for nonhomogeneous materials subjected to antiplane shear deformation are given. Then, the govern- ing partial differential equations 共PDEs兲 are derived, and the Fourier transform method is introduced and applied to convert the governing PDE into an ordinary differential equation 共ODE兲. Afterward, the crack boundary value problem is described, and a specific complete set of boundary conditions is given. The governing hypersingular integrodifferential equation is derived and discretized using the collocation method. Next, various relevant aspects of the numerical discretization are described in detail. Subsequently, numerical results are given, conclusions are inferred, and potential extensions of this work are discussed. One appendix, providing the hierarchy of the PDEs and the corresponding integral equations, supplements the paper. 2 Constitutive Equations of Gradient Elasticity A schematic demonstration of continuously graded microstructure in functionally graded materials 共FGMs兲 is illustrated by Fig. 2. The linkage between gradient elasticity and graded materials within the framework of fracture mechanics and its related work has been addressed in Part I. For the sake of completeness, the notation and constitutive equations of gradient elasticity for an antiplane shear crack in a FGM are briefly given in this section and particularized to the case of an exponentially graded material along the x-direction. For an antiplane shear problem, the relevant displacement components are as follows: u = v = 0, w = w共x,y兲 共1兲 and the nontrivial strains are as follows: ⑀xz = 1 w , 2 x ⑀yz = 1 w 2 y 共2兲 The constitutive equations of gradient elasticity for FGMs are 关1,2兴 as follows: ij = 共x兲⑀kk␦ij + 2G共x兲共⑀ij − ᐉ2ⵜ2⑀ij兲 − ᐉ2关k共x兲兴共k⑀ll兲␦ij Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received February 23, 2007; final manuscript received February 27, 2007; published online August 21, 2008. Review conducted by Robert M. McMeeking. Journal of Applied Mechanics − 2ᐉ2关kG共x兲兴共k⑀ij兲 共3兲 ij = 共x兲⑀kk␦ij + 2G共x兲⑀ij + 2ᐉ⬘k关⑀ijkG共x兲 + G共x兲k⑀ij兴 共4兲 Copyright © 2008 by ASME NOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061015-1 y y βx G = G0 e -a a Material gradation perpendicular to the crack. x c d x Fig. 3 Geometry of the crack problem and material gradation y xyz = 2G共x兲ᐉ2⑀yz/x yxz = 2G共x兲共ᐉ2⑀xz/y − ᐉ⬘⑀xz兲 yyz = 2G共x兲共ᐉ2⑀yz/y − ᐉ⬘⑀yz兲 c d Material gradation parallel to the crack. x xx = yy = zz = 0, Fig. 1 A geometric comparison of the material gradation with respect to the crack location kij = 2ᐉ⬘kG共x兲⑀ij + 2ᐉ2G共x兲k⑀ij xy = 0 xz = 2G共x兲共⑀xz − ᐉ2ⵜ2⑀xz兲 − 2ᐉ2关xG共x兲兴共x⑀xz兲 ⫽ 0 yz = 2G共x兲共⑀yz − ᐉ ⵜ ⑀yz兲 − 2ᐉ 关xG共x兲兴共x⑀yz兲 ⫽ 0 2 2 2 xy = 0 xz = 2G共⑀xz − ᐉ2ⵜ2⑀xz兲 ⫽ 0 yz = 2G共⑀yz − ᐉ2ⵜ2⑀yz兲 ⫽ 0 共5兲 where ᐉ is the characteristic length of the material responsible for volumetric strain-gradient terms, ᐉ⬘ is responsible for surface strain-gradient terms, ij is the stress tensor, and ijk is the couple-stress tensor. The Lamé moduli ⬅ 共x兲 and G ⬅ G共x兲 are assumed to be functions of x. Moreover, k = / xk. The parameter ᐉ⬘ is associated with surfaces and k, kk = 0, is a director field equal to the unit outer normal nk on the boundaries. For a Mode-III problem, the constitutive equations above become xx = yy = zz = 0, 共6兲 If G is constant, i.e., the material is homogeneous, then the constitutive equations 关3,4兴 are1 as follows: xxz = 2Gᐉ2⑀xz/x xyz = 2Gᐉ2⑀yz/x yxz = 2G共ᐉ2⑀xz/y − ᐉ⬘⑀xz兲 yyz = 2G共ᐉ2⑀yz/y − ᐉ⬘⑀yz兲 共7兲 It is worth to point out that each of the total stresses xz and yz in Eq. 共6兲 has an extra term than the ones in 共7兲 due to the material gradation interplay with the strain-gradient effect 关2兴. 3 Governing Partial Differential Equation and Boundary Conditions By imposing the only nontrivial equilibrium equation xxz = 2G共x兲ᐉ2⑀xz/x xz yz + =0 x y 共8兲 the following PDE is obtained: 冋 冉 冋 w w G共x兲 − ᐉ 2ⵜ 2 x x x − ᐉ2 冊册 冋 冉 + w w G共x兲 − ᐉ 2ⵜ 2 y y y 册 冊册 2G共x兲 2w G共x兲 3w G共x兲 3w + + =0 x2 x2 x x3 x x y 2 共9兲 If the shear modulus G is assumed as an exponential function of x 共see Fig. 3兲, G = G共x兲 = G0ex 共10兲 then PDE 共9兲 can be simplified as − ᐉ 2ⵜ 4w − 2  ᐉ 2ⵜ 2 Ceramic phase Ceramic matrix y metallic inclusions with Transition region Metallic matrix with Metallic phase ceramic inclusions x Fig. 2 A schematic illustration of a continuously graded microstructure in FGMs 061015-2 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 w w 2w =0 + ⵜ 2w −  2ᐉ 2 2 +  x x x 共11兲 or 1 According to the geometry of the problem 共see Fig. 3兲, it is the upper half-plane that is considered in the formulation. The crack is sitting on the x-axis, which is on the boundary of the upper half-plane. Thus, the outward unit normal should be 共0 , −1 , 0兲, and not 共0, 1, 0兲. Based on Eq. 共5兲, or the last equation in Eq. 共5兲 of Ref. 关4兴, the sign in front of ᐉ⬘ in the expression for both yxz and yyz should be “⫺” instead of “⫹.” Transactions of the ASME Table 1 Governing PDEs in antiplane shear problems Cases Governing PDE ᐉ=0,=0 Laplace equation: ⵜ 2w = 0 Perturbed Laplace equation: 共ⵜ2 +  / x兲w = 0 Helmholtz–Laplace equation: 共1 − ᐉ2ⵜ2兲ⵜ2w = 0 ᐉ=0,⫽0 ᐉ⫽0,=0 ᐉ⫽0,⫽0 冉 Equation 共11兲: 1 − ᐉ2 − ᐉ 2ⵜ 2 x 冊冉 ⵜ2 +  References tions is the same as those adopted by Vardoulakis et al. 关4兴 An alternative treatment of boundary conditions can be found in Ref. 关9兴. Standard textbooks Erdogan 关7兴 4 Let the Fourier transform be defined by Vardoulakis et al. 关4兴 Fannjiang et al. 关5兴 Zhang et al. 关8兴 Studied in this paper 冊 w=0 x Fourier Transform F共w兲共兲 = W共兲 = 冑2 1 − ᐉ2 − ᐉ 2ⵜ 2 x 冊冉 ⵜ2 +  H = 1 − ᐉ2 冊 w=0 x − ᐉ 2ⵜ 2, x 共12兲 w共x,y兲 = 共1 − ᐉ ⵜ 兲ⵜ w = 0 2 2 L = ⵜ2 +  共13兲 x − ᐉ 2ⵜ 4w = 1 or HLw = 0 ⵜ2 +  冊 w=0 x 共14兲 共15兲 the perturbed Laplace equation, which is the PDE that governs the Mode-III crack problem for nonhomogeneous materials with shear modulus G共x兲 = G0ex 关6,7兴. The limit of sending ᐉ → 0 will lower the fourth order PDE 共11兲 to a second order one 共Eq. 共15兲兲, and a singular perturbation is expected. By taking both limits  → 0 and ᐉ → 0, one obtains the harmonic equation for classical elasticity. Various combinations of parameters ᐉ and  with the corresponding governing PDE are listed in Table 1. One may notice that in the governing PDE 共12兲, there is no surface term parameter ᐉ⬘ involved. However, ᐉ⬘ does influence the solution through the boundary conditions. By the principle of virtual work, the following boundary conditions can be derived and are adopted in this paper: yz共x,0兲 = p共x兲, w共x,0兲 = 0, yyz共x,0兲 = 0, x 苸 共c,d兲 W共兲e−ixd 共18兲 −⬁ 1 冑2 冕 ⬁ W共,y兲e−ixd 共19兲 −⬁ − ᐉ2 冑2 冕冉 ⬁ 4W共,y兲 − 22 −⬁ 冊 2W 4W −ix + 4 e d y2 y −  ᐉ 2ⵜ 2 w − ᐉ2 = 冑2 x ⵜ 2w = −  2ᐉ 2  1 冕冉 ⬁ i3W共,y兲 − i −⬁ 冕冉 2W −ix e d y2 冊 共22兲 2W共,y兲e−ixd 共23兲 ⬁ 冑2 − 2W共,y兲 + −⬁ 2w共x,y兲 2ᐉ2 = 冑2 x2 w共x,y兲  = 冑 x 2 冕 冕 冊 2W −ix e d 共21兲 y2 ⬁ −⬁ ⬁ 共− i兲W共,y兲e−ixd 共24兲 −⬁ Equations 共20兲–共24兲 are added according to Eq. 共11兲, and after simplification, the governing ODE is obtained: 冋 ᐉ2 d2 d4 2 2 2 − 共2ᐉ + 2i  ᐉ + 1兲 dy 4 dy 2 册 + 共ᐉ24 + 2iᐉ23 − 2ᐉ22 + 2 + i兲 W = 0 5 共25兲 Solutions of the ODE The corresponding characteristic equation to the ODE 共25兲 is ᐉ24 − 共2ᐉ22 + 2iᐉ2 + 1兲2 + 共ᐉ24 + 2iᐉ23 − 2ᐉ22 + 2 + i兲 = 0 关ᐉ22 − 共1 + iᐉ2 + ᐉ22兲兴共2 − 2 − i兲 = 0 共16兲 The first two boundary conditions in Eq. 共16兲 are from classical LEFM, and the last one, involving the couple-stress yyz, is needed for the higher order theory. This set of boundary condiJournal of Applied Mechanics ⬁ 共26兲 which can be further factorized as x 苸 共c,d兲 −⬁⬍x⬍ +⬁ 冑2 冕 共20兲 where the Helmholtz operator H = 1 − ᐉ2ⵜ2 and the Laplacian operator L = ⵜ2 are invariant under any change of variables by rotations and translations. FGM creates the perturbation and ruins the invariance. However, the perturbing term “−ᐉ2共 / x兲” in L, which is not purely caused by the gradation of the material, involves both the gradation parameter  and the characteristic length ᐉ 共the product of  and ᐉ2兲. It can be interpreted as a consequence of the interaction of the material gradation and the strain-gradient effect 关2兴. If we let ᐉ → 0 alone, then the perturbed Helmholtz differential operator H will become the identity operator, and one reduces PDE 共12兲 to 冉 共17兲 where w共x , y兲 is the inverse Fourier transform of the function W共 , y兲. By considering each term in Eq. 共11兲 and using Eq. 共19兲, one obtains where H is the perturbed Helmholtz operator, L is the perturbed Laplacian operator, and the two operators commute 共HL = LH兲. By sending  → 0, we get the PDE 关4,5兴 2 w共x兲eixdx −⬁ where F−1 denotes the inverse Fourier transform. Now, let us assume that which is the governing PDE solved in the present paper. It may be seen, from a viewpoint of perturbation, that PDE 共12兲 can be expressed in an operator form, i.e., HLw = 0, ⬁ Then, by the Fourier integral formula 关10兴, F−1共W兲共x兲 = w共x兲 = 冉 冕 1 共27兲 Clearly, the four roots i 共i = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4兲 of the polynomial 共27兲 above can be written as 1 = − 1冑 冑2 冑 4 +  2 2 + 2 − i  冑2 冑冑4 + 22 + 2 共28兲 NOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061015-3 Table 2 Roots i together with the corresponding mechanics theory and type of material 2 = 1 冑2 3 = Number of roots Roots ᐉ=0,=0 2 ⫾兩兩 ᐉ=0,⫽0 2 ᐉ⫽0,=0 4 1 and 2 in Eqs. 共28兲 and 共29兲, respectively ⫾兩 兩 , ⫾ 冑2 + 1 / ᐉ2 ᐉ⫽0,⫽0 4 冑冑4 + 22 + 2 + Mechanics theory and type of material The four roots 1 – 4 in Eqs. 共28兲–共31兲  i 冑2 冑冑4 + 22 + 2 冑2 冑冑共2 + 1/ᐉ2兲2 + 22 + 2 + 1/ᐉ2 1 冑2 + 共30兲 冑冑共2 + 1/ᐉ2兲2 + 22 + 2 + 1/ᐉ2 冑2 冑冑共2 + 1/ᐉ2兲2 + 22 + 2 + 1/ᐉ2 共31兲 If  → 0, then the imaginary part of each root i 共i = 1 , . . . , 4兲 disappears. Thus, we have exactly the same roots found by Vardoulakis et al. 关4兴 and Fannjiang et al. 关5兴. The root 1 corresponds to the solution of the perturbed harmonic equation ⵜ2w + w / x = 0, and the root 3 agrees with the solution of the perturbed Helmholtz equation 共1 − ᐉ2 / x − ᐉ2ⵜ2兲w = 0. Various choices of parameters ᐉ and  with their corresponding mechanics theories and materials are listed in Table 2. In contrast to the four real roots found in Part I, the four roots here are all complex and admit a more complicated expression. By the symmetry of the geometry, one can only consider the upper half-plane 共y ⬎ 0兲. By taking account of the far-field boundary condition w共x,y兲 → 0 G共x兲 冑2 as 冑x2 + y 2 → + ⬁ 共32兲 W共,y兲 = A共兲e + B共兲e 3 y w共x,y兲 = 1 冑2 冕 ⬁ 关A共兲e 1 y + B共兲e 3 y 兴e −ix d 共34兲 冊 ⬁ 兵共ᐉ221 − ᐉ⬘1兲A共兲e1y −⬁ ᐉ⬘1 − ᐉ221 ᐉ223 − ᐉ⬘3 yⱖ0 共36兲 A共兲 = 共, 兲A共兲 共37兲 with 共, 兲 = ᐉ⬘1 − ᐉ221 ᐉ223 − ᐉ ⬘ 3 =− ᐉ22 + iᐉ2 + ᐉ⬘冑2 + i ᐉ⬘冑2 + i + 1/ᐉ2 + 共ᐉ22 + iᐉ2 + 1兲 共38兲 Denote 共x兲 = 1 w共x,0+兲 = 冑 x 2 冕 ⬁ 共− i兲关A共兲 + B共兲兴e−ixd −⬁ = F−1兵共− i兲关A共兲 + B共兲兴其 共39兲 The second boundary condition in Eqs. 共16兲 and 共39兲 implies that 共x兲 = 0, and 冕 共33兲 where the nonpositive real part of 1 and 3 has been chosen to satisfy the far-field condition in the upper half-plane. Accordingly, the displacement w共x , y兲 takes the form 冕 ⑀yz − ᐉ⬘⑀yz y From the boundary condition in Eq. 共16兲 imposed on the couplestress yyz 共i.e., yyz共x , 0兲 = 0 for −⬁ ⬍ x ⬍ ⬁兲, one obtains the following relationship between A共兲 and B共兲: one can express the solution for W共 , y兲 as 1 y Vardoulakis et al. 关4兴 Fannjiang et al. 关5兴 Studied in this paper + 共ᐉ223 − ᐉ⬘3兲B共兲e3y其e−ixd, B共兲 =  i Erdogan 关7兴 冉 =  i Standard textbooks yyz共x,y兲 = 2G共x兲 ᐉ2 共29兲 冑共2 + 1/ᐉ2兲2 + 22 + 2 + 1/ᐉ2 冑2 References Classical LEFM, homogeneous materials Classical LEFM, nonhomogeneous materials Gradient theories, homogeneous materials Gradient theories, nonhomogeneous materials − 1冑 − 4 = Cases x 苸 关c,d兴 共40兲 d 共x兲dx = 0 共41兲 c which is the single-valuedness condition. By Eqs. 共39兲 and 共40兲, we obtain 共− i兲关A共兲 + B共兲兴 = −⬁ 1 冑2 冕 ⬁ 1 共x兲eixdx = 冑2 −⬁ 冕 d 共t兲eitdt c 共42兲 Both A共兲 and B共兲 are determined by the boundary conditions. By substituting Eq. 共37兲 into Eq. 共42兲 above, one gets 6 Hypersingular Integrodifferential Equation Approach By substituting Eq. 共34兲 into Eq. 共6兲, we have = 冑2 冕 ⬁ 关1A共兲e1y兴e−ixd, −⬁ and 061015-4 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 yⱖ0 冋 1 冑2 共− i兲关1 + 共, 兲兴 1 册冕 d 共t兲eitdt 共43兲 c where yz共x,y兲 = 2G共x兲共⑀yz − ᐉ2ⵜ2⑀yz兲 − 2ᐉ2关xG共x兲兴x⑀yz G共x兲 A共兲 = 共35兲 共ᐉ22 + iᐉ2 + 1兲 + ᐉ⬘冑2 + i + 1/ᐉ2 1 = 1 + 共, 兲 1 + ᐉ⬘冑2 + i + 1/ᐉ2 − ᐉ⬘冑2 + i 共44兲 By replacing the A共兲 in Eq. 共35兲 by Eq. 共43兲, one obtains the following integral equation in the limit y → 0+: Transactions of the ASME lim yz共x,y兲 = lim y→0+ y→0+ ⫻ 冋 G共x兲 2 冕 y→0+ G共x兲 2 冕 冕 冕冋 共t兲 c d 共t兲eitdt e1ye−ixd c ⬁ −⬁ y→0+ 册 −⬁ d 1共  , 兲 e 1 y 共− i兲关1 + 共, 兲兴 d = K共,y兲ei共t−x兲ddt, 共t兲 c 冋冉 冊 ᐉ⬘ 2ᐉ + 册 3ᐉ22 i −1 8 兩兩 共48兲 冕 关i兩兩e 兴e i共t−x兲 −⬁ 冕 y→0+ 关兩兩e−兩兩y兴ei共t−x兲d ——→ −⬁ 冕 ⬁ −2 共t − x兲2 共49兲 i −⬁ 册 共50兲 关1e −兩兩 y 兴e i共t−x兲 共51兲 冕 ⬁ N共,0兲ei共t−x兲d 共56兲 0 Equation 共55a兲 is a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with the cubic and Cauchy singular kernels. 7 Numerical Solution To numerically solve the unknown slope function 共t兲 in Eq. 共55a兲, we follow the general procedure outlined in the Part I paper. For the sake of clarity and completeness, each step is presented below and particularized to the problem at hand 共see Figs. 1 and 2兲. 7.1 Normalization. By the change of variables t = 共d − c兲s/2 + 共c + d兲/2 and x = 共d − c兲r/2 + 共c + d兲/2 共57兲 the crack surface 共c , d兲 can be converted into 共−1 , 1兲, and the main integral equation 共55a兲 can be rewritten in normalized form 冕再 冎 + 1 − 3共ᐉ/a兲2共a兲2/8 − 关共ᐉ⬘/a兲/共2ᐉ/a兲兴2 + K共r,s兲 ⌽共s兲ds s−r + 共a兲共ᐉ⬘/a兲 ᐉ⬘/a P共r兲 −关ar+共c+d兲/2兴 ⌽共r兲 = e , ⌽⬘共r兲 + 2 2 G0 −⬁ with ␦共x兲 being the Dirac delta function, we obtain the limit 兩r兩 ⬍ 1 where ⌽共r兲 = 共ar + 共c + d兲/2兲, P共r兲 = p共ar + 共c + d兲/2兲 K共r,s兲 = ak共ar + 共c + d兲/2, as + 共c + d兲/2兲 共52兲 共59兲 共60兲 共61兲 and k共x , t兲 is described by Eq. 共56兲. Note that in Eq. 共58兲, G共x兲 has been written as G共x兲 = G0ex = G0e关共共d−c兲/2兲r+关共c+d兲/2兴兴 = G0e共a兲r共ea兲共共d+c兲/共d−c兲兲 共53兲 where a = 共d − c兲 / 2 and 共d + c兲 / 共d − c兲 are two dimensionless quantities. Together with the terms ᐉ / a and ᐉ⬘ / a that appear in Eq. 共58兲, the following dimensionless parameters are defined: ᐉ̃ = ᐉ/a, y→0+ d ——→ 2␦共t − x兲 Journal of Applied Mechanics 共55b兲 a = 共d − c兲/2 = half of the crack length + y→0 兩兩 −兩兩y i共t−x兲 −2 e e d ——→ t−x ⬁ or x ⬎ d 共58兲 −⬁ 冕冋 冕 x⬍c 1 y→0+ 关ie−兩兩y兴ei共t−x兲d ——→ 2␦⬘共t − x兲 ⬁ 冎 y→0+ 4 d ——→ 共t − x兲3 ⬁ − 2ᐉ2 3ᐉ2 1 − 3ᐉ22/8 − 关ᐉ⬘/共2ᐉ兲兴2 3 − 2 + 共t − x兲 2共t − x兲 t−x 1 = − 2共ᐉ/a兲2 3共ᐉ/a兲2共a兲 − −1 共s − r兲3 2共s − r兲2 Note that the real and the imaginary parts of K⬁共 , 0兲 given in Eq. 共49兲 are even and odd functions of , respectively. In view of the following distributional convergence, ⬁ c c⬍x⬍d 共55a兲 k共x,t兲 = 3ᐉ2 ᐉ⬘ ᐉ ⬘ i + 兩兩 + 2 2 2 2 冕再 d ᐉ⬘ ᐉ⬘ ⬘共x兲 + 共x兲 = p共x兲, 2 2 共47兲 where K⬁共 , y兲 is the nonvanishing part of the asymptotic expansion of K共 , y兲 in the powers of , as 兩兩 → ⬁. When y is set to be 0, we have K⬁共,0兲 = − iᐉ2兩兩 − 冎 3ᐉ2 1 − 32ᐉ2/8 − 关ᐉ⬘/共2ᐉ兲兴2 − 2ᐉ2 3 − 2 + 共t − x兲 2共t − x兲 t−x where 兰= denotes the finite-part integral 关11兴, and the regular kernel k共x , t兲 is given by Equation 共46兲 is an expression for the stress yz共x , y兲 in the limit form of y → 0+, which is valid for x 苸 共−⬁ , ⬁兲. Note that for the 共first兲 boundary condition in Eq. 共16兲, yz共x , 0兲 = p共x兲, x is restricted to the crack surface 共c , d兲. It is this boundary condition that leads to the governing hypersingular integrodifferential equation 共see Eq. 共55a兲 below兲. However, when SIFs are calculated, x takes values outside of 共c , d兲, and the integral 共46兲 is not singular 共see Eq. 共55b兲 below兲. We split K共 , y兲 into the singular part K⬁共 , y兲 and the nonsingular part N共 , y兲: K共,y兲 = K⬁共,y兲 + N共,y兲 d + k共x,t兲 共t兲dt, 共46兲 with −兩兩 y 1 −⬁ 1共  , 兲 e 1 y 共− i兲关1 + 共, 兲兴 G= c + k共x,t兲 共t兲dt + ⬁ −⬁⬍x⬍⬁ + = 册 −⬁ c 共45兲 冕 冕 K共,y兲 = K⬁共,y兲ei共t−x兲d共t兲dt lim ⫻ei共t−x兲ddt G = lim + 2 y→0 ⬁ d 1共  , 兲 1 共− i兲关1 + 共, 兲兴 = lim 冕冕 冕再 ⬁ 共54兲 ᐉ˜⬘ = ᐉ⬘/a and ˜ = a 共62兲 They will be used in the numerical implementation and results. 7.2 Representation of the Density Function. To proceed with the numerical approximation, a representation of ⌽共s兲 is choNOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061015-5 sen so that one can evaluate the hypersingular and the Cauchy singular integrals by finite part and Cauchy principal value, respectively 共see Refs. 关11,12兴兲. For the cubic hypersingular integral equation 共58兲, the solution ⌽共s兲 can be represented as ⌽共s兲 = g共s兲冑1 − s ⬁ − 2ᐉ̃2 冋 n=1 where g共⫾1兲 is finite and g共⫾1兲 ⫽ 0 关5兴. By finding numerical solution for g共s兲, one can find the approximate solution for ⌽共s兲. The representation 共63兲 of ⌽共s兲 is suggested by the following asymptotic behavior of the solution around the crack tips: strains ⬃ 冑r, Displacements ⬃ r3/2, ⬁ + − reported in Refs. 关1,5兴. ⬁ g共s兲 = 兺 a T 共s兲 n n or g共s兲 = 兺 A U 共s兲 n n ⌽共s兲 = 冑1 − s2 兺 A U 共s兲 n n 共66兲 sin关共n + 1兲cos−1共s兲兴 , sin关cos−1共s兲兴 n = 0,1,2, . . . 共67兲 Note that the single-valuedness condition 共41兲 or, equivalently, 1 ⌽共s兲ds = 0 implies 兰−1 共68兲 A0 = 0 Thus, the running index n in Eq. 共66兲 can start from 1 instead of 0. 7.4 Evaluation of the Derivative of the Density Function. The term ⌽⬘共r兲 in Eq. 共58兲 is evaluated using the expansion 共66兲 and the fact that n+1 d 关Un共r兲冑1 − r2兴 = − 冑1 − r2 Tn+1共r兲, dr 冋 ⬁ 冑1 − r2 兺 AnUn共r兲 n=0 冉 冊 册兺 冕 冕冑 n=1 Un共s兲冑1 − s2 An – ds −1 s−r 1 1 − s2Un共s兲K共r,s兲ds −1 ⬁ 兺 2冑1 − r2 n=1 G共r兲 ⬁ 2 1 ᐉ̃⬘ ⬁ 共n + 1兲AnTn+1共r兲 + ᐉ̃⬘˜ 冑1 − r2 AnUn共r兲 2 n=1 兺 兩r兩 ⬍ 1 , 共71兲 We have used the running index n that starts from 1 共see Eq. 共68兲兲. 7.6 Evaluation of Singular and Hypersingular Integrals. Formulas for evaluating singular integral terms in Eq. 共71兲 are listed below: 冕 Un共s兲冑1 − s2 1 – ds = − Tn+1共r兲, −1 s−r 1 冕 1 = Un共s兲冑1 − s2 ds = − 共n + 1兲Un共r兲, −1 共s − r兲2 兩r兩 ⬍ 1, n 苸 Z+ 共72兲 1 兩r兩 ⬍ 1, n 苸 Z+ 共73兲 n艌0 共69兲 冕 1 = Un共s兲冑1 − s2 ds −1 共s − r兲3 1 冦 册 = 兩r兩 ⬍ 1 共74兲 ⬁ − ᐉ̃2 An关共n2 + n兲Un+1共r兲 − 共n2 + 3n + 2兲Un−1共r兲兴 2共1 − r2兲 n=1 兺 冋 ⬁ 冉 冊册 3ᐉ̃2˜2 3˜ᐉ̃2 ᐉ̃⬘ − 共n + 1兲AnUn共r兲 − 1 − 2 n=1 8 2ᐉ̃ 兺 ⬁ ⫻ ⬁ 兺 AnTn+1共r兲 + n=1 共70兲 061015-6 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 冧 7.7 Evaluation of Nonsingular Integral. By combining all the results obtained so far in the numerical approximation, one may rewrite Eq. 共71兲 in the following form: 共n + 1兲AnTn共r兲 7.5 Formation of the Linear System of Equations. The An coefficients are determined by transforming the integral equation 共55a兲 into a system of linear algebraic equations in terms of the An’s. By replacing ⌽共s兲 in Eq. 共58兲 by the representation 共66兲, and using Eq. 共70兲, one obtains the governing integral equation in discretized form n=0 The details of the calculation can be found in Ref. 关13兴. ⬁ 冑1 − r2 兺 n=0 −1 − 1, = 共n2 + n兲Un+1共r兲 − 共n2 + 3n + 2兲Un−1共r兲 , n艌1 4共1 − r2兲 + d dr 兺 1 ⬁ where Un共s兲 is defined, as usual, by ⌽⬘共r兲 = An P共r兲 共65兲 n=0 Thus 冕 n=0 The coefficients an’s or An’s are numerically determined by the collocation method. As shown by Chan et al. 关6兴, the two expansions should lead to consistent numerical results. In this paper, the expansion in terms of Un共s兲 is adopted, i.e., Un共s兲 = = ⬁ n=0 兺 n=1 stresses ⬃ r−3/2 共64兲 7.3 Chebyshev Polynomial Expansion. In view of Eq. 共63兲 and the fact that 兵Un共s兲其 are orthogonal on 共−1 , 1兲 with respect to the weight function 冑1 − s2, g共s兲 can be most naturally expressed in terms of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind Un共s兲. However, the orthogonality is not required in the implementation of the numerical procedures, and either Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind Tn共s兲 or of the second kind Un共s兲 may be employed in the approximation, i.e., ⬁ 1 3ᐉ̃2˜2 ᐉ̃⬘ − + 1− 8 2ᐉ̃ 共63兲 2 兺 冕 3ᐉ̃2˜ An = Un共s兲冑1 − s2 An = Un共s兲冑1 − s2 ds − ds −1 共s − r兲3 2 n=1 −1 共s − r兲2 兺 n=1 ⬁ An 冕冑 2 1 1 − s2Un共s兲K共r,s兲ds −1 ⬁ ᐉ̃⬘˜ 冑1 − r2 AnUn共r兲 共n + 1兲A T 共r兲 + − n n+1 2 2冑1 − r2 n=1 n=1 ᐉ̃⬘ = P共r兲 G共r兲 , 兺 兩r兩 ⬍ 1 兺 共75兲 The regular kernel in Eq. 共75兲 is actually a double integral, i.e., Transactions of the ASME 冕冑 1 冕冑 冕冑 冕 ᐉKIII共d兲 = lim 2冑2共x − d兲共x − d兲yz共x,0兲 1 1 − s2Un共s兲K共r,s兲ds = −1 1 − s2Un共s兲ak共ar,as兲ds x→d+ −1 1 = = lim 2 1 − s2Un共s兲 r→1+ −1 ⬁ ⫻ ⫻yz aN共,0兲sin关a共s − r兲兴dds 共76兲 + 共c + d兲/2,0兲 冑2共x − d兲yz共x,0兲 冉 冊冕 − 2ᐉ2 a2 共x ⬎ d兲 KIII共d兲 = 2冑2a 共77兲 N x→c− ⫻ 共x ⬍ c兲 共78兲 冕 1 −1 1 冕 冉 兩r兩 Un共s兲冑1 − s2 ds = − r − 冑r2 − 1 s−r r 1 −1 冉 冉 冕 1 −1 = 冉 兩r兩 −1 共n + 1兲 r − 冑r2 − 1 2 r 冤冉 ⫻ n 1− 兩r兩 冑r 2 − 1 冊 冊 r− 2 + 冊 共84兲 冉 冊 − 2ᐉ G0ed lim 共r − 1兲3/2 a r→1+ 冉 兩r兩 冑r 2 − 1 冊 r− 2 + ⬁ 冊 n−1 兩r兩 2 冑r − 1 r 冑r 2 − 1 3 冥 = 冑aG0ed共ᐉ/a兲 兺 共n + 1兲An An 共85兲 兩r兩 2 冑r − 1 r 共冑r2 − 1兲3 冥 ⬁ 冊 n艌0 , Similarly, 共86兲 n=0 共80兲 n−1 n 艌 0 共81兲 共x ⬎ d兲 共82兲 ᐉKIII共c兲 = lim 2冑2共c − x兲共c − x兲yz共x,0兲 共x ⬍ c兲 共83兲 x→d+ Journal of Applied Mechanics 共r ⬎ 1兲 KIII共c兲 = 冑aG0ec共ᐉ/a兲 兺 共− 1兲n共n + 1兲An ᐉKIII共d兲 = lim 2冑2共x − d兲共x − d兲yz共x,0兲 Thus, ⌽共s兲 ds 共s − r兲3 兩r兩 − 共n + 1兲 r − 冑r2 − 1 2 r 冤冉 n 艌 0 共79兲 , The highest singularity in Eqs. 共79兲–共81兲 appears in the last term in Eq. 共81兲 and it behaves like 共r2 − 1兲−3/2 as r → 1+ or r → −1−. Motivated by such asymptotic behavior, we define the SIFs for strain-gradient elasticity as x→c− −1 ⫻ n 1− n+1 n 兩r兩 2 冑r − 1 , r Un共s兲冑1 − s2 ds 共s − r兲3 1 n=0 兩r兩 Un共s兲冑1 − s ds = − 共n + 1兲 1 − 2 冑r − 1 共s − r兲2 2 ⫻ r− 1 冊 兺 n=0 After normalization, the crack surfaces are located in the interval 共−1 , 1兲. The density function ⌽共t兲 is expanded in terms of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind Un, which, when substituted into Eq. 共55b兲, give rise to the following formulas for 兩r兩 ⬎ 1 共see Ref. 关13兴兲: 1 共r ⬎ 1兲 r→1+ and C 共c兲 = lim 冑2共c − x兲yz共x,0兲 KIII 共r ⬎ 1兲 By using Eq. 共66兲 in conjunction with Eq. 共81兲, we obtain from Eq. 共84兲 In classical LEFM, the SIFs are defined by x→d+ 冊 = 2a冑2a lim 冑共r − 1兲共r − 1兲G0eare共d+c兲/2 ⫻ C KIII 共d兲 = lim d−c c+d r+ ,0 2 2 r→1+ The Fourier sine transform in Eq. 共76兲 can be efficiently evaluated by applying fast Fourier transform 共FFT兲 关14兴. The integral along 关−1 , 1兴 can be readily obtained by the Gaussian quadrature method 关15兴. Stress Intensity Factors 冉 册 c+d d−c r+ − d 共ar − a兲 2 2 2 = 2a冑2a lim 冑共r − 1兲共r − 1兲yz共共d − c兲r/2 0 8 冑 冋冉 冊 共x ⬎ d兲 9 Results and Discussion The numerical results include crack surface displacements, strains, stresses, and SIFs. 9.1 Crack Surface Displacements. The 共normalized兲 crack surface displacements shown in Figs. 4–8 are obtained by integrating the slope function 共see Eq. 共87兲 below兲. Figure 4 shows a full normalized crack sliding displacement profile for a homogeneous medium 共˜ = 0兲 with the strain-gradient effect. The crack profile in Fig. 4 is symmetric because the material is homogeneous. Figures 5 and 6 are for classical LEFM. Figures 7 and 8 are for the strain-gradient theory. As  ⬍ 0, the material has larger shear modulus at the left side of the crack than at the right side, and thus the material is stiffer on the left and more compliant on the right, as shown in Figs. 5 and 7. Similarly, Figs. 6 and 8 illustrate the case of  ⬎ 0 and confirm that the material is stiffer on the right and more compliant on the left. The variation of the shear modulus destroys the symmetry of the displacement profiles. The most prominent feature is the cusping phenomena around the crack tips, as shown in Figs. 4, 7, and 8. The difference between Figs. 5 and 6 and Figs. 7 and 8 is the cusp at the crack tips. In Figs. 5 and 6, one may observe that the profiles have a tangent line with infinite slope at the crack tips, which is a common crack behavior exhibited in the classical LEFM. However, such is not the case in gradient theory as evidenced by the numerical results shown. NOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061015-7 0.6 1.4 0.4 1.2 0.2 1 y G(x) = G eβ x 0 x w(x,0)/(ap0 / G0 ) Normalized displacement, w(x,0) 1.6 0 0.8 −0.2 0.6 −0.4 0.5 0.4 −0.6 β = 0.1 0.25 1.0 1.5 0.2 2.0 −1 0 0 0 1 Normalized crack length, x Fig. 4 Full crack displacement profile for homogeneous mate˜ = 0… under uniform crack surface shear loading „x , 0… rial „ yz = −p0 with choice of „normalized… 艎̃ = 0.2 and 艎̃⬘ = 0 9.2 Strains. We have used the strain-like field, 共x兲 共the slope function兲, as the unknown density function in our integral equation formulation. The normalized version, ⌽共x兲, with various ᐉ̃ is plotted in Fig. 9. Note that ⌽共⫾1兲 = 0 while in classical LEFM, ⌽共⫾1兲 = ⫾ ⬁. The vanishing slope is equivalent to the cusping at the crack tips. The 共normalized兲 crack displacement profile w共r , 0兲 can be obtained by w共r,0兲 = 冕 r ⌽共s兲ds = −1 冕 r −1 N 冑1 − s2 兺 AnUn共s兲ds 共87兲 n=0 As ᐉ decreases, ⌽共x兲 seems to converge to the slope function of the classical LEFM case in the region away from the crack tips, where ⌽共x兲 is very different from its classical counterpart near the crack tips. 9.3 Stresses. Similar to classical LEFM, the stress yz共x , 0兲 diverges as x approaches the crack tips along the ligament 共Fig. 0.5 1 1.5 x/a 2 Fig. 6 Classical LEFM, i.e., 艎̃ = 艎̃⬘ \ 0. Crack surface displacement in an infinite nonhomogeneous plane under uniform crack surface shear loading yz„x , 0… = −p0 and shear modulus G„x… = G0ex. Here, a = „d − c… / 2 denotes the half crack length. 10兲. Moreover, the sign of the stress changes, and as ᐉ decreases, the interior part 共i.e., the region apart from the two crack tips兲 of yz共x , 0兲 seems to converge to the solution of classical LEFM. The finding of the negative near-tip stress is consistent with the results by Zhang et al. 关8兴 who also investigated a Mode-III crack in elastic materials with strain-gradient effects; this negative stress may be considered as a necessity for the crack surface to reattach near the tips. The point worth noting here is that not all straingradient theories possess the negative-stress feature near the crack tips. For instance, the strain-gradient elasticity theory for cellular materials 关16兴 and elastic-plastic materials with strain-gradient effects 关17兴, which fall within the classical couple-stress theory framework, shows a positive-stress singularity near the crack tip. On the other hand, the strain-gradient theory proposed by Fleck and Hutchinson 关18兴, which does not fall into the above framework, predicts a compressive stress near the tip of a tensile Mode-I crack 关19,20兴. 14 y β = −2 10 −1.8 12 10 βx w(x,0)/(ap0 / G0 ) 0 w(x,0)/(ap / G ) 12 G(x)=G0e 8 −1.6 0 x 6 −1.4 −1.2 4 0 0 0 1 x/a 1.5 2 Fig. 5 Classical LEFM, i.e., 艎̃ = 艎̃⬘ \ 0. Crack surface displacement in an infinite nonhomogeneous plane under uniform crack surface shear loading yz„x , 0… = −p0 and shear modulus G„x… = G0ex. Here, a = „d − c… / 2 denotes the half crack length. 061015-8 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 6 β = −1.5 4 β = −1.0 β = −0.5 β = −0.1 0 −0.4 0.5 8 2 −0.8 2 β = −2.0 G(x)=G0eβx 0 0.4 0.8 x/a 1.2 1.6 2.0 Fig. 7 Crack surface displacement in an infinite nonhomogeneous plane under uniform crack surface shear loading yz„x , 0… = −p0 and shear modulus G„x… = G0ex with choice of „normalized… 艎̃ = 0.10 and 艎̃⬘ = 0.01. Here, a = „d − c… / 2 denotes the half crack length. Transactions of the ASME G(x)=G0eβx 1.0 0.8 β = 0.1 0.6 β = 0.5 0.4 0.001 0.005 20 10 0.01 0.05 0.1 0 −20 β = 2.0 0 0 0.0005 −10 β = 1.0 0.2 0.0001 30 σyz(x/a,0)/G0 w(x,0)/(ap0 / G0 ) 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 x/a 1.6 −30 2.00 2.0 Fig. 8 Crack surface displacement in an infinite nonhomogeneous plane under uniform crack surface shear loading yz„x , 0… = −p0 and shear modulus G„x… = G0ex with choice of „normalized… 艎̃ = 0.10 and 艎̃⬘ = 0.01. Here, a = „d − c… / 2 denotes the half crack length. 2.02 2.04 2.06 x/a 2.10 2.08 ˜ = 0.5, 艎̃⬘ Fig. 10 Stress yz„x / a , 0… / G0 along the ligament for  = 0, and various 艎̃. Crack surface „c , d… = „0 , 2… located in an infinite nonhomogeneous plane is assumed to be under uniform crack surface shear loading yz„x , 0… = −p0 and shear modulus G„x… = G0ex. Here, a = „d − c… / 2 denotes the half crack length. N KIII共c兲 9.4 Stress Intensity Factors. Besides using 共x兲 as the unknown density function, one may also use displacement w共x兲 to be the unknown in the formulation of the integral equation 共see ApC pendix兲. By rewriting KIII in terms of the coefficients in the expansion for w, one obtains 共see Ref. 关6兴兲 the following. • classical LEFM 40 1.4 G0冑共d − c兲/2 =e KIII共d兲 G0冑共d − c兲/2 c 兺 共− 1兲 共n + 1兲A n 共89兲 n 0 N = e d 兺 共n + 1兲A n 0 With Tn expansion, N C 共c兲 KIII G0冑共d − c兲/2 = e c 共88兲 0 N C KIII 共d兲 G0冑共d − c兲/2 • 兺 共− 1兲nan = e d 兺a n 0 With Un expansion, Table 3 contains the 共normalized兲 SIFs for the case of classical LEFM by using both Tn and Un expansions 关see Eqs. 共63兲 and 共65兲兴. The SIFs in Table 3 have been obtained by using Eqs. 共88兲 and 共89兲, and they are close to the results reported by Erdogan 关7兴. Table 4 contains the SIFs for strain-gradient elasticity at ᐉ̃ = 0.1 and ᐉ̃⬘ = 0.01. One observes that the dependence of KIII共c兲 and KIII共d兲 is similar to the classical case reported in Table 3. 10 8 Concluding Remarks This paper has shown that the integral equation method is an effective means of formulating crack problems for a FGM considering strain-gradient effects. The theoretical framework and numerical analysis has been utilized to solve antiplane shear crack problems in FGMs by using Casal’s continuum. The behavior of classical LEFM 0.01 6 0.05 4 Table 3 Normalized SIFs for Mode-III crack problem in a FGM „艎 = 艎⬘ \ 0… φ(x/a) 0.1 2 0.2 Un representation 0.1 0  0.2 −2 0.05 0.01 −4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 x/a Fig. 9 Strain „x / a… along the crack surface „c , d… = „0 , 2… for ˜ = 0.5, 艎̃⬘ = 0, and various 艎̃ in an infinite nonhomogeneous plane under uniform crack surface shear loading yz„x , 0… = −p0 and shear modulus G„x… = G0ex. Here, a = „d − c… / 2 denotes the half crack length. Journal of Applied Mechanics 共 兲 d−c 2 −2.00 −1.50 −1.00 −0.50 −0.10 0.00 0.10 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 KIII共c兲 KIII共d兲 Tn representation KIII共c兲 KIII共d兲 p0冑共d − c兲 / 2 p0冑共d − c兲 / 2 p0冑共d − c兲 / 2 p0冑共d − c兲 / 2 1.21779 1.17801 1.14307 1.09036 1.02289 1.00000 0.97312 0.85676 0.72845 0.63007 0.55672 0.55672 0.63007 0.72845 0.85676 0.97312 1.00000 1.02289 1.09036 1.14307 1.17801 1.21779 1.21779 1.17801 1.14307 1.09036 1.02289 1.00000 0.97312 0.85676 0.72845 0.63007 0.55672 0.55672 0.63007 0.72845 0.85676 0.97312 1.00000 1.02289 1.09036 1.14307 1.17801 1.21779 NOVEMBER 2008, Vol. 75 / 061015-9 Table 4 Normalized generalized SIFs for a Mode-III crack at 艎̃ ˜ = 0.1, 艎̃ = 0.01, and various values of  KIII共c兲 ˜ p0冑共d − c兲 / 2 1.23969 1.12585 1.04849 0.96814 0.94385 0.91677 0.80277 0.67637 0.49938 0.49938 0.67600 0.80248 0.91658 0.94385 0.96828 1.04854 1.12584 1.23969 −2.00 −1.00 −0.50 −0.10 0.00 0.10 0.50 1.00 2.00 • KIII共d兲 p0冑共d − c兲 / 2 2. Classical LEFM, Nonhomogeneous Materials 共G ⬅ G共y兲 = G 0e ␥ y 兲 • 冕冋 G.H.P. would like to thank the support from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMS 0115954 共Mechanics and Materials Program兲 and from the NASA-Ames “Engineering for Complex Systems Program,” and the NASA-Ames Chief Engineer 共Dr. Tina Panontin兲 through Grant No. NAG 2-1424. A.C.F. acknowledges the support from the USA National Science Foundation 共NSF兲 through Grant No. DMS-9971322 and UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellowship. Y.-S.C. thanks the support from the Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Program of the Office of Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC; he also thanks the grant 共No. W911NF-05-1-0029兲 from the U.S. Department of Defense, Army Research Office. Organized Research Award 共2007兲 from University of Houston-Downtown is also acknowledged by Y.-S.C. Appendix: Hierarchy of Governing Integral Equations In this appendix, we list the type of the physical problem under antiplane shear loading, its governing PDE, and integral equation associated with the choice of the density function. The corresponding references in the literature are also provided. Erdogan and Ozturk 关22兴 have investigated this problem as bonded nonhomogeneous materials with an interface cut. 3. Classical LEFM, Nonhomogeneous Materials 共G ⬅ G共x兲 = G 0e x兲 • • • 冕冋 • d G0 = 共t兲 dt = p共x兲, c 共t − x兲2 c⬍x⬍d 共A2兲 Many standard textbooks have covered the Laplace equation 共see, for example, Ref. 关21兴兲. 061015-10 / Vol. 75, NOVEMBER 2008 册 c⬍x⬍d 共A4兲 冕冋 册 d 1  G共x兲 = + N共x,t兲 共t兲dt 2 + 共t − x兲 2共t − x兲 c = p共x兲, c⬍x⬍d 共A5兲 The regular kernels Ñ共x , t兲 in Eq. 共A4兲 and N共x , t兲 in Eq. 共A5兲 can be found in Ref. 关6兴. Erdogan 关7兴 has studied this problem for bonded nonhomogeneous materials. 4. Gradient Elasticity, Homogeneous Materials 共G ⬅ G0兲 • • PDE: Helmholtz–Laplace equation 共1 − ᐉ2ⵜ2兲ⵜ2w共x , y兲 = 0. Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲 / x: 冕再 d 冎 1 = − 2ᐉ2 1 − 共ᐉ⬘/ᐉ兲2/4 + + K0共t − x兲 共t兲dt c 共t − x兲3 t−x 共A1兲 Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲: c 1  + log兩t − x兩 + Ñ共x,t兲 共t兲dt t−x 2 Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲: d c⬍x⬍d d = p共x兲, PDE: Laplace equation ⵜ2w共x , y兲 = 0. Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲 / x: 冕 PDE: Perturbed Laplace equation 共ⵜ2 + 共 / x兲兲w共x , y兲 = 0. Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲 / x: G共x兲 – 1. Classical LEFM, Homogeneous Materials 共G ⬅ G0兲 冕 −a⬍x⬍a 共A3兲 Acknowledgment 共t兲 G0 dt = p共x兲, – ct − x 册 a 1 G0 – + K̃␥共x,t兲 共t兲dt = p共x兲, −a t − x the solution around the crack tips is affected by the strain-gradient theory, and not by the gradation of the materials. Also, the integral equation formulation has been found to be an adequate tool for implementing the numerical procedures and to assess physical quantities such as crack surface displacements, strains, stresses, and SIFs. Further experiments are needed for justifying the physical aspects of the method. Future work includes extension of the theory to Mode-I crack problems. • • PDE: Perturbed Laplace equation 共ⵜ2 + ␥共 / y兲兲w共x , y兲 = 0. Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲 / x: + ᐉ⬘ p共x兲 ⬘共x兲 = 2 G0 共A6兲 Fannjiang et al. 关5兴 have studied Eq. 共A6兲 in detail. 5. Gradient Elasticity, Nonhomogeneous Materials 共G ⬅ G共y兲 = G 0e ␥ y 兲 • • PDE: 共1 − ␥ᐉ2共 / y兲 − ᐉ2ⵜ2兲共ⵜ2 + ␥共 / y兲兲w共x , y兲 = 0. Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲 / x: Transactions of the ASME 冕再 a − 2ᐉ2 5ᐉ2␥2/8 + ᐉ⬘␥/4 + 1 − 共ᐉ⬘/ᐉ兲2/4 G0 = + −a 共t − x兲3 t−x 冎 关3兴 + k␥共x,t兲 共t兲dt + G共ᐉ⬘/2 + ᐉ2␥兲⬘共x兲 = p共x兲, 兩x兩 ⬍ a 共A7兲 This is the Part I paper by Paulino et al. 关1兴. 6. Gradient Elasticity, Nonhomogeneous Materials 共G ⬅ G共x兲 = G 0e x兲 • PDE: 共1 − ᐉ2共 / x兲 − ᐉ2ⵜ2兲共ⵜ2 + 共 / x兲兲w共x , y兲 = 0. • Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲 / x: 冕再 关2兴 关4兴 关5兴 关6兴 关7兴 关8兴 d 3ᐉ2 1 − 3ᐉ22/8 − 关ᐉ⬘/共2ᐉ兲兴2 1 = − 2ᐉ2 − + c 共t − x兲3 2共t − x兲2 t−x 冎 + k共x,t兲 共t兲dt + = p共x兲/G, • ᐉ⬘ ᐉ⬘ ⬘共x兲 + 共x兲 2 2 关10兴 关11兴 c⬍x⬍d This is the main governing integral equation 共55a兲. Integral equation with the density function 共x兲 = w共x , 0兲: 冕冦 d 3ᐉ2 1 = − 6ᐉ2 + 4 − c 共t − x兲 共t − x兲3 冋 冉 冊册 1− 冉 冊 ᐉ⬘ 2 3ᐉ22 − 8 2ᐉ 2 共t − x兲 冧  ᐉ ᐉ⬘ 1− + 16 2 2ᐉ + + k̃共x,t兲 共t兲dt t−x 2 + 2 3 冋冉 冊 册 1 ᐉ⬘ ᐉ⬘ ᐉ ⬘ ⬘共x兲 − ⬙共x兲 − 2 2 ᐉ 2ᐉ p共x兲 , = G共x兲 3 + 关9兴 ᐉ⬘ 共x兲 8ᐉ2 c⬍x⬍d 关12兴 关13兴 关14兴 关15兴 关16兴 关17兴 关18兴 关19兴 关20兴 关21兴 References 关1兴 Paulino, G. H., Chan, Y.-S., and Fannjiang, A. C., 2003, “Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials-Part I: Crack Journal of Applied Mechanics 关22兴 Perpendicular to the Material Gradation,” ASME J. Appl. 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