Aggreg gg gate Demand Aggregate Supply 15 012 Applied Macro and International Economics 15.012 Alberto Cavallo February 2011 Class Outline • The Business‐Cycle: Potential and Actual GDP • Aggregate Demand (AD) – The interest‐rate effect and slope • Aggregate Supply (AS) – Long Long‐run run potential output, vertical AS – Short‐run sticky prices, positive slope AS • Effects of Policies in AS‐AD AS AD Alberto Cavallo ‐ 15.012 © MIT Sloan School of Management Potential and Actual GDP Y = C + G + I + NX • Potential GDP estimate of GDP when all factors of production (capital (capital, labor, labor and technology) are used at “normal” rates – Long‐run Growth theory Y = Af(K,L) not in 15.012 • Actual GDP can be different because of booms and recessions – These Th are sh hort‐run t flucttuati fl tions, allso calllled d the th “b “busiiness cycle” – We will use the AS‐AD model to analyze it Alberto Cavallo ‐ 15.012 © MIT Sloan School of Management Potential and Actual GDP Output Boom A t l GDP Actual Potential GDP Recession Time Alberto Cavallo ‐ 15.012 © MIT Sloan School of Management IS‐LM and AS‐AD IS Curve Goods market Y‐C‐G = I(i ( ,,bc)) P AS Aggregate Demand LM Curve LM C Money Market Ms = Md(PY,i) i IS Aggregate Supply (sticky prices) AD Y LM Prices and Output Y IS‐LM and AS‐AD • AS‐AD prices can change ‐ + • In the money market… Ms = Md(i,PY) Money Market i Ms ‐ + Md(I, PY) M Aggregate Demand Why is the AD curve downward sloping? (not micro…) • Wealth effect ↓P wealthier ↑C ↑Y P • Interest rate eff ffect (LM) ↓P less money needed to buy ↓ Md put money in bank ↓ i ↑I ↑Y AD • Exchangge rate effect ↓P ↓ i ↑Capital Ou lows Sell dollars Dollar Depreciates ↑ net exports X ↑Y ↑Y Y The interest rate effect Money Market i IS‐LM IS ‐LM Ms i AD P LM LM’ with lower P Md((PY,,i)) Md((PY,i)’ Md PY,i)’ M IS AD Y ↓P less cash needed to buy things↓ Md ↓ i ↑I ↑Y Alberto Cavallo 15.012 © MIT Sloan School of Management Y Aggregate Demand Y = C + I + G + NX P Increases in C, I, G or NX will make the AD curve shift to the right AD Y Monetary Policy and AD A • Expansionary monetary polic policy ↑ money supply ↓ interest rates ↑investment ↑ Y and AD Money Market i Ms IS‐LM Ms Ms’ i AD LM LM’ IS AD Md(PY,i) M P Y AD’ Y Fiscal Policy and AD • Expansionary fiscal policy ↑ G ↑ AD Or ↓ T ↑C ↑ AD AD IS‐LM i AD P LM IS’ IS AD Y AD’ Y Demand and Supply • Monetary and fiscal policies move aggregate aggregate demand (AD) • But final impact on Y and P depends on…. on • Aggregate Supply (AS) –Long run –Short run AS curve in Long Run • Long‐run (LRAS) capacity to produce by an economy given by Y=Af(K,L) P LRAS = Potential Output K is the capital stock, which depends on savings and investments L is the labor force, affected by workers and average number of hours worked AD Y A is the technology, skills, quality of management. AS Curve in Short Run • Completely Flexible prices (classical view) – Output is given i by potential i l output – Increase in AD lead only to increases in price • AS curve is a vertical line • Monetary and fiscal policy have no effect on output P AS = Potential Output Flexible Prices Actual Y= Potential Y AD Y AS Curve in Short Run • Completely fixed prices (Keynesian view) – Increases in AD can be met by increases in output • AS curve is a horizontal line • Mone Monetary tary and fisc fiscal al policy can affect affect output P AS AD Y Fixed Prices AS Curve in Short Run • New “consensus” view: – Upward‐sloping AS curve due to “sticky” prices Sticky Prices firms adjust prices slowly P AS Why? •Menu Costs •Contracts •Contracts •Staggered price setting •Coordination failure •Customer relations AD Y AS Curve in Short Run • New “consensus” view: – Upward‐sloping AS curve due to “sticky” prices Sticky Prices firms adjust prices slowly P AS Why? •Menu Costs •Contracts •Contracts •Staggered price setting •Coordination failure •Customer relations AD Y Curved depends on the degree of slack in the economy (more Keynesian i to th he lleft, f classical to the right) AS‐AD AS AD in equilibrium P LRAS AS AD Y Policy example: Expansionary MP Short ‐ Run P Short‐run effects: ↑P and ↑Y LRAS AS Y actual > Y Pot boom b or over‐employment AD’ AD Y YPot Y actual inflationary gap Examp ple: Exp pansionaryy MP Transition to Long ‐ Run AS final P With time, AS moves up as more and more firms adjust their prices LRAS AS In the LR, Y actual = Y Pot Longg‐run effects: ↑ P no change in Y AD’ AD Y YPot Y actual AS‐AD AS AD and policy analysis • What is your starting position? • Equilibrium • Boom • Recession • What is the main shock? • Demand d or supply? l ? • Different policies can achieve different things • Monetary and Fiscal Policy target the AD • Supply‐side policies target the AS Demand‐shock Demand shock Recession LRAS P Fall in AD ↓ Y, ↓ P AS ‐Policy Response? Expansionary Monetary and/or Fiscal Policy ↑ Y, ↑ P restore the eq quilibrium AD AD’ Y Y actual YPot Supply‐shock Supply shock Recession Recession LRAS P If there is an oil price shock that shifts AS in ↓ Y, ↑ P (stagflation) AS Policyy options? p 1 Option 1: Shift AD out to stabilize Y B 2 A 3 Option 2: Shift AD In to stabilize P AD Y Option 3: “Supply Side” Economics production incentives to get closer to potential Y try to push LRAS as well US in the 80 80’s: s: Reagan Courtesy of Trading Economics, Used with permission. Remember • Th The AS‐AD AS AD model d l and d transition i i back b k to potential i l output • Monetary and fiscal policy in the AS‐AD model • Use it for shock and policy analysis: – St Starting ti position? iti ? – Type of shock? – Effects of policies? Short‐run Short run vs Long Long‐run run Next Class • So far we have talked about stabilization • policies in an closed economy • Next two classes we will talk more about how the Central Bank operates, introduce exchange rates and discuss financial crises MIT OpenCourseWare 15.012 Applied Macro- and International Economics Spring 2011 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: