1 Uma Charan Patnaik Engineering School, BERHAMPUR-760010(Odisha) (Under Directorate of Technical Education & Training, ETET Department, Government of Odisha) Phone No.(0680) – 2291826 QUOTATION CALL NOTICE 1478 Date 14.08.2012 Sealed Quotations are invited from the reputed firm for Supply of Tools and Equipments, Books, Furniture for All Engineering Departments of U C P Engineering School, Berhampur, Government Polytechnic, Berhampur and equipments of MODROB Scheme of Government Polytechnic, Berhampur for the year 2012-13. The sealed quotations shall reach to undersigned on or before 06.09.2012 positively. The quotations shall be super scribed in separate envelope mentioning the name of the institute, branch and scheme. The same will be opened before the Purchase Committee of this institution on 07.09.2012 at 11.30 AM. The Authority reserve the right to cancel partly or fully without assigning any reason thereof. The details specification of items can be obtained from U.C.P. Engineering School, Berhampur during the office hours or to download the same from the Web site www.ucpes.in . Any quarry please contact- 09437620754 or principalucpes@gmail.com PRINCIPAL U.C.P. Engineering School, Berhampur Terms and Conditions 1. An EMD of Rs 2000/- in favour of Principal U C P Engineering School, Berhampur, drawn in any nationalized branch payable at Berhampur should be submitted with quotation. 2. Sealed quotation should be submitted department wise either by person or by registered post/speed post or courier. 3. Rate of each item quoted should include all taxes, packaging, transport, insurance and other charges (if any). 4. Any equivalent item/item of other make with same specification may be quotated. 5. Delivery of items at the institution within 21 days of placing order failing which EMD will be forfeited. No extension for supply of goods will be entertained. 6. VAT clearance and Income tax clearance should be enclosed with the quotation. 2 LIST OF MEASURING INSTRUMENTS TO BE PURCHASED FOR U.C.P. ENGINEERING SCHOOL, BERHAMPUR. Department of Civil Engineering 1. Digital Weighing Balance (Least Count 0.001gm Capacity 400gm) 2. Digital Weighing Balance (Least Count 0.01gm Capacity 4000gm) 3. Metallic tape (30 m) 4. Steel tape ( 15 m) 5. Prismatic compass with stand 6. Auto Level with all accessories 7. pH Meter 8. Water Analysis Kit 9. Pychnometer 10. Turbidity meter 11. TDS Meter CAD LAB 12. HP Large Format Printer printing up toA0(Plotter) 13. HP Large Format Printer printing up toA1(Plotter) 14. STRAD pro software (Latest version )Single user(Bentley) 15. AutoCad software(Latest version)Single user (Autodesk) 16. Revit Architecture software (Latest version)Single user (Autodesk) 17. Window AC (latest star rating) 1.5T with stabilizer 18. Window AC (latest star rating) 2T with stabilizer 19. Split AC (latest star rating) 2T with stabilizer 20. Split AC (latest star rating) 1.5T with stabilizer 21. Moulded Chair Neelkamal or equivalent) 22. Sony VPL EX 120 Projector 23. Laptop(Dell) make core i5, Inspiron 14 (N4050) 24. CAT-6 cable UTP(Digi link) per meter 25. Data router switch 100/1000Mbps unmanaged 4 port (Digi Link) 3 26. Data router switch 100/1000Mbps unmanaged 8 port (Digi Link) 27. Data router switch 100/1000Mbps unmanaged 16 port (Digi Link) 28. PVC Conduit fire resistive 25mm dia 1mm thick pipe per meter 29. RJ-45 connectors Department of Mechanical Engineering 1. Vernier Calipers – 300mm (Mitutoya) 2. Vernier Height Gauge – 600mm (Mitutoya) 3. Micrometer – 0 to 25mm 4. Micrometer – 25 to 50mm 5. Micrometer – 50 to 75mm 6. Micrometer – 75 to 100mm 4. Steel Rule – 300mm Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 1. VLSI kit(FPGA kit) ( OMEGA Model No VLSI - 1021) 2. Multiuser Simulation package.( PSPICE ) 3. Multiuser VHDL Simulator Software ( Xilinx Version 7 or 8 ) 4. Synthesis Software (MATLAB Version 9 ) 5. 8051 Microcontroller kit and its accessories 6. PLC – 300 (MITSUBISHI PLC) Trainer Department of Electrical Engineering 1. AMMETER D.C Ammeter0-2.5amp(PMMC type) 1. D.C/A.C Ammeter 0-2.5A/5A (Dynamo meter type) 2. D.C. Ammeter-0-5A(PMMC type) 3. 4 D.C Ammeter 0-6A M.I (PMMC type) 4. D.C. Ammeter-0-20A/0-40A 1ph type 5. 6. A.C.Ammeter-0-1A(MI type) D.C./A.C. Ammeter-0-1A/2A(Dynamo meter type) 7. D.C./A.C. Ammeter-0-2.5A/5A(Dynamo meter type) 8. D.C./A.C. Ammeter-0-6A(M.I type) 9. D.C./A.C. Ammeter-0-10A/20A M.I 10. D.C/A.C Ammeter-0-30A M.I 11. 2. VOLTMETER 12. 1ph,0-5/6v voltmeter 13. 1ph,0-10v voltmeter 14. 1ph,0-300v voltmeter 15. D.C/A.C voltmeter 0-500v/600v M.I 16. Voltmeter 0-130v/230v M.I 17. Voltmeter 0-75v/150v/300v M.I 18. Voltmeter 0-130v/260v/500v M.I 3. WATTMETER 19. Wattmeter 1ph/0.5A/120w/250V 20. Wattmeter 1ph/2.5A/5A/500w/250V 21. Wattmeter 1ph/5A/1000w/415v 22. Wattmeter -1ph/2.5/5A,75/150/300V, 1000 W 23. Wattmeter -3ph/2 elements/10A/20A/415V, 1500 W 24. Wattmeter (Dynamo type) 0-1500W/250V,5/10A 4. ENERGY METER 25. 1ph,5-10amp,250v,a.c energy meter 26. 3ph,2 elements,5kw,440v AC energy meter 5 5. POWER FACTOR METER 27. Power factor meter 1ph type 28. Power factor meter 3ph,10amp,440v 29. Tong tester(A&V) a.c 25-125amp/125-250v 30. Multimeter(A.V.O) simpson make 31. Ohm meter 0-5k 32. Digital Frequency meter 1ph,100 hz,250v 33. Phase sequence indicator 3ph,415/230v 34. Stroboscope 0-5000 rpm 35. Digital stop watch 6. RHEOSTAT 36. Sliding rheostat 45ohm,5amp,230v 37. Sliding rheostat 100ohm, 10amp 38. Sliding rheostat 500ohm, 10amp 39. Sliding rheostat 1000ohm,10amp 40. Dual Beam Dual Trace Oscilloscope meter 20 Mhz-with front panel control Omega Make or equivalent Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology Sl. No. 1. Name of the Small Tools & Equipment Digital Logic Probe kit (model PIC12C508) 2. KIT24 : Logic Probe 3. Signature Analyzer 4. 5. PC-Assembling Trainer Kit (for Pentium 4 and above) Time Domain Reflecto meter Cable fault locator TDR 6. Analog IC Tester 7. EPROM Eraser 6 8. EPROM Programmer 9. Universal IC Programmer 10. Universal IC Tester Department of Mathematics & Science Engineering 1. Slide Calipers- least count 0.01 cm for physics experiment 2. Screw gauge least count 0.001 cm for physics experiment 3. Sperometer least count 0.001 cm for physics experiment 4. Bar Magnet- 2” 5. Magnetic Compass needle – 25 mm size 6. Glass prism for physics experiment 600 size- 50 mm x 50 mm 7. Spherical Bob ¾ “ Department of Chemical Engineering List Of Small Tools(Glassware) Sr no Name of Glassware Make 1 Wash bottle ,250ml Tarson 2 Bottle with standard taper stopper, LDPE Tarson 3 Dropping Bottle,60 ml Tarson 4 Volumetric Flask,100ml Tarson 5 Volumetric Flask,250ml Tarson 6 Tarson 10 Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,10ml Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,25 ml Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,100ml Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,250ml Immoff Settling cone,100ml 11 Beaker Transparent, Auto cleavable,250ml Tarson 7 8 9 Tarson Tarson Tarson Tarson 7 12 Beaker Transparent, Auto cleavable, 500ml Tarson 13 Conical Flask with screw cap, 250ml Tarson 14 Funnel, PP, 50 mm Tarson 15 Separating funnel, 500ml Tarson 16 Retort stand, Plastic coated rod Tarson 17 Separating funnel Holder Tarson 18 Pipette Rack 12 place Tarson 19 Rack for microtube Tarson 20 Test tube stand Tarson 21 Burette with screw type rotaflow stop cock with PTFE JSGW 22 Burette stand,Plastic 23 JSGW 24 Burette automatic mounted on reservoir with screw type rota flow stop cock with PTFE Pipette measuring graduated 5 ml 25 Pipette 5ml Borosil/Riviera 26 Pipette, 10ml Borosil/Riviera 27 Pipette,25ml Borosil/Riviera 28 BOD Bottle Borosil/Riviera 29 Kjeldah Flash,300ml Borosil/Riviera 30 Specific Gravity Bottle,10 ml JSGW 31 Specific Gravity Bottle,25 ml JSGW 32 Thermometer,0oC- 100 oC, Mercury 33 Thermometer,0oC- 50 oC, Alcohol 34 Thermometer,-10oC- 50 oC, Alcohol 35 Hydrometer, 600-700 36 Reagent bottle, Wide mouth,250 ml JSGW 37 Round bottom Flask Borosil/Riviera 38 Condenser for round bottom flash Borosil/Riviera 39 Rubber stopper, different size 40 Platinum loop for salt testing 41 Hard glass test tube 42 Test tube holder Borosil/Riviera 8 43 Watch glass 44 Weighing bottle 45 Spatula 46 Tong 47 Heating Mantle, 250ml 48 Heating Mantle, 500 ml 49 Glass rod 50 Glass Tube Department of Biotechnology Sr no Name of Glassware Make 1 Wash bottle ,250ml Tarson 2 Bottle with standard taper stopper, LDPE Tarson 3 Dropping Bottle,60 ml Tarson 4 Volumetric Flask,100ml Tarson 5 Volumetric Flask,250ml Tarson 6 Tarson 10 Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,10ml Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,25 ml Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,100ml Measuring Cylinder, Translucent, Auto cleavable,250ml Immoff Settling cone,100ml 11 Beaker Transparent, Auto cleavable,250ml Tarson 12 Beaker Transparent, Auto cleavable, 500ml Tarson 13 Conical Flask with screw cap, 250ml Tarson 14 Funnel, PP, 50 mm Tarson 15 Separating funnel, 500ml Tarson 16 Retort stand, Plastic coated rod Tarson 17 Separating funnel Holder Tarson 18 Pipette Rack 12 place Tarson 7 8 9 Tarson Tarson Tarson Tarson 9 19 Rack for microtube Tarson 20 Test tube stand Tarson 21 Burette with screw type rotaflow stop cock with PTFE Burette stand, Plastic JSGW JSGW 24 Burette automatic mounted on reservoir with screw type rota flow stop cock with PTFE Pipette measuring graduated 5 ml 25 Pipette 5ml Borosil/Riviera 26 Pipette, 10ml Borosil/Riviera 27 Pipette,25ml Borosil/Riviera 28 BOD Bottle Borosil/Riviera 29 Culture Tube, Flat Bottom Borosil/Riviera 30 Specific Gravity Bottle,10 ml JSGW 31 Specific Gravity Bottle,25 ml JSGW 32 Thermometer,0oC- 100 oC, Mercury 33 Thermometer,0oC- 50 oC, Alcohol 34 Thermometer,-10oC- 50 oC, Alcohol 35 Hydrometer, 600-700 36 Reagent bottle, Wide mouth,250 ml JSGW 37 Round bottom Flask Borosil/Riviera 38 Condenser for round bottom flash Borosil/Riviera 39 Rubber stopper, different size 40 Tissue culture flask with vented orcap,25 cm2 grow area 41 Hard glass test tube 42 Test tube holder 43 Watch glass 44 Weighing bottle 45 Spatula 46 Tong 47 Petri Disc 48 Heating Mantle, 500 ml 49 Glass rod 22 23 Borosil/Riviera Borosil/Riviera 10 50 Glass Tube 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Hand operated centrifuge for Milk testing Electric operated centrifuge for Milk testing SS Funnel cum Strainer for Milk testing Milk Butyrometer and lock stopper SS milk collecting tray SS sampling of milk with piper and plunger Milk fat tester Super centrifuge Electric milk tester Lactoscan Gerber make milk testing kit Over Head Projector with automatic cooling fan Hand held Drill machine Any reputed make Fully automatic milk fat machine Lactometer Jar ICS sampler Lactoscan milk analyser All glass water double distillation apparatus Horizontal Laminar air flow 800VA Sinewave Inverter Microtek/Luminous Exide Inverter battery Trolley for Inverter All In One PC with latest configuration Dell/Lenovo/HP LCD projector Sony or equipment Auto clave Vertical Stainless Steel Yarco make 73 74 TOOL- KIT (HAND TOOLS) Workshop 1. Hacksaw frame (adjustable)-300mm 2. Hacksaw frame (fixed)-300mm 3. Flat file (Rough) - 30mm (JK/ Taparia) 4. Flat file (Smooth) - 15mm (JK/ Taparia) 5. Knurling Tool (2 wheeler) 6. Snip – 300mm 7. Snip – 600mm 8. Bench vice – 150mm 9. Hand Circular Saw Machine. 10. Wooden Power Planning Machine. 11 LIST OF FURNITURES Sl.No. 1 2 3 Item Faculty Chair with arm Faculty Table with box type drawers Steel Racks Specification As in fig-4 Steel Table (120cm x 90cm) as in fig-5 3 shelves each (4’x2’-6”) separate by height1’-6” (fig-3) 4 5 Student’s bench-cum-Desk Computer Table: 6 7 8 COMPUTER CHAIR, Moulded Plastic Chair with arm Dimensions and sketch given as in fig-6 Wooden Size 4 ft L X 3 ft W with Drawer and Provision for key board,CPU and UPS as in fig-1 Revolving with back support Refer fig-2 Made of non-sal wood: 78” X 36” X 19” Wooden Almirah for keeping Chemicals Computer table Fig-1 Plastic moulded chair Fig-2 Steel rack Fig-3 12 Faculty chairs Fig-4 Faculty table Fig-5 Student’s bench –cum- Desk 13 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. SL Name Of The Book 1 Operational Amplifier & Linear Integrated Circuit – R.K. Geakward (PHI) 2 PCB Design Technology Walter Boshart. 3 Liner Electronics Circuits & Devices-James cox. 4 Electronic Communication by G.Kennedy 14 5 Electronics Communication by Sanjay Sharma. 6 Principle of Communication by A.Singh & A.K.Chabra 7 Radio Engineering by G.K Mithal 8 Communication System by R.P.Singh & S.D.SAPRE 9 Advanced Communication by Thomasi. 10 Digital Communication by CH Kranthi Rekha 11 Microprocessor Arch, Programming & Application by R.S. Goankar. 12 Advanced microprocessor and peripherials, programmer by A.K.Roy and K.M.Bhurchand, PHI. 13 Microprocessor & micro computer By S.K. Mandal ,TMH 14 Microprocessor by M. Rafiquizaman,PHI 15 Microprocessor & Pherials- S.P. Chowdhury & Sunetr Choudhury 16 Industrial Electron ics by M.Ram.Murty. 17 Power Electronics by P.S.Bhimbra. 18 Power Electronics by Singh & Khanchandhni, TMH. 19 Practical SCR / Triac projects by M.C Sharama 20 21 Principle of Communication by Taub & Schilling. ModemElectronicComm.by A.Sharma & R.K.Sinha 22 Radio Engineering by ML Gupta. 23 Network analysis by G.K.Mithal. 24 Data Communication and Networking by B.A.Forouthan 25 MobileComputing by Dr N.N.Jani & N.Kannabar Schand 26 Consumer Electronics by B.R.Gupta,Sk Kataria & Sons 27 COMS Digital integrated Circuits –Analysis & Design –Sung Mo-Kang & Yussuf Leblebici, TMH. 28 VHDL Programming by example – Perry TMH 29 Embedded System Frank Vahid & Tony Givaagis 30 Microcontrollers by Ajaya Deshmukh, TMH 31 Optical Fiber comm. Principles and practice John M.Senior. 32 Wireless Digital Communication – Rapaport. 33 Optical Fiber Communication by G.Keiser 34 35 Satellite Comm.- Rebort M.Gagriardi Digital signal processing principles algorithms & applications by J.G.Proakis & Dimities G. Manolakis, Peason. 36 Digital Signal Processing by Ramesh Babu 15 37 Digital Signal Processing by S Salivahanan, A Vallavaraj, C Gnanapriya Tata Mc Graw Hill 38 Electronic devices – by Flody Person Education 39 Circuit Theory – A.ChakRabatri, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 40 Electrical Network by Ravish R Singh, Tata Mc Graw-Hill 41 Funadamental of Digital Electronics – Ananda Kumar , PHI 42 Electronic Instrumentation by H S Kalsi Tata Mc Graw-Hall Department of Civil Engg. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of books Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Construction Planning ,Equipment and methods Design of Steel Structures (By Limit State Method as Per IS: 800 2007) Limit State Design of Steel Structures Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design (RCC) National Building Code of India 13 Handbook on concrete Reinforced and detailing ( SP-34 Estmating, costing , specification & valuation Estmating & costing Civil engg drawing Accessing Autocad Architecture-2012 Highway Engineering 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Theory of Structure Reinforced Concrete Design of Steel Structure Strength of Material Fluid Mechanics Strength of material Soil Mechanics 9 10 11 12 Author Pankaj Agarwal & Manish Shrikhande Robert L. Peurifoy Publisher Prentice Hall S S BHAVIKATI I K International SK Duggal Tata McGraw hills B C Punmia & A K Jain Laxmi P C Verghese Prentice Hall Bureau of Indian Standard Tata McGraw hills Bureau of Indian Standard M Chakraborty M Chakraborty B N Dutta M Chakraborty William G. Wyatt Sangam books Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Autodesk S.K.Khanna & C.E.G.Justo R.S. Khurmi H.J.Saha Samal & Panigrahi R.K.Rajput R.K.Bansal Ramamrutham B.C Punmia Nem Chand & brothers S.Chand Charotar Kalyani Publishers S.Chand Laxmi Dhanapat Rai Laxmi Department of Computer Science Engg. & IT Sl.No. Name of books 1 Data Structure Author S.Lipschutz Publisher Schaum Series 16 2 Fundamental of Computer Architecture Parthasarthy TMH 3 Computer System Architecture Moris mano PHI 4 Semiconductor Device MK Chuthan & Bhatt TMH 5 Principle ofElectronics VK Meheta 6 Principle of Electronics Circuits B L Thereja 7 Digital Electronics R.K.Gaur 8 Digital Electronics Floyad 9 Principle of Digital Electronics Morris & Mano 10 Computer system Organisation N.Jotwani 11 Engg Math Dr. BS Grewal Numerical Methods Goel & Mittal A text Book of Matrix Algebra S Biswas Operating System Donavan TMH Operating System Silverschz AW 16 Microprocessor Gaonkar 17 Object Oriented Programming with c++ E.Balaguruswami TMH Object Oriented Programming with C++ Kamthane Pearson 19 Data mining, Data Warehousing Gajendra Sharma Katson 20 Computer Graphics Doland Hearn,M.pauline Baker PHI 21 Multimedia Systems Biford Pearson 22 Multimedia:Sound & Vedeo Jose Lozano PHI 23 S. pandey, M Pandey Katson 24 Multimedia Systems, Tech & comm Fundamental of Software engg. Rajib Mall PHI 25 Software Engg a practitioners approach Roser S Pressman MC Graw Hill 26 Firewall 27 Software Engg Data Communication & Computer Network W.Stallings PHI 28 Introduction to Comp. Network M Bhatia Unv S press S Chand TMH 12 13 14 15 18 17 29 30 31 Computer Network Data Communication & Computer Network Tanenbaum Pearson Forouzen Dr.N.Jani, Kamaljit TMH S.Chand & company Ltd. 32 Mobile computing An Introduction to Database System 33 Database System Concept A. Silberschatz 34 Management Information System Dr.A.k.Gupta S.Chand & company Ltd. 35 E-commerce and Mobile Commerce Technology E-commerce U.S.Pandey & S.Sukal S Chand Bhushan Dewan S Chand Concepts of E Commerce A K pandey Katson 38 TCP/IP Vol- I Douglas E Corner PHI Ivan Byross BPB 39 HTML Web Design Perl, CGI, Java Script Internet & Web Page Design Sisodia BPB 36 37 40 41 42 C.J.Date Java Black Book Java Complete Reference 43 Cryptography & Network security A.Kahate TMH 44 Software Project management TMH 45 Design & Analysis Algorithm Bob Hughes & Mike Cotterell N.Updhya Fundamentals of computer Algorithm E. Horowtz,S Shni Galgotia Algorithm Berman,Paul 48 Computer management & planning Utpal Baneljee Cengage Learning TMH 49 Advanced microprocessor & peripherals TMH Advanced microprocessor & peripherals A.K.Ray, K.N.Bhurchandi B Ray Software Testing Rajib Chopra S k Kataria & Sons 46 47 50 51 Katson TMH Department of Electreical Engg. 1 2 PowerSystem Protection & Switchgear Electrical Installation Estimating 3 4 Microcontroller(8051) Architecturs Programming & Application Programmable Logic Controller Bhuvanesh Oza Surjit Singh TMH Dhanpatrai K.J.Ayala Frank TMH 18 D.petruzella 5 6 Control System Of Engineering Control System Engineering 7 8 9 Control system Engineering Power System Operation (power) Electrical Power System & Design Testing Maintenance & Repair Electrical Machine & equipment HVDC Transmission Industrial Power Electronics Power Electronics Power Electronics Generation Transmission & Distribution 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ramesh Babu A.Anand Kumar Electrical Machinary Electrical Machines Electrical Drawing Electrical Measurement Electrical $ Electronics Measurement Circuit Network Theoty Electrical Engineering Material & Electronic Components Control System Engineering Circuit Theoty 2 3 4 Communicative English by Dr.Shachi Das English Language (Communicative Skill By Urmila Ray Engg. Math BY H.K Das S.chand publisher Intermediate Algebra By G. Samal 5 Higher Secandary math. Vol-I Samal,Mohapatra jena & Alkani 6 Text Book Of +2 physics Vol-I&II by Barick, Das,Sharma Modern Engg Physics by A Vasudev 7 8 10 11 Engg Chemistry by Jaia & Jaia Environmental Chemistry by A.K. Dey A text book of Engg. Chemistry by S.S Das Jaggi Khana H.C.Ray V.Subramanyam M.S.Rashid H.V.Despande S.K. Bhattacharya J.B.Gupta K.L.Narang A.K. Shahni R.K. Rajput Bakshi & Bakshi A.K.Chakrabarti S. CHAND S. CHAND Text Book of Industrial Chemistry VolI&II by Mihir,Das,Sharma 9 WEN TMH S.K.Kateria & Sons Department of Mathematics & Science 1 I.J Nagrath & M.Gopal P.C.Sharma M.V.Despandey Scientific Publication PHI Dhanpatray & sons S. Chand 19 Department of Mechanical Engineering 1 MATERIAL SCIENCE AND PROCESS S.K.HAZRA CHOUDHURY MEDIA PROMOTERS AND PUBLICATIONS PVT.LTD. 2 INTRODUCTION TO ENGG. MATERIALS CHINMAYA MOHAPATRA JJPP 3 4 THERMAL ENGINEERING-1 THERMAL ENGINEERING-1 A.R.BASU A.S SARAO 5 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL 6 7 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY-1 8 WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY-1 9 10 HYDRAULICS AND FLUID MECHANICS HYDRAULICS AND FLUID MECHANICS DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. TECH INDIA PUBLICATIONS EURAASIA PUBLISHING R.S.KHURMI HOUSE S RAMAMRUTHAM DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. RAGHU WANSHI DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. S.K.HAZRA MEDIA PROMOTERS AND CHOUDHURY PUBLICATIONS PVT.LTD. R.K. BANSAL LAXMI PUBLICATION R.S.KHURMI EURAASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE 11 12 WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY-2 13 14 WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY-2 WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY-2 S.K.HAZRA CHOUDHURY RAGHU WANSHI W.A.S CHAPMAN 15 THEORY OF MACHINES R.S.KHURMI 16 17 18 19 THEORY OF MACHINES THEORY OF MACHINES OIL POWER HYDRAULICS A.TEXT BOOK OF HYDRAULICS FUNDAMENTAL OF PNEUMATIC CONTROL ENGG. HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS CONTROL SAHA JADAVANI S S RATAN MAJUMDAR R.K RAJPUT 22 THERMAL ENGINEERING-2 R.S.KHURMI 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MACHINE DRAWING MACHINE DRAWING MACHINE DRAWING N.D. BHATT T.JONES R.K DHAWAN PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY-2 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY-1 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY-2 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGG. AND PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT INDUSTRIAL ENGG. AND MANAGEMENT INDUSTRIAL ENGG. AND MANAGEMENT REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION AND AIR O.P. KHANNA P.N RAO P.N RAO P.C.SHARMA DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. TELSANG S CHAND & CO C.N .M REDDY NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION O.P. KHANNA DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. R.S.KHURMI EURAASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE 20 21 31 32 33 34 35 36 MEDIA PROMOTERS AND PUBLICATIONS PVT.LTD. DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. EURAASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. TMH PUBLISHER TMH PUBLISHER S CHAND & CO FESTO K. SHANMUGA SUNDARAM C.P ARORA S.C EURAASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE S.K. KATARIA & SONS DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. 20 CONDITIONING 37 MACHINE DESIGN 38 A TEXT BOOK OF MACHINE DESIGN 39 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENT 40 41 42 43 STATISTICAL QULITY CONTROL ENGINEERING METROLOGY DOMKUNDWARA & ARORA R.S.KHURMI AND GUPTA SHARMA & AGARWAL K GANESH BABU, K. SRITHAR M. MAHAJAN R.K. JAIN ENGINEERING METROLOGY PRODUCTION PLANNING CONTROL & MANAGEMENT R.K RAJPUT K.C JAIN & AGRWAL 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING R.B. GUPTA DR. KIRPAL AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING-1&2 SINGH ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND S.K. GARG & R. GREEN TECHNOLOGY GARG INTRODUCTION TO GILBERT M. ENVIROMENTAL ENGG. & SCIENCE MASTERS CAD/CAM M.P.GROOVER CAD/CAM /CIM R.RADHAKRISHAN CAD/CAM PRINCIPLE & DR P.N RAO APLICATION KULDEEP KUMAR CAD/CAM SAREEN POWER PLANT ENGINEERING NAGPAL POWER PLANT ENGINEERING P.K NAG SKROTZKI & POWER PLANT ENGINEERING VOPAT EURAASIA PUBLISHING HOUSE S.K. KATARIA & SONS TMH PUBLISHER DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. DHANPAT RAI AND SONS. S CHAND & CO SATYA PRAKASHAN STANDARD PUBLISHER DISTRIBUTERS KHANNA PUBLISHERS PHI PUBLICATION KHANNA PUB. JMH MCGRAW HILL Department of Chemical Engg. Sr no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name of Book Modern Approch to chemical calculation . Process Equipement Design. Process Equipement Design. Labrotory work in Hydraulic Engineering. Process Calculation Pumps Systematic Experiment In Chemistry Chemical Reaction Engineering. Comprehensive Experimental Chemistry. Hard Book Of Piping Design Mass Transfer Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics through Solved problems Principle of Heat and Mass Transfer Unit Operation And Unit Process Environmental Pollution Control Engineering . Instrumental Approch To Chemical Author R.C Mukherjie Dr.S.D.Dawande - Vol-1 Dr.S.D.Dawande - Vol-2 G.L. Asawa V. Venkataramani G.K.Sahu Arun Sethi Levenspiel V.K .Aluwalia G.K Sahu Kiran D. Patil G. M. Choudhury Publication Bharati Bhawan Dennet Publication Dennet Publication New Age Publication PHI Publication New Age Publication New Age Publication Wiley Publication New Age Publication New Age Publication Nirali Prakasan Khanna Publication S. D. Dawande C. M. Narayana C.S .Rao Central Techno Publication CBS Publication New Age Publication A. K. Srivastava S. Chand Publication 21 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Analysis. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Thermodyanamics Industrial Instrumentation Fundamental Of Heat & Mass Transfer Mass Tranfer Principle Of Mass Transfer and Seperation Process Vosel’s Text Book Of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Chemical Engineering Thermodyanamics G. Haldar. PHI Publication ECKMan G.K .Roy A. Suryanarayama B.Dutta CBS Publication Khanna Publication New Age Publication PHI Publication Pearson Publication Narayanan PHI Publication A Text Book Of Organic Chemistry Experimental Physical Chemistry Pratical Chemistry (For BSc.) Laboratery Manual And Engineering Chemistry Engineering Chemistry With Laboratery Experiment Analyitical Chemistry. Fuel And Petroleum Processing. Industrial Instrumentation and Control. Bahl and Bahl V.D. Athawale O.P. Pandey S.K. Bhasin S. Chand Publication S. Chand Publication S. Chand Publication Dhanpath Rai Publication M.S. Kaurav. PHI Publication G.L .DavidKrupadanam. B. K. Shrama S.K.Singh Universial Press Guel Publication, meerut Tata McGrawhill Fuel & Construstion Instrumental Method Of Chemical Analysis Chemical Process Calculation. Analytical Chemistry Mass Transfer Operation Unit Operation in Chemical Engineering Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Samir Sarkar Chatwal and Anand K. Asokan Usharani R.E.Trebal McCabe & Smith H.S.Foggler University Press Himalaya Publication University Press Mcmillan Mcgrawhill Mcgrawhill PHI Department of Biotechnology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NAME OF BOOK Handbook of Biotechnology & chemical engineering Viva voce Orals in Biochemistry Basic Industrial Biotechnology Introduction to biotechnology Immunology Immunology Instant Notes on Immunology Environment Pollution control & Engineering Biotechnology Biochemistry 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Lehninger Principle of Biochemistry The cell An approach Cell Biology,Genetics, Molecular. Plant Biotechnology Molecular Biology of the Gene Genes Fundamental of Biochemistry Microbiology Microbiology MCQS in Microbiology A Text Book of Microbiology 23 Essentials Cell Biology AUTHOR Ponmurugan,P. Rao, B. Prabhakar Reddy, S.M. Satessh, M.K. Kuby Saras Publication B. K. Publication U. Satyanarayana U. Satyanarayana Nelson, Cox, Albert L. Lehninger Cooper` Verma, Agarwal K. K. De. Watson Brian J. Ford Voet, Voet & Pratt Presscott, Harley & klein Pelczar, Jr. Michacl Vidya Sagar. G. Ananthanarayan & Paniker Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkein Alexander Johnson 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Molecular Cell Biology Cell & Molecular Biology Concepts & experiments Molecular biology of the Cell Molecular Biology of the Cell Environmental Biotechnology Environmental Engineering Kuby Immunology Immunology Biotechnology Microbiology Introduction to Plant biotechnology Molecular Biotechnology Principle of gene Manipulation & Genomics Gene Cloning an Introduction An Introduction to Genetics Engineering Introduction to Plant tissue culture Plant Tissue Culture Techniques & experiments Harvey Lodish, James E. Darnell, David Baltimore Gerald Karp Bruce Alberts, Alexander Tim Hunt, John H. Wilson R. A. Sharma Gerard Kiely Richard A. Goldsby, Themas J. kindt Dulsy Fatima, Dr. N. Arumugan Prof V. Kumaresan A. Mani, A.M. selvaraj, L.M. Narayana, Dr. N. Arumugan H. S. Chawla Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak Cheryl L. Ratten Sandy B. Primrose, Richard Turman T. A. Brown Desmend, S. T. Nicholl M. K. Razdan Roberta, H. Smith SD/ Principal U.C.P. Engineering School Berhampur GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, BERHAMPUR LIST OF SMALL EQUIPMENT OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Sl. No . TOOLS Rate Quantity 1 Knives(Crystal) 10Nos 2 Round spoon( stainless steel ) 10 Nos 3 Perforated spoon(SS) 10 Nos 4 Flat spoon (SS) 5 N0s 5 Peeler 10 Nos 6 Anjali Spoon set( Fork, Tabel spoon & flat knives) 2 set 7 Chopper 5Nos 8 Whisk(Egg) 4Nos 9 Pressure cooker(Futura)-3ltr 1Nos 5ltr 1Nos 10 Pot holder 5 Nos 11 Non stick tawa(Nirlep) 2Nos 12 Non stick frying pan 2Nos 13 Steel Bowl-5ltr 5Nos 10 ltr 5Nos Amount LIST OF SMALL EQUIPMENT OF HM & CT DEPARTMENT Sl. No . Specification Rate Quantity 01 Deef fat fryer with stand – S.S.Make(10 Lit.Capacity) 02 Nos. 02 Juice Maker – Bajaj or Phillips make – 750 wt. 01 No. 03 Single Pizza Oven- Allied Metal works – 1500 wt. 01 No. 04 Hand Blunder ( Two whisk) – 750 ml(Bajaj/Phillips) 01 No. 05 Mixy Grinder (Heavy duty) Bajaj/Phillips – 750wt. 01 No. 06 Pot Rack (Aluminum) size – 6’x2’x6’ 01 No. 07 Pressure Cooker – 6 ltr. Capacity Heavy Base 01 No. Hawkins or Prestiege 08 Frying Pan – 14”dia, Hawkins or equivalent make 03 Nos. 09 Water Heater – 5 lit.Capacity(Bajaj Make)-1000wt. 01 No. LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS Workshop Practice SL. No. Name of Tools , Equipments & Quantity Reqd. Machineries FITTING SHOP 1 Steel rule 15cm with metric Graduation 15 2 Try Square 10cm blades 10 3 Caliper outside 15cms spring 05 4 Caliper inside 15cm spring 05 5 Caliper 15cm hermophrodite 05 6 Divider 15cm spring 05 Amount 7 8 9 10 11 05 05 05 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Straight scriber 15cm Punch centre 10cm Screw driver 15cm Chisel cold flat 10cm Hammer ball pean 0.45 kg with Handle Hammer ball pen .22 kg with Handle File flat 25cm second cut File flat 25 cm smooth File half round second cut 15cm Hack saw frame fixed 30cm Safety goggles Dot slot punch 10cm Rule steel 30cm read matric Rule steel 60cm 21 Straight edge 45cm steel 04 22 23 24 25 04 02 02 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Flat surface 45x45cm CI/Granite Marking table 91x91x122cm Universal scribing block 22 cm V-Block pair 7cm and 15cm with Clamps Square adjustable 15cm ;blade Angle place 10x20cm Level sprit 15cm metal Punch letter 3mm set Punch number set 3mm Punch hollow 6mm to 19mm set of 5 Punch round 3mm x4mm set of 2 Drill twist S/S.1.5 to 12mm by .5mm Drill twist S/S/8mm to 15mm by .5mm Taps and dies complete set in box B.A. Taps and dies complete set in 3-18mm Taps and dies complete set inbox 3-18mm set of 10 Filed wording 15cm.smooth File kniefe edge 15cm smooth File cant saw 15cm smooth File feather adge 15cm smooth File traingular 15cm smooth File round 20cm second cut File square 15cm second cut File square 25cm second cut Feeler gauge 10 blades File tringular 20cm.second cut 48 File flat 30 cm. second cut 05 49 File flat 20 cm.bastarad 10 12 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 05 05 20 20 20 20 10 05 10 06 02 05 02 03 04 03 05 05 01 set 01 set 01 set 01 set 02set 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 02set 05 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 File flat 30cm bastarad File swiss type needle set of 12 File half round 25cm second cut File half round 25 cm bastared File round 30cm bastarad File hand 15cm second cut Card file Stone oil 15 cm x 5 cm x 2.5cm Stone carboradum 15cmx5cmx5cmx4cm Can oil 0.25liter Plier combination 15cm Iron soldering 350 gm Lamp blow .55 liters Spanner with worth D.E.6.26 mm set of 10 pcs. Spanner adjustable 15cm Interchangable ratchat socket set with a co 12 mm driver,sized-32mm set of 18 snacket and attachments Box spanner set 6—25mm set of 8 with tommybar Glass magnifying 7 mm Clamp toolmaker 5cm and 7.5 cm.set of 2 Clamp 'C' 5cm Clamp “C' 10 cm Hand reamer adjustable cover in mm 9.12, 18mm-set of 3 Hand Reamer taper 4.9mm set of 6 OR-4-7mm set of 4 Reamer parallel 12-16 mm.set of 5 10 02 sets 05 05 05 05 02 02 Scraper flat 15mm Scraper 3 corner 15 cm Scraper half round 15cm Chisel cold 9mm cross cut 9mm.diamond Chesel cold 18 mm flat Chiesel cold 9mm round noze Extractor stud EZY-out Set combination 30 cm. Micrometer 0-25cm outside Micrometer 25-50 mm outside Micrometer 75-100 mm outside Micrometer 50-75 mm outside Micrometer inside 25-50- mm Venier caliper 20 cm. Venier height gauges 30 cm Venier bevel protractor(5mn.acuracy) 150mm & 02 05 05 02 02 02 02 02 05 02 set 02 set 02 set 02 02 sets 02 02 02 set 02 set 02 set 02 02 05 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 05 03 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 300mm blade Screw pitch gauge Wire gauge matric standard Drill twist T/S/-6mm to 25mm x 15 Drill chuck 12 mm Pipe wrenth 40 cm Pipe wrenth 30 cm Pipe vice 100mm Adjustable pipe tap set BSP with die set cover pipe size 15,20,25,32,38,50 mm. Wheel dresser (one for 4 units) Machine vice 10 cm. Machine vice 15 cm. Sleeve drill morse 0-1,1-2,2-3 Vice bench 12cm jaws. 02 02 02 02 set 02 01 01 01 Vice leg 10 cm. Jaw Machine vice 100 mm Wing compass 25.4 cm or 30 cm. Hand hammer 1kg with handle Hammer smith 2 kg.with handle Tonge round 250 mm Tongs flat 350 mm Smith's square 45cmx30 cm Cold set rodded 25 x200 cm Hot set rodded 25x200 mm Swages tap & bottom 12 mm/19 Swageblock 35x35x12 cm Flatters rodded 55mm square Puller top &bottom 6mm 9 mm (pair) Anvil 50 kg Anvil stand Shovel Reammer30 cm Rake Quenching tank Pocker Handle Leather apron Prick punch Mallet Snips straight 25cm Setting hammers with handle Planishing hammer Snip bent 25cm Stake hatchet Stake groobing 15 04 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 02 02 01 sets 10 02 04 04 04 02 08 04 08 02 04 06 08 08 08 06 08 08 02 134 Gauge imperial sheet 04 Modified list 135 Gauge slipat johnson metric set 03 nos 136 137 Cabridge wear block 1mm to 2mm Gauge snap go & no 25 to 50mm by 5 mm Gauge plug single ended 5-25 mm by 1mm Gauge telescope Dial test indicator .01mm on stand Sine bar 125mm Sine bar 250 Lathe tools H.S.S.tipped set Lathe tools bit 6mm x 75mm Lathe tools bit 7mmx75mm Lathe tools bit 9mmx85mm Arm strong type tool bit holder RH Arm strong type tool bit holder LH Arm strong type tool bit holder Straight Stilson wrenches 2o cm Water pump plier 250mm Pipe cutter 6mm to 50mm wheel Type Adjustable pipe chain,tonge to take pipes upto 500mm Adjustable spanner 38cm long Dial vernier calliper 0-200mm LC 0.95mm Screw thread micormeter with interchangable 0-25mm Depth micrometer 0-100mm 0.01mm Vernier Calliper 0-150mm LC 0.02mm Comparator stand with dial indicator LC 0.01mm Engineer try square (knife edge) 150mm blade Surface roughness comparison plates N1 N2 grade 08 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 04set 04 set 02 02 04 04 02 10 06 06 02 02 02 04 02 04 03 04 04 02 04 08 01 01 set 01 set SHEET METAL SHOP 1 Sheet metal tools (steel rule,folding rule and steel tape) 05 nos each 2 Circumferential rule,straight edge,steel square 05 nos each 3 Scriber, swing blade protector, spring divider 02 nos each 4 Prick punch, center punch, solid punch, hollow punch 02 nos each 5 Straight ,curved snips 05 nos each 6 Cold chisel- 05 nos 7 Beak horn stokes, half moon stoke - 02 nos each 8 Grover or seam set - 02 nos 9 Rivet set - 02 nos 10 Hammers ( ball peen,riveting,hollowing,raising) 02 nos each 11 Mallets 5 cm diameter flat peen - 12 Folding bars - 02 nos 13 Wire gauge 01 no 14 Soldering iron (straight pointed,hatched shaped) 02 nos each 15 Hollowing block- 02 nos 01 no (Basic Elect. Lab) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 02 Rules Wodden4 fold 60mm Plier insulated 150mm Plier side cutting 150mm Screw driver 100mm Screw driver 150mm Electrician connector, screw driver 100mm insulated handle thin stem Heavy duty screw driver 200mm Electrician screw driver 250mm thin stem insulated handel Punch centre 150mm x 9mm Knife double bladed electrician Neon Tester Rule steel 300mm Saw tenon 250mm Hammer, cross pein 115gms with handle Hammer ball pein 0.75kg with Handle Firmer chisel wood 12mm Gimlet 6mm Bradawl Scriber 150mm x 0.4mm (Knurled centre position ) Pincer 150mm 01 C.Clamps 200mm 150mm,100mm Spanner 150mm adjustable 15degree 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 02 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Blow lamp 0.5 litre Melting pot ladder Chisel cold firmer 25mm x 200mm Chisel wood firmed 25mm & 6mm Drill machine hand 0-6mm Capacity Electricic Drill machine portable 6mm Capacity Pillar electric drill machine 12mm capacity Allen key Oil can 0.12 liter Grease gun Outside Micrometer 0-25mm Bench grinder motorized Rawl plug tool and bit Pulley puller Bearing puller Hygrometer Thermometer 0 to 100 degree Centigrade Scissors blade 150mm Crimping toll Wire stripper 20cm Chisel cold flat 12mm Mallet hard wood 0.5 kg Hammer Exeter type 0.4 kg Hacksaw frame 200mm, 300mm 02 01 02 02 04 02 01 01 01set 02 01 01 01 02set 01 01 02set 01 04 01set 01 04 04 03 04 ( 2each) adjustable 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Try square 150mm blade Divider 150mm ,outside and inside caliper Plier flat nose 100mm Plier gas round nose 100mm Plier gas 150mm Tweezers 100mm Snip straight 150mm Snip bent 150mm Spanner D.E.metric standard set Drill hand brace 0 to 100mm Drill S.S.Twist block 2mm,5mm, 6mm set of 3 Plane smoothing cutter 50mm Gauge wire imperial File flat 200mm 2nd Cut 04 03 each 04 04 04 04 02 02 02 04 04 04 02 03 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 File half round 200mm 2nd Cut File half round 200mm 2nd Cut File round 200mm 2nd Cut File flat 150mm rough File flat 250mm bastard File flat 250mm smooth Rasp, half round 200mm bastard Iron, soldering 25W,65W &125W Copper bit soldering iron 0.25kg Desoldering gun Vice hand 50mm jaw Vice table jaw 100mm Pipe cutter to cut pipes upto 5cm Dia Pipe cutter to cut pipes upto 5cm dia Stock and die set for 20mm to 50mm G.I.pipe Stock and dies conduit Multimeter 0 to 1000 M ohms, 2.5 to 500V Digital multimeter (3-1/2 digits) A .C.Voltmeter MI 0-500 VAC Mill Voltmeter center zero 1000-100m V DC Milliameter 0-500ma DC Ammeter MC-0-1A Ammeter MC 0-5A Ammeter MC 0-15-25A AC Ammeter M.I 0.5A AC Ammeter M.I. 0-15-25A K .W.Meter 0-1-3KW A.C. Energy meter (single phase 5 amp 230V) Single phase power factor meter Frequency meter Tacho meter with stop watch Current Transformer Potential Transformer Growler Tong tester/Clamp meter 0-100 Amp A.C Megger 500 with Wheat stone bride complete with galvanometer and battery Relays over current,under voltage etc.3V,100Amp Contactor 3 phase , 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 08 04 01 01 set 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 02 each 440V,16Amp,2 NO & 2NC auxiliary contact. Contactor 3phae,440V,16Amp. NO & 2NC auxiliary contact. Limit switch Rotary switch 16A Laod Bank -5KW (Lamp/heater type) Brake test arrangement with two spring balance of 0 to 25kg rating Knife switch DPDT fitted with fuse terminals 16 amp Knife switch TPDT fitted with fuse terminal 16 amp DC power supply 0-100 volt, 5 amp. Inverter 1 KVA input 12V DC, Output 220V AC with 12 battery Voltage stabilizer-Input 150230V Ac, Output 220V AC 02 91 Rheostat 0-1 ohm, 5amp, 0-10 ohm, 5amp, 0-25 ohm, 1 amp, 0-300 ohm 1 amp 02 each 92 93 Flux meter Laboratory type induction coil 6V to 800-10000Volt 3-point DC starters c Domestic appliances e) Electric hot plate 1500 watt.220V with temperature control f)Electric kettle 1000watts,230V, g) Electric Iron 1200Watts, 230V with temperature control h) Immersion heater 750/1000/1500 W-230V Geyser 25 liter 240V (storage type) 4-point DC starters 01 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 94 95 96 02 02 02 02 02 02 set 12 12 02 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 LIST OF BOOKS TO BE PROCURED ( HM & CT DEPARTMENT) Sl.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Name of Books Indian Cookery st Tourism & Hospitality in 21 Century Modern Cookery Book 101 Way to prepare Curries Dining Room & Banquet Mgt. Break fast Food Science Nutrition Science Business Communication Complete Chinese Cooking Human Resource Management Hotel Maintenance Financial Management Management Accounting Cost Accounting Dictionary of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Hotel Front office Management Wonderful Desserts The Economics of Leisure & Tourism Great Gran Cooking Italian Jammu & Kashmir Theory of Catering Indian Tourism Communicate for Business South Indian Keral Cook Book Introduction to Accounting Managerial Economics & Tourism Business Policy Name of Author A.Khattar A. Lockwood A.K.Vohra A.Reejh Singhari A.Strianese Anup Khetrapal B.Srilakshmi B.Srilakshmi Bovee & others Den-Ta Hsuing & others Dessier Dr.N.V.Goyal/K.C.Aro Jain & Narang Sharma & Gupta Jain & Narang Harris & Howard J.A.Bordi J.Nikunj Parkeh John Tribe M.Y.Menezes Quick & Easy R.Dewan’s R.Kinton & Others S.Lahari S.Taylor Sangeeta T.Cools T.S.Grewal D.Gopal Krishna Azhar Kazmi. Publication Quantity LIST OF BOOKS TO BE PROCURED ( CSE DEPARTMENT) Sl.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Name of Books Principles of Electronics Circuit Digital Electronics Digital Electronics Comp.System Organization Structured Comp.Organization Micro Processor Introduction to Micro Processor Electronics Devices Circuit Theory Opamps & Integrated Circuit Tech. Instrumentation Devices & System E-Commerce & Mobile Tech. Concepts of E- Commerce Electronic Commerce Frame work, Technologies & Applications nd Computer Graphics(2 Edition) Principles of Multimedia Programming with C++ C in depth Computer Fundamentals Advanced HTML 4.0 with DHTML UNIX Shell Programming Fundamentals of software Engg. Sofware Engg. & Practioner App. An Introduction to Database System Database system concepts Management Information System Management Information System Internet working with TCP/IP(Vol-I) Comp.Management & Planning Adv.Microprocessor & Pripherals Crytography & Network Security -do- Principles & Practices Name of Author B.L.Thereja R.K.Gaor Floyad N.Jotwani A.S.Tamenbaum Gaonkar P.K.Ghosh/P.R.Sikadar Gayakwad Gayakwad Tangan, Sarma Dr.U.S.Pandey Adesh Ku.Pandey Bharat Bhaskar Publication S.Chand Donald Hearn/MP Baker Ranjan Paresh D.Ravichandren S.K.Srivastava Pradeep Ku.Sinha Lose A.Ramalho Yashavant P.Kanetkar Rajib Mall Roger S.Pressman C.J.Date A.Silberschatz/HG Korth Dr.A.K.Gupta W.S.Jawadekar Dauglas E,.Comer Utpal Banerjee A.K.Ray/KM Bhurchardi A.Kahate W.Stallings PE TMHE -doBPB BPB -do-doPHI MCGI TMH PHI PHI PHI PHI SCL TMHE S.Chand TMH PHI TMH TMH PH Quantity 15 Nos. 10 Nos. 05 Nos. 05 Nos. 03 Nos. 05 Nos. 05 Nos. 10 Nos. 05 Nos. 05 Nos. 15 Nos. 05 Nos. 05 Nos. 10 Nos. 05 Nos. 10 Nos. 15 Nos. 02 Nos. 10 Nos. 10 Nos. 20 Nos. 05 Nos. 10 Nos. 10 Nos. 20 Nos. 05 Nos. 15 Nos. 05 Nos. 15 Nos. LIST OF BOOKS TO BE PROCURED ( FOOD TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT) Sl.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Name of Books Preservatikon of fruits & Vegetables Processing of fruits & Vegetables Commercial Fruits & Vegetables Commercial Fruits & Veg.Products Milk & Milk Products Outliness of Dairy Tech. Chemistry of testing of Dairy product Principles of Biochemistry Bio- Chemistry Human Nutrition Human Nutrititon Food Microbiology Industrial Microbiology Basic Food Microbiology Practical Food Microbiology & Tech. Essential Microbiology Food Science Fundamentals of Food Engg. Elements of Food Engineering Packing Technology Tech of cereals & Cereal products Bakery Tech & Engineering Bread making & flour confectionery Poultry Products Tech. Meat hand book Food Analysis & quality control Food Sanitation Principles of food sanitation Dairy products Ice-cream Quality control in Food Industry Hand Book of Analysis for F&V potts Modern Method of Analysis Sensory quality Control Food Analysis Principle & Technique Sensory Analysis of Food Food Analysis Principle & Technique Introductory Microbiology Hand Book of Packaging Food Packaging Materials Modern Food Packaging Packaging of Spices Fundamentals of Food Process Engg Rice Chemistry and Tech. Name of Author Giridhar Lal & Sidappa Sidappa Wudruf & Luh W.V.Cruess Eckles, Combs Sukumal De Atherton & New lander Albert L Lehningex Lehninger Benzamin T.Barton Burton Frazier & West Hoff Casids, Prescott Banwart, Chappman HH Welser K.S.B ilgrami N.N.Potter,Sumati S.E.Charm J.C.Harper Saccharo & Griffin Kent Matz W.J.Fance G.J.Mountney Lavie Jacob Guthrie Marriot Lampart, Lincolnm Arbuckle Kramer & Twigg(I & II) Ranganna Stewart & Whittaker M.A. Amerian Pomeranz & Meloan J.R.Piggot Dieterw Geuwedit J.Heritage Paine & Paine Mahadevalaetat Indian Institute -doR.T.Toledo Juvelino Publication Quantity 04 Nos. 04 Nos. 04 Nos. 04 Nos. 04 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos. 03 Nos. 03 Nos. 04 Nos. 03 Nos. 04 Nos. 04 Nos. 04 Nos. 02 Nos. 04 Nos. 03 Nos. 03 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos. 04 Nos. 03 Nos. 04 Nos. 03 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Wheat Chemistry & Technology Post harvest Tech of cereals & Pulses Fish Technology Spices and flavour Tech. Principesl of fruit preservation Food Processing & preservation Food and Nutritition Food Activities Vitaminz-Food & Nutritition Series-2004 Food Science Pomeranz Chakravorty & Dey R.J.Robert Pruthi J.S. Morris T.W. G.Subhalaxmi Anita Tull S.W.Mahindru Johrt, Poonam B.Srilakshmi 02 nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos. 02 nos. 03 Nos. 04 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. Department of Mathematics & Science 1 2 3 4 Communicative English by Dr.Shachi Das English Language (Communicative Skill By Urmila Ray Engg. Math BY H.K Das S.chand publisher Intermediate Algebra By G. Samal 5 Higher Secandary math. Vol-I Samal,Mohapatra jena & Alkani 6 Text Book Of +2 physics Vol-I&II by Barick, Das,Sharma Modern Engg Physics by A Vasudev 7 8 9 10 11 Text Book of Industrial Chemistry Vol-I&II by Mihir,Das,Sharma Engg Chemistry by Jaia & Jaia Environmental Chemistry by A.K. Dey A text book of Engg. Chemistry by S.S Das S. CHAND S. CHAND Dhanpatray & sons S. Chand LIST OF FURNITURES Sl.No. 1 2 3 Item Faculty Chair with arm Faculty Table with box type drawers Steel Racks Specification As in fig-4 Steel Table (120cm x 90cm) as in fig-5 3 shelves each (4’x2’-6”) separate by height1’-6” (fig-3) 4 5 Student’s bench-cum-Desk Computer Table: 6 7 8 COMPUTER CHAIR, Moulded Plastic Chair with arm Dimensions and sketch given as in fig-6 Wooden Size 4 ft L X 3 ft W with Drawer and Provision for key board,CPU and UPS as in fig-1 Revolving with back support Refer fig-2 Made of non-sal wood: 78” X 36” X 19” Wooden Almirah for keeping Chemicals Almirah Computer table Fig-1 Plastic moulded chair Fig-2 Steel rack Fig-3 Faculty chairs Fig-4 Faculty table Fig-5 Student’s bench –cum- Desk Fig-6 MODROB SCHEME LIST OF PROCUREMENTS OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY DEPT FOR 2012-13 Sl. No .. 01 Name of the Equipment Specification Quantity Full-Circle Manual Polari Meter 01 No. 02 The unit of 3 mantels rating 500 watts. The unit of 6 mantels rating 750 watts 01 No. Model No:- SZF 01 No. 05 Soxhlet Extraction Appratus, Fat Analyzer machine Soxhlet Extraction Unit/ Laboratory Equipment/ Laboratory Instrument Soxhlet Extraction system Fruit mill machine Model –WXG-4Measurement Range -180°+180°Scale Value - 1° VEMIER 0.05°Magnifier – 3x Light Source – Sodium Lamp Wave Length -589.44nm Model No:- UFL-003 01 No. 06 Plate Freezer 07 New Design simple operation screw-type juicer Fruit Juicer Production Capacity -1-2T/h Cutter Rotation Speed 310r/mim Dimensional (910x600x1175mm) Model No-A520 Standard CE & ISO approved Feature:- Automatic Structure:- Compact Model No:- Freezer Capability – 1500 Kg.Plate Quantity – 11 Evaporate Temperature- -35 Condensing Temperature- +35 Suit of Area – 25.2M2 A Distance of Minute Floor-55mm The Distance of maximum floor – 108 mm Consumption cooling capability 45 KW(Temperature for good enter + 20°CTemperature for good exit - 18°C For Liquid pipe Dia 38 Hydraulic station:-1) Pump Motor power 1.5KW 380v 50Hz 2) Pump for adjust fixed the pressure 5MPa 3) Pump flow 10L/mim 4) Hydraulic oil 46 No.Hydraulic machine oil 68 Kg.Install Power1.5KW Outside size L-3460 mm, W-1900mm, H 2935mm Weight – 4000 Kg. Plate size per piece 2020x1252(mm) Model No:- FR0.5,Power-1.5(KW) Certificate CE, GS,LFGB,RoHS, 01 No. 03 04 08 01 No. 01 No. 01 No. Remarks Vegetable Juicer Slow Juicer 09 Colony Counter 10 Mini Type Spray Dryer 11 Model ESDTI Lab. Spray Dryer 12 Mini Rubber Roll Sheller 13 Rice polisher 14 Fluid bed drier 15 Table top Vacuum Packaging machine REACH, Power (W)- 150 Model No.- YG-002E Housing Material – Plastic Dimensions(LxWxH (inches) 250x180x273) Voltage (V)- 220 Rating ( Rpm) – 80 Model No:- YLN-30A/YLN-30 Specification have 5x8x10x Certificate ISO 9001 Model No:- XO-LPG2 Maximum Evaporative water 2000ml/h Entering Air Temperature 30-250°C:±1°C Leaving Air Temperature-30-120°C Pressure 686 Pa Dimension(HxWxD) – 1100x700x650mm Weight – 58 Kg. Inlet Temperature – 150 - 200°C Power Supply(V-ph-Hz) 230 -1 -50/60 Electrical Load – 3 KW Maximum Solid ( %) – 60 subject to viscosity Height of Unit – 1040 mm Width of Unit – 3300 mm Depth of Unit – 500 mm Atcomaart product code-CFT012 Brand-M.G Mfg. model no-R-9 01 No. 01 No. 01 No, 01 No. Model no-STE-08 Sample capacity-800gm Approx power required-0.50hp Single phase dimension6oox400x400mm.(LXBXH) Special features-easy maintace, high capacity, low power consumption Made of- S.S. 316 with GMP standards 304 quality Model- Design as per stringent cGMP Capacity-1kg to 5kg Electric heater 9kw of S.S. with fins Filters for inlet air-20 &5 microns Drying of the material at low temp Compact table top design 01 No. Model-DZ-260 PD Machine dimension(mm)-480x330x320 Chamber dimension(mm)-385x280x(50)90 Sealer Dimension(mm)-260x8 Pump capacity(m3/h)-10 Power consumption-0.37kw Voltage(v)-110/220/240 Frequency(Hz)- 50/60 Production cycle(time/min)-1to2 G.W(kg)-44 01 No 01No 16 Vacuum Packaging machine( Floor type) 17 Milk plate pasteurizer N.W(kg)-35 Shipping dimension(mm)-570x440x460 Trademark-DAJIANG HS code-8422400000 Trademark-DAJIANG Model-DZ-260 -2G Machine dimension(mm)-790x360x960 Chamber dimension(mm)-720x480x150x(50) Sealer Dimension(mm)-460x8x2 Pump capacity(m3/h)-20 Power consumption-0.75kw Voltage(v)-110/220/240/380/415 Frequency(Hz)- 50/60 Production cycle(time/min)-1to2 G.W(kg)-160 N.W(kg)119 Shipping dimension(mm)-910x760x1030 Model no-JY-HTST-108 Capacity-1t/h Size-1500x1500x1800 Processing- sterilizer Steam pressure-.>0.5 bar High heat recovery Stable temp control 01 No 01 No