Small Scale Coal Power Plant in Indonesia Taufik Sastrawinata Director Technology and Business Development of PT. Advance Technology Indonesia and Secretary General of Indonesian Coal Society Indonesia ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION EXPERT GROUP ON CLEAN FOSSIL ENERGY DEMAND OUT SIDE JAVA BALI By 2001, power plant capacity out side Java Bali 5,385 MW : Diesel Plant contributes 45 % CCGT & OCGT 27 %, Steam Power Plant 14 %, Hydro 13 % and 1 % is geothermal, solar and others. National Electricity Law Currently, electricity power supply and distribution managed by state owned company, PT PLN Future, electric power supply and distribution will be directed to multi buyers-multi sellers Several identified advantages of developing small scale power plant more competitive compared to Diesel Plant. provide electricity to coal mining process financing capability to install, in which in line with the financing capabilities of the country. requires 20 kV lines to distribute its generated electricity easier and faster to install. absorb of up to 80 % of local content Power plants fuel outlook according to Baseline Scenario 400 350 Gas Hydro Geothermal Coal Oil Million SBO 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Implementation of small scale coal power plant Utilizing good engineering practices compatible with the existing system. Achieving an environmentally acceptable Achieving the highest economically feasible levels of efficiency, reliability, safety and availability. Optimising the operation and maintenance (O&M) procedures of the equipment and facilities, Utilizing local available coal as the energy source, Ensuring the majority of the plant staff, as they are Indonesian personnel OTHER BENEFIT The availability of economically priced capacity and energy will lead to accelerate industrial development and to lower cost of production. It will maximize the use of Indonesian manufactured goods and services and the utilization of established Indonesian companies in order to enhance the industrial development. Development to the local economy and the local community. Enhance the attraction of industry to the region. The coal fired Steam Power Plant Consist of 2 (two) complete Stoker Boiler, capable of burning and fired with a wide range of coal The efficiency of the boiler is 84 % and overall efficiency is 21 %. Steam will be fed individually to the single flow condensing steam turbine, for electric generator driving. 1. Steam generator Type : Natural Circulation Steam Flow : 38 ton/hr Feedwater Temperature : 150 oC Superheater Steam Outlet Pressure : 38 kg/cm2 Superheater Steam Outlet Temperature: 450 oC Draft System : Balanced Draft 2. Grate and Spreader 3 Air Pollution Control: Electro static Precipitator 4. Fuel Handling: Belt Conveyor Coal Storage Coal Storage Bunker 5. Ash Handling 6. Steam Turbine System Type Rated Output Speed Main Steam Pressure Main Steam Temperature : Condensing : 7.000 kW : 3000 rpm : 35 kg/cm2 : 435 oC 7. Chlorination System: Electrolysis Analyzer 8. Water Treatment and Drinking System Raw Water Treatment And Reverse Osmosis PreTreatment Ro Pre-Treatment (Ultra filtration) Reverse Osmosis And Demin Water Tank 9. Waste Water Treatment Plant Schematic Boiler General Arrangement Boiler Island Economic Analysis Tariff Rates would be US 5 Cents/kWh, with the total project cost ranging USD 13-15 Millions The Tariff Structure proposed consists of four (4) payment elements: Capacity Charge – Component A (Capital Cost Recovery Charge) Fixed O&M Charge – Component B Fuel Payment Charge - Component C (Energy Charge) Variable O&M Charge – Component D Component Tariff Capacity Charge US$ 2.71 cents Fixed O&M Charge US$ 0.94 cents Fuel Charge US$ 1.24 cents Variable O&M Charge US$ 0.21 cents Total Electricity Tariff US$ 5.00 cents Calculated electricity price is based on Gross Capacity Net Contractual Capacity Potential Availability Factor Capacity Factor (CF) Caloric Values Fuel Cost Operation Period Interest Rate Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Payback Period Currency Exchange Rate 14.00 MW 12.68 MW 92 % 80 % 5,100kcal/kg (LHV) US$ 15 per Ton 20 years 6% 11.0 % 8 years US $1 = Rp. 8,500 National Product Memorandum of Understanding: 1. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2. Minister of Industry and Trade, and 3. Minister of Research and Technology / Chair of Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology 70 % engineered and manufactured locally. 10 units every year will be constructed. Diesel generator will cost around US$ 9 – 10 cents per kWh and small-scale coal power plant will cost US$ 5 cents per kWh.