Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors “Ampere was the Newton of electricity.” - James C. Maxwell David J. Starling Penn State Hazleton PHYS 212 Current and Resistance Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Objectives (a) Determine the current and current density for a system and relate these quantities to each other and to the motion of the charges in the system. (b) Define resistance, resistivity and conductivity, and relate them to each other, and to the voltage/current in a system using Ohm’s Law. (c) Determine the power in a DC or AC electric circuit and relate the power to observable features; be able to compare the power in different situations. Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Current — the net charge (in coulombs) that passes through a fixed plane per unit of time (seconds). Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law dq ∆q or i = i= ∆t dt Another way to write this relationship is Z Z t q = dq = idt0 . 0 (1) Power Semiconductors and Superconductors (2) Electric Current I The unit of current is the ampere (A) I 1 A = 1 C/s = 1 coulomb per second I Current can be thought of as a stream of moving Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power positive charges I In actuality, the electrons move the opposite way I This is the bulk motion, and is actually very slow I The microscopic motion is much faster I Electrons bounce around randomly at ≈100 m/s Semiconductors and Superconductors Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Electric Current Resistance Charge is conserved, so current is conserved: Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors i0 = i1 + i2 I The orientation of the conductors is irrelevant (3) Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current What if the size of the conductor changes? Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors I The current does not change (charge is conserved) I Therefore, the density of current changes I Current density: J = i/A (A/m2 ) I Non-uniform current density: Z i = J dA (4) Electric Current Question 1 When lightning strikes, the current flows from the ground upward to the clouds above. What is the direction of the electric field of the lightning? (a) upward (b) downward (c) perpendicular to the current at every point (d) parallel to the ground Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Electric Current Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Example 1 Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Find the total current through a wire of radius R = 2 mm and current density J = 2 × 105 A/m2 . Then, find the current through just the part of the wire with r > R/2. Semiconductors and Superconductors Electric Current Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Example 2 Resistance Ohm’s Law Power What is the drift speed vd of the electrons in a copper wire of radius 0.9 mm with a current of 17 mA? Assume that there is 1 charge carrier per copper atom, so that n = 8.49 × 1028 electrons/m3 . Semiconductors and Superconductors Resistance Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Resistance slows down the motion of charge (think: friction) I Definition: R = V/i I Apply a voltage V, get a current i I Unit of R: 1 ohm = 1 Ω = 1 V/A I Bigger R means we need bigger V for same i I Bigger R means we get smaller i for same V Resistance Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Can we predict the resistance of a particular object? Ohm’s Law Power I Let’s define resistivity as ρ = E/J. I We apply an elecric field, we get a current density I Units: Ωm. I Bigger ρ means smaller currents. I This is a property of the material I Resistance is a property of an object I How are they related? Semiconductors and Superconductors Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Can we predict the resistance of this object? I The resitance: R = V/i I The voltage: V = EL I The current density: J = i/A I The resistivity: ρ= E V/L VA A = = =R J i/A i L L (5) Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Or, solving for R, Power L R=ρ A I We can find the resistance of a wire if we know its (a) composition (i.e., ρ) (b) length (c) cross-sectional area I Resistivity ρ is more general than resistance R (6) Semiconductors and Superconductors Resistance Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Resistance Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Example 3 Power Semiconductors and Superconductors A rectangular block of iron has dimensions 12 x 12 x 150 mm3 . A potential difference of V is applied to opposite ends of the block. What is the resistance of the block if (a) V is applied to the square ends, and (b) V is applied to the larger ends. Resistance Question 2 A copper wire is fabricated that has a gradually increasing diameter along its length as shown. If an electric current is moving through the wire, which quantities change along the length of the wire? (a) current (i) (b) current (i) and current density (J) (c) current density (J) (d) resistivity (ρ) and current (i) (e) current (i), resistivity (ρ) and current density (J) Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Resistance Question 3 When a potential difference is applied to a copper wire, a current of 1.5 A passes through the wire. If the wire was removed from the circuit and replaced with an identical copper wire but with twice the diameter, what current would flow through the new wire? (a) 0.38 A (b) 0.75 A (c) 1.5 A (d) 3.0 A (e) 6.0 A Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Ohm’s Law Ohm’s Law is an assertion that the current through a device is always directly proportional to the potential difference applied to the device. Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors I Many devices behave this way. I We often write this as V = iR Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Ohm’s Law Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power V = iR (7) Key Ideas: I The resistance R tells us the current response of the system. I Viewed another way, the resistance R tells us how much the potential drops as charge move through the system. Semiconductors and Superconductors Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Power Power is the rate of energy transfer Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors I When charge ∆q moves through the circuit, its potential changes by V I But ∆q = i∆t I So ∆U = (∆q)V = (i∆t)V I Or, P= ∆U = iV ∆t (8) Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Power Electric Current Resistance What is the power through a resistor? Ohm’s Law Power I P = iV in general I Voltage drop across a resistor: V = iR I Power dissipated by a resistor: P = i2 R = V 2 /R I Each version has R. I The units of power are watts, W. Semiconductors and Superconductors (9) Resistance Question 4 Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance The insulated wiring in a house can safely carry a maximum current of 18 A. The electrical outlets in the house provide an alternating voltage of 120 V. A space heater when plugged into the outlet operates at an average power of 1500 W. How many space heaters can safely be plugged into a single electrical outlet and turned on for an extended period of time? (a) zero (b) one (c) two (d) three (e) four Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors Power Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Example 4 Ohm’s Law Power Semiconductors and Superconductors You are given a uniform wire made of Nichrome with a resistance of 72 Ω. Find how much energy is dissipated in the wire if (a) V = 120 V is applied across the wire; (b) the wire is cut in half and V = 120 V is applied across each piece. Semiconductors and Superconductors Not all materials conduct charge in the same way I I Semiconductors have a very high resistivity Chapter 26 Current and Resistance Electric Current Resistance Ohm’s Law I made of an insulator with small impurities Power I the process is called “doping” Semiconductors and Superconductors Superconductors have no resistivity I usually only work at low temps (about -450◦ F) I this is a quantum effect