Int J Fract DOI 10.1007/s10704-010-9527-0 ORIGINAL PAPER Long-term dynamic stability of discrete dislocations in graphene at finite temperature M. P. Ariza · M. Ortiz · R. Serrano Received: 1 February 2010 / Accepted: 22 June 2010 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010 Abstract We present an assessment of the finitetemperature dynamical stability of discrete dislocations in graphene. In order to ascertain stability, we insert discrete dislocation quadrupole configurations into molecular dynamics calculations as initial conditions. In calculations we use Sandia National Laboratories Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) and the Adaptive Intermolecular Reactive Empirical Bond-Order (AIREBO) potential. The analysis shows that the core structures predicted by discrete dislocation theory are dynamically stable up to temperatures of 2,500 K, though they tend to relax somewhat in the course of molecular dynamics. In addition, we find that discrete dislocation theory accurately predicts energies, though it exhibits a slight overly-stiff bias. Keywords Graphene · Discrete dislocations · Molecular dynamics · Dynamic stability · Finite temperature M. P. Ariza (B) · R. Serrano Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros, Universidad de Sevilla, 41092 Sevilla, Spain e-mail: R. Serrano e-mail: M. Ortiz Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA e-mail: 1 Introduction Graphene is a one-atom-thick carbon material with carbon atoms packed densely in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice arrangement, which has been observed to be stable in two dimensions on a variety of substrates (Novoselov et al. 2004) or in free-standing form (Meyer et al. 2007). Owing to its anomalous electronic behavior and remarkable mechanical characteristics (Novoselov et al. 2005; Silvestrov and Efetov 2007; Castro Neto et al. 2009; Geim and Novoselov 2007; Bunch et al. 2007), graphene has recently been identified as a promising novel semiconducting material with numerous potential applications including chemical sensing instruments, flexible displays, biosensors, nanomechanical devices, and others. However, graphene sheets grown in the laboratory are observed to contain a variety of defects (Rutter et al. 2007; Hashimoto et al. 2004). Defects can also be introduced extrinsically by a variety of means including electron-beam irradiation (Hashimoto et al. 2004; Telling and Heggie 2007; Meyer et al. 2008), adatoms (Ewels et al. 2002; Li et al. 2005), mono and multivacancies (Xu et al. 1993; Li et al. 2005; Jeong et al. 2008), and others. Conversely, thermal annealing or chemical treatment can restore graphene to its pristine defect-free state (Elias et al. 2009; Geim 2009). The motion of defects has been suggested (Suenaga et al. 2007) to be responsible for the plastic deformation of single-walled carbon nanotubes at high temperatures. However, Meyer et al. (2008) have observed a number 123 M. P. Ariza et al. of defect configurations and their real-time dynamics and have concluded that the dynamics of defects in two-dimensional graphene sheets is different from the dynamics of defects closed-shell structures such as nanotubes or fullerenes. The presence of defects in graphene modifies its physical and chemical properties and plays a key limiting role in applications. This deleterious effect motivates the need for a fundamental mechanistic understanding of the equilibrium and kinetic properties of defects in graphene. Graphene defects have been analyzed by a variety of means. For instance, Jeong et al. (2008) have studied the stability of dislocation dipoles with 5–7 core structure using density-functional theory. These 5–7 pairs have been observed to form complex defect structures (Hashimoto et al. 2004). In addition to firstprinciples calculations, interatomic potentials have also been widely used for modeling carbon structures in general and graphene in particular (Wirtz and Rubio 2004; Falkovsky 2008; Mounet and Marzari 2005; Grüneis et al. 2002; Tersoff 1988; Brenner 1990; Aizawa et al. 1990; Stuart et al. 2000; Tewary and Yang 2009). The simplest types of potential are harmonic and are defined in terms of force constants (Tersoff 1988; Aizawa et al. 1990; Wirtz and Rubio 2004; Tewary and Yang 2009). More general bond-order interatomic potentials include the reactive empirical bond-order REBO potential developed by Brenner (1990). The addition of torsion, dispersion, and non-bonded repulsion interactions to the latter potential resulted in a new hydrocarbon potential (AIREBO) that is suitable for studying reactivity in molecular condensed phases (Stuart et al. 2000). A different type of analysis of dislocations in graphene has been presented by Ariza and Ortiz (2010). This analysis relies on the theory of discrete dislocations (Ariza and Ortiz 2005; Ramasubramaniam et al. 2007) in order to derive closed form analytical solutions of displacement fields and energies of graphene sheets containing arbitrary distributions of dislocations. The approach combines lattice harmonics, the theory of eigendeformations and the discrete Fourier transform in order to formulate expressions of the stored energy of defective graphene that are analytically tractable. Despite this analytical tractability, the approach accounts seamlessly for both the long wavelength elastic properties of graphene sheets as well as for its fine lattice structure. In particular, the theory predicts dislocation core structures and core energies 123 that are in accord with more refined analyses, including first principles and molecular dynamics calculations, and with experiment. The theory also lends itself to the exact evaluation of limits of interest that are not accessible to direct simulation, such as the limit of dilute dislocation densities. Despite these appealing features, the theory of discrete dislocations makes a number of uncontrolled approximations that must be carefully assessed and verified. In particular, owing to its reliance on force constants, it is not possible to determine from within the theory if the predicted defect structures are dynamically stable over long times at finite temperature. In this work, we ascertain this question by recourse to fully-nonlinear molecular dynamics calculations. Specifically, we take the discrete dislocation solutions for a variety of dislocation configurations as initial conditions for a molecular dynamics calculation based on the AIREBO potential (Stuart et al. 2000). The calculations are carried out using the Sandia National Laboratories LAMMPS code (Plimpton 1995). We find that the discrete dislocation core structures are indeed dynamically stable over times larger than the relaxation time for the thermalization of the lattice. 2 The lattice complex of graphene A general theory of discrete dislocation in crystal lattice, and its specialization to graphene, has been developed elsewhere Ariza and Ortiz (2005), Ariza and Ortiz (2010), but will stand a brief review in the interest of completeness. Following Ariza and Ortiz (2005), we regard the graphene lattice as a cell-complex C, i.e., as a collection of cells of different dimensions equipped with discrete differential operators and a discrete integral. In particular, the graphene complex is two-dimensional and consists of: atoms, or 0-cells; atomics bonds, or 1-cells; and hexagonal cells, or 2-cells, Fig. 1. For ease of indexing, we denote by Ep (C) the collection of all cells of dimension p = 0, 1, 2 in the graphene cell complex C. These cells supply the support for defining functions, or forms, of different dimensions. Thus, of dimension p assign vectors to each cell of dimension p of the lattice. In particular, we refer a function defined over the atoms as a 0-form, a function defined over the atomic bonds as a 1-form and a function defined over the hexagonal cells as a 2-form. As we shall see, forms provide the vehicle for describing the behavior of the Long-term dynamic stability of discrete dislocations Fig. 1 The oriented 0, 1 and 2-cells of graphene grouped by type 2-forms, defined over the hexagonal cells, to vectors. The discrete differential operators thus defined may be regarded as the discrete counterparts of the familiar grad, curl and div of vector calculus. In particular: the differential of 0-forms is the discrete counterpart of the grad operator; the differential of 1-forms is the discrete counterpart of the curl operator; and the differential of 2-forms is the discrete counterpart of the div operator from vector calculus. It is readily verified from the definition of the discrete differential operators that d 2 = 0, Fig. 2 Diagram for the definition of the discrete differential operators of graphene graphene lattice, including its displacements, eigendeformations and dislocation densities. In order to define the discrete differential operators of the lattice, we begin by oriented all cells, Fig. 1. Suppose that ω is a 0-form defined over the atoms and let eab be an atomic bond defined by atoms a and b, cf. Fig. 2. Suppose, in addition, that eab is oriented from a to b. Then, the differential dω(eab ) of ω at eab is dω(eab ) = ω(eb ) − ω(ea ). (1) Suppose now that ω is a 1-form defined over the atomic bonds and let eabcdef be an hexagonal cell bounded by the atomic bonds eab , ebc , ecd , ede , eef and ef a , cf. Fig. 2. Then, the differential dω(eab ) of ω at eabcdef is dω(eabcdef ) = −ω(eab ) + ω(ebc ) which is the discrete counterpart of the identities curl ◦ grad = 0 and div ◦ curl = 0. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) provides a natural tool for the analysis of discrete forms, cf., e.g., Babuska et al. (1960), Ariza and Ortiz (2005). In order to define the DFT, we begin by grouping cells of the same dimension by type, Fig. 1. Thus, cells of the same type are translations of each other and have the same complement of neighbors, or environment. According to this definition, graphene has two types of atoms, three types of atomic bonds and one type of hexagonal cell. The fundamental property of cells of the same type is that they are arranged as simple Bravais lattices, Fig. 3. Thus, the atoms of graphene define two simple Bravais lattices, the atomic bounds define three simple Bravais lattices, and the hexagonal cells define one simple Bravais lattice. We recall that the DFT of a function f defined on a simple Bravais lattice Zn is f (l)e−iθ·l , (5) fˆ(θ ) = l∈Zn where the angle variables θ range over [−π, π ]n . The DFT admits an inverse given by 1 f (l) = (6) fˆ(θ )eiθ·l dθ, (2π )n [−π,π ]n −ω(ecd ) + ω(ede ) −ω(eef ) + ω(ef a ). (4) (2) Finally, ω is a 2-form defined over the hexagonal cells. Then, its differential is the vector ω(e2 ). (3) dω = e2 ∈E2 (C ) Thus, the differential operator maps: 0-forms, defined over the atoms, to 1-forms, defined over the atomic bonds; 1-forms, defined over the atomic bonds, to 2-forms, defined over the hexagonal cells; and and has properties similar to those of the Fourier transform, including a discrete Parseval identity and and a discrete convolution theorem. 3 Eigendeformation theory of discrete lattice dislocations It is possible to fashion a theory of discrete dislocations in crystals from the classical theory of eigendeformations, cf., e.g., Mura (1987). In the present setting, the 123 M. P. Ariza et al. Fig. 3 The simple Bravais lattices defined by the atoms, atomic bonds and hexagonal cells of graphene (a) theory rests on the fundamental property of crystals that certain uniform deformations leave the crystal lattice unchanged and, hence, should cost no energy. The entire class of lattice-invariant deformations is characterized by a classical theorem of Ericksen (1979) as the set of unimodular affine mappings with integer lattice coordinates. An energy that satisfies this property by construction is 1 B(e1 , e1 )(du(e1 ) E(u, β) = 2 e1 ∈E1 (C ) e1 ∈E1 (C ) − β(e1 )), (du(e1 ) − β(e1 )) 1 ≡ B(du − β), (du − β) 2 (7) where the sums take place over the atomic bonds of the crystal lattice and: u(e0 ) is the atomic displacement of atom e0 ; du(e1 ) is the deformation of atomic bond e1 ; β(e1 ) is the eigendeformation at bond e1 ; and B(e1 , e1 ) are bond-wise force constants. In (7), the local values β(e1 ) of the eigendeformation field are constrained to defining lattice-invariant deformations. By this restriction and the form of the energy (7), uniform lattice-invariant deformations du cost no energy, as desired. We note that, owing to the discrete nature of the set of lattice-invariant deformations, the energy (7) is strongly nonlinear. In particular, the reduce energy E(u) = inf E(u, β) β (8) is piecewise quadratic with zero-energy wells at all uniform lattice-invariant deformations. The lattice-invariant deformations considered in this work are shown in Fig. 4a. The deformation shears the graphene lattice thought a displacement of length √ |b| = 3a. The corresponding slip systems are shown in Fig. 4b. Every bond can shear in the direction normal to itself and in two additional directions at 60◦ to the normal, namely, 123 (b) (c) (a) (b) Fig. 4 a Fundamental lattice-preserving shear deformations of graphene considered in this work; b Resulting slip planes and Burgers vectors, defining the operative slip systems of graphene √ 3 R(−π/3)dx(e1 ), √ b2 (e1 ) = 3 R(−π/2)dx(e1 ), √ b3 (e1 ) = 3 R(−2π/3)dx(e1 ), b1 (e1 ) = (9a) (9b) (9c) where R(θ ) denotes a two-dimensional rotation through an angle θ . We note from (7) that energy vanishes if the eigendeformations are compatible, i.e., if β = dv for some atomic displacement field v. Indeed, in that case the energy is minimized for u = v and the minimum energy is zero. Hence, the energy at equilibrium, or stored energy, i.e., the energy that remains stored in the crystal when the displacement field is equilibrated, can only depend on the degree of incompatibility of the eigendeformations. A measure of that incompatibility is provided by the discrete dislocation density α = dβ, (10) which may be regarded as the discrete curl of the eigendeformations. Thus, α provides a discrete counterpart of Nye’s dislocation density tensor field (Nye 1953). Since the eigendeformations β are defined on the atomic bonds, it follows that the discrete dislocations of graphene are defined on the hexagonal cells Long-term dynamic stability of discrete dislocations Fig. 5 Basis for the discrete dislocations of graphene corresponding to the lattice-invariant shears defined in Fig. 4 1 Γ (l − l )α(l ), α(l) 2 2 2 of the lattice, i.e., the discrete dislocation density α assigns a Burgers vector to every hexagonal cell of the graphene lattice. From the fundamental property (4) of the discrete differential operator if follows that E(α) = dα = 0, where the matrix Γ (l) gives the interaction energy between Burgers vectors (9a) at the origin and at position l on the simple Bravais lattice defined by the hexagonal cells. Alternatively, in terms of the DFT we have the representation 1 E(α) = Γˆ (θ )α(θ ), α ∗ (θ ) dθ. (14) (2π )2 (11) i.e., the net Burgers vector of the discrete dislocation density must vanish. This condition is the discrete counterpart of the classical divergence-free property of the Nye’s dislocation density tensor field, which may in turn be regarded as a conservation of Burgers vector property. A basis for the free-abelian group of the discrete dislocation densities generated by the eigendeformations defined in (9a) and Fig. 4 is shown in Fig. 5. Every pair of Burgers vectors in Fig. 5 defines an elementary dipole, and an arbitrary discrete dislocation density may be obtained through an integer linear combination of elementary dipoles. A theorem of Ariza and Ortiz (2005) shows that perfect lattices, including the graphene lattice (Ariza and Ortiz 2010), possess a Helmholtz–Hodge decomposition. By this discrete Helmholtz–Hodge decomposition, it follows, in particular, that α = 0 if and only if β = dv for some displacement field v, i.e., if and only if the eigendeformations are compatible. Thus, the discrete dislocation density does indeed provide a measure of the incompatibility of the eigendeformations. It also follows from the discrete Helmholtz–Hodge decomposition that α is determined by β up to an arbitrary displacement field. From these properties it may be shown (Ariza and Ortiz 2005) inf E(u, β) = E(α), u (12) i.e., that the stored energy of a crystal may be written as a function of the discrete dislocation density. By the quadratic dependence of the energy (7) on the displacement field it follows that the stored energy must be of the form l∈Z l ∈Z 1 ≡ Γ ∗ α, α, 2 (13) [−π,π ]2 Explicit expressions for the influence function Γ in terms of the force constants of the lattice are given in Ariza and Ortiz (2010). Again we note that, despite is harmonic appearance, the stored energy (13) is rendered strongly nonlinear by the constraint that the local Burgers vectors α(l) must be integer linear combinations of the basic Burgers vectors (9a). This strong nonlinearity renders the determination of low-energy dislocation structures mathematically challenging. 4 Long-term dynamic stability at finite temperature The eigendeformation energy (7) relies on a harmonic approximation, i.e., assumes that the energy is quadratic in the elastic bond deformations du − β. This is an uncontrolled approximation, i.e., no error bounds are known at present relative to a fully nonlinear atomistic potential, and, hence, the accuracy of the approximation must be carefully verified. Ariza and Ortiz (2010) have obtained closed-form analytical solutions for the displacement field and the energies of general periodic distributions of dislocations, and compared the predictions of the theory with experiment and full 123 M. P. Ariza et al. Fig. 6 Discrete lattice Z in the angle-variable Brillouin zone [−π, π ]2 corresponding to periodic functions atomistic calculations for dipolar and quadrupolar dislocation arrangements. In particular, the calculation of the displacement fields and energies of periodic distributions of dislocations can be reduced to finite sums. For instance, if the periodic cell of the discrete dislocation distribution is defined by lattice vectors (A1 , A2 ), the energy then follows explicitly as 1 1 Γˆ ()α̂(), α̂ ∗ (), (15) |Z| 2 ∈Z where Z is the intersection of the reciprocal lattice of (A1 , A2 ) and the angle-variable Brillouin zone [−π, π ]2 . The corresponding displacement fields follow likewise from similar finite sums (Fig. 6). Based on these explicit closed-form solutions, Ariza and Ortiz (2010) have provided a detailed assessment of the core structures and energies of discrete dislocations in dipolar and quadrupolar arrangements and for the force-constant model of Aizawa et al. (1990). The eigendeformation field of a quadrupole is shown in Fig. 7 and consists of slip over intervals on two parallel planes. Sample deformed configurations of the periodic cell predicted by discrete dislocation theory are shown in Fig. 8 (reproduced from Ariza and Ortiz (2010) for completeness). The discrete-dislocation cores exhibit pentagon-heptagon ring (5–7) core structures similar to those found in dipoles. This structure is consistent with Fig. 8 Quadrupole configurations. Discrete dislocations solutions using the Aizawa et al. (1990) potential (reproduced from Ariza and Ortiz 2010). a 448 atom period cell. b 1,144 atom periodic cell the observations of Hashimoto et al. (2004) of pairs of pentagon-heptagons attached to a missing row of atoms in a zig–zag chain in electron-beam irradiated singlewalled carbon nanotube of large diameter. Jeong et al. (2008) performed density functional theory calculations of graphene sheets containing zig–zag chains of vacancies of different lengths. After atomic relaxation, they observed the formation of two 5–7 pair defects at both ends of the missing chain. This structure arises when Fig. 7 Periodic quadrupolar arrangement of discrete dislocations, unit periodic cell. Distribution of eigendeformations βi (e1 ) defining one quadrupole, consisting of two constant and opposite Burgers vectors over a zig–zag chain of 1-cells (a) 123 (b) Long-term dynamic stability of discrete dislocations Fig. 9 Quadrupole configuration. LAMMPS (Plimpton 1995) molecular dynamics calculations using the AIREBO (Stuart et al. 2000) potential. Time-averaged configurations. a 1,000 K; b 1,500 K; c 2,000 K; d 2,500 K the number of vacancies is eight or more. In addition, dislocation core energy predicted by discrete dislocation theory may be compared to the formation energy of Stone-Wales defects (Stone and Wales 1986). This comparison shows that the core energies and bond-rotation angles predicted by discrete dislocation theory are in the ball park of full atomistic models (Kaxiras and Pandey 1988; Xu et al. 1993; Li et al. 2005; Los et al. 2005) and experimental observation (Meyer et al. 2008). This agreement notwithstanding, the harmonic approximation underlying the energy (7) precludes ascertaining from within the theory whether the predicted defect structures are dynamically stable at finite temperature. In order to ascertain this question, we verify that the discrete dislocation configurations remain stable when used as initial conditions in a finite-temperature molecular dynamics calculation using a full atomistic potential. To this end, we resort to Sandia National Laboratories Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) (Plimpton 1995) using the (AIREBO) potential (Stuart et al. 2000). The characteristic thermalization time required for the system to reach equilibrium may be estimated from the twodimensional heat equation as 3 kB N (16) 2 KA where N is the number of atoms, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, KA is the two-dimensional thermal conductivity of graphene. This two-dimensional thermal conductivity may in turn be estimated from the experimentally reported three-dimensional thertc = mal conductivity KV as KA = KV h, where h is a nominal thickness of the graphene sheet. For a periodic cell of N = 3,200 atoms, with kB = 1.381 × J , K = 5 × 103 W (Fuhrer et al. 2010) and 10−23 K V mK h = 0.334 nm (Baskin and Meyer 1955), equation (16) gives tc ≈ 0.04 ps. The initial discrete dislocation configuration is allowed to relax over a time of 1 ps, which, according to the preceding estimate, amply suffices for the system to reach thermal equilibrium. Figure 9 compiles time-averaged atomic configurations of a quadrupole at temperatures of 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 and 2,500 K, obtained using a time step of 10−4 ps. As may be seen from the figure, the predicted discrete core structure is dynamically stable up to 2,500 K. A comparison of the time averaged molecular dynamics and discrete dislocation configurations at zero temperature are shown in Fig. 10. As may be seen from these comparisons, a general relaxation of the initial core structures is observed in the molecular dynamics calculations, but the relaxation is modest and strongly localized. In particular, the initial core structure remains unchanged and remains stable over long periods of time. In addition, the potential energy of 78.01 eV of a quadrupolar arrangement of discrete dislocations in a 1,144 atom periodic cell may be compared with the values 92.43 and 68.76 eV obtained from molecular dynamics before and after relaxation, respectively. The energy discrepancies may be regarded as modest in consideration of the approximations made in discrete dislocation theory and the accuracy limitations of empirical potentials. 123 M. P. Ariza et al. Fig. 10 Quadrupole configuration. Comparison of: LAMMPS (Plimpton 1995) molecular dynamics calculations using the AIREBO (Stuart et al. 2000) potential at zero temperature (dark color); and discrete dislocations solutions using the Aizawa et al. (1990) potential (light color). a 448 atom period cell. b 1,144 atom periodic cell. c 3,200 atom periodic cell. d Zoom of 3,200 atom periodic cell (a) (c) 5 Summary and conclusions We have presented an assessment of the finite-temperature dynamical stability of discrete dislocations in graphene. The assessment is based on inserting the discrete dislocation configurations into molecular dynamics calculations as initial conditions. In particular, we use Sandia National Laboratories Largescale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) (Plimpton 1995) and the Adaptive Intermolecular Reactive Empirical Bond-Order (AIREBO) potential (Stuart et al. 2000). The analysis shows that the core structures predicted by discrete dislocation theory are indeed dynamically stable up to temperatures of 2,500 K, though they tend to relax somewhat. In addition, discrete dislocation theory is somewhat stiff and over predicts core energies, though the size of the discrepancy is modest and no worse than discrepancies arising from different empirical potentials. Despite the robustness and perhaps better-thanexpected accuracy of discrete dislocation theory, a question of interest concerns the formulation of convergent schemes that relax discrete dislocations in accordance with a full atomistic potential. A particular scheme that preserves the advantages of discrete dislocation theory, and in particular the ability to use Green’s functions, was proposed by Gallego and Ortiz (1993). In this scheme, the force constants that define the 123 (b) (d) energy in the discrete dislocation theory are obtained by linearization of an empirical potential. The fully nonlinear solution is then obtained by the method of forces, i.e., by appending unknown forces to the discrete dislocation energy so as to equilibrate the lattice with respect to the fully nonlinear atomistic potential. Because of the good starting accuracy of the discrete dislocation theory, the corrective forces decay very rapidly away from the core of defects and, hence, represent highly localized corrections. Finally, the extension of discrete dislocation theory to dynamics and finite temperature may be effected, e.g., by recourse to Langevin dynamics and Metropolis equilibrium thermodynamics. In both these cases, the dislocation density can be evolved by means of energydecreasing eigendeformation flips. Each flip consists of the addition or subtraction of an elementary dipole to the graphene lattice, Fig. 5. Conditions that ensure that the flip is energy-decreasing are provided in Ramasubramaniam et al. (2007). In this manner, a discrete dislocation dynamics can be effectively formulated. These and other enhancements of the theory suggest fruitful avenues for further research. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain (DPI200605045), the support of the Consejería de Innovación of Junta de Andalucía (P06-TEP1514) and the support of the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration under Award Number DE-FC52-08NA28613 through Caltech’s ASC/PSAAP Long-term dynamic stability of discrete dislocations Center for the Predictive Modeling and Simulation of High Energy Density Dynamic Response of Materials. References Aizawa T, Souda R, Otani S, Ishizawa Y, Oshima C (1990) Bond softening in monolayer graphite formed on transition-metal carbide surfaces. Phys Rev B 42(18):11469–11478 Ariza MP, Ortiz M (2005) Discrete crystal elasticity and discrete dislocations in crystals. Arch Ration Mech Anal 178:149– 226 Ariza MP, Ortiz M (2010) Discrete dislocations in graphene. 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