Mathematics: How Did It Get to Where It Is Today? Author(s): Andrew Gleason Source: Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Oct., 1984), pp. 8-24 Published by: American Academy of Arts & Sciences Stable URL: Accessed: 16/08/2010 00:17 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact American Academy of Arts & Sciences is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Stated Meeting How Mathematics: Did Report It Get to Where It Is Today? Andrew we is perceived very differently people, but the at by different is hardly un titude of the pure mathematician As all know, Gleason mathematics the profession. This evening the genesis of the philosophy that underlies pure mathematics today; then I will try to give you some idea of the abstract role in modern that play a major concepts derstood outside I shall describe research; and finally, I will talk of the influence the of that very practical modern machine, computer. Even mathematicians do not agree about a definition of the subject, but here is a to at least two mathema that appeals definition verbal ticians: Mathematics is the science of order. order in the sense of pattern and to It is the of mathematics iden regularity. goal sources of order, kinds of order, tify and describe that exist by virtue of logical and the relations the various kinds of order that between necessity Here Imean occur. to tradition, mathematics According began who lived roughly from with Tha?es of Miletus, 640 to 546 BC. It is hard to see how this can be true since we know that there was an active commercial in the Middle civilization East for at least 2500 years before Tha?es, and commerce involves mathematics. necessarily Counting must be nearly as old as language itself, which and measuring in is very old indeed. Weighing volve mathematics. The architects who built the and temples of ancient Egypt certain pyramids must have had a working of geom knowledge ly were made in and those old maps etry, days too. we in the On a more find level, sophisticated Code reference of Hammurabi (about to commissions, 1700 BC) interest, 8 and explicit propor tionate An Egyptian document called dates from about the same by a scribe named Ahmes taxation. the Rhind papyrus time. It was written and contains in elemen examples the is Ahmes' tary algebra. papyrus Perhaps ? or or a the textbook ancient notes, equivalent of Schaum's Outline Series. College worked in mathematics Thus, ticed many some sense was prac for thousands of years before Thaies. In can we say that mathematics what sense, then, was It may be that Thaies began with Tha?es? to not only the first the importance, recognize of identifying mathematical facts, but of writ the exact reasons why one believes ing down these facts to be true. This is tremendously im to because it one's criti opens portant reasoning cism and thus broadens the scope of the subject. so we Tha?es himself left no identifiable corpus, cannot be sure of his about this time that role, but we know the concept of mathematical to ex proof arose, and mathematicians began amine the logical between interrelationships are the various facts. These interrelationships essence of the modern subject. Next I'd like tomention Pythagoras (582-507 The first thing to remem BC, very uncertain). ber about him is that it is 99 percent certain that he was not the discoverer of the famous theorem on right triangles that bears his name. There is evidence that this was known at least persuasive a thousand years before his time. a re was a mystic who founded Pythagoras cen in order the middle of the sixth ligious a The for BC. order about grew tury century and world. became It was very influential in the Greek out of ex eventually persecuted istence, but not without leaving a permanent on mark Greek intellectual life. The order a mystical reverence for mathematics taught and had a in certain interest geomet special and arrangements designs (Figure 1). most of this had no mathematical Although it encouraged the study of pure importance, ric mathematics. Under the influence of the for the time first in Pythagoreans, probably were there substantial of groups peo history, for its own mathematics sake. ple studying 9 Pythagoras may not have discovered the but it is very likely that theorem, Pythagorean he or one of his followers gave the first proof of the theorem. Figure 1: The pentagram (left) and the tetractys (right) had mystical significance for the Pythagoreans. We know little about the mathematicians of names We have the Pythagorean the of age. a dozen, but there must have been perhaps no texts others. Almost remain many original so attributions are almost en from that period, can say for certain, We conjectural. tirely that of Plato the time however, by (427-347 an extremely sophis BC) there had developed of mathematical ticated notion and proof that may another go back to Tha?es: concept is not about what's that mathematics namely, in the real world but is, in fact, about ideal When you geometry, you're not study things. on a marks in the sand, chalkboard, studying or on paper; you are talking about points that are infinitely lines that are only one small, circles and that are perfectly wide, point round ?ideal This concept had clearly objects. mathematics penetrated by the time of Plato. In fact, the abstract of the geometers figures seem to have been the prototype for Plato's the The Book ory of the ideal world Republic, (see VII, 527). We mous turn next to Euclid. Euclid wrote his fa text The Elements in 13 books about 300 It is easily the most textbook successful BC. in history; it has been translated into many at the still different and is available languages bookstores later. 2300 years nearly People as a geometer, think of Euclid and it usually is his geometry that I will discuss, but it is worth are noting about Now years. teenth that several books number I'm going In so doing of The Elements theory. to jump I shall a century century, in mathematics portant 10 ahead two thousand over the seven skip that is extremely im I and all of science. no disrespect this with for seventeenth but for lack of time. century accomplishments an to discuss I wish in the important change we that underlies what in do philosophy It is a change mathematics. that grew out of the concept of Non-Euclidean geometry. In Book I, Proposition 27, Euclid proved that, given a line L and a point P not on it, do to L, that is, there is a line through P parallel a line which will not meet L no matter how Euclid far it is produced proved that (Figure 2). such a line exists. He did not prove that there is only one such line. Maybe there are more. If there are at least two, there are infinitely many P -? L Figure 2: Euclidean parallel postulate. Through thepoint P only one line can be drawn parallel to the line L. Figure 3: Non-Euclidean parallel postulate. Through the point P at least two lines can be drawn parallel to the line L (heavy lines). If so, there are many more (light lines). to Euclid, This was surely obvious and I'm sure he thought, as I'm sure everyone does, that un the alternative picture (Figure 3) is totally seem possible It just doesn't reasonable. that there could be two lines through P which will never cross L. The intuitive picture overwhelm that there is only one. However, ingly suggests to have Euclid may have been the first person faced up to the fact that this uniqueness is only an intuitive unable himself picture. Finding to prove that there is only one parallel, he put 11 a postulate that says roughly, "Any P other than the one described in fact cross L if ex 1:27 will far." is Euclid's tended This fa sufficiently mous fifth or parallel Its postulate. explicit is an important of formulation milestone in his book line through in Proposition mathematics. the beginning, From the fifth postulate of Euclid bothered Its truth is mathematicians. so clear that people felt that it was intuitively an unnecessary Another postulate. thing that a bothered and it bother people, legitimate is the phrase "if extended far." was, sufficiently to assert It is awkward the existence of some a case this of thing point (in intersection) be without any clue as to how itmight giving are difficult found. There issues in modern turn on just this kind of mathematics which point. The list of distinguished mathematicians on the parallel studied and wrote postu late includes Geminus the as (first century), tronomer Proclus Ptolemy (second century), the Persian Nasr-ed-din-alTlisi (fifth century), who and Wallace (thirteenth century), (seventeenth and Legendre in Saccheri, Lambert, century). the eighteenth all tried very hard to century was a conse that the parallel prove postulate rest of Euclid's of the quence assumptions. the latter mathematicians, Many particularly the Non-Euclidean three, began by assuming that there are many lines parallel postulate to L and then pursued the through P parallel as far as they of this assumption consequences could. curious Their intent was nonintuitive a strict eventually thus making to find more theorems, contradiction and more confident that would arise, a monster in the whole thing direct proof of Euclid's postulate. this However, ex to and doubts be did not happen began on the matter. pressed It was suggested that the question should be to In the Non-Euclidean subject experiment. is al case, the sum of the angles of a triangle in the Euclidean less than 180?, whereas An extremely it is always 180?. exactly that some tri show careful measurement might ways case 12 less than 180? and totalling angle had angles case as the the Non-Euclidean thus establish the other hand, the inherent inac truth. On curacy of the measurement process will pre vent us from ever showing that any physical to 180? exactly. summing triangle has angles of being the first to publish these The honor seems to to who belong Kl?gel, thoughts of reviewed the whole the question parallel in 1763. in his thesis postulate a very ex In 1829, Lobatchewski published tensive treatment Non-Euclidean of the of the consequences in which he parallel postulate, that no contradiction would asserted firmly ever be found. similar ideas were pub Quite in 1838, but his manuscript lished by Bolyai seems to have been available to some as early as 1821. It is difficult to assess who was the founder of Non-Euclidean geometry. were Lobatchewski and Bolyai Although convinced that Non-Euclidean it was many years was geometry before Beltrami legitimate, a proof that no contradiction would published ever be found he speaking, (1868). Technically a that relative he is, gave consistency proof; in Non-Euclidean showed how a contradiction would lead to a contradiction in Eu geometry as clidean hence if Non-Eu well; geometry so does Euclid's. clidean founders, geometry The reception accorded Non-Euclidean ge deserves careful examination. ometry Among of Europe, it was the leading mathematicians were soon. en In fact, many accepted fairly to turn their attention to geometry, couraged and by the end of the century many signifi cant papers had been written. The idea of four-dimensional, five-dimensional, studying even infinite-dimensional arose. Rie geometry mann a introduced generaliza sophisticated as Riemannian tion, now known geometry, which the cornerstone has become of modern theoretical different showed how several physics. Klein kinds of geometry could be linked together. In the meantime was another revolution in mathematics. the through sweeping Starting of under the influence 1820s, largely Cauchy, 13 a new and higher to standard of proof began text was examined Euclid's be required. When lacu from this point of view, some important nae were When discovered. the idea of Non-Euclidean geometry reached the level were met with utter of the schoolmasters, they and much vitriolic derision, prose was writ ten on the subject. Even Lewis Carroll made some amusing writers contributions. Many and the criticism to the level Elements never be The of Holy controversy Scripture. came an issue before the public, however, per it was overshadowed haps because by Darwin's seemed to elevate of Euclid Euclid's Evolution bombshell. gave the critics another at. to shoot target a wrote At the end of the century Hubert on in which he made book very clear geometry for the validity of the idea that the criterion a geometric is its internal system consistency. no mention He made of its truth. It is impor tant to understand the distinction that is be as to no made here. There is question ing a no whether system is true because geometric one knows what to be true. it means a system, Whether say Non-Euclidean an is of the geometry, appropriate description real world is a question for physicists. This has out by many for been pointed people. Gauss, measure some to tried the of angles example, to see whether perhaps triangles they total less than 180?. Since the magni if it exists, is proportional tude of the effect, to the area of the triangle, it seems unlikely large would in triangles of less we no and have dimensions, intergalactic this. Moreover, when we direct way of doing we in the usual manner, try to measure angles are really the behavior of investigating light that it could be measured than in nongeometric issues. and this brings waves, think such The more about you questions it becomes that the new criterion the clearer need not concern is appropriate. Mathematics means to if itself with truth truth, applicable some Platonic version of the real world. Inter nal consistency is a much more appropriate criterion. Another way 14 of saying this is that need not concern mathematics an ideal version of the universe and indeed that might philosophy itself only with that is, but may all the universes consider should, is a crucial be. That that occurred during in change the nineteenth century. in phys It is a change of great importance theoretical often ics as well. Modern physicists on make models for the universe up physical a purely mathematical basis and then examine of the question whether they seem to fit the facts observed. Einstein acknowl explicitly in conceiving the the edged his indebtedness to the greater of ory of relativity flexibility new in this inherent thought philosophy. idea that Another important mathematical arose the nineteenth is that of century during an operational A is system. simple example are a the numbers. Pla given by positive They of the numbers tonic idealization you use to measure and include very things. They weigh familiar numbers what less familiar like 1, 2, and 3/5 and ones like the square some roots of 2 and 5, and that famous number pi. You in grade learned school that you can always add two of these numbers and get a new one. or divide Or you can multiply two, two, or sub tract the smaller of two unequal from numbers I the larger, and get a new number. leave (Here out zero and negative because numbers, they are less familiar and are Johnny-come-latelies on the mathematical scene, dating only from the sixteenth century) these facts were known Of course, from an But idea of the the number tiquity. studying as an not of arithmetical system, assemblage facts but as a structural whole with an overall internal organization ?that is a modern idea at roughly the beginning of the century. are Inside the system of positive numbers one can carry smaller which systems within out the arithmetic If we consider operations. originating nineteenth numbers like 2, 3/8, only rational (numbers or 17/59 that can be expressed as the quotient we can add, subtract, multi of two integers), or divide the answers are always again and ply, 15 can recall the rational. everyone (No doubt to add 5/6 and 4/7.) When trauma of learning system has this property, part of an operational to the opera it is said to be closed with respect or to form a closed sub tions of the system, system. of ra that the subsystem than the is actually smaller of positive whole but it is. numbers, system This was discovered back in the fifth century it was proved that the square root BC, when of 2 is not a rational number. One way of put be will which later, is to say helpful ting this, the integers and perform that if we start with to get new numbers, then arithmetic operations new these combine numbers arithmetically, as much as we please, and repeat this process come root of 2. we will never to the square are in which There other closed subsystems It is not tional obvious numbers can do arithmetic freely, and their analy of sis is an active area of research today. One the main lines of attack is to consider how these are related to one another. various subsystems are consid Thus whole systems of arithmetic ered as single entities. of the fruits of this new idea was the One we solution of the three famous construction prob to trisect the angle, to dupli lems of antiquity: cate the cube, and to square the circle. The to trisection means, given an angle, problem a two ruler and construct, compass, using only into three equal the angle lines which divide a the cube means, angles. Duplicating given to construct another cube cube, having exactly the of the original. twice the volume Squaring a circle, a to construct circle means, given same area as the cir the square having exactly that we are not con cle. It must be emphasized solutions. It is cerned with good approximate an to into three parts that divide easy angle are equal for all practical the desired purposes; must be exact in the ideal sense. construction were All three of these problems solved dur solved century. They were ing the nineteenth are im that all three constructions by showing that is, in each case there is no con possible; the desired result. struction that accomplishes 16 re of mathematics frequently Departments one of these problems. ceive "solutions" of They are written that by people who cannot believe to prove that a construction is im it is possible as Their goes something reasoning possible. follows: "There are clearly an infinite number a construction and of ways to go about making to have ex for mathematicians it is impossible to deal with them all." But it is possible amined the infinitely many by the method possibilities one could of treating whole systems. Certainly not prove that the square root of 2 is irrational in turn each of the infinitely by examining that its and observing numbers rational many not multi the but is 2; square by analyzing structure of the set of all rational num plicative one can easily that no rational bers, prove number has 2. square The geo logic of the proof that the classical are metric construction problems impossible can consider One the set is quite analogous. a as and in of all points, circles lines, plane can an two We combine system. operational in one way to obtain a line, the distinct points or in another way to line joining the points, the first point as center obtain the circle having and passing the second. Or we can through a to obtain two nonparallel lines combine at in which the lines the point point, namely, an operation tersect. We in the sys introduce tem for each kind in a of step we make The fact that the basic entities construction. are of three different kinds is immaterial. Hav we can an system, inquire ing operational that whether it has a smaller closed subsystem, a of the and cir subcollection lines, is, points, cles with of these system. that combining the property any two the sub leads always to a result within it has many, and we can ex Indeed one in which each of the describe can be set, but construction problems plicitly classical the answers to the problems do not fall within our the subsystem. contains Thus, subsystem an angle of 60?, but no angle of 20?. Since no can get use of the ruler or compass legitimate us out of the subsystem in which we start, we can see that there is no construction that will 17 a 60? of the angle. The description it and the that doesn't proof subsystem are more to the problems the answers contain in but principle they are no sophisticated, trisect closed the description of the rational and the proof that the rationals do root of 2. For us, the the square include different numbers not from is that, without the method fundamental point the problems of systems and closed subsystems, not have been would solved. kind of operational Another sys important tem appears in connection with symmetry. Look at the Pythagoreans' pentagram (Figure That symmetry. 10). It has rotational that if you take two copies of the figure, one on top of the other, and rotate the top copy, it all before you have turned then somewhere on the copy be it fits exactly the way around, at one this happens low. For the pentagram fifth of a turn and again at two-fifths, three a turn. of full It also has and four-fifths fifths, means if which that reflective you symmetry, turn the top copy over (which, for a plane amounts to the same thing as reflect figure, on a it will again fit exactly ing it in mirror) 1, p. means the copy There below. that only is another kind of symmetry can some 4 have. shows Figure figures drawn fish M.C. Escher. interlocked flying by indefi the pattern continued If we imagine it in then has translational all directions, nitely two copies of the figure If you make symmetry. and put one on top of the other, you can slide infinite it fits the bottom the top one along until copy also has rotational This sym design exactly. if you rotate the top copy one-third of metry; a turn about a point where and three white the top will once three black fish-wings meet, the bottom. Lest anyone think again match a design with both that the idea of making is and rotational translational symmetry an consider 5, painted modern, Figure by three thousand artist more than unknown years ago. symmetry ter and translational It has reflective and rotational of a quar symmetry turn. 18 Figure 4: Flying Fish byM.C. Escher has both transla tional and rotational symmetry. (Collection of Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands.) Figure 5: This wall painting from the Temple of theDead, Thebes, has translational, rotational, and metry. (Permission of Birkh?user Boston, reflective sym Inc.) How does the notion of symmetry tie up with the idea of operational Two ways systems? a copy of a figure to match of moving the origi a new way. For to make nal can be combined can be slid to since the fish example, flying a match the right to make and also up the page a match, to make it follows that they must to the right and match also if slid diagonally a to match up. In this way the set of all ways an and its becomes duplicate figure operational system, and the structure of this system affords a precise description of the nature of the sym of the figure. Operational metry systems of this kind are called groups. 19 been of symmetry has certainly a the idea of think known for long time, but in terms of an operational sys ing of symmetry to have tem seems in the late started only the theory of century. Strangely, eighteenth was not in the study of symmetry developed The idea with poly designs but in connection geometric That's what's nomial surprising; equations. a about equation? No polynomial symmetrical one understood of symmetry the significance until the 1770s when equations an analysis in terms of published solutions of equations for the known up to four. for polynomial Lagrange symmetry of degrees It had been known from ancient times how to solve second degree or quadratic equations, - 5 = like x2 + 3x 0. There is even a formula, to everyone who has taken high school familiar that enables us to write down the solu algebra, tions at once. A similar formula for solving or third cubic like degree equations, x3 + 2x2 + 7x 10 = 0, was discovered in the century, early part of the sixteenth probably a named Ferro, but it wasn't by mathematician the middle until of the century published by The is complicated, Cardano. formula involv roots and cube roots. Later square ing both a in the same Ferrari discovered century for solving method of the fourth equations his method could be reduced degree. While to a formula, the formula would be extremely never seen I out. have it written complicated; Ferrari's method shows that the Nevertheless, can always be found solutions ad by successive ditions, subtractions, divisions, multiplications, and taking roots. This is called a solution by radicals. The search for a solution by radicals to fifth fruitless and higher degree equations proved It was par for the next two centuries. to find that some equa tantalizing ticularly five do have tions of degree solutions by so it was reason radicals that are not obvious, able to hope that we could always find such a solution if only we were in sufficiently genious. memoirs Lagrange's toward portant step contained understanding 20 the first im higher but only after sixty more degree equations, of mathemati of years progress by a number seen. Every poly cians was the whole picture as its nomial has as many solutions equation and Galois showed that these solutions degree, The symmetries have certain symmetries. form as the Galois a group, now known group of the equation. Galois criterion gave a precise or not in terms of this group to decide whether a given can be solved radicals. equation by the more there speaking, symmetries Roughly it is to solve the equation. If are, the harder is small, then there is a solu the Galois group if it is large, there isn't. It was tion by radicals; remarkable after this only triumph that the im areas of mathe in of groups many portance was appreciated. matics Thus mathematicians entered this century new tools equipped powerful conceptual to apply to and philosophical license them no with immediate for the problems regard with of whether in the they are applicable question we are real world. concepts Today studying abstract than anything I that are much more on have mentioned, abstractions abstrac piled tions. Just as in the last century, there are those too ab who is becoming cry, "Mathematics is absolutely clear: We stract," but the record are solving hard down-to-earth with problems the aid of very subtle abstract ideas. It seems are essential to that highly abstract concepts the subtleties of nature. describe I am often asked what the modern computer answer for mathematics. The is doing is, "A is not where great deal," but the contribution one might think. was given A few years ago much publicity to the fact that an old problem, the four-color was solved with a assist from problem, major a computer. About two-thousand hours of main-frame computer time was spent examin to the ing combinatorial possibilities, leading can be colored result that any map in four colors so that no two states that share a linear as to just point contact boundary (as opposed in the case of Colorado and Arizona) have the same color. This had been conjectured about 21 the at years ago and had attracted conse mathematicians; many was its demonstration certainly quently, we in But retrospect, although noteworthy. was the learned a mathematical fact, computer so heavily involved that we gained little, if any, structure of the into the underlying insight structure is the Since underlying problem. essence mathematical of any prob really the is of the four-color lem, the solution problem as a of mathe not regarded major milestone a hundred of tention matics. has made the computer the other hand, indirect About contributions. important some set a mathematicians twenty years ago, On of to work calculating the solutions computer a differential the called Korteweg-de equation indi The Vries output computer equation. of a completely cated the existence unexpected a challenge to ex thus posing phenomenon, terms. in theoretical Since the results plain and a whole has been met, then the challenge new chapter in the theory of differential equa The final results have tions has been written. to do with computers, the but without nothing no one of the have would computer thought question. As a final iteration descended in physics. the I'd like to mention example, Here is a problem of functions. from some very important problems in tell us that the air molecules Physicists 1029 in number, the room around us, perhaps travel of their time in free flight, spend most in random lines in essentially straight ling in a while, Once directions. say about every 36 is a relative 10 seconds term), (a "while" the colli two of these molecules collide. After sion they go off again into free flight. The mo of periods of tion of the air, then, consists by sharply discon punctuated orderly motion events. We the classical tinuous point adopt to of view toward* the mechanics (as opposed so is whole motion the quantum mechanics), to like We would determinate. completely of behavior the long-range about know more such systems. 22 a is no hope of getting there Of course, to a problem of this complex solution detailed can be solved only in the At it present, ity. sense of making of the verifiable predictions of the air, but one can hope statistical behavior some to achieve Confronted mathematician that. insight beyond this kind of situation, tries to find some usually with the sim one essential that contains fea pler problem ture of the original In this case, let problem. us think of bouncing around the floor on a Here we have simple motion punc pogo-stick. tuated by sharp reversals. Our idealized pogo stick lands exactly on a single point. Since we a determinate are trying to model process, we we land there is a pre that wherever imagine as to go next. The to where cise instruction we will study is whether our bounc question ing ultimately process "goes in a confined leads us to infinity") far away very (the or forever keeps us region. known for a long time that the of such a process long-run depends in a very subtle way on the parameters of the one the and that boundaries process separating kind of behavior from another must be very that we have but it is only recently complicated, look at the phenomena. been able to really With the aid of color graphics and an unbeliev we can get very of computation able amount The have themselves pictures good pictures. It has been behavior the attention of several mathemati thus the has been at least cians, computer a of interest for resurgence partly responsible in the topic of iteration. attracted and Mr. Gleason colored slides then showed computer-generated the iteration of a very + c, z and c simple function (z-^z2 complex) de on one parameter, c. Each pixel of the slides pending represented one value of c and its color described whether and how fast the corresponding process goes to infini illustrating ty. The boundary between the region where diverges to infinity and the region where bounded was seen to consist of remarkably arabesques. He stated that it has been proved 23 theprocess it remains beautiful that simi lar arabesques appear at every scale of magnification. In conclusion, Mr. Gleason said: Mathematics is the science the full explication is one of the many of the patterns face mathematicians today. Gleason Andrew ticks and fascinating isHollis Natural of patterns of these challenges Professor Philosophy University. 24 and slides that ofMathema at Harvard