Amoeba proteus: Some new Observations on its Nucleus, Life-history, and Culture. By Monica Taylor, S.N.D., D.Sc. With 11 Text-figures. INTRODUCTION. WHEN reading over the manuscript of ' Nuclear Divisions in A m o e b a p r o t e u s ' (14), a kind office for which, on this casion, I am once more indebted to him, Professor Graham Kerr expressed a wish that I should undertake a more detailed study of the behaviour, during division, of the chromatin blocks described in that paper. At the same time I became interested in a series of publications by Drs. Atkins and Lebour in connexion with hydrogen-ion concentration, two of which (1 and 2), particularly, seemed to open up a useful line for me. Having a large number of pedigree Amoeba cultures, with field-notes of their history extending back to 1916-17, as well as cultures of other micro-organisms, there Avas plenty of scope for testing the value of this physico-chemical factor in the cultivation of micro-organisms under laboratory conditions. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking the authors for their courteous response to my many inquiries, Dr. Atkins having given me the benefit of his expert advice in matters of a physico-chemical character. An intensive study of the hydrogen-ion concentration 1 of my numerous Amoeba cultures, coupled with a more intimate examination of the nuclear divisions, has led to the elucidation of the encystment phenomena in A. p r o t e u s (' Y ', Carter (5), Schaeffer (10)). For many years I have known that after a period of depression countless minute Amoebae appeared in the cultures. These grew up to maturity and underwent many 1 See Part II of this paper for details. 120 MONICA TAYLOR fission divisions, thus forming a luxuriant culture which, after a varying period of time, once more underwent a period of depression. It was evident that these periods of depression Avere associated with an encystment phenomenon of some description. It was natural to suppose that this encystment method would be similar to that described by Sister Bernardine (Dr. L. A. Carter) for A. p r o t e u s ' X ' (A. d u b i a , Schaeffer). In spite, however, of the fact that I have been observing cultures of A. p r o t e u s ' Y ' for so many years, I have never found cysts of such a type, although the presence of minute Amoebae has been constantly recorded in the field-book. Nor have I any records of mitotic figures such as those described by Carter (3) and Doflein (6), although countless specimens have been ' fixed ' and examined. In my 'Nuclear Divisions in A. p r o t e u s ' (14) I put forward as a hypothesis (p. 42) that ' the published figures of mitosis in A. p r o t e u s belong to the sporulation cycle of the life-history '. To anticipate what is to be described later on, this hypothesis receives no support from the facts to be narrated. I have not yet discovered any cases of mitosis, which failure appears to me to add additional weight to the reasons put forward by Asa Schaeffer (10) for separating A. p r o t e u s ' X ' and ' Y ' into distinct species—A. d u b i a for ' X ', A. p r o t e u s for ' Y '. In the ' Technique of Culturing A . p r o t e u s ' (11) it was pointed out that it is possible to have two types of laboratory culture : (A) A culture in which the onset of the period of depression is uniform for all the individuals in the culture—a culture therefore which contains no adult Amoebae during practically six months of the year. (B) A culture which having been inoculated with material from various sources contains adult Amoebae at any time during the year—though, as explained before, adults are not so numerous during the spring months (12 and 13). AMOEBA PROTEUS 121 A culture of type A is obviously more suitable for a study of the phenomena connected with the period of depression, i. e. tho encystment period. It was in such a culture that the discovery of the encystment apparatus was actually made. It has, of course, been subsequently examined in other cultures. In the field-book readings of culture 24 the appearance of the Amoebae was noted, October 6, 1923. On November 27, 1923, they are recorded as being adult, fine, sturdy creatures, and feeding voraciously on large Paramecia almost exclusively, which fact rendered the task of examining the microscopical details much easier. (Quantities of this material were fixed in strong Flemming solution.) There was no risk of confusing the encystment phases with small ingested organisms partly digested, &c. On December 10 most of the individuals had commenced undergoing the encystment phenomena to be described. The field-book records the appearance of these individuals as being extremely white in reflected light, and black-looking in transmitted light. In the endoplasm were innumerable bluish spheres as large as the larger so-called excretion spheres (10, pp. 215, 221).1 Nucleus-like bodies could be seen inside these spheres. The pH of culture 24 was 7-4. In other Amoebae, where these nucleated spheres could not be seen so easily, or were absent, the cytoplasm seemed to be undergoing a sort of cytolysis, rounded masses of protoplasm, highly vacuolated and without a cyst-wall, could be seen in the cytoplasm. Quantities of Amoebae from this culture were fixed in Bouin's fluid (Duboscq Brasil 1905 modification). On account of the superficial likeness between the nucleated spheres and the large nutritive spheres, and the different reactions of these latter to fixatives and stains, Bister Carmela has undertaken an exhaustive study of the action of various fixatives and stains on A m o e b a p r o t e n s generally, the results of which are included in an appendix to this paper. 1 In view of the results to be recorded later on in this account it is proposed, henceforth, to call these bluish spheres nutritive spheres instead of ' excretion ' spheres. 122 MONICA TAYLOR PART I. NUCLEAR DIVISIONS. Technique.—Material from cultures of type B when the Amoebae were so numerous that they could be skimmed off with practically no extraneous material, was fixed in strong Flemrning solution. For this purpose the Amoebae, freed from algae and moulds as completely as possible, are put into a solid watch-glass, allowed to settle down, and to expand in a warm place (65° F.). As much water as can possibly be removed, without causing the Amoebae to contract, is then pipetted off and the fixative applied quickly. Since there was an almost unlimited supply of material the Amoebae were transferred to centrifuge tubes, where they were stained and dehydrated. (With care, it is possible to obtain very beautiful preparations of whole Amoebae by this method.) In the meantime Mr. P. Jamieson had prepared a thick creamy solution of celloidin in clove oil. The Amoebae were cleared in clove oil and gently centrifuged, the supernatant clove oil being then removed and replaced by the solution of celloidin in clove oil. They fell to the bottom on being gently centrifuged, when the excess of celloidin in clove oil was removed. Some melted paraffin was poured into a solid watch-glass and, when nearly hard, a small depression was made with the rounded end of a glass rod. The Amoebae in their celloidin-clove-oil fluid were then pipetted into this depression, which was at once flooded with chloroform. In a few seconds the little ' block' of celloidin was washed out of the depression and transferred to another watch-glass containing chloroform. After two hours the celloidin ' block ' was embedded in paraffin in the usual way, and serial sections cut. These were stained on the slide, the stains employed being Heidenhain's or Delafield's haematoxylin, light green being applied as a counterstain in some cases. A renewed study of the nucleus, with the aid of the technique described above, has yielded some additional details of interest, which it is the main object of this paper to describe. It will be remembered that the nucleus is a large discoid body, which is rolled about passively by the streaming endoplasm. Its AMOEBA PROTEUS 123 membrane is strongly marked. Immersed in the nuclear sap is (1) a conspicuous, centrally placed, plate-like ' karyosorne ' which lies in a highly vacuolated achromatinic substance, and (2) the chromatin (Text-figs. 1A and 1B : cf. PI. 2 (14)). The chromatin is confined to the blocks, situated normally just under the nuclear membrane. The ' karyosome', being plate-shaped, may appear circular or band-shaped according to the point of view. It consists of two substances : (1) a ground substance which does not stain so deeply as (2) a substance in the form of small blocks or rods which stain like chromatm (Text-figs. 1A and 1B ; 8). (Cf. PI. % figs. 1, 2, 3 (14).) One outcome of this renewed study is to establish the likenessx between the ' karyosome ' with its vacuolated network and the ordinary cytoplasm—in sections the material for which has been fixed in Plemming and stained in Heidenhain's haematoxylin. It is simply an achromatinic framework or nuclear reticulum, which is denser in the plate-like portion where the knots in the reticulum lie close together, and the granules are more numerous. The ' karyosome ' is then simply a more elaborate form of the achromatinic framework or nuclear reticulum as defined by Minchin (8, p. 77). When viewed in optical-section in a stained preparation of a whole Amoeba, the chromatin blocks heighten the mottled appearance of the so-called karyosome. In newly hatched Amoebae the so-called karyosome is very conspicuous, and much more homogeneous, i.e. less granular and less reticulate (Textfig. 10). In smear preparations of these young Amoebae, where the Amoebae have been allowed to dry completely before fixation, this ' karyosome ' appears to be quite similar to the ordinary cytoplasm—just a special nucleoplasm enclosed within the nuclear membrane.2 Minchin (8, p. 76) is of opinion that the nuclear membrane is formed from the achromatinic framework—and that it is always a structure very readily absorbed and reformed, and it appears to present no difficulty to the passage of substances from the nucleus into the cytoplasm and vice versa. That the nuclear membrane of A. p r o t e u s 1 i. e. in adult Amoebae. More detailed investigations of the role of the karyosome, especially in the growing (i. e. non-adult) Amoebae, are at present being conducted. 2 114 MONICA TAYLOR forms no exception to this rule is fully supported by observation (cf. Text-figs. 1A and 1B, and 3). The viscosity of the nuclear sap seems to vary with the age of the nucleus. It is greatest when ' chromidia ' formation is in progress. T13XT-FIG. l A . Two stained preparations of whole Amoebae drawn by Miss Margaret Curran, M.A., B.Sc. (from culture 3). A sub-culture (culture 10) having been secured, most of the material of culture 3 was fixed in warm corrosive acetic and used for the preparation of twenty-seven slides. On each slide there are several Amoebae almost all of which are in the condition illustrated in the figure, i. e. in process of shedding ' generative chromidia' from the The chromatin blocks (Text-fig. 1B, C) lying in the nuclear sap just under the nuclear membrane consist of two morphologically distinct substances, one with a great affinity for chromatin stains—the chromatin proper—and the other a ground substance not easily stained by Delafield or other haematoxylins, but coloured by counterstains, e.g. light green. This substance would seem to be the piastre described by Minchin (8, p. 77). The structure of these AMOEBA PROTEUS 125 blocks recalls the very beautiful analysis of the chromosome made by Martens in the ' Cycle du Chromosome somatique ' (7), where this duality of substance is seen to be likewise a characteristic of plant chromosomes. The beaded character of the chromosomes in many metazoa is also recalled by a TEXT-PIO. 1B. • j ™ v » % t * . • • • • . - • • - - , - • • • ' • • • • * " i nucleus. The stain used waa a modified carmine stain (14, p. 41) for the formula of which I am indebted to Dr. J. S. Dunkerly. a, nuclear membrane ; 6, reticulum of nucleoplasm, so-called ' Karyosome ' ; c, chromatin blocks ; d,fissiondivision of nucleus commencing, two rows of chromatin blocks (cf. PI. 2, 14) ; e, nuclear membrane absorbed in part; ' generative chromidia', i. e. chromatin blocks, escaping. study of the chromatin blocks in A. p r o t e u s. It is significant to note that certain cytoplasmic inclusions in Amoeba, which are unstained by haematoxylins after Mernming fixation, and which are certainly metabolic products, have a very similar colour to the plastin in sections. This suggests that plastin may be material of a nutritive character, especially in view of the fact that it disappears as the chromatin increases 126 MONICA TAYLOR in bulk. The likeness of cytoplasmic inclusions to the plastin may perhaps account for the observation made by Goldschmidt (8), in ITastigella, of the extrusion of plastin from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, to serve as a matrix for the chromatm, which passed out from the nucleus subsequently. iff 6. 5. Diagram to illustrate the ' resting' and ' dividing ' stages of the chromatin blocks. 1, ' resting ' block, chromatin and plastin indistinguishable ; 2, chrornatin becoming more distinct ; 3, fully condensed chromosome ; 4, division of chromosome into two ; 5, formation of four ' daughter ' chromosomes ; 6, four ' daughter ' blocks ; 7, ' daughter ' blocks going into ' resting ' stage, a, reticulum of nucleoplasm ; b, plastin ; e, chromatin ; d, nuclear sap. In Amoeba proteus plastin and chromatin do not separate, as will be explained later. The chromatin blocks (Text-fig. 2) pass through the phases familiar to the cytologist as ' resting ' and ' dividing '. In the resting condition the ' block ' has a mottled appearance and does not stain so precisely. It looks as though the chromatin AMOEBA PROTEUS 127 had been converted into an extremely fine reticulum almost indistinguishable from its ground substance of plastin. The block is always surrounded by a clear area, the achromatinic network (Text-fig. 2, b) being displaced to make way for i t ; it thus lies freely in the nuclear sap. As the time for division approaches the chromatin condenses into a small chromosome which stains very definitely. The plastin is completely hidden at this stage. It is either covered entirely by the chromatin, or it has been absorbed by it. The purple chromosome stands out conspicuously in its clear sphere of nuclear sap. A block, about to divide, can thus quite readily be picked out from the blocks in the resting condition. Division in the blocks is not synchronous, but, as already described (14, p. 43), begins in a little patch, the process gradually extending. There is a real division of each block into two and then into four daughter chromosomes. The daughter masses of chromatin separate and the achromatinic network stretches between them. Gradually the chromatin in each daughter block assumes the appearance of the resting condition, the plastin becoming again conspicuous. It is thus easy to understand that Goldschmidt's observation on M a s t i g e l l a may have a different interpretation from the one he gives. What he considered to be chromatin only is, in A. p r o t e u s at any rate, chromatin overlying and completely masking its groundwork of plastin, just as in the fully condensed chromosome the ' element achromatique' of Martens (7) is masked during metaphase and early anaphase. When the chromatin block goes into the ' resting ' condition the plastin reappears. It will be shown, later on, that the chromatin blocks become the ' generative chromidia '. The Amoeba nucleus grows as the cytoplasm increases in bulk, by the increase in the number of chromatin blocks. The rate of growth is in all cases dependent upon the food supplies of the Amoebae and varies enormously. When the Amoeba has attained its adult size, and is about to undergo fission divisions, the achromatinic network divides into two, each daughter element along with its complement of chromatin blocks forming a daughter nucleus (14, p. 43). Ill MONICA TAYLOR As will be shown later in Part II, the condition of the nucleus may be greatly modified by alteration in the environment of the Amoeba. Encystment. It has been repeatedly pointed out that, unless precautions be taken, cultures of A. prot eu s undergo depression periods. TEXT-FIG. 3. Portion of section (4M) through an Amoeba from culture 2, in region of nucleus. Fixation Flemming, stain Delafield's haematoxylin. a, nuclear membrane ; b, portion of nuclear membrane absorbed ; c, e(l) earliest stage of nuclei of young Amoebae (in c (1) note groundwork of plastin and peripheral chromatin); d, e,f, very young nuclei of young Amoebae in different stages of development ; g, chromatin block in nucleus of ' Mother' Amoeba ; h, nuclear sap in ' Mother' Amoeba ; k, nucleoplasm in ' Mother ' Amoeba. Compare with Text-fig. 1B, e, Text-fig. 6, (1-3). (Some experiments which seem to throw a little light on the causes of this onset will be described in Part II.) The fission divisions cease, and preparations for encystment commence. The onset of this phase is heralded by the fact that the nuclear AMOEBA PROTEUS 129 membrane is absorbed in one or more areas on the nucleus (Text-figs. 1 and 3). The chromatin blocks in the neighbourhood of this absorbed nuclear membrane begin to show signs of approaching ' division ' (of. Text-fig. 2). Out of the mass of plastin and chromatin which constitutes a block (Textfig. 2, (1)) in the ' resting ' stage there emerges a much stouter, more deeply staining, and more conspicuous chromosome than that which would normally have arisen if the block had been ' dividing ' inside the nuclear membrane, merely to increase the size of the Amoeba nucleus, or as a preliminary to a fission division of that nucleus. This chromosome takes on an appearance as though it divided into two, but very quickly the plastin reappears, the staining capacity of the chromatin is lessened, and the one-time block is converted into a spherical mass with the plastin in the centre and the chromatin round the periphery (cf. Text-fig. 3, c (1)). This structure escapes into the cytoplasm. Similarly the other blocks near the absorbed membrane (Text-figs. 1 and 3) behave in the same way, each at first lying freely in the cytoplasm near the nucleus, but eventually being carried away gradually by the streaming movements of the endoplasm to considerable distances from it. It is thus seen that these ' generative chromidia ' are really chromatin blocks that have escaped from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The condition of the culture is wholly responsible for the degree of rapidity in this process of ' extrusion of chromatin blocks '. Sometimes large numbers are found to be escaping in rapid succession. In other cases the escape is difficult to detect so few is the number of blocks shed. Arrived in the cytoplasm each block forms the rudiment of the nucleus of a young Amoeba. This rudiment grows in size (Text-fig. 3) by repeated division of the initial block. I have counted as many as eight chromosomes in the rudiment, but on the whole I am inclined to think that the number varies slightly (cf. Text-fig. 6, (1-5)). It will be seen later on that the young Amoebae vary slightly in size. The reserve products of the ' Mother ' Amoeba are called upon to supply food for the development of the numerous nucleus rudiments. NO. 273 K 130 MONICA TAYLOR There is a steady decrease in the number of' nutritive ' spheres as the encystment processes proceed (Text-figs. 4 and 5). The next stages in the formation of the young Amoebae are difficult to follow, and take place quickly. Each nucleus rudiment, by successive divisions (Text-fig. 6, (3 and 4)), having TEXT-FIG. 4. (Cf. Text-figs. 5, 6.) Portion of a lobopod of an A. p r o t e u s . From preparation of a whole Amoeba fixed in Bouin, stained in Delafield's haematoxylin (culture 10). The nutritive spheres stained black purple by this technique can be distinguished from young individuals with cysts not yet completely differentiated. become provided with its complement of ' blocks ' (this, varying in number, as already explained) becomes vacuolated in the centre and in such a way that the chromatin material is brought into more intimate communication with the cytoplasm of the ' Mother' Amoeba in which it evidently initiates activities. The first of these seems to be the differentiation of a layer of new cytoplasm for the young Amoeba (Text- AMOEBA PROTEUS 131 fig. 6, (5) b). Almost immediately the structure (i.e. the early stage of the definitive young Amoeba) becomes very vacuolated (Text fig. 6, (6)). The nucleus is in consequence no longer clearly distinguishable in the sections of this stage. This vacuolization is due to rapid absorption of nutritive TEXT-FIG. 5. (Cf. Text-figs. 9 and 10.) Section 4fi through A. p r o t e u s (from culture 24). Material fixed in Bouin stained in Delafield's haematoxylin. The nutritive spheres, stained black purple by this technique, are diminished greatly in number in correlation with the cysts being so numerous. [Consult Text-fig. 6 legend for explanation of various stages in development of cyst shown on a smaller scale in the above figure.] material, i.e. of nutritive spheres. Next, a cyst wall is differentiated apparently from the cytoplasm of the ' Mother ' Amoeba (Text-fig. 6, (7)). Nutritive material is enclosed within the cyst wall(Text-fig.6,(7)<2). If a living ' Mother' Amoeba be examined when the cysts are at the stages represented by Text-fig. 6, (7) and (8), these latter are seen to contain structures which are clearly not the differentiating Amoebae. They (Text-fig. 6, .(8) d) vary in size, and are absent from the fully differentiated cyst. Bach is a mass of nutrient material appropriated from the endoplasm of the ' Mother ' Amoeba, and is apparently K 2 TEXT-FIG. 6. Successive stages in the differentiation of the young A. p r o t e u s . (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), (11), from sections fixed in Bouin, stained in Delafield's haematoxylin and light green ; (4) from section fixed in Flemming ; (9), (10), from smear preparations of whole Amoebae (culture 24). N.B.—When Amoebae containing nearly ripe, and fully ripe, cysts are placed on a slide and allowed to expand in a warm place (about 65° to 70° F.), they tend to grip the slide as the water evaporates. If fixative be carefully run over them many of the Amoebae are cemented to the slide when AMOEBA PROTEUS 133 wholly used up during the ensuing later stages of development. In the fully formed cyst the young Amoeba has attained the characteristic appearance of an A. p r o t e u s (Text-fig, (i, (10), although the ' karyosome' of the nucleus is not yet clearly differentiated from the nuclear sap. After this follows a typical cyst-stage (Text-fig. 6, (11)), i.e. the whole structure becomes gradually smaller, the cyst wall resisting the entrance of fixatives and refusing to stain : indeed, the encysted young Amoeba bears a superficial likeness to a gregarine sporocyst. The reserve products of the ' Mother ' Amoeba have been completely used up by this time (Text-figs. 7 and 8). The resources of the nucleus, however, do not seem to be exhausted (Text-rig. 8). The achromatinic network remains and often there appear to be chromatin blocks in the nucleus when the ' Mother ' Amoeba is packed with cysts. It must be remembered, however, that the achromatinic network of the Amoeba nucleus is very voluminous, stains readily, and is a conspicuous object even when the chromatin has been removed from it. The remains of the cytoplasm of the ' Mother ' Amoeba form a shroud round the mass of cysts for a time, but this thin covering quickly disintegrates and the encysted Amoebae are dispersed throughout the aquarium where they can only with difficulty be distinguished from the innumerable encysted organisms of other kinds, Protozoa, plant-spores, &c. In favourable circumstances the young Amoebae may hatch out of their cysts at once ; on the other hand, they may remain quiescent for a varying period of time. The rupture of the the preparation can be treated as a ' smear ' preparation (cf. Text-fig. 7). (1), (2), (3), increase in size of plastin-chromatin in developing nucleus of young Amoeba ; (4), nucleus with vacuole and blocks (e) in periphery ; (5), blocks {a and b) in ' dividing ' condition (of. nucleus in / , Text-fig. 10), commencement of differentiation of cytoplasm of young Amoeba ; (6), group of differentiating Amoebae ' vacuolated' stage (c, nutrient sphere ; d, vacuole of nutritive material) ; (7), cyst wall just formed, nutrient material in form of a globule (d), Amoeba nucleus not clearly distinguishable from cytoplasm ; (8) nutrient material (d) no longer globular ; (9) cyst wall (/) fully formed, no trace of nutrient material ; (10), young Amoeba in cyst, nucleus (7i) and cytoplasm (</) segregated ; (11), cyst fully formed, unstainable. 184 MONICA TAYLOR cyst wall seems to be brought about by the action of a ' hatching ferment ' (15, p. 81). This collects in a vacuole which impinges on that area of the cyst Avail which is eventually ruptured. If TEXT-FIG. 7. i (Cf. Text-fig. 6.) i i I I 'Mother' A. p r o t e u s containing fully differentiated cysts. a, ectoplasm ; 6, marks position of nucleus ; c, cysts. some of the material from, an aquarium where encystment phenomena are known to be in progress be carefully pipetted on to a slide, microscopical examination will reveal large numbers of empty cysts in the neighbourhood of unhatched Amoeba. The young Amoeba floats about in the water, and AMOEBA PBOTEUS 135 in keeping with this habit its pseudopodia become long, stiff, and radiate. In fact it often bears a superficial resemblance to an Actinophrys. It can be made to grip the substratum by reducing the quantity of water on the slide when it creeps about in typical A. p r o t e u s fashion (Text-fig. 9). I have no evidence of gametic formation such as is described TEXT-FIG. 8. •O2> rrv.m Section (4/i) through a n A. p r o t e u s (culture 24) in which the nucleus of t h e ' M o t h e r ' Amoeba is still present. Fixation Bouin, stain Delafield's haematoxylin a n d light green, a, nuclear m e m b r a n e ; b, young Amoebae a t stage represented in Textfig. 6, (6) ; c, nuclear reticulum (' karyosome ' in elevation) ; d, chromatin blocks ; e, ripe cysts (at stage represented in Textfig. 6, (11)) ; / , stage corresponding to t h a t represented in Textfig. 6, (5) ; g, nutritive spheres. for P e 1 o m y x a . I have never seen the Helizoon-like Amoebae unite in pairs to form a zygote, as is said to happen in the case of P e l o m y x a (8, p. 228). Ths presence of good supplies of bacteria and other minute food-organisms is an important factor in the rearing of these young Amoebae. (That these young creatures sometimes, however, ingest relatively large food-organisms can be appre- IB6 MONICA TAYLOR ciated by an inspection of Text-fig. 10, g, where the clear area represents the remains of an ingested flagellate within which the nutritive spheres are making their appearance. This figure also illustrates the conspicuousness of the nutritive spheres when stained in Delafield's haematoxylin.) This early period of development is a critical time; large numbers perish before TEXT-PIG. 9. % ir From culture 68, sub-culture of twenty-four made by treatment with tartaric acid (see Part II). a, b, c, d, newly hatched A. p r ot e u s (a and d floating form, 6 and c creeping form); e, twomonths-old A. p r o t e u s ; f, nucleus of same after staining; g, outline of A. p r o t e u s when three months old, drawn after specimen had been allowed to expand on a slide, and to creep. attaining maturity. The newly hatched Amoeba is only visible under the high power. Its contractile vacuole is very characteristic, its nucleus can be detected in the living animal, its ectoplasm is voluminous and extremely hyaline. These young Amoebae have the same habit as their adults have of becoming AMOEBA PROTEUS 187 temporarily perfectly spherical when the ectoplasm has the appearance of a thin cyst wall. The chroma-tin blocks as seen in a stained preparation of young Amoebae when in the ' resting ' condition (cf. Textfig. 2, (7)) are by no means conspicuous (Text-fig. 10, a and d). Probably tbis fact accounts for the relatively inconspicuous TEXT-FIG. 10. Stained preparations of recently hatched and young Amoebae (A. p r o t e u s ) to show nuclei in which the blocks are in the ' resting ' and ' dividing ' stages, a, b, fixed in absolute alcohol, stained in Ehrlich's haematoxylin, from culture 19, blocks in' resting ' condition, so-called karyosome is conspicuous ; c, d, e, / , g, fixed in Bourn, stained in Delafield's haematoxylin, cleared in clove oil, from culture 52 ; blocks in c, d, g in ' resting ' condition ; blocks in e, f in ' dividing ' condition ; so-called ' karyosome ' clearly distinguishable from chromatin material in peripheral blocks ; n.s., nutritive spheres in process of formation. character of the nucleus as a whole. It requires careful differentiation, i. e. overstaining and then destaining, to make good permanent preparations of young Amoeba nuclei. When the blocks proceed to divide they are seen to be larger in proportion to the size of the Amoeba (Text-fig. 10,/) than they 138 MONICA TAYLOR are in the adult. (Compare also the relatively conspicuous size of the chromosomes in the differentiating nucleus, Textfig. 6, (5).) As the growth of the Amoeba proceeds, the blocks become smaller in proportion to the increase in their number until the Amoeba becomes adult, when there is a sort of rough proportion between the age of the nucleus and the size of the block, i.e. the older the Amoeba, the larger the block. PART II. AMOEBA CULTURES AND HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION. Thirty pedigree cultures in all have been used for this investigation. Most of these were contained in cylindrical glass vessels (diameter 8 in., height 4 in.), the volume of water present being from one and a half to two litres. Some few were in vessels of smaller dimensions. The hydrogen-ion concentration is recorded as is usual in terms of pH—the symbol pH denoting the logarithm of the number of grams of hydrogen ion per litre. The colorhnetric method was used for the determinations, the range of readings obtained being sufficiently great to make an accuracy of 0-2 quite adequate. Adult Amoebae for the most part are to be found on the bottom of the aquarium or on the surface of the debris which collects there (young Amoebae float just above the debris, as do likewise those adults that have become temporarilyspherical for the purpose of fission). There is, therefore, a comparatively large bulk of water above the Amoebae. The pH of each culture recorded has been obtained by gently but thoroughly stirring the water of the aquarium and then allowing the debris to subside, a sample of the water (10 c.c.) being then taken off in a test-tube and treated with the indicator. Since all the cultures were stored in the laboratory the temperature is fairly uniform for the greater part of the year, i.e. 58° to 60° P. The aquaria were shaded from direct sunlight. Numberless readings taken from flourishing Amoeba cul- AMOEBA PBOTEUS 139 tures show that in Glasgow the pH of the water in the aquarium (after it has been stirred up) when most of the Amoebae are adult and undergoing fission is 6-6. This then may be regarded as the optimum pH. A diurnal A^ariation due to photosynthesis can be obviated by keeping the cultures in the shade. The most practical method of maintaining this pH 6'6 is by sub-culturing once at least in three months. When a culture is in such a condition that a pipette full of material (5 to 7 c.c.) from the bottom of the aquarium put into a solid watch-glass and viewed under the low power of a Greenough binocular shows 50 to 100 adult Amoebae, then a sub-culture should be made from it. For this purpose an infusion of boiled wheat grains (5-7 to 100 c.c. of water) should be put into an incubator (or near the radiator, or in any warm place—65° to 70° P.) for one or two days, when the infusion should be inoculated with from 5 to 10 c.c. of the inoculation material, more water being added every few days to compensate for evaporation and bring the bulk of water gradually to about a litre. A sub-culture, successfully made, is at its prime in about three months, its pH is 6-6 (in Glasgow), and it is then ready to be used in its turn for further sub-cultures. The original stock cultures, if fed regularly with additional wheat grains, will undergo periods of depression and luxuriance, and will form useful stock that can be called upon in case of accident. Amoebae can live in water whose pH is higher than 6-6, but the struggle for existence seems to be greater ; the higher pH of the water favouring the growth of a variety of rotifers, ciliates, &c, not useful for Amoeba food. Adult Amoebae can of course devour quite large Paramecia and the smaller rotifers, but large rotifers, Prontonia, &c, are inimical to young Amoebae. In such cultures the Amoebae have, so to speak, to take turns in the cycle of dominating organisms, and fit in their cycle of changes and complete their life-history in intervals when the enemy organisms are less active (encysting, or producing eggs). Amoebae can live in water whose pH is as low as 4. The 140 MONICA TAYLOR field-book records of culture 10 show that it has been in a flourishing condition at a pH of 4 ; the pH of this particular aquarium water never rises beyond 5, and falls as low as 3-2 when the Amoebae are encysting. The pH of unsuccessfully inoculated cultures has been very usually 4 in my experience. I have not yet accumulated sufficient evidence of good results to recommend the raising of pH by means of the addition of chemicals. Experiments being conducted on the pH of the water in which the various moulds and algae that crop up in Amoeba cultures are being grown, seem to show that acid-producing plants are largely responsible for low pH and for fluctuations in the pH readings. If these gain the upper hand the Amoebae succumb, or they encyst until the other organisms have reacted and so brought about a less acid condition. A voluminous fungoid matting of a dirty greyish colour that often accumulates round freshly added wheat seems to be inculpated and should be removed. Similarly a mould of the nature of a whitish incrustation that accumulates on the surface of the water and which can be removed by placing pieces of paper on to it and skimming it off, by removing the paper from contact with the water, is a herald of a low pH. Other mould spores, on the contrary, are greedily devoured by Amoebae. The evidence at present available shows that sunlight favours the growth of certain of these acid-producing plants. The individuals of a culture that has been obtained by a successive series of sub-cultures from one initial culture are often found to be supercharged with storage products— metabolic substances. The nucleus, too, is often irregular, very lobed. These Amoebae tend to bud off lumps of cytoplasm when they are being transferred to a slide. These characteristics are due to the artificial frustration of the encystment phenomena. The most beautiful and typical of individuals are those that are just adult, i.e. about six months old. The pH of a culture can be lowered without damage to the Amoebae by means of tartaric acid. The results obtained from AMOEBA PROTEUS 141 the use of this acid, which I chose on account of its employment in cooking operations, confirm the subsequent discovery made by Pan tin on the marine Amoebae (9). All the adult Amoebae in a culture whose pH is 6-6 may be killed by lowering the pH to 3 by the addition of tartaric acid. The encysted Amoebae are unharmed by this treatment and begin to hatch out in due course, when their growth can be studied. Another method of studying the emergence of the young Amoebae from their cysts is to put several large old Amoebae into a solid watch-glass with water from the aquarium out of which they were taken, the watch-glass being covered up to prevent evaporation. The adult Amoebae, after a varying period of time, begin to undergo the encystment phenomena, and when this is completed they can no longer be recognized under the low power of a Greenough binocular—by reflected light. Under the high power in transmitted light the bottom of the watch-glass is seen to be covered with cysts, and as a rule there is a great growth of green flagellates. After three weeks or a month from the time of starting the experiment, an examination under the high power of an ordinary microscope of the material from the bottom of the watch-glass will reveal the presence of cysts, cysts ready to open, and newly hatched Amoebae. The onset of a period of depression is often heralded by a rise of pH to 7'3 and upwards to 7-8. If now a sub-culture be made, the change of temperature, lack of food-supply, &c, may accelerate the encystment phenomena, instead of causing the Amoebae to go on with their fission divisions. In such a case the success of the inoculation cannot be judged without recourse to the high power of a microscope. This sub-culture will not contain adult Amoebae for six months at least. The starving of Amoebae after they have fed voraciously will accelerate the formation of cysts. This starvation is sometimes brought about under more or less natural conditions by the wheat decomposition products being absorbed by algal growths. A micro-organism culture which is known to contain encysted 142 MONICA TAYLOR Amoebae but which, in addition, is inoculated with a variety of organisms such as F r o n t o n i a l e u c a s , Paramecia, large Brachionus, and other large rotifers, which are detrimental to prolific development of Amoebae, may be converted into a good Amoeba culture by a lowering of the pH to 4 by means of tartaric acid. All these organisms are killed off by the treatment, and their decomposition products, together with that of the wheat, constitute a good pabulum for the Amoebae, which then have a chance of thriving. In concluding, I Avish to record my indebtedness to Miss Isabella McGuire, B.Sc, for much assistance in the routine work of taking pH readings. SUMMARY. 1. Additional detail of the minute structure of the nucleus of A . p r o t e u s has been given. 2. It has been shown that growth in the size of the nucleus and fission division of the nucleus are consequent upon a previous division of chromatin material situated in the blocks. 3. This division of the chromatin blocks has been described. 4. The history of the formation and development of the young Amoebae, encystment, hatching, rate of growth has been traced out. 5. Some recent modifications in the methods of making laboratory cultures of A. p r o t e u s have been recorded. 6. Amoeba culture in relation to hydrogen-ion concentration has been discussed. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Atkins, W. R. G., and Lebour, M. V. (1923).—"The Habitats of Limnaea truncatula and L. pereger in relation to Hydrogen-ion Concentration ", ' Soient. Proc. R. D. S.', vol. xvii, N.S., no. 41. 2. (1923).—" The Hydrogen-ion Concentration of the Soil and of Natural Waters in relation to the Distribution of Snails ", ibid., no. 28. AMOEBA PROTEUS 148 3. Carter, Lucy A. (1913).—" Notes on a Case of Mitotic Division in Amoeba proteus, Pall.", ' Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin.', vol. xix, no. 4. 4. (1915).—" The Cyst of Amoeba proteus ", ibid., no. 8. 5. (1919).—"Some Observations on Amoeba proteus", ibid., vol. xx, part 4. 6. Doflein, IF. (1818).—"Die vegetative Fortpflanzung von A. proteus, Pall.", ' Zool. Anzeiger', Bd. xlix, no. 10. 7. Martens, P. (1922).—" Le cycle du chromosome soinatique dans le Paris quadrifolia " , ' Acad. R. de Belgique. Bulletins de la Classe des Sciences ', no. 3, pp. 124-30 ; also ' La Cellule ', torn, xxxii, 2 e fascicule. 8. Minchin, E. A. (1912).—' An Introduction to the Study of Protozoa.' 9. Pan tin, C. F. A. (1923).—" Amoeboid Movement ", ' Journ. of the M. B. Association of the United Kingdom ', vol. xiii, no. 1, December 1923. 10. Schaeffer, A. A. (1916).—" Notes on the Specific and other Characters of Amoeba proteus, Pall. (Leidy), A. discoides, spec, nov., and A. dubia, spec, nov.", ' Archiv fur Protistenkunde ', Bd. xxxvii, 1916. 11. Taylor, Monica, and Hayes, C. (1921).—" The Technique of Culturing Amoeba proteus ", ' Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc.', pp. 241-4. 12. Taylor, Monica (1920).—"Aquarium Cultures for Biological Teaching", ' Nature ', 105, p. 232. 13. (1919).—" Note on the Collection and Culture of Amoeba proteus for Class Purposes " , ' Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin.', vol. xx, part 4. 14. (1923).—" Nuclear Divisions in Amoeba proteus ", ' Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.', vol. 67, part i, April. 15. Wintrebert, P. (1922).—" Titres et Travaux scientifiques." 144 MONICA TAYLOR APPENDIX. Nutritive Spheres in Amoeba. By Sister Carmela Hayes, S.N.D., B.Sc. INTRODUCTION. SCHABPFBR (2) states that A . p r o t e u s is 'characterized by the occurrence of a large number of ^clear bluish spheres which in occasional individuals reach a size of 10 microns in diameter. They occur in greater number and more constantly in this species under varying conditions than in any others that I have examined.' Later on, in speaking of A. d i s c o i d e s , he goes on to say that ' constantly occurring inclusions are spheres of a pale blue colour, the so-called excretion spheres, which are connected somehow with digestive processes, as earlier observers have indicated. The number of these spheres varies according to the amount of food eaten and digested and the rate of division, as has been noted for other species.' Because of the superficial resemblance in the living Amoeba of the large so-called excretion spheres to encysting young Amoebae, and their varying behaviour to the fixatives and stains ordinarily employed in cytological investigation (and also because of an artifact occurring in certain stained preparations of whole Amoebae), Sister Monica asked me to undertake an exhaustive examination of the effects of these various fixatives and stains on A. p r o t e u s and to determine if possible the nature of these cytoplasmic inclusions observed by Schaeffer. As explained in the foregoing paper these so-called excretion spheres have been there alluded to as nutritive spheres. This term will similarly be employed to designate them in the following record. AMOEBA. PROTEUS 145 With some thirty pedigree cultures at my disposal I have been able to make a large number of preparations—temporary and permanent—and to cut sections of Amoebae under various conditions, the field-book records of these cultures supplying me with their complete history. I have been able to confirm Schaeffer's observations that these spheres vary in number according to the amount of food eaten and digested. Sister Monica has shown that the nutritive spheres play an important part in the phenomena of encystment, and that in certain preparations of whole Amoebae—notably those stained in Delafield's haematoxylin after fixatives other than Flernming's—they can easily be distinguished from the various stages in the differentiation of the encysting young Amoebae. In other cases of whole preparations, however, it is not quite so easy to clearly distinguish the ripe ' spores ' from the large nutritive spheres. No such difficulty exists in the interpretation of sections. THE NUTRITIVE SPHERES. (a) T e m p o r a r y P r e p a r a t i o n s . — I f a solution of iodine in potassium iodide be run under the coverslip of a slide on which there is an Amoeba which has not yet begun to undergo fission divisions, i. e. about six months old, an abundance of minute starch granules become visible in the cytoplasm. If an Amoeba, old and containing many nutritive spheres, be crushed under a coverslip and then treated with iodine the smaller spheres are stained dark brown. The larger spheres —less deeply stained—seem to form centres around which the starch granules collect. Each large pale-brown sphere with the particles adhering to it forms a striking object.1 In aceto-carmine preparations the spheres are unstained. (b) P e r m a n e n t Preparations.—If an Amoeba be put on a slide, and a smear preparation be made of it, the 1 A somewhat similar phenomenon is evident in permanent preparations treated with iodine solution after Ehrlich's haematoxylin. NO. 273 L 146 MONICA TAYLOR larger spheres lose their spherical form and become irregular patches which stain deeply in thionin and Delafield's haematoxylin. Old Amoebae overloaded with large nutritive spheres fixed in modified Bouin,1 corrosive alcohol, or corrosive acetic solutions and stained in borax carmine behave as do the Amoebae that have been crushed and treated with a solution of iodine in potassium iodide. The starch granules are either attracted to the large spheres or the adhesive nature of the substance in these spheres retains the starch grains in their immediate neighbourhood. Consequently when viewed in permanent preparations stained in carmine stains the nearly colourless groundwork of the sphere covered with the stained granules (purplish blue in good daylight, blackish in artificial light) give a superficial resemblance to a ripe Amoeba cyst. The artifact is very conspicuous, forming a striking contrast to the general red of the cytoplasm. That these coloured particles adhering to the nutritive spheres are not symbiotic bacteria such as have been described for P e l o m y x a (4), can easily be seen from careful examination of the preparations, accompanied by a constant reference to temporary preparations and to the living animal. After fixation with any of the more ordinary fixatives— absolute alcohol, absolute alcohol plus corrosive sublimate, absolute alcohol plus corrosive plus acetic acid, aqueous corrosive acetic, modified Bouin, or formalin 10 per cent., and staining with Delafield's haematoxylin (as supplied by British Drug Houses, Limited), the spheres show up in a very striking manner—they appear as black blobs measuring from 1 to about S/tt in diameter (Schaeffer records spheres of 10/a diameter, but I have seen none quite this size), and somewhat resembling the yolk-globules seen in sections of young embryos stained in iron haematoxylin. In preparations of whole Amoebae where the nutritive spheres are very numerous these dark purple masses mask the other structures. Treatment of Amoebae containing numerous large spheres 1 Formula of Duboscq Brasil. 1905. AMOEBA PROTEUS 147 with osmic acid solution and with Sudan III proved that fat was not a constituent of these bodies. Moreover, all the ordinary methods of fixation and up-grading in alcohols and xylol or clove oil left these spheres intact and undissolved, which is another proof of their not being fat (1). Amoebae from culture 20—crowded with large blue spheres— fixed in aqueous corrosive acetic and then soaked for two and a half days in water (which was changed three or four times per day) showed no trace of the spheres when stained in Delafield's haematoxylin; presumably they bad dissolved out in the water. This solubility of the spheres in water would suggest that they are of the nature of glycogen. The mere fixation in aqueous corrosive acetic is not sufficient to dissolve the spheres. Numbers of Amoebae, at many stages in their life-history from cultures 19, 29, and 37, fixed in absolute alcohol, were stained in Ehrlich's haematoxylin and then treated with iodine solution according to the method described by Gatenby (1). .Others from the same cultures and having the same fixation were treated with Best's carmine after Ehrlich's haematoxylin (method given in (3) and, though both these methods were described for staining sections on slides, the results obtained in the bulk staining were quite satisfactory, the spheres giving somewhat of the glycogen reaction in both cases, i.e. yellow to reddish brown in iodine solution, and red in Best's carmine. The Amoebae stained in Ehrlich's haematoxylin plus iodine solution make especially pretty pictures, as the yellow to reddish-brown spheres form a pleasing contrast to the beautiful blue of the Ehrlich in nucleus and cytoplasm. Similarly pretty pictures are obtained by overstaining in Delafield's haematoxylin differentiating in slightly acidified alcohol and overstaining in light green when the purple of the nutritive spheres is in strong contrast to the green of the general cytoplasm. That the colour of the spheres varies so much in different individuals—from bright yellow through brown to reddish brown—shows that the glycogen-like substance which they contain must vary in composition; probably, in course of 148 MONICA TAYLOR being formed in some, at an optimum in others, and being used up in yet a third set. Stained in Ehrlich's haematoxylin alone the spheres are reddish. After fixation in Flemming's solution the spheres are not stained by the haematoxylin dyes used (Ehrlich, Delafield, Heidenhain). No matter what the fixative, they are not stained red by borax carmine nor by picro-magnesium carmine. It may be noted here that the carmine stains, especially Best's, give an opaqueness to the preparations which is absent from those stained in haematoxylin. EFFECTS OF FIXATIVES. Since A. p r o t e u s is so largely used by the elementary student as well as by the scientific investigator the following results may be of value. 1. Absolute Alcohol preserves the natural form very well, also the sphere-like inclusions, but it rapidly coagulates the ectoplasm of adults as well as young individuals and so forms a cyst-like skin round the Amoeba. The achromatinic framework or nucleoplasm is not fixed so effectively as by stronger fixatives. 2. Corrosive Absolute and Corrosive Absolute plus a little (less than 3 per cent.) Acetic Acid are both good fixatives for the reticulum, both cytoplasmic and nuclear also for chromatin and the sphere-like inclusions. 3. Aqueous Corrosive Acetic may be used with success. 4. Modified Bouin (Duboscq Brasil, 1905) is fairly good for nucleoplasm and good for chromatin, but it tends to make the cytoplasm unnaturally transparent. It is useful for penetrating the cyst wall of encysting Amoebae. 5. Formalin 10 per cent, as usual did not prove a good nuclear fixative. The nutritive spheres do not take on such a dark purple stain in Delafield's haematoxylin after this fixative. 6. Hot Water can with care be safely employed for those AMOEBA PROTEUS 149 physiological purposes where alcoholic and acid fixatives would interfere with the investigation being pursued. The blue spheres stain readily in Delafield's haematoxylin after any of the above-mentioned fixatives ; but no matter what the fixation may be they are not stained by ordinary borax carmine or by the picro-magnesium carmine used, useful though these latter stains are for nucleus and reticulum. 7. P l e m m i n g ' s S o l u t i o n is a useful fixative for whole preparations and sections, but the proverbial difficulty of staining after Flemming holds good here, and it is remarkable that the blue spheres which after other fixatives are so deeply stained by Delafield's haematoxylin are unstained by it after this fixative. Although unstained, however, their presence is easily recognized in sections. Prom what has been said above it would appear then that the pale blue spheres of A. p r o t e u s contain a glycogen-like substance, and the number of spheres present and their exact chemical composition depend on the stage of its life's cycle at which the individual is and also on its physiological condition. LIST OF EEFERENCES IN APPENDIX. 1. Gatenby, J. Bronte.—" The Identification of Intracellular Structures ", ' Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc.', pp. 93-118, 1919. 2. Sehaeffer, A. A.—" Notes on the Specific and other Characters of Amoeba proteus, Pallas (Leidy), A. discoides, spec, nov., and A. dubia, spec, nov.", ' Archiv fur Protistenkunde ', 1916. 3. Bolles Lee.—' The Microtomist's Vade-Meoum', edition by Gatenby, 1921. 4. Minchin, E. A.—' An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa ', 1912.