Course: EMA 304-Practicum in Educational Management I
Lecturer: Oduwaiye, Rhoda Olape
B.A.(Ed) Eng/Edu. M.Ed, Ph.D. Educational Management (ILORIN)
Department of Educational Management,
Faculty of Education,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin
Office Location: Room 4, Department of Educational Management.
Consultation Hours: 2.00 – 4.00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays
Course Content:
Uses of simple techniques like the histogram, progression table, flow charts, enrolment forecasting and other techniques for administrative and policy problem solving.
15h (T); 45(P); C(PR to EMA 410)
Course Description:
This course is a practical approach to analysis and application of planning techniques to specific educational situations or problems. Simple techniques, collection of data, stock, flow statistics and enrolment forecasting will be discussed and studied through this course.
Course justification:
There is need for educational managers to be well acquainted with the provision of information on the learning needs of a society, the production of the inventory of existing institutional facilities and evaluation of their use efficiency. This course will help the students on the application of planning techniques to specific educational situations or problems, as it addresses the issue of the projection of stock and flow components of the educational input variables such as pupil/student enrolment, teachers, classrooms, furniture, cost etc. needed for the future or target years.
Course objectives:
(i) General objective
The general objective of this course is to produce competent, committed and qualified teachers with B.Ed, B.Sc(Ed), and B.A (Ed) degree in Educational Management.
(ii) Specific objective
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Solve problems with the use of simple techniques like histogram, barchat, pie chart, and pictogram.
Distinguish between stock and flow statistics
Discuss the parameters for measuring stock and flow statistics
Project human and non-human resources in educational system
Course Requirement:
This is a compulsory course in the Department of Educational Management –
Students are expected to participate in all course activities and have a minimum of 75% attendance to be able to write the final examination on the course. Students are expected to seek clarification on different aspects of the course for better understanding. Students are also expected to have e-mail for web discussion. Assignments and tests will be given to the students.
Method of grading
No Item Score
1 Class assignments 10
2 Class tests 20
3 Competence Final Exam 70
Total 100
Course Delivery strategies
The lectures will be delivered through face-to-face method. Theoretical materials
(lecture notes) will be provided during lectures. Students will be encouraged and required to read around the topics and follow current issues in the media. Additional materials and links will be provided on the board. The delivery strategies will also be supported by interactive sessions and review of study questions.
Week 1: Definition of statistics
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to explain the meaning, types and uses of statistics for educational planners in Nigeria.
Description: The definition, types and uses of statistic for educational planners will be discussed.
Study Questions:
1. Explain the term “Statistics”.
2. Discuss five uses of statistics in educational planning.
3. Differentiate between flow statistics and stock statistics in educational planning.
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 2: Graphic representation of data ( histogram and bar chart)
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to solve problems on histogram and bar chart.
Description: the meaning, steps in constructing histogram and bar chart, illustrations on histogram and bar chart will be treated.
Study Questions:
1. What are the steps in constructing histogram ?
2. State 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of bar chart
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 3: Graphic representation of data ( pie chart and pictogram)
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to solve problems on pie chart and pictogram.
Description: the meaning, steps in constructing pie chart and pictogram, illustrations on histogram and bar chart will be treated.
Study Questions:
1. Define pie chart
2. What are the characteristics of pie charts ?
3. State 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of pie chart
4. state 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of bar chart
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 4: Analysis and application of techniques to specific educational problems.
Objective: The students should be able to describe the application and analysis of techniques to specific educational problems.
Description: The analysis and application of techniques to specific educational problems in educationally backward area, educationally advanced area and areas undergoing structural reforms will be discussed.
Study Questions:
Identify and discuss the educational problems or situation that may call for the projection of school in put variables.
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 5: construction of flow chart using flow statistics .
Objective: At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to construct flow chart using flow statistics.
Description: problems on flow chart will be solved using flow statistics.
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 6: construction of flow chart using projection table .
Objective: At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to construct flow chart using projection table.
Description: problems on flow chart will be solved using projection table.
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 7: Enrolment Projection (Grade ratio model).
Objective: At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to project school enrolment such as enrolment from one level to another.
Description : The projection of school enrolment such as grade ratio model will be discussed.
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 8: Enrolment Projection (Growth rate model).
Objective: At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to project school enrolment such as students flow model-measuring efficiency and wastage, new entrant in one year, dropout rate etc.
Description : The projection of school enrolment such as students flow model-measuring efficiency and wastage, new entrant in one year, dropout rate etc. will be discussed.
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 9: Enrolment Projection (Student flow models)
Objective: At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to project school enrolment such as students flow model-measuring efficiency and wastage, new entrant in one year, dropout rate etc.
Description : The projection of school enrolment such as students flow model-measuring efficiency and wastage, new entrant in one year, dropout rate etc. will be discussed.
Study Questions:
1. Explain the term “ Projection”.
2. If 500 students were admitted in year 2004, determine students enrolment in year
2011, given an annual growth rate of 25%
3. Discuss five factors that determine students enrolment in Nigerian primary schools
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 10: Projecting teachers requirement, classrooms, laboratories, workshops and educational cost
Objective: At the end of the lecture, students should be able to project the required number of teachers, classrooms, laboratories and educational cost needed in the schools.
Description: Projection of teachers, classrooms, laboratories, workshop will be studied
Study Questions:
1. Define a model
2. Discuss five factors affecting classroom projection
Reading list:
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
Week 11: Field work
Description: T he students will be expected to go to a school to collect data relating to students enrolment and forecast, using the data collected.
Week 12: Test
Description: Students will be tested on all topics already treated. Discussion of test: 45 minutes.
Week 13: Revision
Objective: students are expected to seek for clarification and explanation on any aspect of the course.
Week 14 & 15: End on semester Examination on the course
Afolabi2, S. O. (2004). Statistical tools and models for educational planners . Ilorin:
Integrity Publications.
Akinwumiju, A. (1995). Educational planning statistics and models . Ibadan: Keye-
Yek Printing Production.
Durosaro3, D.O. (1997). Statistical needs for educational planning in Nigeria . Ilorin:
Corporate Office Map Publishers.
Okunamiri, P.O. (2006). Practicum in Eduactional Planning. In J.B. Babalola (Ed).
Educational management : Thoughts and practice. Ibadan: Codet Publications.
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