Which of the following phrases does a teacher say? Which of the

Which of the following phrases does a teacher say?
Which of the following phrases does a student say?
Ouvrez vos livres, s’il vous plaît!
Je te présente Yasmina. C’est une copine.
Comment dit-on dog en français, madame?
Allez au tableau.
Make sure you know numbers 0-30. You can practice them at the site listed below.
Can you answer the following questions (and know the numbers and how to spell them) in French?
 How many corners are in a square?
 How many months are in a year?
 How many days are in a week?
 What does “J’ai seize ans” mean?
 What does “J’ai dix-sept ans” mean?
Be able to write a response to the following situations:
 When someone asks your name
 When someone asks your age
 When someone asks, “How are you doing?”
 When someone introduces you to a new friend
 When someone says “goodbye”
Are the following words subjects or verbs?
 je
 ai
 tu
 elle
 s’appelle
What are the French indefinite articles and when is each one used?
Which indefinite article do you (usually) use when a word ends in e?
Which indefinite article do you use when a word does not end in e?
Which indefinite article do you use when a word ends in s or x?
What does avoir mean? Can you match the subject pronoun to the appropriate verb? Just in case,
here they are:
Nous avons
Tu as
Vous avez
Il a
Ils ont
Elle a
Elles ont
You will have an extra credit opportunity on your test too. To do well in the E.C. section, review
classroom items in French.