
1. Which of the following statements are true? (#65)
All symmetric histograms have single peaks.
All symmetric bell-shaped curves are normal.
All normal curves are bell-shaped and symmetric.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II (D) None of the above (E) III only
2. Assuming that heights of professional male tennis players follow a bellshaped distribution, arrange in ascending order: (#68)
A height with a z-score of 1
A height with a percentile rank of 80 percent.
A height at third quartile Q3
3. Suppose the scores of an exam have a mean of 75 with a standard
deviation of 8. If one student has a test result with a z-score of -1.5, and a
second student has a test result with a z-score of 2.0, how many points
higher was the second student’s result than that of the first? ( #69)
(A) 3.5 (B) 4 (C) 12 (D) 16 (E) 28
4. (#29)If the standard deviation of a set of observations is 0, you can
(A) That there is no relationship between the observations.
(B) That the average value is 0.
(C) That all observations are the same value.
(D) That a mistake in arithmetic has been made.
(E) None of the above.
5. When a set of data has suspect outliers, which of the following are
preferred measures of central tendency and of variability? (#44)
(A) Mean and standard deviation
(B) Mean and variance
(C) Mean and range
(D) Median and range
(E) Median and interquartile range
6. When there are multiple gaps and clusters, which of the following is the
best choice to give an overall picture of a distribution?(#78)
(A) Mean and standard deviation
(B) Median and interquartile range
(C) Boxplot with its five-number summary
(D) Stemplot or histogram
(E) None of the above are really helpful in showing gaps and clusters.
7. Advantage(s) to using surveys as opposed to experiments is (are) that
Surveys are generally cheaper to conduct.
It is generally easier to conclude cause and effect from surveys.
Surveys are generally not subject to bias.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II (E) II and III
8. An AP Statistics teacher grades using z-scores. On the second major exam
of the marking period, a student receives a grade with a z-score of -1.3.
What is the correct interpretation of this grade? (#49)
(A) The student’s grade went down 1.3 points from the first exam.
(B) The student’s grade went down 1.3 points more than the average grade
went down from the first exam.
(C) The student scored 1.3 standard deviations lower on the second exam
than on the first.
(D) The student scored 1.3 standard deviations lower on the second exam
than the class average on the first exam.
(E) The student scored 1.3 standard deviations lower on the second exam
than the class average on the second exam.
9. A Doctor wishes to compare the resting heart rates of his younger patients
(younger than 30 years old) versus his older patients (older than 30 years
old). Which of the following graphical displays is inappropriate? (#59)
(A) Back-to-back Stemplot
(B) Parallel boxplots
(C) Side by side histograms
(D) Scatterplot
(E) All of the above displays are appropriate.
10. A histogram of the education level (in the number of years of schooling) of
the adult population of the United States would have been which of the
following characteristics? (#58)
Skewness to the left
(A) II only (B) I and II (C) I and III (D) II and III (E) I, II, and III
11.A data set includes two outliers, one at each end. If both these outliers are
removed, which of the following is a possible result?
(A) Both mean and standard deviation remain unchanged.
(B) Both the median and standard deviation remain unchanged.
(C) Both the standard deviation and variance remain unchanged.
(D) Both the mean and median remain unchanged.
(E) Both the mean and standard deviation increase.
12.Which of the following are true statements?
Stemplots are useful both for quantitative and categorical data sets.
Stemplots are equally useful for small and very large data sets.
Stemplots can show symmetry, gaps, clusters, and outliers.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II (E) I and III
13. Which of the following are true statements?
The range of the sample data set can never be greater than the range
of the population.
While the range is affected by outliers, the interquartile range is not.
Changing the order from ascending to descending changes the sign of
the range.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II (E) I and III
14.If the quartiles Q1 = 50 and Q3 = 70, which of the following must be true?
The median is 60.
The mean is between 50 and 70.
The standard deviation is ay most 20.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) All are true. (E) None may be
15.Is it true that always a cause and effect relationship between the
explanatory and response variable
16.What is different between the explanatory and response variable(which
one is x value)
17.Is it true that a distribution of SAT scores for yr 2013 is expected to be a
normal distribution? Why?
18.Given N(24, 3)Find the Z-scores of 85. Is it normal or too high? What
range to be for z-scores?
19.For the distribution that has N(72,8) find the raw score that has a percentile
rank of 80. Use INV
20. Given N (72, 8) find the area between scores of 60 and 75
21.Which phase of inferential statistics is sometimes considered to be the
most crucial because errors in this phase are most difficult to correct?
22.What is the term for organizing and summarizing data without a particular
question in mind?
23.You claim that you’re healthier than your friends. To support your claim,
you randomly select some of your friends and track their meals for a
month. You also track your meals during the same month. What you are
doing is:
24.When your class participates in an Internet game show and counts the
votes for door #1 and door #2, the counts are examples of what kind of
25.The Midpoint of the interval whose boundaries are 27.5 and 38.5 is:
26.Since the distribution of housing prices in a community is usually skewed
right, which measure of center should you use for housing prices?
27.A synonym of variation is:
28.Estimate, to the nearest whole number, the sample standard deviation of
this data set, which is a sample of a larger population: {71, 75, 65, 73, 69, 77
and 67}. The mean of the data sample in this is 71.
Look at graph………….. for 29, 30
29.What is the lowest quartile for the data table?
30.Based on the data table, what is the smallest number if births in a month
could possibly have and still be outlier?
31.Suppose a population of individuals has a mean weight of 160 pounds, with
a population standard deviation of 30 pounds. According to the empirical
rule, what percent of the population would be between 100 and 200
32.Assume that normal curve A and normal curve B has identical population
means. Assume further that A has a greater population standard deviation
than B. Which curve is taller, and why?
33.In population W, what is the probability, to the nearest tenth of a percent
that a randomly selected subject will weigh between 140 and 180 pounds?
Given N(160,25)
34. True or False? For all normal distributions, you can use standard normal
probability table to find x-value and convert it into a population of the
normal curve.
35.Applicants to a college psychology department have normally distributed
GRE (graduate record exams) scores with a mean or 544 and a standard
deviation of 103. What percent of the applicants scored between 500 and
700? Round your answer to the nearest whole percent
36.What is the normal curve are, to the nearest whole percent, between z=.38 and z=1.5?
37.If the range of a normally distributed data set is 80, what is a reasonable
estimate for the standard deviation?
38.Consider a normal distribution of for weights with mean=500 grams and
standard div=65 grams. A sample of size 2000 is drawn from this
population. Approximately how many of the 2000 cases would you expect
to find between 435 and 565?
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