RO 17 – 2nd Call - Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania Business Plan (template) The text part should be not more than 25 pages. The economic forecast and other financial information, market research, feasibility study etc., shall be attached as annexes. List of content: I. Introduction: 1. Presentation of company, main and secondary activities 2. Current situation (Main strengths of the company and its product(s)/services(s), market position, main clients, competitors, analysis of main challenges/needs, SWOT analysis) 3. Company long-term strategy for development (How do you see your company development in 10 years?) 4. Company short-term strategy for development (What are your targets for the next two years?) II. 1. The Project: Project objective/outcome (short- and medium term effect on your business) 2. Project description including activities/outputs (countable deliverables from the project) 3. Technical solution/Innovation aspects 4. Partners’ role and remuneration 5. A summary of the main findings of the cost-benefit-analysis of the project, effect on profitability for the company. The excel file (with profit and loss projection, cash-flow projection for the next 5 yearsperiod with budget assumptions, a break-even calculation, projected balance sheet of the company after the implementation of the project etc.) shall be attached as an annex. 6. The green element of the project - environmental benefits (internal and external). 7. Market potential analysis (feasibility and sustainability). Competition. (In case the project represents/results in improved products/service to the market, a market research is a mandatory attachment.) 8. Legal environment: licenses, permits, special regulations (i.e. environmental) covering your specific type of business, patents, IPR status (ownership/distribution between partners before and after the project implementation) etc. 9. Sustainability of the investment ( the durability of the project after the implementation deadline) 10. Incentive effect (releasing effect) III Conclusion Annexes RO 17 – 2nd Call – Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania – Template Business Plan, v. 1.0., 21072014 Page 1