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Essential Question: How do empires and dynasties influence society and government?
Guiding Question Main Idea
How did China’s
Shang rulers become powerful?
Huang He valley was birthplace of Chinese civilization
Legend – Xia – first dynasty
Written records – Shang – first dynasty
Shang built first cities with palace and temple at the center
Public buildings and officials homes circled them
King most powerful person – political, religious and military leader
Shang conquered neighboring areas and used large armies to defend the kingdom
Warlords governed local territories
Kings, warlords, government officials formed upper class
Most people in Shang were farmers and there was a smaller group of merchants, artisans and slaves
There were many gods who lived in the mountains, rivers and seas
Connection (can be connection in words or a visual drawing)
How did the Zhou claim the right to rule
How did Chinese thinkers influence society and government?
They believed the gods would bring good or bad fortune and they made many offerings.
Ancestors are honored with offerings
Kings believed they received their power from the gods and the wisdom of their ancestors
Kings used oracle bones to ask questions of the gods
Shang used bronze for urns and tools
Made advances producing silk, ivory and jade
Rebels overthrew the Shang government and created a new dynasty called the Zhou
King led the government, helped by bureaucrats and strong army
Kingdom grew so large it was divided into territories
Aristocrats positions were hereditary, passed to a son or family member
Mandate of Heaven – the king’s right to rule comes from the gods
Kings must rule the proper way – honor and please the gods, when natural disaster occurred it was because the king had failed
Improved irrigation systems and expanded trade
Aristocrats grew powerful and fought one another for power
Farmers were forced to serve as soldiers
Period of warring states begins and people looked for ways to stop the killing
Philosophers tried to create well-run and peaceful society
How was early
Chinese society organized?
How did the Qin
Emperor unite China?
Confucius criticized misrule of kings and believed people had a duty to put the needs of family and community above his own needs
Confucius believed that government service should be open to all men of ability and not limited to those of noble birth.
Civil service tests were used to appoint officials
Confucius shaped society and government with his teachings
Daoism was another philosophy that teachers people to give up worldly desires and live simply
Third philosophy of legalism stressed the importance of laws.
People received harsh punishments were used to force people to do their duty
Society made up of 4 classes
9 out of 10 were farmers who rented their fields, paid taxes and did some work for the government
Artisans were skilled worked who made useful objects
Merchants were not respected members of society
Family the center of society – filial piety – responsibility to respect and obey parents
Men were respected because of their jobs
Women raised children, managed house
Qin cavalry defeated the other states and ended the Zhou dynasty
Qin wanted to strengthen and unify China
He ruled with absolute control and harsh
What improvements did the Chinese make under Han rulers? punishment
He increased power by appointing censors who made sure government workers did their work
Qin was so worried about his security that he created a tomb that was guarded by thousands of clay soldiers
Qin united China into one empire.
China was protected on one side by a desert and
Qin planned to join and strengthen walls
Aristocrats and farmers revolted against this harsh rule
A farmer turned soldier began the Han dynasty
Civil service was used to recruit government workers
Government created schools and many rich people became well educated
Population grew and farmers needed to produce more food
Farms were small because the land had been split up over generations and farmers became tenants on their own land
Han Empire conquered lands to the north and a period of peace began
Filial piety became strong and a new class of civil servants was created
New technology such as cast iron plow, water wheels and sailing ships help build this dynasty
Traders grew rich using the Silk Road for trading
After Han Wudi the emperors were weak and people rebelled and China was divided again