Unit Planner Critical Content/Concept Web

The goals and objectives from Standard 1: Nature of Science are incorporated throughout the other
science concept based units of study. These are the process standards of science. They are the tools of
science, the scientific method.
Please be sure as you develop the lessons to teach the science concept based units for your grade level
that you include the objectives specific to your grade level from standard 1.
Standard 1: Nature of Science
Goal 1.1: Understand Systems, Order, and Organization
8-9.PS.1.1.1 Explain the scientific meaning of system, order, and organization.
8-9.PS.1.1.2 Apply the concepts of order and organization to a given system.
Goal 1.2: Understand Concepts and Process of Evidence, Models, and Explanations
8-9.PS.1.2.1 Use observations and data as evidence on which to base scientific explanations.
8-9.PS.1.2.2 Develop models to explain concepts or systems.
8-9.PS.1.2.3 Develop scientific explanations based on knowledge, logic, and analysis.
Goal 1.3: Understand Constance, Change, and Measurement
8-9.PS.1.3.1 Measure changes that can occur in and among systems.
8-9.PS.1.3.2 Analyze changes that can occur in and among systems.
8-9.PS.1.3.3 Measure and calculate using the metric system.
Goal 1.4: Understand the Theory that Evolution is Process that Relates to the Gradual Changes in the Universe and of Equilibrium as a Physical State
Goal 1.5: Understand Concepts of Form and Function
Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills
8-9.PS.1.6.1 Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.
8-9.PS.1.6.2 Utilize the components of scientific problem solving to design, conduct, and communicate results of investigations.
8-9.PS.1.6.3 Use appropriate technology and mathematics to make investigations.
8-9.PS.1.6.4 Formulate scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence.
8-9.PS.1.6.5 Analyze alternative explanations and models.
8-9.PS.1.6.6 Communicate and defend a scientific argument.
8-9.PS.1.6.7 Explain the differences among observations, hypotheses, and theories.
Goal 1.7: Understand that Interpersonal Relationships are Important in Scientific Endeavors
Goal 1.8: Understand Technical Communication
8-9.PS.1.8.1 Analyze technical writing, graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Critical Content/Concept Web
Unit Topic:
Conceptual Lens:
Unit Overview
As energy flows through systems it
is neither created nor destroyed, it
simply changes forms. We can
manipulate energy for our use.
Forms of Energy
Energy Transfer
Unit Topic:
Energy flows
through systems
Law of Conservation
of Energy
Human Manipulation
of Energy
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Energy
Lens: Systems
Enduring Understandings
1. Energy Flows through Systems and is conserved.
Guiding Questions
1. What is the primary source of energy on earth?
2. What are the forms of energy?
3. How is energy converted between forms?
4. How is energy transferred?
5. How does society manipulate energy?
6. If all energy is conserved, where does it go within a
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Energy
Lens: Systems
Critical Content and Skills
AC = Assessment Code:
Students will Know…
1. Energy exists in different forms
2. Energy is transferred by conduction,
convection, radiation
3. Humans manipulate energy to serve their
own needs
4. Energy is conserved as it flows through a
system (Law of Conservation)
Q – Quizzes
O – Observations
D – Dialogues
P - Prompts
WS – Work Samples
SA – Student Self-
T - Tests
Students will be able to do…
1. Create a model identifying the form of energy
and its transfer through a system
2. Analyze the benefits and consequences of the
energy sources humans’ use
3. Design and conduct inquiry based
4. Support a claim citing evidence
5. Analyze and interpret data
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Energy
Lens: Systems
Instructional Plan/Activities
Critical Content/Concept Web
Unit Topic:
Forces and Motion
Conceptual Lens:
Unit Overview
Forces act on objects and effect
their motion. Newton’s Laws
describe these interactions.
Unit Topic:
Forces cause
change in motion
Energy and Motion
Contact Forces
Balanced and
unbalanced forces
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Forces and Motion
Lens: Interactions
Enduring Understandings
1. A force is required to change motion
Guiding Questions
1. What kinds of forces act on objects?
2. How do net forces affect motion?
3. How do Newton’s Laws describe motion?
4. What is the relationship between forces and energy?
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Forces and Motion
Lens: Interactions
Critical Content and Skills
AC = Assessment Code:
Students will Know…
Q – Quizzes
O – Observations
D – Dialogues
P - Prompts
WS – Work Samples
SA – Student Self-
T - Tests
Students will be able to do…
1. The motion of an object is determined by the
net forces acting on it
1. Create a model identifying the forces acting
on an object
2. Newton’s Laws describe the interaction of
force and motion
2. Design an experiment testing the laws of
3. There is a Relationship between potential
energy, kinetic energy and motion
3. Analyze and interpret graphs and data related
to motion
4. Support a claim citing evidence
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Forces and Motion
Lens: Interactions
Instructional Plan/Activities
Critical Content/Concept Web
Unit Topic:
Conceptual Lens:
Unit Overview
Properties and Structure
States of Matter
Atomic Structure and
Unit Topic:
All matter is made
of atoms
Physical and
Chemical Properties
Chemical reactivity
Protons determine what
the atom is
Neutron determine
Electrons determine
chemical properties
Organization of the
Periodic Table
Matter is made of atoms that can
be identified based on their physical
and chemical properties. Atoms
combine to make molecules.
Energy causes matter to change
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Matter
Lens: Properties and Structure
Enduring Understandings
1. Atoms are the basic unit of matter
Guiding Questions
1. How does atomic structure help us to classify atoms?
2. How can we use physical and chemical properties to
identify pure substances?
3. How do atoms combine to make molecules?
4. How does matter change when energy is either added
or removed?
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Matter
Lens: Properties and Structure
Critical Content and Skills
AC = Assessment Code:
Students will Know…
1. Atoms are classified based on their structure
2. Pure substances have physical and chemical
properties that can be used to identify them.
3. Atoms combine to make molecules
Q – Quizzes
O – Observations
D – Dialogues
P - Prompts
WS – Work Samples
SA – Student Self-
T - Tests
Students will be able to do…
1. Develop a model that predicts and describes
changes in particle motion, temperature and
state of a pure substance when thermal
energy is added or removed
2. Place an unknown atom on the periodic table
based on its structure and predict its physical
and chemical properties
4. Energy Causes Changes in Matter
5. States of Matter
3. Design and conduct inquiry based
4. Support a claim citing evidence
5. Analyze and interpret data
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Matter
Lens: Properties and Structure
Instructional Plan/Activities
Critical Content/Concept Web
Unit Topic:
Chemical Reactions
Conceptual Lens:
Unit Overview
Chemical Reactions
Atoms rearrange to form
new substances
Unit Topic:
Matter can be
manipulated but is
always conserved
The number and type of
atoms remain the same
before and after a
When substances react, atoms
rearrange to create a different
substance but, the number and
types of atoms remain the same.
Chemical reactions either release or
store energy.
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Chemical Reactions
Lens: Change
Enduring Understandings
1. Matter can be Manipulated but is Always Conserved
Guiding Questions
1. How do you know when a chemical reaction occurs?
2. What happens to the number and type of atoms in a
chemical reaction?
3. How is matter conserved in a chemical reaction?
4. How do you know when energy is released or absorbed
in a chemical reaction?
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Chemical Reactions
Lens: Change
Critical Content and Skills
AC = Assessment Code:
Students will Know…
1. Substances react chemically when atoms are
2. The number and type of atoms in any
reaction are conserved
3. Chemical reactions either release or store
Q – Quizzes
O – Observations
D – Dialogues
P - Prompts
WS – Work Samples
SA – Student Self-
T - Tests
Students will be able to do…
1. Develop and use a model to demonstrate that
atoms recombine and matter is conserved in
chemical reactions
2. Distinguish between an endothermic and
exothermic chemical reaction
3. Design and conduct inquiry based
4. Support a claim citing evidence
5. Analyze and interpret data
Grade: 8
Subject: Physical Science
Unit: Chemical Reactions
Lens: Change
Instructional Plan/Activities