The Governance Journey Align to a journey that makes sense for your organization IT Governance Why is it important and what has changed? Information Management Know what data you have, and how to manage it Application Management Know your limits and work from the same set of expectations Strategies and Next Steps Let’s get strategic and step-out-success Small 1-100 Employees Medium 100 – 1000 Employees Large 1000+ Employees What’s Your Responsibility? Implementations Finance Operations IT C-Level © 2014 Concatenate Inc.. All rights reserved. Where and Why does Governance Fail Too restrictive Not reviewed often enough Not aligned strategically Not being maintained with “the times” Unforeseen external factors With the changing capabilities in the marketplace, your governance plan must scale to leverage capabilities and offerings Information Management Apps Making or Updating your Plan Caveats • Any data related to finance of the organization cannot reside outside of our country • Natural reality that organizations will continue to adopt and grow into the cloud. Use IAAS and cloud based quotes • Slow throughput may impact the users SLAs IT Governance Apps Inconsistency is a virus …which grows throughout your organization IT Governance Information Management Apps Stuff I have information, which I store on our server I have paper records, which I store in my office I have a team that needs to see the results of my work My team has paper records Other Stuff No two personal file systems are the same My company has never audited our use of SharePoint My office looks like the wild-west Policies Associate policy features with site collection policies, then associate that policy with a content type, list or library Policy Features Associate a {ADD setCONTENT} of policy features directly with a content type, and then add that content type to one or more lists or libraries {ADD CONTENT} Available Features Retention Policies Auditing Labeling Cloud is introducing hybrid and IAAS Mobile devices and tablets are creating on the Go user experiences App stores are satisfying immediate business needs Processes What can we automate to facilitate governance? Technology Effective use and actions is critical Talk with us about how Concatenate can turn SharePoint into the backbone of your business Upcoming Events SPTechCon San Francisco April 22 - 25 European SharePoint Conference May 5-8 SharePoint Fest NYC June 18-20 Social Twitter @rizinsights @weconcatenate Follow on LinkedIn Concatenate Inc Connect Eric Riz, MVP Executive Vice President Email Email Telephone (416) 972-0202 Sponsored by