BT3 Support Plan 15-16 - Alamance

Alamance-Burlington School System
BT3 Support Program for 2015-2016
BT earns six credits (6credits = 0.6 CEU) for completing district-level support components with the goal of
further developing the BT’s knowledge of state requirements for evaluation and teacher standards. (Details listed
 BT earns ten credits (10 credits = 1 CEU) for participation in ten monthly site-based sessions with a Lead Mentor
and other mentors and BT’s to focus on specific local concerns and needs for staff development. BT will earn
one credit for each session attended for ten total required credits.
 BT is evaluated four times formally during the year (3 administrator observations and one peer observation).
 BT documents evidence of completing orientation and self-assessment using Rubric for Evaluating Teachers at
the beginning of the year.
 BT completes an acceptable individual Professional Development Plan – including initial, mid-year, and end-year
review conferences.
 BT has summative evaluation conference conducted by the principal at the end of the school year. ***Reminder:
BT3 must earn Proficient rating or higher on all five Professional Teaching Standards on the summative rating
form in order to have license converted to SPII license at end of third year of teaching.
 BT works one-on-one with a mentor on a regular monthly basis to provide documentation of mentor support.
Session: Two Hours Credit
District-Level Support Session: Two Credits
Elementary Teachers:
Tuesday, December 8
3:45 – 5:00 PM in the Central Office Auditorium
Middle/High School Teachers: Wednesday, December 9
3:45 – 5:00 PM in the Central Office Auditorium
Attend Two Hot Topic Sessions (1 Fall Semester & 1 Spring Semester): Two Credits
Select at least two Hot Topic professional development sessions to attend – select topic(s) of interest.
Register online to attend Hot Topic session (directions provided with Hot Topic information).
Submit documentation to verify participation to the Director of Teacher Recruitment – by
December 11 (fall semester) and May 13 (spring semester).
BT3 Final Year Reflection Write-Up: Two Credits
Report on One Teaching Strategies/Curriculum-Based Workshop: Two Hours Credit
In the final year of the three required BT years, the BT will complete a reflection to document
growth at the end of the three-year induction period.
Reflection format will be discussed at December BT3 meeting.
Final due date for reflection is Friday, March 4, 2016.
ABSS Beginning Teacher Support webpage: