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“Hip Hop, Hidden Hand, and the Degradation of Black Masculinity”
Source Materials Incomplete
Note: All of the sources listed here are not necessary used within the lecture series. However
all listed sources are worth further intellectual exploration. Let me also state that the fact that
the following sources are listed here does not mean that I totally agree with the ideas
expressed by the individuals listed herein. In essence, I source only the material that is relevant
to my lecture series while still providing the necessary credit to the individuals sourced.
Black Greek Fraternities / Sororities
Fraternity: Sigma Pi Phi (Black Boule) – 1904 Philadelphia, PA
Fraternity: Alpha Phi Alpha – 1906 Cornell, University, Ithaca, NY
Sorority: Alpha Kappa Alpha – 1908 Howard University, Washington, DC
Fraternity: Kappa Alpha Psi – 1911 Bloomington, Indiana
Fraternity: Omega Psi Phi – 1911 Howard University, Washington, DC
Sorority: Delta Sigma Theta - 1913 Howard University, Washington, DC
Fraternity: Phi Beta Sigma 1914 Howard University, Washington, DC
Sorority: Zeta Phi Beta 1920 Howard University, Washington, DC
Sigma Gamma Pho Sorority: 1922 Indianapolis, Indiana(Inc. Nat. coll. Sor.1929 Butler Uni)
Skull and Bones:
According to the File and Claw breakin crew, "Bones is a chapter of corps of a German
university. It should properly be called the Skull and Bones chapter. General Russell, its founder,
was in Germany before his senior year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of
a German society. The meaning of the permanent number 322 in all Bones literature is that it
was founded in '32 as the second chapter of the German society.
Brother Kwesi (Shades of Afrika)
Initiation rites are held on Russell Trust owned, Deer Island, believed to
be somewhere off the coast of New York. The rituals have been said to be
strenuous and traumatic. The so-called highlight of the initiation is having
the initiation immersed NAKED in mud and inside a coffin. This ritual is
know to be almost identical to the rituals Masons perform. The naked initiate
is then confronted with a physical confrontation which ends up with the
initiate being a voluntary 'victim' (for lack of a better word) of anal sex. This
dates back to the Greeks where older men sexed the younger initiates implying they were
'injecting' manhood into them(?!). This ritual is know the Masons as "riding the hump".
Referenced Images
“Lamp of Learning” Prince Hall Masonry Grand Lodge Arkansas Website:
“Lamp of Learning” Freemasonic Website:
The Clasped Hands:
The Clasped Hands:
Amoco (Standard Oil)
John D. Rockefeller
Spock hand sign
Marvin Gaye “What’s going on” 1971
Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today - Ya
Father, father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
Oh, what's going on
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Ah, what's going on
In the mean time
Right on, baby
Right on
Right on
Father, father, everybody thinks we're wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us
Simply because our hair is long
Oh, you know we've got to find a way
To bring some understanding here today
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me
So you can see
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Tell me what's going on
I'll tell you what's going on - Uh
Right on baby
Right on baby
The Global Olive Wreath of Peace:
The Athens Environmental Foundation: The Greeks considered the olive tree as the most valued gift to
humankind, a symbol of peace, sustenance, and life. In honor of the homecoming of the Olympic Games
to Greece, the Athens Environmental Foundation has created the "Global Olive Wreath" project. This
project is a massive international effort to plant a Global Olive Wreathtm on earth as a living legacy of
peaceful dedication to the Ancient Greek Olympic ideals as well as the modern Olympic ideal of
environmental responsibility.
Olive Wreath “Laurel” Wreath of Peace:
Definition Fasces - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fasces
Definition Fascism - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fascism
Obama Speaks to Congress (Fasces):
"Here we see his full power of transcendence, whereby the lower transcendence from
underworld snake-consciousness, passing through the medium of earthly reality, finally attains
transcendence to superhuman or transpersonal reality in its winged flight."
-- Joseph L. Henderson, "Ancient Myths and Modern Man" in
Carl Jung's Man and his Symbols
Caduceus energy http://www.genesis2012.com/mutations_and_reversecoding.htm
Pictures of Various Sphinx
Persian Sphinx:
Phonecian Sphinx:
Sphinx in Bavaria:
Sphinx Coin:
Masonic Sphinx:
Sphinx in London:
Sphinx in Belgium:
Sphinx in Columbia:
Spanish Sphinx:
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Boule:
Oto / Carl Kellner / Aleister Crowley:
The Spiritual Father of Ordo Templi Orientis was Carl Kellner (Renatus, Sept. 1, 1851 - June 7, 1905), a
wealthy Austrian paper chemist. Kellner was a student of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Eastern
mysticism, and traveled extensively in Europe, America and Asia Minor. During his travels, he claims to
have come into contact with three Adepts (a Sufi, Soliman ben Aifa, and two Hindu Tantrics, Bhima Sena
Pratapa of Lahore and Sri Mahatma Agamya Paramahamsa), and an organization called the Hermetic
Brotherhood of Light.
Also in 1912, Crowley published the Manifesto of the Mysteria Mystica Maxima in which Mysteria
Mystica Maxima was identified as the British Section of the O.T.O., which "includes all countries
where English is generally spoken." O.T.O. was described in this document as
...a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated the wisdom and knowledge of the
following bodies:
1. The Gnostic Catholic Church.
2. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost.
3. The Order of the Illuminati.
4. The Order of the Temple.
5. The Order of the Knights of St. John.
6. The Order of the Knights of Malta.
7. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.
8. The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail.
9. The Rosicrucian Order.
10. The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom.
11. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch.
12. The Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees).
13. The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees).
14. The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees).
15. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees).
16. The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry.
17. The Order of the Martinists.
18. The Order of the Sat Bhai.
19. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light.
20. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
and many other orders of equal merit, if of less fame. It does not include the Mysteria Mystica
Maxima with which august Body it is, however, in close alliance.
Selected Books
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 1985: The Occult Roots of Nazism: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany,
1890-1935, Wellingborough, England: The Aquarian Press. ISBN 0-85030-402-4.
Chaos Out of Order/Decline and revival: the rebirth of the Rite Footnotes 40–42,
Greek Culture: Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged relationship between an
adult and a younger male usually in his teens.
“Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective” by Martti Nissinen Page 57
It is common knowledge that a particular form of homoerotic relations between men was a
custom maintained for centuries in ancient Greece. Conventionally these relations have been
known as pederasty (Greek, paiderastia, “love for boys”), because their basic form was eroticsocial interaction between adult men and boys. For centuries it was accepted behavior in
Greek culture, with some variations depending on the time and the place. Pederasty flourished
during the classical age before and after Plato (428-347 B.C..E), but it can be traced already to
an earlier time, and it was still practiced at the beginning of the Common Era.
Thomas Hubbard, "Pindar's Tenth Olympian and Athlete-Trainer Pederasty," in Same–Sex Desire and
Love in Greco-Roman Antiquity, pp. 143 and 163 (note 37), with cautions about the term "homosocial"
from Percy, p. 49, note 5.
Paiderastia seems to have developed in the late 7th century BC as an aspect of Greek homosocial
culture which was characterized also by athletic and artistic nudity, delayed marriage for aristocrats,
symposia, and the social seclusion of women.
Dawson, Cities of the Gods, p. 193. See also George Boys-Stones, "Eros in Government: Zeno and the
Virtuous City," Classical Quarterly 48 (1998), 168–174: "there is a certain kind of sexual relationship
which was considered by many Greeks to be very important for the cohesion of the city: sexual relations
between men and youths. Such relationships were taken to play such an important role in fostering
cohesion where it mattered — among the male population — that Lycurgus even gave them official
recognition in his constitution for Sparta" (p. 169).
The influence of pederasty was so pervasive that it has been called "the principal cultural model for free
relationships between citizens.
Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1940 9th ed.,
with 1968 supplement in 1985 reprinting), p. 1286.
Paiderastia is defined by Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon as "the love of boys," and the verb
paiderasteuein as "to be a lover of boys."
3. ^ Robert B. Koehl, "The Chieftain Cup and a Minoan Rite of Passage," Journal of Hellenic Studies 106
(1986) 99–110, with a survey of the relevant scholarship including that of Arthur Evans (p. 100) and
others such as H. Jeanmaire and R.F. Willetts (pp. 104–105); Deborah Kamen, "The Life Cycle in Archaic
Greece," in The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece (Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 91–92.
Kenneth Dover, a pioneer in the study of Greek homosexuality, rejects the initiation theory of origin; see
"Greek Homosexuality and Initiation," in Que(e)rying Religion: A Critical Anthology (Continuum, 1997),
pp. 19–38.
“For Dover, it seems, the argument that Greek paiderastia as a social custom was related to rites of
passage constitutes a denial of homosexuality as natural or innate; this may be to overstate or
misrepresent what the initiatory theorists have said. The initiatory theory does not claim to account for
the existence of homosexuality, but for formal paiderastia.”
7. "Pederasy has been considered the principal cultural model for free relationships between citizens."
Dawson, Cities of the Gods, p. 193. See also George Boys-Stones, "Eros in Government: Zeno and the
Virtuous City," Classical Quarterly 48 (1998), 168–174: "there is a certain kind of sexual relationship
which was considered by many Greeks to be very important for the cohesion of the city: sexual relations
between men and youths. Such relationships were taken to play such an important role in fostering
cohesion where it mattered — among the male population — that Lycurgus even gave them official
recognition in his constitution for Sparta" (p. 169).
seems to have developed in the late 7th century BC as an aspect of Greek homosocial culture which was
characterized also by athletic and artistic nudity, delayed marriage for aristocrats, symposia, and the
social seclusion of women.
1. The Warren Cup: homoerotic love and symposial rhetoric in silver, John Pollini.
“Atlas Shrugged “ - Ayn Rand
“The Underground History of American Education” – John Gato
“The Passion and Resurrection of the Moorish Hiram” – Amen Al-Azar El
Various Books by Albert Pike
“The Two Babylons” – Alexander Hislop
Various books by Manly P. Hall
Behold a Pale Horse – William Bill Copper
“The Hip Hop Generation” Bakari Kitwana
“Hip Hop America” – Nelson George
“Black Noise” – Tricia Rose
For more books on Hip Hop check out the following:
Miscellaneous References:
Steve Cokely on the Boule:
Bono awarded Honorary Knighthood “Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire. Other previous non-British recipients of the KBE include Bob Geldof, Bill Gates,
Placido Domingo, Rudolf Giuliani and Steven Spielberg.
Natalie Portman “Leon”
Pimp C Interview:
“Strong Grip of a Master Mason” “Lions Paw”
Exhibited Videos, sound files, and Sourced Materials
The music of Angelo Worthy
“Window Seat Spoof” - youtube
Sugar Hill Gang “Rappers Delight”
Kurtis Blow “The Breaks”
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 5 “The Message”
“La Di Da Di” Slick Rick and Dougie Fresh
“What’s going on” Marvyn Gaye
Run D MC “King of Rock”
“LeBron James throwing Devil horns, Illuminati Triangle & 666 at end of Anthem” youtube
“Photo Shoot of 2Pac Covered with Jewels in Tub” Youtube account: Every2PacVideo
Theforerunner777 – “Jay Z Deception” Highly recommended
“The Arrivals” - Youtube account: Noreagaa
Jordan Maxwell “Basic slide presentation” illuminati symbolism
Steve Cokely – “The Black Boule”
Various Phil Valentine Lectures (more specifically his lectures on black masculinity)
Keidi Obi Awadu “Conscious Rasta Report” + “Blacks & Hollywood: The theft of the Afrikan
Identity” + his collective works dealing with the new world order
Movie “I spy” Bill Cosby
Brother Kwesi (Shades of Afrika) – conceptualized the lecture series
L L Cool J performs on Soul Train
Movie “Stomp the yard”
2 Live Crew song and video “Me so Horny”
The complete discography of Public Enemy
The complete discography of KRS One
“Hip Hop Culture as Conditioning towards Perpetual Childhood” -Khalil
Complete uploaded video archive of Foreverand2day (youtube) Highly recommended
Complete upload video archive of theIndustryExposed (youtube) Highly recommended
Various videos uploaded at: http://www.youtube.com/user/4thKrypton
“Illuminati, Hip Hop, and Satan: Rap” – REV12eleven
Dr. Llaila Afrika “The Effects Of Fairy Tales On Black Children” (Highly recommended)
Selected videos displayed at WestPhillyGurl – on youtube
1killuminati – on youtube
“Get on the bus” – Spike Lee
ChekSewdah http://www.youtube.com/user/ChekSewdah (Full archive)
Selected videos at Bklynmagi http://www.youtube.com/user/bklynmagi
Selected videos at Bobbysmokes –on youtube
Selected videos at FarhanK501 –on youtube
Selected videos at Drfreemason –on youtube
Michael Tsarion “Subversive use of Symbolism” (Corporate logos)
“Decepticons. Legenddary Brooklyn Street Gang”
“Pawns in the Game” Professor Griff
“The Verdict” Professor Griff
Various Professor Griff Lectures
“The gay Boule” – Bobby Hemmit
“Fight the Power” Public Enemy
“13 and Good” KRS One
Professor Griff (Complete Skyywalker Records / Luke Records Discography)
Professor Griff “Blackdraft” song and album cover
Hip Hop Documentary “Beef” ie Bridge Wars and Roxanne Shantee.
Salt N Pepa “Push It”
Roxanne Shantee vs. Sparky Dee “Round 1”
Various Taj Terik Bey Lectures
Various Delbert Blair Lectures
Various Black Dot Lectures
OrangeMoon82 - youtube
Jon Todd – on Satanism in the music industry
“Me myself and I” – De La Soul
2 Live Crew “Shake a lil’ something”
Too Short “Born to Mack”
Ice T “Rhyme” Pays
Eazy E “Eazy Does It”
N.W.A. complete discography
“Beat It” Michael Jackson
Be A Father To Your Child - Ed O.G & Da Bulldogs (1991)
DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince “Girls ain’t nothing but trouble”
Fresh Prince – Television Show
“6 degrees of separation” Will Smith
Kid N Play “2 Hype” plus movies
Queen Lateefah “Ladies First”
MC Lyte “Lyte as a Rock”
Future topics:
1983 Ice T Body Rock
1984 LL Cool J “I need a beat”
Super Nature – The Show Stoppa (Salt Pepper)
Salt and Pepper “Push It”
1986 Walk this way Run DMC
Public Enemy
Scoolly D originator of gangsta rap 1987
1987 KRS1 “9MM goes bank”
1988 NWA Straight Outta Compton
1988 Ice T Colors
1988 Public Enemy Don’t believe the hype or Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
1988 Mc Lyte “Lyte as a rock”
1989 A tribe called quest 1989
Tupac joins digital underground as a roady and a dancer
1991 Tribe called quest “Scenario”
1993 The Chronic
Again, this list will grow as the lecture series progresses.