Week 6: Choice Theory - Discussion

Week 6: Choice Theory - Discussion
Major and Minor Purchases (graded)
Describe a recent major purchase and a recent minor purchase.
What role did emotions or feelings play in your decisions, in particular, what influences might our idealized
version of the self have played in your decision? Examples are certain brands of clothing, style related
items, and items that might seem to be supportive of a lifestyle. Please be specific.
in consumer
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/3/2012 9:27:06 AM
Does feelings for the dollar value of the purchase affect consumer buying decisions?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Sean Parris
6/9/2012 7:48:40 PM
As a student I don't have much money to spend on a day to day basis, because
of this I always have feelings about the value of my purchases. I often weight
the opportunity costs associated with my purchases when making one,
attempting to get the most out of my money. I am always attempting to get
the most for my money. Often weighing the cost of the product with how
much money I have, its quality as well as what other products of similar
function or more important there are available to me at the given time.
Although I may want something, I believe we should be sensible with our
purchases and dictate whether something is a need or want. Can the money
I'm spending be used to purchase something I need over something that I
simply want instead?
To be honest if I had a more disposable income I would probably be less
inclined to scrutinize the dollar value of each purchase. But when I have a
limited and near static income, I have to add up and calculate every dollar I
am spending from my account. I believe that if not for the need to conserve
income I would most likely be more frivolous with how I spend my money.
Personally though I enjoy that fact that I spend my money responsibly.
Kareem Carr
6/8/2012 3:11:45 PM
I think feelings for the dollar amount of a purchase affects a consumers
buying decision. A lot of times a consumer might want something but won't
buy it because of how much it cost. Or they might wait until the product goes
on sale or something like that depending on what it is. Like if someone has a
car and it breaks down on them and they need a new one. Sometimes it isn't
the price but the dependability of the car that will sell the people. If they can
get the same car for a lower price then they will do that to. I like buying shoes
but I will never spend 180 dollars on a pair of Michael Jordan shoes because I
just don't think they are worth it. If they were maybe 70 or 80 dollars I would
buy them. But I would spend that much on dress shoes because I thing they
are worth it.
consumer Damien Hernandez
6/8/2012 10:08:31 PM
This is so true. That's why a lot of products have different 'features'
marked all over the box describing everything that's included, even if
it's minuscule or expected. This flair creates a perception that you're
getting a better deal, and the value of the product increases.
Differences Jason Weaver
6/7/2012 10:07:46 PM
It directly effects the consumer's decision, but has many many variables to
consider to determine the influence it has. It depends on what kind of product
it is, what the situation behind the purchase is, and the competition that exists
if any. sometimes it does not matter if the person is put in a situation where
they have no choice.
Monica Franco
6/6/2012 10:12:21 PM
Dollar value plays a role but it depends what product you are purchasing. We
recently bought a car, my husband and I each drive cost efficient cars and we
decided to purchase a car with a bit of luxury that we can use to go out. We
narrow down our choice and decided to buy a Lexus ES. And although dollar
value played a role we were looking for a luxury car. We are aware there are
cars out there that are cheaper and reliable but we had a specific criteria.
On a lower end items such as items in the super market for the most part
dollar value plays a bigger part when making a choice. For example if orange
juice is not on sale I will buy the tropicana brand, but if there's a sale on
orange juice I don't mind getting a different brand. Although I like the taste
of Tropicana I don't mind switching to another brand to save some money.
Maria Sandor
6/6/2012 11:04:19 PM
I think that the dollar value of a purchase affects a consumer's buying
decision less when the purchase is a high dollar or luxury item, because I
think it's assumed that an item of high quality is going to cost more. I
personally find myself doing more cost comparisons on lower price items, for
example, when I'm grocery shopping.
Differences Mayah Wong
6/6/2012 11:42:16 PM
Of course, yes the perception of the dollar and its value does affect the buying
decisions of consumers. I'd like to first consider about the motivation of a
consumer that drives his/her buying decisions and ask the question. What is
the reason behind the decision to make a purchase? For the most part, a
person makes a purchase in order to fulfill a need. However, what sort of
need is it? There are largely two types of needs as we have learned, utilitarian
needs and hedonic needs. To review, our text discusses that a "...need may be
utilitarian (i.e., a desire to achieve some functional or practical benefit...) or it
may be hedonic (i.e., an experiential need, involving emotional responses or
fantasies...)" (Solomon, 2011). Furthermore, the text briefly touches upon
consideration of the perception of what creates a need, in that "...personal and
cultural factors combine to create a want, which is one manifestation of a
need..." (Solomon, 2011). Now, to come full circle and address the value of a
dollar, it seems to me that this is also a deciding factor that a person's
perception if his/her need is strong enough at that point in time that the
purchase is worth it or not and then ultimately the dollar quantity would be a
lesser factor than the actual value given the specific scenario.
Leo Rodriguez
6/6/2012 4:49:46 PM
I believe that the value of the dollar plays a huge role in buying habits,
although I also think it really depends on the product. For typical luxury items
it may not play that much of a role. For an example a diamond ring is more
about the quality of the diamond and not necessarily the price. Also for
another example when someone buys a huge Yacht, it is more about the
custom features rather than price or the value of the dollar although I think
that it still plays a part in any buying purchase.
Linda Dean
6/5/2012 8:36:23 PM
Feelings for the dollar value play a big part in making a decision to purchase. Some people
feel that the product must be good quality if the price is high, so they pay the high price
because they feel they're getting the best value. Others feel that they are being over charged if
the price is high, because to them, the price doesn't justify the value.
Berker Bulbuloglu
6/6/2012 11:29:12 AM
Yes, I think that feeling for dollar value does play an important role in
consumer buying decision. In most cases, we try and buy a product which is
priced properly in terms of the features offered. In case we feel that some
product is overpriced, we might end up not buying it and also develop
negative feeling towards the brand and go for a rival product which offers
better value for money. This makes it important to price the products
Omer Mennan Guler
6/6/2012 7:46:33 AM
Many cultural, economic, social and psychological factors affect the
purchasing behavior of consumers. People have limited resources, like
companies. People distribute their revenues according to their lifestyle and
needs. Everyone has different priority. For example, car is very important for
me. I would like to get the best of my money as long as I can get. But it does
not matter for one my friends. He can drive any car. I think the value of
money varies from person to person.
Angela Garey
6/6/2012 9:10:46 AM
In my opinion, I think feelings for the dollar value of the purchase often play a big role in
consumer buying decisions. In these purchases, consumers must feel they are getting their
money's worth or a good value for their dollar or more often than not, they won't make that
big purchase. Also, when it comes to big ticket items, I think brand loyalty plays a part in the
decision-making process and consumers are more likely to pay more for a brand that they
have purchased in the past if their experience with that particular brand has been a good
one. Economic factors also play a part in the process--when the economy is good, people are
more likely to spend freely than when there's an economic downturn.
Krystal Brennan
6/5/2012 8:10:44 PM
Yes I think the dollar value can make a big difference on buying decisions.
Everyone is always trying to save and if they can get a better deal on
something they will usually go with it. My fiance and I recently tore down
our deck to build a new one and had to water proof the back part of our
house. We got a few quotes from companies but ended up going with a friend
we know that is a handy man of all trades. He saved us $2,200. With the extra
money we are able to replace all the inside doors in our house and some other
things. We purchased a foreclosure so we have tried to find the best deals
around on any repairs we do to our home since it needed some work.
Christopher Gonzalez
6/4/2012 6:13:36 PM
My wife and I just purchased a new air conditioner for our house. Ours went
out about two weeks ago. We decided to get a couple of competitive bids
from people that we know as acquaintances. The cost of this appliance had a
huge impact on whom we chose to purchase and install the unit. Both units
come with the same warranties and are made by the same manufacturer, so
the name brand issues do not exist. The only difference between the two bids
was the price. We are having the a/c installed by the guy that gave us a price
of $500 cheaper. The price difference made it a really easy choice.
Christopher Amos
6/4/2012 7:22:43 PM
Recently I purchased a pair of headphones. Specifically, the brand is Monster Beats by Dr.
Dre. These are high studio quality speakers. The key role in my decision making is price.
They retail for $199. The price is the key factor indeed. When I make a purchase decision it’s
hard for me to get past the price. I am a very frugal person and need value for my dollar. I’ve
seen the speakers and wanted them for some time. It took me 8 months to actually purchase
them. The price point was a bit high against the user reviews. Ultimately, the dollar has to
match value. I don’t want to pay for anything where I am not getting value. I own a Honda
Accord Hybrid and Honda motorcycle based on quality alone.
Sara Deese
6/4/2012 1:30:01 PM
I think that the money plays a big part in the decision purchase, in the way
that the consumer will may have to save up for it. Most peole expecting to
buy a major product that cost a lot of money can't just walk into a store that
day and buy it. When making a major purchase you kinda know it will cost
more than other products, so you might save up for a couple of months before
buying it.
A couple of months ago I bought my wedding dress, and my Mom and I had
to save up for that purchase. It was under $1,500, but for us we had to save up
for that. My fiance want to buy a new car after we get married, so we are
already saving for that purchase as well.
consumer Kareem Carr
6/8/2012 3:17:25 PM
I agree that some times people need to save up for purchases but I
also think they now and days more people buy things on credit and
pay them off over a long period of time. When I bought my
girlfriends engagement ring I didn't have the full cost of it so I just
used what I had as a down payment and now I am paying it off
monthly even though it will cost me more with the interest
sometimes paying over the a period of time works out better for
some people.
Meghan Frace
6/4/2012 3:38:09 PM
Recently I have purchased tanning lotion because it is now summer, and its
that time of year to start lying out by the pool. I wanted a tanning lotion that
would help me tan but also protect me from getting sunburn. The version of
the self that has played a role in my decision making was appearance. I
wanted to look in a way healthy because I was outside and being active, as
that is what others may think when they see someone who is not pasty
white. Other items that may support a lifestyle would have to be the clothes
that are sold at Ann Taylor and the one's that are sold at LOFT. Ann Taylor
is directed towards to business women with their slacks, suits, and
dresses. LOFT on the other hand is more of the casual woman who wants a
relaxed look for work or certain occasions. The feelings for the dollar value
of the purchase can affect the consumers buying decisions because the dollar
value can go hand in hand with the actual product value or worth. If the
quality does not match the dollar value in the eyes of the consumer, then that
may affect the buying decision.
Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being, 9th Edition
Michael R. Soloman
consumer Leo Rodriguez
6/9/2012 6:51:08 PM
I think that it is really interesting that the point you make can go with
a lot of different items and products. Also I would like to add that the
way the marketing works goes hand in hand with my buying
decisions also. Believe it or not, I am more attracted to great colors
and marketing that looks great. I know that doesn’t sound really
smart but my thinking is that they pay more attention to details and
their product should reflect that. I could be way off the mark but that
is the magic of marketing. Thanks again for your post.
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/4/2012 3:51:26 PM
Sara and Meghan,
Good discussion of how larger ticket items might require additional
time to purchase as well as a discussion on clothing that might
support certain lifestyles. How do certain brands of clothing fit into
the consumer buying model? Meghan, you touched on this, but what
I mean here is how do clothing items like Macy's or Hollister vs.
Walmart clothing affect the value we place in the item?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
consumer Christopher Amos
6/5/2012 11:56:53 AM
I’d say it’s about the consumer’s perception of quality and
as it relates to brand. Wal-Mart only carries private brands
of clothing like George, White Stage, No boundaries and
Simple Basic. These items are affordable and provide a
‘good’ value for people who shop Wal-Mart and are not
concerned with brand image or a particular fit/style of
clothes. Those who are will pay more to shop at Macy’s who
offers designer apparel by Nuevo and trendy designers. I
think the consumer may place more value on the ‘brand’
itself coupled with the way the clothes fit and the trendy
styles. They pay for this and it’s also related to their social
circles and the perception they want people to think of them.
consumer Matthew Douds
6/8/2012 8:52:02
I like quality when I purchase an item and find that
as I earn more money, I purchase more expensive,
better quality items. For instance I bought A&E
jeans, but now I prefer Buckle jeans which cost
twice as much but the quality is better. I think
people that buy less expensive items would like to
buy more expensive ones but can't afford it. I think
sometimes they actually try to convince everyone
that they prefer to shop at inexpensive stores.
consumer Samantha Donohue
6/5/2012 8:15:45
I think that feelings for the dollar value do affect the
customers buying decision. And I would have to agree with
you Christopher; it’s all about the customer’s perception. One
person may feel like a $1000 handbag is worth it because of
its value and quality and another just may not feel that way.
There are cetin clothing companies that are branded really
well for example Abercrombie and Victoria’s secret PINK. I
think that a combination of the image that is portrayed by the
company and the quality of the item that can determine the
feelings you may have for the dollar value. I think it really
depends on the person, some people put high value to items of
higher quality. It’s a personal preference.
consumer Helen Miller
6/7/2012 12:07:41
The dollar value does affect customer
buying decisions. My father-in-law was a
tall man, six feet, six inches. He wore a
regular size, but he needed clothes for a
tall man. My mother-in-law bought all of
his casual clothes in the big and tall
section at Target. Because these clothes
were very inexpensive, the quality was
not great and the sizing was not true.
They never fit him correctly. The sleeves
were always too short and as well as the
length of his pants and shirts. She said
over and over that she was not going to
go to some expensive big and tall shop
for his clothes and pay big money when
she could buy him the same thing at
Target. No matter how much we argued
with her about the quality and sizing, she
never relented. She never understood
how these clothes made him feel. The
only good thing was that he refused to
allow her to buy him any clothes for
work, including, including suits, dress
shirts, and ties. He bought these for
himself --- at the expensive store for big
and tall men.
consumer Nate Ramser
6/6/2012 3:08:22 PM
Basically, when shopping at places like Macys or Brooks
Brothers, you're paying for the brand name on the
tag. Granted these items are usually high in quality,
Walmart clothes serve the same purpose. The more
expensive brand names are more of a hedonic item. Yes,
everyone 'needs' clothes, but you dont have to pay hundreds
of dollars for an outfit. Thats why I label these high-end
brand names as luxuries.
consumer Jason Weaver
6/10/2012 11:07:27
I usually make most of my purchases
online. Especially cloths. I like specific brand
names that are hard to find in regular retail
stores. This is what I lkke most about shopping
online you can get exactly what you want all you
have to do is search for it
Linda Dean
6/6/2012 7:38:13 PM
Macy's carry Brand name and designer clothes. Hollister Co. attracts
consumers between the age 14-18, for casual wear. Wal Mart doesn't
carry designer brands, just standard quality clothes that are sold at a
lower price point. The consumer places the value on the items based on
their perception of the stores Brand name, and their past experience
purchasing items from that store. If the consumer perceives Macy's or
Hollister's clothes to have good quality, then they will place more value
on the clothes purchased from those stores compared to Wal Mart.
consumer Maria Sandor
6/9/2012 5:59:17 PM
I think that the price as well as the image of any product
affects the value that is placed on them. I think that a good
example of this is expensive vs. less expensive
cosmetics. Often times, both will contain low quality
ingredients like mineral oil and chemicals, but if one is
priced higher and marketed as a "high end" product with
fancy packaging, it's perceived by the consumer as being of
a higher quality and the value placed on the product is
higher, despite the fact that many of the ingredients are of
the same low quality. The following link is to an article
which discusses how cosmetics are packaged and marketed
in order to communicate a specific "brand image" and attract
consumers who wish to be a part of that "brand image".:
consumer Leo Rodriguez
6/10/2012 7:44:01
Yes, I agree with your perspective. I was thinking
how many people by the brand names in Tylenol or
Advil because they identify with the
advertisements, etc. When it is cost effective just to
buy the
'CVS brand", 'Walgreens brand", and they also are
made with the same ingredients. The packaging can
speak to the consumer and they usually buy what's
well known.
consumer Gaulden Chindime
6/9/2012 12:50:40 AM
Walmart clothes are generally considered inferior and of low
value because of the pricing structure, the countries of origin
and the myth that these clothes are of poor quality since they
are available at walmart the worlds biggest discount store
chain. This is infact not entirley true. Some clothes that are
available at walamrt will sell at Macy's at a much higher
price but since the consumer regards Macys highly, the
value placed on these clothes will likely be high.It is usually
the perception that as long as we are buying from Macy's it's
got to be good.People of the high income bracket will
purchase top most brands because that is what they want to
be identified with, it is what they want their personality to
be. They will buy anything of that brand name because of
the of level in society associated with it and value they place
in such item matches what they think of the brand name.
Please read this link about the Inferior goods at
consumer Angela Garey
6/7/2012 2:45:58 PM
Modified:6/7/2012 2:46 PM
Consumers are under the impression that clothing items purchased at
Macy's are of a higher quality than those purchased at Walmart. This is
basically because people feel that most of the clothing at Walmart is
cheap and not made very well while the clothing at Macy's is made by
well-known designers and is thought to be of superior quality. This also
has to do with demographics--mostly everyone shops at Walmart for one
thing or another but not everyone goes to Walmart to buy clothes. The
people that do buy clothes at Walmart are not likely to shop at Macy's
for clothes. This is mostly because Macy's is considered an "upscale"
store and Walmart is not.
I did a quick search online and found a great poll on Ad Age Blogs that
compared the demo for Kmart, Walmart, Kohls and Target. Here's the
link if you'd like to check it out.
consumer Meghan Frace
6/6/2012 12:57:45 PM
Items likes Macy's or Hollister are name brands, and people
that shop for those items are different than consumers who
shop at stores like Walmart. Walmart provides unknown or
small brand names that are not well-known, but are a good
value for the consumers who purchase their
products. People that like to spend more money on brand
names or to even be a part of an image do not care because
they believe that the quality is good for the value they are
purchasing it at. People place all different kinds of value on
the products they believe to be of great value, and everyone
may not agree with the product choices of others. It is what
they believe to be a great quality at what they consider a
reasonable price.
Major and
Linda Dean
6/4/2012 7:52:59 PM
I recently purchased a 55 inch flat screen TV for my living room. This was my first purchase of a flat
screen, my feelings were that I really wanted one because all my family members had one, all I had
were the old TV's, I wanted something more up to date, I felt better after making the purchase.
Re: Major
and Minor
Berker Bulbuloglu
6/5/2012 8:39:07 AM
A recent major purchase was a Windows Phone 7 Smart-phone from Samsung. Apart
from its usability, I liked the idea that Microsoft was trying to sell. I found the
Windows Phone platform to be different from other popular smart-phone platforms
which made it stand out. This is something I would like to achieve through my work
as well. A minor purchase recently was a cheap pair of earphones from Philips. For
this particular product, I was looking for a very good return on my investment.
Although not the best, the product has good reviews and does a great job.
Major and
Joon Chang
6/5/2012 2:38:38 PM
One of my major purchases was a watch. It was not cheap and some of my
materialistic emotions took over when buying it. I could have chosen a cheaper watch
that would tell the same time, but would be easier on my pockets. However, it would
not bring be the same feeling I would get when others were to see it. The design and
quality of the cheap versus the expensive product is very different and I was drawn to
the style and functionality of the brand name watch.
A minor purchase that I made recently was a bluetooth headset. With this product,
more than the design, I wanted good functionality. I didnt want dropped signals or low
battery life. I felt that I did more research to find the best product for me.
major and
Carrie Patrick
6/5/2012 2:50:41 PM
Recently in the last month I have purchased a Laptop computer. The emotions that
went along with my purchase included guilt because of the fact I already own two
desktop computers. I justified it to myself because I needed it to bring on my trip to
Minnesota for a family reunion because it was gonna be finals week. I figured it
would always be a good back up computer for me. I can easily justify small purchases
because they are just that, small purchases it's easy to not feel guilty. Small purchases
are actually a rush for me. I'm a bit of a compulsive shopper and buying things makes
me happy. My idea of myself plays a big role in my small purchases, being clothing
and accessories. I pride myself on being colorful and unique, as are my clothes. I will
purchase anything that shows I'm an animal rights enthusiast because it's an important
part of my lifestyle.
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/5/2012 8:41:35 PM
Consider your decision to come to Devry as a major purchase. What were some of
your criteria? Did you contemplate for a long period of time?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
TO COME Carrie Patrick
6/7/2012 2:06:22 PM
When considering matriculation to devry there were only a few criteria that i
had in mind as deciding facors.Due to my lifestyle of being a working mother
of two, time constraints weighed heavily on my decision to choose devry.
Many other online universities would have met my other criteria, but the
ability to do work at my own pace and no have set times to be online for class
was an advantage for devry.
Also the fact that devry is very loan friendly aided in my decision. To this
day I don't know who is paying for me to go to school. And lastly, the
credibility of devry is leagues
above other online universities that I looked into. I would say that it wasn't a
long decision making time once I finally looked up the information on going
to an online university.
In all, I researched the universities online, called to register and was
registered for classes within the next semester.
TO COME Meghan Frace
6/7/2012 2:27:33 PM
My decision to come to Devry as a major purchase was based on the job
opportunities that were available through the college, and if they actually
helped in the process of finding an internship or career when finished with
classes. I wanted to attend a college that gave me class choices that fit into
my major, and were also challenging mentally as well. I did not contemplate
for a long period of time, because once I met with advisers, and had all my
questions answered, I was able to make my decision within a few days. I
knew I wanted to go back to school, and I decided to leave home because I
wanted a change of scenery. I believe the only thing that would have made
me contemplate for a long period of time was if I wasn't completely sure if I
wanted to move away from home.
Sara Deese
6/8/2012 4:47:04 PM
I did not think long about coming to Devry. I knew that this was the school
for me, so I went for it. I made an appointment the staff at the nearest campus
were really nice. I was registered for classes in the next session.
For me I'm different when it comes to making big decisions. I know what I
want when I want it. I have no buyers remorse. I knew Devry was the school
for me. I knew my wedding dress was mine after just 10 dresses and 1 store. I
bought a mp3 player a while back, I love it.
TO COME Jason Weaver
6/10/2012 11:09:54 PM
i had a few schools in mind and talked to several admission
counselors. DeVry was the best fit for me because they transfered
the ost of my credits. They also had a very professional staff and i
coud see my self getting my degree there. It felt very welcoming so
that made it that much easier for me to enroll.
TO COME Christopher Gonzalez
6/7/2012 5:06:03 PM
I decided on DeVry because of the availability of online classes. I am able to
go to class at my convenience for all of my classes. There are other colleges
that offer this as well, but thy do not have the name recognition that DeVry
does. The accreditation of the school was also a deciding factor. I researched
many other online programs that's we're available for a period of six months
before deciding on DeVry.
TO COME Ray Shaw
6/8/2012 2:05:35 PM
I chose to come to devry because i was offered a scholarship for some classes
that I took during High School. I also liked how they have many different
campuses across the nation so I could travel a bit and still stay in school. Also
the offering of online classes gave me the ability to return home during the
summer and continue my classes without dropping the ball.
TO COME Christopher Amos
6/9/2012 9:11:07 AM
My decision to come to DeVry was indeed a purchase. There is a cost for
attending college – especially these days. The main criteria for me were
schedule flexibility and location(s). I needed a school platform where I could
get the classes I needed to graduate in the fastest manner. Working full time
and going to school full-time is difficult. So this was a major decision. I also
considered DePaul University. DeVry is competitive with tuition, but not so
much that it was the deciding factor for me. I also like the location(s), both
campus and downtown are central to my job or residence. I am able to get the
classes I need between the two.
TO COME Maria Sandor
6/9/2012 6:16:15 PM
Modified:6/9/2012 6:19 PM
When I decided to attend DeVry, one of the major factors which affected my
decision was the fact that the courses are accelerated and only take eight
weeks to complete, and they are conveniently offered online, which was
important to me. Another important criteria was that the coursework be
relevant and up to date to meet today's business world needs, which I believe
DeVry does very well. I believe that everything I've learned so far is realistic
and applicable in today's workplace which to me, makes the extra tuition that
I am paying compared to in state colleges worthwhile.
TO COME Samantha Donohue
6/9/2012 7:42:54 PM
Well my criterion was the quality of the education and the time frame in
which I can complete my degree. For me personally I did not contemplate for
a long time, as I wanted to start immediately. I had decided to go back to
school after a 4 year break, so I knew if I didn’t start right away I never
would. My boyfriend started taking classes at Devry a semester before me so
I was already pretty educated on the price, time frame, and quality of the
TO COME Monica Franco
6/9/2012 9:34:50 PM
I consider Devry a major purchase. I did some research before making the
decision to attend Devry. I considered money as well as time. I looked at the
pros and cons. School reputation. The benefits of having a degree. I took
me a year to make the decision. Devry is an expensive university compared to
other universities in NJ. I decided to go to Devry because my husband
graduated from Devry and he felt he learned enough about his field because
the classes focus on your major. Having the ability to take classes online
meant that I had the possibility to get my degree in 2 years and still keep my
full time job and spend time with my family. The benefits outweigh any cons
and I'm very comfortable with my purchase.
TO COME Joon Chang
6/6/2012 10:05:26 AM
When I decided to attend Devry, I had to figure out the long term benefits
because it was such an expensive purchase. After all, I feel that all the
decisions and choices in life has to benefit you in some way. Although it did
not take too long to decide, I had to thoroughly analyze my time schedule and
see if I was even ready to take on and attend school while working. Once I
realized that graduating from a university and receiving my diploma was
critcial in moving up in a company or even getting hired at more prestigious
companies, my decisiion was easy. I had to motivate and encourage myself
that this was the right decision for my life.
DECISION Helen Miller
6/6/2012 11:52:10 AM
Modified:6/6/2012 11:56 AM
Getting a college education has been a dream of mine for my entire life. My father
did not believe in education for women. This just made me more determined to get
my degree. I never made enough money to pay for normal living expenses
and college. I came to work for my current employer through a temporary
assignment. We have wonderful benefits and one of them happens to be full
100% reimbursement for a college education. This is a benefit that is offered to all
of our employees. Not only has my dream come true, but at no cost to me. I have
been truly blessed.
Reputation and academic standing were my first concerns when choosing a school,
so of course, DeVry scored here. What finally made me choose DeVry was that
classes were offered online. I have severe night blindness, and unless I am within a
block or two of home, I do almost no driving once the sun sets. Because of this, it
was very difficult for me to drive to class, so online was definitely for me. It has
been a great experience and I am extremely happy that I chose DeVry. All I have
left is the Senior Project and I will graduate!!
TO COME Darlene M. Jaffke
6/6/2012 6:43:59 PM
...and good luck to you with that....
TO COME Sharell Griggs
6/10/2012 9:23:35 PM
My major decision upon coming to Devry was based on their accreditation, if
their credits were compatible with other colleges/universities, and their
reputation. I did a good amount of research, called around to a few major
companies to ask what their opinion was about the school and the
accreditation board to see how they fared compared to other Universities. The
results came back exceptional and I was confident that Devry would be a
good school to complete my degree.
DECISION Angela Garey
6/10/2012 10:44:42 AM
My decision to come to DeVry was influenced by my son who was attending DeVry at the
time. I always wanted to get my degree but when I was younger, my focus was on other
things and school was not one of them. Now that I'm older, I knew that attending DeVry
would be a considerable expense; however, it would be a way where I could enhance my
practical experience and employability with a degree. As time goes by, more and more
employers want to hire those with at least an associates degree and it doesn't matter how
much or good your experience is if you haven't got a degree.
Although DeVry was more expensive than some schools, the things that appealed to me the
most were the flexible class schedules and accelerated classes. I did not want to spend four
years at a university attending lectures and wanted to get my degree as quickly as possible.
TO COME Sean Parris
6/10/2012 2:49:05 PM
DeVry was the same institution that my brother went to and graduated from.
It has a fairly fast paced curriculum and provides the option to work through
the summer and other holidays without issue. The online program allows me
to travel and work while still going to class and learning, it provides me with
time flexibility and work ethic to do something for myself and not because
someone has told me to for the most part.
It was also the institution that had the closest opening for enrollment and
eased the process of pursuing a post secondary education. In some cases I
wish I had more time to contemplate whether I wanted to go to post
secondary or not, but with my parents pushing me I ended up rushing into it
without putting as much thought into it as I should have. To date I have been
successful with my studies, but when making such a large commitment there
really should be more personal thought put into place.
TO COME Gaulden Chindime
6/10/2012 4:32:05 PM
Coming to Devry was indeed a major purchase which I had to think about for
a while. This purchase ,which eventually will top $30000 in tuition, was
something that I compared with other purchases before making a final
decision. The criteria I used was how employers view Devry graduates,
university reviews as compared to others and quality of education at Devry.
Tuition didn't play a major part in this decision making because I matched it
with the quality of education and how easily Devry students are employed. I
contemplated joining Devry for a long time simply because the online college
education market is saturated and picking the right school based on the above
mentioned criteria wasn't an easy and short task. I think I made the right
decision though!
TO COME Gaulden Chindime
6/10/2012 4:34:01 PM
Coming to Devry was indeed a major purchase which I had to think about for
a while. This purchase ,which eventually will top $30000 in tuition, was
something that I compared with other purchases before making a final
decision. The criteria I used was how employers view Devry graduates,
university reviews as compared to others and quality of education at Devry.
Tuition didn't play a major part in this decision making because I matched it
with the quality of education and how easily Devry students are employed. I
contemplated joining Devry for a long time simply because the online college
education market is saturated and picking the right school based on the above
mentioned criteria wasn't an easy and short task. I think I made the right
decision though!
I bought
Matthew Douds
a Jeep
6/6/2012 11:41:16 AM
I was car shopping and I wanted the Jeep Wrangler even though it only gets 17mpg,
I've always had a car thats been good on gas but always felt that I would like a 4x4
truck. After getting the Jeep and taking it mud running I felt like I made the right
choice. Its style is more country than my other cars with mud tires on it rather than
chrome rims with low profile tires.
Major and
Nate Ramser
6/6/2012 3:04:28 PM
My most recent major purchase was a new king sized bed. My fiance and I felt very
strongly about buying a new bed since we share it with two dogs every night. My
most recent minor purchase was a new seersucker suit that I wore to the Kentucky
Derby. I definitely don't make a lot of money, but at Derby, it's all about what you're
wearing. I like to go out and feel confident about myself, and I really needed a suit, so
I didn't mind shelling out the money. I think what influenced me was the fact that I
wanted to look more extravagant than how I really am. This is probably due to my
social environment at the event. I really value the dollar, since my fiance and I have 2
mortgages, 2 dogs, and are paying for a wedding. But, I think it's ok to splurge every
now and then. That is why we work so hard.
Ray Shaw
6/6/2012 4:07:16 PM
I was recently in the market for a new hoodie and I particulary like under-armor and
Adidas. I was browsing a store when I saw a wounded warrior Under Armor hoody
that was more expensive but they donated a large percent of the price to the wounded
warrior project. It was camo and I dont really wear camo much but I really think it is a
good cause so I went with that one. I have a lot of my family in the service and I know
it was going to a good cause.
Leo Rodriguez
6/6/2012 4:59:47 PM
A recent major purchase was a vacation in Miami, the emotions that played a huge
part in it was the fun that it was going to be. I work very hard and I justify it because I
do work a lot. The idealized version of my “self” would probably play a more
reserved approach and could have saved more by researching better prices. I got a
hotel that was right in the middle of all the action and although I could have chosen
something a little farther away for cheaper, it was ultimately knowing that this was a
big purchase and I justified it by thinking that it was a once in a lifetime trip. As for a
small purchase, it almost seemed harder because it was a t-shirt from Express and it
cost $40, although it wasn’t a “huge” purchase, I had a hard time purchasing because
it was expensive for me to buy a t shirt that costs that much. I liked the quality of the
t-shirt because the truth of the matter is that it was a shirt that felt great and looked
good on me, when sometimes the less expensive shirts don’t.
Puchases Darlene M. Jaffke
6/6/2012 6:45:18 PM
Great application of course background information.
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/6/2012 7:01:43 PM
Solomon talks about self image congruence models in chapter 5. Do you believe this
is true? How should marketers approach this concept?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
CONGRUENCE Krystal Brennan
6/6/2012 9:11:16 PM
Yes I believe this is true. A person will buy a product sometimes because it
resembles their self-image. Marketers can approach this concept by creating a
brand image that is created for a specific market segment and similar to that
consumers self image.
6/8/2012 3:24:37 PM
I agree. I just did this myself. I bought a shirt that I might not have
looked twice at if I wasn't in the military. It's a ranger up macp shirt.
I bought it because macp is like the army's mma training. Since I am
also a big UFC fan it was easy to decide I wanted that shirt. The
ranger brand was made for people in the military because of the way
we train. That's why UFC fighter Brain Stan who is a captain in the
Marines and Tim Kennedy who fights in strike force and is a U.S.
Soldier wear these shirts out to the octagon
CONGRUENCE Berker Bulbuloglu
6/7/2012 3:26:46 AM
Yes, I believe this is true. We do associate ourselves with certain qualities
and have a image of ourselves in our head. In case we come across a product
which seems to have some of the qualities, we may buy it if other conditions
like price are favorable. An example could be my recent phone purchase
which I stated in my previous post.
CONGRUENCE Omer Mennan Guler
6/7/2012 8:49:30 AM
Self-image is the image of one's self and of what happened. This affects
consumer behavior. So, I believe it is correct. For example, people choosing
their pets, inevitably influenced by images of theirselves. They prefer the
animals which are similar to their own character and external appearance. For
instance, an energetic and young person does not like Golden Retriever. If
you follow the links below, will agree with me.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/5094835/Dogowners-do-look-like-their-pets-say-psychologists.html &
According to the my example, marketers, should bring the characteristic
specialties of the pets to the fore.
6/7/2012 11:45:01 AM
According to our text, "Self-image congruence models suggest that we
choose products when their attributes match some aspect of the self.48 These
models assume a process of cognitive matching between product attributes
and the consumer’s self-image."
I believe that this is absolutely true because what we consume is who we are.
I feel that it expresses our individual character and personality. Self image
can be determined by our appearances and how we express our cultures.
This website goes into detail of self image congruence models and its
relationship with consumer behavior:
6/10/2012 2:09:21 PM
Modified:6/10/2012 2:12 PM
I agree with the concept of the self image congruence models because I
believe that consumers choose products which they believe have attributes
which match their self image, which is called cognitive matching. (Solomon,
2011, p. 175).
and Minor
Gaulden Chindime
6/6/2012 10:36:56 PM
My recent major purchase was an SUV, an Accura RDX to be specific. I bought this
car for my wife on her birthday because she had been talking about it for a longtime
and I could see that these wishes were not going anywhere anytime soon.One of her
friends already had one, and this just made buying this car almost unavoidable. I read
reviews of this car on several websites, both consumer and expert reviews and finally
decided to buy it. This car, according to expert reviews, has a very good residual value
and motorists who buy these cars apparently get their money's worth(I am yet to find
this out in the next couple years). I was even told that the trade-in value of this car
would be much better than other domestic brands of the same class and model year.
The minor purchase I recently made was my bedroom TV. I didn't spend too much
researching on this TV because it was going to be for bedroom use and a 32inch for
that matter. Spending $279.00 on a TV felt like a simple purchase to me and the dollar
value here didn't matter.
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/7/2012 4:59:33 PM
Harley Davidson has rode on its reputation for years using emotion in its advertising
very effectively. I think we could all agree that Harley appeals to a certain individual
and their version of self. Of recent, Harley has contemplated opening up their target
market to include women as well as older folks. Do you think this will be effective?
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
DAVIDSON Christopher Gonzalez
6/8/2012 2:41:20 PM
I believe that it will be effective. The target market for motorcycles is vastly changing. The
target market for Harley has aged and so have their needs. It only makes sense that they
would want to continue to sell to their aging market. Harley can still concentrate on a
younger crowd, but they can address the needs of their loyal customer base as well. Women
make up over 50% of the population, and whether they are driving the bikes or riding on the
back, they have an enormous input into the purchase. There are very few men that would go
out and buy a motorcycle without consulting their significant other, and if they do, I will prey
for them.
Here is an interesting article that discusses the aging target market for Harley
Davidson. http://seekingalpha.com/article/149478-demographic-headwinds-hitting-harleydavidson
DAVIDSON Helen Miller
6/8/2012 6:22:50 AM
Modified:6/8/2012 6:28 AM
Women have been riding Harley Davidsons for years - on the back. Now they
want to be in the driver's seat. I know many women who enjoy
riding motorcycles. They come from all walks of life and there is no typical
rider. Women have long been interested in riding motorcycles - and Harleys in
particular. It took a downturn in sales for Harley-Davidson to realize that their
was a target group that they were missing. Now they are making a concerted
effort to appeal to women. In July 2009 they introduced a smaller bike called
the SuperLow. The cost was $8,000. It has the lowest seat in their bike lineup
which makes it easier to ride, and is 150 pounds lighter than a typical
Harley. In 2009 women riders represented about 12% of Harley sales; in 1995
it was only 2%. In order to address issues such as motorcycle safety, making
the correct helmet choice, and dealing with the weight of the bikes, several
times during the year Harley dealerships close their stores to men and hold
women-only parties. In March of 2010, there were 500 of these events
with 27,000 women attending them. Harley sold 3,000 bikes from the events
that month.
In 2008, Harley-Davidson hired model Marisa Miller to help attract women to
their product.
DAVIDSON Berker Bulbuloglu
6/8/2012 8:17:28 AM
I think that Harley Davidson’s bid to target women and older people might
people might work. Harley Davidson bikes have always been an icon and a
vehicle which only a few could ride. There are certainly other people who
probably do want to ride a Harley Davidson but cannot due to various
reasons. In case they can come up with products which are specifically
targeted at different segments, I feel people will respond positively if they had
wish to buy one at some point in time. As pointed out by Helen, the company
has been able to make sales in this segment. Some of their marketing
strategies has paid off.
DAVIDSON Nate Ramser
6/9/2012 10:43:23 AM
I believe it will be. The emotions they convey in their advertisements can be
appealing for females as well. I see more and more women riding
motorcycles now than I ever have. With the power of women growing and
growing, they want to show they can hang with the boys just as well, as
anything else.
DAVIDSON Damien Hernandez
6/9/2012 4:33:36 AM
I don't see why this would be a problem. There are many women interested in
Harley Davidson. As long as their marketing pertains to them and doesn't try
to mix old with the new, I think they would be successful. They should have
two different approaches, one for the way they have been marketing
themselves, and one to appeal to the women and older people. They can post
the women ads on women based networks like Oxygen.
DAVIDSON Andres Valdes
6/8/2012 9:10:46 PM
If Harley Davidson is careful and very effective it might be worth it to open
up to those markets, but it is very risky simply because motor cycles are a
very dangerous thing to do and take a decent amount of stamina to drive.
With that said, women with children most likely would not be looking for the
thrill of a motorcycle and if they are they most likely will go riding together
with their husbands to share the experience together on a singular motorcycle.
As for the elderly it would be a very dangerous and rigorous thing to do
which could lead to very uncomfortable riders afterwards or even lead to an
accident due to fatigue. I had stated in another post that Harley should expand
more into the automotive industry through Ford and make more custom
models of existing vehicles, this could be a great outlet to expand in to and
use the name to sell the product rather than just selling the product itself.
DAVIDSON Krystal Brennan
6/8/2012 10:07:24 PM
Yes I believe it would be effective because a lot of women I know are into
motor cycles and like guys that have a bike especially a Harley. I see a lot of
women riding with their husbands or boyfriends that come into the bar all the
time. It would be effective to target older folks because they are retired and it
is something fun and exciting for them. Most older folks can also afford to
buy a Harley Davidson too because they tend to be on the pricey side.
DAVIDSON Monica Franco
6/10/2012 8:43:04 PM
I think if Harley Davidson market the women the result would be
effective. There are many women that love to ride bikes, having a bike that
defines women would give women an identify. If harley davidson created a
bike that women can identify with it could be a successful product. This
would mean that it's ok for any women no matter your age size of style to ride
a bike.
Here is an article on how Harley Davidson is marketing to women.
DAVIDSON Sharell Griggs
6/10/2012 9:17:58 PM
I think it would be very effective because Harley has always been know as
the "manly mans" motorcycle. With women and senior motorcycle clubs
rising it would be in Harleys best in interested to target those those audiences.
I think that women and seniors alike would be attracted to the new
campaigned guided toward them is Harley puts enough investments in their
overall compagin. I would think making specialized bikes that are sutable and
attrive to women would be a great start, as well as bikes specialized for use
by older folk.
DAVIDSON Samantha Donohue
6/10/2012 5:18:03 PM
I do absolutely think this will be effective, there are so many women and
older folks that would love and appreciate being included. Adding women
I’m sure will respond really well to this as there are many women who are
also followers of Harley. For the older folks I feel that being recognized as
long time followers would be very gratifying for them as well. The have been
Harley customers for a long time and it is really important to make sure that
that are acknowledge as well.
Sean Parris
6/7/2012 8:13:22 PM
For the most part I go with practical purchases over stylization. When making minor
or major purchases I think ahead of what I want, go in and grab it. Often times I do
not make purchases unless I have thought about picking up that item first. Minor
purchases are often essentials such as toothpaste, food, etc - Because of this I often
don't put much thought into whether to purchase them or not.
Major purchases often include things that come in different packages / formats or are
of recreational nature. Because of this and having a limited income I put a large
amount of thought into what I am going to buy and what I can with-hold from buying.
With clothing I often go for clothing that will last, but is semi formal in nature so it
can be used in both a formal and informal situation. This allows for flexibility and
puts me at ease, when buying clothing I want clothing I look intelligent, respectable
and confident in. For example when I try pants on and find they look "gangster", they
sag or they are skinny jeans - I have no interest in pursuing the purchase. As I am not
at all inclined towards either of those cultures and prefer practical but good looking
clothing. I am not trying to make a statement with my outward appearance past the
fact that I am a professional. Other then that, the only statement I want to make is
through my personality as opposed to how I look.
Essentially I will not make certain purchases if it does not "feel" like it is me. If it
postures itself as a product for a certain subgroup that I do not want any relation to or
am not apart of, I will most likely avoid making that purchase.
Darlene M. Jaffke
6/9/2012 6:51:18 AM
This week we began this thread with a comparison of our decision making process
when making a major and a minor purchase. Our decision to attend Devry as a major
purchase was analyzed. Finally, we looked at self image congruency model and
analyzed the Harley Davidson persona. Now that we have discussed Harley, choose
another product that also has a distinct personality and discuss.
Dr. Darlene Jaffke
SUMMARY Andres Valdes
6/10/2012 10:33:41 PM
Apple has a very distinct personality, they target people with money who
want to be on the "in" with technology. Typically Apple products are
considered "cool" to have not only because they are usually more expensive
but also because they are so innovative. Apple consumers typically consist of
college students who can afford Apple products and young professionals.
SUMMARY Erick Pena
6/10/2012 11:04:07 PM
The product that created its own persona would have to say apple. Apple has
recreated a persona that people will remember from there iconic phone the
iphone to their famous music players. Apple tries to the more advance
technology out their but it still competes with other technology but it still
generates more clientel then any other product in its kinda. So that why I say
that Apple created its own persona.
SUMMARY Maria Sandor
6/10/2012 12:57:01 PM
Modified:6/10/2012 12:57 PM
Apple has a distinct personality which is based on innovation, design, and
creativity. Apple's logo, which is the image of an apple, is immediately
recognizable, and consumers identify it as a symbol of the company's superior
design, innovative applications, and groundbreaking technology. Apple users
are very brand loyal and value the company's advanced technology and user
friendly products.
SUMMARY Helen Miller
6/10/2012 1:46:51 PM
Disney is definitely a brand that has its on personality based on
wholesomeness and customer service. Children smile just seeing
the Disney characters, particularly Mickey Mouse. Parents don't
have to think twice if they choose a Disney location for a vacation
destination. Disney is in a class by itself in the entertainment
SUMMARY Carrie Patrick
6/9/2012 9:46:47 PM
John Deere is a product brand with a distinct personality. It's the first brand that comes to
mind when you think of farming or tractors. The brand is mentioned in several country
songs. I'm pretty sure my father-in-law doesn't own any shirts without the John Deere logo
on it. The brand's personality is associated with all American, down to earth, hard working
country people. People wear the logo with pride much like Harley Davidson's.
John Deere's Promise "I will never put my name on a product that does not have in
it the best that is in me."
SUMMARY Matthew Douds
6/9/2012 8:43:05 PM
I like the motorcycle bond on the roads I have a Suzukii gsxr 1000 and I get
respect from all the riders, I went under a guard rail and had three
motorcyclist stop give me a hand and help me get my bike unpinned from the
guard rail. Every biker you pass waves aut you under the handlebars deuces.
Major and
Erick Pena
6/9/2012 11:38:16 PM
The most recent major purchase that I got was buying an Iphone because it was an
expensive device. Also, because since if I do get apple care it wont get covered if its
lost or stolen, so I had lots to decide because that was a huge risk... Well for me
because Im so used have insurance that covers my phone if it gets lost or stolen.
One minor purchase that I recently did was a shirt at H&M, I was with my friend and I
saw this shirt that was $5 and I just got it with out even thinking about. I guess if its
cheap people tend not to think about it, and if its expensive they tend to have second
thoughts about the product.
Major and
Sharell Griggs
6/10/2012 9:11:25 PM
My most recent major purchase was buying a new lap top computer. I naturally
wanted to purchase a popular well known computer because it's what I've been told is
the best out there by way of the media. I almost did an impulse buy because of my
idealized view of the popularized computer. I caught myself and instead buying that
day I went home did some product research/comparisons. I realized that the computers
that I wanted to buy on impulse was not nearly as good as the computer I ultimately
bought. The computer I chose is a Lenovo made by IBM. Not may people know about
this computer unless you have worked in a business atmosphere which is what is was
ultimately deigned for. It was cheaper than most of the popular computer and had
more memory, RAM space, and features that the other computer didn't have.