Citizenship My personal development e-Profile Type your name here Personal profile ● Who I am, what I like doing and what I am good at: (You may wish to make this three separate slides, one under each heading.) My sister Me playing football Me and my culture ● I am a combination of my parents, my community, my religion and my culture. I am a living celebration of my heritage. (You may wish to include something like this in the previous slide.) Going for goals! ● Citizenship has helped me to understand: – how communities work – our rights and responsibilities – what we need to do to make things better – how to care for the environment – how to respect and look out for each other – about politics. (Add or subtract from this list and provide examples. It may need more slides.) My citizenship record ● This is my record about what the school does to help me and my class to get involved as active citizens: (Create a list of things that have been covered in citizenship lessons and activities in which pupils have taken part.) Citizenship in my school ● How we work together and look after each other: ● How we look after the environment: ● Our responsibilities at home and in the wider community: (This could be expanded over a number of slides with examples of each type of learning. See the next three slides as examples.) Finding out about our community ● We did a project this term about our local community. This is what I thought about it. These are some of the ways we help in school ● ● ● ● ● I like being a school council representative for my class. We can be a playground buddy or a bully buster to help other children. We help to welcome people into the school. We work as library monitors. We raise money for charities through different activities. Outside interests ● There are lots of clubs in our community, and this year I joined a sailing club and am learning how to sail. (This may already have been covered in earlier slides.) What I want to do this term ● We have been given a choice of things we can do to help this term. I am going to help Year 2 children by listening to them read, as I am good at reading. ● I have chosen, with some of my friends, to raise money to support the lifeboats as they help people that get into difficulty at sea. (You may already have targets in a different format.) Getting on and falling out ● Our teacher wants us to understand our rights and responsibilities and how to respect each other. This includes: – getting on with my friends – getting on with my family – getting on with other adults. . ● We have a class target to learn to work together and be more friendly to each other. (This may link with work on rights, respect and responsibilities.) Say “no” to bullying ● To make our school safer and a nicer place to be, some children are playground buddies and bully busters. This includes helping to put a stop to: – name calling – hurting people – being unfriendly. I have found out about politics ● The class wanted to ask our MP about the war and Oliver wrote a letter for our class to ask her to come and talk with us. Meeting our MP What other people say about me and my involvement in citizenship activities (This could include comments by your class teacher/tutor, your head of year, your family or your friends.) Records and certificate ● You can complete a record of your citizenship involvement – My record of citizenship learning. This will take you to a template for you to complete, which can then be printed as a record of what you have done. (Save and close the document to return to this PPT.) ● You can ask your teacher to sign a certificate that outlines what you have been doing in citizenship – My citizenship certificate. You need to add some details before you print the certificate for signing. (Save and close the certificate to return to this PPT.) ● You can complete a personal learning plan which you can print out – My citizenship plan. It will help you make progress in citizenship. (Save and close the document to return to this PPT.)