Nor’Ain Othman, PhD
Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia
Islamic tourism is new and unfamiliar among tourism scholars, and only few studies were
carried out by researchers that integrate the teaching of Islam and tourism theories. The idea of
formulating the Islamic Tourism Theory and developing the Islamic Quality Standard (IQS) for
hospitality businesses particularly hotels, restaurants and travel operators was inspired by
tourism scholars (Jafari, J., Din, K., (Malaysia), and Timothy, D). The concept of tourism models
are frequently used by previous researchers to describe the aspect of tourism entity, function or
phenomenon but fail to relate the Islamic concepts in relations to its demand and supply of
tourism. Islam and tourism are multidisciplinary areas and joint effort is needed to discuss on
this area. Islam encouraged traveling and exploring for the purpose of seeking knowledge,
medical, education, business, trade and enriching one’s experience and improves our character
and faith, and be thankful to the Creator. Islamic tourism can be defined from different areas
such as tourist behavior (motivation, intention to visit, perception, image), travel activities,
Islamic destinations, products (accommodation, restaurant, airlines), dimension (economic,cultural-religious), and management of services (marketing & ethics) that are offered to tourists
in accordance to the Islamic principles. Universities and colleges are now introducing Islamic
tourism education in its curriculum and skill training to cater for various tourism businesses
(supply side) such as in tour and travel agencies, accommodation, transportation and
restaurants targeted to serve Muslim tourists. Front office in hotels and tour guide are studying
Arabic language in order to communicate with the Arab tourists. Even though Islamic tourism
focuses on the Muslim market segment, however non-Muslim tourists are also welcome to
experience Halal travel activities, hotel and food & beverages that can be viewed as
knowledgeable travel and holistic fun. Different authors take different approach on the definition
and scope of the concept. This study has developed the Islamic Tourism Model adapted from
Jafar Jafari (1990) from choice of discipline and applying the Islamic approaches, for example,
Islamic tourism motivation from psychology, Islamic tourism education, Islamic standard in
hospitality and tourism and Islamic tourism marketing.
In December 2012, a standard of classifying accommodation that is the Islamic Quality
Standards (IQS) was developed by Universal Crescent Standard Center (UCSC) and Faculty of
Hotel and Tourism Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and launched by Tun Dr.
Mahathir Mohammad, former Malaysian Prime Minister at the International Islamic Quality
Standard Conference at Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur. The Islamic Quality
Standards (IQS) was an industry driven, not replacing the star rating but given an added value
to “Muslim Friendly” accommodation. The IQS assess the quality of serviced accommodation in
accordance to the Islamic principles that includes quality physical facilities and services offered
to the customers. For example, non availability of alcoholic beverages, Halal food, separate
swimming pools or spa for male and female and Muslims prayer facilities such as prayer rooms
available for guests and Muslim staff. Consequently, the understanding of Maqasid Al-Syariah
in Islamic tourism (Islamic management) among top management is important and can be
practiced to fulfill new and effective management within the tourism sectors, adopting the
principle of moderation and balance in Islam (wasatiyyah) to meet the international tourist
market demand. As in January 2011, Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life
reported that the world's Muslim population will increase by 35% in the next 20 years, rising
from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2020.
Keywords: Islamic tourism, Islamic quality standard, maqasid al syariah, wassatiyyah