Project module 1: Master's Thesis

MSc04-AD F2011
Study Guide
Study Board for Architecture and Design
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
Østerågade 6 - 9000 Aalborg
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
List of Content
List of Content ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Welcome to Students and Supervisors ........................................................................................... 3
The modular construction of the Semester ..................................................................................... 4
Semester Calendar 2011 ................................................................................................................ 5
List of Contacts................................................................................................................................ 6
Project module 1: Master’s Thesis .................................................................................................. 7
Formalities ............................................................................................................................... 7
Literature ................................................................................................................................. 8
Submission .............................................................................................................................. 8
Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 9
Project Description: Master Thesis in Architecture ................................................................. 9
Project related instructions .................................................................................................... 10
Semester Calendar Long Master’s Thesis 2011-2012 ................................................................ 11
Project module 1: Long Master’s Thesis ....................................................................................... 12
Formalities ............................................................................................................................. 12
Literature ............................................................................................................................... 13
Submission ............................................................................................................................ 13
Assessment ........................................................................................................................... 14
Project Description: Long Master Thesis in Architecture ...................................................... 14
Project related instructions .................................................................................................... 15
Enclosures..................................................................................................................................... 17
Enclosure 1: Plagiarism and correct referencing .................................................................. 17
Enclosure 2: Rules concerning written work ......................................................................... 17
Enclosure 3: Guidelines for difficulties in cooperation .......................................................... 18
Enclosure 4: Re-examinations .............................................................................................. 18
Enclosure 5: Generel submission requirements ................................................................... 20
Enclosure 6: Evaluation formats ........................................................................................... 22
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Welcome to Students and Supervisors
Welcome to the 4th Semester.
This Study Guide is valid for the 4th semester in the Architecture M.Sc. program at
Architecture and Design.
It is preconditioned that this guide is read before or immediately after the opening of
the semester by all involved students and supervisors. The Study Guide is a
supplement and elaboration of the existing curriculum’s specifications concerning the
project module.
The Study Guide is a support for students, supervisors, and lecturers in relation to the
planning and implementation of the project work. The Study Guide elaborates the
learning goals that are established in the curriculum related to the project module.
Practical rules concerning plagiarism, exclusion of group members- re-examination
and general requirements for assignment submission are placed at the end of this
document as appendixes.
Best Regards,
Associate Professor, cand.arch
Mary-Ann Knudstrup, Semester Coordinator
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
The modular construction of the Semester
This semester consists of the master’s thesis (30 ECTS).
The work load for one semester is 30 ETCS corresponding 900 hours of study work
for each student.
Project module 1: Master’s Thesis
7-point marking scale
Further information at page 7
This semester no free study activities are offered.
The activities of the semester will be prosecuted by the following procedure:
Project module 1: Master’s Thesis
I: Introduction
M: Midterm review
S: Submission
A: Assessment
Modular work load for the student. Total for a semester are 900 hours:
Project module 1:
Master’s Thesis
Project work
1 lecture (2*45
1,5 h
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Semester Calendar 2011
Subject to changes. Always check the semester calendar online.
Minutes are required from all meetings in the steering committee. A student (typically
the deputy chairman) takes minutes, the semester coordinator approves them before
sending to the semester secretary and Study Board for Architecture and Design
Subject, deadline, etc.
June 6th
Info meeting for 2MSc. Ark & 3MSc. ARK
Strandvejen 1
July 1st
Deadline: Theme application
Aug. 12th
Approval of theme
Aug. 19th
Allocation of Supervisors
Aug. 19th
Steering Committee meeting 0 – Semester evaluations and
planning of the semester.
Sept. 2nd
Semester start and info meeting
Sept. 8th
Supervisor meeting
Steering Committee meetings as required
Oct. 3rd
Mid-term Review
Jan. 4th at
Project submission at 8:00-10:00am
Jan. 9th
Steering Committee meeting – Semester evaluation
Jan. 23rd 31st
Exam period
June 29th
Summer Graduation together with all candidates from A&D
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
List of Contacts
Semester coordinator
Associate Professor, Mary-Ann
Semester secretary
Kristina Wagner Røjen
Associate Professor, Mary-Ann
Professional competencies
Mary-Ann Knudstrup
Sustainability, Zero enegy bildings,
Sustainable environments for the
Project module 1:
Master’s Thesis
Names will be added after
approval of themes
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Project module 1: Master’s Thesis
At first the objectives regarding this project module from the curriculum are outlined.
These objectives define the framework of the module and the examination thereof. It
is a prerequisite for a successful completion of the semester that the student works
systematically and focused to achieve the knowledge, skills and competencies
defined in the curriculum.
Following (in section 5.5) the project module is further described with respect to
theme, procedure and expectations.
Curriculum p. 50
Have passed the first three semesters in M.Sc. urban design, architecture or similar.
The final semester sets the stage for a manifestation of the student’s abilities in
designing good architecture. The student must define a problem and display the
ability to achieve a combination of architectural design and technical solutions in an
integrated whole. The work must include relevant theories and methodologies and
be based on the skills and competencies acquired throughout the Master’s
programme in architecture.
Students who complete the module
 Must demonstrate that their knowledge and understanding within the field of
specialization is at a high international level
 Must be able to critically assess knowledge and identify problems within the
field of specialization
 Must demonstrate the ability to select appropriate research-based
knowledge in the design process
Must demonstrate the ability to create an integrated design independently
Must be able to independently motivate their choice of methods or/and
theoretical approach
Must demonstrate the ability to design a sustainable building with both
architectural and technical qualities
Must be able to carry through design processes in which regard to
aesthetics and the user’s spatial, social, functional needs are taken into
account in a solution that meets the technical requirements for the building
Must be able to demonstrate the acquired skills in tectonics and
sustainability in accordance with, and at a level suitable to the chosen theme
of the master thesis
Must be able to apply a range of methods within the field of architecture and
demonstrate control of selected parameters in engineering within the field of
Must be able to communicate in a clear and systematic way relevant
scientific and professional aspects of the project work both to specialists and
the public
Must be able to present the results of the project work in a project report with
architectural drawings and models in 3D renderings
 Must be able to develop a project based on a specific problem within the
field of specialization, independently and to the highest national and
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
international standards
Must be competent in developing a design solution for a building with a
consist functionality in relation to a specific client or user group and their
demands. The work can draw on literature that has not been presented in
the set courses
Must be competent in finding an integrated design solution that fulfils all
predefined criteria and target values regarding the architectural quality and
technical design
Must be competent in applying design solutions for passive energy
technologies such as passive cooling, natural ventilation, passive solar
systems and daylight and in calculating the energy performance of the
Must be able to anticipate and solve problems and make a synthesis in the
design, which takes care of the aesthetics, spatial and social aspects, user’s
needs, functionality as well as the technical performance of the building
Must be able to present the results of the project work in a project report,
architectural drawings, physical models and 3D renderings
Primary Literature
In agreement with supervisor.
Secondary Literature
In agreement with supervisor.
The results of the project work must be documented and presented in a project
rapport and through architectural drawings, physical models and 3D renderings.
The project report shall in the best possible way present and document the achieved
knowledge, skills and competencies that are expected at a master’s thesis level cf.
item 5.1 (Knowledge, Skills and Competencies defined in the curriculum).
 The architectural drawings can be either included in the report or enclosed
separately as prospectus. Either way the material must illustrate and
document the project in plans, sections and elevations and by 3D
renderings. Scale is according to the actual project.
 Main results of technical calculations/simulation/analysis must be presented
in the report. Utilized excel sheets should be enclosed on the CD.
Following must be brought at the assessment:
 Presentation model, scale according to type of project.
 Presentation poster
After the assessment 2 A0-poster in portrait (841 x 1189 mm) on 5 mm foamboard
must be submitted to the secretary with the following content:
 Name
 Year
Project title
 Synopsis
Abstract of the project. Min 2000 characters (with space).
 Illustrations
Furthermore a portfolio must be submitted for the project gallery as
presentation of A&D M.Sc. 4.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
 According to the general submission requirements, see Error! Reference
ource not found. .
Model and posters will be exhibited at the summer exhibition in June/July as a
master’s exhibition in connection with graduation.
January 4th by Semester Secretary.
Evaluation format C – Project module with external examination
The module is assessed by an oral assessment based on written material, typically a
jointly prepared (or in exceptional cases, prepared by the individual student) project
module report (containing the report/analyses/posters/drawings/models or similar). It
is further presumed that the student has regularly and actively participated in
evaluation seminars and the like.
The module is assessed with external examination.
The written material for submission is submitted in physical form to the semester
The project is concluded with a project closing of max. 45 min. It is a precondition for
participation in the examiniation that students have participated in the project
closing. The entire project is presented with equal participation of all the group
members. The starting point for the examination is the project report and the project
closing presentation, cf. Examination Policies and Procedures:
The allotted time for assessment is in practice 20-30 min. per examinee depending
on group sizes, as there must be time for voting.
The starting point of the exam is the evaluation criteria as they appear in the
curriculum and this study guide. The assessment is based on a combined evaluation
of the report and the oral performance.
Examiner and external examiner are involved in the assessment along with the
Grading is according to the 7-point marking scale.
Project Description: Master Thesis in Architecture
Content and
The final semester sets the stage for a manifestation of the student’s abilities in
designing good architecture. The student must define a problem and display the
ability to achieve a combination of architectural design and technical solutions in an
integrated design.
The students can work individually, however groups of 2 to 3 people are more
indicated to develop a project in all complexity.
Students are free to choose the theme they believe is most adequate for the
development of a final thesis, on the basis of their acquired competencies, individual
preferences and attitudes to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competencies
defined in the study plan cf. 5.1. The theme of the project should be decided by the
student or the group, together with the supervisor and the coordinator.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
The students draw up an independent program for the 4th semester project unit,
which defines the content-based aims of the project unit. This program must specify
which of the core-competences connected to the specialization in Architecture are
particularly emphasized, and it must be approved by the main supervisor prior to the
start of the project.
The work must include relevant theories and methodologies and be based on the
skills and competencies acquired throughout the Master’s program in architecture.
Deliveries and Scope
Submission material will consist of a written report including all the information
needed to explain and document the process and results of the project. When
needed, students will also be allowed to complete the thesis documentation with any
other kind of material, including audio-visual, mock-ups, etc.
Problem based project work
The project work takes its point of departure in the problem-based and projectorganized learning environment at A&D.
Project related instructions
In relation to the project module following lectures will be conducted.
Instruction 1: Introduction
Lecturer: Mary-Ann Knudstrup
Introduction of thesis-writing and presentation of prior theses.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Semester Calendar Long Master’s Thesis 2011-2012
Subject to changes. Always check the semester calendar online.
Minutes are required from all meetings in the steering committee. A student
(typically the deputy chairman) takes minutes, the semester coordinator approves
them before sending to the semester secretary and Study Board for Architecture
and Design (
Subject, deadline, etc.
June 6th
Info meeting for 2MSc. ARK & 3MSc. ARK
Strandvejen 1
July 1st
Deadline: Theme application
Aug 12th
Approval of theme
Aug 19th
Allocation of Supervisors
Aug 19th
Steering Committee meeting 0 – Semester evaluations and
planning of the semester.
Sept. 2nd
Semester start and info meeting
Sept. 8th
Supervisor meeting
Oct. 3rd
Mid-term Review
Strandvejen 1
Steering Committee meetings as required
Jan. 4th
Project submission of Part 1 -the theoretical part of the
Jan. 9th
Steering Committee meeting – Semester evaluation
Feb. 8th
Supervisor meeting
Steering Committee meetings as required
March 29th - 30rd
– April 2nd – 3rd4th
Mid-term Review
May 30th
Project submission at 12pm
June 7th
Steering Committee meeting – Semester evaluation
14rd -28th
Exam period
June 29th
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Project module 1: Long Master’s Thesis
Kandidatspeciale – lang afgang
At first the objectives regarding this project module from the curriculum are outlined.
These objectives define the framework of the module and the examination thereof. It
is a prerequisite for a successful completion of the semester that the student works
systematically and focused to achieve the knowledge, skills and competencies
defined in the curriculum.
Following (in section 5.5) the project module is further described with respect to
theme, procedure and expectations.
Curriculum p. 50
Have passed the first two semesters in M.Sc. urban design, architecture or similar.
The final semester sets the stage for a manifestation of the student’s abilities in
designing good architecture. The student must define a problem and display the
ability to achieve a combination of architectural design and technical solutions in an
integrated whole. The work must include relevant theories and methodologies and
be based on the skills and competencies acquired throughout the Master’s
programme in architecture.
Students who complete the module
 Must demonstrate that their knowledge and understanding within the field of
specialization is at a high international level
 Must be able to critically assess knowledge and identify problems within the
field of specialization
 Must demonstrate the ability to select appropriate research-based
knowledge in the design process
Must demonstrate the ability to create an integrated design independently
Must be able to independently motivate their choice of methods or/and
theoretical approach
Must demonstrate the ability to design a sustainable building with both
architectural and technical qualities
Must be able to carry through design processes in which regard to
aesthetics and the user’s spatial, social, functional needs are taken into
account in a solution that meets the technical requirements for the building
Must be able to demonstrate the acquired skills in tectonics and
sustainability in accordance with, and at a level suitable to the chosen theme
of the master thesis
Must be able to apply a range of methods within the field of architecture and
demonstrate control of selected parameters in engineering within the field of
Must be able to communicate in a clear and systematic way relevant
scientific and professional aspects of the project work both to specialists and
the public
Must be able to present the results of the project work in a project report with
architectural drawings and models in 3D renderings
 Must be able to develop a project based on a specific problem within the
field of specialization, independently and to the highest national and
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
international standards
Must be competent in developing a design solution for a building with a
consist functionality in relation to a specific client or user group and their
demands. The work can draw on literature that has not been presented in
the set courses
Must be competent in finding an integrated design solution that fulfils all
predefined criteria and target values regarding the architectural quality and
technical design
Must be competent in applying design solutions for passive energy
technologies such as passive cooling, natural ventilation, passive solar
systems and daylight and in calculating the energy performance of the
Must be able to anticipate and solve problems and make a synthesis in the
design, which takes care of the aesthetics, spatial and social aspects, user’s
needs, functionality as well as the technical performance of the building
Must be able to present the results of the project work in a project report,
architectural drawings, physical models and 3D renderings
Primary Literature
In agreement with supervisor.
Secondary Literature
In agreement with supervisor.
The results of the project work must be documented and presented in a project
rapport and through architectural drawings, physical models and 3D renderings.
The project report shall in the best possible way present and document the achieved
knowledge, skills and competencies that are expected at a master’s thesis level cf.
item 5.1 (Knowledge, Skills and Competencies defined in the curriculum).
 The architectural drawings can be either included in the report or enclosed
separately as prospectus. Either way the material must illustrate and
document the project in plans, sections and elevations and by 3D
renderings. Scale is according to the actual project.
 Main results of technical calculations/simulation/analysis must be presented
in the report. Utilized excel sheets should be enclosed on the CD.
Following must be brought at the assessment:
 Presentation model, scale according to type of project.
 Presentation poster
After the assessment 2 A0-poster in portrait (841 x 1189 mm) on 5 mm foamboard
must be submitted to the secretary with the following content:
 Name
 Year
Project title
 Synopsis
Abstract of the project. Min 2000 characters (with space).
 Illustrations
Furthermore a portfolio must be submitted for the project gallery as
presentation of A&D M.Sc. 4.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
 According to the general submission requirements, see Error! Reference
ource not found. .
Model and posters will be exhibited at the summer exhibition in June/July as a
master’s exhibition in connection with graduation.
January 4th by Semester Secretary.
Evaluation format C – Project module with external examination
The module is assessed by an oral assessment based on written material, typically a
jointly prepared (or in exceptional cases, prepared by the individual student) project
module report (containing the report/analyses/posters/drawings/models or similar). It
is further presumed that the student has regularly and actively participated in
evaluation seminars and the like.
The module is assessed with external examination.
The written material for submission is submitted in physical form to the semester
The project is concluded with a project closing of max. 45 min. It is a precondition for
participation in the examiniation that students have participated in the project
closing. The entire project is presented with equal participation of all the group
members. The starting point for the examination is the project report and the project
closing presentation, cf. Examination Policies and Procedures:
The allotted time for assessment is in practice 20-30 min. per examinee depending
on group sizes, as there must be time for voting.
The starting point of the exam is the evaluation criteria as they appear in the
curriculum and this study guide. The assessment is based on a combined evaluation
of the report and the oral performance.
Examiner and external examiner are involved in the assessment along with the
Grading is according to the 7-point marking scale.
Project Description: Long Master Thesis in Architecture
Content and
Long master’s thesis
Typically a long master’s thesis is divided into Part 1 and Part 2, whereas part 1is a
theoretical approach and discussion of the project and part 2 is the concrete design
of an architectural project.
A student enrolled for long master’s thesis follows the group of normal master’s
thesis students firstly during fall and afterwards a new group of master’s thesis
students during spring.
If MSc03 is offered, the student is encouraged to contact the semester coordinator
with a view to follow the offered courses, as the courses relate architectural research
and evidence based knowledge.
At the date for submission of normal master’s thesis the student enrolled for long
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
master’s thesis submits part 1 in print (not in bind) of the thesis to the supervisors
and not the semester secretary. Thus the theoretical part must be considered
At the submission date part 1 and part 2 is submitted in the final edition to the
semester secretary. Both parts form the entire project that together with the project
conclusion is the foundation for the examination. The exam period will be together
with the other master’s thesis students.
By submission of part 1 a meeting with the supervisors is arranged to implement
comments and consequences thereof. The corrections must be finish by the end of
the month.
During long master’s thesis, there is no break between the semesters, as the
concrete implementation of the design commences immediately after submission of
part 1. It is expected that the theoretical approach discussed in part 1 is the
foundation for the design in part 2.
At semester start the student will follow the normal master’s thesis students and their
calendar. The student is encouraged to take part of the semester start and the
introduction to the semester again. The student must meet the different deadlines of
the normal master’s thesis students, mid-term review and deadlines for submission
and registration for examination etc.
The final semester sets the stage for a manifestation of the student’s abilities in
designing good architecture. The student must define a problem and display the
ability to achieve a combination of architectural design and technical solutions in an
integrated design.
The students can work individually, however groups of 2 to 3 people are more
indicated to develop a project in all complexity.
Students are free to choose the theme they believe is most adequate for the
development of a final thesis, on the basis of their acquired competencies, individual
preferences and attitudes to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competencies
defined in the study plan cf. 5.1. The theme of the project should be decided by the
student or the group, together with the supervisor and the coordinator.
The students draw up an independent program for the 4th semester project unit,
which defines the content-based aims of the project unit. This program must specify
which of the core-competences connected to the specialization in Architecture are
particularly emphasized, and it must be approved by the main supervisor prior to the
start of the project.
The work must include relevant theories and methodologies and be based on the
skills and competencies acquired throughout the Master’s program in architecture.
Deliveries and Scope
Submission material will consist of a written report including all the information
needed to explain and document the process and results of the project. When
needed, students will also be allowed to complete the thesis documentation with any
other kind of material, including audio-visual, mock-ups, etc.
Problem based project work
The project work takes its point of departure in the problem-based and projectorganized learning environment at A&D.
Project related instructions
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
In relation to the project module following lectures will be conducted.
Instruction 1: Introduction semester 1
Introduction of thesis-writing and presentation of prior theses.
Instruction 2: Introduction semester 2
Introduction of thesis-writing and presentation of prior theses.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Enclosure 1: Plagiarism and correct referencing
Important guidelines regarding plagiarism and correct referencing.
Use of Internet makes it easy finding references concerning project relevant
questions. Unfortunately Internet makes it easy abusing references, as everything
can be copied into your documents. However, that is illegal plagiarism.
You may not use an author’s phrase, unless there is a specific reason therefore. In
these cases the phrases must be clearly marked using italic or quotation marks
combined with references to the author/source. If you omit doing that, it is
plagiarism. Although it was not your intention to cheat.
Rewriting of an author’s work must be supplied with correct referencing. It is not
allowed to present another author’s work without referencing to the author. If
omitted, it is plagiarism. Diagrams, figures, tables, photos and other graphic
representations based on a source must be supplied with correct referencing. If
omitted, it is plagiarism. It still stands, even though it is a reproduction of the
relevant representation.
We have adjusted a rule of thumb from Oxford University “if 6 contiguous words (or
more) are the same as a source” they must be marked as a quotation as described
above and supplied with correct referencing. Furthermore “less than 6 words must
be in quotation marks when borrowing an especial incisive phrase.”
If using correct referencing it demonstrates you as a well-read student knowing the
subject area of the study.
Plagiarism is totally unacceptable and will cause rejection of the submitted material
and expulsion of the student from Aalborg University. Aalborg University has a
program to scan assignments for plagiarism; and it is used by random sampling.
Further reading on plagiarism, see:
Comprehensive use of correct references quotations from individual sources, from
1/3 page and more with the argument “they write it better, than we can” is not
plagiarism and thereby not illegal. Meanwhile it is bad judgment and is evaluated
as poor student work. Comprehensive use of correct referenced quotations from
individual sources can be relevant under certain circumstances, e.g. if discussing
an EU-directive, where it is appropriate to utilize e.g. an entire page to the actual
Use a reference system consequently during the entire assignment and process. A
careless reference management during preparation of drafts causes problems in
the final assignment, and quotations may lose the references, whereby they will be
considered plagiarism. Aalborg University’s Library offers students a course in
reference management by Refworks. Further information at:
If not using a program for reference management, you are encouraged to use the
Chicago stile (Harvard’s successor). Further information at:
If you have any queries, ask your supervisor.
Enclosure 2: Rules concerning written work
Curriculum p. 70
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
5.1 Rules concerning written work, including the Master’s thesis
In the assessment of all written work, regardless of the language it is written in,
weight is also given to the student's spelling and formulation ability, in addition to
the academic content. Orthographic and grammatical correctness as well as
stylistic proficiency are taken as a basis for the evaluation of language
performance. Language performance must always be included as an independent
dimension of the total evaluation. However, no examination can be assessed as
‘Pass’ on the basis of good language performance alone; similarly, an examination
normally cannot be assessed as ‘Fail’ on the basis of poor language performance
The Board of Studies can grant exemption from this in special cases (e.g., dyslexia
or a native language other than Danish).
The Master’s thesis must include an English summary. If the project is written in
English, the summary must be in Danish. The summary must be at least 1 page
and not more than 2 pages. The summary is included in the evaluation of the
project as a whole.
Enclosure 3: Guidelines for difficulties in cooperation
Cooperation difficulties in the group
If serious cooperation difficulties in the group occur, Architecture and Design study
board will estimate if there is a reason for intervention based on a written request
from the group or one/more students accompanied with a written statement from
the supervisor. At worst the group will be spilt up or one/more student may be
excluded from the group.
Request for estimation of cooperation difficulties should reach the Architecture and
Design Study Board no later than Dec. 1st or May 1st.
Cooperation difficulties between group and supervisor(s)
If serious cooperation difficulties occur between the group and supervisor(s),
Architecture and Design study board will reach for solutions hereunder estimate if
there is a reason to provide new supervisor(s) based on a written request from the
group or supervisor(s).
Request for estimation of cooperation difficulties should reach the Architecture and
Design Study Board no later than Nov. 15 th or April 1st.
Enclosure 4: Re-examinations
(Examination Policies and Procedures p. 19-23)
8. Re-examinations and make-up examinations
Re-examinations, re-examinations following an appeal and/or make-up
examinations in a program activity are held in the time between ordinary exams if
there are students who require this in accordance with the provisions in section 8.2
or 8.4. Make-up exams are held as a rule at the same time as re-examinations.
If the student has failed a program activity at the ordinary examination, or at the reexamination or the make-up examination immediately following it, the student must
re-take the program activity (under normal circumstances for the 3rd attempt). In
such cases, the normal rules for the examination format apply and the student
must register for the activity via the STADS self-service system.
With the 3rd, 4th and 5th attempts on internal examinations that are assessed
solely by one internal examiner, the student can demand, with written request to
the study board, that more than one assessor be involved. The communication
must be received by the study board no later than 3 weeks before the examination
is to be held.
8.1. Number of examination attempts etc
Examinations that have been passed cannot be re-taken.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
A student has the right to a total of 3 examination attempts.
The study board, upon application, can permit a 4th or 5th examination attempt if
there are special circumstances. In this context, the lack of academic aptitude is
not a special circumstance.
The Dean, in exceptional cases, for students who are registered for a Bachelor’s or
Master’s program, and, moreover following the same conditions stated above, can
allow more than 5 examination attempts. This applies especially with an eye
toward the student who needs only to pass a single examination in order to have
completed the study program. An application for this is submitted to the faculty
For students who are registered for a Professional Bachelor’s program or a
Diploma program, the Ministry of Education can allow more than 5 examination
attempts if there are special circumstances. An application for this is submitted to
the faculty office who handles the case.
8.2. Holding and taking re-examinations and make-up examinations
Students can only take a re-examination if they have taken the ordinary
examination in the same semester or with permission from the study board.
Students can only register for a make-up exam if a doctor’s certificate has been
submitted in accordance with that which is stated in section 8.3.
Re-examinations or make-up examinations are only held if there are students who,
with reference to the above, have the right to take the exam.
The date the re-exam and/or make-up exam is to be held, as well as the location
and the starting time for the exam, is announced in accordance with the provisions
in section 1.1. Students who are required to attend the re-exam or make-up exam
must have the possibility within the following time periods:
1) For ordinary exams held during the spring semester (summer exam): No later
than August
2) For ordinary exams held during the fall semester (winter exam): No later than
8.3. Documented illness and make-up examinations
In the case of illness, the program secretary must be contacted as quickly as
For absence due to illness, the student is registered as ―absent‖ unless a doctor’s
testimonial, that documents that the student was ill at the time the exam was held,
is submitted to the program secretary. The same applies if it was necessary for the
student to leave an examination room due to illness during the exam and is entitled
to a make-up exam.
In general, the doctor’s certficate can only be accepted as documentation of a valid
reason for absence if the student has consulted with the doctor on the actual day
of the exam. Any expenses for obtaining the certificate are paid by the student.
The doctor’s certificate must be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the exam is
held. With submission of the doctor’s certificate on time, the absent student is
registered as ―ill‖ and the absence thus does not count as an examination
Make-up examinations are held under the conditions that apply for reexaminations.
8.4. Re-examination and re-assessment following an appeal
A re-examination following an appeal is understood as an extraordinary holding of
an examination (i.e., outside the ordinary exam periods) in a program activity,
where the holding of the exam is due to the student having been offered a reexamination in connection with a complaint or an appeal, or is due to an exam in
connection with a complaint or an appeal, or because of an irregularity in an exam,
an exam is annulled and a re-examination is arranged.
Re-assessment means a re-evaluation of the case file, including the assignment,
the answer to the assignment, the complaint, the statement of the original
assessors, the complainant's statement, the complainant's comments and the
university's decision by new assessors prompted by the student having been
offered re-assessment of a written test in connection with a complaint or an appeal.
A re-examination or re-assessment in connection with an exam appeal can result
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
in a lower grade than that which was given for the examination which the appeal
A re-examination or re-assessment following an appeal must be completed as
soon as possible.
8.5. Re-examination in projects
Re-examination in a project can take place in the following ways:
a) The student is assessed according to the rules corresponding to those of the
previous examination on the basis of the original project report.
b) The student submits a project report that, in relation to the original report, is
revised and/or extended. The revised project report is handed in before the
expiration of a time limit agreed upon with the main supervisor. The student is
assessed according to the rules corresponding to those of the previous
examination, but on the basis of the new project report.
c) The student is assessed on the basis of a new project.
If a re-examination is due to the fact that the student has not passed an exam, a
short written statement must be prepared on the initiative of the main supervisor
and sent to the student and the study board no later than 8 days after the exam is
held. The statement must include information on the reason that the student’s
performance could not be considered as fulfilling the objectives of the project, and
a substantiated recommendation stating in which of the above ways the reexamination should take place. In connection with this, guidance is given to the
student as to what improvements will lead to the student being able to fulfil the
objectives of the project.
The study board makes a decision on the way the re-examination is to take place.
The decision is made on the basis of a recommendation, if any, from the main
supervisor and a statement from the student obtained with at least one week’s
The time period for holding the exam is stipulated by the study board on
recommendation from the main supervisor and the student with 4 weeks’ notice.
The time limit can be shorter than 4 weeks if this has been accepted by the
Particularly for Master’s theses, the student hands in a project report with a revised
formulation of the subject matter within a stipulated deadline, after which an exam
is held on the basis of the new project according to rules corresponding to those of
the previous exam. See also the regulations on this in the Framework Provisions
A similar procedure is used with any additional re-examinations.
8.6. Re-examination in courses
A re-examination in a course is normally held no later than 8 work weeks after the
ordinary exam. The date the exam is to be held is communicated to the students in
accordance with the provisions in section 1.1. An individual, written registration is
submitted to the program secretary.
The examiner can decide that a re-examination in a course can have another
examination or assessment format than the ordinary exam. If another examination
or assessment format is selected, this must be communicated to the students no
later than the announcement of the date the exam is to be held.
Students who must have their class participation evaluated a second time can
demand to take an exam instead. Class participation that involves practical
exercises, however, cannot be replaced with an examination.
Enclosure 5: Generel submission requirements
The student must be aware of a range of submission requirements. Below are
outlined, numbers of reports and further requirements to be fulfilled at submission.
Students doing internship or study exchange should follow the requirements in
their respective pre-approvals.
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
General submission demands
The study board has the following general demands for project modules:
Number of reports
1 report for each primary supervisor
1 report for each co-supervisor
1 report for each examiner
1 report for the library (not for students substitution assignments)
OBS: All reports must include an abstract. If the report is written in Danish, the
abstract is in English. If the report is written in English, the language of the abstract
is optional.
Following must be at the front page of all reports:
- Project title
- Semester
- Specialization
- Group number
- Year
- Number of characters
- Optional: Names of the group members
- Optional: confidential declaration
- E.g.”Diver, MSc2-ARK8, 2011” or ”Flipside, BSc3-16, 2011” 54.587 characters.
Confidential declaration
Acknowledgement if the Study Board can use of the project material for PR,
exhibitions, etc. Along with the project reports a confidential declaration must be
submitted, whether the study board can use the project material for PR, exhibitions
etc. The form must be signed by all group members.
Formular - Dansk, Form - English
Upload to the digital project library
Before submission, the project must be uploaded to the university’s digital project
library via: Login is your STADS username and
password. The receipt of upload must be handed in with the project.
While uploading it is possible to mark if the project is confidential. If confidential,
the project will only be accessible for the person(s) with authorization to the
individual education’s archive. If not marked as confidential, the project will be
present at the project library at immediately after the
assessment. For upload and further information about the digital project library,
see the homepage.
The form is (almost) self-explaining. Though, please note the following.
•There must not be any CPR-numbers in the uploaded files.
• Confidential: Always chose whether a project is confidential or not.
• Contact information: Write one of the authors’ names and e-mail address.
• Publisher: Write ”Arkitektur & Design, Aalborg Universitet”/”Architecture & Design,
Aalborg University” or just ”Aalborg Universitet”/”Aalborg University”.
• Year of publication: The field is prefilled with the actual year. In case of year-end,
fill the actual year.
• Keywords: Added one at a time, not in a long line.
• Files: Pdf-files are recommended.
Receipt: After filling the project library a receipt appears on screen, print it
immediately, as it cannot be recreated after logging out. The receipt must be
handed in to the secretary together with your project report.
Semester evaluation
Together with the project submission the semester evaluation form must be
submitted. The evaluation form is submitted by group, and one form must be
submitted for each project module and course module. Note: The form must be
printed in A3.
The information in the evaluation form will not be passed on to the supervisors
before the exam.
Each project module and course module must be evaluated individually.
Evalueringsskema (print A3!) Evaluation form (English) (print A3!)
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
Poster for exhibition - Demands for fall semesters (BSc01, BSc03, BSc05,
MSc01 and MSc03) and (BSc06 and MSc04) (MSc04 must submit 2*A0
After the exam 1 A0-poster in portrait (841 x 1189 mm) on 5 mm foamboard must
be submitted to the secretary with the following content:
• Name
• Semester
• Year
• Project title
• Synopsis
• Abstract of the project. Min 2000 characters (with space).
• Illustrations
Demands for BSc06 and MSc04
Project title form
Along with the report a title form must be submitted with the title of the project. The
title must be in both Danish and English – independent of the written language.
Titelblanket BSc6
Title form – MSc4
Further specific submission demands
Beside the above defined demands, the individual semester might have specific
demands outlines in the respective study guides.
Label for CDs
If a CD must be submitted together with the report according to the semester
specific demands, following label must be used:
Label - CD
Please notice: The assessment result will not be notified before all requirements
are fulfilled.
Enclosure 6: Evaluation formats
Curriculum p. 71
A&D – Evaluation formats under BSc and MSc curricula
Evaluation format C – Project module with external examination
The module is assessed by an oral assessment based on written material,
typically a jointly prepared (or in exceptional cases, prepared by the individual
student) project module report (containing the
report/analyses/posters/drawings/models or similar). It is further presumed that
the student has regularly and actively participated in evaluation seminars and
the like.
The module is assessed with external examination.
The written material for submission is submitted in physical form to the semester
Evaluation format P – Project module with internal assessment
The module is assessed by an oral assessment based on written material,
typically a jointly prepared (or in exceptional cases, prepared by the individual
student) project module report (containing the
report/analyses/posters/drawings/models or similar). It is further presumed that
the student has regularly and actively participated in evaluation seminars and
the like.
The module is assessed with internal assessment.
The written material for submission is submitted in physical form to the semester
Evaluation format L – Course module with internal assessment, oral or
written assessment. Below here:
Evaluation format La – Course module, oral assessment
The module is assessed with an oral assessment based on written material
Study Guide MSc04-AD F2011
prepared by the individual student such as a portfolio presentation or a (possibly
jointly prepared) project module report (containing the
report/analyses/posters/drawings/models or similar). It is further presumed that
the student has regularly and actively participated in evaluation seminars.
Oral assessment with aid and without preparation time. The module is assessed
by internal assessment.
The written material for submission must be digitally uploaded to the directory
assigned by the semester secretary.
Evaluation format Lb – Course module, oral assessment
The module is assessed with an oral exam based on the objectives for the
course module. The examinee pulls a known and predefined question, after
which the assessment begins.
Oral assessment without aid and without preparation time. The module is
assessed by internal assessment.
Evaluation format Lc – Course module, oral assessment
The module is assessed with an oral exam based on the objectives for the
course module. The examinee pulls a question, gets preparation time, after
which the assessment begins.
Oral assessment without aid and with preparation time – aid is allowed in the
preparation time. The module is assessed by internal assessment.
Evaluation format Ld – Course module, written assessment
The module is assessed with a written assignment based on central parts of the
objectives for the course module through one or more written assignments
(including reports/analyses/posters/drawings/models or the like).
A written assignment is developed during the execution of the course module.
The module is assessed by internal assessment.
The written material for submission must be digitally uploaded to the directory
assigned by the semester secretary.
Evaluation format Le – Course module, written assessment
The module is assessed with a written assignment based on central parts of the
objectives for the course module.
A written assignment given by the end of the course module and completed
within a defined time frame. The module is assessed by internal assessment.
The written material for submission must be digitally uploaded to the directory
assigned by the semester secretary.
Evaluation format V – Course module
The module is passed by the student’s regular and active participation in
teaching/ evaluation seminars or the like and by compliance of the submission
The module is assessed by internal assessment.
The written material for submission must be digitally uploaded to the directory
assigned by the semester secretary.
In case of re-examination evaluation format V will be superseded by evaluation
format La.