Arkansas State UniversityNewport Course Syllabus Course Name: MIS 1033 J3 31 - Intro to Computers Catalog description: A required introductory course for all degree-seeking students. This course introduces the student to the components of microcomputer systems and in the application of software packages for microcomputer systems. Students will gain “hands on” experience using popular business application software including word processing, e-mail operations, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation graphics. Purpose of Course: This course is designed for all students to develop the skills in computer applications required for success in college courses and entrance into the workforce. It is a required course for all students. Type of course: Theory Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor Name: Christy Wyatt Instructor Phone: (870) 215-2942 (text or phone) Office: none Instructor email: Instructor’s Office Hours: contact by phone by calling or texting Division Office Phone: 870-680-8725 REQUIRED TEXT, REFERENCES, AND MATERIALS Texts: Greg P. Marshall Welcome to Windows 7; Labyrinth, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1-59136-292-0. AND Jill Murphy Welcome to Microsoft Office 2010; Labyrinth, 2010. ISBN-13: 978-1-59136380-4. Materials: One flash drive (USB drive). You can do any take-home tests in the computer lab so you don’t necessarily have to have access to a computer outside of class but it would be helpful to you to have access to a computer equipped with Windows XP, Vista, or 7, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, and Internet. CORE COMPETENCIES: Every student graduating from ASU Newport with any Associate Degree will be proficient in the following competencies: Communication Skills (oral and written) Math Skills Critical Thinking Skills Technology Skills COURSE COMPETENCIES: ASSESSMENT Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Using Windows 7 User Interface. Lab exercises and examination 2. Starting up, logging on, restarting and shutting down your computer. Lab exercises and examinations 3. Using the Start Button and menus. 4. Controlling and using windows. Lab exercises and examinations Lab exercises and examinations Lab exercises and examinations 5. Using programs, saving your work, editing files, and saving. Lab exercises and examinations 6. Using the directories and storage devices. Lab exercises and examinations 7. Using the Internet. Lab exercises and examinations 8. Using the Control Panel and Help. Lab exercises and examinations 9. Working with MSWord, creating a document, editing a document, and formatting documents. Lab exercises and examinations 10. Working with MSExcel, creating spreadsheets and workbooks, working with data, and creating and managing formulas. Lab exercises and examinations 11. Using Excel to create and format charts. 12. Creating presentations using PowerPoint. 13. Changing the view, and the print format of a presentation. 14. Delivering a slideshow and using special effects and layouts. 15. Creating and managing a simple database. Using queries and printing reports from ACCESS. COURSE ACTIVITIES: In this course students will: Lab exercises and examinations Lab exercises and examinations Lab exercises and examinations Lab exercises and examinations Watch and listen to presentations regarding use of Windows and Microsoft Office. Complete in class exercises to practice the skills just taught. Read lessons outside of class. Complete examinations in the class regarding the material covered. ASU-Newport Grading Scale A = 90 - 100 B = 80 - 89 C = 70 - 79 D = 60 - 69 F = Below 60 GRADING CRITERIA AND SCALE: Attendance……………...10% Tests………………….…90% MISSION STATEMENT: Arkansas State University-Newport’s mission is to provide: Integrity of Programs and Services Affordable Life Long Learning, and Enhance Quality of life In the Diverse Community we serve. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) The Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs has been designated as ASUN compliance coordinator for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA). Any student who requires special services should contact the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Dishonesty in any form-including plagiarism, turning in assignments prepared by others, unauthorized possession of exams-may result in the student receiving an “F” and/or being suspended from the university. STUDENT CONDUCT Students should attend every session of every course in which they are enrolled. As such, students are responsible for all material and information that was given out in class. In addition, excessive tardiness will not be allowed; therefore, three class “tardies” will be considered an absence. INSTRUCTOR’S POLICY ON ABSENCES Students who miss class will need to contact the instructor for exercises and examination makeup. More than two absences will need to be discussed with the instructor by phone or in person INSTRUCTOR’S LATE WORK POLICY Students turning in late assignments will lose 10% per day on the scoring of the assignments. OTHER LAB AND CLASSROOM POLICIES There will be no food or drink near the computers. Drinks brought into the lab will be kept away from the computers in another area of the classroom. Use of software and activities other than what is being taught will be limited to when a lab assignment is complete and the other students are still working. Outside activities will not be done during lecture/instruction because it slows down the class due to poor understanding of the materials. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SPECIFIC TASKS AND ASSIGNMENTS Classroom assignments will be completed in the class. There will not be homework except in the case of absences, or inability to complete the assignment in class due to extenuating circumstances. All testing will be open book however there will be a time limit given. This means that the material must be understood before the test, but the book may be referred to occasionally for clarification. Intro to Computers Class Schedule Fall 2013 19-Aug Introductions and Logging On 26-Aug Labor Day No Class 2-Sep Lesson 1 Getting your First Look 9-Sep Lesson 2 and 3 Starting and Working with Programs 16-Sep Lesson 4 and 5 Finding and Storing Files 23-Sep Lesson 6 and 7 Internet and Control Panel 30-Sep Windows Test 7-Oct Lesson 1 and 2 Word 14-Oct Lesson 3 and 4 Word 21-Oct Word Test 28-Oct Lesson 5 Excel 4-Nov Lesson 6 Excel 11-Nov Excel Test 18-Nov Lesson 7 PowerPoint 25-Nov No class 2-Dec Lesson 8 Access 9-Dec Access and PowerPoint Test